The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Mark of the Beast: The Great Reset-“Going Direct” to Cyborg Enslavement. “We are In World War III:” Catherine Austin Fitts (Former Asst. Director HUD) Interviews (6/21, 7/20, 8/22/2020) & Webmaster’s Transcription and Notes
One World Government
Articles & Interviews
Articles & Interviews
Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
February 8, 2025365 Days of Chemtrails- The Christmas Carol Verson
January 12, 2024Appendix 63: NASA’s Project Blue Beam by Serge Monast- 1994
November 1, 2023Appendix 66: The Zionist Jew World Order
October 31, 2023The Intra-Body Nano-Network Compilation (Sept. 5, 2023 video)
October 27, 2023Appendix 136: The New World Order Pope and Related Articles/Videos
December 9, 2022Appendix 149: The Knights Of Zion: Freemasonry (Extended Documentary)
November 24, 2022Boston Marathon (Un)Bombing Hoax & Crisis Actors; 14 Videos (2021-2022)
November 23, 2022Appendix 151: Jewish Ritual Blood Sacrifice/ Ritual Murder
November 21, 2022Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
November 26, 2021Appendix 234: Maurice Strong and Tavistock (video)
July 17, 2021New World Order: UN Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals
December 19, 2020Gangstalking Photo Log (La Paz Area, 2019 – 2021)
November 27, 2020The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism (Henry Makow, Ph.D.)
November 27, 2020Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, and Targeted Individuals
September 19, 2020Are Lawyers Patenting TI’s DNA?
March 30, 2020Some Appropriate Graphics For Covid 19(84) & 5G N(J)ew World Order
February 28, 2020Who Are “They?”… Their Statements Say…. Starts with J….
November 18, 2018Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Global Warming (Hoax) is Politics Not Science
November 7, 2017The United Nations and Planned World Government (from De Ruiter, 2015)
February 15, 2016Global Warming = (Rothschild) Global Land Grab
October 26, 2015Appendix 5: Maurice Strong: Godfather of Crestone/Baca
January 24, 2015Global Warming = (Rothschild) Global Land Grab
February 28, 2014Joan Veon, UN / Agenda 21
February 25, 2014Michael Shaw, Agenda 21
February 25, 2014Dr. Jerome Corsi, Author, North American Union
February 25, 2014Dr. Daneen Peterson
February 25, 2014Bill Molina, Film-Maker
February 25, 2014Vicky Davis, Systems Analyst
February 25, 2014Global Green Dictatorship
February 25, 2014Global Warming or Global Government
February 25, 2014Quotes on the Global Warming Hoax
February 25, 2014Scientific evidence exposes chemtrail spraying as crime against humanity
February 25, 2014New Federal Energy Corridors
February 25, 2014A tie-in between operation 9/11 and the global warming fraud?
February 25, 2014Catherine Austin Fitts: Our Choice is Between Slavery and Freedom (and death is not the worst thing that can happen)
I. Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Covid Magic Virus Cult and Op: Planet Lockdown (Dec. 22, 2020)
Catherine Austin Fitts:
My name is Catherine Austin Fitts. I am the publisher of the Solari Report and managing director of Solari Investment Advisory Services.
I just published a huge study called “The State of Our Currencies.” What I describe is that for many years the dollar has been the reserve currency. But that system has gotten very long in the tooth. So the central bankers are trying to bring in a new system. But it’s not ready yet. We are in a period of great uncertainty now because they are now in a position of trying to lengthen the dollar system and also accelerate bringing in the new system. And they have to bring in the new system without having anybody realize what it really is.
I describe the new system as “the end of currencies.” What they are trying to do involves all the currencies on the planet. So it’s big, complicated, and messy. The question is how do you market a system that if people understood it, nobody would want it? The way you do that is with a health care crisis.
Because generally, if a few people want to control the many, the question is how can you herd all the sheep into the slaughterhouse without them realizing and resisting? The perfect thing is invisible enemies. So we had the war on terrorism with invisible terrorists. And now we have a virus, which is invisible.. If you can use fear, then people need government to protect them. The second useful tactic that is very effective is “divide and conquer.” So the media plays a very important role in turning people against each other, etc.
The invisible virus allows you (i.e., them) to do enormous control mechanisms. You can stop people from gathering, organizing, getting together, etc. And if you digitize it with contract tracing then you can control who’s talking to whom. If you can get them to do all their work and education online you literally listen to everything they are saying. So you can institute extraordinary amounts of surveillance all in the theory that we are protecting you from the invisible virus.
Essentially, they’re trying to get people to buy into a solution before they see where it’s ultimately going. Ultimately, this is a transaction system that is no longer a currency, it’s a control system. They will have the ability to turn your money on and off. So if you don’t behave, that’s it. We will be physically hooked up to the financial system.
The technocracy they are pushing towards is called transhumanism. You use injections to inject materials into the body that create the equivalent of an operating system and a receiver inside the body. And you can literally hook everybody up to the Cloud. It’s a transaction system. The Bible calls it the Mark of the Beast. So you can digitally identify and track people in connection with their financial transactions. So it’s a world of zero privacy, but more importantly, if you then institute one or more central bank cryto-currencies, you are now talking about a system where every central bank in the world can shut you off individually from transacting if they don’t like the way you are behaving. This is similar to the social credit system in China. If you install the smart grid in their car, their community, and now literally in their body, you’ve got 24/7 surveillance and if people don’t do what you say and behave the way they want, they can literally shut off their money. And they’ll also have spatial control. You are in a complete digital control system. And it’s controlled by the central bankers through the money.
We’re digitizing everything. It includes human body and the human mind. This system comes with very sophisticated mind control systems through the media and those Cloud connections. So basically you are talking about hooking up to the Borg.
Transhumanism and technocracy go hand in hand. I would describe this as a slavery system. This is a complete 24/7 control system, including mind control. The challenge before us is this: If the committee that runs the world, that I call Mr. Global, wants to go to a slavery system and we want to remain free, then we have a fundamental disagreement.
So if we look at what’s going on we have different pillars (ETK: The pilllars of THEIR power, I might add) that are integrated into your body and your mind:
1) We have he tech people building the cloud systems and telecommunications
2) We have the military doing space and Operation Warp Speed, so they’re putting up the satellites
3) Then we have big pharma that is making these injections that are full of these mystery ingredients that change your DNA and for all we know, make you infertile.
4) Then we have the media pouring out the propaganda
5) Then we have the central bankers engineering to the central bank crypto-systems.
They are trying to keep these pillars separate in the sense they don’t want people to see how they inter-relate. The central bankers try as hard as they can to stay away from these kinds of conversations until the trap is completely sprung.
So we’ve been put in a trap this year, but the door hasn’t shut. Transparency can blow the game. In my article, “Injection Fraud,” I said Bill Gates is trying to download an operating system into your body just like he did with his Microsoft products and use viruses to update it to make it work as his back door to your body and mind every day.
The person they chose to run Operation Warp Speed, Saudi Arabian, Moncef Slaui, was an expert on injectable brain-machine interface. He used to head research at GlaxoSmithKlein.
In 2019, one of the most important developments (in addition to the approval of the “Going Direct” proposal by the Federal Reserve at their August meeting in Jackson Hole) was when DOD issued the Jedi Cloud contract to Microsoft. Amazon is essentially a CIA and intelligence agency contractor. Amazon runs the intelligence agencies’ contracts and provides the clouds for the CIA and all 17 US intelligence agencies through that umbrella cloud contract. At the end of 2019, Leidos did a big (cloud) contract with the Navy. And then DOD did the Jedi (cloud) contract. Those three huge cloud contracts give you the ability, once you get everybody hooked into them, to radically re-engineer how the cash flows work. So you can literally shut down almost all small business, and put everyone on a universal basic income, which is basically a control system, and run it all through the military clouds.
Technology gives you the ability to institute a complete control system and further centralize economic and political control.
II. Catherine Austin Fitts – We are Watching the Mother of All Debt Entrapments, June 21, 2020
Webmaster’s Introduction:
My 21-Point Summary of What is Occurring in the Current “Go Direct”/”Global Reset”-Mark of the Beast Rollout According to Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in Three Youtube Interviews Below:
1) The Central Bankers of the world met in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in August, 2019 and decided they needed a “new mechanism” to replace traditional currencies. They are now re-engineering the global financial system in the great “global reset.” This new “go direct” system is to be a cashless, digital, transhumanist, technocratic slavery system. The (Webmaster addition: (Judeo-Masonic-satanic) global elite are now afraid of being outed by recent Pizza Gate & Epstein pedophilia scandals and the prospect of very substantial financial and legal liabilities. They are betting the ranch that they can continue to centralize and install a digital slavery system over the entire world.)
2) Swiss-Israeli-American Central Banker, Stanley Fischer (Jewish dual Israeli-American citizen; former President of The Bank of Israel and VP of the Federal Reserve) was present at the 2019 Fed meeting and is a principle architect of this plan. BlackRock, Inc. (world’s largest asset manager with over $7.4 trillion, led by Jew, Laurence Fink) is in charge of coordinating the global reset.
3) To accomplish this reset, bankers turned to the Health Care mafia to provide a cover story. The Health Care mafia produced the Covid-19 fraud which has been used to crash economies (especially small businesses), deprive citizens of their civil liberties, and ramp up a super police state, thus providing time for central bankers to accomplish the reset.
4) What is now happening in our nations is classic “disaster capitalism” aka “the shock doctrine” per Dr. Milton Friedman (Jew) and “the (University of) Chicago boys” prescription wherein rulers profit from disasters they create.
5) Having crashed economies through the Covid-19 fraud and created the “mother of all debt traps,” the Fed is now buying up America and the world for pennies on the dollar.
6) Under the new “go direct” system, humans will be hooked up directly to the Department of Defense (DOD) cloud through self-assembling nano-tech chip implants delivered into the body with Bill Gates’ (Jew) proposed, so-called vaccines.
7) People will be managed by AI software and man-machine interface through the DOD Jedi Cloud. Through 24/7 tracking and surveillance, the system measures and assesses all individuals’ behavior. Depending on their behavior, people will receive the equivalent of digital “credits in the company store.”
During the slave trade in the 1700 and 1800’s, a similar system was called the “whipping machine.” Slavery is fantastically profitable. When you combine this with the new technology, our managers will make a fortune.
8) Toxic injections (called vaccines but actually “toxines”) will be the greatest non-consensual experiment in history and will include nano-tech, gene-editing and gene-altering materials, heavy metals, bio-waste, and aborted fetal tissue. Non-consensual human experimentation is a violation of the Nuremberg code. The nano-tech will self-assemble to create tracking RFID chips within the body. Digital crypto-currency will be allocated to individuals based on measurement of their body activity. (See Bill Gates Patent 666 below). The system monitors and mines human energy output.
A) Microsoft Patents New Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data
Microsoft Patents New Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data
B) (Bill Gates’ Total Enslavement Patent) WO2020060606 – CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA (and explanatory video)
9) This is the Mark of the Beast system of the Bible.
10) We (taxpayers) are funding and supporting the very people who are attacking and destroying us. If we continue to finance cities, counties, states and countries that are doing diabolically evil things, we are complicit in that evil. So we have to break this co-dependent relationship, get out of the middle of the road, and choose liberty or slavery- NOW.
11) Our (corrupted and captured) government has been merged with the mafia since WWII. (Webmaster Observation: This is why our military is now waging “hybrid” – “unconventional”- “asymmetric” – “information” – “civilian-military” -“net-centric”- “electronic” – “neuro”- and psychological warfare against the domestic population.*)
12) The intelligence agencies, the Department of Justice, the Federal Reserve, and the military have every inch of America under surveillance and controlled. So nothing happens in any county that they don’t want happening. They have satellites up watching every inch of space. They don’t miss a trick.
(Webmaster comment: This observation is correct. It has enormous implications for understanding major events such as the JFK assassination, 9/11, the phony war on terrorism, the man-caused global warming fraud, gangstalking of innocent civilians (aka neuro-bio-engineering and electromagnetic tele-communication/electromagnetic torture), the Covid-19 fraud and the current violence in American cities. The US military and intelligence services have participated in all these black operations as well as their cover-ups. All these are a part of “hybrid warfare” waged by our military-intelligence services against our citizens.)
13) (Thus), the current violence in our cities is scripted and carried out by paid citizen mercenaries (aka “irregular forces”) who are following orders. These Hollywood-style, made for TV movies are underwritten by (Jew) George Soros and utilize the same kind of destabilization tactics the CIA and military have deployed against domestic populations in other countries for the past 70+ years.
14) If we defund the police, as they intend, organized crime and the Fed Reserve police will take over. Crime bosses will hire mercenary armies to move the people out of areas coveted by the elite, who will take over vast areas of abandoned and foreclosed properties.
15) The people who flew Epstein airways are behind the contact tracing super-police state system now being rolled out.
(These include Mossad super-spy Ghislaine Maxwell, Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz (Trump’s lawyer), Joe Biden, actor Kevin Spacey, Donald Trump, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, former Treasury secretary and Harvard president Larry Summers, scientist Steven Pinker, and Prince Andrew. Note that this short list includes leaders of both political parties. Note also, that with the possible exception of Prince Andrew, all the above are Jews or crypto-Jews.
16) Behind the scenes and invisible to nearly all are mind control entrainment and the mind-controlled digital media. This is all to implement evil. It is very demonic. Both spiritual and covert intelligence forces operate to possess individuals. That is, people can be possessed both demonically and/or by CIA-entrainment mind control and subliminal programming. Other “Deep State” tactics include the space race and transhumanism.
17) The Central Banks are governing this process. Their goal is to simultaneously extend the existing system and bring in a new system. Things are wildly fluid right now. So we are all together in a global experiment.
18) The question now before us is: How are we going to deal with the bad guys? We are paying them. We have a co-dependent relationship with them. They sit in our national, county, state, and city offices and they control our military and intelligence services. They’ve been getting away with murder for over a century. This time they could kill us all.
19) This is WWIII. It is a 10,000 year spiritual war. We have the choice between freedom and slavery and could still win. This will be county-by-county trench warfare. There are 3100 counties in the US so get to know your local Sheriff.
20) Webmaster Comment: The “go direct” man-machine/cybernetic/transhumanist system now being rolled out on humanity is the result of over 100 years of top-secret research and experimentation by Russian, British, American, Canadian, and German (Nazi) governments, scientists, militaries, intelligence agencies, the medical and psychiatric professions, and private subcontractors. The programs and technologies have gone by numerous terms, including cybernetics, transhumanism, “MKULTRA,” “Electronic Stimulation of the Brain (ESB),” “psychotronics,” “Brain-Computer-Interface” (BCI), “Brain-Brain Interface” (BBI), “The Human Brain Project,” “Brain Initiative,” “organized stalking,” “electronic torture,” “remote mind control,” “remote neural monitoring,” etc. The experimental “guinea pigs” whose lives are sacrificed to “science” in what amounts to Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and Satanic Ritual Murder are commonly referred to as “Targeted Individuals” (TIs) or Illegally Targeted Persons (ITPs).
The greatest crime in human history is now being globalized. And the greatest criminals in history are on the threshold of total control, per the requirements of their master, Lucifer.
* 21. (Hybrid Warfare (aka unconventional warfare) is official U.S. policy. It includes the use of regular military forces, special forces, “irregular forces” (civilians, citizen-spies, “surveillance role players,” crisis actors, Manchurian Candidates and other mind-controlled slaves, organized stalking/the man-hunting business via secret standing armies), staged, false-flag state-sponsored terror events, counter-terrorism, low intensity conflict, domestic “black-bag” operations, information warfare and propaganda, mind control, psychological warfare, psychological operations groups, punitive psychiatry, no-touch torture, diplomacy, cyber warfare, economic warfare, biological and chemical warfare, weather and environmental warfare, use of so-called non-lethal, soft-kill, slow-kill, silent-kill weapons, directed energy weapons and neuroweapons/neurowarfare, remote neural monitoring and manipulation, brain-to-computer interface, brain-to-brain interface, collection and storage of “big data” on everyone, covert 24/7 “active” surveillance, subversion, tracking, torture, remote (electronic) mind and behavioral control of extra-legally designated targeted individuals flagged as domestic “enemy non-combatant”/terrorist “threats,” including “dissidents,” whistleblowers, and non-consensual human experimentees. Over half of these covert, so-called “peacekeeping operations” that target domestic populations are carried out by private military and spy contractors.)
Epigraph Quotes:
1) “When our Messiah (the antichrist) returns, every Jew will have 2800 gentile slaves.”
Jewish Talmud
2) “I can pay half the working class to kill the other half.”
Jay Gould, 19th century American robber baron, Rothschild agent, Jew
3) “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44)
Jesus Christ to the Pharisees (Jews)
Webmaster Introduction: Here are some of key points that economist/political analyst, Catherine Austin Fitts, makes in the below two interviews of June and July, 2020:
4) This is World War III. It is a 10,000-year-old spiritual war. One reason they are doing this global reset now is they are afraid of being outed by recent Pizza Gate & Epstein pedophilia scandals and the prospect of very substantial financial and legal liabilities. They are betting the ranch that they can continue to centralize and install a digital slavery system over the entire world.
Webmaster comment: Given that our government and military-intelligence have been captured, this war is proceeding as “hybrid warfare” waged against civilians:
1) (Hybrid Warfare (aka unconventional warfare) is official U.S. policy. It includes the use of regular military forces, special forces, “irregular forces” (civilians, citizen-spies, “surveillance role players,” crisis actors, Manchurian Candidates and other mind-controlled slaves, organized stalking/the man-hunting business via secret standing armies), staged, false-flag state-sponsored terror events, counter-terrorism, low intensity conflict, domestic “black-bag” operations, information warfare and propaganda, mind control, psychological warfare, psychological operations groups, punitive psychiatry, no-touch torture, diplomacy, cyber warfare, economic warfare, biological and chemical warfare, weather and environmental warfare, use of so-called non-lethal, soft-kill, slow-kill, silent-kill weapons, directed energy weapons and neuroweapons/neurowarfare, remote neural monitoring and manipulation, brain-to-computer interface, brain-to-brain interface, collection and storage of “big data” on everyone, covert 24/7 “active” surveillance, subversion, tracking, torture, remote (electronic) mind and behavioral control of extra-legally designated targeted individuals flagged as domestic “enemy non-combatant”/terrorist “threats,” including “dissidents,” whistleblowers, and non-consensual human experimentees. Over half of these covert, so-called “peacekeeping operations” that target domestic populations are carried out by private military and spy contractors.)
2) Like people with addictions and those in co-dependent relationships, we are funding and supporting the very people who are attacking and destroying us. “If we can face it, God can fix it.”
3) In August, 2019, Stanley Fischer (dual Israeli-American citizen former VP of Federal Reserve), several federal Reserve Governors, and several BlackRock representatives met in Jackson Hole, WY and decided to “go direct.” This precipitated the great global financial reset in which radically increased police powers are assumed under the pretext of protecting the public from Covid-19, which is a complete fraud.
4) BlackRock (world’s largest asset manager, with $7.4 trillion in assets under management; CEO is Laurence Fink), is hired by the US, Canada, and Sweden to manage the “great reset,” while the Fed is buying up emerging markets, small businesses, farms and ranches etc. as they go go bankrupt at the greatest rate ever. This is the “mother of all debt traps”- like the Great Depression only much worse. The big banks and large corporations are radically enriching themselves now.
5) This global financial reset is also completely re-engineering the global financial and governance system to allow robots and transhuman man-machine hybrids to integrate with the labor force.
6) The so-called vaccines (actually toxic injections with quantum dot tatoos nano-tech, aborted fetuses, heavy metals, and gene-altering materials that produce self-assembling implanted microchips allowing for 24/7 tracking, surveillance, bio-telemetry, and brain-to-machine interface) are designed to bio-metrically integrate 7 billion people around the planet into the DOD Cloud system through an AI-managed software system that will simultaneously operate within an all-digital system that is the equivalent of credit on a company store.
a) This is a slavery and trans-humanist (man-machine) system.
b) Once people are managed through AI software and man-machine interface through the DOD Jedi-Cloud, and physically hooked up, then 90% of the federal, state, and local bureaucracy can go. This will save our managers a fortune in terms of transaction costs.
c) Using these technologies, the managers will have the ability to fine-tune how much money people do or do not get based on 24/7 surveillance that assesses individuals’ behavior. This is the “Mark of the Beast” system. During the slave trade in the 1700 and 1800’s, a similar system was called the “whipping machine.” Slavery is fantastically profitable. When you combine this with the new technology, our managers will make a fortune.
d) These toxic injections are also the greatest, nonconsensual human experiment in history. They are experimentally injecting nano-technology, gene-editing and gene-altering materials, heavy metals, bio-waste, aborted fetal tissue into millions if not billions of people. This is a serious violation of the Nuremberg Code and the Nuremberg principles.
7) The people that have been advocating for contract tracing at the federal level are all the people who flew Epstein Air.
(Webmaster comment: This is an important revelation since the contact tracing system is obviously the global rollout of the contract stalking-electronic torture system that has been running covertly under the auspices of “counter-terrorism” for decades. Note that the “people who flew “Epstein Air” included Mossad super-spy Ghislaine Maxwell, Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz (Trump’s lawyer), Joe Biden, actor Kevin Spacey, Donald Trump, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, former Treasury secretary and Harvard president Larry Summers, scientist Steven Pinker, and Prince Andrew. Note that this short list includes leaders of both political parties. Note also, that with the possible exception of Prince Andrew, all the above are Jews or crypto-Jews.
Furthermore, according to investigative reporter, Whitney Webb, “Epstein Air” was and STILL IS a STATE-SPONSORED child-human-sex trafficking-blackmail operation. The similarities between the proposed contact tracing system and the cell phone app-satellite tracking of targeted individuals suggests that the above entities may also be involved in the “dark network supply chains” behind “the man hunting business”- that is, the global organized stalking-electronic torture, murder, and enslavement program. Both operations involve the same technologies and objectives and, it appears, are run by the same people.
Thus, I speculate that the Epstein operation, the Bronfman’s NXIVM cult, and the CIA’s Finders operation are among the major components of the “dark network supply chains” that finance and support global stalking-electronic terrorism operations. If this assumption is correct, and I believe it is, then the U.S. government, including the U.S. State Department, and US intelligence agencies, military, and political leadership are partnered with (or subservient to) Israel, Israeli military and intelligence, the Mega Group Jewish billionaires, and the international Jewish mafia in carrying out these heinous operations. Furthermore, IF Prince Andrew is involved, the British Royal family may also be involved.
Most significantly then, these connections suggest that the same powerful entities are behind both global organized stalking-mind control-targeting operations AND the “go direct”/”great reset” plan now due to be implemented under the cover of the Covid-19 fraud!!!!!)
8) The rioting in the cities is a staged propaganda fraud…. It’s all fake. It’s a made-for-TV reality show.
Fitts: “In my experience, the intelligence agencies, the Department of Justice, the Federal Reserve, and the military have every inch under surveillance and controlled. So nothing happens in America in any county that they don’t want happening. They have satellites up watching every inch of space. They don’t miss a trick.”
(Webmaster’s comment: Based on this analysis, which sounds correct to me, these entities, US intelligence, military, Department of Justice (FBI), and the Federal Reserve, MUST be complicit in organized stalking/electronic torture operations, which comprise: \
a) “a cleverly disguised program of torture and murder,” (from Mark M. Rich, “The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elites Covert War Against the Domestic Population”), and
b) a high-tech concentration camp-slavery system.)
There are several layers of personnel (agent provocateurs/crisis actors) in the (staged) violent protests:
a) kids who want to just get out of the house
b) infrastructure engineers that set up the bricks, the Molotov cocktails, the arsons, etc.
c) professional organizers: Antifa, Black Lives Matters, others.
d) professional mercenaries who provide air cover for a variety of parties and also do assassinations. (Defense contractors)
These are all paid jobs. That can not happen unless the U.S. military either stands down or is part of doing it.
I told you when FASAB 56 passed, that this was secret monies for secret armies. I will bet you any amount of money that those 50 to 100 protests in American cities were financed by FASAB-56.
(Webmaster comment: Here, shockingly, Fitts seems to be unaware that massive secret standing armies have long been operational and are still involved in carrying out covert global organized stalking-electronic terrorism operations. The secret Stasi networks of “irregular forces”/civilian spies now operating in the U.S. and throughout the world are enormous.)
9) There are 37 Federal Reserve locations in the country. So if you have violent protests in 33 counties that’s because the Fed either wants that to happen or they’re standing down and letting it happen. The Fed has their own private police force. So if we defund the police in those 37 locations, guess who’s going to have the most powerful police force?
10) Trump resisted vaccine mandates at first, but after Fauci and Gates’s credibility were destroyed, he promoted and started a program called Operation Warp Speed. OWS is being run by the former head of research from GlaxoSmithKlein (GSK), who is a bio-electronics expert and according to the Financial Times, is one of the leaders on brain-machine interface. Operation Warp Speed is set up to coordinate with the Department of Defense. The DOD is set to buy 600 million syringes- basically two for each person in America- set up with digital voting, so they can be put in a data base to see who gets what vaccine when, etc.
11) Since World War II, US government has merged with organized crime. For example, the CIA runs the illegal drug, human-trafficking, sex-trafficking networks in cooperation with the FBI, NSA, and the largest banks.
12) If we continue to finance cities and counties and states that are doing diabolically evil things, we are complicit in that evil. So we have to get out of the middle of the road and choose liberty or slavery- NOW.
13) To maintain their four-century-old machine model, they need to stop people from resonating with God and get everybody hooked into the machine. So the real question is: Are we going to be governed by God or are we going to be governed by central powers who are controlling us through the machine.
Our response:
14) We have to fight the “vaccine” (toxine injections) mandates. Vaccines are considered medicine. These are not medicine.
15) We don’t have to accept slavery. This can be turned around. But we are going to have to stand and fight. This will be county by county trench warfare. Get to know and befriend your local sheriff.
16) We need to choose life and liberty as guaranteed by God and our Constitution and reject this diabolically evil and illegal enslavement-transhumanism system.
I. Catherine Austin Fitts – We are Watching the Mother of All Debt Entrapments, June 21, 2020
Catherine Austin Fitts (Financial expert, former Assistant Director of HUD, Housing and Urban Development, and formerly with Dillon and Reed on Wall Street, Website: June 21, 2020 Interview
FASAB-56 was adopted on in October, 2018.
FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes
Subsequent to that, we see the first meeting of the central Bankers at Jackson Hole, Wyoming in August, 2019.
(This was the 2019 Economic Policy Symposium hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City brought dozens of central bankers, policymakers, academics and economists from around the world to its annual economic policy symposium, Aug. 22-24, 2019, in Jackson Hole, Wyoming).
These bankers came together. A Swiss central banker, Stanley Fischer, and some others at BlackRock, proposed a plan called “going direct,” which was apparently adopted.
This plan was adopted at the same time that Mark Carney, the governor at the Bank of England, did an interview in Jackson Hole in which he stated the dollar is not working, and the world needs to shift to a global mechanism.
This push is coming from this group that gathered at Jackson Hole as well as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
So we have the convergence of forces saying that we need to move the global economy and the global currency into “new mechanisms.”
So (under this cover story) we now have massive programs where the Fed is literally buying the market and the World Economic Forum website is announcing the “great reset.” This is just the marketing for the non-financial people.
What we are really seeing is a re-engineering of the world financial and governance systems on the “just do it” method.
In March, 2020, we see the police powers created through the health care system being used to shut down a huge part of the independent economy across the board, throwing emerging markets and many small businesses into debt traps. So we are looking at the mother of all debt traps.
One thing we see is that there are 37 locations of the Fed Bank, or Fed Branch, or the headquarters of the Fed Board of Governors across America. Thirty-three of these locations have violent protests now.
BlackRock Inc. has been hired by the three central banks of Canada, Sweden and the U.S. The conflicts of interest are massive. You are talking about a fundamental re-engineering of societies.
Here’s my theory of what the health care police powers are (really) all about. They don’t want to create new currencies. They want to go to a system where 7 billion people around the planet are literally integrated into the Cloud and can operate within an all-digital system that is the equivalent of credit on a company store. It’s a control system.
And if you look at what they are talking about putting into these injections…. or doing with them… you are basically talking about a slavery system. You are talking about integrating into people’s bodies…. To explain how this works, I often tell people that Bill Gates put an operating system on your computer that gave somebody a back door and then he made you update it constantly and the excuse was there’s a new virus…
Well, they are now going to play the same game with your bodies. Because if you can get brain-machine interface into a human body or a quantum-dot tattoo into a human body and integrate them into the Jedi- and other Clouds of the US government, then you can cut out all the state and local middlemen. You can cut out a lot of overhead. You basically have everybody on the system. That’s why I say that Crypto is not a currency. It’s the end of currencies.
You are talking about an all-digital system where they can turn your money off and on. It’s called the “Mark of the Beast.”
That’s what they are trying to do here. They are trying to extend the life of the dollar and build a global mechanism to manage the financial system. So.. shift it more out of the United States and then essentially hook everybody up into the Cloud.
We have to fight “vaccine” mandates. These are not medicine. Inside them is aborted fetal tissue, heavy metals, other bio-wastes. The history of these injections is very, very ugly.
In my article, “The Injection Fraud,” I stated this is not medicine. A surveillance tracker is not medicine. Bill Gates is proposing to put the equivalent of a microsoft operating system in your body to be hooked up to their Cloud, and so you can be hooked up to the AI, and all that data can make the AI very, very smart, including teaching robots how to do your job.
So this is a very dystopian vision of the future. But make no mistake about it, there are trillions of dollars to be made if they can implement this system. If you look at this new system, it is very much a transhumanist system. It’s not a currency or a digital currency, it is a credit system where they can cut you off centrally.
But if you look at the police powers they are suggesting under the rubric of health care, you can’t go to the store or work or do this or do that unless you let us inject you with these mystery ingredients. This is extremely tyrannical.
In the proposed contact tracing regime, they would hire tens of thousands of contact tracers who can come into your home, and force you to be tested and when they find you to be positive (with tests that are totally unreliable) they can quarantine you. And they reserve the right to take people out of their homes and take them to government or private camps. So contact tracers come into your home and test you, and say you are positive, and almost everyone will test positive because we almost all have this in our bodies. This is ripping up the Constitution to an exponential degree. These police powers will give very radical central controls.
Donald Trump, so far as I can tell, is playing along. It’s interesting. Trump resisted shutting down the economy but then he went ahead and did it. And although Trump resisted vaccine mandates, he proceeded, after Fauci and Gates’s credibility were destroyed on many different points, he promoted and started a program called Operation Warp Speed (OWS).
OWS is being run by the former head of research from GlaxoSmithKlein (GSK),* who is a bio-electronics expert and according to the Financial Times, is one of the leaders on brain-machine interface. He’s got Operation Warp Speed set up to coordinate with the Department of Defense. And he’s arranged for the DOD set up to buy 600 million syringes- basically two for each person in America set up with digital voting, so they can put in a data base to see who got what vaccine when, etc.
(Leading Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is HHS Secretary Alex Azar and Defense Secretary Mark Esper, with Dr. Moncef Slaoui designated as chief advisor and General Gustave F. Perna nominated to be chief operating officer.)
* Kristoffer Famm: Bioelectronic medicines – turning neural signaling into precision therapy
* GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is a British multinational pharmaceutical company headquartered in Brentford, England.[2] Established in 2000, by a merger of Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham, GSK was the world’s sixth largest pharmaceutical company according to Forbes as of 2019. As of August 2016, it had a market capitalization of about US $107 billion, the fourth largest on the London Stock Exchange.
In 2012, GSK pleaded guilty to promotion of drugs for unapproved uses, failure to report safety data, and kickbacks to physicians in the United States and agreed to pay a US $3 billion settlement. It was the largest health-care fraud case to date in that country and the largest settlement by a drug company.)
Trump has said it’s for people who want the vaccine. But if you look at the state-by-state efforts to get mandates and the push to radically increase central police powers, we are talking about the greatest, nonconsensual human experiment in history. They are taking nano-technology, gene-editing and gene-altering materials, heavy metals, bio-waste, aborted fetal tissue and basically experimentally injecting into millions if not billions of people.
This is a serious violation of the Nuremberg Code and the Nuremberg principles.
Unfortunately, between our taxes and our pension funds, we’re financing this.
If you look at how the money works, everyone in the system is kind of following their own financial incentives. And a lot of people believe that: “if I’m just good, they’ll leave me alone.” But most people don’t understand that the middle of the road is going away.
Now you have two choices. One is freedom, one is slavery. And everyone is going to have to choose. There’s no getting around this.
They are basically coming to steal all your assets. Even Jim Kramer (Jew) said this is the greatest wealth transfer in the history of our civilization.
Basically, what they just did was they shut down all small business and almost all small farms and ranches and proceeded to let the large corporations scarf up all that market share…. That’s how they can expand the M-2 by 31%.
If you shut down Main Street that’s very deflationary. It offsets the inflation of all the money they’re printing and giving their friends.
If you look at the play of printing the money and engineering acid bubbles at the same time, they are throwing all small and independent business into a debt trap.
They are picking up equity pieces for pennies on the dollar. This is exactly what they did to Asia in 1997 when they crashed Asia…. so this an old game.
I’ll bet you a dollar that when they (the world’s top financiers) came out of Jackson Hole with the “go direct” plan, they had KKR* and all those folks lined up and they had 6 months to get ready to figure out how to buy everything.
(* wikipedia: KKR & Co. Inc. is an American global investment company that manages multiple alternative asset classes, including private equity, energy, infrastructure, real estate, credit, and, through its strategic partners, hedge funds.)
I mean, BlackRock* was designing and running the plan, right? (Unfortunately, Greg Hunter interrupts Catherine Austin Fitts in mid-sentence here.)
(* wikipedia: BlackRock, Inc. is an American global investment management corporation based in New York City. Founded in 1988, initially as a risk management and fixed income institutional asset manager, BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, with $7.4 trillion in assets under management as of end of 2019.)
Here’s the question: Right now, if you look at everything that’s going on, we are financing the people who are attacking and destroying us. I’ve been talking about this for 20 years.
It’s like having an addiction. Until you face your addiction, there are no solutions. If we can face it, God can fix it. We are financially a co-dependent in this situation. And we’re not going to get out of it by re-engineering our personal financial situation by ourselves.
First of all, do you want to be safe? If they are going to defund the police… Let me explain what’s going to happen if they defund the police.
You have, since WWII, networked the United States with the organized crime networks. Who do think runs the (illegal) narcotics trafficking? (Webmaster: CIA, etc.). Who do you think runs the illegal gambling and illegal gun running? (CIA, etc.). That is all completely networked and the money feeds the banking system and every dime is known. Every wire gets batched and goes through the New York Fed. That’s a highly managed business.
If you defund the police, guess who’s going to be the most powerful player in the neighborhood? It’s going to be those organized crime networks because they’re going to be well armed.
Let’s say you flip the money over to Social Services. The last time I checked, all the big defense contractors were getting contracts from social services. Including the contractor who was sued for sex-slave trafficking in Eastern Europe which was picking up child support contracts. If you flip that money over to social services, and the defense contractors are in there, bam, at high speed, you’re going to bring up a Stasi network and they’re going to have the police powers under contract tracing to come after your kids.
(Webmaster comment: Is Fitts actually unaware that we already have a super-Stasi network in place and have for decades?)
I will point out that the people that led the launching and presentation for contract tracing, and the people who were promoting the contract tracing in the federal government level were all the people who flew Epstein Air….. It was Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz.
Moderator: How can we fight this?
Fitts: How we can fight this is stop worrying about the presidential election and start worrying about your county sheriff. This is going to be trench warfare and we’re going to have to fight it out one county at a time.
The “second wave” (of coronavirus) predicted for September and October will probably actually be related to the roll out of 5G all over the country which will occur after they finish getting all (Elon Musk’s) Starlink satellites up. This will radically increase electromagnetic (EMF) radiation and this will make a lot of people sick. So they need a cover story to hide this increase in illness…. They need this for their plans for rolling out digital currencies and lots of robotics; they need 5G.
5G was invented by Israelis for crowd control. It’s not really a telecommunications technology. But if you look at all their plans, whether it’s driverless cars or digital credit systems to replace the dollar, they need massive bandwidth. And they know it’s going to make a lot of people sick.
So it wouldn’t surprise me if the second wave is the cover story for the roll out of 5G. 5G provides both crowd control and mind control technology for rulers.
We’re engaged here in spiritual warfare.
It’s important to understand the Bostok* decision. There is a deeper reason.
(*wikipedia: Bostock v. Clayton County, 590 U.S., was a landmark United States Supreme Court civil rights case in which the Court held that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects employees against discrimination because of their sexual orientation or gender identity).
If you look at where we’re going with the currency or with police powers using health as the pretext, what we’re talking about is re-engineering the labor and taxation systems to make them compatible with integrating robots into the work force. We’re talking about transhumanism with digital technology here, with combinations of humans and machines. So they want to change the human labor and taxation systems to accommodate this. Then later they can integrate the humans and the robots/transhumanoids into the work force.
We are engaged here in spiritual warfare. Will churches be free to practice their religion? And incidentally, can guns stop electromagnetic frequencies?
The reason they want to put brain-to-machine systems into humans is because the winner in the AI system is the one that has the most data, and the one with most data is the one who has got us all hooked up into the Clouds. It’s a very gruesome vision, but as an economic matter, it’s very practical.
To re-engineer those labor systems you need to pull sex out of it. So I think part of the push for transgender rights has nothing to do with LGBT agendas, that’s just the pretext. They are really re-engineering the tax and labor systems to make them compatible with robotics.
If you look at the Masonic networks that have traditionally managed the legal and regulatory systems of the Western world, clearly this is their decision for how to practically integrate robotics into the modern world. We need to study and understand transhumanism. There is a very centralized group of people with high technology who are moving forward with all this at lightning speed.
For four hundred years we’ve had a model of the human, the economy, and the planet which is a machine model. And it has fostered great productivity in some ways but the model fails because it doesn’t reflect how life really works. And I think what we’re watching is the last gasp of a failing model. It’s produced a culture of people who are hyper materialistic and they literally don’t understand life or reality.
To maintain this machine model, they need to stop people from resonating with God and get everybody hooked into the machine. So the real question is: Are we going to be governed by God or are we going to be governed by central powers who are controlling us through the machine.
One of the reasons they are doing this global reset, I think, has to do with the process of trying to out them on Pizza Gate, and the prospect of very substantial financial and legal liabilities… this was very scary to them. If you look at their financial liabilities on the financial fraud, and the health care fraud, and pedophilia, they are very afraid. So they are betting the ranch that they can continue to centralize. This is World War III. This is what World War III looks like.
“Here’s the thing. If you are terrified of contract tracing. And terrified of the kind of extraordinarily evil and demonic manipulations that have been used under the pretext of healthcare to destroy Main Street; destroy your business. I just saw two headlines. 85% of the independent restaurants in the United States are expected to shut down by the end of the year. One hundred thousand small businesses have been destroyed in New York so far.
And Kiplinger (wikipedia: Kiplinger is an American publisher of business forecasts and personal finance advice which is a subsidiary of Dennis Publishing) is saying that by June 30, 2021, the combined state and local deficits will be a half a trillion dollars. Now, state and local governments are required by law to balance their budgets. Do you know what that means in terms of layoffs or state bankruptcies if McConnell allows states to declare bankruptcy? This is going to be extraordinary.
So let’s go back to “going direct.” If you download nano-technology in everybody and that gives you a brain-machine interface, you don’t need state and local government, you can just lock them up into the Jedi cloud at the Department of Defense and manage them directly. That’s what going direct means. Just like with going direct you don’t need Epstein to launder all the $21 trillion dollars, you can just go direct. .
If you look at all the different things the Fed is doing now, in fact, that’s what they are doing. They are “going direct.” You’re going to cut out all middle management. Here it comes.
The U.S. military has a budget of $738 billion a year. And the US military has, for the last 20 years, a trillion dollars a year of “undocumentable adjustments” on top of that. If you look at how the money works by state and local…. America breaks down into 3100 counties.
In my experience, the intelligence agencies, the Department of Justice, the Federal Reserve, and the military have every inch under surveillance and controlled. So nothing happens in America in any county that they don’t want happening. They have satellites up watching every inch of space. They don’t miss a trick.
(Webmaster’s comment: Based on this analysis, which sounds correct to me, these entities, US intelligence, military, Department of Justice (FBI), and the Federal Reserve, are behind organized stalking/electronic torture operations.)
I told you there are 37 Federal Reserve locations in the country. So if you have violent protests in 33 counties that’s because the Fed either wants that to happen or they’re standing down and letting it happen. Remember the Fed has their own private police force. So if you defund the police in those 37 locations, guess who’s going to have the most powerful police force?
If you look at how the violent protests popped up. I said this on the Solari Report. You have several layers of personnel (agent provocateurs) in these violent protests:
1) the kids who want to just get out of the house
2) a layer of the infrastructure engineers that set up the bricks, the Molotov cocktails, the arsons, etc.
3) the professional organizers: Antifa, Black Lives Matters, others.
4) the professional mercenaries who provide air cover for a variety of parties and also to assassinate. If you look at some of the police killings that have been going on, I’ll bet it’s professional, mercenary.
These teams being sent to that many cities to burn and loot and wreck, are all on a paid basis… These are all paid jobs. That’s not going to happen unless the U.S. military either stands down or is part of doing it.
I told you when FASAB 56 passed, that this was secret monies for secret armies. I will bet you any amount of money that those 50 to 100 protests in American cities were financed by FASAB-56.
(FASAB 56 has to do with “New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes” AddThis Sharing Buttons Share to Facebook Share to TwitterShare to More26Share to Email FASAB Statement 56: Understanding the new government financial accounting loopholes .
I think one of the reasons the military is being very careful is they don’t want to mess with their $738 billion dollar budget by pissing off either side. But the other thing is if the contracts were negotiated through them with their budget to do those violent protests.. You know, when they negotiated the contracts, they didn’t imply that they were going to send in military teams to stop you.
So imagine if you are a defense contractor, you’ve negotiated contracts to manage and do the command structure for violent protests in 50 cities. And then suddenly the military announces they are sending in a military team to stop you. You’d say: “wait a minute, that’s not in my scope of work. I want ten times more money or my guys aren’t going in.”
If I’m a professional mercenary, I’m not going to go in and play that role if you’re going to send in a military team in to stop me. I’m going to split.
So we’re talking about a reality TV show here. This is not real. If all the people doing the looting had stopped being paid, they wouldn’t have done it. So the question is what was the military’s role. Did they stand down or were they an active part of doing it? Was it the intelligence agencies? What was the command structure?
But I can assure you, you can’t do anything in America… the NSA is monitoring everything. Surely you’ve seen “Enemy of the State,” they have the whole country covered from sea to shining sea by satellites. They listen to every phone call.
The story of Gideon (Book of Judges, chapters 6-8) is my vision of how we win.
What’s happening is that something is coming to a head that we’ve avoided since World War II. This is the red button problem I’ve been talking about for many years. We’ve all been thinking we can stay in the middle of the road, we can avoid the issue. But we can no longer avoid the issue. When you allow lawlessness go grow and grow and grow, eventually the skunks will take over.
So the question of 2020 is: How are we going to deal with the bad guys? They keep getting away with murder. And they just keep getting worse. This time they may kill us all.
The story of Gideon in the Bible can remind us that it doesn’t take a lot of people. But we need to bring transparency. And we need to remind everybody: We have a God, we have a Governor, we have to choose, do we want to be part of a divine intelligence or do we want to be controlled by machine intelligence and be hooked up with the DOD Jedi Cloud contract with brain-to-machine interface and be mind controlled?
We have a choice. We don’t have to accept slavery. So I think this can absolutely be turned around. But we are going to have stand and fight. It’s like Nehemiah… They had a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other.
III. July 20, 2020 (Hour 2): Catherine Austin Fitts, The Power Hour
Catherine Austin Fitts (The Solari Report; While all this (Covid plandemic) has been going on, I’ve been working on a major piece for the Solari Report called “The State of Our Currency.” It’s all about what the Central Bankers call “going direct.” I call it the global reset.
Because what is happening is a very significant move by the Central Banks to re-engineer the global financial system, including putting us into a digital financial system, which will essentially end currencies as we know it and put us into an equivalent of a credit at the company store. It is a Mark of the Beast system. Wearing the masks is a prelude to the Mark of the Beast system. We are all being sort of puppy trained.
Essentially, if we had tried to do another round of financial bailouts like we did in 2008 to 2012, the population would have balked at giving another round of $24 to $29 trillion to the banks. So instead, this is basically being marketed as a health care issue… And if you look at all the laws that have been put in place over the last 20 years to basically install police state legal authority through a “pandemic…” Think of this as simply a way of marketing a radical increase in centralized control.
And part of this is a real attack on the Church. Because at the heart of this the decision is not just how are we going to run the global financial system. But are we going to be sovereign individuals under the authority of God? Or are we going be hooked up to the Cloud at the DOD and run through brain-machine interface? In other words, are we going to resonate with divine intelligence or with a machine?
So it’s come down to this; Many Americans have tried for many, many years to live in the middle of the road. (Now) you can’t. You’re now going to have to choose between God and the National Security State. Here it comes. The time has come for us to talk about tactics.
Moderator: You are world class at what you do… You have been at the highest political levels at HUD and Wall Street, you know how this works. For someone like you to basically say that the technocracy is coming. We have the choice of being hooked up to a DOD (Department of Defense)-like a matrix with vaccine-DNA connection-nanobots or are we going to connect to the divine within us? It’s a little shocking to a lot of people.
Catherine Austin Fitts: I expected people might feel shocked. But in fact, if you had a Microsoft computer, with microsoft software on a PC or Dell Computer, you understood what it meant to have an operating system that was constantly having to be updated because there was an endless stream of viruses requiring you to have this operating system. And it didn’t take you until Edward Snowden told you to understand that they were compromising your security and getting a back door into your computer brain.
Well, if you look at when they started to play that game with your computers, that’s when they started on the research saying: “Hey, this system is great for computers. Let’s do it to humans.” They’ve been working on this for a very, very long time. This is all very highly documented with public information. They want to install microsoft and then hook you up to the DOD cloud, so people understood it.
Moderator: Sherry Tenpenny says this is a fight on whether the human DNA is going to exist in its present form. Are we going to morph into some robot form?
Fitts: I have an article called “The Injection Fraud” on the Solari Report which explains a lot.
One very important tactic we can use is we need to stop calling these injections “vaccines.” Under the law, a vaccine is a medicine. These are not medicine. One subscriber calls them “toxines.” And that’s why I call it an injection fraud. If you allow these to be called vaccines, then they have protection under the law. The companies are free of liability and they can proceed to inject into you what they are injecting now which are things that change your DNA; aborted fetal tissue, nano-particles, and bio-waste. This is all documented fact. This is not medicine.
This is the kind of chronic disease that destroys civilizations. This stuff is not medicine. And it’s very, very dangerous.
I refer to the operating system as “Windows 1984” and the injections as “toxines.” If you can get the general population refusing to call these things vaccines then they lose all their financial liability and the profits get slaughtered. Take the money out of it.
The Gavi (Vaccine) Alliance is doing a prototype in Africa with Master Card…. It’s a combination biometric ID and credit card system …
(I keep telling people: injectable credit cards are not vaccines or medicine.)
They are talking about something that will integrate with the payment systems but can put you under through the Cloud through an AI-managed software system. An AI-managed software system will do a couple things…. And I think this is one of the reasons they call the plan “going direct.”
1) If I can manage you directly through software and AI through the Cloud, and I’ve got you hooked up physically, then 90% of the federal, state, and local bureaucracy can go. I don’t need them. I can save a fortune in terms of transaction costs.
2) I can also fine-tune how much money you do or do not get according to a 24/7 run of the behavior I want from you. If you go back to the slave trade in the 1700 and 1800’s, they called it the “whipping machine.” And if you look at the history of the economics of slavery, it’s fantastically profitable. When you combine it with all the new technology, they will make a fortune.
So this is slavery. With all the AI-software technology, it’s a particularly gruesome thing. This is why I tell people, death is not the worst thing that can happen here.
I want to turn to tactics. We are in World War III. This is a 10,000 year war and it’s a spiritual war. So we need to get clear about what our spiritual life and approach is going to be.
There is no better source of wisdom about what we have to do here, than Scripture. First, we need prayer. We need to stay in prayer to receive divine guidance. The Governor of California has said you are not allowed to sing and chant in church.
Pastor Wright: First of all, not one church needs to shut down. Scripture makes it plain that we have to obey God rather than men. There’s never going to be any blessing by fearing men rather than God. God tells us to prayer for them so we can live peaceful and Godly lives. Second, we need to gather together. Am I going to be afraid or am I going to walk with God.
If we put up a united front as the Body of Christ, this will make the most difference. No matter what you think about the end times, we’re still here. Jesus put the church here to have dominion and authority. We are to take dominion over these things that are ungodly in our prayer times and then act that out.
I refuse to wear a mask. This is a health issue. The mask represents submission. Also, it means shut up. Also, it means we feed on our own toxins and weaken your own immune system so you become more vulnerable.
As a pastor, I need to rebel against the destroyers who are trying to destroy my church, my life, my family, my nation.
Catherine Austin Fitts: We need to have prayer warriors. We need to have divine covering. We are going to have to start using the courts. We have to protect our farmers and ranchers from being shut down so we can continue to eat. This means fielding attorneys who keep going back into court.
More importantly, we cannot, as an economic matter and as a Christian, continue to finance local, municipal, and state government which is operating in violation of the most basic human rights. So if you are financing somebody to behave in ways that are demonic, then you are responsible.
(Webmaster comment: The American public has been financing organized stalking-electronic torture of innocent citizens for many decades! Since 9/11, this has proceded under the pretext of “counter-terrorism.”)
We are going to have escrowing our tax money. We right now we are paying money to municipal and school board officials who are destroying their own tax base.
We are going to have to arrive at a critical mass. This is why prayer is so important. Get millions of people praying together.
Webmaster’s Conclusion: Many thanks to Catherine Austin Fitts for her brilliant political and economic analysis.
I believe that this diabolical operation derives from Satan himself and is being carried out by his minions with the help of spiritual intermediaries (so-called “powers and principalities”) which possess key individuals. Much research suggests that the Rothschild family, king of the Jews and head of the Bavarian Illuminati, and the British Royal family are important directors of this plan to usher in Satan’s “technocratic” antichrist kingdom on earth. The goal of the Judeo-Masonic-satanic-financial elite is to secure digital immortality and omniscience for themselves, genocide most of humanity, and maintain a race of cyborgs (man-machine hybrids) as their slaves using these technologies. We are now watching this plan unfold in real time. Resist no matter what the cost.
IV. Catherine Austin Fitts – Buy Gold for Dark Future (August 22, 2020)
Webmaster’s Notes From Video:
Catherine Austin Fitts: interview august 22, 2020
We are facing the ultimate tyranny. This is not just looting happening in our cities; it’s a re-development plan. This is what is called “disaster capitalism” (aka “the shock doctrine” of University of Chicago Jewish economist, Milton Friedman). They create the crisis. Then if we defund the police, they can use their mercenaries to move everyone out of our neighborhoods.
This ongoing financial coup d’etat is supported by radically increased police powers.
They want to get us on a universal basic income using digital currency. Everyone will have their crypto-allocation like credit on the company store. This is the mark of the beast system.
Meanwhile, behind the scenes and invisible to nearly all, are mind control entrainment and the mind controlled digital media. This is all to implement evil. It is very demonic.
So both there are both spiritual and covert intelligence forces that operate to possess individuals.
People can be possessed both demonically or by entrainment mind control and subliminal programming.
Deep State Tactics include the space race and transhumanism,
The Central Banks are governing this process. Their goal is to simultaneously extend the existing system and bring in a new system. Things are wildly fluid right now. So we are all together in a global experiment. We are not going back to how things were in the past. We are going forward…. I t will be exceptionally different. You can take action to navigate your own life…. This is world war III.
The good news is the good guys could win. We need to find a better civilization and to create unparalleled prosperity. First, we have to face and clean out the demons we are dealing with here.
V. The Injection Fraud with Jon Rappaport (The Solari Report)
“Stanley Fischer (Fitts: a principal architect of the Fed’s current “go direct” strategy) went from President of the Bank of Israel and came to the United States and became Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve and got approved by the U.S. Senate and nobody asked questions. He was a dual Israeli-American citizen and he was running back and forth, running the central banks in both Israel and the United States.”
Stanley Fischer: Former Governor of the Bank of Israel, VP of Federal Reserve Bank, BlackRock Inc. is a principle architect of “go direct”/”Great Reset” policy of the world’s governments.
Laurence Fink, CEO of BlackRock; Fitts: “BlackRock was designing and running the (“go-direct”/”Great Reset”) plan, right?”
VI. Catherine Austin Fitts on Dark Journalist: The Fight For the Future- Transhumanist Depopulation and Space Surveillance (10/7/20)
VII. David Knight-Catherine Austin Fitts Interview (October 9, 2020)
VIII. Jeff & Catherine Austin Fitts – Riots, Money And ‘Opportunity Zones’ It’s ALL Planned! (10/18/20)
Jeff & Catherine Austin Fitts – Riots, Money And ‘Opportunity Zones’ It’s ALL Planned!
IX. Catherine Austin Fitts Interview Segment Oct. 29, 2020, The Corbett Report
X. A Walk With Catherine Austin Fitts (12/22/20; Planet Lockdown)
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