Appendix 149: The Knights Of Zion: Freemasonry (Extended Documentary)
Webmaster Comment: Could the inhuman psychopaths behind the Covid Depopulation Genocide and historical ritual murder/sacrifice of humans for thousands of years possibly be the same group behind the global gangstalking-electronic torture/murder depopulation purge? How could it not be? I. The…
Webmaster: Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University, Stanislaus Updated: November 23, 2022 (2121 posts) Gangstalking Mind Control Cults Website Webmaster's Websites (Toto Enterprises, Inc.) Other domain names for this website: 1) 2) 3)…
Epigraph Quotes from Comments to the Video: 1) rpsugar You would think Robert Lifton (Jewish) would know about his religious/ethnic kindred Sidney Gottlieb directing Mkultra. Polly chose Lifton to use as a source for trauma brainwashing without knowing his deep…
YE REVEALS THE METHOD: NWO SYNTHESIS BETWEEN NEW AGE (CULTS) AND TECHNOCRACY BOOM! Ye is revealing the method. I go over the symbol that got him banned & the tentacles that come off of it. This is DEEP! Can you…
Epigraph Quotes: 1. “The CIA and FBI are tinker toys compared to the ADL.” - Senator Jack B. Tenny (CA), 1971 2. Jonathon Greenblatt (CEO of ADL): "Basically, as CEO of the ADL, I do three things. Number one, we…
I. Hundreds Of Gov’t Officials Hold Emergency Summit To Establish “Whole Of Government” Approach To Antisemitism Epigraph Quotes: Harrison Smith ( journalist): It’s hard to believe but our government is now a religious theocracy. The official state religion is…
Webmaster comment: These video clips from a Jan. 3, 2023 interview of Leo Zagami (author of “Confessions of An Illuminati” Vol. 8: “From The Rise of the Antichrist To the Sound of the Devil And The Great Reset”) by Infowars’…
By Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, Feb. 22, 2023 Epigraph Quotes: 1. “We are living in an era where everything is controlled by the elite and intelligence agencies and those opposing their tyranny are eliminated by mind controlled,…
Understanding Manipulative Mind Control and What to do About It (Part 1) This article addresses the subject of psychological abuse and why victims/targets can be manipulated and controlled mentally by narcissists and sociopaths (general psychopaths,) and what can be done…
Cyber-Torture EU-Coallition Against Cybertorture (Homepage) Cybertorture We are a non profit EU-COALITION AGAINST CYBERTORTURE and Task Force established to create awareness and more of Cybernetic Technology and electronic abuse, such as the illegal data collection and manipulation of humans…
Veteran Targeted With Direct Energy Weapons Fights Back To Help Others & Bring Justice Sons of Liberty (Interview with Amy Holem begins at 22:55 minutes in video (top) and 17:58 in audio clip (bottom)) Epigraph Quotes from Interview: “(Sadly, it…
I. Whistleblower to tell House that US govt is 'middleman' in multibillion dollar migrant child trafficking op Whistleblower on child migrant trafficking comes as Biden admin faces scrutiny over handling of forced labor By Adam Shaw | Fox News Whistleblower…
Epigraph Quote from 2nd article: CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) has categorized people’s “thoughts” as being part of the government’s infrastructure – meaning the government believes it owns whatever activity takes place inside your head. Webmaster Comment: The US…