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“Infowarrior” Alex Jones Convicted For Exposing Sandy Hook “Mass Shooting” As “Potemkin (Propaganda) Village”-Truman Show-Style Staged Event

“Infowarrior” Alex Jones Convicted For Exposing Sandy Hook “Mass Shooting” As “Potemkin (Propaganda) Village”-Truman Show-Style Staged Event (With Partial Transcription of Court Room Dialogue, 9/22/22) Epigraph Quote: All warfare is based on deception. Sun Tsu Webmaster Introduction: Infowars podcaster, Alex…

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Appendix 159: Jewish Gangstalking: Jonathon Greenblatt (ADL CEO ): ADL Must “Get” Ye; “Get” = “cancel,” “track,” “monitor,” “train and tip off law enforcement,” “litigate,” “bankrupt,” & “re-educate” “extremists,” “anti-zionists,” “white supremacists” (videos/articles)

Epigraph Quotes: 1. “The CIA and FBI are tinker toys compared to the ADL.” - Senator Jack B. Tenny (CA), 1971 2. Jonathon Greenblatt (CEO of ADL): "Basically, as CEO of the ADL, I do three things. Number one, we…

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Appendix 160: Who Controls America? Hundreds Of Gov’t Officials Hold Emergency Summit To Establish “Whole Of Government” Approach To Antisemitism (Video)

I. Hundreds Of Gov’t Officials Hold Emergency Summit To Establish “Whole Of Government” Approach To Antisemitism Epigraph Quotes: Harrison Smith ( journalist): It’s hard to believe but our government is now a religious theocracy. The official state religion is…

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Appendix 161: Authoritarian Political Warfare, aka DoD/NATO’s Cognitive Warfare (CW), Secret State-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism, Open-Air Gitmo, CIA No-Touch Torture & Soft-Kill Depopulation Purge ( Homepage; 3/27/23)

Authoritarian Political Warfare, aka DoD/NATO’s Cognitive Warfare (CW), Secret State-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism, Open-Air Gitmo, CIA No-Touch Torture & Soft-Kill Depopulation Purge Webmaster: Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University, Stanislaus Updated: March 24, 2023 (2246 posts)…

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