The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Targeted Individuals: “Chainless Slaves Trauma Programming” Manual (U.W. Ozian, 2014)
The Controllers
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November 21, 2022Webmaster’s Introduction: This manual, dated 2014, appears to be directly related to widespread and ongoing global organized stalking/electronic “no-touch” torture operations that incorporate post-WWII CIA MKULTRA trauma-based mind control technologies. This document helps to prove that the MKULTRA trauma-based mind control program is operational today. Targeted Individuals are here referred to as “chainless slaves” and a (Masonic) “gangstalking blood sacrifice.”
This material should convince the most hardened skeptics that (human) devils actually exist; for only human devils could be involved in the deliberate infliction of these highly-sophisticated tortures upon others.
“Chainless Slaves Trauma Programming” Manual (U.W. Ozian, 2014)
U.W. Ozian, 2014
Trauma programming manual. This manual is an overview on how to create a dissociated subject. The manual lists tactics to use in trauma based programming.
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