Capt. Eric May
Operation 9/11
Articles & Interviews
Webster Tarpley lectures/interviews on 9/11 (
September 10, 20249/11 “Hijackers” Were CIA Recruits (videos)
April 15, 2024Appendix 151: Jewish Ritual Blood Sacrifice/ Ritual Murder
November 21, 20229/11 preplanned; W/ List of Leading Suspects
May 14, 2021Israeli Connections to 9/11
March 19, 2019Terrorism and War (Dr. E. Karlstrom Lecture Notes, ca. 2000)
March 17, 2018Notes from 9/11 Conference in Madison, WI, 2007
March 17, 20189/11 and NWO References
February 27, 2018Dr. Judy Wood, Physicist / Engineer
January 16, 20189/11: Israel’s Masterpiece
January 6, 2018Truth In Quotes and Images: Freedom Fighters Help Yourselves
January 5, 2018Israel Did 9/11
December 26, 2017Chabadniks and Zionists are 9/11 “perpetraitors”
November 26, 2017The Five “Dancing Israelis” at 9/11 Ground Zero
October 21, 2017JEFFREY EPSTEIN, MOSSAD AND 9 11
February 16, 2017Bollyn, O’Keefe: Israel Behind 9/11 and Phony War on Terrorism
January 19, 2017Who Done It? (Links to Leading Suspects; )
February 17, 2016Hoax, False Flag and False Reality: What Do They Have In Common? Fraud
November 27, 20159/11 Timeline
February 25, 2014Dr. James Fetzer, Author / Founder of 9/11 Scholars
February 25, 2014Andrew Johnson, 9/11 Researcher
February 25, 2014A tie-in between operation 9/11 and the global warming fraud?
February 25, 2014Dr. Kevin Barrett, 9/11 Researcher
February 25, 2014John Hutchison “of Hutchison Effect”
February 24, 2014Jewish “global lies” are collapsing (National Journal, 2011)
February 24, 2014Dr. Ed Ward, 9/11 Researchers
February 23, 2014Leuren Moret, Researcher
February 22, 2014Alfred Webre, Lawyer / Researcher
February 21, 20149/11 as Jewish Lightning?
February 21, 2014Sophia Smallstorm, Film-Maker
February 20, 2014Notes on Missing Links DVD
February 20, 2014Capt. Eric May
February 19, 2014USMC Major William Fox
February 18, 2014Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Researcher
February 17, 2014Capt. Eric May
Captain May is a writer and former military intelligence officer who founded the Ghost Troop cyber intelligence unit, Journalist with Lone Star Iconoclast in Houston, Texas, former intelligence officer and language instructor.
[title type=”h3″]The Interviews: [/title]
Captain Eric May – 9/25/07 Interview:
Captain Eric May – 5/13/08 Interview:
Capt. Eric May- 9/25/07
Along with Dr. James H. Fetzer (founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth), Major William Fox, and SFC Donald Buswell (the 9/11 NCO), Captain Eric May recently issued a major national terrorist) alert, which was picked up by about 10,000 websites and reported in the Seattle Times. Their May Day alert warned that government terror drills being performed in the NW (Seattle and Portland) from May 1 to 8, 2008, could, like 9/11- “go live” and become genuine false-flag, state-sponsored terrorist attacks. 9/11 in the US and the 7/7 London bombings were both inside job, false-flag attacks covered out under cover of military exercises. These particular (May, 2008) military exercises fortunately did not morph into actual terrorist attacks in the Northwestern US. But ever since actual terrorist attacks coincided with government anti-terrorist drills on 9/11 in the U.S. and 7/7 bombings in the U.K., Capt. Eric May and his Ghost Troop cyber-intelligence unit have closely monitored anti-terrorist military drills in this country.
May stated that we need to use both eyes- one for looking backward and solving the case of 9/11 and one to look forward and prevent the next 9/11, that indeed, our rogue government has repeatedly promised us.
May recounted his personal history: enlisted in the U.S. Army out of his Houston, Tesxas high school, where he worked in the nuclear, biological and chemical weapons corps. He learned Latin, Greek and Russian in his training for Army intelligence. He did a stint as a Latin, Russian and English teacher in a prep school. Returning to military intelligence, in his job as an Op Force Controller, his job was to think like the bad guys. Returning to civilian life, he became an editorial writer and ghost speech-writer for CEOs and mostly Republican politicians in the Houston area. After 9/11, he first supported the government’s position. It was only after, as a journalist, he covered the bloody, three-day “Battle of Baghdad,” which was completely censored from the American public, and after he talked with a 9/11 witness who was a Marine Captain, that May first questioned 9/11. Soon he realized that 9/11 was an inside job. As a military man, Captain May took an oath to defend America and the U.S. Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. By founding and leading Ghost Troop (named for the many unrecognized American soldiers who died at the “Battle of Baghdad”), Captain May is honoring and fulfilling that oath, by using his intelligence background and skills to foil another attempted false-flag attack on Americans.
May says it’s tougher now for the government to “false-flag” us. Between half and ¾ of the American people don’t believe the government story, whereas ¼ belivee the government carried out the 9/11 attacks. Once people wake up, they don’t go back to sleep. The May Day alert was a big breakthrough for the 9/11 Truth Movement that makes it exponentially more difficult for the government to carry out the next attack.
The media and political establishment have no choice but to continue down the false-flag path. They must carry out another attack to turn this country into a military dictatorship, as they hope to do. The recent Operation Impact involved a 3-state massive roundup of people in preparation for martial law. The next week there was a simulated concentration-camp drill in Iowa.
A terror exercise is the best way to set up a terrorist event. (US Government) Operations Topoff (for Top Officer) and Noble Resolve set up a nuclear attack in Portland. There were multiple indicators that Portland might be a designated target. May has previously warned of 6 petrochemical terror attacks in Texas City, Texas. Four of these petrochemical explosion drills actually did go live. And in each case, after BP, Exon-Mobile, etc. refineries were destroyed, the world price of oil went up to record highs. Military exercises were going on before and after each of these cases. His Lone Star Iconoclast newspaper has called for a Congressional Investigation of this. This is the true m.o. (modus operandi) of 9/11. The elite chooses targets such as the “white elephant” WTC or old, dilapidated refineries that are obsolete and need to be replaced. Then they make tons of insurance money and money from the tax payers after their own operations destroy the facilities.
The three most dangerous places in the U.S. are 1) Houson, specifically Texas City, 2) Chicago, specifically the Sears Tower, and 3) Portland, now extended to Portland and Seattle. Our job is to try to anticipate where the enemy (rogue elements of the federal government) is drawing up plans to strike next. The Bush administration is a cabal; Big Oil is the chief actor. They own the Bushes. Bush Sr. lives in Houston. The war in Iraq is a Zionist/globalist war to seize the Middle East. It is also a capitalist war. So the two objectives of the war in Iraq are oil and Israel. It has always been for territorial acquisition of Middle Eastern oil. We need to remember that war and disaster are phenomenal economic opportunities for those who can control when you go to war and who you go to war with. The main profiteers of Bush’s wars are 1) international money men, the bankers and financiers, 2) big oil, 3) the arms industry. Today oil is up to $120 a barrel. War is about killing people and taking stuff.
Houston (Texas City) has always been part of their long-range synthetic terrorism plan. It was always their number 3 target (after Oklahoma City and New York City). In fact, here we see a coded pattern, typical of the criminal cabal/gang- like other gangs they have their own numerical codes, etc., So all these ops are coded (example: 9/11, 7/7, 3/11 in Madrid, 11/9 in Aman Jordan, 7/11 in Mumbay, India two years agao). In fact, the leaders of the criminal cabal which has taken over Washington are cultists of secret societies.
So far, we (Ghost Troop and affiliates) have pre-empted them. We may have pre-empted them in Portland and Seattle. They are beind schedule, if they fall too far behind schedule their cabal falls apart. All wars are conspiracies by cabals of gangster types.
The internet, the alternative media, is now more powerful than CNN or Rupert Murdoch. But there is a large contingent within the 9/11 movement dedicated to creating infighting and pullig it down from within. What the government really hates is professionally lead opposition (such as Ghost Troop). Thus, there are often serious attempts to retaliate and discourage leaders. Captain May himself mysteriously contracted a very serious disease after beginning his efforts, as did Donald Busman (the 9/11 NCO).
Solutions: stay vigilant, get a subscription to the Lone Star Iconoclast, use one eye to look back and try to figure out the truth of 9/11 and one eye to anticipate and prevent the next 9/11 (and ETK note: use your third eye to make the most of each precious, present moment).
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