Appendix 207: “”The Program” Is Covert Domestic Terrorism Against And Torture Of “Political Targets:” 19 Videos By “Dr. X Keyscore”
Webmaster (ETK) Introduction: “Dr. X Keyscore” claims to hold Ph.D., M.A.S., M.A.. B.A. degrees, have a background in Security Studies and as a Mil/Intel-CI/CT Analyst, and to be Son of the American Revolution, Patriot, Whistle-blower, Global Nomad, and Deep State…
Appendix 208: Perfect Crime and Cover-Up: Mind Control Technologies Timeline & Gangstalking-CyberTorture: Secret Weapons of The New World Order
By Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography January 30, 2023 Contents: I. Introduction II. Timeline of advances in mind control and torture technologies (1920-1979) as documented in Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications. III. Historic applications of…
Appendix 209: Gangstalkers = New Secret Police! A.K. Forwood (TI) Articles: 1) Social Self-Destruction: Secret War of Controlled Chaos, 2) The Network: Inside the Targeting System
Epigraph Quotes: 1) (Organized stalking) is a cleverly disguised system of torture and murder (aimed primarily) at opponents of the New World Order. Mark M. Rich, The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite's Covert War Against The Domestic Population (2011) 2)…
Appendix 210: Jews Behind 9/11 & Covid Depopulation Cons: You Are Amalek Videos (Parts 1 – 3)
“The Jew cries out “Anti-Semitism” while he’s stabbing you in the face.” Alexandr Solshenitsyn, Nobel Prize Winning Author You Are Amalek: Part 1 Video Introduction: Many think they know what’s going on. Please let me tell you something … 95%…
Appendix 211: Former FBI Section Chief and TI, Ted Gunderson: ‘Targeted Individual Program’ Is ‘Satanic (Illuminati*), Illegal, US Government Rogue, Criminal Enterprise” (lecture video w/ my notes)
“I dared to challenge them and they sent an army after me…. The “New World Order boys.” I call them the “Junior High Boys.” They recruit them out of Special Forces….” Ted Gunderson, Whistleblower, TI, & ex-high ranking FBI Section…
Appendix 212: Fiona Barnett, Australian CIA Child Sex Trafficking, Ritual Abuse, & CIA MKULTRA Mind Control Victim, Military “Asset” (Assassin/Sex Slave), & Current TI (Article & 6 Videos)
Epigraph Quotes: Child trafficking is run as a single integrated world operation. This operation is coordinated by the CIA in collaboration with British and Australian intelligence services. … A vast majority of MKULTRA subjects were children. Children make the best…
Appendix 213: World’s Secret (Satanic) Religion Revealed (Altiyan Childs, 2021 film)
Copyright: Altijan 'Childs' Juric Original video link: • Video 2 Peter 3:3 "In the last days scoffers will come, walking according to their own lusts" 'The tares shall be separated from the wheat' - Obadiah The Shroud Of Turin Revisited... (Latest…
Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)
Webmaster comment: EXCELLENT! A MUST SEE. This film aptly portrays the socio-cultural-military back-drop to the ongoing “targeted individual program.” Gray State (film) Show notes: The GRAY STATE Project: The world reels with the turmoil of war, geological disaster, and economic…