The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Henry Makow: I. What a Benevolent “Reset” Would Require, II. The Foundation and Development of British-Judeo Bankster Money Power (3/30/21)
The Controllers
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March 20, 2025Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
February 8, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Part VIII: Cult Connections
January 26, 2025Appendix 1: Crestone/Baca “Group Dynamics” (2006-2008)
December 27, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024Appendix 32. NSA Mind Control and Psy-ops by Will Filer
February 9, 2024Appendix 33: Quotes on Judaism and Zionism
February 9, 2024Appendix 64: The Unified Conspiracy Theory; The Greatest Hoax
November 1, 2023Appendix 66: The Zionist Jew World Order
October 31, 2023Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry
November 24, 2022Appendix 149: The Knights Of Zion: Freemasonry (Extended Documentary)
November 24, 2022Boston Marathon (Un)Bombing Hoax & Crisis Actors; 14 Videos (2021-2022)
November 23, 2022Appendix 151: Jewish Ritual Blood Sacrifice/ Ritual Murder
November 21, 2022I. What a Benevolent “Reset” Would Require
Henry Makow, Ph.D.
What a Benevolent “Reset” Would Require
March 30, 2021
The Covid hoax has given mankind a unique opportunity to throw off the yoke of the satanist (Masonic) central bankers responsible for Communism, war, depression, pandemics, terrorism, corruption & decadence.
I sense a seismic shift. The bankers have overplayed their hand and exposed themselves and their vassals (our elected “leaders”) as traitors, gangsters, psychopaths, perverts and mass murderers. Florida, Texas and South Dakota have broken ranks and proven Covid 19 to be a lie.
This is what a truly benevolent reset would entail.
1. First and most important, the nations would regain control over control over their credit and currency creation. They would renounce all “debt” created out of thin air. They would create the medium of exchange by spending it into existence, debt-and-interest free.
2. mRNA vaccines would be banned. All politicians, journalists and medical officials who collaborated in the Covid hoax would be fired. Jacob Rothschild, George Soros, Bill Gates, and Tony Fauci would be tried for crimes against humanity and have their wealth confiscated and added to public coffers. Joe Biden would be jailed for rigging an election. The traitor Donald Trump will be tried for reality show opposition and dereliction of duty. All those complicit in the election rigging, including Trump, Pence, Congress and the Supreme Court judges would be fired and put on trial.
3. Media and tech monopolies would be nationalized, broken up and resold to people who will guarantee free speech and the free flow of information. The CIA and FBI will be shut down and reorganized. Local and state police will be purged of Freemasons.
4. Freemasonry would be banned. Its leading members would be tried and incarcerated. Freemasons would be banned from holding public office or employment.
5. Communists would be purged from the education system, especially universities. Universities would protect free speech and inquiry. Scientific method would be re-instated.
6. Antifa, feminists and other Leftists would be sent to “re-education” camps.
7. Elections would be publicly funded. No private contributions would be permitted. Politicians would not be permitted to profit from their office.
8. The promotion of Satanism, gender dysphoria, illegal migration, climate change and all globalist shibboleths would be punishable by fines and prison terms.
9. Family values — marriage, fidelity, responsible parenthood — would be become government policy. Human life would be considered inviolate. Abortion would be scaled back or banned. A healthy national and racial pride would be encouraged. Everybody would be afforded opportunity on the basis of individual merit and industry.
10. There will be a collective effort to discern and enact the Creator’s Design. The public would be encouraged to celebrate the Miracle of Life and praise God!
If these measures are adopted, mankind would step back from the abyss and regain the path to a world where humanity can flourish as intended.
I sense that the bankers’ attempt to lockdown and transform society on the basis of a phoney pandemic is going to fail. People are not going to put up with this bullshit much longer.
The bankers tend to double down when thwarted. The mRNA vaccines may unleash a new wave of illness which the media will blame on Covid “variants” and the abandonment of Covid protocols. However, it will become apparent that only the vaccinated are suffering and resistance to the jabs will stiffen.
Ultimately, the Communist reset will fail. The bankers have overplayed their hand and exposed and discredited their pernicious system of control. The bankers will be left with their nuclear option: crash the financial system by raising interest rates.
II. The Foundations and Development of of British-Judeo Bankster Money Power
Henry Makow, Ph.D., March 30, 2021
In his classic work Imperialism, a Study, J.A. Hobson (1858-1940) argued that “men of a single and peculiar race, who have behind them centuries of financial experience” formed “the central ganglion of international capitalism.”
There are two theories about how the City of London financed what many call the New World Order (NWO) agenda (that we call the Crime Syndicate and New Underworld Order), and who was behind it. One theory holds that it is primarily a Rothschild enterprise from start to finish. The other theory, espoused by Webster Tarpley, holds that it is a British-imperialist insider action. The role of the United States is of a captured tool and water-boy of the proceeding, particularly with the advent of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913, Col. House’s skulduggery to bring the U.S. into WWI, and the ultimate defeat of the America First movement.
A good interpretative framework of the following homework posts is essential to get full benefit from reading our pages:
Read Covert Agent Edward Mandell House: The Enemy Within Wilson’s White House
Read Three Key Assassinations of America Firsters
George Cortelyou, President McKinley’s Assassination and the Panic of 1907
Patton Assassinated to Suppress His Criticism of Post-War Policy
The Case of James Forrestal and the Take Downs of Real America Firsters
Suppression and Takedowns of America Firsters
Where’s Gerald Nye When We Need Him? Nye Committee’s 1936 Report on Banksters’, Arms Dealers’ Warmongering
Listen to Podcast: Tim Kelly, Russ Winter Examine the Widely Ignored Assassinations of McKinley, Patton and Forrestal
Although there is much to be gleaned from Tarpley and his Freemason Palmerston Zoo theories, Winter Watch holds that it was a marriage, merger and overlap of Jewish finance and British imperialist supremacist chosenites. The Sabbattean-Frankist Rothschild operations wouldn’t have had success without the British Freemason imperialists, and vice versa. The following is a survey of the arrangement.
Palmerston’s Zoo – full lecture
Lord Palmerston: Britain’s Black Operations Prime Minister
Giuseppe Mazzini: Grand Magician of Divide-and-Conquer, Co-Opted Nationalism
The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World
The Basis, Background and Events That Launched the Rothschild Dynasty
UK PM David Cameron’s Great Grandfathers Were Rothschild-Connected Bankers Who Financed Russo-Japanese War
Meet Prime Minister Boorish Johnson: A Sistema-Made Man
It should be mentioned that sources on the Jewish-British NWO were right out in the open and freely discussed throughout the mid-19th century and up to WWII. However, today this is shockingly scrubbed and suppressed, which leaves curious and even intelligent observers very much in the dark.
But Jewish financial and business interests were key participants in the imperialist enterprise. For example, the Indian railroad network that Sassoon helped to finance was closely integrated into the imperial administration. The Sassoons, in turn, utilized the British imperial system as the point of the spear in the Chinese opium trade.
Precursor To The Global Crime Syndicate: The 19th-Century Opium Trade
Foreign trade (largely drugs) with China was organized by the Morgans, by the National City Bank and, by Kuhn and Loeb. Later, the International Banking Corporation, led by railway king Edward H. Harriman and Isaac Guggenheimer, began the economic “exploitation” of China. Jacob Schiff, Morgan, Kuhn, Loeb and Harriman made fortunes out of railway construction in that country.
Other points of the spear to lock this system down was tribe member Julius Reuter’s wire service, which functioned as the command and control mechanism of the British imperialist government. The huge fortunes were parlayed into control of major media and entertainment, which in the U.S. today is 95% in the hands of five Crime Syndicate mega-corporations.
The British government also turned to Jewish banking houses to finance imperial expansion and skirt around the democratic legislative processes. Disraeli’s purchase of the Suez Canal in 1878, for example, was made possible by Henry Oppenheim’s extensive contacts in Egypt and a £4 million loan from Lionel Rothschild.
The Hidden World of Benjamin Disraeli, a Made Man and Opportunist
In the 20th century, Jewish and fellow-traveler foundations were able to end-run elected officials and put in place NUO (aka Crime Syndicate) rules and standards. Non-Jewish foundations with London ties like Carnegie and Rockefeller would rubber stamp the NUO agenda. In the present day scams are spearheaded by a slew of plutocrat foundations with Gates the most notorious. The end game of this was the regulatory capture of government agencies and departments.
Rockefeller Minion Robert Maynard Hutchins Delivers for His Masters
The Foundations Fund the Hack Abraham Flexner to ‘Standardize’ Medicine
Reece Committee Report from 1954 Shows Foundations Funded the Collectivist Capture of US Education
Rockefeller Foundation: Hardly a Non-Jewish White to be Found
The Jewish writer Benjamin Ginsberg in “The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State” (1999) put very good color on this.
Empire, of course, was also a field for pursuit of profit. The House of Rothschild concerned itself mainly with loans to governments and public bodies. However, in the 1890s, it became heavily involved in diamond and gold mining on the Rand.
Cecil Rhodes and His Warmongering Buggery Hegemony
When Alfred Beit and Julius Wernher floated Rand Mines in February 1893, the Rothschilds were allotted 27,000 of the 100,000 shares. The scandals that beset the Edwardian Jewish plutocracy also illustrate Jews’ involvement in the empire as a money making enterprise.
The Marconi scandal of 1912, is it well known, centered on the allegation that four liberal cabinet ministers stood to profit from a contract awarded to the English Marconi Company. Two of the cabinet ministers in question — Sir Rufus Isaacs and Herbert Samuel — were Jews. The head of the English Marconi Company was Geoffrey Isaacs, the brother of Sir Rufus.
Another informative Jewish author, David Feldman, in “Jews and the British Empire” (2007) zeroed in on monopolistic bankster control of central banking: “The two-tier system means they have money in superabundance: any central bank therefore has huge power.” The key is defacto and real monopolies.
Speyer and Co., the great Jewish banking house, in 1903, gave Mexico her first $12.5 million loan. It acquired by this transaction all oil concessions in Mexico. Rockefeller, Morgan, Jacob Schiff and the other Jewish financiers followed suit and thus almost all the natural resources of Mexico fell into Jewish hands. Bernard Baruch put the National City Bank under Jewish management; and Guggenheim, the Jewish copper magnate, became the real masters of Mexico.
The major part of Cuba’s industry is controlled by the Guggenheims.
Bolivia was turned into a colony of “dollar imperialism” by Speyer and Guggenheim, who exploited the zinc mines.
Since 1935, 35 percent of the potassium nitrate and 90 percent of the copper industry of Chile has been in the hands of the Guggenheim and Morgan Trusts.
In 1906, the same world conquerors obtained monopolies over Nicaragua’s national income from customs and excise and also over her railways and shipping lines. The Jewish banking house of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. was one of the founders as well as chief financier of the Panama Canal Co.
In Peru, the copper mines are in the hands of the Seligmans and Goldschmidts.
Lord Melchett, under his original name of Mond, controls the nickel industry of Canada. Out of a total of $30 billion, which constitutes the national nickel assets of Canada, a total of $3 billion is in the hands of the Jews.
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