A tie-in between operation 9/11 and the global warming fraud?
Operation 9/11
Articles & Interviews
Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 20249/11 “Hijackers” Were CIA Recruits (videos)
April 15, 2024Appendix 151: Jewish Ritual Blood Sacrifice/ Ritual Murder
October 21, 20229/11 preplanned; W/ List of Leading Suspects
May 14, 2021Israeli Connections to 9/11
March 19, 2019Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Notes from 9/11 Conference in Madison, WI, 2007
March 17, 20189/11 and NWO References
February 27, 2018Dr. Judy Wood, Physicist / Engineer
January 16, 20189/11: Israel’s Masterpiece
January 6, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Israel Did 9/11
December 26, 2017Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017The Five “Dancing Israelis” at 9/11 Ground Zero
October 21, 2017JEFFREY EPSTEIN, MOSSAD AND 9 11
February 16, 2017Bollyn, O’Keefe: Israel Behind 9/11 and Phony War on Terrorism
January 19, 2017Who Done It? (Links to Leading Suspects; )
February 17, 2016Hoax, False Flag and False Reality: What Do They Have In Common? Fraud
November 27, 20159/11 Timeline
February 25, 2014Dr. James Fetzer, Author / Founder of 9/11 Scholars
February 25, 2014Andrew Johnson, 9/11 Researcher
February 25, 2014A tie-in between operation 9/11 and the global warming fraud?
February 25, 2014Dr. Kevin Barrett, 9/11 Researcher
February 25, 2014John Hutchison “of Hutchison Effect”
February 24, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Dr. Ed Ward, 9/11 Researchers
February 23, 2014Leuren Moret, Researcher
February 22, 2014Alfred Webre, Lawyer / Researcher
February 21, 20149/11 as Jewish Lightning?
February 21, 2014Sophia Smallstorm, Film-Maker
February 20, 2014Notes on Missing Links DVD
February 20, 2014Capt. Eric May
February 19, 2014USMC Major William Fox
February 18, 2014Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Researcher
February 17, 2014Specific Companies in the World Trade Center Targeted on 9/11 (SUNDAY, APRIL 4, 2010; Abeldanger.net)
Were specific companies in the World Trade Center targeted for attack on September 11, 2001?
(ETK Introduction: Someone from the website Abel Danger sent me the links to these two articles which I am posting. If this information is correct there may yet be a tie-in between the Operation 9/11 and the global warming fraud.)
Marsh & McLennan, Cantor Fitzgerald/CO2e.com/eSpeed and Aon Corp were engaged in an economic war game scenario with the Naval War College on 9/11. The game involved the use of carbon emissions trading software.
Cantor Fitzgerald/CO2e.com/eSpeed held the patent on software which would later be used in trillions of dollars’ worth of carbon emissions trading. The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), “a special project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisers, with US IRS 501(c)(3) charitable status, with the [alleged] sole purpose of providing a co-ordinating secretariat for the participating funders and investors, in order to increase economic global awareness of risks and opportunities of carbon emissions’ consequences on the climate”, was launched on December 4, 2000 at 10 Downing Street in London by UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and UK Secretary of State for International Development Clare Short. The CDP “gathers 534 investors with a combined US $64 trillion in assets under management, in order to increase economic global awareness of risks and opportunities of carbon emissions’ [alleged] consequences on the climate”.
Carlton Bartels, CEO of Cantor’s CO2e.com, invented and held the patent on the computer-based system for simulated automated carbon trading. Bartels was operating this simulated game; it is alleged that his simulation administrator codes were stolen and the game was hacked into, which took the game from a simulation to a live game. Significantly, Bartels had also participated in a “greenhouse gas emissions trading simulation” hosted by Climate Change Central in Calgary, Alberta on September 5-6, 2001.
Were Marsh & McLennan, Cantor Fitzgerald/CO2e.com/eSpeed and Aon Corp destroyed to eliminate the competition in a future multi-trillion dollar carbon trading market?
In 2000, the Joyce Foundation provided a grant to Richard Sandor and Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management to develop a competing carbon trading software. At the time, Barack Obama was on the board of directors for the foundation. A second grant was made in 2001 and eventually led to the birth of the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), the only emissions reduction and trading system for all six greenhouse gases and the only operational cap and trade system in North America.
The Obama administration is currently strongly pushing carbon emission policy. While leaning heavily on Congress, they have also instructed the Environmental Protection Agency to declare CO2 a dangerous threat to human health, which will lead to regulation of carbon emissions.
Powerful forces behind the scenes appear to be orchestrating events to set up and profit from a carbon emissions trading system worth trillions of dollars.
The impact area of the drone that struck the North Tower was the offices of Marsh & McLennan. (See below.)
[The passenger jets American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, and American Airlines Flight 77 were hijacked electronically during the Vigilant Guardian 01 joint US/Canada military exercises. Flight 11 and Flight 175 may have been landed electronically (via remote control) at Stewart Airport, Newburgh, New York State, an airport that had recently been privatized in an initiative led by Zionist businessman Ronald Lauder and Governor George Pataki, and was being operated by UK-based National Express Group. Likewise, Flight 77 may have been landed electronically somewhere. Alternately, some of these passenger jets may have been flown electronically into Whiskey 386 military-training airspace (a reserved dropbox east of Virginia Capes) over the Atlantic Ocean, and detonated via preplaced, embedded incendiaries. A passenger plane that may have been United Airlines Flight 93, which had taken off 41 minutes late, detonated near Shanksville, PA, leaving an 8-mile debris trail (including fragmented human remains) that extended to New Baltimore, PA; Wally Miller was the local Somerset County coroner on the scene.]
The offices above Marsh & McLennan were primarily Cantor Fitzgerald/CO2e.com/eSpeed. Cantor Fitzgerald was cut off from the rest of the building by the impact and suffered the greatest single loss by any company on 9/11. 658 of its employees died in the north WTC tower. [Business Week, 9/11/2006]
But Thomas Barnett’s two “mentors” at the firm that he interacts with—Bud Flanagan and Philip Ginsberg—are both out of the building at the time, for “accidental reasons,” and survive the attacks. [Institute of International Studies]
Marsh & McLennan loses 295 employees & 60 contractors.
In the South Tower, a droned plane impacts a zone mostly occupied by Fuji Bank. The Aon Corporation offices are above the impact area and they are also cut off. 175 employees of Aon Corp. die in the attacks.
There were 2605 deaths in the two towers that day. Marsh & McLennan, Cantor Fitzgerald/CO2e.com/eSpeed and Aon Corp lost a total of 1153 people. That is just over 44% of the total deaths—a staggering proportion.
The employees of these 3 companies constituted a small fraction of the total number of individuals in the two towers but accounted for 44% of the deaths.
Early in 2000, a unique research partnership took place between the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island and the Wall Street bond firm Cantor Fitzgerald. The venture is called the New Rule Sets Project and was directed by Thomas Barnett, Senior Strategic Researcher at the Decision Strategies Department of the Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College. source
May 1-June 4, 2001—A series of workshops are held at the World Trade Center to discuss the possibility of a terrorist attack on Wall Street.
June 4, 2001—”Cantor Fitzgerald/eSpeed conference” takes place at Windows on the World just above the offices of Cantor Fitzgerald. source
Present at the June 4 conference are Thomas Barnett, Carlton Bartels, Philip Ginsberg, William J. “Bud” Flanagan and Rajendra K Pachauri. Of these 4 men, only Carlton Bartels will die in the attacks.
Carlton Bartels was Chief Executive Officer of CO2e.com, which was formed by Cantor Fitzgerald and PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2001 to serve as the pre-eminent business-to-business online resource for corporations to understand, mitigate, and manage the transition and impact of greenhouse gas emission constraints on corporations globally. He has advised the U.S. Delegation to the Conference of the Parties and the White House Climate Change Task Force, as well as numerous governmental agencies throughout the world regarding the implementation of domestic and international emissions trading.
Dr. Philip Ginsberg was an Executive Vice President at Cantor Fitzgerald, the world’s largest broker of U.S. Government securities, Eurobonds, and sovereign debt. He was also Vice President of the Cantor Fitzgerald Foundation and Director of Cantor Fitzgerald International. Prior to this, Dr. Ginsberg served as a consultant to both industry and government, and held academic postings at the University of Washington, Rutgers University, and Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. He also founded the Llorex Corporation, which specialized in financial information products. He has a BA in Mathematics from Cornell University, and an MA and PhD in Economics from Purdue University.
Admiral William “Bud” Flanagan, USN (ret.) was a Senior Managing Director at Cantor Fitzgerald LP. The admiral’s portfolio focuses on emerging markets, particularly those brought about by government deregulation and privatization. He served in the U.S. Navy for 29 years, his final position being Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet from 1994-96, with geographic responsibilities for the entire Western Hemisphere and all of West Europe.
[The U.S. Navy Command Center in Wedge 1 of the Pentagon – a section that was being “upgraded” by British construction firm AMEC – was struck by a flying weapons platform, killing numerous people, including duty officer Capt. Gerald DeConto, who was making an emergency phone call to Gordon England, U.S. Secretary of the Navy. There is considerable dispute as to what flying weapons platform (some say a Douglas A-3 Skywarrior; some say a missile…) struck the Pentagon – a conundrum that was probably pre-scripted in order to trigger fractious debate. Further, there is much evidence that bombs had been pre-placed and were detonated in Wedge 1 of the Pentagon; some sources tell of two explosion events, a number of minutes apart.]
On 9/11, Dr Rajendra K Pachauri was Vice-Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He is currently the Chairman of the IPCC.
5 comments: AnonymousApril 4, 2010 at 12:50 PM Excellent work! There is so much “stuff” coming to a head…
Thanks for all of your work, I am waiting patiently waiting for Chap. 12,
Dw in The Tahoe Nat. Forest
AnonymousApril 4, 2010 at 1:37 PM So, it turns out 9/11 was a damn turf war between new York and Chicago for control of carbon trading emissions.
Game theory in laying out war scenarios, okay, we’ve got Robert Oxoby in Calgary, Thomas Barnett at the War College, and the Israeli who does this advanced war gaming. Someone hacked in and took over the game and took it from a ‘game’ to the real thing.
Can you just imagine what Carlton Bartels must have thought getting on that newly rebuilt high-speed elevator system in the Twin Towers when he discovered the game went live?
“Carlton, how much are you willing to pay to live based on the amount of Co2 you are exhaling?”
Sorry, wrong answer. BOOM!!! Reply
AnonymousOctober 27, 2010 at 10:09 AM Talk about killing two birds with one stone. Or was that a few billion?
“We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.” -Benjamin Netanyahu quoted in the Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv Reply
AnonymousJanuary 1, 2013 at 5:15 PM Fantastic work. As always follow the money and you will find the criminals. Reply
AnonymousDecember 26, 2014 at 4:12 AM Wow…..very REVEALING. Huge conflict of interest functioning as president and a board member of one of these evil companies vying for an Agenda 21 controlled world….speaks volumes. Reply
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