Newly Released Video of Falling WTC Twin Towers Shows Controlled Demolition Never-Before-Seen Footage Shows New Angle of 9/11 Twin Tower Demolition July 26th 2024, 1:13 pm Video uploaded 23 years after tragic event shows numerous white flashes as towers collapse, presumed to be thermal charges which are mostly used…
2001 NASA WAR PLAN Identifies Military Strategies & High Tech Weaponry Deployed Against Civilians (‘Targeted Individuals’)! (Pdf & Webmaster’s Summary and Comments)
Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Professor of Geography, California State University, August 8, 2024 I. Epigraph Quotes: 1) From the “NASA WAR Plan” (2001) document: p. 7: The world is undergoing triple/exponential (IT/Bio/Nano) Technological Revolutions; these technological changes are exponential, rapid,…
2001 NASA WAR PLAN Identifies Military Strategies & High Tech Weaponry Deployed Against Civilians (‘Targeted Individuals’)! (Pdf & Webmaster’s Summary and Comments)
Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Professor of Geography, California State University, July 23, 2024 Epigraph Quotes: p. 7: The world is undergoing triple/exponential (IT/Bio/Nano) Technological Revolutions; these technological changes are exponential, rapid, and synergistic (i.e., they reinforce each other). p. 9:…
ENABLING “BATTLESPACE PERSISTENT SURVEILLANCE” (of “Targeted Individuals”): THE FORM, FUNCTION, AND FUTURE OF SMART DUST (self-assembling, in-body nanotech) (USAF Maj. S. Dickson, 2007)
Epigraph Quotes: 1) “The most profound crime a government can do to an individual is peer into their minds without consent. The intelligence agencies have become a virus, a cancer, on all of humanity. We have been trying to concentrate evil…
What is DARPA’s “Silent Talk” project? by Rebecca Fraser December 18, 2023
What is DARPA’s “silent talk” project? by Rebecca Fraser December 18, 2023 What is DARPA’s silent talk project? by Rebecca Fraser December 18, 2023 in AI Reading Time: 3 mins read What is DARPA’s silent talk project? by Rebecca Fraser…
Zionist Death Grip on the United States Government: Gregg Reese Report (April 30, 2024)
The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th 2024, 11:12 am From JFK to 9/11, the Zionist agenda comes first. When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanded that the protests against Israel…
9/11 “Hijackers” Were CIA Recruits (videos)
Videos that discuss 2023 report that indicates alleged 9/11 Hijackers were CIA recruits. Gawlly! How about that?
9/11 Co-conspirators: Who and What are (Jewish/Zionist) Neoconservatives and What Do They Want? Jewish Utopia
ETK Introduction: The following three articles/posts make it clear that Zionist Jews in America comprise the powerful and subversive enemy “Fifth column” that has captured the U.S. government, military, and media. The “global domination-domestic surveillance state agenda” is nothing less…
Targeted Individual Program and NATO’s Cognitive Warfare (CW) As Jewish Human Trafficking, Experimentation, Torture, Slavery, Soul-Stealing, and Disposal System
NATO’s Cognitive Warfare And The Targeted Individual Program, FUTURE VOICE, Human Rights/Voices by I. Webmaster Introduction: I discovered the above journal article, FUTURE VOICE- Cognitive Warfare, when I googled the key words: Cognitive Warfare and the Targeted Individual Program. Voila!…