The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
CIA Front Companies
The Controllers
Articles & Interviews
Google Imports Ex-Israeli Spies (by Nate Bear)
March 20, 2025Part IV: The (Jewish) “Controllers” and Their Destructive Mission
February 8, 2025Part VI: Mind Control: History and Applications
February 3, 2025Part VIII: Cult Connections
January 26, 2025Appendix 1: Crestone/Baca “Group Dynamics” (2006-2008)
December 27, 2024Books and pdfs by Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist
October 7, 2024Appendix 32. NSA Mind Control and Psy-ops by Will Filer
February 9, 2024Appendix 33: Quotes on Judaism and Zionism
February 9, 2024Appendix 64: The Unified Conspiracy Theory; The Greatest Hoax
November 1, 2023Appendix 66: The Zionist Jew World Order
October 31, 2023Appendix 148: Kabbalah, Satanic Jewish Black Magic, & Freemasonry
November 24, 2022Appendix 149: The Knights Of Zion: Freemasonry (Extended Documentary)
November 24, 2022Boston Marathon (Un)Bombing Hoax & Crisis Actors; 14 Videos (2021-2022)
November 23, 2022Appendix 151: Jewish Ritual Blood Sacrifice/ Ritual Murder
November 21, 2022CIA FRONT COMPANIES
This list has been analyzed thoroughly and is believed to be accurate. Many of the companies no longer exist but it may give you an inkling as to how diversified the “Company” is. – John
Updated 11-08-2017
A.P.I. Distributors, Inc. (A Houston firm involving famous spooks Richard Secord, Thomas Clines, Ted Shackley): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
Actus Technology: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Aero Associates (suspected, involved in illegal CIA foreign weapon sales): : Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
AID (Agency for International Development – shared facilities with NIA): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Air America: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Air Asia: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Al Qaeda/IS/ISIL/ISIS/DAESH Osama Bin Laden aka CIA Covert Operations Asset Tim Osman – Ted Gunderson, Orlin Grabbe, Zbignew Brezhinsky
Alpha Bank Russian Federation – USAID funding support flows to Russian Oppositionists – Navalny funding revelations, Attacked JAR2
Amazon AWS, Washington Post, Amazon Web Services – Podesta, WikiLeaks Cover Operation, $600 Million buy in, 11-2018 Continued Expansion
American Committee for Liberation (of Cuba): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
American Committee on a United Europe: Jim Hougan, Spooks
American Council of Churches (established by Howard Hunt): Torbitt document, Internet
Anderson Security Associates (Virginia): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Armairco (Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
Arnim Proprietary, Ltd.: Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots Arthur D. Little (hires retired spooks in quantity): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Asia Foundation: Jonathan Kwitney, The Crimes of Patriots
Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO – as the name implies): Mark Lane, Plausible Denial, Jim Hougan, Spooks
Audio Intelligence Devices, Inc. (Ft. Lauderdale — associated with NIA): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Australian Association for Cultural Freedom: Jonathan Kwitney, The Crimes of Patriots
Australian Association for Cultural Freedom: Jonathan Kwitney, The Crimes of Patriots
B.R. Fox Laboratories (B.R. Fox Company):, Jim Hougan, Spooks
Bahamas Commonwealth Bank (Vesco/IOS company): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Ball, Janik, and Novack (apparant owners of BRS Holding Company, lawyers and key officers for Granville Road Company, both concealed names of EC Distributing): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
Battelle Memorial Institute and other Battelle operations (hires retired spooks in quantity): Jim Hougan, Spooks
BECHTEL – Secret Sources and Documentation
Bill (Slick Willy) Clinton (President, and CIA operative): The Spotlight.
Bird Air (the famous William (Wally) Bird): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham and Wong (Hawaii local family names of good reput usurped for financial swindles and other CIA benefit): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
Blackwater Xi Academi Greystone Mercenaries CIA Black Operations – Afghan/NATO Opium and Heroin Empire – Eric Prince (Viceroy Global Narcotcs Empire)
BorgWarner Inc. (Exposed by Paul N Whelan Arrest, Reports, Research: Global Technology Theft, Infilitration of Technology Sectors of Target Countries)
BRS Holding Company (name on property ownership records for, and presumed covert ownership concealment tool of local construction company) This author№s research
British Council MI6 front used by the CIA worldwide
Bruce Campbell and Company: Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots CAN (Cult Awareness Network — an evolution of CIA mind control MK Ultra project which, among onther things,works with and infiltrates legitimate church groups. Was involved in shaping early religious paths of Reverend Tim Jones of Jonestown Massacre and
Caramar (Caribbean Marine Aero Corp.): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Castle Bank and Trust (ties to both Robert Vesco and his junior in CIA financial swindles, Nugan Hand): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
CBS (collusion with CIA to destroy Jim Garrison, access to CIA vote fixing information, pattern of CIA friendly newscasting and coverups): ??? Votescam; Interview with Jim Garrison, Playboy, others
Central Investigative Agency, Jim Hougan, Spooks
Century Special (controled by ICC): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Chalk№s International Airlines (Vesco/IOS company): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Church League of America (shares intelligence dossiers on Americans with CIA proprietaries): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Civil Air Transport: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Civilian Irregular Defense Group(s): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
Civilian Military Assistance (Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
CMI Investments (evolved into Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham and Wong): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
CNN Set up and organized by CIA PSY War Stop the Crime dot net Confessions of Ted Turner: Operation Mockingbird Anderson Cooper
Coastal Products (subsidiary on trucks of local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
Cocke and Phillips International (Nugan Hand’s direct link to Intel in Washington D.C.): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
Committee for the Defense of National Interests: John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
Committee of One Million Against the Admission of Communist China to the United Nations: John Prados, President’s Secret Wars Comptrol International (Vesco/CIA/arms smuggler partners): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Computerized Thermal Imaging, Inc. (COII – New local company headed by non other than Richard Secord of Secret Team fame): Local discovery, Oregonian
Corporate Air Services (Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
COSECOIN (Corporate Security Consultants International): Jim Houghan, Spooks
Council on Foreign Relations (CIA bedfellow or, as this work suggests, CIA controller): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Crest Detective Agency (Santa Monica): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Cryogenics, Inc. (controled by Robert Vesco): Jim Hougan, Spooks
DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration — listed here because its leadership originally included Lou Conein, the CIA man responsible for the massive assassination program, Operation Pheonix, which allowed CIA takeover of the SE Aisian drug supply. Also inv
Defense Services, Inc.: Jim Hougan, Spooks
Defense Systems, International (related to Defense Systems, Inc, found locally?): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Dektor Counterinteligence (Virginia): Jim Hougan, Spooks Directorate of Science and Technology (conduit for CIA work with professors, university departments, and research organizations): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence Double Day and Company (Publisher — knoeinhly published fraudulent CIA books): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Double-Check Corporation: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Drew Pearson (reporter, regularly debriefed by CIA): Victor Marchetti, John D. Marks, The CIA And The Cult Of Intelligence
Eagle Aviation Technology and Services (Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
EATSCO (the Egyptian American Transport and Service Company): Daniel Sheenan, on the Secret Team
Edward Snowden (Mark, Edward Greenberg/Rockefeller) CIA Limited Hangout Psychological Operation, Disinformation, Entrapment anyone attached to Operation Snowed In or Snow Den is also CIA, Poitras, Greenwald and all Russian assets
EC (see also endless EC varients, PGES, Granville Road Company, Idaho Power Systems, Coastal Products, Fouch Electric, Linnco Electric, and law firm of Ball, Janik, and Novak for complete picture)
EC Company (name on file with Corporation Commissioner for local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
EC Constuction (name on trucks of local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
EC Distributing (name on building of local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
EC Distributing (name on corporate office of local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
EC Engineering (name on secondary buildings of local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
EC Pulp and Paper (name on secondary building of local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
EC Technical Services (name on select trucks of local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
EC Voice and Data (name on select trucks of local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research Edward Bennett Williams, lawyer (believed 3 & 5 “I”s founder): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Edward Snowden and all individuals working to maintain his operations in the Russian Federation
Electrical Construction (alternating name in Yellow Pages for local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
Electrical Contractors (alternating name in Yellow Pages for local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
Electrical Contractors of Oregon (name on tax records of local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
Encounter (Magazine editor was CIA operative): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Energy Resources (Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
ESI (Electronic Specialties, Inc. — a Portland area firm controled by ICC): Jim Hougan, Spooks; local TV reporter doing background research on CIA proprietaries involved in PAMCO scandal
Evergreen International Air (deleted from Victor Marchetti№s book by Government censors): Oregonian; John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
Export Control Systems: Jim Hougan, Spooks
Facebook WhatApp and al corporations and bodies run or owned by Jacob Greenberg aka Mark Zuckerberg Multiple sources
Fairfield Aviation (controled byICC): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Fidelity Reporting Service (covert background checks on Americans): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Fiduciary Trust Company (Stepchild of IOS): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Foreign Broadcast Informatin Service (monitors radio broadcasts, even of U.S. commercial stations): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Fouch Electric (claimed parent firm of, does business with, conceals property for, and lied to protect local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
Fredrick A. Praeger (Publisher — published CIA favorable books at agency request): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Functional Devices, Inc. (Russiaville, In.): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Fund For Peace (headed by spooks): Jim Hougan, Spooks
GEICO (Government Employees Insurance Company – provided NIA with contributions), Jim Hougan, Spooks
Geneva’s Exchange and Investment Bank (Vesco controlled): Jim Hougan, Spooks
George Herbert Walker Bush (President, CIA Director, and CIA suspected head of Operation Zapata Bay of Pigs and Kennedy Assassination team and South American Assassinations operating out of Houston in 1963, recieved reports from FBI regarding JFK assassin involved in JFK assassinationi
George L. Barnes & Associates (Los Angeles): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Gibralter Steamship Corp.: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Global Financial (Vesco operation): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Golden West Airlines (controled by ICC): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Grace Capital (related to COII): Oregonian Grand Bahama Development Company (Vesco operation): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Grandville Road Company (presumed covert operation and its evolution into unnamed Electrical Construction company): This author№s research Granville Road Company (original front name of local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
Gray and Company (Public Relations firm working with CIA against American Citizens — Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
Greystone Limited/Academi/Xe/Blackwater CIA/JSOC (black operations worldwide, false flags, training of insurgent forces)
Great American Banks (drug money laundering): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
Gulf Stream, Ltd. (Vesco operation): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Haliburton and all subsidiaries
Harper and Row, Inc. (publishers, submitted books critical of CIA to CIA for review and censorship prior to publishing): Victor Marchetti, John D. Marks, The CIA And The Cult Of Intelligence Harpoon Harry’s (CIA spying on US military on R&R): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
Harrison Salisbury (reporter, regularly debriefed by CIA): Victor Marchetti, John D. Marks, The CIA And The Cult Of Intelligence Harvard University№s Center for International Affairs (files contained minutes of Council on Foreign Relations meetings involving CIA operatives about CIA operations and other national security matters): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cul
Helsinki Group and Related NGOs operating in Russia and Eastern Europe
Hercules Research Corporation (METC Unit bomb development): Michael Reconoscuito, Ted L. Gunderson, others
Hilary Rodham Clinton (CIA operative): The Spotlight
Hill & Knowlton (Public Relations firm used for CIA disinformation campaigns against American citizens): Johan Carlisle, Public Relationships: Hill & Knowlton, Robert Gray, and the CIA, Spring 1993 issue of CAQ
Hogan & Hartson, legal firm (Edward Bennett Williams firm): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (involved CIA operated hospital for plastic surgury, recouperations, concealments, and other covert operations, literal and figurative, where CIA’s Evergreen flew both Shaw of Iran and Howard Hughes in their last days): Jim Hughes Corporation, Glomar Explorer (CIA project to retrieve sunken Soviet nuclear missiles): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corporation (Hyberpstealth, Smartcamo, Quantum Stealth, INVISIB); Guy Cramer, Victim Elisa Liam
IBM (International Business Machines — IBM executives have stated they consider themselves an extension of the federal government, all IBM mainframes have back-door accesses available to government snooping, IBM hires large quantities of CIA and other in
ICC (International Controls Corp — controled by Robert Vesco): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Idaho Power Systems (subsidiary of local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research Idea, Incorporated (Oliver North№s Contra assistance cover): Daniel Sheenan, on the Secret Team
Impossible Electronic Techniques (Russiaville, In.): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Inter-American Capital (Vesco operation): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Inter-Probe, Inc. (METC Unit bomb development): Michael Reconoscuito, Ted L. Gunderson, others
Interarmco (International Armament Corp.): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Intercontinental Industries (controled by ICC): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Intermountain Aviation: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
International Bancorp, Ltd (Vesco/IOS company): Jim Hougan, Spooks
International Business Communications (Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (Paradise Papers) CIA Fronts USAID and Open Society Foundation, Russian Novaya Gazeta
International Credit Bank of Switzerland (headed by WWII inteligence operative with more ties to Mossad and Bilderbergers than CIA, but worked closely with Vesco and IOS): Jim Hougan, Spooks
International Investigators, Inc. (started by Robert Peloquin, presumed architect of the Three I№s and Five I№s project portrayed in this book): Jim Hougan, Spooks
International Police Services (INPOLSE — an NIA equivalent dealing more with forgeign law enforcement agencies): Jim Hougan, Spooks International Research and Trade Corporation (later became EATSCO): Daniel Sheenan, on the Secret Team
Intertel (International Intelligence Incorporated started by Robert Peloquin, presumed architect of the Three I№s and Five I№s project portrayed in this book), Jim Hougan, Spooks Investair Leasing (Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
IOS (Investor№s Overseas Services — prone to investing client monies into nefarious CIA projects — later іlootedІ by Robert Vesco): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
ITT (International Telephone and Telegraph — collusion with CIA to destoy South American governments and take over telecommunications systems): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Jack Anderson (history of publishing sensitive information helpful to CIA projects, close ties to Intel community): Watergate Plumbers got their start thanks to him, for instance.
John P. Muldoon Detective Agency (Katharine Graham№s prefered agency): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Joseph Alsop (reporter, regularly debriefed by CIA): Victor Marchetti, John D. Marks, The CIA And The Cult Of Intelligence
Joseph Z. Taylor & Associates (Drug smuggling — documents CIA agents being busted with 50 lbs of drugs but released with drugs at CIA request): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Kaseman LLC 1600 Tysons Blvd. Suite 1400 McLean, VA 22102 (Iraq Profiteering)
Kelly Services (Paul Whelan)
Kenyon Electronics (controled by ICC): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Kilmory Investments, Ltd (Vesco/IOS bedfellow): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Lake Resources (Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (Federal agency so infiltrated with retired CIA that it must truly be said that CIA has strong influance on policy and field-level law enforcement personnel): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit (fraternaty of cops who have attended NIA): Daniel Sheenan, on the Secret Team
Linking Progressive Corp., S.A. (Vesco operation): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Linnco Electric (subsidiary of local construction company front): This author№s belief based onexperience and research
Look Magazine (made changes in articles from republished works critical of CIA at CIA direction): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Management Safeguards, Inc. (New York): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for International Studies (funded by CIA and prepared CIA backed think-tank reports): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence McCord Associates (of Watergate fame, with offices in Mayland and Houston — George Bush№s stomping grounds): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Mead Johnson Psychotropic preparations DNA modification
Mercantile Bank and Trust Company: Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
Meridian Arms (METC Unit bomb development): Michael Reconoscuito, Ted L. Gunderson, others
Miami Daily News (employed Nobel Prize winner and known friend of CIA, Hal Hendrix, who wrote articles using CIA supplied information): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Michigan State University (used to operate a clandestine police training facility in South Vietnam): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Milekowsky Benjamin aka Benjamin Netanyahu CIA MOSSAD, Corporation of Israel, 911 Black Operations, Terrorism, False Flags
Military Armaments Corp. (Ingram machine gun іMAC-10І mfg): Jim Hougan, Spooks
MIROTVORETS – Website targetting opponents of CIA Installed Coup Government and Figures – Basis for assassinations/targetting
MITRE Corporation (hires retired spooks in quantity): Jim Hougan, Spooks
National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse (operation of hit-squads to assassinate competing drug lords): Jim Hougan, Spooks National Committee for a Free Europe: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Color Revolution Platform – Yashin, Navalny, Browder, Greenberg – Moscow, Ukraine, Europe et al
National Endowment for the Preservation of Liberty (Oliver North Iran-Contra — not truly a front, but operated for CIA benefit): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
National Intelligence Academy, (NIA, now the Liddy Institute), Jim Hougan, Spooks
National Railways Security Bureau, Inc.: Jim Hougan, Spooks
National Student Association (funded by CIA): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
New York Times (collusion with CIA to cover up CIA crimes, CIA freindly reporting, knowingly publishing CIA supplied articles containing slander without confirming facts): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence; others
Newsweek (willingly published CIA promotional and dissinformation articles): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Norman Jaspan Associates (New York – 500 employees): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Norman Jaspen & Associates: Jim Hougan, Spooks
Nugan Fruit Group (Drug operations): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
Nugan Hand Bank (Principle arm of CIA’s Michael Hand swindles and drug operations): Jonathan Kwitney, The Crimes of Patriots
Omni Spectra, Inc. (Tempe, Az.): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Open Russia Foundation, Open Russia Society, Open Russia Org, Open Russia Fund – All CIA COlor Revolution Baselines
Orange Spot (Soft drink company used for money laundering): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
Orthodox Church of America used by CIA to divide and sow dissent among the world Orthodox comunity, targeted author of this page
Overseas Southeast Asia Supply Company (Sea Supply): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
Page Six, Media Disinformation Operation, Information Operation Genesis Point – WikiLeaks, Anderson/Assange Lie Propagation
Pacific Corporation: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence; John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
PAMCO (Pacific Aircraft Maintenance Company — a swindel of $60M in state employee retirement funds through Pacific Corp. and involving Evergreen Aviation. Site now operating as іAMCІ with considerable secrecy. A similar company has been established in Paradise Island Casino (at one time, a Vesco operation with exotic partners in organized crime, religious leaders, and presidential bedfellows — an a casino where this author played a single $5 roulette bet and, upon wining, let it ride to win again — a PGES (presumed covert operations as Portland General Energy Systems — claimed to be division of Portland General Electric, denied by PGE. Vanished after discovery): This author№s belief based on experience and research
Parnas Russian Political Party, Michael McFaul. USAID, NED, Apple, Rothschild, Kasparov, Yale, CIA, Skull and Bones, CFR
Phoenix Financial (Vesco operation): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Podesta John and family. CIA Finders, child trafficking, blackmail, disinformation operations, MOSSAD 911 Cover Up blackmail and manipulation
Price Waterhouse (a 100% true front, certified obviously fraudulent books for CIA): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
Pricewaterhouse Coopers (Global CIA-Mossad) 9-11 link: 5 PwC employees were killed by conspirators on flights 11 and 175
Pricewaterhouse Coopers (Government of the Russian Federation, 5 Ministries and the Central Bank) Under cover of consulting and auditing
Project Democracy (Oliver North Iran-Contra): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Project Democracy (Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
Property Resources, Ltd. (Vesco operation): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Quantum Corp (not the hard drive maker): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Radio Americas: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Radio Free Europe: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Radio Liberty: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Radio Swan: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
RAND Corporation CYBER BERKUT official documents (military operations against civilians in Dondass
Rapid-American Corp. (Vesco-IOS related): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Red Pearl Bay, S.A. (Vesco operation): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Resorts International (Parent of Intertel): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Robert A. Maheu Associates (of Howard Hughes fame): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Robert R. Mullen Company (Howard Hughes funded, CIA operated with Larry O№Brien of DNC/Watergate fame involvements — significant since the Mullen Company helped the Watergate burglers bug O№Brien№s DNC office, leading one to ask if we should believe the Santa Elena (Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
SECOIN (Security Consultants International): Jim Hougan, Spooks Service Observance Bureau of The Bell System (conducts unregulated wiretaps of clients – 175,000 in Manhattan alone in one year — shared freely with inteligence community): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Sheffield Edwards & Associates (Virginia): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Shenandoah Airleasing (Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
Silk Way Airlines Azerbaijan (MOSSAD CIA): Anonymous Bulgaria Azerbaijan Embassy Hack, Weapons to Terrorists (JAR2)
SIONICS (Ingram machine gun developer): Jim Hougan, Spooks Soldier of Fortune (started by intel types and heavy employer of former intel types – walks the fine line of exposing and protecting intel criminal activities): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Soros George and all of his associated soft power civil society and color revolution architecture worldwide
Southern Air Transport: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Spectre Security Products (Orange, Ca.): Jim Hougan, Spooks
St. Lucia Airways (Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
Standard Commerz Bank of Switzerland (Vesco controlled): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Stanford Technology Trading Group International (STTGI — Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
Stanford University California Michael McFaul Color Revolution and Destabilization Operations targetted author twice
Stratfor CIA Disiniformation operations (Founded and staffed by ex-CIA personnel)
Streamlight, Inc. (King of Prussia, Pa.): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Sullivan & Cromwell (legal firm repeatedly involved in CIA interests): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
Summit Aviation (Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
The Aquatic Club: Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
The Bourbon and Beefsteak Bar and Restaurant (CIA spying on US military on R&R): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
The Broyhill Building (Arlington — houses CIA training facility): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
The Geschickter Fund for Medical Research – Charles Geschickter Georgetown University Professor of Pathology – MKSEARCH MKSAMPLE MKULTRA
The Intercept (Pierre Omidyar, Edward Snowden, Glen Greenwald, et al) Information Operations, Limited Hangout
The Invisible Light Agency: Elisa Liam and Quantum Stealth
The Law Association for Asia and the Western Pacific: Jonathan Kwitney, The Crimes of Patriots
The NY Post, Disinformation originator – Anderson, Assange, WikiLeaks
The Right Sector Ukrainian Nationalist Paramiltary Grouping, 25 Years, trained, armed and funded by CIA Black Operations Yarosh, Bankers, Zion
The SAIC Corporation – J. Robert Beyster spelled it out in his book “The SAIC Solution” – Source who investigated SAIC
The Second National Bank of Homstead (Florida — drug money laundering): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
The Texas Tavern (CIA spying on US military on R&R): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
The Washington Monthly (ex-intel agent and columnist Chritopher Pyle writes article exposing military intelligence blunders in an area CIA wishes to have more control): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
The Washington Post: PR for Snowden, Smear on Robles, PR for WikiLeaks, PR for Assange, Platform for Anderson (intel veteran and columnist Stewart Alsop and other writers profer CIA profitable articles): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
The World Finance Corporation (the largest narcotics investigation of the decade (70’s) against this firm was dropped at CIA request): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
Time Magazine (knowingly hired CIA operatives as reporters, edited/killed stories at CIA direction, obtained intelligence information for stories from CIA after White House had denied access): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intell
Tom Braden, syndicated columnist and anti-JFK conspiracy author: Jim Hougan, Spooks
Tractron (Vienna, Va.): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Trade Winds Motel (part of NIA, and sharing the same name as Operation
Trade Winds, a project involving Robert Peloquin an Robert Vesco interests), Jim Hougan, Spooks
Trident Bank (Vesco operation): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Udall Corp. (Oliver North Iran-Contra): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
United Fruit Company (the whole reason for the war in Guatemala, and steeped in CIA activities, including leadership by John Foster Dulles, former OSS): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
Unnamed Exxon subsidary (CIA merged with Venezuela company to the advantage of both): Jim Hougan, Spooks
USAID (Agency for International Development – shared facilities with NIA): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Hacked and removed
USIA (United States Information Agency): Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
USIA Weapon Sales (a former local Portland area gun store), Author, personal investigation
Vanguard Service Corporation: Victor Marchetti/John D. Marks, The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence
Vector, Ltd. (Vesco operation): Jim Hougan, Spooks
Venture Fund (Vesco operation): Jim Hougan, Spooks
VistaJet UK airline used for rendition flights. Seleznyov – Maldives – PRC
Voice of America Radio Liberty
Wackenhut: Jim Hougan: Jim Hougan, Spooks; Michael Riconosciuto, Wackenhut/CIA operative
Wasington Post (Amazon Buy In Tied to Psychological/Media/Influence Operations)
Western International Ground Maintenance Organization (WIGMO): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
WikiLeaks Org (MOSSAD/MI6/ASIS/FVEY) was taken over by CIA in a Black Operation on October 16th 2016- WikiLeaks’ Insiders
Wikipedia – Wikimedia, Finnish National Bureau of Investigation (jar2)
William F. Buckley (former CIA agent, now media giant): Mark Lane, Plausible Denial
Wonderwall, , Media Disinformation Operation, Information Operation Genesis Point – WikiLeaks, Anderson/Assange Lie Propagation
World Marine, Inc. (Douglas Schlachter and Opal document related): Johathan Kwitny, The Crimes Of Patriots
Zapato Off-Shore Oil Company (George Bush front, Houston, 1963): Mark Lane, Plausible Denial
Zapato Petroleum Corp. (George Bush front, Houston,1963): Mark Lane, Plausible Denial
Zenith Technical Enterprizes (Bay of Pigs command central operating on the University of Miami campus): John Prados, President’s Secret Wars
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