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Appendix 295: Digital Slaves: China’s secret brain-control war!

Digital Slaves: China’s secret brain-control war!

Streamed live 10 hours ago #leisrealtalk #china #military

The Chinese Communist regime has been developing mind-control weapons since as early as the 1960s, conducting experiments on its own people—including prominent scholars and writers. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has declared that “control over the brain is the crown jewel of warfare supremacy”, and has been actively testing and advancing this technology. As a result, a growing number of brain-control victims have come forward to speak about their suffering. Most recently, a programmer and entrepreneur spent millions of dollars to send the world a desperate warning: we are all at risk of becoming digital slaves once our brains are no longer our own. 1. A desperate warning message 2. How China started the brain-control project 3. The scale of the experimentation References:……………

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Lei, you are right about faith. Faith will protect us
Great content Lei. Realistic n informative. Kudos to your dedication to providing analysis and real news
Wise words from Lei: “I think the chance that this technology will develop into actual weaponry that will control our mind is very small, as long as we hold on to the divine.”
One aspect of this remote communication was invented by a 15-16 year old Californian named Flannigan. This involved aural communication via EM traveling on the external skin to the ear (brain) where it was interpreted. This was around 1957. The boy quickly came to the attention of the appropriate sector of the Pentagon, and he was visited by an officer. As I recall, he worked for msny years with DARPA and similar advanced research organizations on EM, acoustical waves or pulses and the like. There has been a proliferation of EM wave studies in many of the USA’s best universities targeting humans. A vast dictionary of EM wave “codes” exists within the DARPA-type universe of secret studies funded by the U.S. DoD. That means that brain expression of thought, emotion and the like have been decoded (EM words or phrases) and stored on computers. With the help of orbiting satellites, the ability for a computer-human brain connection anywhere in the world exists. This developed from years of interaction with targeted individuals. I read an interesting study on this a dozen or more years ago in a publication by The Stanford Research Institute (SRI). This research area has gotten very big and is as real as rain.
Thank you Lei. The race is on for humanity to evolve into higher spiritual awareness. People who realize their true identity is “I Am” become immune to thought impulses. Ponder on it and a shift occurs.
You know that something is controlling you but it is so big it is hard to understand that it isn’t schizophrenics but actually surveillance and control. It encompasses every sadness, action, delusion brilliant thought to create a different reality that you absolutely are invested in.
May God bless you Lei!!
Sounds like some Nicola Tesla work from the 1920s through the 1930s. Someone got the information and modified it and updated it to today’s use.
Oh no this is horrifying especially as it believable. Many thanks for your ability to plough your own furrow in this world of falshoods. Please understand how informative and trusted you have become.
Very good reporting Xie Xie Keep the faith in God and Christ corruption has satanic form but God & Christ are the ultimate truth lies have to change Truth never does salvation is the key
MK ULTRA, the Chinese version?
God bless you Lei
Praying for China!!!
This also reminds me of the CCCP of the Cold War from the early 1970’s. The Wood pecker. Program from Russia.
Thx for the vid
This would make a good James Bond movie!
Voice-To-Skull were deployed during Iraq War 1.0. Every police station in China has at least one of these devices. This was also probably deployed during the L.A. riots as it can target specific racial biosignatures. There are now even more advanced versions of these due to innovations in Optogenetics.
This Technology is not even that much worrying, but the people in control of it
You need to talk just a little closer to the microphone, maybe 2 inches. The audio compression effect keeps the level up, but it cuts out the detail of the quieter parts, making it difficult to understand at some places. The mic just needs a bit higher signal level, hence talking closer
You’ve had this cough for a LONG time. I hope you get over it soon!! This subject matter you discussed tonight is TERRIFYING. I remember the attacks on the embassies. But it never occurred to me that this could be something out of science fiction. 
This is why the new movie came out about this. Captain America, A brave New World
Orchid, light friendly clothing and faith in the devine: I do appreciate!
Why am I having trouble buying into this stuff? Just living in the Alive in Wonderland World of the CCP is crazy enough!
Hi Lei, it’s a story on the edge of conspiration. The computer technology improved only in this last + or – 30 years, I’m not an expert, but I don’t think the progress in computer studies was capable to guide the brain in the ’60 or even in the ’70.. And the Elon Musk “Neurolink” has something to do with this “brain control” by computer?
Very hard to believe but equally scary. I like your optimism that humanity will overcome so long as they remain rooted in the divine. Unfortunately, much of present day culture is having exactly the opposite defect.
All this being the case, why is it that so many Chinese officials are being disappeared. Are they immune or have not been controlled sufficiently????
Sounds so crazy but it’s reality! I’ve seen videos from people in the USA saying our government has been doing it here for years. :
I think I saw you wearing a yellow rain jacket and carrying a deep pink umbrella, great show you have. 
I am very sceptical about this. It sounds to much like symptoms of classic paranoia. Paranoia can be amplified by social circumstances, i.e. parents that actually ‘run rings’ around their offspring, or if you are a citizen of a nation under totalitarian leadership.
The same technology of mind control can also be used for medical purposes. The institution ls that hold this tech from public scrutiny should be held responsible for anti-humanity crimes.
The book of revelation tells about a mark all humans need to buy and sell. According to the Bible its the mark of the beast leading to extreme pain and death.
Bio-electromagnetic signals in the brain are longitudinal electromagnetic waves, not traverse as radio waves are. The same, information between bio-cells is being exchanged through longitudinal waves, not traverse. K-magnet is an example of a small generator of such waves, that is used in a therapy.
The Havana Syndrome was said to be a focused Microwave beam..
This is all in the book of Revalation . God is greater than them all.
7:26 這些實驗的對象都是國際性的。自 20 世紀 20 年代起,美國就開始對美國男人、婦女和兒童進行這些實驗。我知道,因為他們對我做過。洛基山並不像宣傳者所說的那樣是田園詩。 41:49 對我來說,耶穌是唯一真正為我著想的人。因為祂救了我,我才能對抗這個世界的武器和高處的屬靈惡行。
My goodness gracious
My guess is that mindless killing machine soldiers would suffer the same fate as the Russian soldiers now being killed in huge numbers in Ukraine: losing your emotions also means losing an essential aspect of intellectual assessment of situations and the ability to cooperate with fellow soldiers to effectively carry out military tasks; and if that kind of control extends to the commanders, you get a similar loss of the imaginative, creative grasp of the broader military situation that makes for the best command of an army. That said: an army of mindless killers can still do a huge amount of damage, as we are seeing. You’re making me wonder: is this technology something Russia possesses and is using? does this play into Putin’s assessment of his chances of winning? It seems to me the Russian prison system would be an effective way of implementing this technology.
Very scary! I thought of Havana immediately
Excellent….Awesome…. Keep it up  Lei’s reports are Legendary
Thank you for putting up the pics of the book cover with the Chinese characters. I can take screenshots and send them to my pro-CCP friends as part of our debates 
Deer is spot on.
@Lei’sRealTalk … any information on BLOCKING this control?
Read the book the manchurian candidate
Lei the CIA was doing this in the 60s and 70s.
I feel like i have been a victim of this and I’m an American. So similar. Oh my gosh.
Simple instances of schizophrenia. A common experience of a very small percentage of late adolescence
Many ppl are targetted worldwide.
You should speak with David Icke or co-show 1 episode, the world is definitely going crazy for some reason. Maybe too much CCP the anti-life equation.
Bonjour Lei
It is not new.. I have someone harrasing me about buying real estate in Texas to make it easier for prescription drug extortion…. They are trying to say they can do it here in Palawan and then the extortion and threats are about jobs in the past or real estate in Texas. They claim I am supposed to hate money because I won’t buy the prescription drugs for them.. seems like they broadcast world wide but they operate from corpus Christi Texas…
Poor Lei. These English scientific words are so hard to say.
Could China use this on a US high official during meetings?
aka Havana Syndrome
Under what conditions??? Thee BIGGEST drug and alcohol fueled party of all time!!

Thanks it’s certainly hard to believe that this is possible let’s hope it’s not

Have a Inner yin palace… nobody gets in
This technology could explain the actions of the Trump assassins
Neurolink brain chips? The mark of the beast…. They’ll never be allowed into heaven with that chip in their brain. 
Yikes! Maybe we should all be wearing tinfoil hats?
Good Health for you.
I already feel manipulated by my phone/computer because I realise I am a weak human. What if nefarious players were playing me via these devices, not to mention all of the other electrionic gadgets that surround me made in …ahem. It would be an interesting experiment to switch EVERYTHING off for a week. p.s would my own(?) mind allow it?? A seabird can live a long life from an open sheer cliff ledge but could I contemplate a week without a fridge?
… now add this (mind control) ability to fully sentient AI independent from human control. Wearing a “tin-foil hat” is not so crazy after all.
Did Elon have an installation done unknowingly, and is now using ketamine to confuse the operators capabilities….
I like the print on your t. neck.
Sounds like Tik Tok
I give up ! Yt cut everything i posted here. They saved the world again from me
Timfoil hats block these signals
Maybe they can steal the musk chip
the programmer is off his rocker. probably needs help u don’t even need electronics to do these influences.
remote viewing
Lei is losing the plot. She has spent too much time chasing down chinese conspiracy theories – believing a lot of them. Ever heard of schizophrenia? My brother and my best friend suffered.
is that what is already happening now in china?
Elon would have been dead many times
More like American propaganda
China 🇨🇳 Tin foil hat?
Elon Musk give their tech to china
Who are you lei??????
This explains Trumps thinking

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