The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Excellent Geoengineering and Global Warming Fraud Documentaries (“Frankenskies” and “The Great Global Warming Swindle”)
Directed Energy Weapons
Articles & Interviews
Part VII: Electronic Mind Control and Electronic Weapons
January 26, 2025Part VIII: Cult Connections
January 26, 2025Appendix 7: Human Experimentation in America
November 24, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
October 27, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Sign Petitions Against Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking’
February 8, 2020Counter Intelligence Series Youtubes (Parts 1 Through 5)
March 19, 2019The Truth About 5G- Dr. Graham Downing youtube
January 4, 2019Electronic Warfare Weapons Of Northrup Grumman
December 5, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Microwave Weapons Explained by Barrie Trower and Others
February 16, 2017Radio Frequency, Active Denial & Psych Weapons, By Ted Twietmeyer
December 5, 2016Laws, Military-Intelligence Papers, and Media Reports re: the New War
December 2, 2015The Invisible War: 21st Century Targeting (youtube)
November 14, 2015Man-Made Climate Change in the Skies
February 28, 2014Persistent Jet Contrails and HAARP
February 27, 2014Weather Modifications / Geo-Engineering
February 26, 2014Hurricanes, Tesla Coils and Field Effects
February 25, 2014Dr. Nick Begich on HAARP
February 25, 2014Jerry Smith on HAARP
February 25, 2014Bruce Gagnon, Researcher
February 25, 2014Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Researcher
February 25, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014Notes from Four Chemtrail DVDs
February 25, 2014Invisible Energy and Nicola Tesla
February 25, 2014What’s Behind the Global Warming Fraud?
February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014The first video documents early to recent geoengineering/weather warfare programs conducted by the United States and other governments under United Nations programs.
1) “Frankenskies”
Quotes from the documentary:
“According to US Code 50, Section 1520A, it’s legal to spray chemical and biological warfare (substances) on a civilian population as long as you call it research. So it’s banned as warfare but you can do it on your own populations. So I think all the spraying is generally done by people’s own military’s.”
…”What they are doing is they are establishing a geoengineering governance regime. It’s a self-proclaimed regime. They ask for papers to identify things like: “Should we even involve the UN? Should we take into consideration human health impacts? What role will public perception and opinion play as we establish this self-governing regime?” It is their plan to do full scale deployment. They’re admitting to it, the chemtrails, the geoengineering, the Solar Radiation Management (SRM). They are meeting, these 24 scientists, behind closed doors.”
Former Meteorologist: “As I time-lapsed (photographed) the sky more and more, and at higher and higher resolutions, you could see that even the little planes were part of the bigger program. So they had to be at a precise place at an exact time…. We’re dealing with a massive, massive ballet in the sky. We’ve got a program that is loose on the planet in the guise of (fixing) climate change, but it is this program we are seeing at work…. What I’ve learned is that these chemtrails help the technology align these patterns, align these vibrational structures which direct our weather today.”
(ETK comment): Apparently, just as gang stalking psychological attacks against “Targeted Individuals” are also apparently coordinated, probably by military C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, and Cyber-Warfare, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance) computer-satellite systems.
“Whatever name you want to give it, chemtrails, geoengineering, Solar Radiation Management, it’s all treason.”
2) “The Great Global Warming Swindle” (2007 film by Martin Durkin); ETK comment: I commonly showed this video to my university students when I taught climatology and Human Ecology at California State University, Stanislaus.
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