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Appendix 95: The New Age: A Pathway To Paradise? (Or Prelude To the New World Order, Occult Anti-Christ Kingdom, “Electronic Democracy”? (1983)

New World Religion
Articles & Interviews

Part VIII: Cult Connections

January 2, 2025

The New Age: A Pathway To Paradise? (1983)


Produced by WCFC TV in Chicago and originally aired on that station, this documentary gives the viewer an objective, behind-the-scenes look at the New Age Movement. The video contains candid interviews with well-known New Age leaders like David Spangler and Benjamin Creme, as well as interviews with leading Christian authorities on the New Age like Dave Hunt, Constance Cumbey and Martin and Diedre Bobgan.

Shot on location, the video takes you into the center of some New Age activities and the documentary itself examines many New Age ideas from holisitc health, yoga, hypnosis and trancendental meditation to New Age education practices, global government and the human potential movment. The evidence presented is sure to convince even skeptics that a New Age movement has solid footing in every aspect of American society and is gaining momentum at incredible speed.


Stephie Calligraphy
7 years ago
Love Dave Hunt. He was such a rational, impactful speaker.

Aestro Ai
6 years ago
I love old documentaries.

Jason Clarke
4 years ago
Many new agers are also in the truth movement. So beware of them.

Leo&Lya Deleon
5 years ago
I cannot count how many times I have watched this and there is always something I have miss. very informative and interesting to my grey cells.

Charles Cosimano
4 years ago
After 34 years it is amazing how wrong they were.

Enoc Cordlero
2 years ago
This reminds me of “Gods of the new age”

5 years ago
Thanks for uploading.

Yahweys Aylar
7 years ago
so deeply sad ..

Nne Nna
4 years ago
thanks for the video, so much blessed by it

Christoph Christoph
11 months ago
Documentries like this just make me love the new age movement even more.

World Ukulele
8 years ago
Excellent video. Thanks.

Carrie Geren Scoggins [Official]
4 years ago
Love the video, glad to finally hear an opposing view to the leftist liberal #Christian #Haters of the #NewAge movement. To claim the be so #Tolerant of other #religions, and yet be so closed minded and biggoted toward the #Christians and their #Churches, shows that they are certainly NOT futher “evolved,” than the Christians, nor are they more accepting of others. They are only kind to those that do not oppose their views. #Jesus said that anyone can be kind to those that they are friends with, it’s when we can even love our enemies that we are acting in a Godly kind of love.
Never kid yourself that the new age movement is not full of hate, just begin to oppose their beliefs verbally, then one finds their “bad side.”
Granted the real “bottom line,” is not how nice one group can be to those that are different than they, but it is a question of salvation, forgiveness of one’s sins, and where we will spend our eternity. Our second chance that comes with the forgiveness given in Jesus blood atonement, as opposed to the false belief of spending eternity coming back into this world in lifeforms, continuing until we get it right, knowing that there can be no life without sin. Jesus was the only sinless human, why He was the only one that be the sinless lamb of God. Glad we do not keep coming back to Earth over and over, #Bible says after death is judgment, and we evade the consequences of our sin via the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus defeats “karma,” we do not get what we deserve as #Karma states, Jesus took the punishment that we deserved!

Alan Linnell
3 years ago
I believe documentaries back in the 70s and 90s had a lot more dignity in their presentation. I never get tired of seeing older documentaries. Dave Hunt was my favorite author, he was a true whistleblower. I first learned about the evil in the music industry from him and the sources of musical(secular) inspiration.

7 years ago
they mention the christ, but its the false Christ

3 years ago
People just keep making the same mistakes over and over again and foolishly believe that no one has tried what they are doing before. There has never been anything “new” about this new age stuff. Americans look insanely ridiculous trying these “new” eastern practices out of frustration over being given everything but still not finding hapiness. Its embarrassing.

Angel Gabriel Halevi Moon
1 week ago

Alex Taylor
7 years ago
“It’s not new. I realized that nothing we’ve been doing is new. We haven’t been tapping into new areas of the brain – we’ve just been awakening the most ancient. This technology is simply a route to powers that conjurers and alchemists used centuries ago.”

6 years ago
some of the comments below just make me wonder if humanity is still lost…

2 years ago
Honestly, I think most of these people playing “new age” are really into it for sex. Remember Three’s Company how the Don Knotts character was always dressing like the new agers and always trying to flirt? He was just playing.

Jeraldine George
4 years ago
Consciousness Man! If you are not knocked out, you are conscious! Man, lol

The Adventurer of Peace
3 years ago
I had a vision of two universes. Two churches. one leads to purgatory. One leads to other sanctuary. I was their. Waiting. Only Mother Mary. Why is Mother Mary so important.

Reversal Dotwave 2678
2 years ago
It must have drove the old Valhallans of the Aries age crazy, a war age learning to “bug off!”, that in the new new age (to them) noone would ever speak a command or a rough word again, but they continued fighting for the chance – they had an incredible honor and respect for their God – the one God himself – for pure powerful civilized respect. The people that God created as the best through that age, the jews, His chosen people, matched for the most part in the civilized purposeful sense the christians, additionally able to assert every measured requirement of the needy and moral alike. Both those groups were turned off, chaste, and strict focusing on doctrine alone.

Then in the new age people explored consciousness that feeling was finally in touch with, these people, and while the vast majority – of the whole world – was for the most part instinctively in that way of compassion socialistic and despite any seeming sin of creativity, it’s believed none other than Ronald Reagan backed “bugging off” the rich, a creed beyond twisted waiting in the wings in believing it was for his buddy and not a bouncier optimism – George Bush, director of the CIA – a re-tracked Piscean christian, obsessed with how stability and wiriness had at that end of that age respected systems – what prudence had wrought fair and fair alike; propriety and honor.

1 year ago
There are several references to the 1983 timeframe especially the conversation with Buckminster Fuller. However, at the end of the documentary the host mentions the movie Out on a Limb which aired in 1987 and mentioned Ferguson’s appearance at a gathering in 1988. The reference at 1:44:00 by the host seems to indicate that the end portion was added later to the documentary.

Bruce Hutson
5 years ago
A lot of people are out of control and off base when discussing such matters. There is nothing “new” about the so-called “new age”. There has always been a “New Age”. But the spiritual believer must never be off-balance or off-key or surfeit himself in selfishness. This is the primary thorn in the side of the entire “new age” movement. Selfishness is the root of all evil, not money. One is called upon by Christ to always Come Up Higher, to share the Kingdom, not to keep the Kingdom to one’s self.

8 years ago
Let light descend on Earth.

Benji Graham
5 years ago
well we all know what happened. the new age is on the rise while christianity is clearly in decline.

4 years ago
Love all Serve all is a great Truth.

Jeraldine George
4 years ago
Seriously, there Is No New Age. There is an old age, or there’s the past, but you can’t just create a new age. Just because you and some other people decide to all of a sudden try to, don’t make it so! The future is not known to us. Only we are sure that this New Age Movement is not new. It is the same old, ancient thing that was around since the Tower of Babal and that turned out bad enough, that we still talk about it! The same spirit of man wanting to be Gods was around before that! The Root of this Movement has to do with Lucifer and his followers called “Masters”!!!… Give me a Break! We Christians know who the enemy is and it’s The New Age during these Last Days!!!

Jeraldine George
4 years ago (edited)
Seriously, there Is No New Age. There is an old age, or there’s the past, but you can’t just create a new age. Just because you and some other people decide to all of a sudden try to, don’t make it so! The future is not known to us. Only we are sure that this New Age Movement is not new. It is the same old, ancient thing that was around since the Tower of Babal and that turned out bad enough, that we still talk about it! The same spirit of man wanting to be Gods was around before that! The Root of this Movement has to do with Lucifer and his followers called “Masters”!!!… Give me a Break! We Christians know who the enemy is and it’s The New Age during these Last Days!!!

Mayssan Haddad
7 years ago
it’s not that we think we are better, it’s because we care. that’s the only thing we got left. I have no problem with the spiritual journy a person goes through his life time.

but when the new age tells us to contact with these entities… how do we know for sure that they want our well being.

have we ever tried these spirits, asked them questions. challenged them ?

Joshua beare
8 years ago

4 years ago
Satan Lucifer makes himself appear as the angel of light and people love beauty and many follow the deception. Jesus is the truth: God was born a man in the Son, Christ Jesus; in Him the glory of God was seen in human flesh. By the power of His eternal spirit Jesus Christ atoned for our sins on the cross of Golgatha and rose from the dead! Receive Jesus Christ in faith as your Savior and Lord and follow Him – whoever you are.

8 years ago
There is nothing new in the “New age”.

Salty Bear
2 years ago
Robert bloody Muller !?!?? Wow ?

Ab K
5 years ago
Amazed that people believe on this they’re blind and brainwashed. Oh Allah guide us to the straight path.

bud ekins
4 years ago
Outstanding 1980s documentary on New Age philosophy but. .what is the ‘New Age’ doing Now?? And. .how will the New Age Antichrist deal with Islam. .how does he apparently manage to subdue the likes of ISIS, Alqaeda, Hezbollah. .?

Berry Blue
2 years ago
I hate it when a documentary is trying to force a message rather than give pure information. When that Buddhist guy started talking about Jesus the music became all emotional and positive and the questions the reporter gave to the new age people were all suspicious in nature. I mean what kind of objective and truthful documentary is this when it is trying to force a certain belief?

6 years ago

Steiven that mexican guy
5 years ago
This guy is not impressing me.

Debbie R
2 years ago
Remember…. Even singing too much can become sin and out of Gods will.
Who will cover your sins when you stand in front of our all perfect God one day?
Jesus is the only way to God .
John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me
We are dead in our sins. If you do not feel God in your soul, you do not know Him.
Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
God will then reveal Himself to you…….
Until we experience God’s presence in our soul……. we will remain spectators…………..

derp herp Bignell
8 years ago

KEv H.
3 years ago
Hahaha paranoid much. Hahaha

Carrie Geren Scoggins [Official]
4 years ago
@Kiiiillgooglization, Hitler was into Theosophy, the new age version of Hinduism, spiritual evolution, and then converted into Islam, as stated in Mein Kamph. Read the books before you make a fool of oneself. He was not “right wing,” either, he help found the National Socialist Party, left wing huge socialism on a national level, that was the largest socialist government to have ever been instilled. He had large federal police forces, also left wing, and gave out Karl Marx’s Das Kapital at the Bible burnings.

Chubby Fonzey
2 years ago
Unabashed Christian propaganda

Matt Taylor
5 years ago
Sinister new age fools they should all go to hell. Poo for the mind and soul.

He-Ay TM
5 years ago
It’s all fake n gay

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