Notes on Missing Links DVD
Operation 9/11
Articles & Interviews
Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 20249/11 “Hijackers” Were CIA Recruits (videos)
April 15, 2024Appendix 151: Jewish Ritual Blood Sacrifice/ Ritual Murder
November 21, 20229/11 preplanned; W/ List of Leading Suspects
May 14, 2021Israeli Connections to 9/11
March 19, 2019Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Notes from 9/11 Conference in Madison, WI, 2007
March 17, 20189/11 and NWO References
February 27, 2018Dr. Judy Wood, Physicist / Engineer
January 16, 20189/11: Israel’s Masterpiece
January 6, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Israel Did 9/11
December 26, 2017Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017The Five “Dancing Israelis” at 9/11 Ground Zero
October 21, 2017JEFFREY EPSTEIN, MOSSAD AND 9 11
February 16, 2017Bollyn, O’Keefe: Israel Behind 9/11 and Phony War on Terrorism
January 19, 2017Who Done It? (Links to Leading Suspects; )
February 17, 2016Hoax, False Flag and False Reality: What Do They Have In Common? Fraud
November 27, 20159/11 Timeline
February 25, 2014Dr. James Fetzer, Author / Founder of 9/11 Scholars
February 25, 2014Andrew Johnson, 9/11 Researcher
February 25, 2014A tie-in between operation 9/11 and the global warming fraud?
February 25, 2014Dr. Kevin Barrett, 9/11 Researcher
February 25, 2014John Hutchison “of Hutchison Effect”
February 24, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Dr. Ed Ward, 9/11 Researchers
February 23, 2014Leuren Moret, Researcher
February 22, 2014Alfred Webre, Lawyer / Researcher
February 21, 20149/11 as Jewish Lightning?
February 21, 2014Sophia Smallstorm, Film-Maker
February 20, 2014Notes on Missing Links DVD
February 20, 2014Capt. Eric May
February 19, 2014USMC Major William Fox
February 18, 2014Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Researcher
February 17, 2014“Missing Links: The Definite Truth About 9/11”- DVD and youtube series produced by Michael John Delaney and directed by John Alan Martinson, Jr. Length: About 2 ½ hours.
Summary and notes by Dr. Eric Karlstrom (9/13/08)
The makers of this video claim it is based on information from independent investigators, as well as from FBI, CIA, NSA, US Armed Forces, and law enforcement agencies “who are still loyal to America.” Although the DVD certainly implicates Israel as being largely responsible for 911, part of the text narration comes from Mossad double agents who say they have actually worked for the Jewish Crime Network (??!!), although these individuals remain nameless. The DVD may be obtained from these websites:
The video is public domain and no profits can be made from sales. The narration style of the film resembles that of the Guerilla News Network films. The producer also thanks the New Jersey, New York, and Illinois police departments. This DVD is also included in a DVD entitled “The Protocols of Zionism.”
{My (ETK) note: As a 9/11 and NWO researcher who maintains a website on these topics ( ), I can say that much of the information in the video rings true to me. However, since many researchers believe that intelligence services, including Mossad, CIA, FBI, and MI6, are involved in both the execution and cover-up of Operation 9/11 (including controlling the 9/11 Truth Movement), are we now to believe that these same sources are giving accurate information regarding Operation 9/11? Indeed, intelligence analysts themselves note that 90% of the work of intelligence agencies consists of cranking out disinformation. Certainly, we understand that intelligence services are highly compartmentalized and that honest, good people work in intelligence. But nonetheless, there is room for caution and skepticism.
For example, while the films’ narrator states it is not their purpose to evaluate alternative hypotheses as to how the 9/11 operation was actually carried out (planes vs. no planes/video fakery, controlled demolition via explosives vs. mini-nukes or directed energy weapons), he generally supports the actual plane/planted explosives explanation. (Authors note: I believe the preponderance of scientific evidence contradicts this explanation and rather, supports the no planes/video fakery/directed energy weapons scenario. However, pre-planted military-grade explosives were also probably used to bring down the World Trade Center Towers 1, 2, and 7. Thus, for whatever reason, this film tends to direct the viewer away from what I regard as the most probable scenarios that explain the “what” and “how” of Operation 9/11.)
The film’s main contribution, however, is to address the “who” and “why” of Operation 9/11 rather than the “what” and “how.” Here, then, is my summary of the DVD. My comments, questions and suggestions occur throughout the text {labeled with parentheses {} and my initials, ETK} and at the end of this summary.}
Chapter 1. The Lavon Affair (Operation Suzanna): In 1954, the Egyptian government was pressuring Britain to leave the Suez Canal. Israel wanted Britain to stay. So the Israeli government carried out a “false flag” terrorist operation in which Israel bombed Egyptian, American, and British targets, and blamed the bombings on so-called “Muslim extremists.” A group of Egyptian Jews was recruited to carry out the attacks. It is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of Jews in the “diaspora” who voluntarily help the Israeli Mossad. They are known as “sayanim.” The plot failed and was exposed when one of the co-conspirator Jews was discovered. At first, the Israelis claimed that this was all an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory,” a common Zionist tactic. Then, as the trial became public, Israeli damage control methods included: 1) claiming Egyptians were tipped off and allowed the attacks to occur, and 2) pinning the sole blame on the Israeli Defense Minister, Pinhas Lavon, to prevent the exposure of the real group in Israel that planned this and several other “false flag” attacks. For more information, read Jack Bernstein’s “The Life of An American Jew in Marxist Racist Israel.” Berstein was later assassinated by Mossad.
Chapter 2: USS Liberty: The deliberate attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967 (the 4th day of Israel’s “Six Day War” against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan) was carried out by Israeli war planes and ships, using bombs, napalm, machine guns, torpedoes, etc. The USS Liberty was a World War II freighter that was converted into a spy ship by the National Security Agency (NSA). The Liberty had essentially no offensive weapons aboard. The attack lasted two hours and killed 34 and wounded 171Americans. Although the clear goal of the attack was to sink the ship and kill all aboard, the ship and most of the crew narrowly survived. The purpose of the murderous attack was to thwart the intelligence-gathering mission of the ship. Israel apparently did not want American intelligence gathered on the war crimes they were inflicting on their Arab neighbors during the Six Day War. A rescue effort was launched but was called off by President Lyndon Johnson. Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, also called off the initial rescue attempt by the USS Saratoga and the 6th Fleet, when he learned the identity of the attackers. This is the only time in American history when a rescue mission was aborted while an American ship was under attack. So the USS Liberty had to wait 16 hours for rescue. Not one guilty party in Israel or the U.S. was ever punished. This incident is still being covered up.
Note I (ETK): In his movie, “Terrorstorm,” Alex Jones puts an entirely different spin on this story. He claims that President Johnson wanted the Israelis to sink the ship, reportedly stating; “I want that ship on the bottom,” thereby justifying a U.S. take-over of the oil-rich Middle East. Which version of history is correct? Since Jones consistently omits the role of Jews in his many films about the “globalists” and their objectives and methods, the “Missing Links” movie may be the accurate version of history.
Note II. (ETK) Based on my reading, Israel did not acquire nuclear weapons until the 1960’s, under Pres. Kennedy’s watch. So we can probably rule out “nuclear blackmail” as a cause of America’s special treatment of Israel in this incident. Therefore, the acquiescence of America’s leadership to the Israeli attacks is probably based on even more fundamental, structural ties between the U.S. and Israel. We can speculate that these ties relate to significant control of the world’s economy and money system by international Jews and or by other control levers exercised by “the Jewish criminal network”
Chapter 3. 9/11
According to this DVD, the 9/11 attacks and cover-up were executed and orchestrated by a “Jewish criminal network,” a well-organized, supremacist mafia with racial and religious cohesion. The future of humanity depends on exposing this group. And time is running out.
Two documents are central to understanding the planning for 9/11. “A Clean Break: a New Strategy for Securing the Realm” (aka, the “ABC doc”) was created in Israel by the IASPS (Israeli Agency for Strategic and Political Studies). The “ACB” document lays out a systematic plan for Israel to conquer the Middle East. The same Jewish authors of the “ACB doc” wrote the neo-conservative, Republican think tank’s Project for a New American Century’s position paper, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses.” This PNAC document calls for a “catalyzing event such as a new Pearl Harbor” to help mobilize Americans to accept war abroad and imposition of a police state at home. By engineering a flawless image of Israel and promoting Israel as a great ally of the U.S., the authors intended that the U.S. would carry out Israel’s foreign policy objectives.
Thus, PNAC is shown to be an essentially Jewish think tank that serves the interests of the “Jewish criminal network.” The term “neo-con” is just one more label, along with New World Order, Republican, Communist, Socialist, Democrat, Zionist, Illuminati, etc. that acts like a smokescreen to hide this “Jewish criminal network.” This crime network existed long before Zionism was ever codified. PNAC’s primary function is to serve the Jewish mafia and the terrorist state of Israel. Some of the Jewish members of PNAC are Elliot Abrams, John Bolton, Paula Dobrianski, William Kristol, Robert Kagan, Richard Perle, William Schneider Jr., Peter Rodman, and Paul Wolfowitz. PNAC’s primary objective in the fomenting and controlling the social and economic chaos following 9/11 is to wrest control of American foreign policy to benefit of the racist-supremacist Jewish power elite. Hundreds of thousands of everyday Jews throughout many countries (“sayanim”) are said to be enlisted to serve their masters and this elite.
The three inter-locking arms of the 9/11/PNAC strategy include:
1) The defense policy engineers (including Paul Wolfowitz. Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Elliot Abrams, David Wurmser), whose goals were to:
a) Craft an American policy of pre-emptive action toward the Middle East in order to remake it in their (“the Jewish criminal network’s”) vision.
b) Substantially increase foreign aid to Israel.
c) Encourage joint weapons development
d) open up doors to increase Homeland Security business opportunities.
e) Legitimize the genocidal takeover of Palestine.
Their methods are to insert themselves and their cohorts into think tanks, defense policy boards, DOD contractors, talk shows, and investment banks.
2) Pro-Israel press agents (including David Brooks, Lawrence Kaplan, William Kristol, Norman Podhoretz), whose goal is to:
a) Promote the idea that Islam and Islamic countries are dangerous,
b) Try to render all Arab governments illegitimate in the public mind, c) Promote the idea that “land for peace” initiatives are illegitimate, d) Promote the idea that our primary American objective is to defend Israel and its interests.
These goals were achieved by numerous think tanks and foundations such as the American Enterprise Institute, The Jewish Institute For National Security Affairs (JINSA), Heritage Foundation reports, the Weekly Standard, the New Republic, Commentary Magazine, and the American Jewish Committee, etc.
3) Columnists and commentators (including Robert Kagan, Charles Krauthammer, William Safire, and Max Boot) sway public opinion, paint the Palestinians as terrorists, and try to make anyone critical of Israel out to be “anti-Semitic” (a misnomer, since it is the Arabs who are Semitic, rather than the Ashkenzai Jews, who are descended from eastern European rather than the Middle Easterners). These commentators promote the idea that Israelis are the heroes. They are aided by other media, such as the movies: “You Don’t Mess with the Zohan,” “Black Boot,” and countless others that misrepresent history in such a way that Israel/Jewish interests are advanced.
An NSA (National Security Administration) report focused on Amdocs Ltd., an Israeli-based private intelligence agency that does the billing for the 25 largest telephone companies in the USA. Amdocs has records of all phone calls. 60 Israeli suspects who worked here were detained and questioned in regard to 9/11. A record of all calls, showing who is calling who, ended up in Israel. Through Amdocs, then, it would be possible to keep ahead of investigators by knowing who they are calling.
Christopher Bollyn (9/12/2001) reported in the Jerusalem Post that: “The Israeli foreign ministry has collected the names of 4,000 Israelis believed to have been in the areas of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon at the time of the attack.” Yet only one Israeli was killed at the WTC. And two more were reportedly killed on the supposedly hijacked planes. However, various speech writers for President Bush later inflated the figure to 130.
The Five “Dancing Israelis:” These five, later found to be Mossad operatives, were seen dancing with joy on 9/11. Fox News reported (from the New York Times): “A group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterward.”
Police received several calls from angry eye-witness citizens who saw the “dancing Israelis.” These reports indicate they saw five Middle Eastern men making shouts of joy and mockery. They had a white van, were photographing themselves in front of the Twin Towers after the destruction, and were jumping for joy, and were seen celebrating with high fives in a New Jersey parking lot. One caller: “It looks like they’re hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park.” The dancing Israelis were arrested and found to possess maps of the city, box cutters, explosives, and foreign passports. Bomb sniffing dogs reacted as if they smelled explosives. One of their photos show an Isreali; Sivan Kurzberg- flicking a cigarette lighter in front of the WTC. The Israelis were detained for 71 days, then quietly released.
A CIA informant stated: “There was no question but that the order to close down the investigation (of the detained Israelis) came from the White House. It was immediately assumed at CIA headquarters that this basically was going to be a cover-up so that the Israelis would not be implicated in any way in 9/11.“ The five later showed up on an Israeli talk show and on the show where one of the Israeli’s stated that “our purpose was to document the event.”
{ETK note: The “in-your-face” behavior of the five “dancing Israelis” (Mossad agents) is so outrageous as to beg the question of whether the planners of 9/11 intended to pin the blame for 9/11 on Israel at some point in the subsequent cover-up. If, for instance, the 9/11 planners expected that the “official story” (that alleged Saudi hijackers carried out the attacks) would be refuted by the evidence, perhaps they intended to use Israel as their “fall-back patsy” for the 9/11 operation. This movie makes the case that 9/11 was carried out essentially for the benefit of Israel and the “Jewish criminal network.” I will attempt to evaluate this alternative explanation at the conclusion of this paper.}
Fox News later reported that 60 Israelis were either arrested or detained after 9/11. Some among them were active in the Israeli military and some failed polygraph questions when asked if they were spying on America. One anonymous investigator stated; “Evidence linking the Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It is classified.”
Other odd behavior of Israeli (agents) in the U.S. about that time, include: One group of Israelis spotted in North Carolina kept an apartment in California to spy on a group of Arabs. Prior to 9/11, as many as 140 other Israelis were detained or arrested regarding their spying operations. In fact, groups of Israeli spies have been spying here since the mid-1990’s.
Typically, Israeli agents say they are art students who want to sell cheap art from the University of Jerusalem. But these were organized intelligence activities that targeted and penetrated military bases, the DOD, US Customs, the Pentagon, the DEA the FBI, the ATF, the Secret Service, the INS, the EPA, and the Interior Dept., as well as various U.S. attorney’s offices. They also spied in shopping centers. The General Accounting Office Report stated: “According to a U.S. Intelligence agency, the government of country A (Israel) conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the U.S. of any U.S. ally.”
A DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) report stated: “The Israelis are motivated by strong survival instincts which dictate every facet of their political and economic policies…. It aggressively collects military and industrial technology and the U.S. is a high priority target. Israel possesses the resources and the technical capability to achieve its collection objectives.”
Evidence that Israelis were forewarned before the 9/11 attacks
At least two employees of Odigo received warnings of the immanent attacks in New York City at least 2 hours before the 9/11 attacks. Odigo is an instant messaging company with U.S. headquarters offices two blocks from the WTC. Those who were warned did not report this warning to the police. Had they done so, many others may have been saved. While the story broke immediately, it was quickly dropped, and there were no subsequent media reports on this. The FBI was reportedly investigating the matter but has issued no report.
Odigo is a software research and development company with headquarters in Herzliya, Israel (just north of Tel Aviv), where Mossad is also located. Within two months after 9/11, ODIGO was taken over by COMVERSE, and within a year, five Comverseexecutives reportedly profited by over $267 million from insider trading. (Through investment capital funds, Mossad sponsors scores of software companies in America. Funding sources include Cedar Fund, Stage One Ventures, Veritas Venture Partners, etc. Odigo provided 2-hour advance warning to people on a “buddy list.”
Another news report stated that the Tokyo branch of Goldman Sachs issued a memo on Sept. 10 warning employees to steer clear of American government buildings.
Security services at the airports involved on 9/11 was handled by an Israeli company, ICTS. The head of company was Ezra Harel. ICTS was registered in the Netherlands and employed at Charles De Galle Airport to screen passengers. It also handled security at the Boston airport, where the alleged “shoe bomber” incident occurred. (Certainly, this was a frame-up- ETK). MostICTS employees are ex-Israeli Shin Bet officers. Certainly, Mossad agents could also have found work there. The ICTS contracted security services to each airport involved in 9/11. Conveniently, a last minute addition to the so-called Patriot Act- added just before it was voted on in the House- provides that foreign security companies are immune from 9/11 lawsuits. This provision eliminates the potential for a discovery process. Thus, ICTS and other foreign companies will never have to give testimony or show evidence regarding the apparent failures of airport security to US judges or courts.
A Fox News report states: “Investigators within DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying through Comverse is considered career suicide.”
An Israeli company, ZIM, one of world’s largest shipping company’s, vacated 10,000 square feet of office space on the 16thand 17th floors of the WTC1 (North Tower) one week prior to the 9/11 attacks. Since Zim had leased these two floors until the end of 2001, it lost $50,000 in broken lease fees. The parent company, Zim Israel Navigation Company (ZINC), is jointly owned by the state of Israel and the Israel Corporation. ZINC operates an international network of shipping lines. FBI agent, Mike Dick, investigated this Israeli ring but was removed from the investigation by then head of Justice Department’s Criminal Division, and dual (Israeli and American) citizen, Michael Chertoff. (Chertoff is also credited with writing the Patriot Act, below).
A CIA non-official cover (NOC) source who worked with FBI agent Dick states that after Zim moved out of the WTC, Israeli movers moved explosives into 17th floor office space. After 911, both this CIA NOC source and Dick were harassed by superiors on orders from Chertoff. Dick was relieved of his counter-espionage duties, then sent to Pakistan to investigate the kidnapping of Wall Street Journal reporter, Daniel Perle, and then assigned to a desk job at FBI headquarters in Washington D.C. The CIA source said Perle was getting too close to the money source that financed 9/11 and that, “The same group that beheaded Perle did the beheadings in Iraq. The beheadings were not (carried out by) Al Qaeda.” This CIA source stated that Al Qaeda itself is merely a list of arms dealers, mercenaries, drug dealers, financiers, and terrorists used by the CIA and Saudis during the Afghan-Mujahadeen war against the Soviets in the 1980s (this is true- ETK). Also, all the alleged 9/11 hijackers had fake IDs.
In Fort Lee, N.J. in 2000, CIA and FBI team leaders complained that their operation (surveillance of Mohammed Atta) was being photographed by the Israelis and hence, their operation was being compromised. The CIA source said the Israelis in New Jersey were “providing cover for future (alleged) hijacker teams.” The CIA and FBI teams discovered that the future alleged hijackers were involved in drug smuggling, teenage prostitution, and blood diamond dealing.
The FBI’s John O’Neil also discovered that Russian-Israeli organized crime, operating out of New York, Miami, Las Vegas, Canada, Israel and Egypt, were involved in cocaine and ecstacy trafficking and white collar credit card and computer fraud. The network he investigated lead to Russian-Israeli organized crime involved in blood diamond, weapons, and drug dealing.
Who shipped out the steel from the ruins of the WTC, thereby effectively destroying critical evidence which could have shed light on how the WTC was destroyed and who did it? The Jew, Alan D. Ratner, owner of Metals Management, sold the approximately 50,000 tons of steel to the Shanghai Steel Company in China for $120/ton. Ratner had paid about $70/ton for the steel. Metals Management has now merged with the Sims Group and Neu Hugo East.
The Role of Dual Israeli/American Citizens.
A study entitled “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,” by Harvard professor Stephen Walt and University of Chicago professor John Mersheimer, reveals the degree of influence that the Israeli lobby exerts on international policies of the U.S., policies which often are in direct opposition to American security. In particular, they document the influence of AIPAC (American Israel public Affairs Committee) on American politics. The greatest influence is generally exerted by political appointees who have dual American-Israeli citizenship.
One example is American-Israeli citizen, Jonathan J. Pollard, who has stolen more military secrets than any other spy in American history. Pollard was a U.S. Navy counter-intelligence specialist. Indeed, tens of thousands of Israelis who have American passports admit they their primary allegiance is to Israel. Many of these individuals are actively involved in the Israeli political system (they vote), and are active in the Israeli military and in the ongoing confiscation of Palestinian land.
For example, Rabbi Myer Kahen founded the militant Jewish Defense League in the 1960’s, then emigrated to Israel where he was elected to the Knesset (Israeli parliament). He then shuttled between NY and Tel Aviv. Another Jew, James Mahon, from Alexandria, Virginia had a secret mission to kill Yasser Arafat but was killed himself. Alan Goodman left the U.S. to serve in the Israeli army. Then, armed, he walked to a holy Israeli shrine, and gunned down two unarmed Palestinians and wounded two others.
U.S. law once held that a U.S. citizen owed first allegiance to the U.S. and could not serve in a foreign army, vote in a foreign election, or hold office in a foreign country. Section 401 (E) of the 1940 Nationality Act mandated that U.S. citizens who voted in another country would lose citizenship. But in 1967, an American Jew, Beys Afroyim, was granted an exemption by the supreme court- and this exemption became a precedent subsequently applied to Jews and Jews alone.
So today, U.S. today allows Israelis, and only Israelis, to hold dual-citizenship as well as to hold government positions in the U.S. The following are extremely well-placed individuals with dual-citizenship who “serve” in the U.S. government. The question, of course, is “whose interests do they serve?”
Dual Israeli-American Citizens in U.S. Government
1) Michael Mukasey, recently appointed U.S. Attorney General, was previously the judge in the legal case in which World Trade Center lease holder (and Zionist Jew) Larry Silverstein was awarded over $4 billion in insurance claims after the 9/11 attacks.
2) Michael Chertoff, now head of the Department of Homeland Security and former Assistant Attorney general for the Criminal Division of the Justice Department.
Chertoff is the man behind the (non) investigation of 9/11. He was also previously the US Prosecuting Attorney for New Jersey and in this capacity he was the one with control of evidence and prosecution of the first bombing of the WTC. His father, Gerson Barusch Chertoff, is a Talmudic Rabbi. His uncle, Mordukai, is also a rabbi. His grandfather was a teacher of the Talmud. His sister was head of Hadassa, women’s branch of the Zionist Organization of America. The Chertoff family was one of families that founded the state of Israel.
As Head of the Department of Homeland Security, Chertoff is also head of TSA (Transportation Security Administration), U.S. Customs and Border Control, U.S. Immigration, the U.S. Secret Service, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency- and its detention camps), the U.S. Coast Guard, Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers, The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, and the National Cyber Security Center.
Chertoff was the author of the Patriot Act, which in many ways effectively nullifies the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He also has direct access to every local police department, because every department has liaisons to Homeland Security. If martial law is ever declared, Chertoff will be in direct control of Americans.
3) Richard Perle, a Bush foreign policy advisor, is Chairman of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board. A likely Israeli agent, Perle was expelled from Sen. Henry Jackson’s office in the 1970’s after the NSA caught him passing classified and sensitive national security documents to Israel. He previously worked for an Israeli weapons firm and in a pro-Israel think tank, the AEI. Perle is one of the Israeli fanatics leading today’s Iraq war-mongering.
4) Paul Wolfowitz was former Deputy Defense Secretary under Donald Rumsfeld, and now is a member of Perle’s Defense Policy Board. He has close ties with the Israeli military and his sister lives in Israel. He comes from the Jewish think tank, JINSA. He has been the number 2 leader in the Bush II administration behind the Iraq war policy. He was appointed head of the World Bank, but resigned after a scandal exposed his misuse of power.
5) Larry Franklin, Israeli spy and former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst with expertise on Iranian policy. Franklin worked for Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Douglas Feith, and reported to Feith’s deputy, William Lutti. He was sentenced to more than 12 years in prison for giving classified intelligence to an Israel diplomat and to members of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee). Yet he is free today and his prison time could be reduced for helping prosecute other former AIPAC spies, including Steven J. Rosen and Keith Wiseman. But the trial has been postponed indefinitely.
6) Douglas Feith, Under Secretary of Defense and Special Council to Richard Perle, Feith is closely associated with the Zionist Organization of America. He runs a small law firm, with its one office in Israel, that exclusively represents Israeli arms manufacturers. He is associated with JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Administration). As such, he is lobbying hard for the continuation of the Israeli proxy wars against Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.
Recently, Feith was investigated by FBI for leaking classified documents to Israel. For that, he was forced to leave the National Security Council. He was also investigated by the Senate Intelligence Committee for “sexing up” intelligence that lead up to justify the invasion of Iraq.
7) Edward Luttwack, is an Israeli citizen living in Israel who is a member of National Security Study Group at the Pentagon, and who writes for Israeli and pro-Israeli journals. Of course, he promotes war.
8) Henry Kissinger sits today on the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board under Richard Perle. For details about Kissinger’s past war crimes, read Seymour Hersh’s “The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House.” Kissinger had a part in Watergate, SE Asia mass-murders, installing Chile’s mass-murderer dictator, Augusto Pinochet, oversaw Operation Condor’s mass killings in South America, and was Milosovich’s advisor. He is the “Ariel Sharon” of the U.S. Bush appointed Kissinger to head the 9/11 investigation, but he resigned when it was fiercely protested.
9) Dov Zakheim is a co-author of PNAC’s “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” (which advocates the necessity for a Pearl Harbor-like incident to mobilize America into war with Israel’s enemies) and is considered by some to be the master-mind behind 9/11. Zakheim is an ordained orthodox rabbi who was ordained in 1973. He attended Jews college in London. He was adjunct professor at New York Jewish University. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and remains close to the Israeli lobby.
Zakheim was appointed by Bush as Pentagon Comptroller, where he served from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004. When he stepped down, he couldn’t explain the disappearance of $1 trillion. Earlier, on Sept. 10, 2001, he couldn’t account for $2.3 trillion that had gone missing from the Pentagon books. So at least $3.3 trillion disappeared from the Pentagon during his watch. On May 6, 2004, Zakheim took a lucrative position with Booze Allen, which works closely with DARPA, a research arm of Pentagon. He has been influencing US policy since the Reagan administration. He has aided steering most of Israel’s military arms.
10) Kenneth Adelman is a Pentagon advisor who sits on the Defense Policy Board. He is a Fox News TV commentator and vocal supporter of the Iraq war.
11) Lewis “Scooter” Libby was Vice President Cheney’s ex-Chief of Staff and is a long-time associate of Wolfowitz. He was a lawyer for the convicted Israeli spy, Mark Rich, who was later pardoned by Clinton. Libby was found guilty of lying to federal investigators regarding his outing of CIA-operative, Valerie Plame.
12) Robert Satloff, is an NSA council advisor who was Executive Director for the Israeli lobby think tank (Washington Institute for Near East Policy).
13) Elliot Abrams, former NSA advisor, Abrams was Assistant Secretary of State under Reagan, where he we was criminally involved in the Iran-Contra scandal. He was convicted of criminal war profiteering and he lied to Congress on numerous occasions. He pleaded guilty and faced felony charges, but was later given a full pardon by Bush I. He is a hawkish, pro-Israel Jew.
14) Mark Grossman, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, was Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources at the Department of State under President Clinton.
15) Richard Haas is Director of Policy Planning at the State Dept, Ambassador at Large, Director of National Security Programs, and a Senior Fellow at the CFR. He sat on the NSC, where he consistently advocated going to war against Iraq. He is also a member of the Defense Department’s National Security Study Group.
16) Robert Zoellick is a U.S. trade representative, a cabinet level position. He consistently advocates for the Iraq war.
17) Ari Fleischer is ex-Press Secretary for Bush II. He is closely associated with the extremist Jewish group, Chabad Lubovitch Hassdics, which follow the Cabalah.
18) James Schlesinger sits on the Defense Policy Board under Perle and has supported the Iraq war. He is a Commissioner of the National Security Study Group at Pentagon. He wrote the book, “Clash of Civilizations” in the early 1980’s that outlines the present turmoil in the Middle East.
19) David Fromm is the ex-speech writer for Bush II who came up with the “Axis of Evil” label.
20) Joshua Bolton is White House Deputy Chief of Staff, a former banker, and former legislative aid.
21) John Bolton is a former UN Representative and Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. He is a senior advisor to President Bush II. Previously, he was a senior VP of the Israeli think tank AEI. In 2002, he accused Syria of having a nuclear program, not mentioning that Israel has several hundred nuclear weapons at least.
22) David Wurmser is Special Assistant to John Bolton, Undersecretary for Arms Control and International Security. He worked at the AEI with Perle and Bolton. His wife co-founded the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
23) Eliot Cohen is a memory of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board under Perle. He is a newspaper columnist and TV commentator who rails against Muslims.
24) Mel Semlber is President of Export-Import Bank of the United States and former finance chairman of the Republican National Committee.
25) Steve Goldsmith was a senior presidential advisor and Bush II’s Jewish domestic policy advisor. He served as liason in the White House policy office on faith-based community initiatives. He is former mayor of Indianapolis and a friend of Jerusalem mayor, Yihoud Omer. He often visits Israel to coach mayors in privatization initiatives.
26) Adam Goldman is the White House’s Special Liason to the Jewish Community.
27) Joseph Guildenhorn was the Bush II’s campaign’s Special Liason to the Jewish Community. He was also Washington DC finance chairman for Bush and campaign coordinator and is a former ambassador to Switzerland.
28) Christopher Gersten is Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Administration for Children and Families at HHS. He is former Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition and is husband of the Labor Secretary.
29) Mark Weinberger is Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs.
30) Samuel Bodman is Deputy Secretary of Commerce and was chairman and CEO of Cabot Corporation in Boston, Mass.
31) Bonnie Cohen is Under Secretary of State for Management.
32) Ruth Davis is Director of Foreign Service Institute where she trains all Department of State staff, including ambassadors.
33) Daniel Kurtzer is Ambassador to Israel.
34) Cliff Sobel is Ambassador to the Netherlands
35) Stuart Bernstein is Ambassador to Denmark.
36) Nancy Brinker is Ambassador to Hungary.
37) Frank Lavin is Ambassador to Singapore.
38) Ron Weiser is Ambassador to Slovakia.
39) Mel Sembler is Ambassador to Italy.
40) Martin Silverstein is Ambassador to Uruguay.
41) Lincoln Bloomfiel is Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs.
42) Jay Lefkowitz is Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council.
43) Ken Melman is White House Political Director.
44) Brad Blakeman is White House Director of Scheduling.
How Does the Jewish Crime Network Operate?
Operatives of the Jewish Crime Network and their “Sayanim” assistants play all roles to retain the illusion that they aren’t working on the same side. So they play the roles of friend, associate, entertainer, business partner, villain, and hero.
(Sayanim: Jews living outside Israel that volunteer to provide assistance to the Israeli Mossad. This includes facilitating medical care, money, logistics, and even overt intelligence gathering. Estimates put the number of “sayanim” in the hundreds of thousands.)
For example, the Virginia Tech shooting attacks in 2007 were orchestrated by Jews. Key individuals in the drama, including the President of the University, and the professor who allegedly saved the day, are Jewish. And Jews have taken an active role in getting gun laws passed over the last hundred years.
On 9/11, one “hero of the day” was Jeremy Glick, a Jew. Supposedly, Glick was the brave soul who mobilized passengers on Flight 93 to overpower the hijackers. However, eyewitness reports show that Flight 93 itself was shot down and did not crash land at all. So the Glick story is a lie. Nonetheless, the mainstream media would have us believe that of the supposedly three Jews who died on 9/11, one turns out to be a hero??!!
No Justice: The 9/11 Damage Control Infra-structure
The appointed federal judges Alvin K. Hellerstein, Michael Mukase and former Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff have worked for almost seven years to block critical evidence concerning 9/11. During this time, the key 9/11 players built up their damage control infra-structure. Feinberg Group, LLP, is an Israel-based Zionist group that supports the building of the illegal separation wall across Palestine. Kenneth Feinberg, of that business, was appointed Special Master by then-Attorney General John Ashcroft. Feinberg set up the Victim’s Compensation Fund, which raised some $7 billion in taxpayer money that would be paid out to victim’s of the Israeli 911 attack. 97% of eligible victim’s families took their payout (usually between $500,000 and a million) and thereby waived their rights to a trial against the 9/11 criminals. This prevented any discoveries that could have been made in the courts.
Judge Alvin Hellerstein has long been associated with the Jewish criminal network and has close family ties to Israel. He is a member of the Jewish Center of New York and former president of Jewish Education of New York. His wife is officer with AMIT (Americans for Israel and Torah). Hellerstein was chosen to preside over all 9/11 victim’s lawsuits. He stated: “There’s an extraordinary public benefit in having these cases resolved and not allowing through them the wounds of 9/11 suffered by our entire society to keep festering.” Thus, Hellerstein’s mission was to quickly resolve the cases. And to this day, not been a single court case on 9/11 has gone forward. Not a single victim has had a single day or hour in court to resolve their grievances.
One reason for this is that Hellerstein’s “Special Mediator,” Sheila Birnbahm, another Jew, deals with the potential plantiffs. She is partner in the Skadden law firm, which has close ties with Israel.
At least 200 Israeli suspects have been arrested in association with 9/11. All of these are suspects and defendants. But the Jewish protection machine has managed to keep them all out of the media and out of court.
Silverstein, Lowy, and Eisenberg
The key individuals who arranged the privatization of and then became the owners of the10.6 million square-foot WTC complex are Larry Silverstein, Frank Lowy (former Israeli commando and Australian shopping mall magnate), and Port Authority chairman, Lewis Eisenberg, who authorized the transfer of the leases. Each of these individuals holds senior positions in the ADL (Jewish Anti-Defamation League), the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), and/or the New York Museum of Jewish Heritage. Silverstein is a former chairman of UJA, which raises hundreds of millions each year for agencies in the U.S. and Israel. Eisenberg is also on the planning board of UJA. It was Eisenberg who negotiated the 99-year leases on the WTC for Silverstein and Lowy’s Westfield America, one of the largest operators of shopping malls in the world. Silverstein and Lowy were the low bidders. Six weeks before 9/11, the Port Authority completed the WTC leases to developer Silverstein, and the underground retail space to Lowy’s Westfield America. Silverstein was already leasing WTC Building 7.
{ETK note: Silverstein is said to have only paid $15 million of his own money to obtain the WTC leases. Silverstein then insured both the WTC Towers 1 and 2 in case of terrorist attacks. Silverstein has already received a reported $4.7 billion in insurance payouts. He is now reportedly suing to increase this sum to $8 billion, arguing that the attacks on WTC 1 and 2 were separate terrorist attacks. It seems you can sure make a lot money in this “Jewish criminal network”!}
Remote Control Technology for Planes
Rabbi Dov Zakheim was CEO of SPC (Systems Planning Corporation), which designs, markets and distributes the Flight Terminator and Command Transmitter System (CTS) by which modern planes can be controlled remotely. This technology allows personnel on the ground to take control of and fly up to 8 planes simultaneously. It certainly allows an operator on the ground to wrest control of a plane from a hijacker or to fly a plane in which the pilot was incapacitated.
{ETK note: In my 2006 paper, “9/11 Was an Inside Job and a Psy-Op” ( under Articles and Commentary section), I suggested that SPC technology could have been used to fly Boeing 707 drones into Towers 1 and 2 and also noted that later, as Pentagon Comptroller, Zakheim purchased a number of these planes for the U.S. Air Force. However, in view of more recent excellent research on video fakery, I now favor the hypothesis that no hijacked airliners or remotely controlled planes actually crashed at the four 9/11 sites.}
911 was also a Computer Crime
9/11 was also a computer crime. Most of the critical computer systems on 9/11 were run by Ptech, a computer software company in Quincy, Massachussetts. Through Ptech, Mossad had their hands in these most sensitive computer systems. All these computer systems failed to respond appropriately on 9/11. Also, there were military drills were going on during the morning of 9/11, some of which involved aircraft crashing into the WTC and Pentagon. These include Operation Northern Vigilance, Operation Vigilant Guardian, and Operation Northern Guardian, etc.
Joe Bergentino was part of a WBTV investigative team that was tipped off that Ptech had ties to terrorists (from systems analyst Indira Singh – see my 2006 9/11 paper at Ptech’s clients included the US Army and Air Force, U.S. Naval Air Command, DOE, FAA, IRS, Congress, NATO, FBI, the Secret Service, and the White House. On the surface, Ptech is also linked to Saudi and Arabs, as they are the front-men financiers of Ptech. But this may be a deceptive front or smokescreen by the Jewish criminal syndicate, similar to pinning the crime on the19 Saudi alleged “hijackers.”
Michael A. Goff (an American “sayanim”?) was a leading marketer for Ptech and worked with Ptech’s sales organization. He was tapped by Mossad for this job. Goff also worked for an Israeli-run computer security company, Guardium. The three firms that back Guardium are all controlled by Mossad. On 9/11, Ptech was loaded onto the most sensitive computer systems. On that day, there was a massive communications breakdown. The systems were used by FAA, NORAD, the US Air Force, etc.. ThroughPtech, the 9/11 conspirators had super-user access to all these three systems. One such company was Mitre Corporation.
Indira Singh, a systems analyst employed by J.P. Morgan Bank on 9/11, stated at the 9/11 Citizen’s Commission in New York City in 2004: “Ptech was with the MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11. Their specific job is to look at inter-operability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency. If anyone was in a position to know that the FAA – that there was a window of opportunity to insert software to change anything- it would have been Ptech along with MITRE.” MITRE is a major defense contractor headed by former CIA Director and Secretary of Defense, James Schlesinger, a Jew. He also worked at the Rand Corporation.
{ETK note: Schlesinger, who has three degrees from Harvard, wrote the book, “Clash of Civilizations” in the early 1980’s. This book predicts that the present conflict in the Middle East could expand to engulf the entire world.}
On December 17, 2001, two men were caught with detailed plans of the Chicago Sears Tower. They were Moshe Elmakias, age 30 and Ron Katar, age 23. The vehicle read “Moving Systems, Inc.” and was loaded with furniture and also had a video camera with zoom-in shots of the Sears Tower. Is it possible that the plane that went down in Pennsylvania was intended for the Chicago Sears Tower?
Other Examples of Mossad Terrorist Operations.
La Vox de Aztlan newspaper reported on “The Mossad Mexican Operation.” On October 10, 2001, two Mossad agents posing as press photographers, armed with pistols, grenades explosives, dynamite, detonators, were caught in the Mexican Congressional Building.
The Newspaper La Vox de Aztlan, quoted police as stating: “We believe that the two Zionist terrorists were going to blow up the Mexican Congress. The second phase was to mobilize both the Mexican and U.S. press to blame Osama bin Laden. Most likely, then, Mexico would declare war on Afghanistan as well, commit troops and all the oil it could spare to combat Islamic terrorism.”
The Israeli Mossad agents were released saying he had a legal permit to carry a gun. In fact, Israel had put massive pressure on Mexico to release the two agents.
Where were US intelligence agencies before and on 9/11? Who controls these organizations? Why can’t they crack the Jewish crime network? What about the National Security Agency? Truman formed the NSA in 1947. Truman was a Jew. In June 16, 2006, Christopher Bollyn reported that the NSA selected as their security encryption software the RSA.
My questions and comments on the movie.
There is a lot of important information in this movie, and it is tempting to want to believe their webite claim that Missing Links is the “definite truth about 9/11.” The movie, of course, makes the claim that “Jewish criminal network” executed 9/11 and controlled it’s cover-up, mainly through their amazing ability to infiltrate their operatives (or moles) into key positions in government and media. And I should add that the Zionism quotes I have assembled in my 911 New World Order files website (http: indicate that the “Jewish criminal network” has used similar infiltration techniques in past generations to foment wars and revolutions for their own benefit.
Even so, as this movie itself points out, the 9/11 Truth movement itself is also heavily infiltrated and subject to intentional disinformation campaigns. Certainly, we understand that the third responsibility of the “perps” is to “control the opposition.” Thus, we can expect the 9/11 perps to maintain their cover-up by actually leading the opposition, creating dissent in the ranks, and adding enough disinformation into the mix to lead people off in wrong directions. Thus, it is prudent to pose some questions before embracing the movie’s thesis.
1) Who are the producer and director of this movie and what is their background, training, and experience? They are not out to make a profit on this movie. I googled their names, but there was almost nothing written about either of them. So the origin of the film itself is a bit of a mystery. In this sense, it is similar to two other excellent video series on 9/11: September Clues and Octopus 911, both of which indicate that the video of planes we saw striking the Twin Towers were faked. Each of these video series is extremely informative and compelling, but who made them and why?…..
2) Mossad’s motto is: “By deception, thou shalt do war.” 9/11 itself was a giant hoax and psy-op that has provided tremendous benefits and profits to the power elite. The producer and director claim that Mossad double agents provided information for this film. These agents remain nameless, of course. Much of the other information was supplied by CIA, FBI, and other government agents or agencies- agencies which have deceived the public many times in the past. Some sources are named and some are not. And one of the main purposes of the 9/11 operation, according to Joan Veon anyway, was to better integrate intelligence agencies around the world. Therefore, we must question whether information presented here is accurate, as some of these sources have proven to be highly unreliable in the past.
3) Are the producer/director coming out with this information now in order to help apprehend the guilty and thereby possibly avert an Israeli attack on Iran? This is not stated, but could be implied in the movie’s statement that “time is running out.” The movie gives invaluable information about many aspects of 9/11 that could be useful in a genuine investigation. Unfortunately, with President Obama still exploiting 9/11 for political gain, it does not appear that a new investigation is immanent. And the movie provides no suggestions as to what we can do to protect our world from the 9/11 perps.
4) While the movie exposes some of the operatives and direct profiteers who perpetrated 9/11, one can question whether it exposes the real “kingpins” behind the operatives- be they Jewish or non-Jewish. Alex Jones, Dr. John Coleman, Joan Veon, and many other researchers suggest that the secret and semi-secret “globalist” organizations that advance the New World Order agenda of one-world government for the benefit of the world’s power elite include the Committee of 300 (RIIA, Tavistock Institute, Fabian socialists, CFR, CIA), as well as the Bilderbergers and Trilateral Commission, Free Masons, etc. And many of these researchers would say that the ultimate controllers of the New World Order are international bankers, the British Royal Family, and the black nobility of Europe. While many researchers do include the Jewish Zionists as one power block within this international ruling elite, others do not. Is it possible that the Jewish criminal network is working for a more powerful non-Jewish elite?
5) The movie concludes that the “Jewish criminal network” orchestrated 9/11 in order to get the U.S. to help Israel conquer the Middle East. This is certainly consistent with the symbology of Israel’s flag- in which the star of David occurs between two blue stripes, which supposedly represent the Tigris and Nile Rivers. Many Zionist leaders have spoen of the establishment of a “greater Israel” or “eretz Israel,” which includes all the territory between these two rivers, extending from Egypt to Iraq. However, most researchers seem to believe that the “New World Order’s” real goal is to establish a one-world government. Inexorable movements in that direction have resulted in the formation of the European Union and countless United Nations agencies, the signing of the WTO, NAFTA, etc., and the incremental, stealthy implementation of the North American Union. The goal of one-world government is a considerably more grandiose one than for Israel to simply achieve regional hegemony in the Middle East. The makers of the movie have not addressed these larger issues at all?
6) Clearly, there is now an overt and covert a drive to merge the nations of the world into a one world dictatorship. While the nations of Europe now form a trading block, the EU, the leaders of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico have been meeting to form a North American Union, etc. HOW does 9/11 help the NWO advance their goal of establishing a one-world dictatorship?
7) Another common explanation for the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is that are being fought is to control the world’s most productive oil provinces, the Middle East and the Caspian Basin, for the benefit of the Anglo-American empire. What is the relationship of the “Jewish criminal network” to the Anglo-American empire and the oil majors? Which is the tail and which is the dog? Or is it simply a convenient alliance between power brokers with different but overlapping agendas? Is it possible that the Jews would be content to rule Middle East alone whereas the Anglo-American empire, headed by the British Royal family and the nobility of Europe intend to rule the rest of the world?
8) Many serious and credible researchers have suggested that the Worldwide International Conspiracy is centered in England, and in the British Royal Family, in particular. Certainly, the movie makes no mention of this faction of the New World Order. Nor is there much discussion of the role of secret societies in the U.S. and internationally. Is it possible that this movie is a “limited hangout” designed to protect the real architects of the current disastrous foreign policy in the Middle East by scape-goating the Jews? Or could it be a limited hangout in the sense that it names only the operatives and neglects to name their controllers?
9) Finally, the Zionist quotes link suggests that the goal now is the same one that has animated many wars and conflicts in history: a drive to establish a one-world Jewish empire.
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