9/11: The Day the Illuminati Unleashed the “King of Terrors” on America
Operation 9/11
Articles & Interviews
Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 20249/11 “Hijackers” Were CIA Recruits (videos)
April 15, 2024Appendix 151: Jewish Ritual Blood Sacrifice/ Ritual Murder
November 21, 20229/11 preplanned; W/ List of Leading Suspects
May 14, 2021Israeli Connections to 9/11
March 19, 2019Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Notes from 9/11 Conference in Madison, WI, 2007
March 17, 20189/11 and NWO References
February 27, 2018Dr. Judy Wood, Physicist / Engineer
January 16, 20189/11: Israel’s Masterpiece
January 6, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Israel Did 9/11
December 26, 2017Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017The Five “Dancing Israelis” at 9/11 Ground Zero
October 21, 2017JEFFREY EPSTEIN, MOSSAD AND 9 11
February 16, 2017Bollyn, O’Keefe: Israel Behind 9/11 and Phony War on Terrorism
January 19, 2017Who Done It? (Links to Leading Suspects; )
February 17, 2016Hoax, False Flag and False Reality: What Do They Have In Common? Fraud
November 27, 20159/11 Timeline
February 25, 2014Dr. James Fetzer, Author / Founder of 9/11 Scholars
February 25, 2014Andrew Johnson, 9/11 Researcher
February 25, 2014A tie-in between operation 9/11 and the global warming fraud?
February 25, 2014Dr. Kevin Barrett, 9/11 Researcher
February 25, 2014John Hutchison “of Hutchison Effect”
February 24, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Dr. Ed Ward, 9/11 Researchers
February 23, 2014Leuren Moret, Researcher
February 22, 2014Alfred Webre, Lawyer / Researcher
February 21, 20149/11 as Jewish Lightning?
February 21, 2014Sophia Smallstorm, Film-Maker
February 20, 2014Notes on Missing Links DVD
February 20, 2014Capt. Eric May
February 19, 2014USMC Major William Fox
February 18, 2014Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Researcher
February 17, 2014“9/11: Unleashing the King of Terrors, The Day the Illuminati Attackede America” Notes from Texe Marrs’ October, 2001 Power of Prophesy presentation.
Compiled by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS, June, 2015
Author’s (ETK) note: As one of many independent 9/11 investigators, I have trying to “solve” the 9/11 mass murder crime since 2001. This website documents this process and the history of my “discoveries.” It is therefore astonishing to me that Christian author and ex-Air Force Officer, Texe Marrs, had essentially “cracked the case” as early as October, 2001. (And I have just been made aware of this fact in 2015 because I purchased some of Marrs’ older Power of Prophecy CDs for a discounted price this spring!). In retrospect, it is now evident that Marrs’ extensive understanding of geopolitics and military technologies allowed him to immediately understand the real geopolitical significance of “Operation 9/11” and of course, to grasp that the official 9/11 cover story was a fraud. And his thorough grounding in Biblical prophecy and his extensive research of New Age religions, cults, and the occult, also allowed him to immediately grasp the occult significance of “Operation 9/11.” Here are some pertinent inights from his October, 2001 “Power of Prophecy” program entitled “Unleashing the King of Terrors: The Day the Illuminati Attacked America:”
The Bible says very clearly there will be a Beast system, a world system, in the last days, that shall be diverse from all kingdoms and shall devour the whole earth and shall tread it down and break it in pieces (Daniel: 7). Is that what we are seeing, with Babylon being rebuilt again with the great tower that is the United Nations standing still in New York City even though the World Trade Center Towers have come down?
It is interesting to me that back in the 19th century, Albert Pike, sovereign Grand Master of Freemasonry, and Italian Illuminist Revolutionary (Jew), Mazzini, the two top Illuminati Masons in the world, plotted together a blueprint wherein there would three world wars beginning in the 20th century. And the final World War III would be culminated in the Middle East with the destruction of Christianity and the dethroning of God. There would be complete social, political, and economic chaos, but the Masonic fraternity, and its leadership, the Illuminati, would bring order out of chaos (Ordo Ab Chao).
…. (Regarding 9/11), I think we are being treated to a lot of Black Magic. Our eyes and our minds have been fastened upon a bloody psycho-drama of grotesque and gargantuan proportions, never before equaled. This is the mother of all gladiator games. Black magic is happening before our very eyes. I believe this is going to propel the coming of the Anti-Christ, the New-Age Christ, soon.
You are going to be shocked when I tell you the occult, ritual reasons for the taking down of the World Trade Center, for the explosions at the Pentagon, and even what happened in Pennsylvania. You will know for the first time the hidden, Mystery Religion teaching that was implemented by the Illuminati on September 11.
During the past few years, I have been receiving an amazing number of New Age publications relating to what is now happening. A 1998 Diamond Life newsletter, the newsletter of the Aquarian Age community, states:
“The Age of Aquarius is the coming of the one for whom all the nations wait (who is the Anti-Christ). In the approaching Age of Aquarius we shall focus on resurrection and freedom from the tomb of matter. The one who will ascend to lead the Age of Aquarius will be “the World Teacher.” He is that great being whom the Christians call “The Christ.” He is also known by such names as the Bodhisattva, the Lord Maitreya of the Buddhists, the Imam Mahdi of the Moslems, and sometimes he is known as the True Aquarian. The esoteric wisdom tells us that it is he who has presided over the destinies of life and it is he who has come out among men before and who is again looked for. He has been with us since about 600 BC, but now he wants to reappear and be the Christ for all of the religions but he must be resurrected from his tomb of matter and have the freedom to do his work.”
In a booklet I just received called “Money: The Medium of Loving Distribution” from the Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey’s group, (which is) very much affiliated with the United Nations, Bailey says:
“The vision in men’s minds today is that of the Aquarian Age. The future will see this age. And we are all beginning to acquire the image and vision in our minds. And at the center of this picture in our minds is the New Age Christ. Today, in the midst of this devastated, chaotic and unhappy world, the Christ shall come. He will come when a measure of peace has been restored, when the principle of sharing or the distribution of goods through all the world, is in process.”
World Goodwill, another organization connected with the United Nations and the Lucis Trust, has published a book entitled “The Coming One.” On page two, it says:
“There is a group of extraordinary men who are working to change the face of the world (yes, the Illuminati). They frequently create crises in order to bring to an end the old and the undesirable and make way for new and more suitable forms. They come when evil is rampant. For this reason, an Avatar is looked for today and the necessary stage is set for the reappearance of the Christ, that is, the New Age Christ.”
William Irwin Thompson, in “The Quest,” a Theosophy publication, talked about television being used now to bring us the ruling classes’ New Age world. And it is a world in which pageantry and illusion will bring about planetary transformation. Maybe we are missing the message about what really happened September 11th. (ETK note: Both William IrwinThompson and U.N. potentate, Maurice Strong’s wife, have homes in Crestone, Colorado, where I live…. Hence, my extended series “Is Crestone/Baca the ‘Vatican City of the New World Order?” provides much insight into the Illuminati plans and modus operandi.)
Do we not realize the Bible is still king? Do we not remember Psalms, chapter 2? It says “the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take council together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying “let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us.” My friends, the kings of this earth, the presidents, the prime ministers, have come together in this New World Order, the Beast the Illuminati have, and they are saying of God and of the Christian church that exists today, “let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us.” They want freedom to be resurrected from this world. And they believe their New Age Aquarian leader, their Anti-Christ, will bring them the New Age. But first there had to be a cataclysmic event of incredible crisis proportions so that order could be brought out of chaos.
Could it be that this whole thing has been some kind of psycho-drama, an occult ritual, a theatre on almost a universal scale? It seems to be preposterous. Could we now be tranquilized by the media, by our President, by our Congress, and by seeing those images over and over and over on our screen and the reports of anthrax. Could we be hypnotized? Dr. Tobias Broker, Director of the Center for Applied Behavioral Sciences in Topeka Kansas, said:
“From 80 to 90% of the population can be hypnotized to varying degrees. A large number of people in the U.S. population are extraordinarily hypnotizable, so easily hypnotizable that they are in a constant state of exaggerated suggestibility. Even when awake and going about their normal daily routine, they are at the total mercy of all forms of influences and can be easily persuaded to do things and afterward have no idea why they did them. They go in and out of a trance-like state without even knowing what is happening.”
Could this be what is going in America today…. people are in a trance-like state?
Was September 11th the day the Illuminati attacked America? We were told by our government and the media that there was an intelligence breakdown. Mistakes were made… by the CIA, the FBI, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Mistakes? Costing 5,000 lives? Baloney! If there were mistakes, who has paid for them? Have you read a report of even one CIA or FBI agent being punished, losing their jobs, or being suspended for this incredible, colossal, so-called mistake? I have not and you have not. But I believe that the FBI and the CIA at the top levels knew in advance what was to happen.
This was no mere intelligence letdown or oversight. This was a bloody horror, a premeditated attack on the very foundation of the United States, an occultic event of monumental prophetic significance. It was a ritualistic nightmare that brought undeserved suffering on many people. And this could be the beginning of the great prophesied war of Revelation 13 against the saints and a severe deterioration of Constitutional protections. We’ve already seen that military tribunals will be set up to judge the terrorists. Oh, right now they are saying it will be the foreigners, the terrorists among us, who are judged by these military tribunals. But someday, maybe it will be you and I as Christians. We are the resisters to the New World Order and to the Anti-Christ who is to come, the King of Terrors, I call him. And I believe this whole occult ritual was produced in order to unleash the King of Terrors.
This was an elaborate, carefully-crafted, and dynamically-staged Satanic ritual. The tumbling down of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center was a blood sacrifice. It was, in fact, a scripted holocaust (a Hebrew word meaning “burnt offering”), euphemistically labeled the “Unleashing of the King of Terrors.” This is a Satanically-energized variation of the Third Degree of Freemasonry ritual in which a man is made a Master Mason. In this degree, the candidate, playing the role of the Anti-Christ, I believe, but they call him by the code name of Hiram Abiff, lies in a coffin, the tomb of matter. But he is raised by the strong grip of the Lion’s Paw. This whole ceremony comes from the great, ancient Mystery Religion of Mithra, which was the prominent religion in the days of Jesus Christ. This religion was brought to the Roman Empire from Persia and Babylon. It involved a ritual in which a bull was slain. A strange mark was placed on the forehead of the initiate during the mystery ceremonies. Mithra was known as the great lion. So the Masons today, in their Third Degree ceremony, carry out this same ritual, the resurrection from the dead of the initiate. They are conducting millions of these ritual ceremonies throughout the world today in which they are staging the resurrection of the Anti-Christ giving him the freedom to do his foul and dirty work on this planet.
Tony Blair, Britain’s Prime Minister, in a speech made on October 2nd, stated:
“This is a moment to seize. The kaleidoscope has been shaken, the pieces are in flux. Soon they will settle again. Before they do, let us re-order this world and use modern science to provide prosperity for all. Globalization can be a force for good.”
My friends, I want to repeat that this is a prophetic event. And we are not necessarily wrestling even with men. The Bible says: “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of the world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Joan Veon, an expert on the United Nations, wrote me to me after attending UN conferences, stating: “I realize now that the world we now know will have to be changed as a result of some planned and managed catastrophic event to catapult us from unofficial world government into what has been termed the New World Order, or official world government…” Veon is an insider who has exposed the United Nations and its secret cabal, its secret elite inner circle… Indeed, the Bible says there will be a worldwide kingdom known as the kingdom of the Anti-Christ in the last days.
It is interesting that my September, 2001 newsletter, that went out a week or so before September 11, was entitled “Real Life Blood Games.” In it, I reported that as far back as 1963, The Report from Iron Mountain, stated that certain blood games would be produced for effective control of human nature. First, there would be seeming peace in the world with the Cold War coming to an end. But since war has always been the way to control human beings, they would need a substitute for war, and blood games, almost like gladiator games, would be the substitute. So we had the U.S. bombing of Yugoslavia/Serbia, skyscrapers bombed, thousands of lives lost… blood games. We had the Persian Gulf War, televised for your viewing pleasure… blood games. Now we are having the Afghanistan War, blood games. The World Trade Center, blood games.
… The 9/11 “scapegoat,” Osama Bin Laden, (whose identical false-front, scape-goat character is described in the fictional character of “Goldstein” in George Orwell’s book 1984) was seriously ill and hospitalized with kidney failure in the summer of 2001 at an American Hospital in Pakistan. What a colossal joke all of this is! Even General Norman Schwarzkopf has admitted that Mr. Bin Laden was a paid operative of the CIA. He said, “well, he used to be, but he’s not anymore.” Oh yeah, sure.
Now, how did it (9/11) really happen then? My good friend, Col. Donn de Grand Pre, author of Barbarians Inside the Gate; The Viper’s Venom and several of my other Air Force pilot friends are convinced that ‘Global Hawk’ technology was used inside these (“hi-jacked”) airliners… They believe that even the so-called terrorists did not know they were going to their deaths. “Global Hawk” is remote technology that allowed the planes to be remotely piloted, either from the Air Force’s AWAKS aircraft overhead, which is like a flying air traffic controller command post, or from some other site controlled by the National Security Agency or the CIA. (Marrs also notes that unmanned, remotely-piloted aircraft are currently being used in the Afghanistan war.)
9/11 as Satanic Ritual(s) and Blood Sacrifice
… Now here is what I believe really happened: First of all, we are taking about three rituals. These rituals occur in the occult world in the autumn, the fall, the equinox period. This is the period in the great ritual of Mithra (the pagan Christ, the ancient sun god) and of the Mystery Religions when mankind is going into a winter and the ‘great god’ dies. The World Trade Center, I believe, was the first of these rituals. All of them occurred at the autumnal equinox. The World Trade Center was the slaying of Osiris, the Egyptian sun god. It was the fall of the temple, the two pillars, and they shall be resurrected in the spring. In the rituals of Freemasonry, these pillars are called Jachin and Boaz. They are pillars or columns with serpent-like carvings around them. They are shown in a state of collapse. What that indicates is that Satan has had his great temple destroyed. But now it is to be resurrected. So we have a complete ritual from beginning to end. The destruction of the towers and the lifting back up of them which will be the building up of the New World Order and the resurrection of the Anti-Christ himself.
At the Pentagon, I believe this was a ritual, when the plane crashed there, of Revelation 13. It says there that the Beast was wounded, one of his heads, but he came back to life. In the book of Daniel, it says that the Anti-Christ in the last days will worship the God of Forces, also known as the God of Fortresses. So the Pentagon is symbolic of this God of Forces. The whole world shall fall by military might into the arms of Anti-Christ. The Pentagon is represented as the God of Forces. He was slain, but he comes back to life.
And then in Pennsylvania we have the generative act. The female is the earth, the Green Goddess. The aircraft is the phallus symbol, and it crashed into the earth. This was a sign of sexual union, of procreation, the planting of seed in the ground at the autumn equinox, and it will rise up in the spring. Now the birth of the father of light, the anti-Christ, is December 25th. This was the date, we know it as Christmas, but it wasn’t really the date when Jesus was born. But it was the date when Mithra and Osiris were born. And so… he’s born, but the full resurrection comes when we begin to see the first sprouts and the flowers come up in the spring. And so the great bird, the Phoenix, comes up from out of the ashes. My friends, it is no accident that Mayor Giuliani announced in New York City that the operation to restore New York to vitality is to be called ‘Operation Phoenix.’ New York will rise up from of the ashes, said the Mayor and his associates. That is the reason why we saw the devil’s face between the Twin Towers as they failed. And (Freemason) Albert Pike in his book, Morals and Dogma, says this is the secret of the “great work” which will achieve the perfect emancipation of man’s will and assure him the “universal empire.” And thus, the occult ritual is now in progress.
Thus, as early as October, 2001, Texe Marrs had postulated that on September 11, 2001, Freemasonic, occult (Satanic) rituals provided the organizing principle behind and the modus operandi of a top-secret, black, and wet operation conducted by American political/military/intelligence forces. In this same program, Marrs explained why JFK was assassinated and why and how President Richard Nixon was destroyed by this same Satanically-energized global elite, which he refers to as the “Illuminati.”
Some of Marr’s main insights from this program include:
1) He equates the current Illuminati-led, international world system with the “Babylonian-end-times-Beast system” predicted in the Bible. In particular, he identifies the United Nations building in New York City with the Tower of Babylon.
2) He associates 9/11 with the last of three world wars that were scripted to occur by top Illuminati/Masons, Albert Pike and Mazzini, a Jew, in the 19th century. The final (contrived) war would occur in the Middle East and would involve the dethronement of God. After (contrived) worldwide conflagrations, Illuminati/Masons would bring “order out of chaos.”
3) “9/11 is Illuminati/Masonic black magic, a bloody psycho-drama of grotesque and gargantuan proportions, and the mother of all gladiator games that is meant to propel the coming of the Anti-Christ, the New-Age Christ,” soon.
4) The stage for the “coming of the New Age Christ/”Anti-Christ” has long been set. Various New Age publications and newsletters, including Diamond Life, Alice Bailey’s Lucis Trust, World Goodwill, and other Theosophical publications, all have been announcing the coming of this “world leader”/”world teacher.” They identify this individual as the Christ of Christianity, the Boddhisatva of Buddhism, the Imam Mahdi of Islam, and the “True Aquarian” of the “Aquarian Age community.” World Goodwill, a group associated with the United Nations, admits in a recent publication that:
“A group of extraordinary men (yes, the Illuminati, is) working to change the face of the world. They frequently create crises in order to bring to an end the old and the undesirable and make way for new and more suitable forms. They come when evil is rampant. For this reason, an Avatar is looked for today and the necessary stage is set for the reappearance of the Christ, that is, the New Age Christ.”
5) As per Biblical prophecy, the kings and political leaders of the world have come together in this New World Order (the Beast system the Illuminati have). They believe their New Age Aquarian leader, their Anti-Christ, will bring them this New Age.
6) 9/11 was created by the Illuminati as the “cataclysmic event” that will usher in their Anti-Christ (the King of Terrors) and their New World Order. At the highest levels, our government and military/intelligence agencies were complicit in the operation.
7) 9/11 was not only “a premeditated attack on the very foundations of the United States, it was an occultic event, a Satanic ritual of monumental prophetic significance. It could be the beginning of the prophesied war of Revelation 13 against the saints (Christians) that involves the deterioration of our Constitutional protections. Christians who resist their Satanic New World Order may soon be tried and convicted as “terrorists” under new military tribunals.”
8) 9/11 was an “elaborate, carefully-crafted, and dynamically-staged Satanic ritual. The fall of the Twin Towers was a blood sacrifice, a scripted “holocaust” (Hebrew word meaning “burnt offering”), euphemistically labeled the “Unleashing of the King of Terrors” (the Anti-Christ).
9) The 9/11 MegaRitual is a Satanically-energized variation of the Third Degree of Freemasonry ritual in which a man is made a Master Mason. This ceremony comes from the ancient Mystery Religion of Mithra, the prominent religion in the days of Jesus that was brought to the Roman Empire from Persia and Babylon. In their Third Degree ceremony, modern Masons carry out this same ritual. Millions of these ritual ceremonies are being conducted throughout the world today in which they are staging the resurrection of the Anti-Christ and giving him the freedom to do his foul and dirty work on this planet.
10) On behalf of our leaders, the media has “hypnotized” the American public, for instance, by showing “those images (of the collapsing Towers) over and over and over on our screen and the reports of anthrax. Americans today are in a trance-like state?
11) 9/11 and the host of other scripted terror events (including the wars of aggression in the Middle East) constitute modern “blood games,” the equivalent of the “gladiator games” in ancient Rome. The 1963 Report from Iron Mountain postulated that such blood games would be needed as substitutes for war, to control human nature after the Cold War ended.
12) Osama Bin Laden was, of course, the official 9/11 scapegoat. The fictitious character of Bin Laden that the media portrayed seems to be based upon the fictitious character of “Goldstein” in George Orwell’s dystopian novel,
- 1984
. In fact, Bin Laden was a CIA asset who probably died of kidney failure in an American military hospital about the time of 9/11! He had nothing whatsoever to do with the 9/11 attacks, except that he was the designated patsy.
13) “Global Hawk” technology (remote-control piloting of airplanes) was probably used on the airliners that were a part of the scripted events of 9/11.
14) The 9/11 MegaRitual included three separate, occult rituals. Based on the pagan calendar, all three occurred near the Autumnal Equinox, when mankind is going into winter and Mithra/Osiris, the pagan Christ, dies. These three include:
A) . The collapse of the World Trade Center symbolized the slaying of Osiris, the Egyptian sun god. The fall of the temple involves the two pillars that shall be resurrected in the spring. In the rituals of Freemasonry, these pillars are called Jachin and Boaz. They are columns with serpent-like carvings around them. They collapse of the pillars indicates that Satan has had his great temple destroyed. But now it is to be resurrected. The destruction of the towers and their “resurrection” will be the building up of the New World Order and the resurrection of the Anti-Christ himself.
B) The crash of an airplane (ETK- actually a missile) into the Pentagon was a ritual, as per Revelation 13, in which the Beast is wounded and then comes back to life. (In October, 2001, Marrs would have unaware, like nearly everyone else, that none of the “hi-jacked airliners actually” hit the Pentagon or the World Trade Center or the ground in Pennsylvania). The book of Daniel says that the Anti-Christ in the last days will worship the God of Forces, also known as the God of Fortresses. The Pentagon is symbolic of this God of Forces. The whole world shall fall by military might into the arms of Anti-Christ.
C) In Pennsylvania we have the generative act. The female is the earth, the Green Goddess. The aircraft is the phallus symbol, and it crashed into the earth. This was a sign of sexual union, of procreation, the planting of seed in the ground at the autumn equinox, and it will rise up in the spring. The birth of the father of light, the anti-Christ (aka Satan, Mithra, and Osiris) is December 25th. But the full resurrection comes when we begin to see the first sprouts and the flowers come up in the spring and the great bird, the Phoenix, comes up from out of the ashes.
Thus, it is no accident that Mayor Giuliani announced in New York City that the operation to restore New York to vitality is to be called ‘Operation Phoenix.’
15) The entire MegaRitual was performed in order to summon the “Anti-Christ.” This is why we saw the devil’s face between the Twin Towers as they failed.
16) In Morals and Dogma, Freemason Albert Pike reveals the secret that the “great work” will achieve the perfect emancipation of man’s will and assure him the “universal empire,” which is the empire of Satan.
17) Thus, the occult ritual is now in progress: Satan has been summoned and therefore, is now freed to do his work on the earth.
What is extremely compelling about Marrs’ insights is that he was able to put so many of the puzzle pieces together in just over a month after the actual 9/11 event occurred! As noted above, I believe that the accuracy of his conclusions is based on his extensive knowledge of 1) the Bible, 2) the occult, 3) modern geopolitics, and 4) military technology. There is also the unpleasant, alternative possibility that Marrs was, and still could be part of the strategic “controlled opposition.” However, based on his many books and Power of Prophecy programs, it seems far more logical to accept him to be just what he says he is: A Christian author and researcher.
As of today, in 2015, a small number researchers have come forth with evidence and insights that corroborates Marrs’ insights and information above. Most significant are Michael Hoffman II’s “Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare” (2001), S.K. Bain’s “The Most Dangerous Book in the World; 9/11 as Mass Ritual” (2012), and Christopher Story’s “The New Underworld Order, Triumph of Criminalism, Dark Actors Playing Games, the Global Fantasies of the Geomasonic Illuminati” (2006). I will summarize their essential insights in separate articles.
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