The Five “Dancing Israelis” at 9/11 Ground Zero
Operation 9/11
Articles & Interviews
Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 20249/11 “Hijackers” Were CIA Recruits (videos)
April 15, 2024Appendix 151: Jewish Ritual Blood Sacrifice/ Ritual Murder
November 21, 20229/11 preplanned; W/ List of Leading Suspects
May 14, 2021Israeli Connections to 9/11
March 19, 2019Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Notes from 9/11 Conference in Madison, WI, 2007
March 17, 20189/11 and NWO References
February 27, 2018Dr. Judy Wood, Physicist / Engineer
January 16, 20189/11: Israel’s Masterpiece
January 6, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Israel Did 9/11
December 26, 2017Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017The Five “Dancing Israelis” at 9/11 Ground Zero
October 21, 2017JEFFREY EPSTEIN, MOSSAD AND 9 11
February 16, 2017Bollyn, O’Keefe: Israel Behind 9/11 and Phony War on Terrorism
January 19, 2017Who Done It? (Links to Leading Suspects; )
February 17, 2016Hoax, False Flag and False Reality: What Do They Have In Common? Fraud
November 27, 20159/11 Timeline
February 25, 2014Dr. James Fetzer, Author / Founder of 9/11 Scholars
February 25, 2014Andrew Johnson, 9/11 Researcher
February 25, 2014A tie-in between operation 9/11 and the global warming fraud?
February 25, 2014Dr. Kevin Barrett, 9/11 Researcher
February 25, 2014John Hutchison “of Hutchison Effect”
February 24, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Dr. Ed Ward, 9/11 Researchers
February 23, 2014Leuren Moret, Researcher
February 22, 2014Alfred Webre, Lawyer / Researcher
February 21, 20149/11 as Jewish Lightning?
February 21, 2014Sophia Smallstorm, Film-Maker
February 20, 2014Notes on Missing Links DVD
February 20, 2014Capt. Eric May
February 19, 2014USMC Major William Fox
February 18, 2014Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Researcher
February 17, 2014
Comments to youtubes:
paul productions
4 years ago
James Crow
4 years ago
Larry Silverstein ……….
Sam Bogle
1 day ago
2 years ago
Wake up America The Israelis are taking you for a ride they are not trust worthy
Animal Man
2 years ago
Thanks Al fie for that great comment.) You are right.
David Frison
4 weeks ago
We have a moving agency just like that one here at home
Miqueas Diaz
4 years ago
Kosmos Erdem are you SS?
Kara Aslan
5 years ago
Stop binding an evidence to stupid bullcrap. That zionist hasbara tactic doesnt work out anymore. They knew exactly what was gonna happen, because they were agents of the zionist regime, which is involved in the happenings of 911. Israel profited from 911 and the iraq war. The KIRKUK-HAIFA-PIPELINE was established after 2003 and brings cheap oil for the parasite israel entity, paid with american blood. Saudi regime, israel regime and usa are partners and work on same agenda, thats no secret.
Kara Aslan
5 years ago
Then explaion how the fuck they know the 1st plane was gonna hit the tower. Also explain why they were dancing, chanting and celebrating. Why did they fled from the police? Why did they bring their truck to explosion? Why were they dressed as arabs? Why was on their van, a picture of the event that happend on 911 (twin towers and a plane diving into NYC)? Why did Israel pressure to let them free? Just listen to the original police communication about them finadable under “911 MURAL VAN”.
Kara Aslan
5 years ago
Shadap, did i write anything about angles? Those Mossad-Agents knew exactly what was going to happen. In their van was all evidence which linked 911 to israel, thats why they brought it to explosion. Thy admitted, that they were sent by israel to document the event, which prooves forknowledge and complicy. It prooves that 911 was an inside job by the us israeli and saudian regimes. All 3 countries profited massivly from it, aswell zionist vultures like silverstein, wolfowitz and co.
Kara Aslan
5 years ago
Wanna see the van of this 5 Mossad Agents? “911 MURAL VAN” .. a van with a painting showing the twintowers and a plane diving into NYC. The 5 as arabs dressed mossad agents fled from the police and they brought their van – registred to the mossad bogus company “urban MOving SytemS incorporAteD” – to explosion at kings+6th street. Highly likely In the van was all evidence which linked 911 to Israel. those Mossad agents are the real hijackers and the smoking gun.
Nyran Stanton
5 years ago
anything that’s classified, = Busted for me
Nyran Stanton
5 years ago
well the more I look at evidence the more I think they WERE responsible fro rigging the explosives in the WTC. White vans.
food luv
5 years ago
Well yeah ur gonna get blame if ur celebrating the USA attacks! If this is the case, I would have shot u not interview u!!!! Sry.
5 years ago
YT has banned this insane obsessive stalker, alan e abramowitz , so far this year as IIovePALESTINEBEST, ILOVEPALESTINEBEST & IIovePALESTINEBEST, ‘GreatlyLovetheJews’ & “iIovepaIestinegreat”
He is a stalker with an obsessive compulsion to harass people on youtube with paranoid delusional multiple accounts, half a dozen of which he has listed on his Kreplach10 account, YT banned most of his other kreplach accounts but he still stalks with those & his ‘timmywhales’ account. He is a nutjob
G Jonathan Walter
5 years ago
They had to promise not spy on the US? Did they pinky swear they wouldn’t spy on the US? No signed agreement with conditions of ‘if you break this agreement….” nothing just a promise from a bunch of liars. Pathetic.
G Jonathan Walter
5 years ago
A counter-terrorism advisor to the congress is a known foreign spy? Oh wait, “retired” foreign spy. This is a goddamn joke. Sounds an awful like dick Cheney being the “former” CEO of Halliburton while taking on his new job as vice president.
Oceane Borne
7 years ago
A BBC journalist also reported building 7 collapsing 20 minutes before it actually happened, resulting in a feed cutoff once the BBC figured out about the slip of the tongue lol. 9/11 has to be one of the messiest attacks on US soil ever, and Israel’s hands keep showing up in it. Our government isn’t all bad though. Imagine if flight 93 hadn’t been shot down, and instead met it’s intended target… the Reichstag fire all over again
Divi Filius Caesar Augustus
6 years ago
I investigate alot on everything. About devided jews, well it is quite clear. Antizionist are not necessairly neturei karta, but they exist. About penis cult, it’s a cult that was used in the kazhar polulation. And that is also told by the jew Benjamin Freedman.
Divi Filius Caesar Augustus
6 years ago
Neturei Karta official websites, Norman Finkelstein and people like him, who are against zionism. I get this there. Can’t realy say jews are united. It’s like Italian communist and capitalist, they’re devided. About gay I did not speak of number. I told of differences between who’s gay cause of differences in the body develop, and of who’s gay following the “penis cult” from kazhars.
Divi Filius Caesar Augustus
6 years ago
I belive skin is appearance of deep genetic differences, can’t really know if we’re really “brothers” of other different people. But for me, that’s not a matter of hate. He may be angry cause of what Israeli government or eminent zionist people say, that “jew is not jew for religion, but for genetic and DNA”. The problem is that he may be not aware that jews are devided. Zionists and neturei karta or anti zionist. I don’t really approve all the gay, but only who’s so for a different body develop
Divi Filius Caesar Augustus
6 years ago
Well, in my opinion racism has to be devided into a couple of definitions. I believe that recognize that people are different is not a bad thing, in fact, people are different, the nature shows that. And it is thanks to these differences that we can have the amazing and various cultures that we find all over the world. The hatred is another thing, I believe it’s a good choice to avoid it.
Divi Filius Caesar Augustus
6 years ago
You don’t even know what racism mean. It’s quite funny.
Divi Filius Caesar Augustus
6 years ago
Why, did I told you that? Did I ever told jews are innocent? They declared war on German in 1933 and 1934, they created ww2, they created soviet union and killed over 30 million people, they are killing my country, Italy, with the people they sent here like a lot of politicians and mass media, they are killing all other countries and telling lies on everything. Surprised, aren’t you?
Divi Filius Caesar Augustus
6 years ago
Jews are not matter of live. One doesn’t spend all the days, all the hours in every day speaking of jews. So you should move your criticism to Benjamin Freedman, a jew, now dead. He was a zionist at first. Move your critics to him. He started exposing the zionism plans, telling they were an immense danger to U.S., Europe and all the world.
Divi Filius Caesar Augustus
6 years ago
First, they’re not stupid. It is obvious that it’s hard to grow up knowing the truth. If I teach you something since you are a kid, you grow up with that, and there’s not much you can do. Second, A lot of people knew that Israel did it. A lot of peple started to know it later, a lot of people will know it. WHat can we do if we’re not free of jewish “propaganda” media? They are EVERYWHERE. Even in Italy, RAI is almost totally pro jews. Sorry if we don’t live in a free place
Divi Filius Caesar Augustus
6 years ago
I didn’t know that. I will check it out for more info. Thank you.
Divi Filius Caesar Augustus
6 years ago
Birthright Israel is an association in with Israel wants to teach jewish what their origins are. The association try to convince all the jews in going to live in Israel or anyway that they are a genetic group, a race to be proud of. It also have the goal to preserve their “race” by avoiding marry not jews people. In Israel there are racial laws, exactly like those of nazi Germany.
Divi Filius Caesar Augustus
6 years ago
Evil are zionists, as Birtright Israel demonster… ^_^
Divi Filius Caesar Augustus
6 years ago
Again – no facts, no documents… It reminds me of another story… They say it happened during ww2.
Tony Malone
6 years ago
shame on you
6 years ago
You better believe it! watch?v=eT-iLBhWKgo
6 years ago
4000 Israelis working in the trade center? Are you nuts? Of the 50000 people working the WTC 10% were Israelis? Really?
Israelis work in Israel.
We are a nation of 7 million (1.9 of that is Palestinian Arabs). I bet you couldnt find 4000 Israelis working in NY.
Show me the link or stop repeating unfounded antisemitic lies.
6 years ago
The story DID come from the Jerusalem post, look for it! The 4,000 number was not made up and comprised of the number of [ISRAELIS] that used to work in the trade center. Not the total Jews but the total number of Israeli nationals that working the trade center but also mysteriously moved out of the building just before 9/11. Also instant messaging company Odigo sent out text alerts to Israeli employees warning them of the attack signaling Israeli foreknowledge. Do your homework!
6 years ago
No it was not.
Jerusalem post publishes online, link me to the post or stop telling bull.
Actually more Jews died on 911 than their percentage in US or NY because the large percentage of Jews working on the WTC.
6 years ago
The story didn’t come from Muslims it was printed in the Jerusalem Post before it was determined who actually died in the buildings.
6 years ago
Your right..
Hammer the Muslims , easy to blame. They deserve all they get.
6 years ago
Just Muslim bull propaganda.
6 years ago
Mmmm. . I am not the brightest spark,but 4000 jews take the day off on 9/11 soundz a litttle sussy may i say.
6 years ago
Military affairs expert Alan Sabrosky (Former Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College).Dr. Sabrosky: “I have had long conversations over the last two weeks with contacts at the Army War College and the headquarters, Marine Corps, and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation.’ Period. “The Zionists are playing this as an all-or-nothing exercise. If they lose this one, they’re done.”
7 years ago
7 years ago
impossible to say if all or any were spies but fbi report seems to show they innocent.Certainly of having prior knowledge.If anything mossad agents were looking after their interests,may have known something was gonna happen(they told cia as much) but not sure what or when.America staying hushed due to embaressment and incompetence as mossad,italy,germany,uk,jordan and even taliban sources warned bin laden was going to attack and they ignored it(not deliberately)
Tony Eric
2 years ago
explosive ‘ordnance’ units, not “ordinance” units, sheesh
2 years ago
I ain’t saying you can’t trust jews….just saying jews can’t be trusted.
2 years ago
Which documentary is 6:20 from?
4 years ago
1.”they had dual nationalities”
of course they did! one for israel and one for the usa
2.”they left for Israel after 9/11″
they got forcibly kicked out by the FBI as told
3.”they were dancing”
that’s what the old lady with the expansive goggles said, because eyewitness account from a distance by old people is very reliable information, especially potential paranoid ones under an event of stress :\
4.”the ex mossad agent confirmes the company was spying”
NO HE DIDNT! he was not quoted saying that in the video, journalists like to take ? and turn them into a yes or no to bend the story to the narrow path of their conclusions, even if they claim they have evidence(basic journalism) of the men was in an anti terror army unit once, and refused to spill info on that.
at 18 every israeli jew is drafted to the military for 3 years(2 for girls).
a great sum join some active duty, their activities are israeli military intel, and cannot be shared!
basic military 101!
6.Israeli spys might have known about 9/11 before it happened
and aliens might be among us right now! show actual prof or your just speculating.
and even if they knew something, doesn’t mean they knew everything!
al fie
3 years ago
Mossad might have known it was going to happen, even participated in it, but that still means Bush & Cheney had to mastermind it. Cheney stood down NORAD when it was happening! Bush & Cheney should be waterboarded till they start talking. According to Cheney waterboarding is not torture, so there is no problem with doing it to him, is there Dick?
Tim Blackwood
1 year ago
I’ve just finished my 9 11 sculpture which is dedicated to the victims of this false flag operation please go to my channel to see and hear it. Maybe one day we will get justice?
sana k.
3 years ago
I don’t believe anything the newa potrays anymore, I lost trust in them seriously first they say it was the Muslims, than they start a whole war with the Muslims, here they say it was islrael like WTF, the whole media news industry needs some spring cleaning.
Barcode Joe
4 years ago
Pity you had to advertise for New World Order gold scam artist Ron Paul.
3 years ago
So in your version to the events, the all powerful Mossad who planned and executed 9/11 needed documentation (what for , god knows? every camera in NY was set on the towers that day) . So they use top agents (5 kids age 20-27 who can’t speak English because Israeli spies need to sound Israeli). They could have rented them a condo with front view to the towers or at least disguise them as news crew – but no, the Mossad send them to document on van in a parking lot for everyone to see. Now after buying all those faked planes and buying ton of people silence the Mossad must have run out of budget, because they sent five people to document with a single camera, there wasn’t a shekel left to buy a second or maybe they’re just cheap, because they’re Jews. Later when they came back to Israel, the Mossad sent them to a talk show, because Mossad, CIA,and MI6 field agents go on talk shows all the time. Yep. Makes ton of sense. I don’t understand why your version of the events isn’t the official one. I know, after saving all that money they didn’t use for buying four more cameras, the Mossad bought the free press and still had change to buy coffee and a cake.
4 years ago
Google search: 5 DANCING 911 TWOOFERS
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