The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Jewish Racial Supremacy: Israeli Rabbi Says Jews Born to Rule Over Goy (Non-Jews); Who Want to Be Their Slaves (Trunews 5/1/19)
The Controllers
Articles & Interviews
Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
February 8, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Part VIII: Cult Connections
January 26, 2025Appendix 1: Crestone/Baca “Group Dynamics” (2006-2008)
December 27, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024Appendix 32. NSA Mind Control and Psy-ops by Will Filer
February 9, 2024Appendix 33: Quotes on Judaism and Zionism
February 9, 2024Appendix 64: The Unified Conspiracy Theory; The Greatest Hoax
November 1, 2023Appendix 66: The Zionist Jew World Order
October 31, 2023Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry
November 24, 2022Appendix 149: The Knights Of Zion: Freemasonry (Extended Documentary)
November 24, 2022Boston Marathon (Un)Bombing Hoax & Crisis Actors; 14 Videos (2021-2022)
November 23, 2022Appendix 151: Jewish Ritual Blood Sacrifice/ Ritual Murder
November 21, 2022
“Jews are behind the whole (organized stalking-electronic torture) thing.” Jewish TI, Alan Landis to webmaster.
Choice Comments-Responses to “Jewish Racial Supremacy” program:
1) world peace
13 hours ago
USA is already an Israeli slave. The US presidency, the legislative-senate, the US judiciary, the US financial systems, the social media the news all under the influence of Israel. So Israeli Zionist are absolutely correct.
14 hours ago
That’s right. Smartest people on the planet. That’s why we’ve controlled it for hundreds of years. You goys are our filthy slaves and most of you don’t even know it you sheep. LMAO LMAO ?? ?
3) The truth will Set you free 2
7 hours ago
Unfortunately people only know half the story. The truth is that these 13 families who influence and rule the world are not Jews through any coincidence. The fact of the matter is the Jews Worship and calibrate Satan. They made a deal with Satan and you hear this all the time with Hollywood celebrities ‘making a deal with the devil’. Why not a nation making a deal with the devil?
So the deal goes like this: the Jews believe that they are the chosen people led by their own ambition to rule the world. It is an ancient ambition, but being 14 million among 7 billion it’s a pretty difficult task to achieve so scripture states that Satan offered the solution to the Jews; he would help them control and rule the world with the help of his disciples (his followers from the parallel world) and in return the Jews must destroy the culture and religions of the world to permit the creation of a new religion where Satan is worshiped by all humankind instead of God.
This is why you see the rise of Satanism around the world, as the power and control become more and more in the Jewish hand; this is simply the deal believe it or not.
I am a Buddhist but I would happily fight side by side With any real Christian, if you will please check out this teaching by the Buddha about the type of human being he calls the Icchantika:
A teaching from the Buddha About the people he such called the Icchantikas:
***In the Mahaparinirvana Sutra the “icchantikas” (i.e., a species of being who can never attain Buddhahood) are deeply evil. They don’t believe that all beings have the Buddha-nature. They wish to harm others. They take pride in their twisted views, and live lives contrary to the Buddhist precepts. Especially, the icchantikas conceal the evils they have done some of which are grave in nature. Nor are they capable of repenting their sins. As far as their spiritual capacity is concerned, they have “no capacity for saddharma” (true Dharma). The Buddha refers to icchantikas as “the incurable ones.” In fact, the Buddha it could be said regards them as the spiritual dead. In this respect, killing an icchantika is of no karmic consequence according to the Buddha.
“For example, such actions as digging the ground, mowing the grass, felling trees, cutting up corpses, ill-speaking, and lashing do not call forth karmic returns. Killing an icchantika comes within the same category. No karmic results ensue” (T. vol. 12, p. 460b,11.17–19).
Highlights of Dialogue From Show:
Discussion begins at 16:00:
Rick Wiles: Here we present evidence that the state of Israel is a racist theocracy and that Zionism is driven by Jewish racial superiority of over all the other people in the world.
Jews use racist words to identify non-jews. They refer to us as “goys” or “goyim” (cattle, beasts) and “gentiles” (unclean). The jewish belief in their racial superiority explains the way Jews interact with non-Jews.
92% of jewish land is restricted to jews only. An Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) booklet gives Israeli soldiers permission to kill innocent civilians.
I think zionism is our generations’ nazism and that it is capable of committing genocide.
Who controls the government, the media, and the military? The zionists do – but you are not allowed to stay they because they are trying to ban all criticism of this movement.
The God of Abraham did not create judaism. Judaism is based on the Talmud, the teachings of the rabbis.
There was a shocking news report this week from Israel. The “Children of David,” a prominent military academy equivalent to West Point here in America, has educated thousands of prominent Israeli Defense Forces officers. This is where the rich Jews in Israel send their sons for military training. And these people also go into Israeli intelligence and politics.
The following video clip transcript is translated from Hebrew to English by David Sheen:
Here Rabbi Eliezar Kashtiel, head of Israel’s prestigious “Children of David” religious seminary, relates that Jews are the masters over the “goyim:”
Rabbit Kashtiel: “Abolishing legal slavery has created deficiencies. No one is responsible for those properties. With the help of God, slavery will return. The non-jews will want to be our slaves.
Being the slave of a jew is the best. They must be slaves. They want to be slaves. Instead of just wandering the streets, foolish and violent, harming each other, now his life begins (as a slave).
The peoples around us (Arabs) have genetic problems. Ask any average Arab where he wants to be. He wants to be under occupation. Why? Because they have genetic problems. They don’t know how to run a country or anything. Look at the state of them.
Translator David Sheen: Per Rabbi Kashtiel, the masters are the jews. The slaves are the Arabs. This is not accidental. It’s biological, genetic. That is their whole Torah: race theory. Holocaust Remembrance Day is 2 days from now. The Nazis divided races into superior and inferior. And now here is the Hebrew version.
Rabbi Kashtiel: Are we unaware that there are different races? Is it a secret? Is it untrue? What can you do, it’s true. Yes, we are racists. We believe in racism.
Nations have genetic characteristics. So we must consider how to help them. Racial differences are real and a reason to offer help.
I see my accomplishments are much greater than his (the non-jew).
Rick Wiles: This is Nazism…. which resulted in a world war because people said this movement is so dangerous that we have to crush it, we have to stop. We are moving in this direction with Zionism. In another 10 years, there are going to be nations that are saying, that Zionism is a racist movement that seeks to dominate and control all nations and enslave all peoples.
Rabbi Radler, of the Sons of David military academy, praised Adolf Hitler.
Interviewer: How do they see the holocaust?
Rabbi Radler: The holocaust was not about killing the jews. Nonsense. And that is was systematic and ideological makes it more moral than random murder. Humanism, secular culture- that is the holocaust. The real holocaust is pluralism.. To believe in man… that is holocaust.
For years, God has been screaming that the Diaspora is over, but jews aren’t obeying. That is their disease that the holocaust must cure.
With this lesson entitled: “Relating to the Holoca,
The Nazis logic was internally consistent. Hitler said that a certain group in society is the cause of all the evil in the world and therefore it must be exterminated. You think this ideology is illogical? Very bad? It sounds immoral. Was Moses as cruel and evil as Hitler? There is only one evil. Hypocrisy. Why would you care how you are killed – with knives or with gas chambers?
Was Hitler righteous or not? No. Of course, Hitler was the most righteous. Of course, Hitler was right in every word he said. His ideology was correct: There’s masculinity, which is about respect and war, and there’s femininity, which is soft and moral. Nazis said jews were the latter and thus the enemy.
Their only error was who was on which side.
Rick Wiles: I’ve got the whole transcript here and basically, what the Rabbi was saying about Hitler was that, speaking from the Nazis viewpoint that the jews have been carrying on this heritage trying to spoil the whole of humanity and that’s why they are the real enemy. And, according to the rabbi, in this, Hitler is 100% correct.
What he’s saying is that Hitler had figured out the Zionists were trying to spoil the whole of humanity. And this rabbi was saying was that in this regard, Hitler was correct.
So when I warn that the Zionists have a “final solution” for the Palestinian people, I’m not exaggerating. If they are permitted to carry out their plan, they will kill all the Palestinians. And the American Christian Zionists will say, “It’s the will of God.”
Because they are not Christians, they are just Zionists. They have left the Christian faith. And some of their leaders are nothing more than Zionist propaganda agents.
These jewish Nazis have been emboldened to say who we are, what we believe, and what we are doing. If they are not stopped over the next 10 years, German Nazism will pale in significance to Israeli Nazism.
And finally, pamphlets distributed at Israeli schools teach Israeli school children that it is OK for Israeli soldiers to rape Palestinian women.
Comments to Youtube:
John Janan
14 hours ago
My people watching your show from Kabul Afghanistan and Ankara Turkey and they are very surprised to see somebody so brave and tell the truth and love everybody?✝️???????????✝️?
Tad Moore
14 hours ago
Bravely done, TruNews!
14 hours ago (edited)
Bradford Duplisea
14 hours ago
TRUnews speaking TRUTH to power. Best news program on YouTube…most credible by a country mile. Turning the tables on mainstream media & their fake news. Thank you and God bless the whole crew ?
Bill C
14 hours ago
We are the temple and you DO NOT abuse others !!!!
13 hours ago
TruNews Keep up the good work??
Jemima Puddleduck
13 hours ago
If this military academy is Israel State funded, that means it is U.S. taxpayer funded to the tune of $10 million a day. Let that sink in.
Latin Guy Kurisu Channel
14 hours ago
This is worth reporting. Zionism is gaining a lot of power and influence in all nations. That Jewish professor just said everything a lot people are against. They admit they are racists and proud of it. You presented evidence. I hope Christian Zionists wake up.
Thank you TruNews for reporting the truth without compromise. May God bless you gentlemen and the TruNews team.
14 hours ago
Little men with little hats , with the help of the government are running this country.
Gilly Barroso
13 hours ago
We love listening to you at home, we are Turkish Muslim’s. Keep speaking the truth about what’s going on in these crazy mixed up times, May God unite us all in the hereafter, love and blessings to you all.
14 hours ago
Hmmmm. A child in Yemen dies every ten minutes due to starvation. How about a few crocodile tears for them, MP?
Aimee12345 B
14 hours ago
Look out Venezuela the Zionists want to bring you freedom.
Chris Shawn
13 hours ago
Fox News is full of it. No better than the MSNBC or CNN.
13 hours ago
I’m so glad that you read Israel Shahak. Also read his translation of the Oded Yinon war plans written in the 80’s. It spells out these regime change wars.
wake up sleepy the world is a stage
13 hours ago
Rick you are 100% correct about EVERYTHING you said about the Zionist. I support you for being so up front and honest! God bless u and God bless the ones that do not belive they are above the rest of humanity! Our God is Almighty and powerful, he will not stand for these Satanist to destroy is children!
Madeline Ducille
12 hours ago
Because it’s the ‘synagogue of Satan.’ Trying to do worldwide what they do to the palestinians.
pro gamer
14 hours ago
Mr. Wiles called, with no hesitation. He said ISIS maybe Zionists impersonating muslims.
Ha. This man and his team are courageous. Peace be with them for being righteous and telling the truth.
da don
12 hours ago
Before Operation protective edge I never even gave Israel much thought..after I watched Israel slaughter Palestinians for almost a month straight I have spoken out against them every chance I get… I had FB freeze my profile and demand a Scan of my Passport to get it Back and that was over an anti- Israeli comment about protective edge… I know the real enemy of the people..the one your not Allowed to point the finger at…
Debbie Woznicki
14 hours ago
Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called sons of God!
Tony T
10 hours ago
The Talmudic Jews are using witchcraft and the American Zionist have taken the bait.. They own and control America now, sad to say. All Christian’s need to put away all sin and wickedness and be set apart to the Lord, before he comes or your life comes to an end..
1 Peter 1:13-16 NKJV
Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; [14] as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; [15] but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, [16] because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”
12 hours ago
bottom line : D.C. is a den of criminals, and it is a shame.
Bryant Whittaker
13 hours ago
It’s a lot of Ethiopian they live in Israel and they get treated so bad its less than human.
Graeme Waddell
13 hours ago
Big up. Loving your moral approach. By their fruits we do know them. Keep on the good fight. Hearts and minds, and souls I suppose, but truth with a small t counts. No shekles soz but Massive respect and a thumbs up y’all.
Kabbalah is anti-Christ israel is anti-Christ
14 hours ago
Pompeo is an israeli dual….& serves none but the israelis, and takes his orders from his “jewish” advisers, (Handlers)…in the background, like they all do!
13 hours ago
You’re right, Rick. The term “Christian Zionist” makes as much sense as the term “Judeo-Christianity”. It’s madness.
Alex B
12 hours ago
Just when I thought Zionists couldn’t get any worse.
Chris Wager
14 hours ago
The first amendment has your back you can say what u like in the USA we HAV discovered the Zionist plot they are trying to create race war a culture war you Americans know what to do thankfully you have the guns the second amendment go after them they have destroyed our children never give up never surrender true news we love you from uk ?? fantastic lads love the show full of truth.
p ace
14 hours ago (edited)
You all are the bravest men on earth…. You and your family gonna get endless blessings… No doubt….
The name “Trunews” REALLY suiting this channel because you all telling the PURE TRUTH that others are too coward to say it
Graeme Waddell
13 hours ago (edited)
The Israeli state has been pushing propaganda of ‘the eternal gentile hatred’ BS to its citizens and children for decades now. Just watch “Defamation”. This attitude and similarity is by design and 100% calculated. They care not for humanity only ‘jewishness’. So so sad. Bunker mentality for no reason. Sad.
Hans Ome
11 hours ago
I’m amazed at how boldly that Rabbi professor said that they are racist . Very NAZI like . If people are okay with this we have entered a dark dark time !
bill hanna
14 hours ago
Yes iv noticed how they have ruled nations over the last 250 years , only 108 have thrown them out, hmm some thing go wrong , looking like its repeating in the USA As the General said ” If the American people really new what happened on 911 Israel would cease to exist ” Cease is the word with meaning .
Black Knight MGTOW Monk
11 hours ago
TruNews is AWESOME. Hey Brothers. please do a story on REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY. This is a great Christian truth.
13 hours ago (edited)
I also appreciate that you were able to open your hearts and see the truth of the state of Israel. We have been so deceived that we have committed uncountable atrocities and worshiped idols in the belief that we were in the right. No longer can we support evil and say that it is the word of God.
Donnie Newkirk
13 hours ago
This is the truth you will not find on any United States news outlet including especially Fox news.
Suzanne Freddie
13 hours ago
Ohhh! Great great work I’ll be sending you soon an email. And will try to find your Super Chat so I can donate. I am now out of the country, have a flip phone and a computer. But will get some donations to you very soon. Adam Green with Know More News has been doing work similar to yours. Israeli News Live with Stephen BenNoon and his wife Jana also doing great work though not as outspoken as you guys! Praise be to Jesus! Yes, all those radical Islamists–have always wondered. Jews in disguise?
sonah 32
11 hours ago
There is no difference btwn Wahabists / lSIS & Zionists
Ian C
12 hours ago
I salute you for speaking the truth about the Zionist!
May God Almighty protect you from this very insidious and evil enemy who will be after you and TruNews relentlessly. Amen!
Edna Thackeray
13 hours ago (edited)
I am a Goy? Wow! I never realized Jews had this perspective towards other people…rule over me…did Christ think like this? I think not…
Liban Ali
14 hours ago
Thank you real news crews,
Bob Barker
14 hours ago (edited)
@Tru News: Your show should have Adam Greene of Know More News on the show! That would be dynamite. Thank you and God Bless you all!
Mustard Tiger
14 hours ago (edited)
Mainstream news, tumble weeds and crickets. But saying it’s okay to be white? SUPER RACIST! National/world wide coverage. Conspiracy? You’re a crazy antisemite. Powerful/wealthy people in tiny hats don’t ever meet in secret for ominous reasons.??? Thanks for stating the difference between torah and talmud. Abrahamites, as I like to call them, live by the Torah. Jews live by the talmud. Judaism is a criminal organization.
12 hours ago
This is incredible that you guys are exposing this on such a large platform.
Benedicta Nazareth
14 hours ago
Mueller must be brought to trial ASAP because he is dangerous
Nasser Hafda
10 hours ago
Thank god tru news is exposing the true Zionism
Pagrator Tersot
13 hours ago (edited)
It just occurred to me that soon after Michael Brown criticized and called out Rick again, Rick shifted into high gear and took it to the next level. He could have changed the subject to avoid controversy but instead stood for truth and then called out Michael Brown in response. Great on you Rick and team. So many stand with you in exposing this deception.
Kabbalah is anti-Christ israel is anti-Christ
13 hours ago
I haven’t seen Hagee & Co.. as Christians in year’s….They are jews, they are jews, they are and always have been.. jews..!!!
Ask any of them, if they defend satan’s talmud…They are knowingly or unknowingly, against God…and everything He EVER taught us, from day one..!
Al Mia
13 hours ago
God bless you guys. Pray for your health and safety
Craig Wolfe
13 hours ago
God’s revealing the sins of our leaders! Repent, the votes are counted, Angel of God opens “the pit” soon.
Eddie Piecart
13 hours ago
Mike “Lie, cheat and steal” Pompeo.
Those words should cling to him like a bad smell.
p ace
13 hours ago
Pompeo confessed once before when he said,
elaine Cruz
13 hours ago
God help us Remnant of true believers,we really need you , majority of Christians in America are being deceived by Trumpism… Mathew 7:14 read it folks and check yourselves …
14 hours ago
They are doing it now, who do you think runs this government.
? Ahmed
14 hours ago
I really wanna go and hag these brave true Christian believer. I follow and watch every clip of you true news even though I am firm Muslim believer. Thank you!! stay and die on truth no matter how hard it might be.
13 hours ago
This is the first video of yours I’ve watched and you guys are fantastic. Although I’m not religious I do stand and support Christians ! The Goy know.
Kevin Johnson
13 hours ago
Wow, just found your channel. What a breath of fresh air. Will share with everyone I know.
James Havlin
14 hours ago
Remove the Sanctions and life will be fine !
Wade Watts
15 hours ago
Kate Kurtz
14 hours ago
Pompeo lies and will say anything in attempt to cause disruption. The same thing was said about Assad.
Mohamad A Rahman
13 hours ago
At the end Rick said God willing…i love that. Its what a muslim would say too. We place our faith in God and trust Him.
Blue Red
10 hours ago (edited)
Rambam (Maimonides) a sephardic jew from Iberia said the turcs have a nature of brutal animals, and interesting enough the ashkenazi are turcs. Did Rambam knew that at that time? Yes he did. Hasdai Ibn Shaprut a very prominent serphadic jew also of Iberia born in 915 was contacted by the Khazarian King and after the Khazar Correspondence and so on Hasdai said the ashkenazi were still proselytes even though they “converted” to Judaism. Biblically conversion doesn’t exist you have foreigners living among the Israelites but as ‘strangers’ with equal rights and circumcised if they wanted to keep the feasts but not become a “Jew” or “Jewish” terms also created in the last century or so. All that said those ashkenazi (sephardim don’t like the ashkenazi behaviors) that are pushing “jewish” racial supremacy funny enough are not even real Israelites nor Judeans.
11 hours ago
Jesus said they belong to the Synagogue of Satan!
Pagrator Tersot
13 hours ago
I can only imagine how Dr. Michael Brown is going to spin this. Yikes. Here it comes.
Brandi O
8 hours ago
Prayers for safety for all staff and their families. Shared! Love you all!
Mike Stowers
13 hours ago
I am with you guys on this subject 100% carry on I was so into your ministry just for this Revelation alone I agree with you about 90% of what you say I have a few fractions opinion on a few things.
Lucifer Sonomon
13 hours ago
Jesus lives.
Praise God the Lord.
Hail the King!
Oxygen Water And Salt
13 hours ago
There is something refreshing and energizing about hearing the truth after we have been fed lies most of our lives between education and media. Then everything comes right back to the first history book the Bible.
Simon Mcdermott
13 hours ago
Top 3 of the zionst agent’s list…
Pompuspayall ..!!!
Bolton frankenstain…!!!!
Sad but true…
One kove to you and yours X
Mary de jesus
13 hours ago
may the Lord and King Jesus protect you, brothers!
FavoriteSport Soccer
11 hours ago
Brothers, this is truly shocking and disgusting! The LORD JESUS CHRIST fulfilled the law, OT, we don’t need to fear anymore. Therefore, we no longer have to “fear” the the bless or curse verse. They will meet the Lord Jesus Christ one day, as He is God Almighty✝️.
Soap Water
13 hours ago
Venezuela has oil, so they need freedom.
Google Delete
10 hours ago
Know More News on youtube is covering the zionist agenda. Please ask him on your show.
9 hours ago
I love all you are doing to present the truth but there are others just as brave in America, like Steve and Jana Benoon, of Judean heritage, who have come out of Zionism and STRONGLY oppose it on “Israeli News Live” and are showing the same sorts of video and written evidence, as well as Adam Green of “Know More News”. I would love to see you reach out to Steve and Jana in particular as they are professing believers of Jesus and as they have mentioned all you are doing at TruNews as well. I hope you will seek to join forces to encourage and support one another in this endeavor to bring the truth to light, that they are setting up the Beast system we see in Revelations, the synagogue of Satan, Zionism unleashed on the world.
13 hours ago
Starting to think FLs recent law change had you directly in mind. ?
Gene- GDL
14 hours ago
It’s already a prisonable offence here in the UK to point out publicly that the Jews have privileges here that we don’t. I know this first hand.
joel ferguson
11 hours ago
Mike Pompeo should never be believed, as he is an admitted liar.
12:13 Ministry
14 hours ago
This ministry has blessed my family tremendously and that is why we support trunews.
We must supportTrunews to expose the Zionist agenda
Tim Moore
12 hours ago
I don’t see many jews decrying or criticizing zionism. Defining judaism apart from zionism is a distinction without a difference
4 hours ago
NATIONAL EMERGENCY Google: John Paterson BBC bias EU Corruption 5 November 2017
Tony Chaney
13 hours ago (edited)
That sounds like something out of The Handmaiden’s Tale and the Purge franchise in the toxic and even abominable Darby/Scofield Zionist Displacement Theology that is having alot of so-called Christians sleepwalking into Hades as the Talmudic Zionists have similarities to Norsefire UK regime similar to Nazi Germany in V for Vendetta and the NFFA (New Founding Fathers of America) in the Purge movies and television series on USA cable network that glorifies tyranny and barbarism against the”little guys”.
12 hours ago
Your about one of the only ppl telling it like it is. God did not approve for Israel to be in that land. We have to wait for the Lord to reinstate the land back to his ppl any one approving or assisting in the state of Israel is not obeying God’s words. And that goes for Trump and whoever else pastor, bishop or rabbi.
Mark Oppuse
14 hours ago
Why isn’t Truenews on cable? It should be!
The caballero
14 hours ago
Everyone interested in truth should watch……..europa; the last battle.
13 hours ago
Psychopaths, patholicgical narcissism infects them.
Hubert Khaya
13 hours ago
This is God’s will for Zionist to let them to do all the EVIL to show their tru colours to show man kind that they are the true evil so hopefully they will get throwing out of every country in the world and straight to hell.
Thefaceoftheword crook and flail
13 hours ago
How hilarious these sheeple are. Commandment breaking Torah violating fools.
Nikki Kelley
10 hours ago
I don’t fear the Jews because He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world!!! En garde!
David Hilton
14 hours ago
God bless and protect you mighty men.
world peace
13 hours ago
USA is already an Israeli slave. The US presidency, the legislative-senate, the US judiciary, the US financial systems, the social media the news all under the influence of Israel. So Israeli Zionist are absolutely correct.
8 hours ago
Micheal Brown is not Christian, he is Zionist Jew first who is funded by David Horowitz. TruNews is the only Christian TV courageous enough to put their lives on the line for speaking truth to power. Please donate to keep thus going.
Ferdinand Mecheng
Ferdinand Mecheng
10 hours ago
God Bless TruNews and its team for revealing the secrets.
Glam Dring
Glam Dring
13 hours ago
the spirit of antichrist is to say that jesus is not the christ i mean that’s very coincidence
Jason Hickey
Jason Hickey
14 hours ago
Gentlemen, I am an atheist, and I just want to say ‘Well done on this brave honest video!’
Respect from Ireland! ??
Survival Health and Healing TV
Survival Health and Healing TV
10 hours ago
This has to be one of the most powerful eye opening episodes of True News ever broadcast, amazingly truthful and honest and biblical thank you for exposing the lies of Satan and showing us who the number one enemy of the world really is God bless your ministry…
12 hours ago
The first thing to do is ban the genital mutilation of all children – both boys and girls.
White Stag
White Stag
15 hours ago
Starts a 4:35, great vid
13 hours ago
“It seems that ‘holocausts” are not that rare among the Jews — in fact, they seem to have happened at somewhat regular intervals. Sensible research reveals that high-profile and influential Jews are shown to be quite adept and shameless in broadcasting the suffering and persecution of their flock.
Also not that rare, is the figure “6 million”. A (seemingly Cabalistic) number that God/Yahweh requires to be “sacrificed” in his covenant with the Jews, prior to their “return home”.
“… nearly six million Jews were killed in the Bar-Cocheba revolt …” Article in Science of Religion, 1897
“There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.” ~ Rabbi Stephen Wise, New York Times, June 11, 1900
“Startling reports of the condition and future of Russia’s 6,000,000 Jews … the Russian Government’s studied policy for the “solution” of the Jewish question is systematic and murderous extermination…” ~ Dr Paul Nathan’s article: View of Russian Massacre, the New York Times, March 25, 1906
” … poverty, starvation and disease are the afflictions which now beset the six million Jews in that country, [Russia], and Roumania.” ~ Deseret Evening News, March 17th, 1908
“But the same righteous Governments, who are so nobly, industriously active to establish the eternal peace, are preparing, by their own confession, complete annihilation for six million people,” ~ Max Nordeau speaking at The 1911 Zionist Congress. Hecht, Ben. Perfidy. NY; Julian Messner. 1961. page 254
1912 – Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, New York Tribune, September 11th, 1912, page 9 “Russia is now asphyxiating the Jews. It does not dare to offend the nations by blood spilling, so it is slowly, but surely grinding out the lives of 6,000,000 Jews.”
1915 – “In the world today there are about 13,000,000 Jews, of whom more than 6,000,000 are in the very heart of the war zone, Jews whose lives are at stake and who today are subjected to every manner of suffering and sorrow…”Louis Marshall in concert with Jacob H Schiff, Meyer London and Dr Enelow, New York Times, Article: Millions in Dire Distress, Jan 14, 1915
1916 – New York Herald, March 5th, 1916, Section III, p.10.
“Six million Jews, old men, women and little children, are suffering from the greatest calamity that has befallen Israel since the Egyptian bondage.”
1915 – The Sun (NY), June 6th, 1915, section 5, page 1
“Six million Jews, one-half of the Jewish people throughout the world, are being persecuted, hounded, humiliated, tortured, starved. … six million Jews in Russia … are being tortured so mercilessly.”
1918 – Fort Wayne News and Sentinel (IN), June 22nd, 1918, page 1
“In the war zone of Europe there are six million Jews who have been the war’s worst sufferers,”
1919 – The Corsicana Daily Sun, April 3rd, 1919, p.5
“SIX MILLION ARE STARVING … It is estimated that there are six million Jewish women, children and aged men actually starving to death.
1919 – New York Times, September 8th, 1919, page 6
“127,000 Jews Have Been Killed and 6,000,000 Are in Peril. … 6,000,000 souls in Ukrainia and in Poland have received notice through action and by word that they are going to be completely exterminated – this fact stands before the whole world as the paramount issue of the present day.”
1919 – Rushville Daily Republican, September 29th, 1919, page 4
“The thought that as I walk the streets of this properous and happy town there are 6,000,000 people in other lands without food, shelter or raiment is disturbing. … When I read, as I have read all my life, of the persecution and slaughter of the Jews I am not proud of my own race or my religion. … Six million people perishing!”
1919 – Schenectady Gazette, October 16th, 1919, page 15
“Today 6,000,000 Jews Are Facing the Darkest Days Ever Known in the Long History of the Race.”
“The successive blows of contending armies have all but broken the back of European Jewry,’ he said, ‘and have reduced to tragically unbelievable poverty, starvation and disease about 6,000,000 souls, or half the Jewish population of the earth.” ~ Felix M. Warburg, New York Times, Sept 29, 1919
(Fourteen years before Hitler’s rise to power and twenty years before the outbreak of WWII.)
“In Europe there are today more than 5,000,000 Jews who are starving or on the verge of starvation, and many are in the grip of a virulent typhus epidemic. An appeal has been issued throughout the world. The quota of New York City is $7,500,000. The drive will occupy the week of May 2-9, and will be based wholly upon the principle of sympathy and a common humanity.” ~ Editorial, New York Times, April 21, 1920
“‘Hunger, cold rags, desolation, disease, death – Six million human beings, without food, shelter, clothing or medical treatment in what now are but the wastes of once fair lands, lands ravaged by long years of war or blighted by its consequences!” ~ Editorial, New York Times, May 2, 1920
“BEGS AMERICA SAVE 6,000,000 IN RUSSIA. Russia’s 6,000,000 Jews are facing extermination by massacre.” ~ New York Times, July 20, 1921, page 2 (This time, it’s the Jews in Russia, and, of course, it’s 6 million of them)
“The Jews in the immediate district for which the aid of the war sufferers’ campaign is to be given numbered over six million. Over 300,000 orphans, over 150,000 descrated women, over six million wandering Jews walking, crawling in their misery, feeding on the bark of trees and on herbs that grow by the wayside.” ~ Lowell Sun (MA), March 22, 1922, pg 14 (Women, orphans, crawling, eating the bark of trees in misery, and guess what — it’s 6 million Jews, again.)
“Six million Jews in Eastern Europe face starvation and even worse…” ~ Article titled: Six million Jews face starvation, Montreal Gazette, Dec 29, 1931.
“This is no exaggeration to say that six million Jews are sentenced to be imprisoned in this part of the world [Europe] …” ~ Future Israeli president Chiam Weizmann, testifying before the Peel Commission, 1936
“Great Britain has it within her power to throw open the gates of Palestine and let in the victimized and persecuted Jews escaping from the European holocaust.” ~ The Jewish Western Bulletin, June 2nd, 1936, page 3 (Three years before the outbreak of WWII.)
“Six million Jews at this moment are trapped like rats … ” ~ The Guardian, April 4th, 1938, page 11 (18 months before WWII began.)
“It is estimated that nearly six million Jews have been driven from their homes by ruthless oppressors and stripped not only of their property but their right to work for a living.” ~ Port Arthur News, June 9th, 1938, page 1 (Who(m) is in charge of counting, how do they arrive at these figures and why is it always 6 million?)
“Does Mr. X really believe that if Hitler gains control of Spain with the help of Franco, that life in Spain will be any different than it is today in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia where 6,000,000 Jews have been murdered, …” ~ The Daily Sentinel (Rome, NY), January 31st, 1939, page 11 (9 months before the the beginning of WWII.)
“Not in Hitler’s Hands, In Yours … The Fate Of Six Million European Jews” ~ The Jewish Criterion, April 7th, 1939, page 4
“6,000,000 Jews are doomed to destruction…” ~ Nahum Goldman, Chairman or the World Jewish Congress, the Palm Beach Post, June 25, 1940”
william allan
14 hours ago
this is what happens when they don’t believe in the Lord Jesus
Coming Kingdom
13 hours ago
Israel promotes and builds 5g but is not going to install it in their country. How else would they rule over all?
9 hours ago
Wake up Pompeo! You are having a moist dream.
wake up sleepy the world is a stage
13 hours ago
Everyone call and email you politician’s and tell them to vote against H.R.336
Remnant Yisrael
13 hours ago (edited)
Fake Khazars Jews actually believe the lie that they are the real Hebrews ?
Carlos Krueger
13 hours ago
10 hours ago
Which group prayed over the lady that was cured of her liver disease by God?
13 hours ago
Oy vey! I’m being poisecuted!
The all Seeing goy
12 hours ago
All in for Jesus.right on.
Scott Richmond
11 hours ago
THANK YOU Rick & the TruNews team for having the courage to expose these evil vile Talmud believers & for staying on the this topic. Zionism is The satanic 1 World government of End Times. May God bless & protect you Rick & the TruNews team. Please stay on this topic.
Thomas Hespeler
14 hours ago
ISIS – Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.
Tica Fever
10 hours ago
Let them open their mouth and tell the world who they really are, their motives and agenda.
Benedicta Nazareth
14 hours ago
If they are children of Satan then they will build the temple for Satan. His only ambition is to rule the lives of all people and then take them to he’ll. These are the empty vessels making loudest noise. They are most devious and rebellious people. They hate all children of God. The war has just begun. They will be destroyed along with their temple.
Tad Moore
13 hours ago
1:08:12 Traitor to the Cross, Dr. Michael Brown. The Truth cannot be denied.
sonah 32
11 hours ago
Amazing show – bless TruNews for truth
Mary de jesus
13 hours ago
Noahide law in effect in the Philippines!!!!
George I
13 hours ago
One of the realist, I subbed 2 this channel, stay strong, we support the truth!
Tafa Defi
13 hours ago
American Wife, mother. Daddy, send their loved ones to die for Israel worldwide
12:13 Ministry
14 hours ago
Thank you TruNews
13 hours ago
The World Almanac series of books sometimes provided two sets of figures for the world Jewish population. One came from the AJC (American Jewish Committee), and the other is the World Almanac’s own estimation.
1933 : 15,316,359 (AJC), page 419
1934 : ???
1935 : ???
1936 : 15,753,633, page 748
1937 : ???
1938 : 15,748,091 (AJC), page 510
1939 : uses 1938 data
1940 : 15,290,983 (AJC), page 519; 15,319,359 (Almanac), page 129
1941 : uses 1938 data
1942 : 15,192,089, page 849
1943 : uses 1942 data
1944 : uses 1942 data
1945 : 15,688,259 (AJC), page 494; 15,xxx,xxx (Almanac), page xxx
1946 : uses 1945 data (AJC), page 488; 15,xxx,xxx (Almanac), page xxx
1947 : uses 1945 data (AJC), page 219; 15,690,000 (Almanac), page 748
1948 : uses 1945 data (AJC), page 249; 15,753,638 (Almanac), page 849
1949 : n/a (AJC); 15,713,638 (Almanac), page 289
1950 : n/a (AJC); n/a (Almanac)
In 1949, the AJC didn’t provide an estimation for that year, instead, they revised the number of Jews for 1939 and 1947:
1949 AJC revision for 1939 : 16,643,120, page 204
1949 AJC revision for 1947 : 11,266,600, page 204
After 1949, the World Almanac discontinued providing their own estimations, instead, they only reported the numbers given by AJC. In 1950, the AJC didn’t provide an estimation for that year, instead, they revised the number of Jews for 1948:
1950 AJC revision for 1948 : 11,373,000, page 473
So, let’s brief this quickly. The last available pre-war number comes from 1938. In 1940, they somehow got a new estimation. In 1941, they use the 1938 number, not the 1940 number. In 1942, they got a new estimation, which was then used in both the 1943 and 1944 versions, until the war ended and they made a new estimation for 1945, which was then used for 1946, 1947 and 1948. In 1949, the Almanac made an estimation of their own, whereas the AJC decided to revise the 1947 number instead.
15,688,259 – 11,266,600 = 4,421,659
Hmm, 4,4 million missing Jews. No, that can’t be right. We all knew 6 million died before the Nuremberg Trials began anyway. So what to do? Well, the AJC had a great idea! They revised the 1939 number by adding 1 million Jews.
895,029 to be precise. So:
4,421,659 + 895,029 = 5,316,688
Bingo. The official Holocaust story goes that somewhere from 5,4 to 6 million Jews died. The number was predetermined and the AJC played along. Somehow they knew, 10 years later in 1949, that the 1938 and 1939 numbers were wrong. No mention of their source, no mention of their methodology used. They just changed the number. Poof.
Historians will tell you the added one million Jews comes from the Wannsee Conference, where the Nazis counted 11,000,000 Jews in Europe, but it is known that this number was exaggerated by roughly two million, therefore their point is moot. The additional one million are imaginary Jews, added for the sole purpose of having more Jews killed on paper. This is one of the essential bits of the lie that six million Jews died, but as we can, it couldn’t possibly be six million, but 4,4 million maximum.
Now, this doesn’t mean 4,4 million Jews died, because they didn’t, it’s just that most Jews after the war spread all over the world, took gentile names and became crypto-Jews. What’s more, the AJC stopped reporting the actual number of Jews for current years, instead, they reported for two years back. Starting with 1949 when they “revised” the 1947 number, then in 1950 when they “revised” the 1948 number. They just kept “revising” the number of Jews two years back, ignoring the actual numbers. I wonder why?
Here’s something interesting:
The 1933 World Almanac lists 682,400,000 Christians. The 1949 World Almanac lists 592,406,542 Christians. That’s 89,993,458 less.
The Handbook of Council of Churches in the USA from 1951 lists 15,300,000 Jews.
John Janan
14 hours ago (edited)
Are you guys are so brave I’m so proud of you guys and I’m praying everyday every night for your safety and God help you and God bless you guys?✝️?✝️????
Raymond Cortes
13 hours ago (edited)
For those who don’t believe this and for those Shills who want to derail the truth Here’s a couple quotes for all of you:
David Ben-Gurion
***Quote from David Ben-Gurion, first Prime Minister
of Israel:
*Our race is the Master Race. We Jews are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.’ End-
Ariel Sharon:
“ Quote from Ariel Sharon who was an Israeli general and politician who served as the 11th Prime Minister of Israel from March 2001 until April 2006.Sharon was a commander in the Israeli Army from its creation in1948:
I encourage my soldiers to rape Arabic girls, since the Palestinian woman is a slave for the Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do.” End-
Quote from Talmudic Jew
Harold Wallace Rosenthal:
*We are god’s chosen people . . . Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer — so I wasn’t lying — and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.” End-
Part of a speech from Rabbi Rabinovich, 1958
***we will arbitrate, sending our Control Commissions into all wrecked countries. This war will end for all time our struggle against the Gentiles. (spifically, white Christians) We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. (which proves to me they are not Jews) I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter- racial tensions. Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.
Question from the gathering: Rabbi Rabinovich, what about the various religions after the Third World War? Rabinovich: There will be no more religions. Not only would the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our rule, but belief in an after-life would give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements in many countries, and enable them to resist us. We will, however, retain the rituals and customs of Judaism as the mark of our hereditary ruling caste, strengthening our racial laws so that no Jew will be allowed to marry outside our race, nor will any stranger be accepted by us. (Note: Protocol of Zion No. 17 para. 2, states: ‘Now that freedom of conscience has been declared everywhere (as a result of their efforts they have previously stated) only years divide us from the moment of the complete wrecking of that [Hated] Christian Religion. As to other religions, we shall have still less difficulty with them.’) We may have to repeat the grim days of World War II, when we were forced to let the Hitlerite bandits sacrifice some of our people, in order that we may have adequate documentation and witnesses to legally justify our trial and execution of the leaders of America and Russia as war criminals, after we have dictated the peace. I am sure you will need little preparation for such a duty, for sacrifice has always been the watchword of our people, and the death of a few thousand lesser Jews in exchange for world leadership is indeed a small price to pay. To convince you of the certainty of that leadership, let me point out to you how we have turned all of the inventions of the White Man into weapons against him. His printing presses and Radios are the mouthpieces of our desires, and his heavy industry manufactures the instruments which he sends out to arm Asia and Africa against him. Our interests in Washington are greatly extending the Point Four Program (viz. Colombo Plan) for developing industry in backward areas of the world, so that after the industrial plants and cities of Europe and America are destroyed by atomic warfare, the Whites can offer no resistance against the large masses of the dark races, who will maintain an unchallenged technological superiority. And so, with the vision of world victory before you, go back to your countries and intensify your good work, until that approaching day when Israeli will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World.” (Note: Every statement made by Rabinovich is based on agenda contained in the “Protocols of Zion.”) –end
We hate Christianity and Christians. Even the best of them must be regarded as our worst enemies. They preach love of one’s neighbor and mercy, which is contrary to our principles. Christian love is an obstacle to the development of the revolution. Down with love of one’s neighbor. What we need is hatred; only thus shall we conquer the universe.” (A. Lunacharsky) end-
I am a Buddhist but I would happily fight side by side With any real Christian, if you will please check out this teaching by the Buddah about the type of human being he calls the Icchantika:
A teaching from the Buddah About the people he such called the Icchantikas:
***In the Mahaparinirvana Sutra the “icchantikas” (i.e., a species of being who can never attain Buddhahood) are deeply evil. They don’t believe that all beings have the Buddha-nature. They wish to harm others. They take pride in their twisted views, and live lives contrary to the Buddhist precepts. Especially, the icchantikas conceal the evils they have done some of which are grave in nature. Nor are they capable of repenting their sins. As far as their spiritual capacity is concerned, they have “no capacity for saddharma” (true Dharma). The Buddha refers to icchantikas as “the incurable ones.” In fact, the Buddha it could be said regards them as the spiritual dead. In this respect, killing an icchantika is of no karmic consequence according to the Buddha.
“For example, such actions as digging the ground, mowing the grass, felling trees, cutting up corpses, ill-speaking, and lashing do not call forth karmic returns. Killing an icchantika comes within the same category. No karmic results ensue” (T. vol. 12, p. 460b,11.17–19).
Survival Health and Healing TV
10 hours ago
Read Jeremiah 8:8 and then read Deuteronomy 20
willbur 420
13 hours ago
Lucifer believed the same thing. When God told him to bow down he said I am better than him. Racism was the first crime against Adam peace be upon him.
12 hours ago
Another reason that there may not be a loud out cry is the fact that the LIES that drench the Zionist movement is not well understood. And many don’t have the knowledge of the deepness of the evil which they are in – and kept in by Satan and his hellish crew. Many being deceived by those who are deceived, and they themselves don’t know it. For their minds are darkened to the truth of God. Many will never come to the truth – why? – because they have no true understanding, or wisdom of it – their minds are empty and void, and are floating around in the filth called Hell, and its a deep place my friends. So deep that millions are floating in the dark pit that has no sides, no bottom, no top. They don’t know how to catch on to the truth of God, and the message of love and compassion, and forgiveness, that was delivered by His Holy Son Jesus Christ. Great sadness for soooooooo many. My prayers and heart go out to the lost world, the saved world, and to us who are, by the skin of our teeth, saved in the blood of Lamb. Continue to pray and do not stop, its the only thing that works. Yes, and there may be some who will be saved in Christ.
Raymond Knight
10 hours ago
This Zionism Spoken of the second half of the program is also the same doctrine I have been hearing almost word for word daily on the conservative talk radio shows on AM radio so its not just the church, its being implemented everywhere!
Prof. Lindenbrook
13 hours ago (edited)
TruNews! Great show… but the TruFacts of National Socialism, and the real natural of Germany under National Socialism is EXCEEDINGLY LACKING by your staff. They simple do not know — what they do not know – because the history they know has been spoon feed to them via Jewish writers of WW2 history. Remember always, the victors write history. Has anyone on the TruNews staff every read the unexpurgated, unabridged ver. of Mein Kampf??? German society under Wiemar Germany was completely controlled by the Jew, media, culture, etc. The National Socialist promoted MORAL CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOR. And end to degeneracy A rejection of the values of the Talmudic Jew. Serious, I am happy to come down to Vero Beach – at my own expense and educate TruNews stuff as to where they are so completely and sadly >>>CLUENESS<<< as to the true nature and goals of National Socialism. Additionally, National Socialism was actually VERY CHRISTIAN in origin. You doubt this??? There is an officially N.S.D.A.P. sanctioned book (available free online) that clearly defines this called: “Postive Christianity in the Third Reich”. LOOK IT UP! I am HAPPY to supply you with a free copy. If you are going to speak about the 3rd Reich and Natural Socialism, stops using bullshit Jewish slander like the term “NAZI”, or the untrue Jewish propaganda of the Holocaust and get properly educated on THE TRUTH!!! If you are indeed TRUNEWS – contact me to learn more! PLEASE SHOW THIS COMMENT TO RICK. PLEASE! watchtwolf smith 14 hours ago Thanks guys Lilli 8 hours ago Rick You blow my mind!!! I had to pinch me ti find out I was not just dreaming. PRAYING that God keeps you and your team safe. (((These))) people are ruthless. Lee Baninthivong 13 hours ago ? God bless any nation around the world He created this earth and He hate devils one Hallelujah Fr Nikon P 9 hours ago Madera was never going to leave anywhere Pompeo lied can’t believe all this fake news Benedicta Nazareth 14 hours ago This is WWW III Bryant Whittaker 13 hours ago I remember seeing a video or a few videos from a while back showing Jewish rabbis say every racist word in the book and outside of the book describing black people and Ethiopians living in Israel that country is so fascist so racist and bigoted and they had the nerve ask for the protection of other countries you know what america are to get sick and tired of being suckered by this country and stop fighting they’re lying unjust and false flag Wars for them laura vasquez 13 hours ago Europa the last battle. Watch it before it’s taken down damarion price 10 hours ago DONT THE US OF A HAVE ENOUGH HERE IN AMERICA TO DEAL WITH? US STAY IN YOUR LANE STOP MEDDLING YOU HAVE TOO MANY WARS ALREADY. HOW MANY PEOPLE DO YOU NEED TO RULE!! John Janan 14 hours ago (edited) Trunews is belong to Jesus and it’s (((((not for sale)))))?✝️? BLAKBODHISATTVA 12 hours ago israel is an aparthied state…jimmy carter ugly but proud muddy waters 13 hours ago (edited) don trump is now a orange jew…the same goes for….Pelosi..kerry… McCain, Kennedy , Bush, gore, Biden, Clinton’s..Rockefeller. ETC…….All married and or gave their children away to talmudic jewry…This is how jewry gets part of its power and I.Q..They either slaughter or best or marry into to them…Sincerely..They’re unstoppable….Because they have a plan and goal, the goyim has no clue Faisal Saad 7 hours ago Muslim from libya.. thank you for showing the truth to your people about the danger of Zionism Obvious Alias 12 hours ago (edited) I have to say this iwas a stunning video clip from the chief professor rabbi I really would like to hear how a certain individual with credentials will explain this one. Its time for a debate Rick and Dr. B! Santoni Geek 12 hours ago Best news channel ive ever found on youtube, and the hosts was inteligent and totally woke up Wings of Grace 6 minutes ago Who funded Hitler? It is a game for those people behind ideology of zionism Iman Mohamadi 3 hours ago By the way due to USA sanctions against Iran I can’t donate the channel. Leo Jansen 3 hours ago Bring down the Lombart Europeen Bankers of the black nobility that are ruling the World and there Satanic Zion Kabbala puppets ! They are ALL SICK PEOPLE ! Michael nunya 13 hours ago And they’re doing a great job. 350 million Americunts give Israel $50 billion every year and voluntarily fight and die in any war Israel seeks fit for. Stupid Americunts Terri Youngblood 9 hours ago Wow great broadcast, I was with the TBN AND DAYSTAR SINCE SAVED IN 2012. I HAD NO IDEA. YOU AND KNOW NOW NEWS IS OPENING MY EYES 82 BOBCAT TUCKER 9 hours ago Well Done TruNews! Aliman 8 hours ago God bless you for showing the truth! There’s still hope in this world as long as there’s people that speak against falsehood and truly follow their faith. May God bless you always, keep you safe and healthy. Viem Ngoc Do 12 hours ago (edited) 1) Intelligent General! Maduro used enemy stick to beat his enemy old back, Sontu’ Tactic? e.g. Using ‘False Flag’ to avoid heavy civil war, and/or foreign invasion?! (Turkey President Tayyip Erdoğan’ action in the past ?!). 2) The vehicle that ran thru the people also might be the false flag used by either side (no clear vision nor sound?!) PURE AFRICAN 14 hours ago (edited) I’m from South Africa and im a subscriber. TruNews keeps me informed. Bill Russell 10 hours ago A day will come where there is no Google or facebook James Havlin 14 hours ago True News is the News …! janet klomburg 14 hours ago WE’RE THE TEMPLE Dina Eddy 5 hours ago (edited) TruNews- Please consider having Deanne Loper on, she has written a book you might be very interested in reading and sharing. I saw Deanne Loper on Israeli News Live with Steven and his wife Yana BenNoon. Her book is about what Christians need to know about the International Jewish Congress, and the deception of Jewish Mysticism, Kabbalah, Talmud and what Jesus warned. The Noahide Laws and so much. Assyrian Perspective 15 hours ago God bless you TruNews. Wings of Grace 2 minutes ago For them only Jews count as real human beings and all the others are animals. So killing their own is seen as sacrifices for the good cause of implementing their agenda Fr Nikon P 9 hours ago (edited) May God give the assistance to keep making these wonderful news cast you guys are really good thank you for your hard work and bringing out the truth John Cook 9 hours ago Wow! A Rabbi telling the truth! Jesus Garcia 8 hours ago It’s heartbreaking knowing that children are growing up with this kind of teaching. No wonder they don’t feel anything when they enter the army. Save the children please! Emia Main 2 hours ago Supremacy dreamer, you are late to qualify for supremacy. Definitely not with this bloodshed attitude. Hopefully your evil dream become a worst nightmare of your life!!!! Tom Kuntz 12 hours ago They are called the ashkeNAZI jews. Aimee12345 B 13 hours ago Hitler was working with the Zionists, most jews in israel were brought in by German boats. WW2 has been taken over by the Jewish version of “his” story. kn tlt 13 hours ago (edited) What is the Venezuela’s govrnment guilty of? Chavez charged the zionist Koch Brothers a pretty penny for the Venezuelan heavy crude, the only crude that can feed the Koch Brother’s only heavy crude refinery in Texas and the US. The only that can process sand tars. Hence the we have the Keystone pipeline needed for feed all the way down into Texas. This refinery is also partially owned by Aramco, Saudi Arabia. There might be other serious sins committed by the Government of Venezuela, but the biggest and unforgivable sin of all as far as the zionists are concerned, is Venezuela’s support of the Palestinian “terrorist” in Gaza. Demonseed 1776 11 hours ago Onward Christian Soldiers. Blue Light Special 3 hours ago These are governments at war and not the people! Hedonist Euphony 12 hours ago (edited) Noahide?Laws wants your beheadings (❤️ Flat Earth 200 Proofs in the Bible ❤️) Nikki Kelley 10 hours ago They sure rushing their agenda big time! Oh yeah because they know their time is short! Survival Health and Healing TV 11 hours ago THANKS FOR THE TRUTH TRUNEWS! Iman Mohamadi 3 hours ago No wonder why they want a USA vs Iran war! Iranians have been in the region long enough to know what these radical leaders want. Mr. Byrd 11 hours ago (edited) The racism of the 1935 “Nuremburg Laws” is mild compared to what one finds in the Talmud. Thomas Smith 10 hours ago Watch The Greatest Story Never Told. Robert Puffer 9 hours ago We definitely fought the wrong enemy in WWII. We definitely are fighting the wrong enemy today Johnny Mars 11 hours ago (edited) These Washington hawks are the ones who embargoed Venezuela which caused the starving. Good faith from Unites States according to Tucker? How about those hawks lift the sanction? Stacy S 57 minutes ago TRUNEWS PLEASE INTERVIEW STEVEN BEN DENOON AND HIS WIFE JANA CONCERNING ZIONISM, TALMUD AND NOAHIDES!! BLESSINGS!! Bracha Israel 9 hours ago Yes, they are not the Israelites..But I betcha they want tell you who is. ?….Guess who? lol Mom’s DIY 3 hours ago I never listened to this channel until another channel bashed it, and I was wondering why so much anger plus I always do my own research before passing my opinion. I will continual to watch with an open mind, and from what I see and hear from this video I have to agree with. Jesus granted me the gift of the holy spirit (truth), and not many people will see or hear the truth, or/and if they do have a hard time accepting the truth. The devil will never stop working on deceiving people, but if I ever feel confused I seek and pray to Heavenly Father to reveal the truth to me, (and it usually works). Kevin Cruz 9 hours ago Thank you Trunews. Preach the truth brothers. Timothy Daniel 10 hours ago Yes we r the temple but not the 3rd temple that will be built soon as Jesus tells us so Nasty Goy 7 hours ago I love you guys but I pray that you speak the truth about WW1 and WW2, you keep using buzz words like “NAZI” and “GAS CHAMBERS” which makes you look real foolish to someone who has done their homework on the communist take over since the wars. Joe Morales 12 hours ago 911 SOS Revelation 3:9 | “I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars–I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.” William & Fannie 7 hours ago Truth and righteousness shall be exposed. Opposing views is very healthy. Hail KING of Kings.JESUS. tonebonetones 13 hours ago Slowly.. Slowly… even the often fooled American Christians are awakening. The Zionists overplayed their hand, in their greed and impatience to totally control the USA before the goyim wake up. They didn’t count on the internet and non msm news and information services which they don’t own and therefore control. The cat is out the bag. Let’s kick the Zionists out of Western European countries whose media, banks and government they control. We are many, they are few. passane74 2 hours ago (edited) #Sean #hannity the sayanim needs to watch this one. May God bless you Rick’s team and Tucker Carlson. starioskal 14 minutes ago All prophecy unfolding! Thanks for sharing this and God bless you and family and your work. We all need the full armor of God! Cheers Nick and Angie The all Seeing goy 13 hours ago Expose the parasitic nose Viem Ngoc Do 9 hours ago (edited) ” BE OF GOOD CHEER; IT IS I, BE NOT AFRAID!!! ” > St. MATTHEW 19:28 Future Rulers of The Twelve Tribes Of Israel (meaning of ‘He shall Rule as God’, that is Christ)
And Jesus (ישוע המשיח, Yehshua the Mashiach) said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
> ROMANS 8:5-11 Christ’s Future Government & They That Are His!
5 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
6 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God (האלהים, h-Alohiym, The Divine Power that Be — Genesis 1אלהים Alohiym): for it is not (οὐχ, Absolutely Not) subject to the law of God (אלהים), neither indeed can be.
8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot (ου δυνανται, Absolutely cannot) please God (אלהים).
9 But ye are not (οὐχ, Absolutely Not) in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not (οὐκ, Absolutely Not) the Spirit of Christ, he is none (οὐκ, Absolutely None) of his.
10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus (Iησουν) from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
11 hours ago
TRUNEWS tells the TRUTH! ♡
Solomon Johnson
14 hours ago
“By way of deceit, we make war”…this is the constitution that shapes all in the State of Israel….even though those who use the Torah as their spiritual guide, may want us to believe in their opposition of those who are Zionists, one should still look deep into the fact that the Torah sanctioned many follies by means of ethnic cleansing which led to what is now seen as racism, creating a harmonious ovastanding of self concerning Jewry towards everyone else….all Jews are not Zionists but all believe in that “exclusivity” of being God’s chosen that has led many if not all to believe in a racial superiority, subconsciously,…to say that all the surrounding nations are genetically inferior is a great folly on their part due to the inbreeding that has caused many ills to be found amongst them…..”can’t give the children’s bread to the dogs” was a statement made to show certain traits n differences concerning some who didn’t have the flowery fragrance being expressed as seen in the Song of Solomon,…..I have seen servants riding upon horse backs n master’s in tattered clothing……we don’t want to engage in the folly rhetoric that you have come to embrace but we could point out to you the above to cause you to stop gloat n boast….a just de vision
Survival Health and Healing TV
9 hours ago
Please make a way for these episodes podcast to be purchased for future use on MP3 devices or any device that can save content so that we can have them for the future and train people and let them listen to these teachings because these are wonderful setting the captives free that’s what Jesus came to do and you are setting the zionists Free by your teachings thank you True News for doing such a great job.
Norbert Rosendahl
11 hours ago (edited)
Perhaps it means nothing but the carrier ”Roosevelt” and ”Eisenhower” have left their bases in Norfork and Dan Diego, heading south.
And US Air companies have released the ”Notam” not to overfly Venezuela below an altitude of 26,000 feed.
Perhaps it means nothing but if…. are the USA really so crazy to go into war with China an Russa ?
Regarding to todays news…. Pompeo was completely lying regarding any plans of leaving Venezuela by Nocolaus Maduro.
Since Pombeo has perfectly proven that he is a notoric layer, I personal believe Maduro.
You should have mentioned Maduros denying .
7 hours ago
God bless Russia,and Mr.Putin.God bless National Socialism.
Bogumil B.D.
1 hour ago
47:05 – Rick, I have heard that Dr. Brown has proposed friendly debate on your or his program. Will you respond?
Jamz Jhoran
43 seconds ago
Perhaps some culling of Zionist is in order. After all this is war.
james wyatt
9 hours ago
wow love hearing the truth TODAY…. been christian 35 yrs wanted to know the real truth and not rick warren teachings in a pentacostal church……pastor didnt like to hear that lol….one day while sitting in church (back) an obvious older jewish man beside me . never ever been there before . i said hello and he said “Im here to check up on Tim G—— i knew something very zionistic was happening in our church ,,,, my suspicions were right ,,,, we quit going to churches after that PRAISE GOD
John B
3 hours ago
Big mistake to appoint Pompao and Bolton, this is the result – WAR
Aci Thakbo
7 hours ago
verna smith
12 hours ago
very good video,keep the truth coming,mabey people
will wake up.GOD HELP US ALL,AMEN
Bryant Whittaker
7 hours ago
Trunews is the best yahweh’s sword is Trunews
Bryant Whittaker
8 hours ago
You know how many palestinians died from then to now since Israel declared itself a so-called nation it’s nothing but apartheid and so similar to what it was in south africa under apartheid
8 hours ago
I just recently found your station and am amazed that such God loving people exist in this land of sodomite and compromised. There are so many zionist are around me who say they are Christians and when I showed them how much we pay Israel and how many of our politicians are bought by them I was told that “Israel needs our help!” The fact is that these people hate Christians much more than Muslims and they want to destroy Christianity more than any thing else. Please take care. God be with you.
Zakaria Ahmed
4 hours ago
I recommend to watch the videos of “Sheikh Imran Hossein” on Zionist. God bless you all true n sincere viewers.
7 hours ago
Thanks for opening the people’s spiritual eyes and unveiling the evil deception of these last days❤️?✝️
9 hours ago (edited)
Jews look down on those who worship their GOD and betray own GODs ~ says GOD ALMIGHTY LORD Me
I am here to save y’all Anti Christians those follow Roman Evil System that drove y’all Europeman away from your own gods
C ridestraight
13 hours ago
Please do a program showing your audience the State Dept clips, the DOCUMENTS that are on the State Dept. pages! People have no idea that this Envoy Elan S. Carr is gunning for their Constitutional rights to speak and assembly!
I’m a very new Christian and I ran away from the Calvary Chapel Pastor out of Boise, ID over thirty years ago – I was correct and right to flee that mess with the help of the Holy Spirit! Father God thru the Holy Spirit tapped me two years ago and I’ve given my life to Jesus after all these years!
Normandie Frankia
10 hours ago
Praise the one and only mighty God. May all Hebrews awaken to the truth of Yeshua Ha Mosheach
12 hours ago
ben shapiro is lost and seared in the mind!
8 hours ago
Israeli news live with Steve benoon IS showing this! He is how I learned about this
Doris lopes dulce Fernandes
8 hours ago
May ALLAH help you protect you n your network. Your are t real Christian
14 hours ago
Heads up. I cannot download this using 3 different applications.
Keith Brandson
10 hours ago
Heard a summary today of the “anti-Semitism” legislation in Florida which has now been passed and is going to Governor Ron DeSantis. It states that it will be a CRIME – 1) to question the official narrative account(s) of the holocaust, or 2) to mention or publicly question the amount of money that jewish groups give to candidates, and 3) to openly ask or comment on the financial or political power of jewish people or groups in the government. “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” – Voltaire
Peter James
2 hours ago
Hallelujah. At last Rick said for the World to hear. Isis is Israelie secret intelligence service. 100% Zios.
sonah 32
11 hours ago
Christians zionists have sold Jesus to the highest bidder – Its All About The Benjamins
13 hours ago
I luv u brothers ?
Jen Brewer
6 hours ago
You all have opened my eyes! Thank you for all you do.,,I share your videos as much as I can. God bless you all and may the blood of Jesus protect you all and keep you on you tube!!
Doris lopes dulce Fernandes
8 hours ago
You are a true follower of our beloved JESUS SON OF MARY
Alfred Todd
7 hours ago
Did Russia put nuclear weapons. In Venezuela. ? Is this true ?
Survival Health and Healing TV
9 hours ago
Judaism of today is nothing but a demonic cult satanic backwards teachings of everything that’s evil totally against the teachings of Jesus Christ that’s why there’s four hundred years between the Old Testament and the New Testament the old Covenant and the New Covenant we must Master the words of Jesus Christ and his 12 disciples and we will never be deceived Paul not one of the 12 impulse false teaching tells us that all Israel will be saved I don’t believe that because those are not the words of Jesus or of the 12 apostles Jesus said not to listen to those who say I’m out in the desert or the inner rooms don’t listen to them or don’t believe them Matthew 24 Mark 13 Luke 17 please research and know the truth the truth shall set you free
Sue Little
13 hours ago
Edward is a very thorough researcher just like Rick. I still miss Rick’s interviews. He was so talented in that area. Maybe he would do a few this year. ????
Ishe Boge
10 hours ago
Orcs are real. Their behaviour lives on today.
Breakaway Civilization
7 hours ago
God will raise Christians and followers of Jesus again in the world. Zionism is the enemy of Humanity. The true followers of Christ are destined to rule the world and will. God bless TruNews.
5 hours ago
Let all goye become sheep and get ready for slaughter from zaionist!!
M Caleb
4 hours ago (edited)
Bible prophecies speak of God Himself fighting arabic dwelling nations when they surround/invade Jerusalem.
Corinna Schütt
2 hours ago
I CANNOT imagine how you as “True” news (!!) did NOT do your research on WW2 revised history??! Please wake up to TRUTH and reality! ☝
Ben Van Rossum
7 hours ago
I’m not a follower off organised christianety,although i follow lits off Christian believes,like love they neighbour,i like your program a lot.Keep up the good work.
Jeff Kay
40 minutes ago
Rick Wallis, do not leave the show. Your co presenters are still wet behind the ears at the moment.
In The Garden
7 hours ago
Many Christians are like the zionists, they have their own religious doctrines, and still do as they believe. This whole world is in decay, the physical as well as the spiritual… speak truth and keep it to the scriptures, God will give you the words to speak in due time. Blessings and peace in the Lord.
truthseeker can’t be denied
11 hours ago
what the hell happened to Tucker ? did he took the blue pill and escaped the propaganda Matrix or what ?
it’s somehow creepy and twisted when a Fox news host sounds reasonable , isn’t it ?
no zionist owned media pre-programmed brainwashing in this speech .
12 hours ago
Are those text messages from the FBI real or fake and made up for political theater?
rapier1954 Farrell
12 hours ago
Sad thing is both political parties in the US are bought and paid for by the Zionist lobby. There is no political choice that is a good one.
wake up sleepy the world is a stage
13 hours ago
Or we’re all screwed!
Bryant Whittaker
13 hours ago
So if that’s the case if Israel or sorry Israel feels that way that no good for nothing country then the US should turn this back away from there and let that sorry good-for-nothing country fend for itself I’m sorry to say I’m sick and tired of Injustice and Israel is no better it is an unjust country that wants justful protection.
damarion price
10 hours ago
N.J. Cooper
6 hours ago
Great work guys. Be blessed
Lucas King
11 hours ago
I love TruNews so much! God bless you! The truth will always win!
cujoe Mblakka
13 hours ago
I am glad you say that Juhites, is suppose, I hope when God tells you to step aside, and raise up he you have oppressed and robbed. Will be a glorious day.
Kidd Wee
12 hours ago
Christian Zionist must be heated about this info you hitting them with regarding their beloved Israel. Lots of lulz
13 hours ago
Pompeo knows that what he said was a savage white lie.
Survival Health and Healing TV
6 hours ago
John 10:8
All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. Anything that goes against the words of Jesus we are not to believe Jesus’s words are the Supreme Court of the universe when Jesus came he brought with him the New Covenant and Commandments of the father and of himself Jesus proved over and over again that he was divine he was from above We Are From Below so in Deuteronomy 20 it’s pretty disturbing I cannot believe that a loving God would tell people to do that who wrote that I do not know but I do know Jeremiah 8:8 tells us that the word was changed in Jeremiah he saw it they were changing it all the time so we must really focus and Trust the words of Jesus Christ that’s what we must master in Jesus name receive what God has for you today receive your healing receive wisdom receive insight receive all you need for him Jesus never taught spiritual gifts because he knew the Holy Spirit had all the gifts that’s why he never taught gifts or the disciples because they knew they had all the gifts to be his witnesses around the world so if you’re not you have everything you need to heal the sick raise the Dead cast out demons and Proclaim Liberty and freedom in Jesus Christ amen and amen go now end know that you have pre permission to do good to all people in Jesus name we must seek and save the lost with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ amen.
Dick Richards
8 hours ago
albert n
13 hours ago
Rabbi eliezer is a very confused racist man .,. What a joker the Jews can’t enslave ninety-nine percent of the world but then again who knows
hans giger
12 hours ago
Pastor Pat Hagee stole all my money so unfortunately I have none to give to you.
King Lucas
14 hours ago (edited)
Ah, the typical evil zionists mentality, supremacy and racism as usual, and they dare to call themselves God’s chosen people!!!!, what a total nonsense. It’s just very sad that whoever stands up against their evil acts and crimes nowadays is being called an anti-semitic, what a shame. People around the world really need to wake up and realise that Zionism is the real enemy of humanity and it will bring chaos to the world if we don’t stand up against it, just look how they’re killing the innocent Palestinians and kicking them out from their homes and lands unjustly.
But the LORD Almighty out of His mercy shall destroy these zionists at the end of times alongside their false Messiah, the evil Antichrist and their fake Israel state for once and for all.
Thank you again TruNews for exposing this evil ideology to the world and may the LORD bless you….from a Muslim.
Nikki Kelley
11 hours ago
Youll never hear Bongino talk about the Zionists who’ve compromised my President! Only this Muleturd topic makes him a huge part of the distraction! And making tons of money! Hes an ok reporter but this is exactly what the Zionists want! Distract us from their criminal activity of unprecedented proportions behind the scenes! Doesnt he know theyll take those “useful idiots ” out too? No disrespect! He may not know but its no different than Q or Hagmanns to even old days Alex Jones! Just saying! Thanks for letting me vent! God bless you all @TruNews in Jesus name Amen! P.S. DOC U ROCK WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT!!! TY SIR!
Tica Fever
10 hours ago
Welcome to modern day colonization!
James Levitt
2 hours ago (edited)
I have seen badness going on for quite some time and I am glad to see these zionists being exposed like Dr Michael Brown who is not a Christian but a messianic Jew by his own words. ?? and what actually makes him worst than most Jews is that he knows Jesus is the messiah but uses that knowledge to forward his Jewish traditional racial ideology.
36 minutes ago
The People’s Movement to IMPEACH CONGRESS for 1) failing to represent the people but representing Special Interests instead 2) For attempting to abdicate their responsibility and pretending that the President (whoever is or was President) sets all policy. 3) For thinking We the People are soooooooo stupid. IMPEACH CONGRESS — let’s set a new precedent!
Steve Carnall
5 hours ago
Pompeo is lying out his teeth. The traitor trump will not take Maduro away. Trump will pay come next election
Jeff Kay
1 hour ago
All of history is a big lie, going by the MSM nowadays. Look at who gains out of all the wars! Israel was formed after the WW’s. They go day by day by lying, cheating and stealing. Fooling the masses into fighting each other. They are right, 2800 per jew. Everyone works for them, everyone is bought by them overall.
Bryant Whittaker
8 hours ago
People have value an including arab people to
9 hours ago
????? 20?? ???????!!!
12 hours ago
blacks and browns and yellows are also obsessed with race. This isnt a white thing
damarion price
10 hours ago
Nikki Kelley
11 hours ago
Elaine JohnC
57 minutes ago
I am mindful that Russia lent Venezuela a considerable amount of money. No doubt they are concerned about having a return on their investment.
Thefaceoftheword crook and flail
13 hours ago
That’s hilarious ? the Rabbi don’t know he’s the goy. God is a spiritual powerhouse he’s don’t need guns tanks bombs airplanes the goy do. Gods children unfortunately for him recognize Yahweh and Yeshua got don’t.
Demonseed 1776
12 hours ago
Trunews is probably the best news on the internet next to Jimmy Dore. I enjoy Trunews very much. American Atheist for Trunews.
Rene Rodriguez
6 hours ago
Hi, gentlemen! the Calvinists were Zionists, they identified themselves as Puritans, they founded the United States with the help of the Protestants of Europe, they are the owners of the country where you were born, and they use your children for their wars, since 1720, you have to reviewed the history of the USA ….. forgive me if I hurt your feelings …
8 hours ago
The irony to me is that the people most likely to scream white supremacist or Nazi at someone ….are the ones who think that they are the supreme race.
Smoke and Mirrors
10 hours ago
Call no man Rabbi
Alan Lee
2 hours ago
99% of Zionists are White people. Almost reminds me of when Europeans went to the Americas and Australia and wiped out the natives.
Zack P
10 hours ago (edited)
The Jew is the enemy of mankind. And Christians are those whom they hate the most.
Terrance Maddox
3 hours ago
No one else covers this. Either from fear of the filth or love of its money. Bravo Trunews
Carlos Righteousness
12 hours ago
Much truth told.
Dan D
2 hours ago
Prepare brothers, it’s comming …
Craig Wolfe
14 hours ago
Millions and millions of welfare babies with diseses made in a lab, with UN debit cards armed with machine guns and antitank weapons
Tammy Hicks
11 hours ago
The born again believer has one purpose in THIS world governed by Satan-to preach the Gospel, the ministry of reconciliation. In that respect, serve those who have yet to receive Jesus as Lord and any cost.
Jeff Campbell
12 hours ago
By the way great show fellas
Funky Monkey
9 hours ago (edited)
Glad Chrisitians are waking up to this infiltration. I don’t believe any church should be marrying gay couples, it’s blasphemy in the bible and is being used to weaken the churches. You seem to be doing good work. Society has turned to degeneracy…Synagogue of Satan..Jesus denounced the fake jews and usurers … fight the good fight, Christians and non Christians can band together to fight this evil, they are powerful but not all powerful…its all in the bible…its ok to fight evil..these people are disgusting…exactly what we’ve been saying for years…where are the good jews standing up against these scum….they are silent, or normally shills
teresa elliott
7 hours ago
TruNews, Israeli News Live, Know More News, & The Last American Vagabond the best channels on YT!! God bless you all!! Real TRUTH spoken here, even if you aren’t religious, people love your bravery & knowledge. Well done as always.
F oldman10646
3 hours ago
Dear Rick Wiles at app 29:00min speaking about “Nazi-ism” please let your team do their homework about what this term really represents from the well researched revised history documentary EUROPA THE LAST BATTLE (10 parts) on YouTube still available uncensored. You might be surprised about the result of your findings. Here’s the introduction:
9 hours ago (edited)
Look up the Red Cross files on the jewish population numbers before and after WW2 in Poland and Germany !!! Rick, i am extremely concerned and saddened regarding the woeful display of ignorance exhibited by you and the precious brothers regarding the subject of Poland, Hitler and the real history ofWW2 ( which was nothing but a continuation of WW1)on this edition of Trunews. Praying for you all, God bless❤️?
damarion price
10 hours ago
Atgeir Nyttingnes
6 hours ago (edited)
So true, the so called Zionist Christian is not worth to be called Christian, they should be ashamed of themselves, and US army who fighth for those Israeli Zionists, they should also be ashamed, they have not done anything good in the Middle East at all, only made a hell of a chaos!
damarion price
10 hours ago
sonah 32
11 hours ago
Truth quenches our soul !
world peace
13 hours ago
Venezuela intervention Iis not for American people. American people provide their cheap blood and then It is free oil for the big corporations. God bless our service men and women for giving you blood for the multinational corporations. Long live USA.
Leo Jansen
3 hours ago (edited)
People are WAKEING UP we know the ZION KABBALA ! STOP DONATING ISRAËL and STOP THE 5G ! ISRAËL is the only apartheid State in the world, it is a Pure race state !
Jeff Campbell
12 hours ago
Nobody in America would show and talk about this, here’s 3 that has for years, with absolute respect: Brendon O’Connell ,the antidote and no lies radio, really loud shout out to them cause they are the best on alt media today tyvm
rose chain
9 hours ago
Gaza being bombed and gassed with white phosphorus This is Ethnic Cleansing any Xtian that is in denial needs to ask why they are even a Xtian
Christine .K
8 hours ago
It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. The demonic Zionists will find that out.
4 hours ago
Great Show !
Author of my own thoughts
12 hours ago
I have absolutely no reason to believe Pompey. He has stood with lies; he has supported propaganda. I would therefore say he is lying completely; fabricated like the reason to take the country of Venezuela for humanitarian reasons and these reasons being the responsibility of Pres, Nicolas Mudero.
Bob Kaiser
14 hours ago (edited)
Hello, it’ll make our soccer team better?
Stuart Peter Armstrong
11 hours ago
South Africa 2.0 (Afrikaners). “we came, we segregated-they died”
Charles LL
15 seconds ago
“The Temple is already here, & it’s on the move” lol, crazy nuts.
Ami’s Breakthrough
10 hours ago
This video is Anti Semitic and hurtful. ?
AboutMyFathersWork Always
14 hours ago
Prepare for slavery
Tinfoil Sombrero
13 hours ago
Do zionist print the dollar?
Ted calvin
12 hours ago
You do understand why Mike Gravel throws a rock in the water in the 1970’s and 2019. He does this because your intent..your actions create ripples frequencies out into the universe where they bounce off God and come back. Look at the masculine side of this Natzism, what happened. Again look at the masculine side with zionism…..what is going to happen again. Not only did God want christians thru Jesus to understand this he wants to make sure you actually understand. Hence look at this as harm. If it’s based in love and doesn’t cause harm then if you reject it and fight it ….YOU DO NOT TRULY UNDERSTAND THE MESSAGE. This message is not exclusive to christianity, it’s woven into every religion. Every religion on the planet received what they received from the same place and it’s not a message of screwing your buddy anyway you can till he is dead………………… Who is Gravel supporting?
David Soltai
8 hours ago (edited)
Covenant ll is real
9 hours ago (edited)
That’s why the Israeli military are killing so many Palestinian children
Stan Kormy
4 hours ago
TruNews are Goyims With Attitudes
Leo Jansen
4 hours ago
Look for DAVID DUKE !!!!!!
Thefaceoftheword crook and flail
12 hours ago
I’m not trying to offend people who are into Firearms and stuff this is for guys like this who think they are superior and yet resort to the worldly things and think they rolling with Yahweh
Kristy Warshauer
12 hours ago
In my opinion islamic peoples are already slaves unfortunately because of their dreadful religion But we love them and pray they convert…May God help them …
12 hours ago
Israel secret intel service= ISIS
Divine Time
11 hours ago
Faith wins all.
Earling Garrison
21 minutes ago
Thank you!
Bobby O’Williams
11 hours ago
Vindicating confirmation.
10 hours ago
None of them are the true biblical Israelites, yall been deceived, yall enslaved the true Israelites just like the Egyptians did
Men In Black
11 hours ago
Zionism is Nazism
Jon Van Norman
13 hours ago
I hope and pray in my lifetime these people get what coming yo them!
Glam Dring
13 hours ago
realy scary when you think that there moshiach is maybe the Antichrist, i mean they say that these moshiach is a military leader
p ace
12 hours ago
Ask one question from yourself….
Why all US medias talk about the fake coup in Venezuela BUT no medias talk about a real protest like yellow vests in France that has started long ago ??!!!! Whoever supporting guido can be sure that its the same with worshipping devil…. Whoever supports guido will go to hell along with bolton, pompeo, abrams and other serial killer psychopaths
10 hours ago
Why arent we talking about this mayor from South Bend Indiana, Pete Buttgieg? He has the nerve to talk about VP Pence and POTUS Chritstian beliefs? and he is an open GAY and MARRIED to his MALE partner? He has the nerve to think he can talk about the Bible? WOW!!!! Talk about this and how the Bible is being picked apart that this clown only uses the parts that don’t talk apart homosexuality!!!! Please talk about this.
Corinna Schütt
3 hours ago
Please do your research on the “gas chamber myth” and who in fact invented this brainwash. The ‘Leuchter Report’ should be familiar to you as almost ALL of the best research on this hoax is actually American. ☝
Antjuan Mcghee
10 hours ago
True news you are forgetting who wrote the fake history of Germany is written by the winners(US,Zionist,Brits,Communist.US,USSR,both set-up Extermination camp’s for the German people and many survivers of WW2.
Raymond Cortes
9 hours ago
(Mr. Rosenthal:) Anti-Semitism does not signify opposition to Semitism. There is no such thing. It is an expression we Jews use effectively as a smear word used to brand as a bigot, like you guys, anyone who brings criticism against Jews. We use it against hate-mongers.” (Interviewer) It was made clear that I despised the Jews corruptive influence on our Christian culture and on our properly Christ-oriented American way of life, to which Mr. Rosenthal said: “During Christ’s time, the Jews were seeking a material and earthly kingdom but Christ offered the Jews a spiritual kingdom. This, they could’nt buy, so they rejected Jesus Christ and had him crucified.” What do you mean had him crucified? Doesn’t history prove that the Jews crucified Jesus Christ? To which he answered: “Yes, I guess they did.End-Our life is of this world only and our mentality is as foreign to the true spirits of Christianity as our character was to the Founder of this new creed 2,000 years ago. The Founder of Christianity made no secret of his estimation of the Jews and the fact that he was not one of us. When he found it necessary he drove us out of the temple of God, because then, as always, we used religion as a means of advancing our commercial interest.” (The Merchants of Babylon have commercialized our society.) “But at that time, we managed to nail Jesus to the cross for his attitude towards us; whereas, the modern Christians enter into party politics and in order to win elections, they debase themselves by begging for Jewish votes. They even enter into political intrigues with us against the interests or their own nation. (These people have been called by various names — scalawags, political prostitutes, carpetbaggers, charlatans, traitors, stooges, pawns, etc.) “We can live among other nations and states only as long as we succeed in persuading them that the Jews are not a distinct people, but are the representatives of a religious faith who, therefore, constitute a ‘religious community,’ though this be of a peculiar character. As a matter of fact, this is the greatest of our falsehoods. (The Jews have established five major falsehoods which work to conceal their nature and protect their status and power, to wit: 1) The Jews are Israelites, and thus God’s chosen people;2) Jesus Christ was a Jew;3) That 6 million Jews were killed in a holocaust during WW II;4) That all races are equal, or that all are brothers; and,5) That the Jews are just another religious group.) “We are obliged to conceal our own particular character and mode of life so that we will be allowed to continue our existence as a parasite among the nations. Our success in this line has gone so far that many believe that the Jews among them are genuine Frenchmen, or Englishmen, or Italians, or Germans who just happen to belong to a religious denomination which is different from that prevailing in these countries. Especially in circles concerned with government, where the officials have only a minimum of historical sense, we are able to impose our infamous deception with comparative ease. Therefore, there is never the slightest suspicion that we Jews form a distinct nation and are not merely the adherents of a ‘confession.’ Though one glance at the press which we control ought to furnish sufficient evidence to the contrary, even for those who possess only the smallest degree of intelligence.”
13 hours ago
I really wish all these TruNews journalists would stop using the term “Nazis” when referring to the Germans….please watch the documentary called Europa, The Last #1-10 on utube before making any more hate speech against these targeted people!
MsHologram .Healer
12 hours ago
A very fine work on paying attention to distinctions. The Zionist final solution has been being produced since before the WWII agenda for it. They have even spiritually sacrificed their own for it and have nothing but man made extreme satanism which is carried into all the sciences that they control too. It is all for this. They are all out for this and will never stop. Thank you and I posted it on all my boards today.
Joe Morales
13 hours ago
Is free speech only for those who have naught to say?
Do you really think free spirits will just go away?
It’d be easier for you to hold your breath for a day
for Nature does not really work that way.
As stewards of Freedom… WE CAN ADAPT.
Oppressors can’t… It is they who are trapped.
They would rather see Freedom scrapped
for at passion, and love, they are not so adept.
As for us… Our words are our children
and we’ll defend them with equal passion
for we are of the comprehension:
Greatness is forged on the Anvil of Oppression.
4 hours ago
rebbekha okeno
9 hours ago
This report is a lie. Most of Madura army were in his support. It is believed yesterday’s coup was a false flag .
Ben Abraham
11 hours ago (edited)
Scary time. James 2 (KJV) –
9: But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors. Jesus is the Lord! Blessings to TruNews!
David Ream
1 hour ago
givenemTruth Son
13 hours ago
TruNews is a light in a sea of Religious darkness, who only bows the knee to the Lord and Savior Jesus…
Joe Nieroski
12 hours ago
If non-Zionist Jews want to confront and oppose Zionism, maybe they should embrace the Gospel and become Christians.
Romans 2:29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
13 hours ago
Graeme Waddell
13 hours ago (edited)
I hope this comment isn’t too spicey and doesn’t help bring the wrath.
Who put the Z in Nazi anyway???
IV heard some interesting theories but never dared believe them.
Reminds me IV Gotta get my copy of “Perfidy” back from a friend.
I’d recommend everyone read “Perfidy” .
p ace
13 hours ago
Any of you remember when Obama wanted to say isis, he always said ISIL??!!….
Obama used to say ISIL, not isis….
I don’t mean obama was good… It means he wanted to prove something by saying ISIL….
Wings of Grace
2 seconds ago
They see themselves as a group as messiah, as soros sees himself as such. Their messiah is not OUR Messiah Jesus-Yeshua.
sara hanaa
5 hours ago
jews big problem
13 hours ago
Another great Godcast! Can you please cover in your future Godcast some history around Jewish Bolsheviks, how they took down a largely Christian Russia and installed an evil communist Soviet model… and how it is very much alive today vis a vis Soviet Israel. Putin, a ‘former’ KGB agent is carrying out this Jewish Bolshevik plan of dominance and cannot be trusted. Pls cover this, much appreciate your work. God Bless you and all listeners!
7 hours ago
Why do you keep using black people as an example. You act like we are the only example. How can you compare us goyim? There are plenty other races you can refer to and the fact that you used blacks in the terms of racism, slave master and goy speaks volumes. You could’ve used other races in your “example” other than my people. Period?????
ashamed of canadians astounding stupidity
10 hours ago (edited)
Best news channel in North America…and likely the world. God Bless TruNews. God Bless America…where its still legal to tell the truth. We pray Americans come together and remove the bolshezionist criminals that have hijacked the Constitutional Republic.
Coming Kingdom
14 hours ago
A city who’s builder and maker is God…
Rob Nurse
6 hours ago
According to a recent investigation in London,19 cases of sexual abuse against young children have already been reported among the Ultra Orthodox Jewish population living there.And none of them have still not been resolved yet. Which means that pedophile behavior,does in fact happen a lot,especially against the young children in their religion, including alot of gay behaviour.In fact,it is now being reported,that in many of these male dominated religions, where the men continue to be separated from the women,many young children are now still being molested,abused, and raped,in many of their communities,all around the world.And the sad part of it,is that many rabbis,or other church leaders,have been accused of remaining silent,and not turning in the pedophile rapist to the police,for fear of being called a traitor,or whistleblower,and then no longer allowed to remain in their religious communities.Now how stupid, and ridiculous is that? Yet,they are still not allowed to sit next to women,dance with them in their social events,or any have contact with them,unless it’s for breeding more children, like a rabbit factory. What a bunch of low life hypocrites, and sick disgusting people.They are just another evil cult, disguised as a religion.I believe,it’s only a matter of time, before the people in Israel will revolt against them,and bring down their evil religious empire, because many people all over the world are getting fed up with all their sexual abuse,and rape against children,and discrimination against all the women, including young female children.Not only that,but now many soldiers from the IDF,are feeling resentment against them, for avoiding the draft,and not serving in the IDF,in not doing their part,in helping to defend,and protect the land of Israel, while continuing to collecting welfare checks,and not working,hiding behind their Torah studies,while other people end up serving for them,and dying in their place. What a bunch of parasites,and cowards.These violent religious extremists continue to use the Torah,to their own convenience,and benefits.Any religion like theirs,who regards women as being lower then men,degrading them in the worst way,allowing forced marriages,and that also allows their young children,to be sexually abused,is not a religion of God,and thus can never be trusted.They have to be stopped by any means possible, forced to reform their religion,allowing equality,and respect for all the women,or face being banned from the land of Israel,and other countries for good.
Bambi Gleason
14 hours ago (edited)
Where are all the tribes of Israel??? Who put only you guys in charge..thought Levi was the priesthood… God gave the land, Rothchild bought the land and started the great deception….I’d say you are fake because you don’t know the history of the Israelites…
KJV-TV Florida Baptist Network
8 hours ago
I wouldn’t be surprised if during the Great Wrath before the return of Jesus, that the non-reprobate Jews who don’t buy into Talmud blasphemy will see a great revival
Real Name
15 hours ago
Love this truth ????❤️
Kristy Warshauer
12 hours ago
The reign of the antichrist is supposed to be totally brutal BUT only last 3.5 years ….Praise GOD.. I’m gonna keep praying my “sissy” R O S A R Y that Heaven’s hosts help convert the hearts and minds and souls of zionists and jewish …Then maybe it might not be so bad …God be praised..Alleluia …
The Hound of Time
10 hours ago
It is unfortunate that a group of man that – seems to me – are full of good intentions, keep on repeating the “Nazi” narrative ad eternum, just to comply with the imposed snake oil salesman narratives, so the enemy can keep on hiding their crimes, vilify and justice the destruction of a country and its people, that had the courage to defy the enemy within.
Can you see what is happening to America, today? This is Germany 2.0, they are doing exactly – to the teeth – the same here.
They have declared war on America and you are helping them, by reverberating their created lies about the Nazis, to shut up the truth and the law of GOD.
Get rid of the beast, they placed on your backs through criminalising reality.
Even general Patton before his unnatural death, realised what was going on, and was about to denounce the scheme.
The US is under a declaration of war by this people, exactly as they did in Germany, it’s plain as day, and you are not helping the people that seek the truth by going along with false narratives.
A people that learns not with history it’s bound to repeat its mistakes. Sad beyond words.
You are doing good work, don’t compromise it by bending over to fear.
One of the rabid just clarify to me a paradox that I have carried for decades, when someone confronted me with the nature of a certain reality and the reality of a nature.
guided one
15 hours ago
Satan is supposed to sit in the temple and claim he is God just because we are the temple don’t mean the Jews are not going to make a temple even though it’s wrong. It’s prophecy just because you find something else doesn’t override truth.
14 hours ago
Zionists make the Neo Nazi’s look like Mother Teresa
ZenYahu 144k
14 hours ago
You are being judged so i hope you are a real one Kal halal Aluah Yahuah bahasham Yahusha Ha’Mashiach
Bob Kebob
13 hours ago
This is awesome, what denomination is this?
damarion price
10 hours ago
Omar Vill
7 hours ago
Please try to interview Imran Hosein. He’s a scholar on Islamic eschatology. I know you guys aren’t Muslims but you are in so much agreeance. I think it would be a great inter faith opportunity for all.
13 hours ago
Did I hear the legend Rev Ian paisley in that opening?
Gail Formosa
13 hours ago
I want the photo of Putin with the shadow of the cross on his farhead
ebert beeman
11 hours ago
?? Does the government allow 501(C)(3) churches to speak the truth about Israel??
Bob Kebob
13 hours ago
Your supposed to read the superchats.
5 hours ago
11 hours ago
Mar Ke
5 hours ago
People believing their lies will be led into incredible folly and WWIII same as WWI, WWII they orchestrated. Their hatred and racism will never end and always be blamed on someone else.
10 hours ago
Never had this happen: “download link not found” when trying to download this video with you tube video downloader. Really would like a copy of this episode. (still watching).
BRAVO, Gentlemen!!
The truth will Set you free 2
7 hours ago
Unfortunately people only know half the story. The truth is that these 13 families who influence and rule the world are not Jews through any coincidence. The fact of the matter is the Jews Worship and calibrate Satan. They made a deal with Satan and you hear this all the time with Hollywood celebrities ‘making a deal with the devil’. Why not a nation making a deal with the devil?
So the deal goes like this: the Jews believe that they are the chosen people led by their own ambition to rule the world. It is an ancient ambition, but being 14 million among 7 billion it’s a pretty difficult task to achieve so scripture states that Satan offered the solution to the Jews; he would help them control and rule the world with the help of his disciples (his followers from the parallel world) and in return the Jews must destroy the culture and religions of the world to permit the creation of a new religion where Satan is worshiped by all humankind instead of God.
This is why you see the rise of Satanism around the world, as the power and control become more and more in the Jewish hand; this is simply the deal believe it or not.
Judaism is a religion. The only Jew who is not a threat to humanity is the one who doesn’t practice Judaism. So he’s either converted to Christianity or Islam or any other religion. It’s the ideology of Judaism that is the problem, and the followers of the Talmud. They are referred to in the Bible as the ‘synagogue of Satan’. When you hear the comment that the Jews are ‘waiting for the arrival of the antichrist’, to them it means using the technology, media, the politicians and military to fulfill the prophecy for Satan to appear in person.
Jews introduce to the world and are responsible of the following:
1- The Freemason and the Masonic Lodge around the world their mission is:
A- pedophilia
B- Child abduction
C- Child sacrifice for Satan
D- corruption of our law enforcement system.
E- manipulate and corrupt the mind and the religion of the world.
F- destroying the fabric of family.
J- Satanic system around the world
2- The illuminati their mission is:
A- Control our political system
B- use the media to deceive the public
C- Control the financial system
D- create false hope and war around the world.
E- using science to reduce the population.
F- poisoning our environment and Agriculture
3- The Zionist their mission is:
A- to create homeland for the Jewish
B- Falsify history to claim they have religious right to Palestine
D- they have their footprint all over World War I World War II now they working for World War III.
More offer Lucifer, Eblis, Satan and Israel connection:
They (Jews ) will not fight you (even) together, except in fortified townships, or from behind walls. Strong is their fighting (spirit) amongst themselves: thou wouldst think they were united, but their hearts are divided: that is because they are a people devoid of wisdom.
Lucifer, was the first ‘person’ to be condemned to hellfire because of his arrogance. He didn’t obey God and he deceived Adam and Eve; tricking them to eat from the forbidden tree, which resulted in them being sent down to earth from heaven. Then the struggle began between Adam’s offspring and Lucifer’s offspring to the day of judgment but this made Lucifer the first big loser. His argument was that because he was created by God from fire he’s naturally better than Adam who was only created from clay. So Lucifer was given a date for judgment by God and has been living among us since Adam’s days. His sole purpose ever since has been to deceive humankind in order to bring them to the hellfire with him. However, for him and his tribe who live in a parallel world to us, their ability to engineer mischief is very limited so he has been forced to join legion with selected humans from the very beginning of creation. He first chose Israel, the first son of Adam who later killed his brother and committed the first crime of humanity because of his jealousy and envy. Lucifer identified him from the earliest time and they joined hands to conspire against humanity going forward. The offspring of Israel are ‘Luciferarian’ and they are more dangerous than Satan from where they sprang, coming from the same tribe of Israelites. These people, many generations later, who live among us today; the ‘Israelites’ call themselves Jewish. We can say all the Israelites are Jews. But not necessarily all Jewish are Israelites . Therefore, Abraham is nothing to do with the Jewish people and Israelites are therefore imposters. They have falsified history to call themselves Sematic but they are nothing to do with Ephrahem, Jacob, Moses or Jesus. All these prophets of God were sent to Israelites (Jewish) to help them mend their ways of mischief in the world. So what I’m saying is that the Israelites and Satan are two faces of the one same coin because they share so much in common. They have a common purpose going hand-in-hand to guide humanity towards hell.
Antjuan Mcghee
11 hours ago
Your iformation is very accurate but, did you know Nazi stood national arrian zionist party;Most of the camps were run by jewish zionist,they sacrificed them for the future.
Author of my own thoughts
11 hours ago
You know the weird thing about it? That,”They fesr the jews,” IS ! so many Christians believe that they will be cursed! That they have an obligation that they must do Gods will and will therefore be disobeying God. Needless to say these Christians are seriously deluded. I do not doubt that the zionists have put out material objects infused with so called familiar spirits and that Christians can be brainwashed their harts are locked to the truth. But My God is bigger more expansive able to overcome anything.
Vladimir Stanescu
15 hours ago
Over 5,000 views and only 2 comments… Wow…
Keith Tauber
10 hours ago
The other day we were told not to use youtube to support TN because they are charged 33%. Today it is OK. Intetesting.
11 hours ago
Very disturbing to hear, but very true. Evil, evil Zionists!
Tim Moore
9 hours ago
Maybe Edward can explain to Rick a little something about Polish history. The Poles weren’t that innocent, oppressed people such as popular history likes to paint prior to WWII. They felt protected by British and French guarantees, and behaved quite arrogantly and hostilely towards the Germans. They threatened the Reich militarily. The Poles killed thousands of German nationals living on Polish soil at the time, finally forcing Hitler’s hand. No one comes away from this conflict with clean hands.
Berta Hachey
9 hours ago
Actually guys there are other channels sharing these truths as well. Israel News Live for example among many others 🙂
patricia may
5 hours ago
It’s all very fishy if you ask me! How are they allowed to Sit there and say all that about Israel? Ask yourself how they are allowed! These Gentlemen went to Israel not that long ago at the bequest of Trump if I remember correctly! Think! the Zionists let you know what they are doing and then it’s not a Sin in their warped minds. Adam Green ofKnow more News and Blackstone Intelligence are also allowed to Sit there and tell you everything the Zionists are doing too! Something is not sitting right with me about all of this! I also can’t stand the begging aspect of all these so called Truther Channels! Are People donating to pay for their own demiss? You have go our Healthy Men on this Panel! Ain’t they able to work? No sorry not buying it.
13 hours ago
God is not mocked. God says he blesses those who blesses Israel. God curses those who curse Israel. Gen 12:3
14 hours ago
Funny how you never quote anything Scripture about how the Jews were blinded for the sake of the Gentiles. How many Jews have gone to hell because they were blinded to Jesus, Rick..all so Jesus would be crucified and save us.
4 hours ago
What is this?!?! This is the foot work of an exit. The end is near and the wicked must run and hide. Watch… The people of Venezuela are now being said to be coming to America. Why. Because America is about to be destroyed. Those people are the true Israelites. All they do and say is against GODS chosen people. They know what time it is. Google how many telescopes are pointed into outer space. And at what cost. So why have they spent this money. Is it for no reason? What are they looking for? Disregard what they say. But look at what they do. Pick up your Bible and get some understanding. The wicked will never understand the WORD OF GOD. GOOGLE THAT. Black Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanic are GODS people. On the bottom for a reason. They do what ever they want and none say stop.
Bradford Duplisea
14 hours ago
Make Israel Palestine Again
Debra Auth
12 hours ago
I grew up in a family that was taught that we were to support Israel ! I don’t know how to explain this to my mother! Jews are Gods chosen people! Can you help!
Vladimir Stanescu
15 hours ago
Nothing to see here, move along, goy…
Verna Burke
13 hours ago
We all know the those people in Israel are converts. The real Israelites are in America they are black
Mehran Mossaddad
15 hours ago
Where is Goy, not here I hope.
Thomas Smith
10 hours ago
What about Mikas mental health?
13th Devil Fighter Steven
15 hours ago
Your not going to win
Zack P
10 hours ago
Right here in Florida they passed a bill yesterday that it is illegal to critique Israel or any Jew in public schools. Whether you are a teacher or a student you will be violently sent to the Florida Gulags if you say anything negative of ((them)).
Mental Deviant
14 hours ago (edited)
You guys are onto something except you miss that the Holocaust was Russian propaganda. there were camps but there was no gas used. But I guess if you pointed that out whether or not you know it then nobody would listen to your show. so at least you’re waking people up to Jewish Supremacy. Hitler ask for ☮️ ten times. Thanks for pointing out that the Soviets actually killed more people.
Se Odo
10 hours ago
If Zionists control everything then they probably are superior. How else would you explain it?
7 hours ago
Wrong, we r not all ” the human race ” and ‘ God ‘ did choose a particular ‘ race ‘ of people, Negroes. U know ‘ God’s ‘ people today because they’re he most destitute and fill the prisons of America, they have no military and no nukes.
14 hours ago (edited)
May the G-d of Avraham Isaac and Yaakov totally destroy this fake news!!
Those wicked Christians people have a sick mindset, they don’t even know what Talmud is,
15 hours ago
May Hashem bless all Jews around the globe and bless the state of Yisrael and the Eternal capital of the Jewish people Yerushalayim
Amen and Amen
14 hours ago
That’s right. Smartest people on the planet. That’s why we’ve controlled it for hundreds of years. You goys are our filthy slaves and most of you don’t even know it you sheep. LMAO LMAO ?? ?
Juan Medina
14 hours ago
I rather live in a jewish state that an islamic state this policy are in in effect in saudi arabia
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