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Appendix 295: Digital Slaves: China’s secret brain-control war!

Digital Slaves: China's secret brain-control war! Streamed live 10 hours ago #leisrealtalk #china #military The Chinese Communist regime has been developing mind-control weapons since as early as the 1960s, conducting experiments on its own people—including prominent scholars and writers. The People’s…

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Historian, Dr. Webster Tarpley (author of “9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA”) lectures/interviews on 9/11 False-Flag Terror Event

Webster Tarpley 9/11 Evidence (1:06) › watch?v=ULPFFv9lH9Y Dr. Webster Tarpley 9/11 Evidence 2. Webster Tarpley  Facing the Truth about 9/11 - Part II (April 1, 2006) 3. Webster Tarpley on 9/11 Terrorism (Nov. 1, 2007) 4. Webster G…

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