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Appendix 28: Behind Operations 9/11 (and Crestone/Baca?): The CFR-CIA/Wall Street/”rogue network”, “Continuity of Government,” the “doomsday plan,” and the U.S. Air Force

Operation 9/11
Articles & Interviews

9/11 and NWO References

February 27, 2018

Israel Did 9/11

December 26, 2017

9/11 Timeline

February 25, 2014

Dr. Ed Ward, 9/11 Researchers

February 23, 2014

Leuren Moret, Researcher

February 22, 2014

9/11 as Jewish Lightning?

February 21, 2014

Sophia Smallstorm, Film-Maker

February 20, 2014

Notes on Missing Links DVD

February 20, 2014

Capt. Eric May

February 19, 2014

USMC Major William Fox

February 18, 2014

Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Researcher

February 17, 2014

Appendix 28: Behind Operations 9/11 (and Crestone/Baca?): The CFR-CIA/Wall Street/”rogue network”/, “Continuity of Government,” the “doomsday plan,” and the U.S. Air Force

From “Invisible Empire; A New World Order Defined” (2010) by Jason Bermas, “America’s Doomsday Plan” youtube, and Guns and Butter radio interview entitled “Webster Tarpley on the 46 Drill of 9/11”

Transcribed and summarized by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS, May 30, 2016

Epigraph Quotes

The whole concept of the New World Order is something else. It really says that the state is God.

G. Edward Griffin: …. the avowed purpose of the Council of Foreign Relations is to create a New World Order, a global government, based on the model of collectivism. And that includes the elimination of the United States as a sovereign nation. That’s why it’s important. The people running this country are determined to destroy it.

… In the United States federal government, there is a super-secret agency which controls this shadow government. Under the NPO’s direction, four agencies were charged with execution of the “doomsday plan:” The CIA, the Departments of State and Defense, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

… Peter Dale Scott: (In the 1980’s), Richard Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were empowered to consider… with Oliver North… “Plans for the Suspension of the Government.” … (By 9/11), Cheney and Rumsfeld had been working on the planning for 20 years…. In the late 90’s, neither Cheney nor Rumsfeld was in the government. They were both CEOs of corporations. COG (“continuity of government”) (was) actually instituted for the first time on September 11th. So in my book, “The Road to 9/11,” I speculate that this (9/11) is part of the COG plan that was implemented.

… many of the things that are most disturbing that we’ve seen since 9/11, the end of Habeas Corpus, warrantless detention, warrantless surveillance, and above all, preparations for martial law, These are things that were described about this planning (Cheney, Rumsfeld, and North’s “Plans for the Suspension of Government”) back in the 80’s. And we’ve seen them all come to fruition since 9/11.

…. when Congressman DeFazio of the Homeland Security Committee saw that the state of emergency authorizing this (COG) had been renewed yet again in 2007, and that there were COG provisions in the classified annex, he asked to see them and he was told he didn’t have the clearance to see them. And then the Homeland Security Chairman on stationary officially asked and was told that the committee didn’t have the clearances to see what the COG planning was.

from “Invisible Empire, A New World Order Defined” (2010)

“Continuity of government” is shorthand for the establishment of a dictatorship…. fake blips are inserted on their screens so they (air command control centers) can’t tell what they are looking at. And at a certain point they’ve got to call NORAD in Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado and say “stop putting these fake blips on our screens.” So you have to imagine that there were putschists, coup-oriented officers in that complex under that mountain in Colorado….. there is no doubt that the coup d’etat was centered in the U.S. Air Force.

Author Webster Tarpley, from “The 46 Exercises and Drills of 9/11” interview

Are you going to stay in “Illuminativille? (referring to Crestone/Baca, Colorado)

Anonymous email message to the author, 2008

Now Crestone is going to take you down.

Ruth Pulver, Baca resident in message to author left on answering machine, 2014

Crestone/Baca is a “continuity of government” site…..
Most people around here are afraid to come out of their houses.

Bruce Polock, Crestone/Baca visitor, probable change/agent/spy?,2013

You can’t trust anyone if you live in a “targeted community.”

FBI counter-intelligence expert on NPR radio, May, 2013

There will come a time when all of the homes in Crestone/Baca will be available.

Hanne Strong, according to the “Crestone rumor mill”

We will rule the world from here (Crestone/Baca).

Henry Kissinger, according to the “Crestone rumor mill” (from Parts 11 and 12 of “Is Crestone/Baca the Vatican City of the New World Order?: An Expose of the New World Religion”- this website)

They want to move people out of there.

Researcher, Jennifer Lake, when informed about intense gang stalking activity in Crestone/Baca, Colorado

ETK Introduction:

In a nation and a world that is basically run by intelligence agencies for the benefit of the world’s wealthiest elite, one must become accustomed to distinguishing the official (cover) stories promulgated by the mainstream press from the real but concealed stories that are often exposed by diligent researchers. As new information emerges about the 46+ military drills and exercises that were conducted by dozens of federal and state agencies before and on the day of 9/11, the identity and goals of the so-called “rogue network” (Tarpley’s term) that orchestrated the 9/11 coup d’etat become clearer. “Continuity of government” protocols were instituted for the first time on that day. And in charge of implementing COG were two very prominent (neocon) politicians who had actually designed COG protocols in the 1980s under the Reagan-Bush administration. Coincidence? Very, very, very doubtful. Thus, 9/11 itself may have been, among other things, a drill to practice the implementation of COG protocols, martial law, and military dictatorship in a future covert, black, wet operation to be perpetrated by the same “rogue network.” Operation Bluebeam (faked alien invasion and/or ‘second coming’) anyone?

The Shadow Government Defined by Author G. Edward Griffin (from “Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined”)

“Collectivism is that concept where individuals are considered to be discardable. And that the group is more important; and that the ultimate group, of course, is the state. So it boils down eventually to the fact that the state is the all-important unit of society. And citizens exist only to serve the state.

… The roots of the Council on Foreign Relations go way, way back in history. They go back to the formation of a secret society, a secret organization that was formed by Cecil Rhodes, a very powerful and very wealthy individual (and agent of the Rothschild family- ETK). And people have heard about him in history and they know about the Rhodes scholarship and think, “well, isn’t that nice.” But they don’t understand at all what’s that’s all about. Cecil Rhodes, when he died, left his great fortune, not to his family, not to his heirs, but for the creation of a secret society. And we know about this because there were some people very intimately involved with this organization who wrote about it. One of the best authors on this topic is professor Carol Quigley (historian, Georgetown University). He wrote several books. “Tragedy and Hope” is the best known of these. He described in detail this secret organization created by Cecil Rhodes. And he explains in these books what he knows about them because he was invited by the organization into its inner circle. He was never a member of it but he was invited in as their historian. He was allowed to see their secret records and papers and study them. He knew all the important players. And he understood what it was about. It’s an amazing thing because he laid out in great detail what the purpose of the organization was how they were the major players in all the major international events since and including World War I.

The bottom line is that you take the roots of that organization and you find out that they created in all of the British dependencies what they call Round Table groups. And then around those Round Table groups they created front groups and the purpose of the front groups and Round Table groups was to penetrate into the governments of all these different countries. To penetrate into the media centers and educational systems. In other words, to penetrate into the social fabric, the power centers of society, and literally take them over from the inside without anybody being aware that they were the controlling influence.

The Council on Foreign Relations exists today. It is probably the single most powerful organization in America. Many observers, including myself, believe that it is the hidden government of the United States. These people are not elected to office and most Americans don’t even know who they are. But they are holding all the important positions in society. There are only about 4,000 of them in the United States. But I don’t care what organization you want to look at, whether it’s government, universities, or the large media centers. Whatever it is, you look at the people at the tops of those organizations, the owners, the managers, the CEOs, the Board of Directors, and I’m going to say that probably 80 to 90% of the great power centers of America are dominated by just those 4,000 people who are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

(ETK note: And according author, Texe Marrs, about 80% of CFR members are Jews.)

Now why is that important? It’s important because the avowed purpose of the Council of Foreign Relations is to create a New World Order, a global government, based on the model of collectivism. And that includes the elimination of the United States as a sovereign nation. That’s why it’s important. The people running this country are determined to destroy it.

The first book I wrote was “The Fearful Master; A Second Look at the United Nations.” It was written at a time when it was not popular to be critical of the UN. I mean the United Nations was viewed by almost everybody as our last, best hope for peace. It was a means, we were told, to bring humanity together and put an end to war and live in peace and harmony and promote trade and all of these good things. I wish it it were any of those good things, but it’s not.

The United Nations is made up of all the countries of the world, most of which are dictatorships of one kind or another. And you don’t take a bunch of dictatorships and put them into a bag and shake them and come out with a freedom-loving governmental unit. You come out with a global dictatorship.

… One of the things that the elitists discussed back at the turn of the (20th) century when they were talking about how to convert the United States into a collectivist system was the fact that you can’t do it quickly. You have to let people get used to it incrementally. Because any major change would be rejected. In that fashion, it’s possible for people to get used to this process and even to think it’s a good thing. People will accept the gradual growth of government, the gradual loss of their purchasing power. They’ll accept almost anything if its done gradually. And we have to be very alert to that.

The “Doomsday Plan” of the 1980’s (from “Invisible Empire” by Jason Bermas)

Moderators Jason Bermas and another: (After the failed assassination attempt of President Ronald Reagan only 69 days after he took office which was carried out by personal friends of V.P. George H.W. Bush (who stood the most to gain from Reagan’s death..….)

Bermas: “While Reagan led the nation in the public eye, Bush exploited this power through the largely unknown “continuity of government “directive.

Moderator: In the United States federal government there is a super-secret agency which controls this shadow government.

Bermas: The National Program Office (NPO) allowed Bush and his network to obtain executive emergency powers.

Moderator: Ronald Reagan authorized the National Program Office when he signed the top-secret directive from 1982. Oliver North was one of the key officers responsible for the program’s start-up. Under the NPO’s direction, four agencies were charged with execution of the “doomsday plan:” the CIA, the Departments of State and Defense, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Bruce Blair, Brookings Institute: An effort was being made to consolidate “continuity of government” programs across several major departments of the government under one office.

Bermas: The New World Order was on display with the first Gulf War and the creation of the European Union.

… We expose many globalist operations in this film, including drug dealing, funding terror, dealing arms, and taking over the United States government by stealth. Whenever these agendas were threatened, those who opposed them ended up dead (including JFK, MLK, RFK).

“Continuity of government” and “deep” and “para-politics:” Interview with Dr. Peter Dale Scott (from Invisible Empire)

“I have a Ph.D. in political science. I taught English at the University of California at Berkeley for 34 years. And now that I’m retired, I can devote all my time to writing books about deep politics.

With the development of the atomic bomb, people worried about the “decapitation” of the American government. And so, ever since the 50’s, there have been groups of people, usually very interesting people, planning for what would happen if there was a nuclear attack and the government was, as they say, decapitated.

Under Reagan, that planning went off in a new direction. Two of the key people during the secret planning then were Richard Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, although Cheney was just an ordinary Congressman under Reagan and Rumsfeld was the CEO of a drug company at the time. But they were empowered to consider… they worked with Oliver North, and it was called “Plans for the Suspension of the Government.” And they changed the conditions. There was a special Executive Order that said it would no longer be just for an atomic attack but for any emergency. And that’s why it was possible for COG (“continuity of government”) actually to be instituted for the first time on September 11th, which of course was not an atomic attack.

By that time, Cheney and Rumsfeld had been working on the planning for 20 years. And in the late 90’s, neither Cheney nor Rumsfeld was in the government. They were both CEOs of corporations.

The best evidence we have about it, is go back to when Oliver North was quizzed about it in the Iran-Contra hearings, and he was asked if he was working on plans to suspend the American Constitution. And the Chairman of the Committee (Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii) banged his gavel and said “we can’t go into that in a public session.” Which sort of corroborated that he knew what was being talked about and there was something there.

I think that many of the things that are most disturbing that we’ve seen since 9/11 are the end of Habeas Corpus, warrantless detention, warrantless surveillance, and above all, preparations for martial law. Those are things that were described about this planning back in the 80’s and we’ve seen them all come to fruition since 9/11.

So in my book, “The Road to 9/11,” I speculate that this is part of the COG plan that was implemented. The fact is we don’t know. Congress doesn’t know. And when Congressman DeFazio of the Homeland Security Committee saw that the state of emergency authorizing this had been renewed yet again in 2007, and that there were COG provisions in the classified annex, he asked to see them and he was told he didn’t have the clearance to see them. And then the Homeland Security Chairman on stationary officially asked and was told that the committee didn’t have the clearances to see what the COG planning was.

So we are getting to two levels of government here. One level of government where we have checks and balances, what we call the constitutional government. And a higher level of COG government where the constitutional authorities are not allowed to go.

I don’t want to get too much into detail. But I think a lot of what we don’t understand about what happened on the morning of 9/11 and what Cheney was doing that morning (that he’s given two different versions of) all has to do that he was doing things on a COG phone which wasn’t even in the bunker under the White House. It was in a more secure place. And that’s why the 9/11 Commission looked for authorization to bring the planes down and so on and they couldn’t find that authorization. And there’s some kind of gap in the telephonic communication. I think the answer is that it’s because we were going now to COG communications instead of ordinary communications.

A state of emergency cannot last for more than a year and has to be renewed. And without mentioning the act, Bush did annually renew. And so it was clear when Obama was elected that we were going to find out what Obama would do. And former Congressman Daniel Hamburg and myself appealed to Obama first of all not to renew it and also we appealed to Congress to observe another part of the same law that says that if any state of emergency is declared then Congress SHALL… it’s not an option, they are required by law, to review it within 6 months and either terminate it or render it official. Unfortunately, Obama disappointed us in September 2009. He then, for the first time mentioning the act, said that under the terms of the act, he was extending the state of emergency for another year.

But this is not really a legal state of emergency under the act because for it to be legal Congress should have approved it. And it was a terrible disappointment when we asked on the internet; we asked people to write their Congressmen to make sure that Congress did this. And one Congressman wrote back and said to his constituent that we understand that the provisions of this act have been overridden by, guess what, COG. So it’s another indication that COG is the over-riding the constitutional and legal provisions that protect us in this country.

The word “para-politics,” I defined it in my book with the CIA in mind, as forms of politics in which accountability is consciously diminished. The word has caught on. It’s being used by all kinds of people and it’s being used slightly differently today, mostly because of what’s happened in Columbia.

In Columbia now, you have a government but you also have the para-military forces that are supported by drugs and hire themselves out to landlords who kill peasants who are organizing for their rights or to kill union organizers. There are two executives of an American company, the Drummond Coal Company, who face indictment now because they hired these “para” people to do this. This is such a topic of discussion in Columbia. They keep talking about the “state” and the “para-state.” The politics, which is what goes on in Congress and in Bogota, and “para-politics” which is what is going on in the countryside when these drug forces are enforcing. So I no longer own the word, but it’s roughly what I mean.

I also wrote a book called “Deep Politics and the Death of JFK.” In that book, I tried to distinguish between “para-politics” which is something you consciously do and set up as a system vs. “deep politics,” which is just something you have to live with as a fact.

For a long time, I used these terms and the major media would not touch them. But just in the last 10 years, if you google now, you’ll see quite a few references to these terms. Or if you go to lexus-nexus, that’s a better example, because that’s just the mainstream media. The terms are being used. They are not being distinguished. Both are being used to mean roughly the same thing.

Organized crime fits into the whole structure of how this country is governed. And this helps explain not just how Kennedy could be killed but also, more interestingly, how the forces of government would immediately cover it up with the false story that Oswald did it and acted alone.

I gave a paper about all three of the big assassinations in the 60’s, which was John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King. And there are certain common denominators, which, I think, reinforce what I was saying about John F. Kennedy alone in my book. One is that you find there is a drug aspect to all three of those killings. There is an organized crime aspect to all three of them.

I say this without pretending that I have solved those cases. I wasn’t even really trying to solve the cases. I was just trying to understand how a president could be murdered and this would be essentially absorbed into the culture of the country. We have a guy who is officially blamed for it. Most people don’t believe that Lee Harvey Oswald, well, they may believe he pulled a trigger. But they don’t believe that he was the lone assassin. And yet most people don’t particularly care about that. We are just having to live with that.

I call these events “deep events.” We’ve become accustomed to the idea that every now and then something is going to happen and we just know from the beginning we’re not going to get to the bottom of it. And the more they happen, the more reconciled we become to this state of affairs.

The obvious recent example of course is 9/11. Nobody is claiming we’ve gotten to the bottom of 9/11. Even the two chairmen of the Committee are saying that there was a lot of falsified information given to their commission and that they relied very heavily on information given to them by the CIA, they weren’t given the raw data. They now realize that the CIA was covering up, to some extent, in their interviews. They were relying on data that came from people that had been tortured. Which means that on the face of it, it wasn’t very reliable data.

So there are a lot of people who recognize that we don’t know the truth about 9/11. But here is an event that has changed the whole constitutional situation in this country. And again, we are not being allowed to look at it. There are people trying to get a credible investigation going but it is proving extremely difficult to do this.”

From: “America’s Doomsday Plan”


“America’s darkest hour. We are looking at close to three quarters of the American population dying… (The President’s) survival depends upon a multi-billion network of bunkers and command centers and on an aerial fortress. Now for the first time, the U.S. government’s top-secret plan is revealed… the protocols to protect the president and the highest levels of government from doomsday.

President Reagan made “continuity of government” a priority. Overseeing the program were two rising young officials, former Chief of Staff Donald Rumsfeld and a Congressman named Richard Cheney.

“There was only one day in history when Cheyenne Mountain (near Colorado Springs, Colorado) doors were ordered sealed. September 11th. The first and only time the United States implemented “continuity of government plans.” The officials in charge: two were altogether familiar with the drill.

James Mann of Johns Hopkins University: “It so happened that two of the highest ranking officials in Washington were Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, were, by chance, two of the officials who had taken part in the Reagan era exercises. They knew these drills by heart.”

Michael Bonn, former Director, Situation Room:The secret service hustled Cheney out of his West Wing office. The minute he got down into the East Wing bomb shelter he easily retrieved all of his knowledge about continuity of government and fell back on it immediately.

Moderator: But the scenario officials had practiced was based on an old nuclear threat, not terrorism. (ETK note: This statement is contradicted by Peter Dale Scott’s account above.)

Bonn: “The model presumed “big war,” and all the communications were set up for that. (This statement is also contradicted by Peter Dale Scott’s account above.) And it became a big problem that that there was zero information flowing.”

Marc Ambinder, investigative journalist:There were times when the President could not communicate with the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, which is where the Vice President was and where other members of his National Security Cabinet were. And that’s just not acceptable.”

Moderator: At the critical moment, “continuity of government” failed us.

Richard Reed, Special Assistant to the President: “9/11 really demonstrated to us that the threat would be played out in a fundamentally different way than what we anticipated in the Cold War.” (Again, this statement is contradicted by Scott’s testimony above.)

General Stubblebein in interview: “Certainly the stories we were told about ALL of 9/11 were false. I mean you take a look at the buildings falling down. They didn’t fall down because airplanes hit them, they fell down because explosives went off inside. Demolition. Look at WTC Building 7 for God’s sake. It didn’t fall down to its side. It didn’t fall this direction or that direction. What is it they do not want the public to know?”

Webster Tarpley on the 46 Drills, Operations, War Games, and Activities on 9/11

( and

“9/11 was, of course, an inside job. It was, very specifically, a state-sponsored, false-flag, synthetic terror action. It was a war provocation designed to produce the war of civilizations and the “clash of civilizations” in the form of the Afghanistan War, the Iraq War, and other wars that we’ve come close to or are now in, with Libya. And this was carried out by this rogue network or invisible government which has been infesting the U.S. federal government in the current form since about the middle of 1890s; since the time of Grover Cleveland.

…. the attention has to be focused on the U.S. federal bureaucracy- and above all, the interface between Wall Street and the intelligence community. If you can think of somebody like Allen Dulles, the Wall Street bond lawyer and reputed Nazi sympathizer, or worse, who was one of the people to help create the CIA. If you think of his brother, John Foster Dulles. That sort of gives you the neck of the woods that we’re talking about. Where those Wall Street lawyer types meet the intelligence community. And that, of course, is the CIA pre-eminantly.

… it’s a “geo-political terrorism” or “spheres-of-influence terrorism.”

… the idea was a desperate ploy by this rogue network-invisible government- and it goes between Wall Street and the City of London. It’s definitely an Anglo-American or international entity. They wanted to somehow create a shock that would somehow stop the tendencies toward disintegration of the Empire and allow them to reform it and regroup it. Above all, (the goal was) to save the dollar. If you want one reason for 9/11, it was to save the dollar. To prevent more countries from dumping the dollar.

… Let me mention what the drills are. It’s a very large complex. It’s a series of drills over about a decade with increasing frequency in the two to three years before 9/11. But on the day of, we’ve got almost 25 drills. The big one is Vigilant Guardian, which is live fly hi-jacking and air defense, hi-jack multiplication, diversion, and confusion, or the results. You’ve also got Vigilant Warrior, of which very little is known. But you’ve also got other operations that tend to take airplanes away from the Boston to Washington air defense zone. That would be Operation Southern Watch that takes fighters to Saudi Arabia to impose the “no fly” zone over southern Iraq. You’ve got Operation Northern Watch that takes airplanes from Langley, Virginia, to Incirlik, Turkey to impose the “no fly” zone over northern Iraq. You’ve got Operations Northern Vigilance and Northern Guardian, these basically take airplanes from the same area and take them to Alaska to northern Canada and indeed, to Iceland. You’ve even got an Andrews Air Force Base local drill that takes three of their very few planes to North Carolina. So there’s a real complex.

…. So the idea is that you have very few planes left between Boston and upstate New York and Washington, D.C., because the idea is that some air force officer who is not part of the coup, who is actually loyal and not part of the putsch, might say: “It’s clear what we have to do. We’ve got to put combat air patrol over Washington, D.C., and then we’ve got to defend other cities starting with New York and then so on down the line.” So they want to make that less likely.

The other thing that it does is that fake blips are inserted on their screens so they can’t tell what they are looking at. And at a certain point they’ve got to call NORAD in Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado and say “stop putting these fake blips on our screens.” So you have to imagine that there were putschists, coup-oriented officers in that complex under the mountain in Colorado….. there is no doubt that the coup d’etat was centered in the Air Force.

… I think they’ve got an emergency government waiting in the wings. And this is the National Airborne’s Operation Center. U.S. STRATCOM has a Strategic Advisory Committee of which almost nothing is known. And this is at Offutt, Nebraska, Andrews, Maryland, Wright-Patterson, Ohio. They’ve got three of the “doomsday aircraft” in the air. “Doomsday aircraft” equipped with the Looking Glass Communication system.

…. So generally speaking, it’s the form of a military coup with the help of high civilian government officials. And I’m sure the center of gravity is on the civilian side, especially when you add in the Wall Street factor. Civilian meaning Wall Street centered.

ETK Conclusion:

Testimony and evidence presented above indicate that the “shadow government”/“rogue network” (identified as the CFR/British Round Table Groups, Wall Street/City of London financial interests and their enforcers, military-intelligence) contrived the extraordinarily complex and top-secret terror attacks of 9/11. The number of federal and state agencies involved in the coup/putsch is truly mind-boggling. Such “false-flag, state-sponsored, synthetic terror” attacks are invariably accompanied by increasing loss of national sovereignty, erosion of constitutionally-protected liberties, etc. COG rules developed under V.P. George Bush by Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Oliver North and others in the 1980s were implemented for the first and only time on September 11, 2001. Cheney and Rumsfeld, the principle architects of COG protocols “just happened” to be on hand to commandeer the extra-constitutional COG protocols on the day of 9/11. COG allows the “shadow government”/”rogue network” to supersede the constitutional government of the U.S. under conditions of a declared emergency. It appears that the goal is of COG is, incrementally and/or based on a contrived catastrophic emergency, to impose a fascist dictatorship characterized by a totalitarian police state and martial law. The fact that, as Senator Bob Kerry stated, “9/11 was 30 years in the making” seems to indicate the extraordinary determination of the “rogue network” to destroy the American Republic and impose a dictatorship.

Research by Webster Tarpley regarding the 46+ military drills and exercises conducted on and around 9/11 proves beyond any reasonable doubt that:

1) the “rogue network”/invisible government, which he believes is centered in Washington, Wall Street, London, and Tel Aviv, has the capability to take control of the duly constituted and constitutional government more less at will, and

2) the 9/11 coup d’etat was centered in the U.S. Air Force and NORAD, and that Cheyenne Mountain and perhaps also the state of Colorado played a major role in the covert, black, and wet operation.

Information included in this post suggests that Operation 9/11 itself may have functioned as a “drill” or test of “continuity of government” procedures. Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld were among the main architects of this COG system in the 1980’s. It is therefore probably no coincidence that they were in key positions of power in the Washington D.C. federal bureaucracy during 9/11, and took charge of implementing COG protocols the first time that these protocols were tested.

Thus, it seems apparent that the imposition of martial law in America and the destruction of the U.S. constitution and American republic were among the primary goals of Operation 9/11. Other major objectives of Operation 9/11 include establishment of a fascist police state in America, prosecution of wars of aggression in the Middle East that serve to control critical oil resources and also establish a Greater Israel. Based abundant information presented in this website, this writer concludes that this plan most probably accords with the Illuminati/Marxist/Protocols-of-Zion plan to impose Jewish (or British Israel) one-world-government and one-world-religion upon the world. The origins and methodologies of this plan, referred to in Hebrew as “Tikkun Olam” (or “repair of the world”) are well documented on this website.

Finally, some evidence indicates that Crestone/Baca, Colorado and perhaps Colorado in general are slated to play an important role in the implementation of this plan. The information above may also provide important clues as to what might be going in the small “inter-faith community”/town of Crestone/Baca. If Crestone/Baca, Colorado is indeed a “continuity of government” site, as one change agent (spy) informed me, this would explain why it is also a “targeted community,” and the site of intense gang stalking activities.

Are there historical precedents for the Operation 9/11 coup and Operation Crestone/Baca? I suggest there are. For an historical antecedent to Operation 9/11, we can look at the failed fascist coup attempt of 1934 in which Wall Street moguls approached Brigadier General Smedley Butler with a plan for him lead 500,000 troops against Washington, D.C. in order to topple the government and establish a dictatorship under their control. For the antecedent to Operation Crestone/Baca, perhaps we can look at the Ludlow, Colorado massacre of 1914, in which the Colorado National Guard and the Colorado Fuel & Iron camp guards attacked a tent colony of about 1,200 striking coal miners in the “company town” of Ludlow. Two dozen people, including miners’ wives and children, were killed in the violent encounters. The chief owner of the Ludlow mine was John D. Rockefeller. Indeed, the authors of the failed fascist coup attempt of 1934 and the Ludlow strike-breaking violence were basically the same Wall Street-corporate moguls. And information provided on this in this post and on this website provide considerable evidence that the main architects of Operations 9/11 and Crestone/Baca represent this same fascist, Wall Street-corporate agenda. The goals and the principle purveyers of violence against innocent American citizens remain mostly the same. However, the means and methods of attack upon Americans have become far, far, far more sophisticated and insidious.

Fellow citizens, information compiled on this website amply identifies many of principle institutions and individuals that have subverted America over the past century as well as many who do so today. Proven traitorous New World Order institutions include the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilaterial Commission, the United Nations, prominent Wall Street financial institutions, and very large sectors of the American military and intelligence establishment. In fact, it appears the most American institutions, including corporations and federal, state, and local governmental agencies have been corrupted and coo-pted to serve elite agendas. Leading figures in the conspiracy include Woodrow Wilson, Col. Edward Mandell House, “the Wall Street robber barons,” Allen Welsh and John Foster Dulles, the Rockefeller, Harriman, Bush and other Illuminati families, Henry Kissinger, Maurice Strong, Al Gore, Presidents Bush I and II, Clinton, and Obama and the (mostly Jewish) neoconservatives, including Richard Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. These are some of America’s greatest traitors; they and the super-rich (Judeo-Masonic-Satanic) Illuminati families they serve (including the Rockefellers, Harrimans, Du Ponts, etc.) are guilty of treason against the American people and the U.S. Constitution. In order for the American republic to be saved from the “planned demolition” (or “de-capitation”) that these individuals and institutions have in store us, the 99% of the population not directly involved in this murderous conspiracy must identify and prosecute these traitors for their copious crimes. Either that, or strap down and prepare for the next, even more spectacular and destructive staged terrorist event along the imposition of “continuity of government” and martial law in America.

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