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Appendix 212: Fiona Barnett, Australian CIA Child Sex Trafficking, Ritual Abuse, & CIA MKULTRA Mind Control Victim, Military “Asset” (Assassin/Sex Slave), & Current TI (Article & 6 Videos)

Epigraph Quotes: Child trafficking is run as a single integrated world operation. This operation is coordinated by the CIA in collaboration with British and Australian intelligence services. … A vast majority of MKULTRA subjects were children. Children make the best…

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Appendix 214: Gray State (Movie)

Webmaster comment:   EXCELLENT!  A MUST SEE. This film aptly portrays the socio-cultural-military back-drop to the ongoing “targeted individual program.” Gray State (film) Show notes: The GRAY STATE Project:  The world reels with the turmoil of war, geological disaster, and economic…

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Appendix 217: CIA/DoD Brain Scientists Explain U.S. Govt’s Secret, No-Touch Torture Experimentation-Murder-Genocide Of Innocent, Nonconsenting American and World Citizens (Targeted Individuals)

Webmaster Introduction:  This post includes youtube lectures by US military-intelligence neuroscientists, Drs. James Giordano (DARPA, Georgetown University), Charles Morgan (CIA), James Canton (Global Futures, Inc.), and Dr. Robert Duncan (ex-CIA cybernetics researcher and author) along with my transcriptions of lecture…

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