The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Secret Deep-Black War to Hijack Your Mind (Preston James, 11/1/16)
Directed Energy Weapons
Articles & Interviews
Part VII: Electronic Mind Control and Electronic Weapons
January 26, 2025Part VIII: Cult Connections
January 26, 2025Appendix 7: Human Experimentation in America
November 24, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
October 27, 2023Cognitive Warfare June-November, 2020 Francois du Cluzel
March 16, 2023Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Sign Petitions Against Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking’
February 8, 2020Counter Intelligence Series Youtubes (Parts 1 Through 5)
March 19, 2019The Truth About 5G- Dr. Graham Downing youtube
January 4, 2019Electronic Warfare Weapons Of Northrup Grumman
December 5, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Microwave Weapons Explained by Barrie Trower and Others
February 16, 2017Radio Frequency, Active Denial & Psych Weapons, By Ted Twietmeyer
December 5, 2016Laws, Military-Intelligence Papers, and Media Reports re: the New War
December 2, 2015The Invisible War: 21st Century Targeting (youtube)
November 14, 2015Man-Made Climate Change in the Skies
February 28, 2014Persistent Jet Contrails and HAARP
February 27, 2014Weather Modifications / Geo-Engineering
February 26, 2014Hurricanes, Tesla Coils and Field Effects
February 25, 2014Dr. Nick Begich on HAARP
February 25, 2014Jerry Smith on HAARP
February 25, 2014Bruce Gagnon, Researcher
February 25, 2014Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Researcher
February 25, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014Notes from Four Chemtrail DVDs
February 25, 2014Invisible Energy and Nicola Tesla
February 25, 2014What’s Behind the Global Warming Fraud?
February 24, 2014Organized Gang Stalking Quotes
February 23, 2014Secret Deep-Black War to Hijack your Mind (Veterans Today)
By Preston James, Ph.D – November 21, 2016
ETK Introduction: This article, by Veterans Today reporter, Preston James, Ph.D., confirms and extends the information provided on this website regarding global organized stalking/electronic torture/mind control operations that I refer to as GOG’S NeW GESSTTAPO (Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups’ Electronic Surveillance, Slavery, Tracking, Torture, and PsyOp Operations). Hurrah for Preston James.
I confess I am not “up to speed” re: the Secret Space War program of which James speaks. However, I am now fairly “up to speed” when it comes to “GOG’S NeW GESTAPO.” Indeed, this entire website is dedicated to exposing and defeating this monstrous program.
Note: This article is written for professional Intel and those who understand the Secret Space War program, the back engineering of recovered Alien ET technologies, and technologies obtained by treaties and exchange programs. Because VT is committed to open source Intel and believes that the public has a right to know how their taxpayer funds are being spent, especially when used to wage a secret war to hijack their mind, this information is being made available to anyone who is interested with no limitations. If you are not up to speed on this background reading, this article will probably be a waste of your time. There has been significant intercept actions to prevent this article from ever being published. It was suggested to me that I would not be able to ever complete this article or be allowed to publish it, but here it is. I must extend a big thank you to the Editors of VT who have allowed this article to be published and who are deeply committed to open source Intel, making such available to all who are interested in the truth even when it is hard to fathom.
The current state of mind-kontrol is probably far beyond anything you have ever imagined possible.
Mass Mind-kontrol — it’s been going on since the time of Nimrod and ancient Babylonia. And it’s sinister and evil beyond words and description. Since Roswell it has taken a new sinister turn that defies imagination.
It’s what empowers the evil Cabal that has hijacked the USG and many of the governments of the world. Some insiders claim it is not of human origin.
Until the recent advent of sophisticated remote psychotronic inductive entrainment technologies, mass mind-kontrol has been limited to cultural, educational and psi-powered Mind-kontrol techniques.
Cultural and educational methodologies typically have included coordinated efforts to instill certain values, beliefs and attitudes into the societal mass group mind, both conscious and subconscious.
The techniques taught by Edward Bernays for controlling the American Mass Mind for purposes of social control and simulated beliefs and increased sales were readily adopted by Madison Avenue advertising agencies and elements of the USG.
Bernays-type methodologies predetermined values, beliefs and attitudes in members of society that caused them to carry certain beliefs and mindsets which predispose them to act in ways that are beneficial to the ruling oligarchical class.
It is the oligarchical class – folks who consider themselves “elite bloodline individuals chosen to rule over the masses” – who make certain that the educational and religious systems are instilled in this desired group mind set.
No real academic freedom exists in American Universities, so don’t expect scientists to help you figure out how your mind is being attacked psychotronically.
Despite the illusion of academic freedom in America’s universities, there is none. No classes are ever taught on how the Federal Reserve System is illegal and unconstitutional and how it charges us pernicious usury to use what should have been our own money in the first place.
Or that the FRS stole all the US Gold and now replaced real US Dollars with paper debt notes backed by nothing but requiring repayment. Nor does any American University teach that 9-11-01 was a false-flag attack done by the JCS, USAF, NORAD, and the FAA using PNACers, top NeoCons, and Mossad.
Doubt this statement that there is no academic freedom in academia in America? Just ask one of VT’s own Editors Dr. Kevin Barrett, or Professor James Tracy, both of whom were illegally and unconstitutionally fired by RKM educational policies adopted by the dupes in charge of faculty.
Nor does any American University teach or allow any classes regarding Sandy Hook having been a two-day DHS/FEMA Capstone drill where nobody at all died, or that Adam Lanza never existed, but was a fake construct. The book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook is now a free .pdf download (starts at page 4).
Public and private education is designed and deployed to lead We The People away from truth and to instill values, beliefs and attitudes that make it easier for the Satanic Pedophile Network (Ruling Cabal) to maintain rule over us, keep us their secret serfs, and asset strip us blind, until America the Republic is destroyed from within.
Members of the Warren Commission present their report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. L-R: John McCloy, J. Lee Rankin (General Counsel), Senator Richard Russell, Representative Gerald Ford, Chief Justice Earl Warren, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Allen Dulles, Senator John Sherman Cooper, and Representative Hale Boggs. Credit: LBJ Library photo by Cecil Stoughton Warren Commission member Congressman Gerald Ford pressed the panel to change its description of the bullet wound in President Kennedy’s back and place it higher to make “the magic bullet” theory plausible, enabling the Warren Commission to conclude that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman. Ford was J. Edgar Hoover’s informant on the commission and did the FBI director’s bidding to squelch the investigation from naming other assassins.
The Major Mass Media News Cartel is still lying in lockstep about the JFK Assassination.
If you doubt the ability of the RKM’s Crime Cabal, which runs the USG, to control the Major Mass Media to keep the American Mass Mind filled with blatant lies, just consider how, over 50 years later, all the Major Mass Media Broadcast news are still claiming that Oswald assassinated JFK and was a “lone-nut” assassin.
Of course, surveys now show that 60-80% of the American People do not believe this at all, and instead many believe that the CIA, using Op40, did it and it was a major America Coup d’Etat involving GHWB, LBJ, J. Edgar Hoover, General Landsdale, General Lemnitzer, Allan Dulles and many more.
When you create and control all the money you want, you can buy almost anyone and everyone, and promote those you want to the highest positions of power.
The Ruling Cabal controls the creation and distribution of money and can create all the power they need to implement their policies, which are designed to move mankind along a Globalist path leading to their long-desired Satanic NWO System.
Dark-side Psi-power is harnessed for evil by the ruling Cabal, which is Satanic and deeply committed to an inhuman, anti-human Globalist NWO Agenda that requires 90% depopulation.
Psi-power manipulations of the mass group mind is the little known but real practice of the spiritually based mind-control of the masses through the application of specific Black Arts to “manipulate, fracture and even eventually snatch the human soul” and replace it with non-human spiritual entities from the dark side.
Dark-side Psi-power is the technology used in trauma based mind-kontrol, and the means by which psychopaths and narcissists are inducted into the worldwide Satanic pedophile network in incrementally criminal, anti-human Satanic rituals of abuse, rape, torture and even sacrifice of captive innocent children to gain more and more evil Satanic psi-power.
Some insiders have reported that top cult members receive their own personal “spirit guide” as a consigliere, which periodically appears to them in private and “advises” them after they reach the level of child torture and child sacrifice. Some have claimed these are “Fallen Ones/Lesser Gods”; others claim they are very evil, deceptive and crafty demons or Djinns.
Positive psi-power is now just starting to emerge in dissatisfied Americans, who are now aware they are being abused by the Ruling Cabal and have had about enough.
There is the reverse side to Dark-sided Psi-power, which is a spiritual entity. In basic form, it is the spontaneously emerging new populism, which is a direct offshoot of the Internet which is turning out to be the New Gutenberg Press. Some conservative Christians claim they can muster positive Psi-power directly from God Almighty through prayer and faith, and this is reflected in a new and strong desire to do what is right and moral, to serve others, to resist and stop evil and to treat others the way one desires to be treated.
I have covered evil psi-power emanating from the ancient Babylonian Talmudic Black arts in prior articles and will get more specific in future articles. But it is so esoteric that it would pose a distraction from the main thrust of this article, which is the new ultra high tech remote mind war that is now being waged against your brain on many fronts, depending on where you reside.
A secret alliance between American Intel and the Ruling Satanic Pedophile Cabal.
There is a secret alliance between Intel and the Ruling Satanic Pedophile Cabal that specializes in Black Arts for Mind War against We The People, Colonel Michael Aquino Style.
Col. Michael Aquino, Army Psychological Operations expert and father of the Temple of Set and the entity which brought Satanism as an accepted religion into the US Army, as well as alleged to have run the pedophile operations at the Presidio in California and at Offutt AF Base in Omaha. One insider alleged that Col. Aquino was actually promoted to General of the NSA and still is active.
It is now a well established fact that many of the world’s Intel agencies have formed a secret alliance with the worldwide Satanic pedophile network (an oligarchical cult) and has used the trauma-based mind-kontrol conditioning to create MPD/DID sleepers, agents and secret servants in every walk of life, every occupation and even within the Secret Service.
In fact, the Satanic Pedophile Cult Network (Ruling Cabal) inside America has been deputized as an agent of American national Security and is used by America Intel as cover for numerous Mind-Kontrol experiments and deep black covert operations.
American Law Enforcement is fully compromised by the Satanic Pedophile Network (Ruling Cabal).
Every major police department in America, as well as every FBI office, including the WFO, has a sheep-dipped individual who runs interference for the Satanic Pedophile Cabal that rules America.
Aquino . Aquino
Whenever the phrase “going black”, deep black, or “black operations” is used you can be certain that it always is anti-human, evil, based on ancient Babylonian Black Arts of deception, casuistry, equivocation, and sophistry designed to undermine human character and the natural will of the masses.
The documentation of MK-Ultra and other CIA mind-kontrol programs is so well established and now so public from declassified docs and vetted personal testimonies in front of Congressional Committees, that it is worthless to try and deny the existence of such programs. Every large city prosecutor knows it would be unwise to attempt to prosecute any of the Satanic crimes linked to the Satanic pedophile Network or any Satanic cult crimes or Satanic Ritual Abuse that would create any public cognizance of this issue.
And be certain of this, these MK-Ultra programs which were supposed to have been discontinued after the Church Commission, actually went Black (completely covert inside American Intel inside privatized defense contractors deputized under national security) and are still very active today and even expanding every year.
Back engineered Alien ET technologies have opened up Pandora’s box.
Back engineered Alien ET technologies have opened up Pandora’s box of remote inductive brain entrainment making it possible for Deep Black Intel groups (often buried deep within defense contractors or proprietaries in unacknowledged special access programs) to deploy incredibly sophisticated new weapons of “mindwar” against the American mass subconscious mind.
Ever since crashed UFOs were recovered in 1922 in the Black Forest and in Roswell NM in America in 1947, recovered and back-engineered Alien ET technologies have been a major game changer.
New Psychotronic Mindwar weapons have now been deployed in a secret assault on your brain to entrain it and in many cases on your body to make you physically ill and to shorten your life. The purpose is to help the Satanic Pedophile Network (Ruling Cabal) attain their inter-generational, age old Globalist NWO Agenda of evil which has been their wetdream ever since ancient Babylon.
As the new quantum based physics have evolved into the use of microwaves, pulsed beam microwaves, ELF and scalar (standing waves), it was learned that various sophisticated types of electric induction could be used to remotely entrain the brain to operate at certain desired frequencies.
Voice of God Technology.
And it was also discovered that voices and self-talk, as well as specific belief patterns, could be entrained directly into the brain remotely by use of sophisticated inductive methods, now referred to as advanced psychotronics.
There are numerous vetted and rock solid reports of the deployment of the Voice of God remote inductive technology being deployed against the Republican Guard in the first Gulf War. This resulted in these Iraqi Soldiers hearing Allah’s voice inside their heads instructing them to throw down their arms and surrender after which hundreds were bulldozed into ditches and buried alive to their deaths.
This weapon system was then tabled not to be used again because the Cabal was concerned it would become too well known and that would lead to the discovery of their other similar weapons which are now being deployed, weapons much more subtle that instill attitudes and beliefs but usually no direct voices.
Some of the new remote entrainment technologies operate by the principal of inter-dimensional or quantum physics, that is immediate remote communication with a target through a medium of a different dimension where the carrier is alleged to be timeless Dimension waves (aka D-waves).
Description of D-wave
It’s a fact that Mass Mind-kontrol has taken a turn for the worse since Roswell. The new technologies developed from back engineered recovered crashed Alien ET UFOs are so sophisticated and so anti-free will and anti-human that unless taken Deep-Black and protected by numerous layers of “need to know”, extreme compartmenting and special access unaccounted programs, the public would rise up in mass and destroy those programs by whatever means necessary.
Without abject beyond-Black secrecy these sinister Mind-kontrol programs utilizing advanced psychotronics deployed and managed in real time by artificial intelligence, they could never survive intact.
Now for a presentation of current psychotronic weapons now being deployed against the brains of many Americans in select cities and select regions, and some known countermeasures which have been claimed to be effective.
Note: This section is long and those interested can pick and choose the subjects they want.
Some of these weapons such as ELF are deployed against a group of randomly selected citizens and a select group of federal and corporate whistleblowers. One group is used as an innocent control and the other as a group of targeted individuals who in some way are deemed a current or future threat to the Satanic Pedophile Network (Ruling Cabal).
Do not get discouraged and do not lose hope, help is now on the way on several fronts and you can do many things to protect yourself and your loved ones. I have instituted these countermeasures in my home and the homes of various friends and have been pleased with the results, which are backed up by professional quality meters.
As you read about these quite nasty psychotronic weapons now deployed against many of us Americans, please keep in mind that without abject secrecy that is now being denied, these soulless entities who are doing this to us will eventually be stopped cold by the new quite powerful spontaneously emerging populism which is now growing like an out of control wildfire.
Smartmeters and Dirty electricity: Activists claim that Smartmeters (they are digital instead of the old analog) are NOT UL rated like the old analog ones and that these Smartmeters have caused unexpected house fires and there are numerous complaints of much larger electric bills with the same prior usage, numerous complaints about sleeping problems, headaches, nervousness, agitation and various strange illness emerging. In some localities it is a violation to install any electrical devise to the AC supply system that is not UL rated so folks need to organize into action groups to expose this and stop their use as a public health issue and a violation of state electrical codes. This ignores the secret mind-kontrol aspects of Smartmeters but to focus on that issue is far too immediately self-discrediting to ever get anywhere. Few members of the public who are not trained Psyops experts can fathom this unless they have been “targeted individuals” and experienced significant symptoms firsthand. Smartmeters can allegedly be remotely “turned up” to emit large EMF pulsed beam microwave bursts (numerous times per minute) and have been alleged by experts to be able to emit significant or very large amounts of dirty electricity (dirty harmonics) in one’s AC circuits.
Counter measures include using grounded stainless steel screen or two thicknesses of grounded aluminum screen wrapped around the Smartmeter itself, and by hanging an EMF shield of special fabric or two thicknesses of grounded, hanging aluminum screen inside which adequately blocks the inward emissions reaching your bedroom and living quarters. To be sure that you have reduced the EMF you will need to purchase an Microwave detector. There are many good quality ones available for the range of $80 to $400 which will cover Smartmeters (ask the seller which model will suffice). A certified EMF detector may cost up to $2,000 and will tell the difference between regular microwaves and pulsed beam microwaves and in what intensity in microwatts per square meter and a record of accumulation per time period. Smartmeters have been found in some areas to generate large amounts of dirty electrical harmonics in the AC circuits of one’s home. The gold standard for analysis of these AC dirty electricity harmonics is to analyze them with a properly connected AC oscilloscope, a fairly expensive piece of equipment.
I have personally tested my AC circuits for dirty electricity using a Greenwave Dirty electricity meter and after finding very high levels, I then installed Greenwave Electrical Filters which have dual capacitors, are grounded, are UL rated and are RoHC compliant (RoHS, also known as Lead-Free, stands for Restriction of Hazardous Substances. RoHS, also known as Directive 2002/95/EC, originated in the European Union and restricts the use of six hazardous materials found in electrical and electronic products. I prefer the Greenwave meter because it has an audio function that increases in volume with increased dirty electricity and a calculator that estimates the percentage of decrease when you add a filter. There is also the Stetzerizer®meter and electrical filters available too which are also popular.
If you cannot afford to get a dirty electrical indicator/meter, one can detect significant dirty electricity and Lilly Waves by turning on an AM radio and moving the dial through the channels. AM channels will be very buzzy or fuzzy and reception will be very poor. For those that cannot afford dirty electricity filters, one can move their bed a bout 3 feet from the wall where the AC wires are, or turn off the breaker covering where they sleep at night. FM is not affected by dirty electricity.
Lilly Waves: In some locales these special behavior and health altering wave forms (a special type of dirty electricity harmonics) are purposely generated by special outside mounted line boxes into your household AC circuits. The purpose is to mind-kontrol you, make you ill, disturb your sleep, make you disturbed, cause relationship conflict with your significant other and break down the family system. This is a deep-black incredibly sinister system that can be detected by dirty electrical meters (Greenwave or Stetzerizer or by using an Osciliscop which is typically quite an expensive piece of equipment). If detected, these waves can be mitigated by the adequate installation of Greenwave or Stetzerizer Filters. The use of large line filters attached to your electrical supply work great but they start at about $5,000 and for most the cost is prohibitive. Use of the small AC filters which are between $25 and $35 each do an effective reducinfg Lilly waves and other forms of dirty electricity including that from Smartmeters if installed correctly.
Remote phones: I have swept a number of homes for EMF using sophisticated accurate EMF meters of several varieties. I have found that in those where the occupants had serious complaints of sleeping issues, headaches, loss of energy or irritability, EMF levels were in the range of up to 4,500 microwatts per square meter, high enough to cause behavioral and health problems, especially in those who may be electro-sensitive. Now here is the strange part.
When I swept a well know federal Whistleblower’s home, I found significant dirty electricity in the AC circuits that were easily reduced down to an acceptable level by the installation of Greenwave Filters. But I also found especially high microwave levels being emitted from his two remote phone base stations which are powerful transmitters. When I mentioned the reading was 4,400 microwatts the level immediately reduced down to about 1,000 microwatts. Later when I crept into the room again it was up at 4,400 microwatts and immediately dropped when I mentioned it verbally.
This of course has alarming ramifications if you think it through. This means that language is being monitored in real time through the remote phone system most likely by use of automatic A.I. I have been told by friends that sometimes they will comment to another person I am going to ask my Smartphone a question only to have the answer given as they recite the first word or two into the phone. It’s like the time an individual told his fiancé he was going to ask his Smartphone what day he would have to turn the clock back for the end of Daylight Savings time. As he recited the first word “when” the Smartphone recited the complete answer to him before he could even speak the question enough to understand it.
This strongly suggests real time A.I. monitoring of all speech patterns within a certain distance of the Smartphone and has alarming implications for not only A.I. base surveillance but also suggests that perhaps Dimensional wave (D-wave) quantum physics have been integrated into some Smartphones and remote phone systems.
Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi has been removed in an increasing number of public schools in Canada and Europe due to significant health concerns for children and their undeveloped neurological systems which can be more vulnerable to the harmful effects of EMF. Pulsed beam microwave transmitters were first installed in a national sporting good chain as a mind-kontrol test which was an NSA proprietary. Several managers and workers with no mental health histories suddenly and unexpectedly “cracked” and had to be taken away by paramedics. The pulsed beam microwaves had been turned up too high and some employees simply cracked from excessive EMF to their brains.
The next place these Wi-Fi systems were installed and tested was in certain select public high schools, especially the one visited by Bush2 when he was president. In one installation I monitored, this Wi-Fi was deployed as a psychotronic weapon system to make some targeted “stand up” highly moral teachers very, very sick. As an adjunct poisonous enzymes were sprayed onto the desks of certain targeted teachers. Some got cancer, some died, some cracked, some just quit. All this covered up under so-called “national security” which was invoked. Other stand up targeted teachers that survived the EMF assaults were then wrongly accused of accessing pornography websites but with no actual proof. In one particular High School where this was done, the administration was linked to Intel and was stealing million of public funds using sophisticated means while running two sets of books. Complaints to the local US Attorney with good evidence supplied and to the US Department of Education Inspector General resulted in an early retirement for the US Attorney and nothing was done in DC either.
The strategy was to drive out any teachers who had strong character and could see what was going on. Good counter-measures for those sensitive to Wi-Fi include hard wiring all computers, eliminating all Wi-Fi especially in one’s home and shielding wall if one lives in multiple dwellings where others Wi-Fi come through with strong signal strength. Wi-Fi has been known to effect some sensitive individuals and can cause the same type of behavioral and health issues that are now linked to dirty electricity, Lilly Waves and excessive EMF in general. We now know for certain that EMF does not have to heat the human cell or human tissue as we have been told for years by the CDC, the USAF and various electrical engineering departments at major Universities to entrain the brain or influence attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.
Cell phone towers: Some experts suggest maintaining a certain distance from these EMF emitters when possible. Those close by cell towers have reported sleeping difficulties, behavioral effects such as irritability, marital conflicts not there before and new unexpected health issues. Insiders have reported that these cell tower systems have been deployed as part of as massive psychotronic war against the American mind to break up relationships and families, make folks sick and to mind-kontrol by remote inductive entrainment. In my city a big mega church was built. Soon after the biggest cell phone tower with the most transmitting antennas installed on it in three levels was built. I noticed that the intensity of the EMF was strangely highest when the church services were being held. I swept the home of a suspected super soldier with an IQ of over 200 living nearby at his request and traced high EMF to the tower and a special dish installed on it aimed at his home. Another pure coincidence I’m sure. Painting and grounding walls will special EMF blocking paint available from and other vendors can be effective in reducing cell phone emissions for electro-sensitive individuals or those who are concerned about being too close to cell phone transmission towers.
Radar and Dopplar radar: For years medical effects were denied by the USAF and yet significant proof emerged that those airman exposed to a lot of radar had increased frequency of cataracts and certain cancers. Those too close to these emitters can use grounded screening on interior walls or special grounded EMF blocking paint. The same paint the NSA uses in their SCIFs is now available from numerous vendors like It is fairly pricey but it is a one time expense and some believe it is worth it.
Ground based, vehicle based, aircraft based or satellite based microwaves and pulsed beam microwaves aimed and/or triangulated at selected targeted individuals: These systems are expensive to deploy and must be scheduled. therefore they are usually only deployed against whistleblowers or in certain experiments. The usual EMF shielding methodologies like the use of special grounded, metallized primer paints can be quite effective, except for the new X-ray lasers which require much heavier, thicker shielding.
Ground based ELF systems aimed and/or triangulated at certain selected individuals: These systems are usually complex working in tandem with other technologies and are deployed against whistleblowers or targeted individuals who have been randomly selected to serve as experimental controls. The talk inside deep Intel circles is that all these systems are still being calibrated and experimented with using A.I. Someday in the future it is expected that the Secret Shadow Government will integrate all this knowledge and turn over control of all the remote inductive entrainment systems to centralized A.I. control run out of the NSA Bluffdale, Utah Base, using the new world’s largest Quantum computer, Vesuvius. Obviously by now most readers have figured out that the NSA is actually run by the same soulless, unimaginably evil Plutocratic Oligarchs from the thirteen Bloodline families who are deploying this Alien ET back engineered/derived psychotronic technology to advance and manage the implementation of their age-old inter-generational Globalist NWO Agenda of pure anti-human evil.
Cell Phones and Smart phones: It is now apparent that many of these have real time A.I. interaction-oriented quantum based surveillance powers. Some insiders have alleged that the particular wave forms and frequencies have been designed to entrain attitudes, thought patterns and even beliefs. The jury is still out on this claim, but based on what I have seen so far it wouldn’t surprise me.
Plus there is now a big concern by medical researchers in numerous nations that holding these phones close and making contact with one’s head, like ordinary cell phones and using them too much, can perhaps cause various types of brain cancer. OJ’s attorney Johnny Cochran bragged how he got rid of one of his secretaries after he decided to do all his business by cell phone. He was on it many hours a day, held it close to his head and died of brain cancer soon after the OJ trial ended. Mere coincidence or damage caused by too much, too intense EMF?
There are several ways to mitigate this excessive EMF from Smartphones, just like with ordinary cell phones. Talking with the phone at least 4-6 inches from ones head, use of certain styles of remote earphones, air powered the best, or the use of the speaker phone, ,or use of special fabric pockets which block radiation to the head while talking but still allow the phone to work.
Note: In European health studies by MDs, 3-6% of the populace has been shown to have altered EKGs and EEGs. In at least one Scandinavian nation, EMF sensitivity is a recognized medical disability and a sanctuary city has been set up with highly reduced EMF emissions for those so designated to live in.
goddess_gaia2 grandmother earth
Here are some places to start to gain more information for those interested and have time. Much of the American Internet is censored through the search engines which have NSA and/or Fusion center intercepts using advanced real time A.I. Algorithms, so it is very hard to get good information.
Many Internet articles are simply blocked from searches in America to keep the American People from ever finding out about the potential health hazards and mind-kontrol aspects of Smartmeters, Wi-Fi, remote phones (some of the worst can emit 4500 microwatts per square meter when the new European standard is no more than 100 microwatts per square meter within 10 feet.
There are also numerous “Popular mechanics style” misinformation intercept articles on the web to mislead and detract from the now evident EMF dangers, especially to children.
Dangers of EMF (Canadian Whistle-blower)
Lilly waves: Lilly waves can now be roughly measured using either the Greenwave or the Stetzerizer dirty electricity meters which can be purchased direct from them.
Patrick Flanagan on Lilly waves (Jeff Rense show):
Should we ban Wi-Fi in American Schools?
Wi-Fi removed from many schools
Governments around the world limiting EMF emissions and Wi-Fi
European leaders call for ban of cell phones and Wi-Fi in schools
Is Wi-Fi safe for children?
Comm 12 Psyops briefing from 1992:
Smartmeters damage health-Health Ranger
Natural Blaze on Smartmeters:
Nerve Disrupting Frequencies Radiating from “Smart” Meters – Information and Perspective
Electromagnetic Health
Shielding a bedroom for EMF:
Grounding wire for screens used for blocking smart meters:
How to paint and install EMF shielding:
EMF reducing paint safety specs:
Painting a bedroom with T98Alpha Geovital EMF reducing paint
baphomet art – temple of set
Ultra high tech psychotronics, remote mental induction and quantum-based surveillance are the new weapons of war being waged covertly against mankind by the International Satanic Pedophile Network (Ruling Cabal) through the Deep Black unacknowledged, special access Intel cell deeply buried within certain Defense Contractors.
Most of those working on these projects are so compartmented by “Need to Know” that few understand how these devastating weapons of war are being deployed to mind-kontrol and sicken many Americans. Those that do, who sit at the top of the pyramid or run these special access programs, are criminal sociopaths that lost their souls long ago, and most have been initiated into the Satanic Pedophile Network (Ruling Cabal) that runs most of the world.
Now for the difficult conclusion to all this. All MK-Ultra sleeper violence in America (including the real mass-shootings in gun-free zones), and all Radical Islamic violence (ISIS type mercenary forces) are created, paid for, trained, supplied and energized and activated by orders and authorization of the Ruling Cabal. Many so-called radical Islamic mercenaries are not really followers of Islam at all, but have been raised in special camps for abandoned children, mind-kontrolled through drugs, trauma-conditioning and psychotronics at an early age. They, as well as other paid mercenaries, are mind-kontrolled and inducted with psychotic belief patterns that make them easy for the Cabal to remotely activate. They can thus be transformed into savage torturers, heartless rapists and murderers of innocent men, women and children — all done to deliver blood sacrifices to Satan on behalf of the Ruling Cabal to provide them more power as promised by Satan (their words not mine).
Sadly, it’s a fact that many current social movements are by-products of Bernays-type, Madison Avenue social modeling, cultural Mind-kontrol, as well as ultra high tech remote inductive technologies that entrain the human brain and generate synthetic belief patterns and attitudes which cause individuals to acts in ways contrary to their own long term best interests. At little as five years ago, to even discuss these subjects publicly usually resulted in termination as an immediate sanction. Thanks to the Internet and hundreds of honest Intel and LE individuals who refused to keep quiet about these inhuman crimes, the public can now have access to this information, if they so desire. And more and more folks want to know why they are having trouble sleeping, are tired too much, have difficulty concentrating and feel off kilter.
AI (Photo credit: Jupiter Ascending)
The Cabal’s Plan is part of the Globalist NWO Agenda of Evil to keep experimenting and fine tuning these technologies separately to spy on Americans while mind-controlling them at the same time. Without these devices such as smart phones and Wi-Fi providing desirable features of convenience, few would use them, and the Cabal would not be able to fine tune these technologies.
Once the fine tuning is complete, the Cabal has planned to combine them under control of a massive Quantum computer using A.I. automatic controls and operating through inter-dimensional wave forms. At this point, they believe they will be able to make whole populations completely mind-kontrolled and cloned/hived to the mother A.I. computer; or make sick or even murder whole human populations at will. Then they plan to eliminate 90% of all humans and replace them with their own synthetic race of hybrids, a combination of clay and iron (biology and manufactured electrical components).
Looks like the Cabal has been having some recent bumps in the road with the unexpected side effects of the Internet which has turned out to be the New Gutenberg Press and is now undermining the New Roman Empire run out of the Vatican, which was hijacked by the Black Pope and the Old Black Nobility long ago, the folks that really run the Ruling Cabal. When the Gutenberg Press appeared, it undermined the Vatican by making the Bible available to all — something the Vatican desperately wanted to prevent.
Right now populism has emerged inside America and much of the western world and is growing in power by the day. If not stopped this will be the death of the Cabal’s Globalist NWO efforts.
Never forget — all these various types of Mind-kontrol through these Satanic Black Arts and back-engineered Alien ET technologies do not work well on folks with strong character, integrity and love in their hearts for their fellow man, who have decided to live by the golden rule to treat others the way they want to be treated. It is this immutable human spirit, energized by love towards others, that poses the greatest risk to the Ruling cabal, and cannot ever be snuffed out. I am pretty certain the Cabal will eventually be defanged and stopped and will lose control over these weapons before they can combine them and succeed in their Globalist NWO Agenda of Evil.
Disclaimer: None of this is to be taken as health care recommendations. This article is a mere presentation of some basic information to those who are interested. If you are having problems you think are based on electro-sensitivity to EMF or excessive EMF, you can seek consultation with a qualified expert (there are some but you will have to carefully search them out). Before you come to any conclusions about all these issues, spend some time researching these subjects on the Internet. The references provided are mere starting points. Those who live in European nations will probably find it much easier to get access to scientifically based data on EMF sensitivity and EMF levels one should limit exposure to.
Joe Bonamassa, Child Guitar prodigy and the newly designated “King of the Blues” since BB King’s passing. Joe just made his new hit “Hummingbird”, which he played at the Greek Theater available to all on His amazing concert at the Greek Theater will probably go down in music history as the greatest Blues concert ever, and Joe’s performance was stellar, his greatest achievement yet, and his backup singers and band are most impressive. Headphones and HD settings are recommended.
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Preston James, Ph.D
Preston James, Ph.D
Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.
US government murdered Martin Luther King Jr.: William Pepper relates the gory details
WSJ Story: Trump Pays $130k to Adult Film Star
Twin Peaks, Miguel Serrano & the Hard Science of Orgasmic Energy
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Trakkath December 1, 2016 at 4:25 pm
Here a good Website in germany about how to safe your body from electronic harrassment
Strahlenfolter und Terror in Europa
ht tp://www.psychophysischer-terror. com/
Trakkath December 9, 2016 at 2:02 am
Oxford PHD Katherine Horton “Intelligence Agencies Are Attacking Me With Direct Energy Weapons!”
ht tps://youtu. be/Q7GkcHmiqfk
Trakkath January 21, 2017 at 9:02 am
I think this new kind of TV-waves they are offering now is more dangerous than the old system and one day they will shut down this now in action system. It will be invented in EU at the end of March 2017.
Agin November 28, 2016 at 8:04 pm
“Podestà (pronounced [podeˈsta]) is the name given to certain high officials in many Italian cities beginning in the later Middle Ages. Mainly it meant the chief magistrate of a city state…”
The term derives from the Latin word potestas, meaning power. There is a similar derivation for the Arabic term Sultan: originally meaning “power” or “authority”, it eventually became the title of the person holding power.[1]
“The Fascist regime created its own version of the podestà figure.”
rgraf November 27, 2016 at 12:44 pm
I believe the Chicago electric code requires UL listed devices. hopefully, somebody in Chicago starts class action and RICO lawsuits against the makers. That ought to bankrupt them. Same against the city.
Trakkath November 27, 2016 at 11:39 am
World Cach Newsletter 03 the latest news
ht tp://us3.campaign-archive2. com/?u=9fa099b04669bfbed42aea1dd&id=705ea9ff9d&e=38552286f0
Amelius November 25, 2016 at 10:40 pm
Great article Preston, thank you.
By studying biofeedback in people and understanding what brainwave frequency they’re producing while experiencing different emotional stimulants, it’s possible to then use those same frequencies to induce different emotional responses in people. For instance, the symptoms of an overdose of delta waves (0-4 Hz) can make it impossible to think and it can even cause brain damage. An overdose of theta (4-8 Hz) can cause depression. I bet the psychopaths would love tormenting people with this. It could probably be deployed against an individual, or small group by something like an LRAD. It could probably be deployed against the masses through our idiot boxes (TV’s) and we wouldn’t even know it, because
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Preston James, Ph.D November 26, 2016 at 7:28 am
Amelius, obviously you are well informed about all these psychotronics and you have described what is already being done. Once they determine a targeted individual’s “prime freak” frequency, they can custom tailor and transmit individual psychotronics against that individual. It has been alleged that these technologies do not work well on marijuana users and those of strong character and integrity, but can cause irritation.
Amelius November 26, 2016 at 9:59 am
Thank you for the reply Preston, it’s good to know I’m on the right track. I have my own EEG and have been monitoring my brainwave activity under different circumstances for a couple of years now. I first learned of this stuff from a book I found a few years back called, “The Greatest Power In The Universe” by Ulysses S Anderson. If I’m not mistaken, there are optimal doses of brainwave frequencies which can yield beneficial results like increased mental alertness, concentration, memory retention/recovery, etc. If this is true, it might be possible to use their tech against them. The key would be determining what the optimal dose and proper application would be…
medicis November 24, 2016 at 3:53 pm
Preston… a very good article which I will save and re-read. But I particularly wished to thank you for again including a Joe Bonamassa, musical piece…. This is the first time I listened (stupid me for having missed opportunities before)….. he is fantastic… and his band is fantastic… simply pure pleasure to listen to… Thank you again.
Preston James, Ph.D November 24, 2016 at 4:34 pm
Medicis, you are welcome. I have been watching Joe’s climb to the top for quite a while. A humble man who started out as a guitar prodigy. He was so good as a child at the blues riffs that BB King heard about him and asked him to perform with him on stage, a remarkable feat for a child. Joe decided early on not to sell out and become “owned” body and soul by the recording industry which is an abusive system often linked to the eventual destruction of the artist. He came up the hard way, bit by bit by the quality of his guitar playing. Along the way he took voice lessons from the very best, obtained a promoter and music producer who are the best and set up his own company. He also created a non-profit Blues Foundation and has been supporting
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Digital Voice November 24, 2016 at 11:18 am
Some additional items that can be used as counter measures are ceramic tiles, double bubble mylar insulation, and rubber floor mats. Unplugging the computer may help.
Most people that I have talked to seem to be having problems from their wall electrical circuits, or from voices “underneath”.
Gordon Keeble November 23, 2016 at 2:20 pm
I wonder if the stress produced by these alleged electronic weapons could trigger the weaponized mycoplasma known to exist in most people in North America, and thought to exist in much of the rest of the world.
Trakkath November 23, 2016 at 4:14 pm
maybe it is the enacting tool to incite sickness which is already in their bodies like cancer given by a vaccination
Preston James, Ph.D November 23, 2016 at 6:58 pm
Good point. Numerous sources have propagated rumors of chemtrails containing “smart dust” with special mycoplasmas that can be “cross-triggered” by catalytic viruses that are sensitive to psychotronics. None of this is adequately verified or vetted except that we have iron clad proof of what some Chemtrails are comprised of because of actual samples obtained upon takeoff with mistaken early discharge, samples that have been analyzed by accredited labs. There have been rumors and some science that has shown there to be the existence of certain long-acting “stealth viruses” related to chronic fatigue and various sub-clinical polio type disorders. Some of these can apparently be triggered by catalytic viruses which may be psychotronically activated
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Trakkath November 24, 2016 at 9:21 am
See how poisoned and toxic the air in Bavaria, Germany already is
Labortestresults show very high contamination with aluminum, barium and other toxic metals
kdk November 24, 2016 at 3:13 pm
I have wondered about the “morgellon’s” reported in some circles, and I have have strange skin lesions where there were none before, and had no precedent in history and labeled as “eczema”. However, in my own history, I know that I have had an implant in my brain long before then which enabled “telepathy” as is commonly described — or all (to my mind reasonable) explanations point to me having it since early childhood — with some of the prototypical “experiencer” phenomena, seeing gray type entities (which to my mind are probably nothing more than robot interfaces, themselves mind-controlled or tailor-made experiences; and let’s face it, what ET with high technology in their right mind would put their physical body anywhere near the government goons
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kdk November 24, 2016 at 3:21 pm
Myself, I think any decent individual who understands what has been going on on planet Earth would have long ago eradicated the genotypes for psychopathy and blind-following nature which has perpetuated the egregiously evil goings on of Earth (for many centuries). In other ways, we can see in other behavior of more natural critters of Earth how the overall behavior might be worse if we weren’t already genetically engineered… from my own experiences, I would rather be in the middle of an Apocalyptic warzone than have these psychopathic goons having fairly free reign over my own personal (and psychic) experiences of Earth, IE I would rather be in a nuclear warzone, or in an environment where I physically had to defend myself from being tortured by hyena-like
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kdk November 24, 2016 at 3:28 pm
I also understand how with time-travelling information, all of this is fairly well-known by now, but all that is lacking is a sufficient number of people which lack the will to physically force the evil psychopaths to stop what they have been doing… heck, it doesn’t even have to be violent… terminator type robots merely armed with sedative darts, or choking people out to scan their minds and find where they stand and what sort of person they are is possible, but nobody cares enough to use those means to stop the people they know are in the process of perpetrating this heinous crimes against feeling beings… and that’s why I voted for Thor and Mjollnir, not some pansy afraid of hurting someone in the middle of torturing people.
kdk November 24, 2016 at 3:29 pm
*who have the will to physically force
kdk November 24, 2016 at 6:01 pm
If they have access to the node you are one, anything short of incredibly abundant foresight will save you from all of the horrible things they can think of.
Trakkath November 25, 2016 at 8:37 am
⚫CHEMTRAILS⚫ Not Just Poisonous but Changing our DNA to A Synthetic Form of GNA
ht tps://youtu. be/eP3_ApDQhMY
Afshin Nejat November 23, 2016 at 10:01 am
Humanity colluded with all this, being evil in nature enough already to let it get to this point. They and their overlords are unforgivable. Great expose. Don’t forget how this augments and is assisted by utilizing gangstalking covert fifth columns in operations akin to East German Stasis “corrosion” warfare.
kdk November 22, 2016 at 11:23 pm
Thank you for the bleeding edge information on this, one of the darkest areas (along with the other MK ULTRA stuff that make mass murder look like boy scouting activities). They will try to squirm out of it, but there is no physical way for immortality w/o also every secret getting recorded. Makes interrogation totally pointless, once you know how to read it. Heck, mind maps probably don’t even have to be intrusive with the right technology. Knock someone out for 20 minutes and scan their brain to find out everything they know. They’ve probably already been experimenting on how to make people do things w/o remembering or how to erase specific memories. Don’t worry, knowing them they’re all probably totally moral, upstanding experiments with totally consenting
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the truth please November 22, 2016 at 1:55 pm
Dr James I have always had my doubts about digital TV which was basically forced on us, one has to wonder why when analogue TV was far superior, the picture was good quality and the sound was crystal clear and still is seventy or more years on. With digital TV the picture breaks up, the sound is atrocious (mumbling of actors) you lose channels and have to re-tune your TV. The only good thing about digital TV (for those who do not have our welfare at heart) is that they can control what we see, this could not be done with analogue. They can put items in or remove items to suit what they want you to see, or make you thing you are seeing.
Trakkath November 22, 2016 at 3:19 pm
It is a mindcontrol weapon not a TV
Preston James, Ph.D November 23, 2016 at 8:44 am
During my research for this article I heard several rumors about certain new HD cameras with special capabilities but could not substantiate them. However if true it would not surprise me. The rumors were that certain HD cameras had built in psychotronic generators (guns) built in them and that these could be aimed at an individual person to entrain his CNS and cause him to react in his psychomotor system or speech.
This system was allegedly tested during certain football games and further calibrated for psychomotor freeze ups, and was allegedly tested on certain reporters and news casters for better fine tuning. Someday supposedly these devices would then be built into street lights, security cameras in stores, televisions and cell phones and would be
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Trakkath November 23, 2016 at 8:51 am
Go to Leuren Moret and look that all these things you mentioned already happend in the area she lives in and her harrasment by nearby Jesuit college. Even the roads are already hardwired to harass people going over it.
Trakkath November 23, 2016 at 8:54 am
Leuren Moret
ht tp://leurenmoret. info/
JS November 22, 2016 at 1:36 pm
Dr James, excellent article as usual.
Alex B November 22, 2016 at 11:01 am
Brilliant article! Thank you Dr. James! It explains what I’ve been suspecting for the last 2-3 years, ever since I’ve realized that gang-stalking, authorized and directed by at least 2 Alphabet agencies and represented on the lower (operating ) level on 80-90% by stunning numbers of rank and file Satanists, is not a an aberration from “normalcy”. Neither are the innumerous local “occult-charged” false-flags, openly(!) happening all over the country, most people are taking for what the MSM say these events are. In fact, these are not-stop satanic rituals with purposes varying from pure psy-Ops to real mass-murders, with everything else in between. All, on the top of solving certain “mundane” problems (like elimination of unwanted, promotion of gun control, stirring
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Leno November 22, 2016 at 8:27 am
Yo Preston, spill something good about the Arc of Gabriel wontcha?
Trakkath November 22, 2016 at 8:42 am
Ask yourself why they published it openly and don´t do it in secrecy ? Maybe this is also part of the religious mindkontrol…
Preston James, Ph.D November 22, 2016 at 9:56 am
Leno, sorry, but I don’t know anything about the Arc of Gabriel.
And Trakkath, VT publishes articles on difficult Intel related subjects because the Editors are committed to open source Intel and believe that the public has a right to know. My efforts to disclose these criminal Intel abuses from the Cabal using deep black special access unacknowledged programs are motivated by my disdain for this anti-human abuse of us all which is unacceptable and must be stopped. I truly believe that without abject secrecy these programs will become fully exposed and eliminated bit by bit due to emerging populism which is becoming quite powerful.
Trakkath November 22, 2016 at 10:06 am
I know, Mr. James their only way to betrray us all was their secrecy and if their cover is blown away, that is the most they fear, all is unravelld before our eyes. But also sometimes they lead us in the wrong direction by disclose some “secrets” like feeding a wild dog with sausages to calm him down.
JS November 22, 2016 at 1:34 pm
That should be Ark not Arc. Ark of Gabriel is supposedly a weapon, also the name of a historical artifact I think.
nawlins November 22, 2016 at 6:35 am
The sub-basement ELF band is simply too low a frequency to “point” anywhere. The triangulation methodology was first used for LORAN at 100khz. The reason ELF is used is that it travels along the curve of the earth and can penetrate the oceans.
Anyone who thinks that this cabal has only been doing this stuff for the last couple of centuries hasn’t been doing their homework.
JohnZ November 22, 2016 at 5:31 am
Another timely and informative article. Thanks Preston for all you have done to educate those of us who dare to fight back against these beasts.
One question : is there any complaints or indications that smart meters cause hypertension? I was diagnosed last year with high blood pressure which shocked me as mine has always been normal up to the time before the smart meter was installed on my house.
Trakkath November 22, 2016 at 6:54 am
Look what has happend to Magnus Olsen, a targeted Individual and his blood pressure
Magnus Olsson survives massive DEW attack, launches World Coalition against AI-CIA-NSA DEW transhumanist agenda, shows how 6 million+ Europeans are entrained into HAARP supercomputers, 80% of humanity have chemtrails implants
ht tps://newsinsideout. com/2016/03/2893/
Trakkath November 22, 2016 at 6:57 am
and this
THE Reality of Magnus Olsson’s blood – doctor’s report
ht tps://magnusolssonsweden.wordpress. com/
QuestGirl November 22, 2016 at 3:38 pm
JohnZ: Interesting you should ask that “one question”. I happen to have a “Smart” electric meter INSIDE my apartment. I have lived here for about 7 months. Most all my hair has fallen out, having had a nice thick head of hair at rhe age of 59. My blood pressure was like 198/120, two weeks ago during my first doctor visit in about two years. My thyroid was checked and confirmed not to be my hair loss issue. My apartment is tacked onto the back of an old house. This “smart” meter was installed shortly before I moved in, not realizing the meter was inside the apartment. Learning about three months ago that it was also a new “smart” meter. I am moving ASAP.
Seems I can not find much information on the safety of these “smart” meters. I have read they emit 1,000x
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Trakkath November 23, 2016 at 6:29 am
plz go to “” for detailed information
Agin November 21, 2016 at 11:18 pm
I will add one final clue for the readers. Not all Darkness is “Evil”.
James Achilles Alefantis aka Jimmy Comet.
“Kek has cursed the followers of Moloch. Shadilay”
Agin November 21, 2016 at 10:58 pm
The “Satan” referred to here is Moloch. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk “king”.
Biblical Hebrew מלך (mlk)[2] usually stands for מֶלֶךְ melek “king”[3] (Akkadian malku) but when vocalized as מֹלֶךְ mōlek[4] in the Masoretic text, it has been traditionally understood as a proper name. (MK)
Best wishes.
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