Appendix 253: “CIA Torture Report”/CIA’s “Phoenix Program”/”USA Gulag”/”Illuminati Elite”/”Communism & Judaism;” 5 Texe Marrs’ Power of Prophecy Programs
I. “CIA Torture Report; CIA Terror, Murder, Torture and Rape in Your Name!” Texe Marrs’ Power of Prophecy, August 23, 2014) II. TEXE MARRS – Project Phoenix—The CIA Massacres, Torture, and Murders – FEBRUARY 27, 2016 III. USA Gulag: Texe…
Appendix 256: 2001 NASA WAR PLAN Identifies Military Strategies & High-Tech Weaponry Deployed Against the Civilian Population (‘Targeted Individuals’!) (Pdf & Webmaster’s Summary and Comments)
Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Professor of Geography, California State University, August 8, 2024 I. Epigraph Quotes: 1) From the “NASA WAR Plan” (2001) document: p. 7: The world is undergoing triple/exponential (IT/Bio/Nano) Technological Revolutions; these technological changes are exponential, rapid,…
Appendix 257: The war inside your mind: unprotected brain battlefields and neuro-vulnerability; by Robert McCreight (2/6/24)
8/6/24: Highlights From “The War Inside Your Mind:” “Targeting healthy brains to disrupt, impair, destabilize, and degrade their innate functions using stealthy technology sounds like Science Fiction but it isn’t. A very large group of persons has been adversely affected…
Appendix 259: The Invisible Third World War by W.H. Bowart and Richard Sutton (1990 Synopsis)
The Invisible Third World War by W.H. Bowart and Richard Sutton September 27, 1990 from GovernmentMindControl Website The Invisible Third World War by W.H. Bowart and Richard Sutton (1990 Synopsis) Synoptic Chapter Outline I. THE MAGIC ARSENAL – INTRODUCTION The…
Appendix 260: “THE COUNCIL” – WHO IS RUNNING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? (by Gregory Stenstrom, Naval Officer, July 19, 2024)
“THE COUNCIL” – WHO IS RUNNING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? July 19, 2024 Unveiling the Faces of an Elitist Assault on America By Gregory Stenstrom for Intelligencer Introduction “The Council” and everyone and everything that emanates from them, has…
Appendix 261: KNOW YOUR ENEMY!!!!: “The Council”/“Secret Government” That Runs America Is Identified by Naval Officer
BREAKING: Naval Officer Publishes Powerful Dossier Exposing The Leaders Of The Deep State— Meet The Council Running America Aug 13, 2024 Quote from Video: Gregory Stenstrom: "They retaliate against truth-tellers. Anybody who speaks truth that could potentially expose…
Appendix 261: KNOW YOUR ENEMY!!!!: “The Council”/“Secret Government” That Runs America Is Identified by Naval Officer
BREAKING: Naval Officer Publishes Powerful Dossier Exposing The Leaders Of The Deep State— Meet The Council Running America Aug 13, 2024 Webmaster Introduction: Who is the enemy?” In the following video, Naval Officer Greg Stenstorm reveals that the leaders…
Appendix 262. CYBERGODS, COMPUTER BRAINS, CIA CHIPS, RADIO-IMPLANTS, MIND CONTROL, DATA CANNIBALS By Lennart Lindqvist, Evamarie Taylor, Robert Naeslund, 1996
CYBERGODS, COMPUTER BRAINS, CIA CHIPS, RADIO-IMPLANTS, MIND CONTROL, DATA CANNIBALS By Lennart Lindqvist, Evamarie Taylor, Robert Naeslund, 1996 (pdf) CYBERGODS Reproduced courtesy of Boycott Brazil ( and The Extradition, Torture and Electronic Mind Control of U.S. Citizen John Gregory Lambros,…
Appendix 263: The National Security Agency – Citadel Of Evil/A Prison For the Mind/Collateral Damage (Parts 1-3) by Steven J. Smith
Excerpt from Part 3: HVT – Acronym: High Value Target. These individuals include politicians, influential journalists, business executives, entrepreneurs, popular entertainers, innovative educators, scientists, etc. “The NSA – Citadel Of Evil” (Parts 1-3) By Steven J. Smith (As posted on…