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Appendix 275: Harlan Girard, TI, Reports: I. Effects of GHz radiation on the human nervous system: Recent developments in the technology of political control (1991), II. Bio-electromagnetic Weapons: The Ultimate Weapon (2007); III. A Current US Program of Involuntary Human Experimentation (2005)

Webmaster Introduction: In these three reports, Harlan Girard, veteran, businessman, and Targeted Individual, correctly identifies the components of the CIA’s mind control programs designed to change the behavior of innocent civilians through covert application of abuse, torture, pain, cruel and…

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Appendix 218: 87 Sabrina Wallace videos On Electronic & NetCentric Warfare, Biomedical Engineering, Wireless Body Area Network, Regenerative Medicine, Human Energy Harvesting, Transhumanism & Civilian Targeting Program (w/ references & comments)

Webmaster Introduction: There is much apparently ground-breaking information contained in these 87 podcasts by Sabrina Wallace and in the associated comments, figures, diagrams, abstracts. If the information is correct, as it seems to be, we finally have a thorough technological…

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