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Appendix 150: Year 2022 Rick Miracle Report #1, Who And What Is Destroying The World

Appendix 150: Year 2022 Rick Miracle Report #1, Who And What Is Destroying The World Published on Jan 20, 2022 New World Order - Great Reset - B(6)uild B(6)ack B(6)etter. Source: Category Jewish Question Tags…

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Appendix 151: Jewish Ritual Blood Sacrifice/ Ritual Murder

Webmaster Comment: Could the inhuman psychopaths behind the Covid Depopulation Genocide and historical ritual murder/sacrifice of humans for thousands of years possibly be the same group behind the global gangstalking-electronic torture/murder depopulation purge? How could it not be? I. The…

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Appendix 152. Excellent website!

                                                                     Welcome to life in government terd soup. Courtesy of The Patriot Act.   Tortured in AmericaMKULTRA is alive and well. It's the culmination of surveillance state powers used against an INDIVIDUAL. The entire kitchen-sink approach. ONE -vs-…

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Appendix 154: Kabbalah and Freemasonry (Parts 1 and 2)

I. Kabbalah and Freemasonry (Part 1) Published on Nov 24, 2021 Part 1 Mr. Raefipour speech about The Origins of Kabbalah And Freemasonry. II. Kabbalah and Freemasonry (Part 2) Published on Nov 24, 2021 Part 2 Mr. Raefipour speech…

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Appendix 159: Jewish Gangstalking: Jonathon Greenblatt (ADL CEO ): ADL Must “Get” Ye; “Get” = “cancel,” “track,” “monitor,” “train and tip off law enforcement,” “litigate,” “bankrupt,” & “re-educate” “extremists,” “anti-zionists,” “white supremacists” (videos/articles)

Epigraph Quotes: 1. “The CIA and FBI are tinker toys compared to the ADL.” - Senator Jack B. Tenny (CA), 1971 2. Jonathon Greenblatt (CEO of ADL): "Basically, as CEO of the ADL, I do three things. Number one, we…

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