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Appendix 223. Biodigital Convergence, Internet of Bio-NanoThings, Brain Research, SMART Cities, Electronic Surveillance & Torture (Nonvaxxer420 channel videos, references, comments, & notes)

Biodigital Convergence, Internet of Bio-NanoThings, Brain Research, SMART Cities, Electronic Surveillance & Torture (Nonvaxxer420 channel videos, references, comments, & notes) Posted onOctober 29, 2023AuthorEric KarlstromLeave a commentEdit 1) Sabrina Wallace’s Introduction to Nonvaxer420 Rumble Channel (now blocked and unavailable): Epigraph…

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Appendix 224. Professor Ian F. Akyildiz videos on Biodigital Convergence

1) Internet Of Bio-Nanothings – In-Body Bionanosensor Communications Networks – Prof. Ian F. AKYILDIZ, Georgia University nonvaxer420 Origional Video: . (ARRC) Seminar Series – Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz (DARPA) – “Covid mRNA Vaccines Are Nothing More Than Bio-Nano Machines”…

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Appendix 227: Masonic-Jewish Murder Ritual on Video

Webmasters Comment:  Jews and Freemasons are probably the principle powers behind my gangstalking and that of probably many millions of others.   Fuck the Jews.  Fuck the Masons.  Send them back to hell where they come from. Parts 1 and 2…

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Appendix 235: The Gangstalking System Explained in 2 Psinergy Videos!

1) Police using mbans and gangsta aka signature reduction force 1/2 December 6, 2023 Providing a Sense of Touch through a Brain-Machine Interface DarpaTV (police brain implants for everyone by…

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Appendix 237: DARPA Brain Initiative & C40-SMART Cities (Military-Intelligence Techno-Enslavement Program)- 13 short videos w/ summary quotes, comments, & related links

I. DARPA B.R.A.I.N. ( Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies®) Initiative (videos 1-7) See: Juxtaposition1’s Odysee channel: Epigraph Quotes 1) from Juxtaposition1 in videos 7 and 6: “All this discussion of terrorism and hacking by the enemy is linguistics. It’s…

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Appendix 239: Human Energy Harvesting, RF, Microwaves, Network-Centric & Meta Warfare, Electrical Engineers, Computer-Driven Targeted Killing, Covid, & Related JOBS- 26 Psinergy Videos

Webmaster Introduction: Sabrina Wallace is a self-described DARPA non-invasive N2 (black projects) survivor and former IT (computer engineering) professional and expert. Can we believe her extremely interesting, informative, and even entertaining podcasts? It is concerning to me that Sabrina sometimes…

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