Appendix 217: Glossary of 452 Terms* Relating To Electronic-Netcentric-Neuro Warfare, Synthetic Biology, AI Precision Medicine, the Metaverses, & Targeted Individual (TI) aka Total Individual Control Enslavement-Torture-Murder-Transhumanism Program**
Glossary of 452 Terms* Relating To Electronic-Netcentric-Neuro Warfare, Synthetic Biology, AI Precision Medicine, the Metaverses, & Targeted Individual (TI) aka Total Individual Control Enslavement-Torture-Murder-Transhumanism Program** Terms are mostly from military-intelligence ops and “black ops,” electronic-information-netcentric-cognitive and neuro warfare, electrical and…
Appendix 214: Sabrina Wallace on Hi-Jacked Biofield
Posted on December 13, 2022 by lynnschmaltz — Leave a comment Sabrina on High-Jacked BioField The Following is a transcription from one of Sabrina Wallace (Davis)’s videos found at the link above. “This channel belongs to…
Appendix 218A: Electronic & Net-Centric Warfare, Biomedical Engineering, Wireless Body Area Network, Regenerative Medicine, Human Energy Harvesting, Transhumanism & Civilian Targeting Program (50 Sabrina Wallace Videos w/ references, notes, comments)
Electronic & Net-Centric Warfare, Biomedical Engineering, Wireless Body Area Network, Regenerative Medicine, Human Energy Harvesting, Transhumanism & Civilian Targeting Program (50 Sabrina Wallace Videos w/ references, notes, comments) Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, Nov. 27, 2023 Webmaster…
Appendix 218C: Logging In to Your Wireless Body Area Network: The Biodigital Convergence (More Sabrina Wallace videos, comments, etc.)
Epigraph Quotes: 1) “If somebody’s got more money than you do, they can electronically torture anyone they want to, for any reason. “We’re going to have lawfare!” No, you’re not. Those are “value-chain partners.””” What is Cov-BAN (Covid Body Area…
Appendix 234: How They Target TIs: Drone Kill Nets (parts i-iii), by Sabrina Wallace (2023)
In these posts, Sabrina Wallace reads and comments upon this document: Drones Kill Communications Net Illustrated by Mark Ballard, 2014,, Public Sector IT (Drone kill communications net illustrated, Mark Ballard, 2014) 1) Drone kill communications net illustrated i July…
Appendix 218: 87 Sabrina Wallace videos On Electronic & NetCentric Warfare, Biomedical Engineering, Wireless Body Area Network, Regenerative Medicine, Human Energy Harvesting, Transhumanism & Civilian Targeting Program (w/ references & comments)
Webmaster Introduction: There is much apparently ground-breaking information contained in these 87 podcasts by Sabrina Wallace and in the associated comments, figures, diagrams, abstracts. If the information is correct, as it seems to be, we finally have a thorough technological…
Appendix 213: Our Bodies are Biohacked By Electronic Warfare – Sabrina Wallace (video)
Our Bodies are Biohacked – Psinergy Must Watch – Electronic Warfare – Sabrina Wallace video August, 2023 Sabrina Wallace’s other videos: I. Sabrina Wallace’s Introduction II. Epigraph Quotes III. Webmaster (ETK) Introduction IV. 88 Key Terms and Points From Video…