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Appendix 196: Organized Stalking-Electronic Harassment Explained: NSA’s Signals lntelligence (SIGINT) EMF Scanning Network: Illegal Satellite Tracking, Targeting, & Torture of Innocent Civilians (Articles by James F. Marino & John St. Claire Akwei)

Epigraph Quote: The American people have been electronically branded through a national brain fingerprinting program that is being used to identify them by way of each person’s unique set of EMF frequencies…. There’s no rule of law here because once…

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Appendix 198: Organized Stalking-Electronic Harassment Explained: Suzie Dawson 10-Part Video Series: “Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing the Spies” of the NSA Global Spy Network (Fall, 2019) W/ Transcriptions, Graphics, & Sample Quotes

Webmaster Introduction: In her 10-part series, “Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing the Methods of the Spies,” activist, researcher, TI, and former head of New Zealand’s Internet Party provides an outstanding compendium of information about how the global gangstalking program works,…

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Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)

Webmaster comment:   EXCELLENT!  A MUST SEE. This film aptly portrays the socio-cultural-military back-drop to the ongoing “targeted individual program.” Gray State (film) Show notes: The GRAY STATE Project:  The world reels with the turmoil of war, geological disaster, and economic…

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Appendix 217: CIA/DoD Brain Scientists Explain U.S. Govt’s Secret, No-Touch Torture Experimentation-Murder-Genocide Of Innocent, Nonconsenting American and World Citizens (Targeted Individuals)

Webmaster Introduction:  This post includes youtube lectures by US military-intelligence neuroscientists, Drs. James Giordano (DARPA, Georgetown University), Charles Morgan (CIA), James Canton (Global Futures, Inc.), and Dr. Robert Duncan (ex-CIA cybernetics researcher and author) along with my transcriptions of lecture…

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