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Appendix 97: Satanism Has Completely Taken Over the Vatican, Says Illuminati Expert (July 21, 2021)

New World Religion
Articles & Interviews

Part VIII: Cult Connections

January 2, 2025

Satanism Has Completely Taken Over the Vatican, Says Illuminati Expert (July 21, 2021)


3 hours ago
So with the social focus Biden is building, that Hispanics (really wider than that maybe Latinx is a wide enough term) are more important than even his, black lives matter backers, do they want masses in Latin to be stopped? I think a lot of them don’t want masses stopped, I think also they all benefit from masses in Latin… It’s like if there was a television show called “how to speak English”, then in season 2 they take it from a televised English class to a bunch of people talking in any language except English… In season 3 do they ask you for your 1st born child?

3 hours ago
The Vatican has ALWAYS been Satanic from it’s inception. People Don’t Study the Bible.

3 hours ago
The depopulists want such an appearance, even if the Vatican is operating perfectly by God’s plan, even if they really do run the Vatican, they seek an openly visible phase to test how well their mind control programs are running. I mention this because it means just destroying the Vatican or removing the pope might not work, even if it’s appropriate, their war machine would keep running, but we would likely have a false sense of security…

3 hours ago
Alex, Fr.Chad Ripberger is one of the world’s foremost Exorcists – please try to have him on and he can explain a lot of this to you.

3 hours ago
The Vaccine is a Satanic “sacrament”, a mockery of the Eucharist – instead of taking part in the Body of Christ via Communion, you are taking part in damnation by injecting yourself with murdered baby cells. In the same way they mock marriage – Real marriage is a Covenant between a Man, a Woman, and God; this is how we take part in God’s act of Creation. There is no coincidence that the Satanists are twisting God’s Sacraments (aka; the way in which we receive Saving Grace) into sick caricatures. It is absolutely correct that the reign of the Antichrist is coming, but to see the Truth, you have to align yourself to the Truth. Please repent your sins and enter the Ark of the Catholic Church

4 hours ago
This is the report people need to pay attention to; this is the ultimate goal of the Globalists, because they are in fact following Satan’s design. The Latin Mass is the “Mass of ALL TIME” which has been said daily since codified in the 300’s. There is a wealth of information people miss out on because they disregard the Catholic Truth, and by extension its traditions and prophecies. All of these current events have been foretold – what the Pope is doing now was literally prohibited in the 1500’s on pain of God’s Wrath. (This cannot happen because the Church, the Truth, cannot change, what was Holy then is Holy now). God bless you all.

4 hours ago
The Vatican IS satanism.

4 hours ago

4 hours ago
Here’s the wiki of Philippe Buonarroti, the Illuminati commie Zagami mentions:

4 hours ago
Here’s the wiki of Philippe Buonarroti, the Illuminati guy Zagami mentions:

5 hours ago
the godless jew hates and envies God because he isn’t HIM. When you see these rich, powerful jews acting up, its because they are soulless. they want to be worshiped. the goal of satan has always been to keep your eyes away from the true God and he will even make you feel like one, although he is hte one truly in charge. the god of this world has always been satan. those of the world will end up worshiping him…….knowingly or unknowingly.

5 hours ago
We need all the people to unite. there is more of us than them.

5 hours ago
The godless satanic jewish left lovesss pope francis. they love their pedophiles, muslims, and sodomites. the church is made of the people and there are plenty of catholics who know whats going on and is disgusted. taylor marshal is one of them.

5 hours ago
The Roman Catholic Church and Christianity, created by Rome, is the biggest scam of the ages.

6 hours ago
They been SATANIC for centuries So is HOLLYWOOD now days

6 hours ago
The Traditional Latin mass is not just hundreds of years old. . . It’s THOUSANDS of years old dating back to the very early church. This Original mass not only had the language changed as Leo mentioned but more importantly the Liturgy and the rituals were done away with. This is why Fake Pope Francis is attacking it so. As in the book of Daniel they want to do away with the daily sacrifice completely !

6 hours ago
satans goal is to destroy Gods creation, starting with humanity and the earth. satan is a liar, he is lying to the satanists but they believe they will inherit the earth, but satan is planning to kill them too. As the Bible states, no human flesh would survive if God did not shorten those days. We know satans plan, but the satanists are oblivious. It is also a show to the sand people, as satan destroys the Christian West and East. As prophets say, the churches will be turned into taverns of immorality, and the rainbow flag will fly over the churches (This is what is sealed up in Revelation). It will start with removing wine from communion, and this is the classic sign that satan has take3n over control of a church – Jesus drank wine and not grape juice. The Mark of The Beast system will last a very short time, 3 to 6 months it will completely collapse according to the prophets. As God pours out the bowls of wrath upon the marked and upon the beast system. Prophets saw church men and parishioners with the mark and AI monitoring them. So I think the beast system and mark comes after the comet that destroys the USA and subsequent nuclear wars WW3. Prophets say the mark comes after WW3 and the famines and troubles of the wars, which themselves will be short but devastating destroying 3/4’s of humanity. Remember, “The Phoenix will rise” from the ashes of society and usher in the 5th age of satan. So the satanists will destroy humanity and the earth, and then their system will rise, but collapse in a few short months from Gods wrath. The warning is the comet, they won’t repent, then by Gods glorious hand he will destroy satans system and those who took the mark and worshiped the beast and its image (the AI). God help us.

6 hours ago
Remember that movie called Fortress with Christopher Lambert.

6 hours ago
Alex have you heard of Allen Jones in Australia he used to have his own radio show for years. but now he is on Sky news must be a thing about the name Jones lol The Great Reset is a ‘coup’ by the globalist elite

7 hours ago
With 5G and spike proteins they intent as the end game full individual bodily control, like invasion of the Body Snatchers. That is Hell as their Minions. Like the Disabling of a Car Jacked Car. They will go live and it will be too late to resist. Only God will be able to intervene.

7 hours ago
Hard not to not take a guy w an accent like that seriously about Saran and the Vatican. “The umm-ah, Pope-ah is a satanist-ah.” I for one am convinced.

7 hours ago
when it comes to how are you going to communicate It’s called back to basics, ever heard of the old fashioned postage service, you know like we used to use in the old days before computers. we called them letters.

8 hours ago
I bet the new religion will be worshipping lucifer as most of these European Jews. Rothschilds, Soros etc are the Ashkenazi (fake) Jews. They were once known as the serpent people who worshipped lucifer.

8 hours ago
Please have Steve Quayle on soon.

8 hours ago
This was an incredible interview. I’m very happy Alex had this guy on.

10 hours ago
I wonder if consciousness arises out of AI or if conscious entities take possession of AI.

10 hours ago
In ww2 the Catholic Church supported “nazis”. Hitler being anti religious is a myth. The church supported Hitler because of Bolshevism/Communism. Which killed 60-100 million mostly Christians in Russia from 1918 and 1950 NOT counting war deaths. With forced COLLECTIVISATION and MAN MADE FAMINES. AND killed thousands of priests and destroyed thousands of churches, while making anti semetism illegal. Between 1933 and 1938 Hitler built 3,000 new churches. The church knew Jewish BOLSHEVIKS would destroy all religion. More Germans died after the war than during. At the hands of Communists and Eisenhowers deathe camps. Thousands of German women, old women, and little girls including babies were raped to death, Sometimes by literally hundreds of Jewish Communist soldiers back to back. Just as Hitler told the German people and the world would happen if Communists entered Germany. While Hitler and the Luftwaffa were targeting military targets in Britain, Britain and America were targeting entire cities full of civilians, women children and elderly. With incendiary and carpet bombing. ENTIRE German cities were burning. Those who survived the bombings and burning to death, became stuck in the melting streets as they ran for safety. This continued while Hitler made PUBLIC appeals to stop targeting civilians (and for peace altogether) until finally retaliating after dozens of raids by the “allies” on civilians.

11 hours ago
Zagami, our being part of the same human race is irrelevant. There is a population with a STRANGE PERSONALITY. Whites will NEVER home shop in their areas.

11 hours ago
Critical Race Theory does NOT divide us. Whites have NEVER home shopped in certain areas and never will…at least not until that other population changes its personality.

11 hours ago
Yes, satan is the great enemy, but there IS a human enemy also. Whites will NEVER home shop in certain areas because of those people.

12 hours ago
Martin King is the ONLY American worthy of a holiday and is famous for forcing Whites to like Black personality, ie. you WILL interact with them. Is that a fair summation?

13 hours ago
The 11 Point Plan of the Frankfurt School

1. The creation of racism offenses.

2. Continual change to create confusion.

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.

4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.

5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

6. The promotion of excessive drinking.

7. Emptying of churches.

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.

9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.

10. Control and dumbing down of media.

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pansexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would: “• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.

• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls.

• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces.

• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’.

(((Munzenberg))) summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus:

‘We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks’.”
14 hours ago
America must fulfil her Providential responsibility & fight back.

Already the ‘Vaccine death camps’ are in full swing as were the gas chambers in Nazi Germany. What’s the difference? None! If we don’t fight back as the allies did in WW 1 & 2 we will deserve all we get. ‘We the people’ are still the majority, so don’t let the ‘tail wag the dog’.

The majority of Law enforcement & the military will still be patriots plus vets, they just need to be clear what’s at stake and then centring on *’David’, his state, take back America one state at a time.

*As David was to Saul, this person is to Trump. Trump has no political seat or office of power now.

We can not just continue on as in the days of Noah, going to work & doing our normal thing, the country is under attack from foreign and domestic enemies and the ‘Continental army’ needs to rise up and take back America, God’s beachhead in the ‘War on Satan’, aka the Globalists and their disgusting minions.

Rev 20:7 “And when the thousand years are ended, Satan will be loosed from his prison and will come out to deceive the nations which are at the four corners of the earth, that is, Gog and Magog, [the GLOBALISTS/ATHEISTIC COMMUNISM] to gather them for battle; their number is like the sand of the sea. And they marched up over the broad earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city [AMERICA]; but fire [GOD’S WORD] came down from heaven and consumed them, and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulphur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever”.

Now some of you are going to argue the toss about the timing & location of this verse etc, don’t, the point is America is in the shit & without being centred on God’s Word, the truth – ‘fire from heaven’ we are screwed, & that is exactly why we are in this mess because America turned her back on God’s Word, “QUOD ERAT DEMONSTRANDUM” – the proof is in the pudding!

Bo Faircrest
14 hours ago
Time is way short! Example: the two cells, egg and sperm that make a baby become 5 TRILLION cells in 9 months; Depending on various estimates. Artificial Intelligence is growing at least that fast! So, now is your chance.
Hebrews 3:7 Wherefore (as the Holy Ghost saith, To day if ye will hear his voice…
John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

14 hours ago
See You see the main evil is the jesuits. It always ways and always will be

14 hours ago
The Eagle, the bear and the dragon..

14 hours ago
Awesome interview Alex. I do not mind your interjections as they are appropriate and not as inappropriate as they used to be at times. Alex you hit on so many points that are subliminal and core. Information needs taken to the streets. I will help distribute your paper newsletter. Hopefully someone picks up on this and I can get in touch with you. Otherwise I have a hard time communicating with Infowars.

15 hours ago
Go to (church militant) Jesus started the Catholic Church (universal church of Jesus Christ) Peter is the first pope (read the documents) The church has been here since the teachings of Jesus . I will 100% agree the globalist gay Jews have infiltrated the church. This is the same as our country except it is more important. Christ’s church is above all nations . It is the true church. Deus vult
Go to )
(“Church militant “

15 hours ago
The reason they announce what their doing is because

1. That is Ultimate Power. Ultimate Power isn’t just being able to do whatever illigal activity you want, it’s being able to tell the person or people your going to do it to or announce it publicly and then do it without being stopped or punished.

2. It’s also subconscious control before the act and conscious control after the act once people realize, as per 1. It shows Ultimate Power, which is horse shit, give me a hundred good men and the equipment needed it will all be over in under a month

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