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Appendix 137: 1) Scope, Structure, & Purpose of Gangstalking-Electronic Experimentation, Enslavement, Execution, Transhumanism, Torture-Murder Operations (GEEEETTMO); 2) Psychological Profile of Perps (Weaponized People) & Destructive Cults, 3) Protocols Now Implemented

Compiled by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, October 4, 2022 Epigraph Quote: 1) (The Targeted Individual Program/GEEEETTMO) is “a secret global-level Unconventional War being perpetrated against the human race by the Military-Industrial Complex, central banks, and other…

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Appendix 138: Neuroweapons of Mass Destruction/Transhumanism: COVID CLOTSHOT = Genetically-Modified, Bio-Synthetic, AI, Self-Assembling Nano-Tech Neurobioweapon (Transcribed Kingston-Adams Interview W/ Pertinent Patents; 10/6/22)

Webmaster comment: I suggest that this interview of Karen Kingston by Mike Adams proves beyond any reasonable doubt my contention that “targeted individuals” (TIs) are and have been the beta tests for the “neuroweapons of mass destruction” now being rolled…

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“Infowarrior” Alex Jones Convicted For Exposing Sandy Hook “Mass Shooting” As “Potemkin (Propaganda) Village”-Truman Show-Style Staged Event

“Infowarrior” Alex Jones Convicted For Exposing Sandy Hook “Mass Shooting” As “Potemkin (Propaganda) Village”-Truman Show-Style Staged Event (With Partial Transcription of Court Room Dialogue, 9/22/22) Epigraph Quote: All warfare is based on deception. Sun Tsu Webmaster Introduction: Infowars podcaster, Alex…

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Appendix 141: PATENTS ON Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), Neuroweapons, Artificial Telepathy, Behavior Modification, Nervous System Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Mental Monitoring, Electronic Surveillance, Implants & Nanotech, Subliminal Messaging, Remote Controlling Humans, Humans as “Hackable Animals,” & Microsoft’s “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity” From 8 Posts On This Website

  PATENTS ON Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), Neuroweapons, Artificial Telepathy, Behavior Modification, Nervous System Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Mental Monitoring, Electronic Surveillance, Implants & Nanotech, Subliminal Messaging, Remote Controlling Humans, Humans as “Hackable Animals,” & Microsoft’s “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity”…

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