Appendix 177: A brief review of non-invasive brain imaging technologies and the near-infrared optical bioimaging (Kim, et. al., 2021)
A brief review of non-invasive brain imaging technologies and the near-infrared optical bioimaging Beomsue Kim, Hongmin Kim, Songhui Kim & Young-ran Hwang Applied Microscopy volume 51, Article number: 9 (2021) Cite this article A brief review of non-invasive brain imaging technologies and the…
Appendix 179: Cognitive liberty. A first step towards a human neuro-rights declaration, Sommaggio, P. et al., 2017
Cognitive liberty. A first step towards a human neuro-rights declaration Cognitive Liberty. A first step towards a human neuro-rights declaration by Paolo Sommaggio, Marco Mazzocca, Alessio Gerola, Fulvio Ferro BioLaw Journal – Rivista di BioDiritto, n. 3/2017 ABSTRACT: This paper…
Appendix 181: Protecting Brainwaves Considering Signal Intelligence Advances (International Law Journal of London, 2014)
INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL OF LONDON Dr. Parasaran Rangarajan, November 25th, 2014 Protecting Brainwaves Considering Signals Intelligence Advances (International Law Journal of London, 2014) Abstract “This article aims to demonstrate and explore the avenues for protection of brainwaves of ideas in…
Appendix 186: US gov’t scientists suggested monitoring brain activity for ‘anti-crime’ and ‘security’ purposes (LifeSiteNews, April 17, 2023)
US gov’t scientists suggested monitoring brain activity for ‘anti-crime’ and ‘security’ purposes US gov’t scientists suggested monitoring brain activity for ‘anti-crime’ and ‘security’ purposes April 17, 2023 apr 17, 2023 16, Administration, America, Americans, Biden, Biden Administration, Bioethics, biosurveillance, border,…
Appendix 189: Cyber-Torture; EU-Coalition Against Cybertorture Homepage (Cybertorture = organized stalking-electronic torture; the targeted individual program)
Cyber-Torture EU-Coallition Against Cybertorture (Homepage) Cybertorture We are a non profit EU-COALITION AGAINST CYBERTORTURE and Task Force established to create awareness and more of Cybernetic Technology and electronic abuse, such as the illegal data collection and manipulation of humans…
Appendix 192: “Lifeline- Essential Insights And Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens:” Free 4+ Hour Audiobook On Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture (Experts’ Testimonies Narrated W/ Music & Songs by Dr. Eric Karlstrom)
Introduction: The U.S. government and other governments have been captured by 5th column enemies and are waging hybrid/unconventional war against their own citizens. “High value targets” are typically activists, “dissidents,” whistleblowers, patriots, intellectuals, people of conscience and integrity, Constitutionalists, Christians,…
Appendix 194: New World Order v. Prof. Eric Karlstrom: Brief History of My Targeting in “The Vatican City Of The New World Order”
by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography (bio), Crestone/Baca, Colorado resident, Targeted Individual (TI), July 28, 2024 From: Is Crestone/Baca, Colorado, The “Vatican City of the New World Order?”: An Expose of the New World Religion Contents: I…
Appendix 194: New World Order v. Prof. Eric Karlstrom: Brief History of My Targeting in “The Vatican City Of The New World Order”
by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography (bio), Crestone/Baca, Colorado resident, Targeted Individual (TI), July 28, 2024 From: Is Crestone/Baca, Colorado, The “Vatican City of the New World Order?”: An Expose of the New World Religion Contents: I…
Appendix 195: Cutting Through “Smokescreen Terminology:” 522 Names & Descriptions Reveal Truth Of Gangstalking War Crimes/Crimes Against Humanity
Cutting Through “Smokescreen Terminology:” 522 Names & Descriptions Reveal Truth of Gangstalking/Civilian Targeting/”Dissident Hunting” War Crimes/Crimes Against Humanity Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS, Dec. 13, 2022 - June 2, 2024 Epigraph Quotes 1) “Memorandum: 19 June,…
Appendix 196: Organized Stalking-Electronic Harassment Explained: NSA’s Signals lntelligence (SIGINT) EMF Scanning Network: Illegal Satellite Tracking, Targeting, & Torture of Innocent Civilians (Articles by James F. Marino & John St. Claire Akwei)
Epigraph Quote: The American people have been electronically branded through a national brain fingerprinting program that is being used to identify them by way of each person’s unique set of EMF frequencies…. There’s no rule of law here because once…
Appendix 198: Organized Stalking-Electronic Harassment Explained: Suzie Dawson 10-Part Video Series: “Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing the Spies” of the NSA Global Spy Network (Fall, 2019) W/ Transcriptions, Graphics, & Sample Quotes
Webmaster Introduction: In her 10-part series, “Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing the Methods of the Spies,” activist, researcher, TI, and former head of New Zealand’s Internet Party provides an outstanding compendium of information about how the global gangstalking program works,…
Appendix 199: Organized Stalking-Electronic Harassment Explained: Brain Fingerprinting Technology
Epigraph Quotes: 1. Since 1980 the National Security Agency (NSA) has electronically brain fingerprinted all American citizens as if they were heads of cattle. As such the NSA can now track each American by way of their brain’s own unique…
Appendix 202: Govt Says It Owns Everyone’s Thoughts, Calling It “Cognitive Infrastructure” (2 articles w/ videos & DoD/GAO document)
Epigraph Quote from 2nd article: CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) has categorized people’s “thoughts” as being part of the government’s infrastructure – meaning the government believes it owns whatever activity takes place inside your head. Webmaster Comment: The US…
Appendix 203: “Eyes Wide Open: Lockdown Edition” (2020) Book pdf by Fiona Barnett, Australian SRA/Mind Control/Child-Sex Trafficking Victim, Whistleblower, and TI
I. Eyes Wide Open, 3rd Edition, by Fiona Barnett, 2020. pdf II. Webmaster Introduction: Fiona Barnett is an Australian child-sex trafficking and MKULTRA mind control victim and (former) CIA "national asset" (MKDELTA supersoldier, sex slave, and Manchurian Candidate). Her 560-page…
Appendix 206: Free Audiobook On Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture: “Lifeline- Essential Insights And Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens” (Experts’ Testimonies Narrated W/ Music & Songs by Dr. Eric Karlstrom)
Introduction: The U.S. government and other governments have been captured by 5th column enemies and are waging hybrid/unconventional war against their own citizens. "High value targets" are typically activists, "dissidents," whistleblowers, patriots, intellectuals, people of conscience and integrity, Constitutionalists, Christians,…
Appendix 209: Gangstalkers = New Secret Police! A.K. Forwood (TI) Articles: 1) Social Self-Destruction: Secret War of Controlled Chaos, 2) The Network: Inside the Targeting System
Epigraph Quotes: 1) (Organized stalking) is a cleverly disguised system of torture and murder (aimed primarily) at opponents of the New World Order. Mark M. Rich, The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite's Covert War Against The Domestic Population (2011) 2)…