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Pertinent Quotes from “The Greatest Reset: Beast Rising” Movie (, 2022(*)): 1) “The last element of continuity with the communist ideology is the digital transition that is the use of technologically-advanced tools for complete control of the population, which has…

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Appendix 138: Neuroweapons of Mass Destruction/Transhumanism: COVID CLOTSHOT = Genetically-Modified, Bio-Synthetic, AI, Self-Assembling Nano-Tech Neurobioweapon (Transcribed Kingston-Adams Interview W/ Pertinent Patents; 10/6/22)

Webmaster comment: I suggest that this interview of Karen Kingston by Mike Adams proves beyond any reasonable doubt my contention that “targeted individuals” (TIs) are and have been the beta tests for the “neuroweapons of mass destruction” now being rolled…

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Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry

iFrame is not supported! Kabbalah And Satanic Jewish Black Magic Published on Jun 9, 2022 The Jews practice strange and inhuman rituals, such as torturing and murdering non-Jewish children and using their blood to make pies. On the occasion…

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Appendix 150: Year 2022 Rick Miracle Report #1, Who And What Is Destroying The World

Appendix 150: Year 2022 Rick Miracle Report #1, Who And What Is Destroying The World Published on Jan 20, 2022 New World Order - Great Reset - B(6)uild B(6)ack B(6)etter. Source: Category Jewish Question Tags…

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Simulated Reality/Crisis Actors/Ludicrous Clown World: FBI-DHS Staged Capitol “Insurrection” False Flag Fraud (12 videos, 1 article) Compared w/ Video Analysis of Staged Boston Bombing Terror Fraud; Both = IIA-Military PsyOPs/FAKE NEWS!

Epigraph Quote: “There is irrefutable photographic evidence that every one of these (Boston Bombing crisis actors; supposed victims and supposed responders) has lied and lied repeatedly. (The American) people should be absolutely outraged. These crisis actors should be on trial…

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Sandy Hook Hoax/False Flag/FEMA “Capstone Community Exercise”: 1) How Quickly The Zionist Targeting Program Can Infiltrate Your Neighborhood (video & partial transcription), 2) WHAT REALLY HAPPENED; Wolfgang Halbig’s Analysis (2 videos)

Epigraph Quotes: 1) The government makes money off of (trafficking) children, drugs, prostitution, satanic activity… They make the mafia look like a Sunday School class. They poison a lot of the patriots around the country so they die of a…

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Appendix 159: Jewish Gangstalking: Jonathon Greenblatt (ADL CEO ): ADL Must “Get” Ye; “Get” = “cancel,” “track,” “monitor,” “train and tip off law enforcement,” “litigate,” “bankrupt,” & “re-educate” “extremists,” “anti-zionists,” “white supremacists” (videos/articles)

Epigraph Quotes: 1. “The CIA and FBI are tinker toys compared to the ADL.” - Senator Jack B. Tenny (CA), 1971 2. Jonathon Greenblatt (CEO of ADL): "Basically, as CEO of the ADL, I do three things. Number one, we…

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The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Organized Crime- Interview with Whitney Webb and Dr. M (Sept., 2022)

<strong>The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Organized Crime- Interview with Whitney Webb and Dr. M (Sept. 19, 2022)</strong> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> In this interview, investigative journalist Whitney Webb discusses her book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between…

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Appendix 160: Who Controls America? Hundreds Of Gov’t Officials Hold Emergency Summit To Establish “Whole Of Government” Approach To Antisemitism (Video)

I. Hundreds Of Gov’t Officials Hold Emergency Summit To Establish “Whole Of Government” Approach To Antisemitism Epigraph Quotes: Harrison Smith ( journalist): It’s hard to believe but our government is now a religious theocracy. The official state religion is…

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Appendix 161: Authoritarian Political Warfare, aka DoD/NATO’s Cognitive Warfare (CW), Secret State-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism, Open-Air Gitmo, CIA No-Touch Torture & Soft-Kill Depopulation Purge ( Homepage; 3/27/23)

Authoritarian Political Warfare, aka DoD/NATO’s Cognitive Warfare (CW), Secret State-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism, Open-Air Gitmo, CIA No-Touch Torture & Soft-Kill Depopulation Purge Webmaster: Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University, Stanislaus Updated: March 24, 2023 (2246 posts)…

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Appendix 167: TargetedJustice’s $1.3 Billion Lawsuit Against DOJ, FBI, DHS On Behalf of Targeted Individuals (Jan 11, 2023) and Preliminary Injunction (Feb 5, 2023) W/ Webmaster’s Bullet Point Summaries of Information Presented

Epigraph Quote:There’s a two-tiered system of justice here in America.  -   Rep. James Comer, R-Ky, Jan. 16, 2023, Fox News Interview I. Introduction To Lawsuit: Targeted Justice files $1.3 Billion lawsuit against the DOJ, FBI, & DHS. 6-23-cv-00003 2 Case…

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