Appendix 271: 1. Identify 2. Villify 3. Nullify 4. Destroy: Community Organized Stalking/”Coercive Persuasion” Ops Exposed by David Lawson (PI); summarized by webmaster & Eleanor White
Epigraph Quotes from “Cause Stalking” by David Lawson, P.I. (2007): 1) “The objective is to involve all available people in the operation, which is to destroy the target.” 2) These (stalking groups) are domestic terrorists. The FBI defines terrorism as,…
Appendix 272. The future is here: Mind control and torture in the digital era (Pau Perez-Sales, 2022)
The future is here: Mind control and torture in the digital era (by Pau Perez-Sales, 2022) Abstract Torture, understood as a relationship of domination in which one person breaks the will and impedes the self-determination of another human being, taking…
Appendix 276. Walter H. Bowart’s Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994), The Invisible Third World War (2011 Synopsis), & 6 Related Interviews (Partly Transcribed)
Jan. 20, 2025 Webmaster’s Introduction: The expanded 1994 Researcher’s Edition of Walter Bowart’s 1978 book, Operation Mind Control: The CIA Plot Against America is an invaluable resource for those wishing to understand the CIA’s Targeted Individual Program (psychotronic warfare, or…
Appendix 277: The Smoking Gun: Bibliography For Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994)
Webmaster’s Introduction: This bibliography for Walter Bowart’s “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition” (1994) was apparently put together by his Freedom of Thought Foundation in 1995. I present it here because: 1) it is an invaluable resource for researchers, 2) there…
Appendix 278: Alien Abductions = Military Abductions (MILABS)?: The Controllers: A New Hypothesis of Alien Abduction by Martin Cannon (1990)
The Controllers: A New Hypothesis of Alien Abduction by Martin Cannon (1990) CONTROLLERS A New Hypothesis Of Alien Abduction by Martin Cannon
Appendix 280. Jay Dyer: Project Stargate Is A Luciferian AI Plot Jay Dyer: Project Stargate is a Luciferian Plot (Jan. 25, 2025)
Appendix 281: Testimony on behalf of Leonard Kille, engineer, father, government lab rat, & TI; tortured, destroyed, murdered by US government
Partial Dialogue from the documentary film, “The Minds of Men” by Aaron and Melissa Dykes (2018) Epigraph Quotes from Film: Melissa Dykes: For months, (Drs.) Mark and Ervin remotely stimulated Leonard Kille’s brain by computer, meticulously figuring out what each…
Appendix 284: Walter Bowart’s “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition” (1994), The Invisible Third World War (2011), & 6 Video Interviews w/ Transcribed Highlights
Compiled by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, January 20, 2025 Webmaster’s Introduction: The expanded 1994 Researcher’s Edition of Walter Bowart’s 1978 book, Operation Mind Control: The CIA Plot Against America is an invaluable resource for those wishing to understand the CIA’s Targeted…
Appendix 285: Mind Control History: 3 Timelines From “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition” by Walter Bowart (1994)
Feb. 10, 2025 Webmaster’s Introduction: Walter Bowart’s “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994) is perhaps the most useful, complete and insightful work I have found on the history and applications of mind control. The following three timelines are included in…
Appendix 286: “Alien” Abduction = Satanic Ritual Abuse = Trauma-Based Mind Control = TI Program? Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Rense Program (Feb. 7, 2025)
“Alien” Abduction = Satanic Ritual Abuse = Mind Control = TI Program? Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Rense Program (Feb. 7, 2025) 3. Walter Bowart: Interview on Alien Abductions, Mind Control, Satanic Ritual Abuse on Paranet UFO Continuum (1996) w/ Michael…
Appendix 287: Targeted Individuals & CIA’s Telepresence Surveillance System; From W. Bowart, 1994)
Posted: February 15, 2025 Epigraph Quote: In order to evade responsibility for the detention, torture, rape and murder of many tens of thousands of human beings, the CIA has developed in conjunction with the NASA Ames Laboratory what is called,…
Appendix 288: CIA Mind Control Programming, Ritual Abuse, Cults, Abductions, & Quantum Neurodynamics (From W. Bowart (1994))
Epigraph Quote: “Virtually every leading psychiatrist in North America between the 1940’s and the 1970’s was involved in some aspect of the CIA’s mind control research.” Dr. Colin A. Ross, psychiatrist, author of “The CIA Doctors" Chapter 36: A SATANIC-UFO…