Appendix 233: (Netanyahu’s Got The ) Kill Switch – Israel & Microsoft /Israel’s Secret Weapon-The Talpiot Program (4 Brendan O’Connell videos, 2019)
Graphics From Video #3: Netanyahu’s Got a KILL SWITCH and he likes to use it Epigraph quotes: “Jews are behind the whole (gangstalking) thing… They make psychopaths.” Alan Landis, TI of Jewish parentage, 40+- year target of microwaves and experimentation…
Appendix 234: Maurice Strong and Tavistock (video)
Comments: SaxonWarrior Don't mention the fact that jews are the ones who set up the Tavistock Institute and the fact that it is run wholly for their benefit!! The Richest Man in the World [show more] 6 days ago MaHann Liberalism…