Appendix 254: Covid 19, Psychological Operations, and The War For Technocracy Academic Exposes Covid1984 Nightmare Dr. David Hughes’ Book: Covid 19, Psychological Operations, and The War For Technocracy Categories
Appendix 256: 2001 NASA WAR PLAN Identifies Military Strategies & High-Tech Weaponry Deployed Against the Civilian Population (‘Targeted Individuals’!) (Pdf & Webmaster’s Summary and Comments)
Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Professor of Geography, California State University, August 8, 2024 I. Epigraph Quotes: 1) From the “NASA WAR Plan” (2001) document: p. 7: The world is undergoing triple/exponential (IT/Bio/Nano) Technological Revolutions; these technological changes are exponential, rapid,…
Appendix 257: The war inside your mind: unprotected brain battlefields and neuro-vulnerability; by Robert McCreight (2/6/24)
8/6/24: Highlights From “The War Inside Your Mind:” “Targeting healthy brains to disrupt, impair, destabilize, and degrade their innate functions using stealthy technology sounds like Science Fiction but it isn’t. A very large group of persons has been adversely affected…