Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11, and the War on Terror Hoax (pdf)
Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11, and the War on Terror Hoax
Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11, and the War on Terror Hoax
Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Reichminister of Propaganda: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people…
The "War on Terror" Is a Massive Zionist Fraud From Christopher Bollyn March 1, 2016 Christopher Bollyn: The "War on Terror" Is a Massive Zionist Fraud (March 1, 2016) Facebook Censorship To post this article on Facebook, link to…
A List of prominent Jewish Neocons and their role in getting the U.S. into Iraq and Homeland Security A List of Prominent Neocons Behind the Iraq War and (Department of) Homeland Security ***Everything shown below has been taken word for…
How Gangstalking is Administered, How To End Gangstalking RISS: Regional Intelligence Sharing Systems Frequently Asked Questions About RISS. Regional Information Sharing Systems (Wikipedia) ATIX: Automated Trusted Information Exchange HSIN: Homeland Security Information Network DHS Fusion Centers Excerpts/highlights from video:…
How Gangstalking is Administered, How To End Gangstalking RISS: Regional Intelligence Sharing System ATIX: Automated Trusted Information Exchange Excerpts/highlights from video: Video Maker/Moderator: "Who’s really behind the gangstalking? I know there are a lot of theories about it. The government…
How Gangstalking is Administered, How To End Gangstalking RISS: Regional Intelligence Sharing System ATIX: Automated Trusted Information Exchange Excerpts/highlights from video: Video Maker/Moderator: Who’s really behind the gangstalking? I know there are a lot of theories about it. The government…
The following comprise a Secure folder of books written By Robert Duncan, A.B., S.M., M.B.A., Ph.D, a former CIA-DOD contractor, on the horrific torturous experiments and targeting to stifle dissent with direct energy weapons and the use of mind control,…
By Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography January 30, 2023 Toto Enterprises, Inc. (Websites of Professor Eric T. Karlstrom) Contents: I. Introduction II. Timeline of advances in mind control and torture technologies (1920-1979)…
I. Satellite Surveillance/Microwave Targeting System (Charles F. Harding III ppt) Webmaster Comment: This power point presentation by Charles F. Harding III, entitled Microwave Surveillance: Satellite Surveillance Operations, explains clearly how targeted individuals can be tracked and remotely targeted via NSA…
I. Satellite Surveillance/Microwave Targeting System (Charles F. Harding III ppt) Webmaster Comment: This power point presentation by Charles F. Harding III, entitled Microwave Surveillance: Satellite Surveillance Operations, explains clearly how targeted individuals can be tracked and remotely targeted via NSA…
I. Peter Thiel: 'I defer to Israel' Video surfaces showing the Palantir tech giant struggling to answer question about client's use of AI-generated kill lists KELLEY BEAUCAR VLAHOS JUL 24, 2024 The trouble with doing business with Israel — or…
“PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order:” Dr. Robert Malone Lecture Webmaster Comment: Here is an email exchange that occurred between another TI and myself: TI (Sept. 15, 2024): Please share (this video). Those still in doubt will finally…
Operation 9/11: CIA-Mossad Staged War Trigger Event and Global Luciferian Mega-Ritual (Prof. Karlstrom on Rense Program, 9/12/24) Articles/posts on this website referenced in program: 1) (My best assessment as of 2002): Reflections on the Origins of 9/11: Three Scenarios (Dr…
From the below articles and video clip: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu drew on ancient scriptural references on Sunday, evoking the biblical nation of 'Amalek' to explain Israel's position in the ongoing conflict with Hamas, which has resulted in significant…
Webster Tarpley 9/11 Evidence (1:06) › watch?v=ULPFFv9lH9Y Dr. Webster Tarpley 9/11 Evidence 2. Webster Tarpley Facing the Truth about 9/11 - Part II (April 1, 2006) 3. Webster Tarpley on 9/11 Terrorism (Nov. 1, 2007) 4. Webster G…
Creating Refugees: Displacement Caused by the United States’ Post-9/11 Wars (Sept. 21, 2021) Creating Refugees: Displacement Caused by the United States’ Post-9/11 Wars David Vine, Cala Coffman, Katalina Khoury, Madison Lovasz, Helen Bush, Rachael Leduc, and Jennifer Walkup1 September 21, 2020…
Webster Tarpley 9/11 Evidence (1:06) › watch?v=ULPFFv9lH9Y