“Lifeline- Essential Insights And Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens:” Free 4+ Hour Audiobook On Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture (Experts’ Testimonies Narrated W/ Music & Songs by Dr. Eric Karlstrom)
Introduction: The U.S. government and other governments have been captured by 5th column enemies and are waging hybrid/unconventional war against their own citizens. “High value targets” are typically activists, “dissidents,” whistleblowers, patriots, intellectuals, people of conscience and integrity, Constitutionalists, Christians,…
Appendix 116: The Gateway Experience: Brain Hemisphere Synchronization & “Operation Crestone/Baca”? (2 videos, declassified CIA document, 3 articles, book by a “targeted individual,” & Disclosure by US Special Ops Forces On Technologies & Applications Being Used Against TIs w/ webmaster’s comments)
I. C.I.A DECLASSIFIED – The Gateway Experience: Brain Hemisphere Synchronization (Hemi-sync) (7/2/21) Epigraph Quote from Video: “June, 1983, Wayne MacDonald was tasked by the CIA to provide an assessment of the Gateway Experience in terms of its mechanics and ultimate…
Appendix 118: Brice Taylor: Mind Controlled White Sex Slave of CIA, Bob Hope and Henry Kissinger (5 videos, 1 extended interview)
Webmaster’s Introduction: Brice Taylor’s (Susan Ford’s) book, is “Thanks for the Memories; The Truth Has Set Me Free” (1999). The book and these videos and interview in this post are highly credible and accurate, I believe. Here are the deepest,…
A BRIEF HISTORY OF VOICE OF GOD WEAPONS, PSYCHIC SUBVERSION, AND PROPAGANDA TRICKERY – WEAPONIZED RF (May 18,, 2022) Lookoutfa Charlie 10K subscribers Lookoutfa Charlie 240 A brief history of Voice of God weapons, psychic subversion and medically misleading, propaganda…
Appendix 123: 1) Sheriff’s Departments Behind Gangstalking; Transcription & Comments; 2) Synopsis Of “Circle of Snakes: How To END Your Gang Stalking!”
I. Gang Stalking Tactics: Sheriff’s Departments Behind The Harassment (May 18, 2020) Webmaster’s Comment: This is extremely important and insightful testimony by a targeted individual with “insider information.” This TI had a friend who explained the program to him and…
Appendix 126: Jeffrey Madore (TI and Electronics Expert) Explains Organized Gangstalking “Human Research” Torture-Murder Program; 2015-17 Video Transcriptions and Comments
Jeffrey Madore Youtube Channel: Jeffrey Madore Youtube Channel Epigraph Quotes: Summary of Jeffrey Madore’s Insights Into the “Targeted Individual Program” from below videos: 1) “I’ve been followed for over 30 years by General Dynamics here in southeastern Connecticut. They do…
Appendix 128: Learn Who is Behind the Predator Class Creating a Post-Human World (Jason Bermas video) Jul 5, 2022
Learn Who is Behind the Predator Class Creating a Post-Human World (Jason Bermas) Jul 5, 2022 https://banned.video/watch?id=62c4ba971039166673fc45da Webmaster’s Comment: Jason Berman does a nice job in this presentation of identifying a few of those in the predator class who have…
Pertinent Quotes from “The Greatest Reset: Beast Rising” Movie (Trunews.com, 2022(*)): 1) “The last element of continuity with the communist ideology is the digital transition that is the use of technologically-advanced tools for complete control of the population, which has…
Appendix 138: Neuroweapons of Mass Destruction/Transhumanism: COVID CLOTSHOT = Genetically-Modified, Bio-Synthetic, AI, Self-Assembling Nano-Tech Neurobioweapon (Transcribed Kingston-Adams Interview W/ Pertinent Patents; 10/6/22)
Webmaster comment: I suggest that this interview of Karen Kingston by Mike Adams proves beyond any reasonable doubt my contention that “targeted individuals” (TIs) are and have been the beta tests for the “neuroweapons of mass destruction” now being rolled…
Appendix 139: Global Elite in their Own Words: We Will Create New Humans (Jay Dyer, 10/20/22)
Global Elite in their Own Words: We Will Create New Humans Oct 20, 2022
Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry
iFrame is not supported! Kabbalah And Satanic Jewish Black Magic https://www.goyimtv.com/v/3414296761/Kabbalah-And-Satanic-Jewish-Black-Magic Published on Jun 9, 2022 The Jews practice strange and inhuman rituals, such as torturing and murdering non-Jewish children and using their blood to make pies. On the occasion…
Simulated Reality/Crisis Actors/Ludicrous Clown World: FBI-DHS Staged Capitol “Insurrection” False Flag Fraud (12 videos, 1 article) Compared w/ Video Analysis of Staged Boston Bombing Terror Fraud; Both = IIA-Military PsyOPs/FAKE NEWS!
Epigraph Quote: “There is irrefutable photographic evidence that every one of these (Boston Bombing crisis actors; supposed victims and supposed responders) has lied and lied repeatedly. (The American) people should be absolutely outraged. These crisis actors should be on trial…
Sandy Hook Hoax/False Flag/FEMA “Capstone Community Exercise”: 1) How Quickly The Zionist Targeting Program Can Infiltrate Your Neighborhood (video & partial transcription), 2) WHAT REALLY HAPPENED; Wolfgang Halbig’s Analysis (2 videos)
Epigraph Quotes: 1) The government makes money off of (trafficking) children, drugs, prostitution, satanic activity… They make the mafia look like a Sunday School class. They poison a lot of the patriots around the country so they die of a…
Appendix 152. Torturedinamerica.org. Excellent website!
Welcome to life in government terd soup. Courtesy of The Patriot Act. Tortured in AmericaMKULTRA is alive and well. It's the culmination of surveillance state powers used against an INDIVIDUAL. The entire kitchen-sink approach. ONE -vs-…