Appendix 244: Total Economic Enslavement! Welcome To The “Well Being” Economy (Jason Bermas, Feb. 7, 2024)
Total Economic Enslavement! Welcome To The "Well Being" Economy (Jason Bermas, Feb. 7, 2024) But those technologies have risks, one in particular I'll mention, those new technologies provide asymmetrically powerful individuals. Individuals can do a lot of harm (webmaster: to…
FROM: Whistleblower — THIS IS WHY WE ARE TARGETED This is Why We Are Targeted: The Real Reason #V2K, #Microwaves, and #EMF attacks via 12,000 Starlight Space Satellites full access neural-link on everyone on earth to control the brain by…
Appendix 252: Climate- The Movie: The Cold Hard Truth (Martin Durkin Video, 2024)
The film that lifts the lid on the climate alarm, and the dark forces behind the climate consensus. Written and directed by Martin Durkin. Produced by Tom Nelson. 2,017 Comments Pinned by Food Lies @FoodLies 2 weeks ago Thanks to…
Appendix 253: “CIA Torture Report”/CIA’s “Phoenix Program”/”USA Gulag”/”Illuminati Elite”/”Communism & Judaism;” 5 Texe Marrs’ Power of Prophecy Programs
I. “CIA Torture Report; CIA Terror, Murder, Torture and Rape in Your Name!” Texe Marrs’ Power of Prophecy, August 23, 2014) II. TEXE MARRS – Project Phoenix—The CIA Massacres, Torture, and Murders – FEBRUARY 27, 2016 III. USA Gulag: Texe…
Appendix 254: Covid 19, Psychological Operations, and The War For Technocracy Academic Exposes Covid1984 Nightmare Dr. David Hughes’ Book: Covid 19, Psychological Operations, and The War For Technocracy Categories
Appendix 255: Smart Dust, Nanotech, Biosensors, Wireless Sensor Networks, & Chemtrail Dispersal (I. G. Reese Video 5/23/24) & II. ENABLING BATTLESPACE PERSISTENT SURVEILLANCE (OF TARGETED INDIVIDUALS!) (USAF Maj. S. Dickson, 2007)
Webmaster comment: This Greg Reese video and the related article by US Air Force Major Scott A. Dickson (ENABLING BATTLESPACE PERSISTENT SURVEILLANCE: THE FORM, FUNCTION, AND FUTURE OF SMART DUST, 2007) may go a long, long way to explaining the…
Appendix 256: 2001 NASA WAR PLAN Identifies Military Strategies & High-Tech Weaponry Deployed Against the Civilian Population (‘Targeted Individuals’!) (Pdf & Webmaster’s Summary and Comments)
Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Professor of Geography, California State University, August 8, 2024 I. Epigraph Quotes: 1) From the “NASA WAR Plan” (2001) document: p. 7: The world is undergoing triple/exponential (IT/Bio/Nano) Technological Revolutions; these technological changes are exponential, rapid,…