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Part XV: Timeline to ‘Beast System:’ Mind Controlled, Hive Mind, “Psycho-Civilized” Cyborg Slave Society; w/ TIs As Guinea Pigs

by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University, March 12, 2025

Topics include:

mind control, invisible warfare, invisible weapons, targeted individuals, no-touch torture, electronic warfare, MindWar, trauma-based mind control, Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD)/Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), sleepers, satanic ritual abuse (SRA), military abductions, MILABs, Manchurian Candidate assassins, hypno-programmed patsies, “dual use” of neuroscience/neurotechnology (NeuroS/T), hard (lethal) and soft (“non-lethal”) neuroweapons, non-lethal weapons, electronic implants, supersoldiers, augmentation, life extension, Microsoft’s 060606 patent. psycho-civilized society, emerging technologies, Cognitive Warfare (CW), Mark of the Beast

I. Webmaster Introduction:

This timeline spans roughly the past two centuries and focuses particularly on government/corporate-sponsored covert mind and behavioral control operations. I primarily utilize quotes from a variety of experts, which are cited below. While the passage of the 1947 National Security Act has provided “top secret” cover for many of these top-secret projects in United States, the quest to control and enslave others is clearly a multi-century and international project.

This timeline documents:

1) Creation of generational, trauma-based mind control slaves; i.e., programmable MPD Manchurian Candidate assassins, sex slaves, spies, couriers, supersoldiers, etc. (from about 1800 to present)
2) post-World War I development of psychological warfare techniques deployed against foreign and domestic enemies,
3) government use of “scientifically-based” application of (PDH; Pain, Drugs, Hypnosis) as well as abductions and electromagnetic torture to program compartmented DID slave/operatives as patsies, assassins, sex slaves, superspies, supersoldiers, drug mules, couriers, etc. used to manipulate political events and terrorize domestic populations into submission with serial-killings, mass shootings, staged terror events, etc. (aka Project Monarch.)
4) secret testing of exotic (invisible/electromagnetic) weapons and communications systems upon innocent Americans (aka “targeted individuals”) and civilians in other countries from 1950s to present,
5) Use of EM frequencies to mimick voices of God for channeling messages to leaders of cults (Findhorn’s Eileen Caddy channeled books and Columbia University psychology professor, Helen Schucman’s book “A Course In Miracles” are prominent examples.)
6) CIA and DoD creation and manipulation of a variety of cults, including UFO cults, DoD-affiliated satanic cults, etc. that provide test subjects for military-intelligence mind control experimentation, enslavement, and subsequent disposal of (examples include Jonestown, Waco’s, Heaven’s Gate). Cults also supply dissociative children, ritual abuse victims, for further military-intelligence MC programming.
7) development of “dual use” (beneficial and weaponized) biotechnologies and neurotechologies, including “soft” (non-lethal) and “hard” (lethal) neuroweapons,
8) implementation of MindWar and Cognitive Warfare (CW) historically and today as forms of “invisible warfare” against foreign and domestic targets (including domestic enemies, dissidents, etc.) as part of “hybrid warfare” and “OmniWar.” This includes so-called “organized stalking-electronic harassment” aka “the targeted individual program.”
9) Use of neurotech in the present attempt to attain world control through the financial system (go-direct from body activity data to digital currency), warfare, and “recreation” (NeuraLink and other companies).

Indeed, this timeline provides a preliminary documentation of the greatest “crime against humanity” in history. I regard this as the satanic overthrow of humanity, carried out jointly and semi-secretly by psychiatrists, scientists, engineers, intelligence agencies, secret societies, corporations, and governments. The timeline suggests that top-secret experimentation devoted to the manipulation and total control of humans was the secret axis of the Cold War and has been concealed via numerous cover-stories. These cover stories include mental illness (“the psychiatric reprisal”), cybernetics, exotic weapons, “non-lethal weapons,” “invisible warfare,” “national security,” unconventional warfare, emerging technologies, technocracy, child sex trafficking, human trafficking, satanism, UFOs, alien abductions, military abductions (MILABS), remote neural monitoring, the singularity, digital immortality, digital twin, brain-computer-interface (BCI), brain-brain-interface (BBI), internet of things (IOT), internet of bio-nano-things (IOBNT), etc. The satanic nature of these operations becomes apparent as one considers the sheer number of innocent civilians who have been tortured, terrorized, abused, destroyed, and murdered as nonconsensual human guinea pigs en route to the current rollout of this dystopian, totalitarian slave system. These individuals are often referred to as “targeted individuals” (TIs), victims, survivors, EM-targets, ritual abuse victims, “wavies,” MILAB abductees, alien abductees, etc.

All timelines are necessarily selective. This timeline augments several other timelines I have on my 911nwo.comand websites and focuses particularly on the history of top-secret mind control operations as these relate to historical events and the long-term, covert plan to use these technologies to control individuals, groups, and nations; and ultimately, to create a society of cyborg slaves. This timeline includes testimony of expert scientists, psychiatrists, military and intelligence operatives, etc. It identifies key names, government entities, dates, places, and projects of this centuries-long project which has now brought us to the brink of implementation of this highly complex technocratic enslavement system. This timeline also provides names, dates, and testimonies of “targeted individuals” (TIs) who have been secretly implanted with biosensors, tranceivers, etc. and subsequently tracked, remotely tortured, terrorized, and enslaved. These intelligent and brave individuals include Glen E. Nichols (see: 1957), Robert Naeslund (see: 1967), David A. Larson (see: 1997), and James Walbert (see: 2008).

Testimonies of these TIs:

1) prove that targeted individuals have been the human guinea pigs for the development of a number of these related human-machine interface (cybernetics) and mind control projects since the 1940s at least,
2) confirm that these covert programs date back to the 1940s and that their ultimate purpose is the total control, indeed, enslavement of humans.

These conclusions are born out by innumerable patents, military documents, scientific papers and books. In this timeline, I rely on multiple sources, who are experts I have cited in my website (now with 2,532 posts) and my website (now with 1,024 posts). However, I rely most heavily herein on Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994).

II. Summary/Overview In Quotes From Scientists, Researchers, Experts, Whistleblowers,
and Targeted Individuals:

1) “Just as nuclear war changed the nature of conventional war, it made Invisible War (IW) a necessity. The only safe way to wage war, the warriors realised, was to wage it silently. Toward the end of WW2 various forms of IW research began, and eventually modern warriors came up with a number of insidious ways to subdue enemy populations without their ever knowing that a war had even begun.

Today secret “invisible weapons” pose a more ominous threat to life than even thermonuclear holocaust. These weapons have not only been developed without the knowledge of their intended victims, they cannot even be detected at the very moment they are murdering or robotising civilian populations. Only by lifting the veil of secrecy and informing humanity of the realities of invisible weapons can free people everywhere survive to liberate themselves from the bleak, unliveable future promised by the technology of Invisible War.”

Walter Bowart and Richard Sutton, “The Invisible Third World War” (2011)

2) Ex-CIA neuroscientist, the late Dr. Robert Duncan:

“There are hundreds of uncovered human experimentation projects that our own government has done on its citizens. Neurotechnology weapons are very old, easily before the 1960s. They really didn’t roll (these weapons) out and come online until 1976. (It) ramped up quite a bit after 9/11. You see the increase in targets based on the military budgets. Obama calls it the BRAIN Initiative.

This is about war, it’s about controlling humans, all of you. This will be the end of the human race as we know it. The subtext is to get these weapons more refined by sampling more minds. They also want to hide this very dark period of 60 years of torturous, murderous, silent assassination, secret stealing, influencing democracies from the public and so they want civilian scientists to re-discover what we (the military) have done in our secret labs. (Webmaster comment: They also want to hide the 60 years of torturous black projects by killing off the human test subjects, aka TIs!!!!) All this can only end one way: The brain-nets and the hive mind. All humanoids will be connected and regulated. You’ll probably have thought police.

We (the government) can steal your passwords and interrogate your mind while you are dreaming. Probing minds has kind of been covered up by the mystical ideas of psychic spying/psychic warrior but it’s really neurological cloning. If you’re an “enemy of the state,” well, the “enemy” includes your family and friends. We can de-stablize and demoralize with these technologies. We can alter decision-making in real time. The more these weapons are known about the less effect they will have.

For those who are political dissidents and need to be disposed of, this weapon’s perfect because usually it causes some form of mental illness during the rehabilitation process. And (then) they get labeled mentally ill and get put on drugs. This is what a lot of humans are going through. It’s a painful process. You can call it “forced re-education” or “stealing someone’s soul.” You might not even know your intellectual property is being stolen.

In practice, over time the link is lost (between target and controllers). That’s why you need the auditory hearing effect to synchronize the brains and make sure they stay locked on with similar stimulus to each brain. Yeah, these are the secrets of psychic remote viewing and influencing.

Only governments as large as the United States and maybe Britain, China, and Russia can pull off this trick worldwide and on their own populations. Counterintelligence works so well. You have to read the book, The Art of War. People fall for all the trickery. It seems like God is doing this to them. They are making fun of the ignorance of humanity while they perform this trickery. You actually know how to take over the world now. You can control the world with this technology… (Dec. 15, 2019):

“This is the most important weapons system that the United States, and I assume that Russia and China, are developing. This is actually real ESP. This truly is the most sophisticated weapons system that humanity has ever created. It involves every aspect of science. It involves tactics that are unimaginable unless you just have a devious, criminal mind. And it destroys lives. It’s being used on innocent people. Every time the military gets a bigger budget, like after 9/11, you have more targets come on line, and they all have the same date when they came on line.

This is about brain hacking, mind hacking. We’ve re-wired the brain, so you actually have more inputs. But there’s a cost: you are taking away from your other senses. TIs will never be the same human beings again. Their brains are fried. Under our government, there’s (officially) no such thing as torture. Through the trickery, they can make people harm themselves.

They are cataloging and classifying brain patterns which can be transformed and transmitted into other human beings. All that is being done is they are playing these patterns back into the brain and central nervous system. There is no physical touch. There is no physical harm being done to the individual. But they’ll go through three a day of these different tortures. This is all done through the brain. It’s the brain’s reaction to these different tortures that they are playing back to them.

The brain feels the pain as if it’s real. We call it no-touch torture. This causes heart damage over time. So these aren’t completely “non-lethal” weapons. One of the objectives of torture is to keep them in maximum pain and as high a stress level as possible. And all of that cortisol running through your system for years creates all sorts of cardio-vascular diseases and tertiary diseases. They have many damaging effects.

I think Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and General Michael Hayden should be held responsible, amongst many others.”

From: Dr. Robert Duncan (Ex-CIA Neuroscientist and TI) Videos: A. Voice of God Weapons used on American Civilians – Targeted Individuals, B. Full MIT Presentation on Neuroweapons used on American Civilians & Comments and Commentary

3) … “The elite’s aim is to get the whole world population micro-chipped for total control!……. Cybernetics, the full neurological control and communications has been in use since the 1940s without any knowledge of the general public. The objectives, behavior modification and influencing bodily and mental functions, processes and emotions remotely through computer satellite links, have been successful.

The purpose of MK (mind control) is taking over your mind, brain and body. It is to disrupt memory, discredit people through aberrant behavior, alter your sex patterns, or elicit information. The goal of MK is to program an individual- you and me, and anybody – to carry out any mission of espionage or assassination against your will (and) to control the absolute behavior and thought patterns of the individual.

The guise of “national security” is used as an excuse for illegal activities to cover up manipulation of the opinions of targeted individuals. It is done with electromagnetic fields, various drugs and sprays. Psychological warfare includes surveillance 24 hr/365 days both physically and with the use of electric means.

Objectives of neuro-electronic communication (aka “targeted individual program”) are behavior manipulation, influencing bodily functions and emotions remotely through satellite and data computers. Astronauts and cosmonauts were always- and are- implanted, with a microchip so their every body functions, thoughts and dreams could be seen on earth (computer screens).….. The computer- and satellite-steered, micro-chipped population are cyborgs, no longer free human beings with their own thoughts and emotions and attitudes.

…. We are living in an era where everything is controlled by the elite and intelligence agencies and those opposing their tyranny are eliminated with mind control, micro-chipped patsies or false-flag suicide or accidents or induced illnesses. A CIA agent told me that they can kill from a distance, make year heart stop beating, or radiate you to death from satellites to create cancer, etc.

They can manipulate human emotions, change one’s sexual behavior, break marriages, destroy friendships and family ties. They can erase your memory with EDOM, electronic dissolution of memory, and they can induce false memories with RHIC, radio-hypnotic intra-cerebral control (webmaster: since the early 1960s)!

All is done with specific electromagnetic frequencies with super technology. Patents exist – altering moods and stimulating our brainwaves to certain rhythms from satellites exist. How do you fight satellite surveillance? You cannot. The aim is total control, isolation and breaking the target individual’s support system and to control the whole world population through brain-satellite links to computer. These far advanced technologies being used are totally hidden from the mediocratic academics and population.“

…. Mass remote mind control by blanket coverage of the population is achieved via the mobile phone network. …. They use different frequencies for different results. For ex. 15 Hz is used against the auditory cortex and that is sound that bypasses the ears. You don’t need ears to hear! 25 Hz is used against the visual cortex images for the brain without your eyes. With 20 Hz directed to your thought center it imposes subconscious thoughts, which you think are your own.

Mind control technology in the USA is classified under “non-lethal” weaponry. The name is totally misleading because the technology used IS lethal, but death comes slowly in the form of “normal” illnesses, like cancer, leukemia, heart attacks, Alzheimer’s disease with loss of short term memory first. No wonder these illnesses have increased all over the world.

According to Navy studies they also cause fatigue states, depression, insomnia, aggressiveness, long and especially short term memory loss, short catatonic states, cataracts, leukemia, cancer, heart attacks, brain tumors and so forth.

Alteration of behavior and attitudes has been demonstrated as well. Dr. Ross Adey has found out that by using 0.75 milliwatts per square centimeter intensity of pulse modulated microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz it is possible to control ALL aspects of human behaviour!

All our emotions, moods, and thoughts have a specific brain frequency which has been catalogued. If these records fall into the wrong hands, our behaviour and attitudes can be manipulated by persons whose ethics and morals are not in our best interest.

… the Swedish military research (FOI) declares in their report of activities that their goal is to direct the cognitive functions of people for a lifetime.

… … On July 21, 1994, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) proposed that “non-lethal” weapons be used against anyone engaged in activities that DOD opposed. That could include almost anyone. DOD’s potential enemies may be counter-cultural individuals, those with opposing political viewpoints, economic competitors, biological undesirables, etc. From my point of view, the uses of this new technology philosophically are comparable to and amount to the Biblical Fall of man, the eviction from paradise. The all-encompassing thought-reading and mind-influencing capacity (of this technology) divides man into two encampments: Those few “God-like” people, who are allowed to use these means, and all others, whose freedom and free will is being taken away.

… …To label the (non-consensual) human experimentees, the victims of mind control, as paranoid-schizophrenic is a crime against humanity…”

From: Key Insights Into Global Organized Stalking-Mind Control System From Dr. Rauni Kilde’s (MD, author and TI) book “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015)

4) “Virtually every leading psychiatrist in North America between the 1940s and 1970s was involved in some aspect of the CIA’s mind control research.”

Dr. Colin A. Ross (From “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994) by Walter Bowart).

5) “Since the 1950s, doctors in both East and West have ignored the sacred oaths of their profession and helped in governments-sponsored research into methods of medical torture and mind control.”

Gordon Thomas, author and BBC producer, “Journey Into Madness” The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse” (1989)

6) “In the new era, thought itself will be transmitted by radio.”

Guglielni Marconi

7) “Electronic systems that can be totally implanted within the body have progressed in the last twenty years from single transistor devices to complex multifunction devices that can also incorporate memory and microprocessor logic functions.”

“Survey of Implantable Telemetry,” Tomas B. Fryer, NASA, 1974

8) “The technique of telemetric control of human beings offers the possibility of regulating behavior with precision on a subconscious level.”

“Electronics in the Observation and Control,” Crime and Justice, 1972

9) “The purpose of biomedical telemetry is to monitor or study animals and humans with minimal disturbance to their normal activity, during sleeping, loving, working, eating, lecturing and diving, etc.”

Dr. Stuart Mackay, “Telemetry is Coming of Age,” 1983

10) “This technique would also lend itself to the restriction and control of people’s private lives and social behavior on a national level. There would be the unfettered violation of personal integrity and the suppression of social and political activity, enough to make Orwell’s terrifying robotized state a reality.”

Yoneji Masuda, The Information Society (1980)

11) “The first superpower to master psychotronic weapons will be the superpower to rule the world.” (Who has these weapons? US, Russia, China, UK, Israel and ?.)

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

12) “Michael W. Wynne, 21st Secretary of the Air Force (2005-2008), said, “We have to use it (the Cognitive Warfare (CW)/psychotronic warfare/neuroweapons system) on our own citizens before we will use it on the battlefield.” That’s the way they think. He got fired for that comment… Every time the military gets a bigger budget, like after 9/11, you have more targets come on line, and they all have the same date when they came on line.”

“The most profound crime a government can do to an individual is peer into their minds without consent. The intelligence agencies have become a virus, a cancer, on all of humanity. We have been trying to concentrate evil as humans understand it to create weaponry that attacks the information systems of the brain and body….”

Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist, author of “Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed” (2010); From: CIA/DoD Brain Scientists Explain U.S. Govt’s Secret, No-Touch Torture Experimentation-Murder-Genocide Of Innocent, Nonconsenting American and World Citizens (Targeted Individuals)

13) “(Gangstalking/electronic torture) is a very cleverly disguised program of torture and murder…

In a January 2007 issue of the Washington Post, Dr. (Col. John B.) Alexander said that “nonlethal” weapons should be used to “electronically neuter” people. In his article, “New Weapons For a New World Order” (The Boston Globe, March, 1993), he wrote: “The United States must be able to protect national interests and values, even in ambiguous circumstances.”

According to former intelligence officer, Julianne McKinney’s 1992 report, the pattern of directed-energy attacks and gang stalking is the same all over the world… this program is being used to silently neutralize all people that the New World Order believes will be troublesome to their rule. In particular, this includes intelligent, independent, freethinking, incorruptible, nonconformists.

The control mechanisms in the Soviet Union, which included the targeting of the civilian population, was only made possible by the citizens who stalked and harassed people in public. The KGB’s success, added McKinney, “depended on the extensive use of informant networks and agents provocateurs….” McKinney stated: “I think that once full control is established over a major percentage of the population, and enough of the population is silent and unwilling to stick their necks out, that we inevitably would be heading toward a holocaust.”

Mark M. Rich (author and Targeted Individual, TI): From: Overview/Summary of Gangstalking Institutions and Techniques (From “The Hidden Evil; The financial Elite’s Covert War Against the Civilian Population” by M. M. Rich, 2008):

14) em>”The slavemaster plan is a police state (“Garrison State”) exercising sovereignty over every person in the world. That is their true idea for their world government. Anyone not submitting to slavemaster rule will be ruthlessly annihilated. There will be no rights or freedoms, not even freedom of thought. The slavemasters will dictate what you are allowed to think and how to live. They are currently getting laws passed to jail anyone critical of them. They are working on a surveillance system to detect counter-thoughts. Step by step they are moving the world towards an absolute slavery.

… Scientology attracted some of the most intelligent, caring and able people in the world. That’s the point, now, isn’t it? Behavior modify (mind control) those people as they pose the biggest threat to the slavemaster political agenda. Covertly get them supporting that agenda.

Social psychiatry is a euphemism for social engineering, also called reality engineering. Social engineering is a euphemism for behavior modification. They have one method for Behavior Modification:

Step 1: Changing who YOU ARE and WHAT YOU THINK – various words are used to define actions undertaken in this direction, such as De-patterning, De-conditioning, De-aberrating (that one is Scientology), etc.

Step 2: Your consent to accept the NEW YOU with the NEW IDEAS that they want you to have. Various terms apply to this idea, such as “psychic driving”, “changing images of man”, Homo Novis (that one is Scientology), enlightened “education”, etc. The methods for accomplishing step 2 are drugs, torture of any and every kind including electric shock, re-training, “education”, all forms of communication to present the ideas to the “social” (society) group that they are supposed to have.”

From: McClaury’s Blog: Part IX: NWO ‘Slavemasters’ & Our ‘Absolute Slavery’ Via Intel Ops, Mind Control, Scientology, Cults, Torture, 9/11, & “Voices of God”: 2 Timelines (962 – 2012 AD)

15) “The history of CIA torture runs parallel to CIA neuroscience-based mind control research and also CIA nonlethal weapons research. This is important because mind control allegations (by victims/Targeted Individuals) include descriptions of techniques that sound like all three CIA programs. It is possible that the related cold war CIA ‘no touch’ torture, nonlethal weapons and neuroscience-based mind control programs have co-mingled for intelligence uses.

…. (Otto) Doerr-Zegers explained that techniques of torture work by creating deception, distrust, fear, disorientation, a “kind of total theater” that leaves the victim disoriented and “emotionally and psychological damaged.” The similarity of the explanation below to “street theater” found in mind control allegations (Webmaster: by TIs) is remarkable:

“As Doerr-Zegers describes it, the psychological component of torture becomes a kind of total theater, a constructed unreality of lies and inversion, in a plot that ends inexorably with the victim’s self-betrayal and destruction.

“To make their artifice of false charges, fabricated news, and mock executions convincing, interrogators often become inspired thespians. The torture chamber itself thus has the theatricality of a set with special lighting, sound effects, props, and backdrop, all designed with a perverse stagecraft to evoke an aura of fear. Both stage and cell construct their own kind of temporality. While the play both expands and collapses time to carry the audience forward toward denouement, the prison distorts time to disorientate and then entrap the victim. As the torturer manipulates circumstances to “maximize confusion,” the victim feels “prior schemas of the self and the world … shattered” and becomes receptive to the “torturer’s construction of reality.”

…… On Monday, September 17, 2001, President Bush issued a fourteen-page top secret directive to (DCIA) Tenet and the CIA, ordering the agency to hunt, capture, imprison, and interrogate suspects around the world. It set new limits on what the agency could do. It was the foundation for a system of secret prisons where CIA officers and contractors used techniques that included torture…. [The CIA] had participated in the torture of captured enemy (non)combatants (civilians) before, beginning in 1967, under the Phoenix program in Vietnam.”

From: Dr. Alfred McCoy (professor, author of “A Question of Torture; CIA Interrogation From The Cold War To the War On Terror”) and Cheryl Welsh (lawyer, researcher, and TI) In: US Government/CIA/Pentagon Mind Control and Torture Of Innocent Civilians: Cheryl Welsh; 13 Articles

III. Timeline (1800’s to Present) Pertaining To Progress Toward a) Psycho-Civilized Society/Beast System, b) Psychotronic Warfare “Arms Race,” c) Creation of Cyborgs, Super Soldiers, & Bio-Robot Slaves, and d) ‘Targeted Individuals’ As Guinea Pigs for These Programs

1801: First mind control device was created (American representative at a “nonlethal weapons” conference told Dr. Rauni Kilde).

1875: “German psychologist, Wilhelm Wundt, father of experimental psychology, established the world’s first psychological laboratory at the University of Leipzig, Germany. Wundt’s grandfather is documented as having been a member of the Illuminati secret society, making it not unreasonable to imagine that Wilhelm may also have been a member of that group. Wundt developed the psychology of Structuralism that took a mechanistic approach to study of humans via measurement, analysis, and dissection of bodies.  The materialist psychological doctrine spread rapidly with at least twenty-four laboratories established by Wundt’s students between the years 1883 and 1893, and took hold in a variety of fields, including education.  Wundt’s materialistic approach would infect the thinking of most of the influential psychologists, psychiatrists, educators, and social planners who would follow in the 20th century.”

(From Jim Keith:

1882: “Society for Psychical Research (SPR) co-founded in London by Frederick Myer, and conducted under the thumb of the British spymaster family, the Cecil family. Lord Balfour (of Balfour Declaration fame) was a President of the SPR. The SPR was the first to examine paranormal phenomena in a scientific way. They formed six research committees to investigate hypnotism, clairvoyance; telepathy; sensitives; mediums; ghosts and hauntings; and records and archives.”

From McClaughry’s Blog

1920s: Vladimir Lenin, President of USSR, asked Ivan Pavlov, (Wikipedia: “a Russian and Soviet experimental neurologist and physiologist known for his discovery of classical conditioning through his experiments with dogs”), to write manual on how to control human beings.

1920s: Brig. General John Rawlings Reese, head of the Psychological Warfare Division of British Army, established the Tavistock clinic.

1920s: “At the same time Pavlov was experimenting with dogs in Russia, John B. Watson was experimenting with humans in the United States. Watson was the founder of the behaviorist school of psychology . His most notorious accomplishment was his series of experiments on an eleven-month-old infant known to history as Little Albert. (Little Albert was Watson’s own child, who committed suicide as a young adult.)

Watson showed Little Albert a white rat and the child reacted naturally and tried to pet and cuddle the animal. After Albert had established a playful rapport with the rat, Watson began to adversely condition the lad. Each time the rat would come into Albert’s view, Watson would beat the floor with a steel bar and produce a deafening sound. Quite naturally, whenever Albert heard the sound he would jump with fright. Eventually Albert associated the loud sound with the white rat and became frightened of it. Every time the rat came into his view he would begin to cry.” (webmaster: i.e., classical conditioning, “conditioned response”).

From: Bowart’s Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994)

1935: “(British) psycho-dog, William Sargant, was offered a post at Maudsley Hospital, where John Rees was heavily connected through the Tavistock Clinic, trying to figure out how to MAKE MEN KILLERS.

Sargant was given a free hand to begin experimenting with the new drugs that the up-and-coming drug giants were making. In fact, soon after he arrived at the Maudsley, Sargant was involved in testing amphetamine as a new treatment for depression and took it himself. While there at Maudsley, Sargant and Rees helped to introduce the horrifyingly barbaric insulin shock therapy, claiming it’s simple physiological “solution” to be revolutionary. But this was only the beginning. Sargant and Rees would soon be involved in far worse things.

Gordon Thomas, a British Broadcasting Corporation producer, was one of the first writers to gain access to some 200,000 CIA documents on MK ULTRA. Thomas also had several interviews with William Walters Sargant. Thomas wrote a book about what he learned – Inside the Sleep Room. Here are some passages from Inside the Sleep Room…

‘When I was a BBC producer, Sargant told me about his work for MI5 and MI6…. (Sargant’s) early subjects were the victims of “acute battle neurosis”. (webmaster: i.e., shell-shock or PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder) These were men who had simply cracked under the strain of a long war. They were written off as “lacking moral fiber.” But for Sargant they were ideal for his first steps into heavy sedation, drug-induced sleep, modified insulin treatment and barbiturate dosages.

Sargant had a vision, bordering on messianic zeal. He would lead psychiatry into a new world. His weapons would include epileptic-form convulsions, induced by the drug pentetrazol and electroshock; hypoglycemic coma, produced with insulin; psychosurgery and pre-frontal leukotomy. He outlined his methods in his book, Physical Methods of Treatment in Psychiatry. It became required reading for his growing number of medical disciples in Britain and America.

Using his highly placed connections to the American drug industry, Sargant’s arsenal of mind-altering drugs was unequalled in Britain. He was the first to treat – depending on the definition of “treatment”- patients with Thorazine, Stelazine and Mellaril; anti-depressants like Elavil and Tofranil; anti-manics like lithium carbonate. He gave them in combinations. He scoured the psychiatric journals for news of new drugs. Sargant worked closely with Eli Lilly and Company, Hoffman-La Roche and Geigy. Other drug houses who regarded him with favor were Merck, Sharp and Dohme, Parke-Davis and Company, Smith Kline & French Laboratories, and Searle Laboratories.

From them came the drugs which did not free Sargant’s patients from their demons, anxieties and psychoses, but freed him to find more time to treat more patients. The drugs were no more than a means to control. He was the British end of the most sinister program ever approved by the United States government: MKULTRA, an intelligence agency effort designed to control all human behavior.’

1940’s: Dr. Warren McCullough, Dept. of Psychology, University of Illinois, director of the Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute founding member of the American Society for Cybernetics, and chair of the set of Macy conferences dedicated to Cybernetics, pioneered the mathematical study of neural nets and Artificial Intelligence.

1940: Sir John Rawlings Rees, former head of Psychological Warfare Division of British Army and founder of Tavistock Clinic, to the National Council For Mental Hygiene:

“…since the last world war (WWI) we have done much to infiltrate the various social organizations throughout the country… Similarly we have made a useful attack upon a number of professions.  The two easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession and the Church: the two most difficult are law and medicine.

If we are to infiltrate the professional and social activities of other people (and nations) I think we must imitate the Totalitarians and organize some kind of fifth column activity!  Let us all, therefore, very secretly be “fifth columnists”.”

McClaury: ‘OSS and CIA are actually British intelligence… Since the OSS and CIA are part of the American government, that makes it appear that their actions are the actions of the American government, when in fact their actions are dictated by (and thus are attributive to) the British rule-the-world crowd)’.

From: McClaughry’s Blog in Part IX (Slavemasters, etc.)

1940’s-50s: American/Canadian neurosurgeon, Dr. Wilder Penfield produced map of the human brain, the “Penfield homunculus.”

1940s: Unrestricted, sadistic medical experiments were carried out on prisoners in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. Dr. Joseph Mengele, the “Auschwitz Angel of Death,” escaped Germany after WWII via the Vatican “rat lines” of the CIA’s Operation Paperclip and programmed children all over the West using Illuminati-Nazi torture-based mind control techniques.

1940s: (Nazi) “Heinrich Himmler’s Lebensborn (‘Fountain of Life”) program may have been the grandparent of (DoDs) Project Monarch. Monarch sought to create junior Manchurian Candidates with multiple personalities, each trained to perform a specific specialty. The kids were programmed to respond to codes, mnemonic cues, and audio-reversed triggers and tones. They were trained in killing techniques and the rapid assembly and de-assembly of exotic weapons. They were educated about poisons, explosives, languages and computers, then programmed to forget it all or remember only selected areas upon command.

Monarch produced a cadre of child spies who were directed to prey upon high placed military, government and high society paedophiles, sometimes hauling them into blackmail situations. As in the Nazi Lebensborn program there is evidence of selected breeding, adoption of the children, and a peculiarly large number of twins among them. There is mounting evidence that the directors of Project Monarch were former Nazis, and that, like Nazism, the Monarch program was interlaced with satanism.”

Walter Bowart (1994)

1942: Psychologist, Dr. George Estabrooks of Colgate University, New York, successfully created multiple personality/Manchurian Candidate assassins via hypnotism. These techniques were immediately applied to American soldiers and others by the U.S. military.

1941-1960: The top-secret, multi-disciplinary Macy Conferences were held in America. Macy Transactions span from 160 conferences over 19 years. Much of the proceedings are still classified. The Cerebral Inhibition Meetingoccurred in 1942 and 10 more Cybernetics Conferences were held from 1946 to 1953. The Macy’s Cybernetics Conference vision is summarized in the documentary: “The Minds of Men” by Aaron and Melissa Dykes (2017):

“In the end, the whole of man can be controlled through his dependence on his environment… At stake was the unveiling of an entirely new paradigm, one which encompassed a holistic view of control that could potentially govern the world and the mind… The system they came up with required that individuals and society be placed in a common communications network. It all centered around man-computer symbiosis (cybernetics)… an artificial nervous system.

… At this point, we realize that reality itself is not a fixed thing, as our nervous systems interpret the symbols and signals of familiar patterns and changes, continuously revising our image of the world. Thus, an artificial matrix is inherent, indeed, unavoidable.

… Man sought to control his own kind by way of understanding what governed his actions, starting with the neuron base unit of mind-body communications. Cybernetics denotes the science of government. In the end, cybernetic modification of the human being makes information and its communication the key to control, making reality itself malleable and our interaction with the technology at hand has created its own feedback derived from our interpreted reality. As this technology captures, measures, and analyzes the world around us, man is programmed and re-programmed through continuous updates provided by this intermediary and conditioning comes with it along with new reflexes.

Ultimately, the underlying natural matrix is supplanted by an artificial one born with the collective consciousness of mankind’s total intent, goals, and purpose.” (Webmaster: I.e., the “hive mind’)

1943: Warren McCullough and Walter Pitts’ seminal paper on neuronal calculus was based on (British scientist) Alan Turing’s work on the Turing Machine, a general-purpose computer. This paper on the logical calculus of neuronal activity in the brain introduced the concept of the neural net and showed how the communication of neurons could be modeled by a digital computer.

1940’s-60s: Top Secret ‘Manhattan Project of the Mind’ carried out. US governments spent over $1 billion/year on mind control projects, including US Navy’s Project Chatter, CIA’s Operation Artichoke/Bluebird/MKULTRA, etc.

1940s: “Sheena Govan and Dorothy Maclean, who will in the following decades help Eileen Caddy start Findhorn, a New Age community in Scotland, are actually working for British Intelligence while ostensibly employed as secretaries at the British Embassy in New York. The two are present when the OSS (Office of Strategic services, the forerunner of the CIA) was formed in New York with the help of British Intelligence.”

From: McClaughry’s blog

1945: “The governments of the states party to this (United Nations) constitution on behalf of their people declare that since wars begin in the minds of men it is in the minds of men that the offensive of peace must be constructed.“

British woman speaking at the founding of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) on November 16, 1945

1945: Dr. Brock Chisolm’s (Canadian psychiatrist, first Director-General of the World Health Organization, WHO) lecture on “The Responsibility of Psychiatrists” includes this:

“The object of the William Alanson White Memorial Lectures is stated as the perpetuation of “the tradition of Dr. White in disseminating significant  developments in psychiatry to the profession”…  Two, to watch carefully for signs that any individuals or groups are becoming potential enemies and to kill them all ruthlessly before they can become strong.

… shorter, more effective techniques of treatment.  Shock, chemotherapy- group therapy… Hypno- and narco-analysis, psycho-drama– (webmaster: aka “street theater”) even surgery, can all be used, and some of these methods may be employed by other than trained psychiatrists.”

McClaughry Blog Note: Chisholm now goes on again, at some length, on trying to figure out the logistics of zapping and drugging and surgerying everyone in the world – should it become necessary, which he says that it is.  What’s an enslaver to do – too many people to ZAP, not enough time, basically. Brock Chisolm:

“…a continual high pressure research program to discover ever more efficient methods of killing to keep ahead of any possible competition. This must go on until we, all the people, are re-educated to be able to live in peace together…”

“The re-interpretation and eventually the eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training…”

(From McClaughry’s Blog in Part IX of “Is Crestone/Baca the Vatican City of the New World Order” (

(Webmaster: This program, described in 1945 by the Canadian president of the United Nations World Health Organization sounds much like gangstalking-electronic harassment/targeted individual program to me!!!!!!!!)

1945: “Before, during and after World War II, British psychopath psychiatrist, William Walters Sargant, is butchering people with various forms of pain-drug-hypnosis (PDH) treatments. He combines abreactive therapy with PDH… Concerning this time period, David Clark May writes:

“…William Sargant was practicing narco-analysis and abreactive therapy with ether, whipping battle neurosis cripples into dramatic abreactive displays of emotion and terror…”

From McClaughry’s Blog

1945: Tavistock Institute’s head, Sir Lord Brigadier General Dr. John Rawlings Rees III, praised Sargants’ unbridled butchery of people:

“The battle neuroses have been treated effectively. There has been a tendency to move away from straight persuasion and hypnosis to the chemical methods of sedation, narco-analysis and modified insulin therapy, but the results as judged by returns to duty are little or no better than they were in the last war…. For this work we owe much to Sargant, Slater and other workers in the English Emergency Medical Service.”

William Sargant himself made this statement:

“For several years past we have been treating severe resistant depression with long periods of sleep treatment. We can now keep patients asleep or very drowsy for up to 3 months if necessary. During sleep treatment we also give them ECT and anti-depressant drugs.”

William Sargant used narcosis (sleep treatment) to overcome a patient’s refusal of electro-convulsive therapy (ECT), and to deliver electric shock without their knowledge.”

From: McClaurghy’s Blog

1945-1970s: Many thousands of Nazi doctors and rocket scientists were smuggled into America under CIA’s top-secret Operation Paperclip. Many were confirmed to be former members of the Nazi Party, including the SS or the SA.

1947-53: “Project Chatter was a United States Navy program beginning in 1947 focusing on the identification and testing of drugs in interrogations (aka torture) and the recruitment of agents. Study included laboratory experiments on both animal and human subjects. The program, directed by Charles Savage of the Naval Medical Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, was geared toward identifying both synthetic and natural drugs that were effective during interrogation, as well as testing possible treatments for depression. The project was centered on, but not restricted to, the use of anabasine (an alkaloid), scopolamine and mescaline. It was the first U.S. government project in which lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) was used on human subjects. The Navy ended the project in 1953 when its experiments were merged into Project MKULTRA.”


1945: First RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips invented. From Wikipedia: “In 1945, Leon Theremin invented the “Thing”, a listening device for the Soviet Union which retransmitted incident radio waves with the added audio information…. This device was a covert listening device, rather than an identification tag, (but) it is considered to be a predecessor of RFID because it was passive, being energised and activated by waves from an outside source. Mario Cardullo’s device, patented on January 23, 1973, was the first true ancestor of modern RFID,[10] as it was a passive radio transponder with memory.

1947: National Security Act is passed and thereby, the CIA is created out of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services). The CIA immediately merges with the Nazi Gehlen Organization spy group and partners with the Italian mafia to overthrow elections in Italy in Greece. It also begins preliminary work with drugs, starts a mind-control drug project at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland, and investigates hypnosis.

Walter Bowart (1994) on effect of the National Security Act, the CIA,“the cryoptocracy” (rule by secrecy) on Post WWII America:

“the National Security Act says that “in the interest of national security” you’re not entitled to a fair trial… all your civil rights can be suspended in the “interest of national security”. And what is national security? Nobody knows. There’s no case law on it. It’s anything the cryptocrats say it is, and for some reason, the judges go along with this . Why? Probably because they’re part of the cryptocracy, or
they’re afraid that the pictures of themselves molesting that beautiful young child will be made public and that’ll be the end of their careers. They didn’t know that it was the cryptocrats who provided the child and the child is an MPD (multiple personality) who’s specially trained to perform some perverted sexual act that serves the judges own pedophilic or bestial tastes… But I don’t want to pick on
judges, how about Senators, Congressmen, Presidents, Cabinet members, prominent entertainers, the rich and the famous… This is what we’re hearing over and over from the survivors of Project Monarch — which may have been also called Project One Hundred Thousand… (Have you seen anything about that in your local newspapers?)

… The National Security Act has taken the truth away. We are, in fact, living in a state of Martial Law, a State of National Emergency. They call it national security. Where’s the security in it? Without freedom, without civil rights, what kind of security can a people have?

The Cold War was World War III – a war waged, largely, against the human mind. A war waged largely with words – the most powerful tool of behavior modification.

In the beginning, the men who had won World War II with advanced weaponry were less artful in the use of the new psychological warfare. As the Cold War escalated propaganda was followed by sabotage, assassinations, paramilitary covert operations, and limited “police actions .. before the arsenal for waging invisible war (IW) was developed.”

America had traditionally been a free and open society. But after the war, U.S. leaders held in their bands an awesome technological superiority. While being the love object of government, the new technologies, especially nuclear energy, made the leaders fearful of losing their monopoly. That fear gave rise to the belief that new secret agencies and operations were needed to guard against technological thefts by foreign governments. The Cold War was a “secret” war in more ways than one.

Psychological warfare, originally waged only against “enemy” countries, eventually came home. (Many thousands of) Nazi war criminals, experts in the black crafts of mind control were allowed to immigrate to the U.S. under Project Paperclip. Most were employed by the U.S. cryptocracy. With the Nazis in place, the psychological war began against the American people. It was waged against beliefs and free thought, by a cryptocracy which is still supported by all the power of the federal government, but which operates outside the chain of governmental command.

(Webmaster comment: The German word for psychological warfare is “Weltanshauungskrieg,” or “worldview warfare.”)

Often it takes the form of “privatized” government, with the controls appearing to be vested in the ordinary business community. In any event, behind it is a secret bureaucracy become paranoid – a cryptocracy mad with world power whose most powerful weapons are aimed at the human mind.

Although the Central Intelligence Agency has long been the convenient symbol for all those who have committed atrocities in the name of national security, the secret bureaucracy, the cryptocracy, does not consist solely of the CIA. It is as well a vast network of alliances between individuals in a number of government agencies normally thought to be outside the intelligence field.

Since the cryptocracy violates every constitutional principle as a matter of course, and commits every crime known to man in the interest of “national security,” it cannot entirely rely on the patriotism of its agents to keep its secrets. Therefore, no single individual is told more than he has a .. “need to know.”

The cryptocracy is a brotherhood reminiscent of the ancient secret societies, with rites of initiation and indoctrination programs to develop in its loyal membership the special understanding of its mysteries. It has secret codes and oaths of silence which reinforce the sense of elitism necessary for the maintenance of its strict loyalty. It is automated, organized in the mode of a computer, where all have access to general knowledge and the most obvious aims and goals, but where the individual is isolated by tribal rituals and compartmentalization.

It is a technocratic organization without ideology, loyal only to an unspoken, expedient, and undefined patriotism. Its recruits are schooled in the writings of Niccolo Machiavelli. Its members are anonymous. Its funds are secret. Its operational history is a secret. Even its goals are secret. It is a degenerative disease of the body politic which has grown rampant, spreading so invisibly that after nearly four decades its existence is known only to a handful of “decision makers.”

The cryptocracy is designed to function like a machine. It also has the feelings of a machine — none at all. But, unlike a machine, it does have ambition. To it, human beings are so much cheap hardware who perform certain set functions which produce certain predetermined results. They are valued relative to cost and efficiency. The cryptocracy is the perfect cybernetic organism – pure logic at the planning level – nothing but automatic response in the field.”

(Webmaster: I.e., the cryptocracy is a destructive cult… the “cult of intelligence.”)

1948: The “Harvard Economic Research Project” stated the goal: “and to establish a world system of slave labor.” Full statement:

“Since energy is the key to all activity on the face of the earth, it follows that in order to attain a monopoly of energy, raw materials, goods and services, and to establish a world system of slave labor, it is necessary to have a first strike capability in the field of economics. In order to maintain our position, it is necessary that we have absolute first knowledge of the science of control (cybernetics) over all economic factors and the first experience at engineering the world economy. Eventually every individual element of this structural automation comes under computer control by manipulating their personal preferences.”

1948: Dr. Norbert Weiner (Jewish MIT mathematician and co-originator of cybernetics, the science of communication as it relates to living things and machines) authored the book, “Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine.”

1948: Warren McCullough stated that they (McCullough and Pitts) were treating the brain as a Turing machine (computer). The cybernetics movement was based around looking into the brain but treating the brain as a Turing Machine and following the same mathematical rules that would work mechanically with a computer as you would with a biological person or organism.


1949: “A show trial took place (in the Soviet Union), featuring Josef Cardinal Mindszenty. With a glazed look in his eyes, Mindszenty confessed to crimes of treason he apparently did not commit – demonstrating what “could happen” to foreign agents or anyone who could be “mind controlled” into talking.

This presented the “problem” to the American Congress and the British Parliament (and the public) that “needed solving”.

Enter…… mind-control experimentation in the name of “national security”. LSD. Shortly after the show trial, a workgroup was set up by Fred Williams of the U.S. Air Force. It was called the Air Force Psychological Warfare Division and was located at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. The group was a clearing house for a larger network, some of the members of which were Colonel James Monroe (who later joined the CIA); Albert Biderman, a sociologist; air force psychiatrists Herman Sander and Robert J. Lifton; Harold Wolff and Lawrence Hinkle at Cornell; and CIA psychologist John Gittinger.

Wolff had met Allen Dulles, head of the CIA, when he treated his son for injuries from the Korean War.

This same year, 1949, after the field has been primed with “fear of turning men’s minds”, a Viennese doctor named Otto Kauders traveled to the United States in search of research funds. He gave a conference at Boston Psychopathic Hospital concerning the new drug, LSD. Kauder described how an infinitesimally small dose had rendered Dr. Albert Hofmann (who discovered it) temporarily “crazy.”

Robert W. Hyde’s colleague, Max Rinkel, an Army neuropsychiatrist and refugee from Hitler’s Germany (i.e. Operation Paperclip import), was so intrigued by Kauders’ presentation that he quickly contacted Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in Switzerland, where Albert Hofmann worked. Sandoz officials arranged to ship some LSD across the Atlantic, and the “experiments” began.

Dr. Max Rinkel was particularly interested in using LSD to induce a schizophrenia-like state in mentally healthy people. Rinkel and Hyde, then went on to organize an LSD study at the facility in which they tested the drug on 100 volunteers, reporting their initial findings in May 1950 at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.

They tested it on far more people than was put on paper, and not all of them were “volunteers” – not by a long shot. This was a CIA sanctioned experiment. They even tested it on children. At the behest of their British masters, the OSS and CIA were conducting mind control research that was not yet officially authorized.

A CIA Memo (written in June 1951) says: “C.I.A. interest is in the specific subject of devising scientific methods for controlling the minds of individuals.” And so, in the late 1940′s some essentially uncontrolled experimentation was begun by various people within the CIA.”

This led to a more structured program that had the name Bluebird, later named Artichoke, MK Ultra, and finally named MK Search. Under Projects Bluebird and Artichoke the attempt was made to bring together all known knowledge of interrogation techniques, truth serums, polygraphs, and hypnosis – to create an elite interrogation team with facility in all of those endeavors, and have them do the work that would be needed, first of all to protect against infiltration by enemy agents, and also to protect the minds of American agents who might get captured by Communist individuals.”

1950: “CIA-contracted psychiatrists begin (or in some cases continue) secret experiments with ice-pick lobotomies, electroshock, hypnosis, pain, and drugs, including cocaine, heroin, and LSD. These experiments were done in coordination with the Veteran’s Administration. U.S. military veterans were used as unwitting subjects for many of the experiments.

The CIA’s Project Artichoke was attempting to create a mind-controlled killer, who could be programmed to carry out assassinations. The methods used for doing the programming included PDH methods (pain-drugs-hypnosis) including electroshock.

Rinkel and Hyde’s LSD experiments at Boston Psychopathic on psychiatric patients (without their permission) now came under BLUEBIRD. (BLUEBIRD was rechristened ARTICHOKE on 20 August 1951.) Hyde became director of Research at the Vermont State Hospital, his tasks are still under the rubrick of the CIA.

Official documents Wetmore has uncovered show that the Vermont State Hospital had a history of experimenting with drug treatments on its patients. At least one of those experiments, which predated Hyde’s tenure at the hospital, was financed by the federal agencies identified by researchers as a conduit for money for the CIA “black-ops” experimentation.”

From: Bowart (1994)

1950: Jewish MIT mathematician, Dr. Norbert Weiner, published: “The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society”

1950, 1 June: (L. Ron) Hubbard’s (Scientology) Dianetic Research Foundation is incorporated. From the “Science of Survival:”

“This form of hypnotism has been a carefully guarded secret of certain military and intelligence organizations. It is a vicious war weapon and may be of more use in conquering a society than the atom bomb. Pain-drug-hypnosis is a wicked extension of narco-synthesis, the drug hypnosis used in America only during and since the last war. But pain-drug-hypnosis, due mainly to the intent of the operator, is a much more vicious procedure. The Foundation undertook some tests with regard to the effectiveness of pain-drug-hypnosis and found it so appallingly destructive to the personality… Pain-drug-hypnosis is so effectively destructive that the Foundation has ceased experimentation along this line, having already learned enough and refusing to endanger the sanity of individuals.“

So, the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation did pain-drug-hypnosis experiments – which is exactly what the CIA mind control programme wanted research on back then.

Hubbard also does research into the remedy for PDH, another thing that the CIA wanted research on, to protect the minds of captured American agents who might get PDH’d. A declassified CIA document of 12 May 1949, shows that the Agency specifically wanted a counter-measure (remedy) against interrogation methods such as combinations of drugs and hypnosis.

The CIA and military used civilians to do discreditable research, which gives the government plausible deniability for atrocious actions taken by these researchers.”

McClaughy Blog

1950: “Between 1950 and 1974 when the United States Federal Government (CIA) sponsored research on medical torture of victims through behavior modification, United States Government consulted with, hired and worked closely with top Psychiatrists in America who were contributors to methods of extracting and methods of eradicating memories from individuals’ brains. These were done on subjects who were not aware that they were being medically tortured or manipulated for the purpose of mind control. A great number of Universities participated in these studies. Some have made public apologies.

One of the these organizations was the Society for the Study of Human Ecology, a CIA front group. Others were panels and groups with the military. Hospitals and universities in the United States that participated can be found in the books referenced under mind control. Survivors that began to emerge from the mental health system in late 1970s detail the abuses used for medical research. These victims are part of a programmed group of slaves being used in the underground for pornography, drug trafficking, prostitution, and assassinations.”

Bowart (1994)

1949-51: “CIA Project Bluebird, according to Dr. Colin A. Ross, included successful creation of multiple personality disorder, the Manchurian Candidate assassin, by psychiatrists. American POWs who returned from Korean captivity were subjected to various behavioral modification techniques, experimental drugs, hypnosis, and “special interrogation methods” — the euphemism for torture — at Bethesda Naval Hospital, Walter Reed, Valley Forge in Pennsylvania. The Army, Navy, and Air Force joined the CIA in Project Bluebird.

Helping to make up Bluebird’s staff are Richard Helms, James Jesus Angleton, and (Dr.) Sidney Gottlieb. They establish liaisons with police departments and criminology labs. They contact hypnotists, physicians, and psychiatrists. They design activities to create an “exploitable alteration of personality”.

1951: Project Artichoke was a CIA mind control program that gathered information together with the intelligence divisions of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and FBI. The scope of the project was outlined in a memo dated January 1952 that asked, “Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self-preservation?”

Initially known as Project Bluebird, Project Artichoke officially arose on August 20, 1951, and was operated by the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence. Its primary goal was to determine whether a person could be involuntarily made to perform an act of attempted assassination. The project also studied the effects of mind control and hypnosis, forced addiction to (and subsequent withdrawal from) morphine, and other chemicals, including LSD, to produce amnesia and other vulnerable states in victims.

Bowart (1994)

1952: CIA memo (regarding Operation Bluebird):

“The aim is controlling an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of human nature as self-preservation.”

1952: Under CIA’s Project Moonstruck, electrodes were placed into the brain in order to track people, according to Dr. Rauni Kilde, former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland, targeted individual and author of “Bright Light on Black Shadows.”

Project Moonstruck, 1952, CIA:

1) Electronic implants in brain and teeth,
2) Long range Targeting,
3) Implanting during surgery or surreptitiously (secretly) during abduction,
(Webmaster comment: This explains the MILABS or Military Abductions phenomenon)
4) Frequency range: HF – ELF transceiver implants,
5) Purpose: Tracking, mind and behavior control, conditioning, programming, covert operations,
6) Functional Basis: Electronic Stimulation of the Brain, E.S.B.)

(From: Major US Government/Military/Intelligence Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects, 1952- 1998)

(In “The Radiohead Protocol: At Last V2K Mind Control Has An Alpha and Omega,” former Targeted Individual, Electronic Angel, points out that the CIA’s 1952 Project Moonstruck IS “the Targeted Individual Program!!!!” She states:

“It is devastating to realize, with dawning comprehension and a crushed spirit, that the V2K and Electronic Harassment experienced by so many Targeted Individuals today is actually Project Moonstruck, a bona fide mind control program of the mighty US government.”

For summary of Electronic Angel’s three books, see: Lightly Annotated Excerpts from Electric Angel’s Trilogy: 7 Keys to V2k, The Truth Will Set You Free & The Radiohead Protocol)

1953: Stalin, who strongly objected to furthering the “invisible/mind control warfare ‘arms race,’ died and psychotronic warfare arms race commenced in earnest between USSR and US with the initiation of the CIA’s MKULTRA program.

1953-73+: CIA Director Allen Dulles 1953 initiates Operation MKULTRA on April 13, stating: “We need human guinea pigs.”

MKULTRA begun (officially, it actually got into operation the year before), with Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Jewish chemist, as its director. Gottlieb later testified before Congress that, MKULTRA’s purpose was “to investigate whether and how it was possible to modify an individual’s behavior by covert means”.

1950s (early): “Eileen Caddy, later the primary channeler of Findhorn Eco-Community in Scotland, leaves her five children and her first husband (Andrew Combe, who is both Peter Caddy’s Commanding Officer and a member of Moral Rearmament, a religious organization which has been linked to the CIA, for (British) Royal Air Force Officer, Peter Caddy (who was at the time married to “former” British Intelligence operative Sheena Govan — see, 1940s), and in 1954, Eileen begins to hear a “voice” claiming to be “God”. Before it is over she will fill some thirty thousand notebook pages with the “voice’s” dictation to her.”

McClaughry’s Blog

1956: “Peter Caddy installs Eileen Caddy with Sheena Govan on the Scottish island of Mull. It is populated largely in the south by Duart Clan Maclean. Sheena subjects Eileen to what appears to be nothing less than a case study of classical (Chinese technique) brainwashing, at least as her experience is later described by Paul Hawken (see, 1962), who interviewed her for his book, The Magic of Findhorn. It includes isolation, sleep deprivation, prolonged maintenance of painful positions, ego-devastating disparagement, etc. Previously to this she had refused to believe that the “voice” she was hearing was actually that of “God”, as it had claimed. (By this time, after having returned to and again left her first husband, Eileen has married Peter Caddy. She has also tried to kill herself during another, earlier, less intense apparent attempt at “brainwashing” by Sheena Govan.)”

McClaughry’s Blog

Dr. Norbert Weiner, MIT mathematics professor and cyberneticist, invented “autocorrelator,” a computer capable of sending and receiving EEG patterns (brain waves) from human brains and interpreting these signals via Fourier (spectral) analysis, thereby initiating Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI) technology.

1950’s: Soviets secretly micro-wave American diplomats (1950’s to 70s) with the so-called “Moscow Signal.” CIA and State Dept. conceal this information from American diplomats and the US embassy, thus allowing them to be used as microwave guinea pigs

: First known use of the term “transhumanism”.
 Transhumanism is an international intellectual and cultural movement supporting the use of new sciences and technologies to enhance human cognitive and physical abilities.
 During the early 80s, the transhumanist vision of a profoundly transformed future humanity arrives also in the Computer Society.
 (Haupt timeline)

1957: Psychiatrist, Milton Klein, stated: “I can make a patsy in 3 months. It takes 6 months to make an assassin.”

1958: “A Course in Miracles” channeler, Helen Schucman, goes to work for William Thetford in the Psychology Department at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. (See URANTIAGATE article: Lie Down with Dogs, Get up with Fleas!: The MKULTRA Milieu Surrounding the “Scribing” of A Course In Miracles).

[Peter Caddy and William Thetman (sic, Thetford) play almost identical supportive roles in relation to their channelers, respectively, Eileen Caddy and Helen Schucman. Both men appear to be unwavering in their belief in the genuineness of the women’s “contacts”, both convince the women that what they are hearing is indeed real and encourage them to continue in spite of their doubts. Caddy, however, appears to have carried his “support” over into actual brainwashing, as it was practiced in the post-Korean War era. Peter Caddy had only a known indirect connection with British Intelligence through his wife, Sheena Govan. However while he was in the (British) Royal Air Force he did undertake a secret, wartime, intelligence mission to Tibet for his government. On the other hand, William Thetford’s secret direct connection to the CIA’s mind-control program, MKULTRA, has been exposed by the release of FOIA declassified documents.]”

From McClaughry’s blog

1957-60: Dr. Ewen Cameron, Scottish-born CIA psychiatrist and friend of Sir John Rawlings Rees and William Sargant, began research on MKULTRA Subproject 68 at McGill University’s Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Canada. These experiments involved erasing (termed “de-patterning”) and then re-programming (termed “psychic driving”) the minds of his unwitting patients through prolonged tortures similar to those mentioned above. Some of these patients lost all memories of their previous lives. the project was jointly sponsored by the CIA and the Canadian government. Some of these patients also successfully sued the Canadian government for damages. However, the CIA never admitted their liability.

1958:  Project Orion, U.S. Air Force,

Drugs, hypnosis, Electrical Stimulation of the brain
Targeting: short range, in person
Frequencies: ELF modulation
Transmission and Reception: radar, microwaves, modulated at ELF frequencies
Purpose: Top security personnel debriefing, programming, insure security and loyalty
Pseudonym: “Dreamland”

(From: Major US Government/Military/Intelligence Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects, 1952- 1998)

1959-65: CIA MKULTRA Subproject 119: Dr. Saul B. Sells- Principle Investigator, “Interpretive survey of work being done in psycho-physiological research and instrumentation.” The five goals of the project were:

A. bioelectric sensors: sources of significant electrical potential and methods of pick-up.
B. Recording: amplification, electronic tape and other multi-channel recording.
C. Analysis: autocorrelators, spectrum analyzers, etc. and coordination with automatic data processing equipment.
D. standardization of data for correlation with biochemical, physiological, and behavioral indices.
E. Techniques of activation of the human organism by remote electronic means.

(Webmaster comment: This subproject also seems to have direct bearing on the 24/7 surveillance and remote targeting of targeted individuals via implanted biosensors, electronic tracking, and “bio-telemetry”/Remote Neural Monitoring.)

“Dr. Saul B. Sells, Jewish PI, had moved to Texas Christian University after a decade at the Air Force School of Aviation Medicine at Randolf Field, having worked as a statistician for the government during WWII. He founded the Institute of Behavior Research at TCU and also worked for the Office of Naval Research, NASA, and Air Force…. As a statistician, he studied great amounts of data to statistically find patterns and ways to predict man’s behavior. He tabulated the importance of 100’s of environmental factors to man’s behavior.

(Webmaster comment: We may speculate that subproject 119 was also precursor to the recent explosion of NSA’s “Big data” or “metadata”. If so, the goal would appear to be to extend these technologies to track, target and “activate” everyone electromagnetically.)

In one of his first assignments at TCU, in 1959, Sells made proposal to CIA to conduct psycho-physiological research to investigate electrical signals from the human brain and other systems and the development of a more advanced multi-channel electronic analyzer to interpret those signals. Subproject 119 was funded by the Society for Investigation of Human Ecology (Human Ecology Fund), later exposed as a CIA front, run by Drs. Harold G. Wolff and Lawrence Hinkle out of Weill Cornell Medical Center, located across the street from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research on the upper east side of Manhattan.

Sells, co-convened the “Stimulus Determinants of Behavior” Symposium in 1961.”

1959: At age 12, Glen E. Nichols, a targeted individual since birth, was informed he had a hearing problem and was implanted with a temporary radio receiver and told it was a hearing aid.

At age 15 (1962), Nichols was secretly (surreptitiously) implanted with miniaturized radio receiver placed in his ear canal. This produced very low volume subliminal messages to control him. Nichol’s realizations of these devices in his ears were always erased with torture, drugs, and electricity.

At about 20 years (1967), Nichols was surgically implanted with a miniature radio receiver and transmitter behind right ear canal and next to ear drum. He was told he hurt his ear playing football. Over next 20 years (1967-87), the receiver-transmitter (transceiver) was replaced a couple times.

At about 23 years (1970), Nichols had an EEG transmitter implanted in his brain and was informed that they use bio-medical telemetry and computers to read the EEG.

At about age 33 (1980), an electrode was inserted into his nostril.

At age 42 (1989), Nichols began to realize he had massive memory loss and was the victim of mind control, torture, and slavery… recalling thousands of conditioning sessions and abuses: He stated: “They read every thought, make continual bizarre distracting comments, give constant subliminal commands, and use high pitched sounds against me every moment. They use a combination of extremely demented, vulgar, heinous, and satanic ranting, then alternate this with informing me of the details of thousands of days of experience for which I have had complete amnesia…. They have been controlling and torturing me for my entire life. The perpetrators increased their subliminal broadcast to a conscious level and have been using the speakers and EEG transmitter to torture me continuously since June 1991.”

“They tell me they are the “illuminati,” or “Freemasons,” or “Brotherhood,” or the CIA or NSA or US Navy Intelligence, or US Army intelligence, or US Air Force Intelligence or a particular corporation like “Rockwell International” or “Lockheed Corporation,” or “Northrup Corporation,” or “Exxon.” Probably each description contains some truth. I just think of them as “The Organization.

(From: Bowart, W., 1994, Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition)

1960: Ex-CIA agent, Philip Agee, documents the fact that even as late as this date the “most important liaison operation of the CIA is with MI-6 (British Intelligence). They exchange information and mount joint operations. The inner club includes Canada.” (From: “Inside the CIA: CIA Diary,” by Philip Agee)

Bowart, 1994

1960: Project MKDELTA, CIA:

Fine-tuned electromagnetic subliminal programming
Targeting: Long Range
Frequencies: VHF HF UHF Modulated at ELF
Transmission and Reception: Television antennae, radio antennae, power lines, mattress spring coils, modulation on 60 Hz wiring.
Purpose: programming behavior and attitudes in general population
Effects: fatigue, mood swings, behavior dysfunction and social criminality, mood swings
Pseudonym: “Deep Sleep”, R.H.I.C. (Radio-hypnotic Intracerebral Control)

(Webmaster comment: Very much like the 1945 project described by the UN World Health Organization’s first Director, Brock Chisolm and Projects Moonstruck, and MKULTRA subproject 119 described above, MKDELTA seems to be a description of what is now commonly termed “organized stalking-electronic harassment” aka “targeted individual program” aka “Havana Syndrome”. However, in MKDELTA the general population is targeted.)

1960s: “Project Monarch, according to Mark Phillips, is a U.S. Defense Department project was begun in the 1960’s. However, its code name was assigned to a subsection of the CIA’s Operation Artichoke (1950) which later became Project MKULTRA.

So-called “Presidential Models”, the most highly prized products of the Project Monarch mind control factories have a distinct (conditioned) habit of sitting very erect with their legs daintily perched. They serve kings and presidents and high ranking government officials as sex slaves. They are controlled by invisible reins. The Presidential Models have “fluttered about the White House” and European hideaways which, in another day, would have been the “courts.” While they appear to be “lighthearted” and “inconstant” sex slaves, they are trained at the art of pillow talk and do, in fact, have memories like human tape recorders.

Phillips says Monarch was spawned from the collected research of top SS Nazi Scientists over the years 1927-1941. The identified leader of this research was Heinrich Himmler who was, as we have learned from US Army Col. Michael Aquino, a master of the “black arts”. Fascinated by both occultism and genetic theories, Himmler’s team of scientists took a “genealogical approach to transgenerational behavior modification”. The idea was, apparently, in Phillip’s terms, to apply “trauma based” mind control to children for three or more generations so that the psychological aberrations which were conditioned would “breed true.”

“The German government Top Secret (“BLACK ARTS”) research was originally considered to be a significant “bonus” by-product of the US Department of Defense’s Project 63 also known as Project National Interest (as well as CIA’s Operation Paperclip), Project 63 was dedicated to the secret importation of a group of German Nazi and Italian fascists scientist whose areas of expertise were primarily physics, psychiatry, microbiology and pharmacology. Although Project Monarch has not been declassified. .. it nevertheless has become a household word among a multitude of Intelligence Community operatives.”

None have come forth to refute the information he (Mark Phillips) gives, or dispute his credentials, so we can do no harm in repeating the information he offers, especially since it’s been confirmed by others. Phillips came by the Project Monarch information, piecemeal, when, as a young man, he was hired by a government sub-contractor (which he does not want to name as a precaution against lawsuits.)

His job was in the sales and engineering department of one branch of this firm which had developed through its independent research an army of electronic devices which could be of great use in the cryptocracy’s burgeoning mind control research. Through his exposure to some customers (military bases and State mental institutions) that were so sensitive, the government required him to obtain a “Top Secret” clearance from the US Department of Defense.

“I was required to take battery after battery of psychological tests … and when they were through they knew I would keep my mouth shut before I saw or heard anything,” Phillips says.

“Then, I saw sensory deprivation tanks, electric grid rooms, harmonics generators, chairs wired for shock and sound, special “helmets” now known as “virtual reality” helmets which allow the wearer to see in three dimensions. “I heard of formulas for mind altering hypnotic drugs that made LSD look like aspirin. I personally met scientists who were traveling the world, gathering seeds, leaves, roots and herbs from such places as the jungles of Zimbabwe. They were even consulting witch doctors looking for drugs that could affect the human brain and make predictable zombies.

1963: CIA commissioned Saul B. Sells and Helen F. Sells to compile a “Bioelectronics Directory,” a detailed rolodex of invasive neurological projects carried out at countless major institutions being carried out by countless professors, including many who were running other MKULTRA subprojects. The same names keep recurring, including Hebb, Donald O.
, Saunders, D.R., MKULTRA Subproject 77, Teuber, H. (1959)
, Kluver, H.
, McCulloch, W.S.
, Pitts, W., Hoagland, Hudson, Von Forester, Heinz, Dr. Jose Delgado
, Penfield, Wilder
, Olds, J. and Olds, M.E. (Science. 1958), Isbell, H. subproject 73., Baldwin, M.,- subproject 6,
 DeFleur, M.I., subproject 112- 1959.

Dr. Jose Delgado’s name appears at least a dozen times in Dr. Sell’s directory. Electrical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB) could be done via remote control.

(From: Appendix 81. “The Minds of Men:” History of Cybernetics, Totalitarian Brain Science, & Satanic Technosorcerers; 2018 Documentary by A. & M. Dykes w/ Notes And Transcription by Dr. E. Karlstrom (

1963: President John F. Kennedy publicly assassinated. In “Were We Controlled?: The Assassination of President Kennedy” (1967), university professor Lincoln Lawrence (pseudonym) suggested that radio-hypnotic intra-cerebral control (RHIC) and electronic dissolution of memory (EDOM) were used to manipulate Lee Harvey Oswald to be the “patsy.” These technologies had been developed by this time.

CIA spychiatrist, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, became the state-supplied psychiatrist for Jack Ruby (Rubenstein), the man who killed publicly killed Oswald. After several meetings with Ruby, West pronounced him certifiably crazy and in short, order, he too was killed and therefore could not testify in court. The “psychiatric reprisal” – driving a political enemy crazy or just pronouncing them crazy to institutionalize them has been standard tactic of totalitarian regimes such as the Soviet Union.

The JFK assassination, of course, was a carefully-scripted psychological warfare operation involving trauma-based mind control directed against the American public and, indeed, the world’s population. All such state-sponsored terror events involve three main stages: a) planning, b) execution, and c) cover-up.

Webmaster opinion: If and when all related files are finally declassified, if they fail to divulge the mind control aspects of the operation, the cover-up phase will continue.

1963: Jewish MIT Mathematics professor, Dr. Norbert Wiener, published: “God and Golem, Inc.”

1964: “CIA Memorandum: 19 June, 1964: Subject: Soviet Research and Development in the Field of Direction and Control of Human Behavior, From: CIA Director Richard Helms

“Current research indicates that the Soviets are attempting to develop a technology for controlling the developmental behavioral patterns of the citizenry of the USSR in accordance with politically determined requirements of the system… Furthermore, the same technology can be applied to more sophisticated approaches to the coding of information for transmittal to the population targets in the battle for the minds of men.”

Richard Helms, CIA Director, also stated that the US was always 5 years ahead of the Soviets in “the battle for the minds of men.” He is talking about “population targets” in America!!!! Are these people among the original “targeted individuals” (TIs)?!!! Some of these people may still be alive and may still being targeted by the CIA and its allies!!!!

1967: Swedish TI, Robert Naeslund, was secretly and involuntarily implanted with an object in his skull directly anterior to the frontal bone at visit to Söder Hospital while awaiting an operation. X-rays show transmitters in the nasal passages and the area behind the forehead. These were surgically removed at private hospitals overseas. In 1978, another device was implanted while he was in police custody. A third object on the X-ray was the first transmitter that the police put in me on March 10, 1972, while a fourth was implanted either at Stockholm’s detention center or in custody at Vasteras in 1973. The last transmitter shown in the X-ray was inserted under sedation on November 26, 1975 at the Nacka Police custody center.

Naeslund: “The transmitter that had been implanted in my head at Söder Hospital was finally removed on March 13, 1978 after having been in operation for eleven long years. It had been only a month since Dr. Bergström’s report denied the existence of any foreign objects in my head. My life improved measurably after the removal of four transmitters which had been transmitting electromagnetic waves through my brain.

It has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that psychiatry is used as a weapon against me to conceal the brutality of the state in its implantation of transmitters in my head and my subsequent exploitation in a continual, perpetual scientific experiment. With the help of several electronics companies in Stockholm which supplied me with both the means and the know-how, I was able to ascertain the frequencies of the electromagnetic waves which were traveling through my head to these transmitters.

The frequencies entering my head have been analyzed to be between 17 and 24 kHz. About twenty years ago (1976), researchers Eskil Block and Per Scharestrom published their book Man and Technology in the Society of the Future. The book addresses the following technique:

“The study of electronic communication has given us a much greater opportunity to understand vital aspects of the human nervous system and sensory organs. Out of this technology then grew a more abstract and general science, cybernetics, the study of communication and control … advancements in science and technology show us again and again that we must be prepared to adjust our view of the world and reassess the limits of what is possible.”

Naeslund: … “Like all such radio devices, this electrode transmits data from a person’s inner life, his mental functions, biological and neurological processes, all of which can be combined to yield more information about someone’s life than even that person knows about himself.

The implants can be used to “brainwash”: to manipulate inner processes, modify or destroy emotions and thoughts, and, as one of the earlier research papers said, control behavior in detail.

It is the most fantastic, and the most frightening technique that has ever been developed, and consequently one of the biggest secrets ever to be held by the state. The new transmitter was intended to brainwash me to a much greater extent than any of the previous ones. It is clear how far doctors, psychiatrists, and SÄPO (Sweden’s CIA equivalent) are prepared to go to prevent any leaks from revealing the secret of the technique and the extent of the brutal experiments and life-long abuse of the people involved in them.

The fact that the Criminal Police are using the technique and anaesthetizing people who are under arrest in order to implant transmitters should paint a whole new picture of what these authorities actually represent. It is also not difficult to see that this technique can only be employed as long as the public knows nothing about it.

Having been used as an experimental subject for various state projects for about the past thirty years has meant that I have had to live my life without the normal freedoms and personal security necessary to plan and choose my own destiny.

One can say that I have had to live like a modern slave. I have never been able to escape the continual experiment in my brain and have had to bear complete observation by medical/police research and their intrusion into my life as an invisible party to everything I do. The high frequency radiation is destroying my health and I am living with the constant threat of lethal injury.

I have been deprived of human rights and integrity, and have been stripped, studied, exploited, raped and threatened with my life. I need to find a doctor who is able to operate, first and foremost, to remove SÄPO’s transmitter in the face of SÄPO’s power. These people are the face of Nazism in our society.”.

1960’s: US government, scientists and media make concerted effort to link staged events (the staged “race riots” in major cities) to “violence in the brain” and to attribute black’s rioting to defective anatomical brain functioning rather than to oppressive and unlivable social conditions. This strategy yields more biomedical engineering guinea pigs.

The case of Leonard Kille, a self-taught engineer, inventor, father of five, and business partner of Thomas Edison is related in the documentary, “The Minds of Men” by Aaron and Melissa Dykes. Dubbed “Thomas R” by his brain surgeons, CIA contracted Drs. Mark, Sweet and Evin), and touted by them as a psychiatric success in their psychiatric journal articles, Kille was involuntary confined to a psychiatric ward, allegedly for “violent behavior” (which seems to have been deliberately provoked by the CIA or cooperating agents). While under house-arrest and under confined conditions in the hospital, Kille was involuntarily implanted and electronically tortured and neutralized, i.e., his brain was partly destroyed. He lost his job, his family, and his life, and completed the last half of his life on disability in a VA hospital. The case of “Thomas R,” however, was touted as a great success in medical journal articles written by CIA doctors Mark, Ervin, and Sweet.

Dr. Jose Delgado- stimoceiver- bull incident:

1967-1972: CIA initiates and manages Phoenix (Civilian Torture-Murder) Program in Vietnam. Reportedly, 20,000 to 400,000 Vietnamese civilian “Viet Cong sympathizers” were interrogated (i.e., tortured) and murdered at local, regional and national interrogation centers. Sergeant Ed Murphy, counterintelligence specialist, 4th Infantry Division in Vietnam, 116th MIG Group in Washington, D.C. stated at the time:

“Phoenix was a bounty-hunting program, an attempt to eliminate the opposition, by which I mean the opposition to us, the Americans, getting what we wanted, which was to control the Vietnamese through our clients- the Diems, the Kys, the Theius. Phoenix was far worse than the things attributed to it. It was heinous, but no worse than the bombing.

In order to get into military intelligence school, I had to write an essay on the debate about the Vietnam War. The thrust of my paper was, “What we do in Vietnam will come back to haunt us.” It was a one-world thesis. Well, I go to Vietnam and see the bullshit (Phoenix program) going down. Then I come back to the United States and see the same thing going on here. I’m at the 116th MI (Military Intelligence) Group in Washington, DC, and as you leave the room, they have nine slots for pictures, eight of them filled: Rennie Davis, Abbie Hoffman, Ben Spock, Jerry Rubin. And I’m being sent out to spot and identify these people. This is Phoenix. THIS IS PHOENIX.

… The point is, it (Phoenix Program) was used in Vietnam, it was used in the United States (Webmaster: In CIA’s Operation MHChaos, etc.), and it still is used in the United States.”

Author of “The Phoenix Program,” Douglas Valentine stated:

Valentine: “The CIA created the Phoenix program in 1967 to “neutralize” the leaders and supporters of the Communist-led insurgency in South Vietnam. Referred to by the CIA as the Viet Cong Infrastructure (VCI), the targets were civilians who were working at regular jobs while secretly engaged in administrative and support functions for the armed guerillas. These people were patriots resisting foreign aggression and seeking to take back their country, but they were considered spies and terrorists. American officials wrote laws that allowed US military forces to detain, torture, and kill them by every means possible, including B-52 raids, battalion-sized “cordon and search” operations, and death squads.

Phoenix was originally called ICEX-SIDE for Intelligence Coordination and Exploitation- Screening, Interrogation, and Detention of the Enemy. The name was quickly changed for symbolic purposes. In time, the mere mention of Phoenix, the omnipotent bird of prey with a blacklist in one claw and a snake in the other, was enough to terrorize not only targeted members of the VCI, but the entire civilian population.

Phoenix evolved from a “rifle-shot” approach to neutralize enemy leaders into a program of systematic repression for the political control of the South Vietnamese people. It sought to accomplish this through a highly bureaucratized system of disposing of people who could not be ideologically assimilated.

…In a concerted effort to “scare” an entire population into submission, the CIA went “unconventional” in Vietnam, establishing Phoenix centers and conducting “selective terrorism” in each of the country’s 240 districts. The state policy was to replace the bludgeon of B-52 bombings and My Lai-style search and destroy operations (which had alienated the people) with the scalpel of assassinations of selected VCI. Phoenix co—creator Dr. Robert Komer called this the “rifle shot” approach.

… Komer was (President) Lyndon Johnson’s personal aid on pacification in Vietnam, what was called “the other war.” CIA officer Nelson Brickham, actually organized the Phoenix program. Phoenix was political warfare.

… In Vietnam, the CIA built an archipelago of secret torture centers to process the hundreds of thousands of suspects that were kidnapped by its mercenary army of “counterterrorists.”

Director of the CIA, William Colby, was the person most associated with Phoenix, the controversial CIA “assassination” program that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands (estimated 25,000 to 60,000) Vietnamese civilians during the Vietnam War….. (the media) obscured the inhuman brutality that pervaded “death squad” operations like the Phoenix Program. (American officers were)/are free to murder to their hearts’ content, because murdering civilians is unstated policy.

The Special Police in Vietnam were the stepchildren of (Englishman) Robert Thompson, whose aristocratic Norman-English ancestors perfected torture in dingy castle dungeons, on the rack and in the Iron Lady, which thumbscrews and branding irons. (Techniques deployed) included rape, gang rape, rape using eels, snakes or hard objects, and rape followed by murder, “the Bell Telephone Hour” rendered by attaching wires to the genitals or other sensitive parts of the body; waterboarding; “the airplane,” in which a prisoner’s arms were tied behind the back and the rope looped over a hook on thte ceiling suspending the prisoner in midair while he or she was beaten; beatings with rubber hoses and whips; and the use of police dogs to maul prisoners. All of this and more occurred in PICs (Provincial Interrogation Centers).

The CIA found a legal basis for the program in “emergency decrees” and “administrative detention” laws that enabled American “advisors” to detain, torture, and kill “national security offenders” (as the VCI were legally referred to) without due process. The program was implemented over the objections of Government of Vietnam (GVN) officials who understood that it undermined their national sovereignty.

Within this “extra-legal judicial system, with its Stalinist security committees, a member of the VCI was anyone who didn’t actively support the government. To be neutral or advocate for peace was viewed as supporting terrorism. Proof wasn’t required, just the word of an anonymous informer.

… Modeled by its creator, Nelson Brickham, on Ford Motor Company’s “command post” structure, Phoenix concentrated power in a chief executive officer and an operating committee at the top of the Embassy’s organizational chart. The Chief Executive position- the Deputy for Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development- oversaw the Phoenix Directorate in Saigon. The Directorate was headed by a CIA officer supported by a statistical reporting unit, which assigned a quota of 1800 neutralizations (i.e., kills) a month to the Phoenix “coordinators” who ran the program in the field.

But Phoenix was a CIA program and deniability was one of its main objectives, so the CIA left gaping holes in its safety net in order to facilitate the systematic corruption that ensured the program’s true but unstated objective of terrifying the entire civilian population into submission.

The program existed in relative secrecy until June 1969, when numerous South Vietnamese legislators complained in open session about Phoenix abuses. Everyone knew that thousands of innocent people were being extorted, jailed and killed, but the complicit American press corps never reported it…. It was not until late in 1970, when a handful of anti-war Phoenix veterans exposed the program’s many abuses, that Congress finally launched an investigation.

(Vietnamese reporter, Dinh Tuong An, was author of “The Truth About Phoenix”. An was) led to conclude that America was never interested in ending the war. The goal was total victory, “even if many lives must be lost.” Phoenix, for An, was a mechanism to extend the war indefinitely with a minimum of American casualties. It was a cynical ploy used to pit the Vietnamese against each other and undermine their efforts to negotiate a peaceful settlement by fueling the conflict with money, lies, and psychological operations designed to destabilize the society.

(Webmaster comment: This is the same strategy now being deployed against Americans via the “Targeted Individual Program.”)

…. Phoenix dragged everyone into its trap. …. The CIA’s patronage system of corruption turned into the greatest blackmail scheme ever invented. Anyone- including cops and soldiers- who visited family members in VC-controlled areas was put on the Phoenix blacklist and extorted by government security forces. They were surveilled, harassed, and forced to become informants in order to protect their family members from CIA “hunter-killer” teams and US military assaults.

Adding to the terror of being falsely accused, detained, tortured, and even killed, was the fact that the CIA rewarded security officials who extorted the people.”

From: From the Phoenix Program (1967-1972) to Today’s Global Gestapo (GISTAPO-666): Excerpts from D. Valentine’s “The CIA As Organized Crime” (2017)

1968: Dr. Jose Delgado wrote Intracerebral Radio Stimulation and Recording in Completely Free Patients By Jose M. R. Delgado (1968)

1968: Robert F. Kennedy, then Presidential-candidate, was publicly assassinated. Hypno-patys, Sirhan-Sirhan, was on the scene and quickly framed as the killer. Sirhan-Sirhan, however, was the patsy and it has been proven that he has no recollection of the event. I.e., he was a mind-controlled multiple-personality patsy. Again, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, CIA spychiatrist, was the state-appointed psychiatrist. (West performed this role in other state-sponsored terror events as well, for example, he was appointed psychiatrist for Timothy McVeigh, who allegedly carryied out the Oklahoma City bombings in 1995.)

1969: General William Westmorland, Commander of US forces during Vietnam War, stated: “All future wars will be fought on the electronic battlefield.”

1970: Professor James V. McConnel, head, Dept. of Mental Health Research, University of Michigan, stated:

“The day has come when we can combine sensory deprivation with the use of drugs, hypnosis, and the astute manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost absolute control over an individual’s behavior. We want to reshape our society drastically so that all of us will be trained from birth to want to do what society wants us to do. Today’s behavioral psychologists are the architects and engineers who are shaping the /brave New World of Tomorrow.”

1972:  The U.S. Army published a study entitled: “Controlled Offensive Behavior: USSR” which concerns itself with targeting individuals with “mind altering techniques” and “the total submission of one’s will to some outside force.”  The study involved the use of pulsed microwaves. ….

(Webmaster comment: Again, many of the techniques deployed in OS-EH are sanctioned in this report.)

1972: CIA director Richard Helms states obliquely in official documents: “to spy on dissidents, just call them terrorists.”

(Webmaster: We may extend this logic to criteria used to select individuals (TIs) to be targeted by government for no-touch torture, slow-kill, “non-lethal weapons”/neuroweapons testing, etc.)

1974: Dr. Jose Delgado stated in Congressional testimony:

“We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can surgically mutilated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain (ESB).”

Dr. Jose Delgado, into Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol 116, Feb. 24, 1974.

1974: Discussion surrounding interview with Candy Jones, one of the earliest CIA mind-controlled slaves/couriers (See: “The Control of Candy Jones” by Donald Bain):

“This series of interviews (with Candy Jones) is of interest to the PSYOPS and appropriate intelligence teams for obvious reasons. This is a clearly traceable case file in which an average person with no previous mental aberrations or disproportional prejudice was programmed by the Agency (CIA) to produce an agent known as a “Sleeper”. This sleeper’s built-in sub-personality and alter-ego could be activated and utilized to carry out the Agency agenda.

It is also a perfect demonstrative test to the Agency itself to see first hand just what the full capacity of this type of training or programming was back in the early days of the establishment of Mind Warfare. That is, successful alternation of an individual’s mind and subsequently conscious action and reaction. This program was a direct result of the saturation which took place within the U.S. Intelligence community by German Intelligence and PSYOPS exports when the OSS/CIA first brought the Reinhard Gehlen organization here from Germany after World War II. The great strides and success that German Intelligence had with similar operations was strongly desired by the CIA in hope that it could duplicate and continue this success in its own theater of operations.”

From Bowart (1994)

1974: “The dangers of psychotechnology are real. They are being applied. We were warned in 1974, by the U.S. Senate, 93rd Congress, 2nd Session which investigated and published a book which too few have read. It was entitled Individual Rights and the Federal Role in Behavior Modification:

“Dr Robert L. Schwitzebel of the Claremont Graduate School in California, published a book. PSYCHOTECHNOLOGY: Electronic Control of Mind And Behavior in which he describes the present and potential use of brain implants and radio telemetry to monitor human emotions, location and behavior, and to control behavior in various fields, including law enforcement.”

From: Bowart (1994)

1975: “Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko asked the UN to outlaw these “non-lethal weapons (microwaves, radiowaves, lasers, etc.). But the US opposed this and the US is the world leader in this field.”

From: Dr Rauni Kilde interview.

1970s: From “O’s” (Cathy O’Brien, Monarch sex slave) journal as recorded in Bowart (1994):

“switching personalities actually ‘felt’ (in retrospect) like a dimensional shift … which is the perceptual, psychological target of Death’s Door programmers.

The CIA has numerous ‘Near Death Trauma Centers’ (NDTCs) for creating seemingly indestructible human slaves much the same way the military creates Delta Force soldiers. Mind-controlled slaves such as myself were programmed at such installations since the same high technology, equipment and methods were required. By attaching certain programming to ‘natural’ MPD survival phenomena, the skills could be enhanced. Slowed blood flow through deep, dissociative trance increased chances of survival.

Pain could be perceived as pleasure, which furthered the benefits of dissociative ‘mind over matter’ trance. Accelerated tissue healing could be hypnotically induced and further enhance by switching my personalities whereby I no longer was aware of the tortures the other personality(s) had endured. As a programmed mind controlled slave, I was led to believe that this shifting of personalities was a shifting of ‘dimensions’ to escape the pain.”

1976: “A defense intelligence agency report prepared by the U.S. Army is entitled BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION, RADIO, AND MICROWAVES, EURASIAN COMMUNIST COUNTRIES. It was published by the Defense Intelligence Agency in March of 1976.

The importance of this report rests not on its content, much of which seems to remain classified, but in its acknowledgment of a shift in focus in less than four years from a wide range of behavior control to just one, electromagnetic radiation. The date of this report is also significant. It was published just as George Herbert Walker Bush became Director of Central Intelligence. Experiments on involuntary human subjects were rapidly authorized by the new director, but outside of the United States because of the wrath of congress at that time.”

Bowart (1994)

(Webmaster comment: Dr. Robert Duncan asserts that, in fact, a great many more American civilians, largely including political enemies, dissidents, whistleblowers, etc., were secretly targeted for experimentation and destruction via invisible weapons at this time.)

1976: “Woodpecker Signal:” “On October 14, 1976, radio communications throughout the globe were disrupted by powerful radio waves emanating from the Soviet Union. The broadcasts appeared irregularly and varied between very high and very low frequencies. When the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, and the Scandinavian countries protested the broadcast, the Soviets apologized, blaming the disturbance on “experiments.” But then the nature of the wavelengths changed and huge electromagnetic standing waves formed, thousands of miles long, penetrating the earth and extending up into the ionosphere.

Due to its characteristic sound, the signal was dubbed “the woodpecker.” The sound ham radio operators heard all over the world can be replicated by tapping a pencil on a table at between eight and fourteen times each second. The wavelength was traced to alleged “Tesla generator” experiments in the Soviet cities of Riga and Gomel. The standing waves stretched down both coasts of North America and along the Eastern frontier of the Soviet Union.

The “woodpecker” has been blamed for subsequent shifts in weather patterns resulting from altered trade winds. The change of winds created a drought in the western U.S. with severe effects on farming and the economy that year. Several agencies feared that such standing waves might well have caused the disintegration of ships, including oil tankers in the Atlantic. But their potential effect on human beings caused even greater concern.

Pentagon think-tank researcher, Lowell Ponte wrote in the late 70’s: “The right kind of radio transmissions alter the planet’s magnetic field … The giant rivers of wind in the sky, like the jet stream, tend to follow that magnetic field. So, when you bend it or when you begin creating giant standing waves in the atmosphere, as our government knows they’ve been doing, you bend those wind currents, and where they go the weather goes.”

Just as the human body’s nervous system operates electromagnetically, so the Earth has an electromagnetic “aura” which, scientists claim, can be altered to produce dramatic weather shifts. In fact the earth’s ionosphere oscillates at approximately the same frequency as human brain waves making it a perfect “carrier” off which EMR radiations (in the brain wave range) can be bounced without any change of frequency.

The relationship between the electromagnetosphere and the EM basis of the human body can be exploited as a strategic weapon. Everyone has experienced mental and emotional shifts during changes of weather. Imagine the power open to those who, by flicking a switch, could control the earth’s atmosphere and change not only the weather but the brainwaves of entire populations. Cryptocracies around the world know that a strong pattern exists correlating geophysical phenomena and political disturbances, health, and mood swings. For these reasons the “woodpecker” gained a lot of covert attention.

Sounds and even words can be made to appear within the human brain when broadcast from EMR neurological controls at a military base. Brainwave entrainment, coronaries, strokes, and epileptic seizures can also be triggered by remote control. One 1976 DIA estimate was labeled: “recommended reading material for those consumers who have an interest in the application of microwave energy to weapons.” An Army report, Analysis of Microwaves for Barrier Warfare, describes the use of the microwave band to control populations.

Although few would appear to know it, the French have used invisible wavelengths to control crowds for years. A former U.S. intelligence officer even claims that the Nazi’s used a “frenzy machine” to stir up crowds at Hitler’s Nuremberg Rallies. The French crowd control “sirens” use various inaudible sounds which throw people into terror and cause loss of bowel control en masse.”

From Bowart (1994)

1978: “The Jonestown mass “suicide” followed the assassination nearby of Congressman Leo Ryan by followers of Jim Jones.  Ryan was at that time investigating what he called “CIA cults”.  The investigation apparently ceased with the Congressman’s death.

Author, Michael Meiers, will later claim in his exhaustively researched book, “Was Jonestown a CIA Medical Experiment?  A Review of the Evidence,” that Jonestown was a field test of mind control drugs on African Americans and Native Americans -two racial distinctions which made up the majority of Jones’ followers.

Jones is said to have once told a reporter for the Black Panther newspaper that all of his thoughts came from the CIA (Mark Lane).”

McClaughry Blog

1981: Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, who held Top Secret clearance in the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Psychological Warfare Division (Psyops), was a professed Neo-Nazi and founder of (satanic) Temple of Set, and who was charged with child sexual abuse at Presidio Day Care in San Francisco, co-authored “From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory” with Col. Paul E. Valley.

(Webmaster comment: Like 1) Brock Chisolm’s 1945 operational plan, 2) the US military’s Project Moonstruck (1952), 3) CIA’s MKULTRA Subproject 119 (1959-65), and 4) CIA’s MKDELTA (1960), and 5) the US Army’s “Controlled Offensive Behavior” document (1972) (and others listed and not listed here), Aquino’s 1980 MindWar document advocates instituting programs that sound very much like the worldwide program commonly referred to as “organized stalking-electronic harassment.”)

1982: In the late 1970’s, while the military was vigorously denying the very existence of bioeffects from electromagnetic-field exposure, Dr. Robert Becker, co-author with Cary Selden of “The Body Electric, Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life,” writes:

“such bioeffects were actually being explored as potential weapons — weapons with the enormous advantage of being totally silent and imperceptible …

The EMP [electro-magnetic pulse] concept has been extended through the development of devices that generate EMP pulses without the need for nuclear explosions. Such devices could be deployed for use against enemy command and control centers or against aircraft in order to produce failure in electronic equipment A derivative of this program is HPM (high-powered pulsed microwave, a system producing intense, extremely short pulses of microwave. Several types, ranging in frequency from 1200 MHz to 35 GHz with powers up to 1000 megawatts, are being tested. These are also being considered for potential use as weapons against human beings.”

“A report derived from the testing program of the Microwave Research Department at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research states:

“Microwave energy in the range of 1 to 5 GHz, a militarily important range, penetrates all organ systems of the body and thus puts all organ systems at risk.” Effects on the central nervous system are considered very important. The testing program, begun in 1986, is divided into four parts:

(1) prompt debilitation effects;
(2} prompt stimulation through auditory effects;
(3} work interference/ stoppage effects;
(4) effects on stimulus-controlled behavior.

The report goes on to state, “Microwave pulses appear to couple to the central nervous system and produce stimulation similar to electrical stimulation unrelated to heat.” It appears that HPM is capable of altering behavior in the same fashion as Delgado’s electrical stimulation.

“The production of cognitive and behavioral alterations by HPM,” Dr. Becker writes, “is a sledgehammer effect in comparison to the subtle alterations produced by ELF fields.”

According to a 1982 Air Force review of biotechnology (<ahref=”https:”” sti=”” pdfs=”” ada118457.pdf”=””>Final Report On Biotechnology Research Requirements For Aeronautical Systems Through The Year 2000), ELF has a number of potential military uses, including:</ahref=”https:>

1) dealing with terrorist groups,
2) crowd controL
3) controlling beaches in security at military installations, and
4) antipersonnel techniques in tactical warfare.”

The same report states,

“[Electromagnetic] systems would be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation. They are silent, and countermeasures to them may be difficult to develop.”

1983: “In 2023, the CIA released a declassified document that had remained hidden from public view for four decades. Written in 1983, this report, titled Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process, provides a detailed account of a bold research initiative conducted during the Cold War. At its heart, the Gateway Process was a program aimed at exploring the limits of human consciousness through carefully designed techniques, including the use of sound frequencies to manipulate brain activity.

This revelation captured public attention not just for its unconventional nature, but for what it suggests about the lengths intelligence agencies were willing to go to during a time of intense global competition. The Cold War era was a period marked by secrecy, innovation, and a relentless drive for superiority. Traditional espionage and military advancements were only part of the equation. Researchers and intelligence officials were also drawn to the uncharted territory of the human mind, looking for ways to unlock capabilities that could redefine strategic power.

The Gateway Process emerged as a collaboration between the U.S. Army and the Monroe Institute, a Virginia-based organization dedicated to the study of consciousness. It focused on using sound technology, known as Hemi-Sync, to synchronize the brain’s hemispheres, thereby enabling altered states of awareness. The program wasn’t merely theoretical. It proposed practical applications ranging from enhanced mental clarity to phenomena like remote viewing and out-of-body experiences—capabilities that could be leveraged for intelligence and espionage.

What did the Gateway Process achieve, and what are the implications of its findings? This declassified report offers a rare glimpse into a program that sought to merge neuroscience, physics, and metaphysical concepts into a framework for manipulating consciousness. By dissecting the document, we can begin to understand the ambitious goals, methodologies, and outcomes of one of the most intriguing projects of its time.”

(See: The Gateway Process: CIA’s Secret Study of Consciousness)

1985: Insider, Dr. Rauni Kilde became a “targeted individual” (TI), a nonconsensual human guinea pig, and suffered horrible tortures for 30 years and died of microwave induced cancer in 2015. Her book, “Bright Light on Black Shadows” was published posthumously in 2015.

1988: Russian diplomat, Lopatin appealed to West to stop psychotronics arms race with Soviets. Request denied.

1990-2000: July 18, 1990. President George H.W. Bush declared the years 1990 to 2000 to constitute the “Decade of the Brain.”

1991: “Paul Stonehill of the Russian Ufology Research Center in Tarzana, California stumbled along a parallel path. His work in translating UFO and related stories from Russian led him to find a 1991 article entitled “Once More About Psychic Weapons” which was authored by A.V. Kalinets-Bryukbanov who Stonehill calls, simply, K.B.

‘K.B. stated that the first (and only) experimental model of a device to program the human intellect and psyche had been accepted by Soviet authorities back in 1965. It was to be improved, using the K.B. design for a “system of remote operational influence.”

Stonehill says K.B.’s article ended strangely: “Having observed the brain as a receiving and transmitting device, the researchers had discovered certain wavelengths. Using them, it is possible to influence various sections of the brain directly, reproduce cerebral tissue, and then provoke unusual changes in the qualities of individual psyches. Then one can program anything into the brains of experimental subjects.”

From: Bowart (1994)

1992: University of Utah psychology professor, Dr. D. Cory Hammond delivered a speech entitled: “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse,” at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, June 25, 1992, in Alexandria, Virginia. The event was sponsored by the Center for Abuse Recovery & Empowerment, The Psychiatric Institute of Washington, D.C. In this lecture, now usually known as the “Greenbaum Speech,” Dr. Hammond indicated:

“An extremely large number of individuals around the world have been secretly subjected to systematic “torture-based mind control” (also known as “Satanic Ritual Abuse”) by a “Cult.” 
This covert project was implemented in America immediately following World War II, when the CIA began importing top Nazi “mind scientists.” These “mind scientists” were/are Satanists. The mind control/ritual abuse practiced widely upon American children is based largely on the ritual magic of the Jewish Cabala (Kabbalah), a system of black magic at the very core of esoteric Jewish religious practice.”

1994: Statement from: MICROWAVE HARASSMENT AND MIND-CONTROL EXPERIMENTATION, 1994 (The McKinney Report) by Julianne McKinney

“We frankly doubt that extraterrestrials who have a means to commute intergalactically would stoop to implanting comparatively devices in human beings. However, should it be proved that the psychiatrist, surgeon and DoE Project Manager above are extraterrestrials posing as humans, we will be happy to weigh that information. If it is similarly established to the vehicular “abduction” of the woman discussed above was the work of an extraterrestrial named Kaplan, who was posing as a human with Cornell Medical Center connections, we will be happy to ponder that as well.

In the meantime, it would seem reasonable that the government would want the public to believe that extraterrestrial visitations are on the upswing. Mind-altering drugs, externally-induced auditory input, holographic projections (also a DoD capability) appropriately focused directed-energy targeting, device implantations, special effects and abductions are all within this government’s capabilities and can be used for purposes of creating illusions of UFO experiences. Persons not cognizant of this might be more inclined to fall for the UFO mythologies now being officially “legitimized.”

Other cases, possibly involving U.S. Navy Intelligence, NSA, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and, peripherally, members of the former Soviet Bloc intelligence services will be discussed in further reports.”


In his book, “Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control,” Dr. Harvey Weinstein quotes the following passage from a book entitled, “A Battle for the Mind: A Physiology in Conversion and Brainwashing,” by William Sergeant (Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 1957):

“By increasing the prolonged stress in various ways, or inducing physical debilitation, a more thorough alteration of the person’s thinking process may be achieved. …If the stress or physical debilitation, or both, are carried one stage further, it may happen that patterns of thought and behavior, especially those of recent acquisition, become disrupted. New patterns can then be substituted, or suppressed patterns allowed to reassert themselves; or the subject might begin to think or act in ways precisely contradict his former ones.

“‘…If a complete sudden collapse can be produced by prolonging or intensifying emotional stress, the cortical slate may be wiped clean temporarily of its more recently implanted patterns of behavior, perhaps allowing others to be substituted more easily.’”

Dr. Weinstein then comments: “The parallel with [Dr. Ewen] Cameron’s theory of differential amnesia is striking, and the relationship to brainwashing is abundantly clear.” Dr. Cameron, employed by McGill University’s Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, between 1943 and 1964, conducted brainwashing experiments upon select, non-volunteer psychiatric patients on behalf of the CIA. Dr. Weinstein’s father was one of Cameron’s victims.

Sergeant’s (sic, Sargant’s) theorems and Cameron’s associated experimental findings appear to be the driving force behind the harassment and experimentation now being reported to this Association. All of these individuals are being subjected to a series of overlapping circumstances which apparently are meant to induce and sustain long-term extremes of stress. All of these individuals have been effectively isolated. Unethical psychiatrists and physicians are involved in the majority of these cases. Mind-altering prescription drugs are being used for clearly non-therapeutic purposes. Evidence of LSD use is also beginning to surface (one of Cameron’s favored mind-altering substances). And “psychic driving” techniques — Cameron’s pet brainwashing method — are involved in all these cases, to a much greater and more potentially effective degree where auditory input is involved.”

1994: According to Walter Bowart (Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition, 1994): “In the hands of even a well-functioning democratic republic this new arms race of supposed “non lethal weaponry” would be a menace to our freedoms, but in the hands of a cryptocracy it threatens to turn our world into a zombie planet…. the E-M (electromagnetic) Targets would appear to outnumber other types of mind control survivors.”

1994:. (Monarch slave, Paul) “Bonacci said that there were two groups of Project Monarch slaves. “Some were put into society,” Bonacci said. ‘They were the ones that went into entertainment, and a lot of them were used for transporting drugs, which is the way they paid for the programming.” They used the entertainment industry because they could input their messages for the future. “If they wanted to start a revolution,” Bonacci said, “they’d put it right in the music and it would go out over the airwaves … ”

Bonacci said one part of the training was trying to get him to read other people’s minds. “Everybody says I basically read their mind. They’d ask and I’d answer it for them before they got it out. The ones they used for that (extrasensory perception) were the ones they trained in satanism. They trained them as magicians because – this is going to sound even crazier – when they trained us we could actually do it, because there are spiritual forces and they do teach you to control – how to get demons to do stuff for you. I can’t say controL because those demons are going to tum on you someday. But having your own demons that would do it. They would be the ones that would do it.”

“It was always on the demonic side,” Bonacci said, “because that’s the only ones that you could work with. And if somebody asked you, you never told them about the demonic stuff … It was always: You’re in control. You can do it.”

… Bonacci said his Monarch programming started when he was five and continued until he was 22. “Most of the people that they train were probably fairly young, probably 4 or 5 … up until the time they were out of high school because as soon as you’re out of high school their plan is for you to go into the military.”

From Bowart (1994)

1994: From Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994) Chapter 40: Dangerous Free Thinking:

“In an undisclosed location, at a secret conference, an emergency panel of five psychiatrists and clinical psychologists met to discuss the alarming data they were gathering about mind control, satanic ritual abuse, and alien programming from patients diagnosed as suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) also called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Due to what is, by the standards of a conservative profession, the controversial content of this conference, and due to the fact that many of the doctors have already received the strongest criticism from their peers and threats on their lives, their identities must remain undisclosed.

The term “bloodline” refers to the practice of satanic ritual abuse which carries on generation after generation under the belief that after several generations of “conditioning” a “genetic memory” or a “blood memory” carries on the information which has been programmed. This belief in “blood memory” can be found in a variety of secret societies and not just in satanic cults. A person who is of the “bloodline” is the offspring of parents who are in the cult, and often the great, great, great, great grandchildren of cult members. Some survivors have reported that the sophisticated form of programming described in this conversation goes back more than 100 years and has been co-opted by the intelligence agencies only within the past fifty-odd years.

The assembled doctors, men and women, are among the most qualified in their profession.

Dr. A: (Re: MPD) A while back I was talking to a small group of therapists somewhere. I told them about some of this. In the middle of talking about some of this all the color drained out of one social worker’s face and she obviously had a reaction and I asked her about it and she said, I’m working with a five-year-old boy who, just in the last few weeks, said something about a Dr. Green.” I went on a little further and I mentioned some of these things and she shook her head again.

I asked, “What’s going on?” And she said, ‘He’s been spontaneously telling me about robots and about Omega.”

I have seen this in people up into their late forties including people whose parents were very, very high in the CIA. I’ve had some that were originally part of the Monarch Project which is the name of the government Intelligence project.

Dr. C: What’s the difference between this kind of program and cult-type abuse and satanic abuse in the kind of cults with the candles?

Dr. A: This type of programming will be done in the cults with the candles and all the rest. My impression is that this is simply done in people who they have great access to, or to bloodline people, people whose parents are involved so that they can be raised in it from an early age. If they are not bloodline they are the “chosen generation.” They’re expendable and they are expected to die and not get well. There will be booby traps in your way if they aren’t bloodline people that when they get well they will kill themselves. I’ll tell you just a little about that.

My belief is that some people that have ritual abuse and don’t have this have been ritually abused but they may be part of a non-mainstream group. The satanism comes in the philosophy overriding all of this.

Dr. C: What’s the purpose of it?

Dr. A: My best guess is that the purpose of it is that they want an army of Manchurian Candidates, hundreds of thousands of mental robots who will do prostitution, child pornography, smuggle drugs, engage in international arms smuggling, snuff films, all sorts of very lucrative things and do their bidding and eventually the megalomaniacs at the top believe they’ll create a Satanic Order that will rule the world.

Dr. C: You have suggested and implied that at some point at a high level of the U.S. Government there was support for this kind of thing. What documentation is there?

Dr. A: There is some documentation. One of our leading colleagues is writing a book about our peers of the older generation who were involved in it. We have CLA documents declassified which help us figure out who did what. There are “good guys” within the intelligence community who have provided us with leads. We have the identity of some of the key figures. Many are dead, but a few are still alive and very active. But most of the information I’ve given you today comes from victims who are imperiled witnesses.

The interesting thing is how many people have described the same scenario and how many people that we have worked with who have had relatives in NASA, in the CIA and in the Military, including very high-ups in the Military.

Dr. A: I have one non-bloodline complex multiple who had this kind of programming. The programmers had a lot of access to the patient as neighbors. And, by the way, you’ll find physicians heavily involved with cults doing ritual abuse and mind control. The cults recruit their own doctors as part of their protection. Some of the doctors are themselves programmed. It’s quite common to suspect that the majority of the programmers are programmed.

They encourage their own to go to medical school, to prescribe drugs to take care of their own, to get access to medical technology and be above suspicion. There have been a couple, in fact, who’ve been nailed now. At least one state I know of has two full time ritual-abuse investigators with statewide jurisdiction under the Attorney General’s Office who do nothing but investigate ritual abuse.

Dr. B: What I’ve seen suggests that the programmers carry laptop computers which keep track of everything that they did twenty, thirty years ago in terms of the names of alters, the programs, the codes, and so on.

… Dr. A: There will typically be computer operators: Computer Operator Black, Computer Operator Green, Computer Operator Purple. Sometimes they’ll have numbers instead, sometimes they’ll be called Systems Information Directors.

1994: U.S. Secretary of Energy, Hazel O”leary ordered Department of Energy to declassify 32 million pages of secret files; 1.6 million of these referred to secret radiation experiments carried out by US government affiliated agencies on American civilians.

Walter Bowart: “I’ll lead the applause for O’Leary. But now, Ma’am, there must be another 32 million pages of secrets still left. Let’s see those too. How many people have died from radiation effects? How many of the so-called Monarch survivors were also used in radiation experiments?.. I wonder what the doctors are going to charge to restore peace of mind to the millions of mind control “survivors” that are just now discovering they need psychological help. And what about all those that’ve killed themselves due to mind control? And what about those who’ve killed otehrs because of mind control? And what about all those who were killed because they began to remember the dirty secrets that they were programmed to forget- those whose amnesia finally ran out?

One thing that the mind control suits and the suits against the DOE or most other agencies have in common (sometimes the DOE is the object of the mind control suits as well) — all but a few are thrown out of court when the National Security Act is invoked.

See, the National Security Act says that “in the interest of national security” you’re not entitled to a fair trial… all your civil rights can be suspended in the “interest of national security”. And what is national security? Nobody knows. There’s no case law on it. It’s anything the cryptocrats say it is, and for some reason, the judges go along with this. Why? Probably because they’re part of the cryptocracy, or
they’re afraid that the pictures of themselves molesting that beautiful young child will be made public and that’ll be the end of their careers. They didn’t know that it was the cryptocrats who provided the child and the child is an MPD (multiple personality) who’s specially trained to perform some perverted sexual act that serves the judges own pedophilic or bestial tastes… But I don’t want to pick on
judges, how about Senators, Congressmen, Presidents, Cabinet members, prominent entertainers, the rich and the famous… This is what we’re hearing over and over from the survivors of Project Monarch — which may have been also called Project One Hundred Thousand… (Have you seen anything about that in your local newspapers?)”

From Bowart (1994)

1994: “John J. Williams of Consumertronics in Almaggordo, NM: “We can tell you for a fact that, there are quite a few people who have implantables. They’re being affected by these implantables. They’re very small and they’re very hard to detect and there’s all different kinds. There are some that just
transmit data from the person including, it could be biological type data, medical data like heart rate, blood pressure — or it could be data coming off their nerve system, their muscles, their vocal chords so that anything they say could be picked up and transmitted. Also there could be transceivers. Some of them are fairly complex using computer chips that are highly miniaturized. We know this for a fact and we believe that there are numerous people in this country that have the implants in them. Somewhere along the line they were hospitalized, or they have a period they can’t account for in their lives, they took a drive someplace on Monday morning and they came back Thursday afternoon and they don’t have the
faintest idea of what happened in between — missing time.

We know for a fact that a lot of this work is done by entities that we have no direct knowledge about ourselves. But from the type of manifestations that are occurring and from other things we have seen, we know that there are certain things that are either being done by people in a highly secretive position in the United States or operating from a foreign country, or maybe E.T.’s for all we know.

Q: I was going to ask about your use of the word “entities.” Some of the people who are experiencing this have raised the question about E.T.’s.

W: It’s very similar. The devices, however, are quite varied in function and in different positions placed in the body and different lengths of time and duration, most are transceiver type devices, but there are some that are just transmitters and some that are just receivers. The functions they perform are from control type functions to monitoring functions. They’re very sophisticated in their sound like radio static to a field strength scanner it’s hard to find them. We do a lot of work. Some of it we cannot even begin to talk about…

The kinds of weapons Consumertronics sells play a role in mind control in the “low powered” use, as Williams said, but, we learned from a letter from a target, also they can be used in conjunction with the trauma-based programming. Here follows one of the many letters received by The Freedom of Thought Foundation:

“It is now about 3:00 A.M and my apartment and me and my children are being bombarded by some type of directed energy. My 8 year-old-son just woke up about 30 minutes ago having wet the bed as usually happens when this “stuff’ is so strong. Several people suggested that I contact you about possible help for our predicament.

I am a member of Mothers Against Sexual Abuse here in I have tried over the last two years to find out what I could about what is happening to us and how to combat it. I have reached many dead ends. I was told that a Dr. Bob Beck might be able to help us, but the person who agreed to contact him for me said that he wasn’t getting involved in any more cases like ours. (That is correct, Dr. Beck is in poor health and no longer is able to work in this area which he pioneered.)

Very briefly, the nightmare puzzle of my life was brought clearly into focus about this time of year in 1992 when a therapist that I had been referred to by MASA board member was able to fit the horrible,
scrambled pieces of my children’s experience together as ritual abuse. We had known that the children had been sexually molested by their father on unsupervised court-ordered visits and we suspected there was something else… but nothing prepared me for what was finally disclosed.

I don’t know why this is happening to us and I don’t understand how. It would have helped our court case to protect the children from their father and his group of people if we had been able to show how we
are being monitored and manipulated. At times it seemed that just for my own sanity. I needed some type of proof that what I and we are experiencing is verifiable. Now I just want to find out how to more effectively deal with it. My former husband is an electronic engineer who worked for a defense contractor here in _. One of the women in his group that the children identified as a perpetrator also worked for that same company.

I would appreciate talking directly at your convenience… I am now losing my vision in both eyes to rapidly developing cataracts which the doctors cannot explain. The extreme sensitivity to light which I
experience was met with the question of whether I had been exposed to any radiation. I certainly think so, but I can’t prove it.

Short of killing me outright, in order to get control of the children, I believe I’m being rendered physically incapable of protecting them. I can’t imagine what is next…”

1996: US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board published a 14-volume study of future developments in weapons called New World Vistas. On page 89 of an ancillary 15th volume are some hair-raising insights into the future ‘coupling’ of man and machine in a section dealing with ‘Biological Process Control’. The author refers to an ‘explosion’ of knowledge in the field of neuroscience, adding, ominously:

“One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set.”

Translating the words ‘experience set’ from military jargon into plain English, this means, simply, that they envisage the ability to erase your life’s memories and substitute a new, fictitious set.

By projecting such developments into the future, the authors of New Vistas are camouflaging present day capabilities. A similar futuristic scenario with many references to mind manipulation is described in The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War (US Army War College, 1994). Authors Steven Metz and James Kievit declare:

“Behaviour modification is a key component of peace enforcement” and “The advantage of [using] directed energy systems is deniability.” The authors ask: “Against whom is such deniability aimed?” The direct answer is “the American people”.

Edward Tilton, President of Silent Sounds Inc., says this about S-quad in a letter dated 13 December, 1996:

“All schematics, however, have been classified by the US Government and we are not allowed to reveal the exact details. We make tapes and CDs for the German Government, even the former Soviet Union countries! All with the permission of the US State Department, of course. The system was used throughout Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) quite successfully.” (in 1991).

By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate the brain’s low-amplitude “emotion signature clusters”, synthesize them and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it. “These clusters are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being!”

Microwaves can also alter the permeability of the body’s blood-brain barrier, which can synergistically increase the effects of drugs, as the military is well aware. “Using relatively low-level RFR, it may be possible to sensitise large military groups to extremely dispersed amounts of biological or chemical agents to which the unirradiated population would be immune.”

Sound can be transmitted even easier through the use of implants -cochlear implants, implants that send electrical signals into the fluid of the inner ear, or implants that transmit sound vibrations via bone conduction, such as the cases of dental fillings picking up audible radio signals.

The stimoceiver, invented by Dr. Jose Delgado, consists of wires running from strategic points in the brain to a radio receiver/transmitter located entirely under the skin. Through this device, Delgado was able to stimulate raw emotions such as arousal, anxiety, and aggression with the turn of a knob.
Of course, secret research by the US Government into microwaves and synthetic telepathy has moved on considerably since the end of the Cold War … secret microwave radiation can be used to induce in unsuspecting victims: “Headache, fatigue, perspiring, dizziness, menstrual disorders, irritability, agitation, tension, drowsiness, sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, and the lack of concentration.”

Naval Research Lab Attempts To Meld Neurons And Chips: Studies May Produce Army of ‘Zombies.’

Future battles could be waged with genetically engineered organisms, such as rodents, whose minds are controlled by computer chips engineered with living brain cells…. The research, called Hippo-campal Neuron Patterning, grows live neurons on computer chips.

“This technology that alters neurons could potentially be used on people to create zombie armies,” Lawrence Korb, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said.


1997: From the David A. Larson Report: Criminal and Scientific Misconduct Involving Neural Prosthesis Research Funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP and The Alfred E. Mann Foundation”

Paraphrased version: (Ten) Microstimulator devices (bio-sensors) were surgically recovered from politician, David A. Larson by an LA, California physician. The devices were analyzed by using microscopy and by materials characterization techniques by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) at Photometrics (materials characterization lab, Huntington Beach, CA) and confirm the presence of Silicon, Chlorine and other materials used in semiconductor processing. The recovered devices are an exact match for the devices that were developed by research scientists Joseph Schulman, Gerald Loeb and Philip Troyk under contract from the National Institutes of Health. There are about 4 contracts involved, but the initial contract was #N01-NS5-2325 and funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP. (Remote electronic) assault (on Larson) occurred during the same quarter in which Schulman and Loeb filed patent applications for implantable devices and patient monitoring systems which employ above mentioned methods of bi-directional telemetry. U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/039,164 was filed on Feb. 26, 1997 and U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/042,447 on Mar. 27, 1997.

Joseph Schulman has an FCC license and broadcasts at 224.840 MHz (K6BWA) and has repeaters operating to the North, South and East of David A. Larson’s residence, all within a 22-mile range.

Professor Wise from Univ. of Michigan reports in a QPR that because of bandwidth and impedance issues, 200MHz should be chosen for remote, wireless stimulation using a neural prosthesis. The FCC database shows that Joseph Schulman operates radio repeaters in this frequency as call sign K6BWA.

Schulman reported acquiring an ISDN “Connectix” phone as part of contract #N01-NS5-2325 claiming it would be used for file sharing and enhanced communication. Later, a company he founded called “NeuroDyne” markets a new system which used such an ISDN video-phone to enable multiple physicians to tele-conference while analyzing a patients biofeedback signals such as EEG and EMG in real-time as the physiologic data is displayed on the screens and which can be saved for further analysis

Much further evidence exists in Joseph Schulman and Gerald Loeb’s U.S. Patent Office filings and the Quarterly Progress Reports from contract #N01-NS5-2325. This evidence shows that implantable device invention and related technology discovery occurred during the contract period, and additionally were not reported or claimed to be made with government support. More importantly, many of the inventions involve integrating or stacking additional circuitry that enables additional functionality including long-distance bi-directional telemetry, and the accompanying ability to use this unethically.”

Note: Larson’s case was thrown out of court, according to Jesse Beltran, because Larson had unwittingly signed a document agreeing to be part of an experiment.

(See: Nanotech Weapons & Havana Syndrome (I.e., TI Program): Proof: Jesse Beltran and Paul Brooker Interview (Video))

1999: In January 1999 the European Parliament passed Resolution A4-0005/1999 Section 27. The resolution calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons that may provide for any forms of manipulation of human beings.

2001: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) introduced Space Preservation Act (H. R. 2977) to the 107th Congress which would have banned implementation of exotic space-based weaponry, including the following exotic weapons systems:

(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;
(ii) chemtrails;
(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;
(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;
(v) laser weapons systems;
(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and
(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.

The bill failed to pass.

2001: NASA Future War document indicates that “the horrific threat of individuals” and groups is to be countered via microwave, special forces, holograms, mind control (i.e., those targeted become TIs for more experimentation and neutralization).

See: 2001 NASA WAR PLAN Identifies Military Strategies & High Tech Weaponry Deployed Against The Civilian Population (‘Targeted Individuals’!) (Pdf & Webmaster’s Summary and Comments)

2001: The Sept. 11 self-inflicted “terror attacks” involved the standard formula for state-sponsored terror: a) in-government moles to coordinate things (Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc.), b) patsies to blame (Osama bin Laden and the 19 Saudi “alleged hijackers”, and 3) professional killers that carry out the murders (i.e., special forces and/or privatized groups or groups from other nations- notably Israel). Taking down the NYC Twin Towers evidently involved controlled demolition via a combination of pre-planted in-the-building bombs, as well as (most probably) mini-nukes, and directed energy weapons. A great number of Jewish Sayanim, including building owner, Larry Silverstein, who pocketed many billions of dollars from rigged insurance claims, were clearly involved in all aspects of the operation. The five “dancing Israelis” later stated on Israeli TV, “We were just there to document the event” and were also clearly part of the operation. Please see my website, now with over 1000 posts, for more details.

My current title/headline for this website basically explains the big picture of “Operation 9/11:”

“Operation 9/11: Neocon/PNAC-Scripted, State-Sponsored/False-Flag Trigger For Greater Israel/Global War OF Terror, Invisible DEW Warfare/Electronic Gulag, Satanic World Order”

As is typical of state-sponsored, false flag, staged “terror events,” 9/11 was a carefully scripted and carefully crafted psychological operation against the domestic population of America and the world. It was at least 30 years in the making, according former Phoenix Operation soldier, Senator Bob Kerry. Welcome to America, children.

In their 2000 document, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,” the neoconservative (Jewish) Project For a New American Century think tank stated that a “New Pearl Harbor” would be required to get the American public to embrace the three fold increase in defense spending required to fight multi-theater wars all over the world. They neglected to acknowledge that these multiple wars, funded by American taxpayers, would be fought for Israel to achieve their “Greater Israel” project as outlined in the 1982 “Oded Yinon plan” and the 1990’s “A Clean Break: A New Strategy For Securing the Realm” document.

The radical increase in U.S. defense spending also contributed considerably greater financial resources to pursuing the targeting of black-listed Americans, i.e., dissidents, truth tellers, and political enemies, now rebranded “potential domestic terrorist threats.”

2001: The “Bush Doctrine” Brain Imaging (Neuroscience) as used in Global War on Terror…. Secretly-designated terrorists lose all rights and become more exotic weapons-testing guinea pigs. Now, in the new “Global War On Terrorism,” the “battlespace” is everywhere, including inside your head. The Bush Doctrine required the hunting down and expulsion of these so-called “domestic terrorists” (i.e., dissidents, etc.) from amongst the civilian population.

Authoritarianism of counter-terrorism.

2002: The Department of Homeland Security, formed by the Homeland Security Act (HSA) enacted November 25, 2002, was introduced in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks and subsequent mailings of anthrax spores. HSA created the United States Department of Homeland Security and the new cabinet-level position of Secretary of Homeland Security. It is the largest federal government reorganization since the Department of Defense was created via the National Security Act of 1947 (as amended in 1949). It also includes many of the organizations under which the powers of the USA PATRIOT Act are exercised. In “The CIA As Organized Crime; How Covert Operations Corrupt America and the World” (2017), Douglas Valentined stated:

…. “As DCI (Director of Central Intelligence, in 1976-77), George H.W. Bush laid the groundwork for the off-the-shelf counter-terror network that facilitated the Enterprise and the illegal selling of arms to Iran to finance the illegal Contra war in Nicaragua. He laid the basis for the global Phoenix Program.

…. (The) Phoenix (Program) fulfilled its destiny in the wake of 9/11 and became the template for policing the (American) empire and fighting its eternal War on Terror. So successful were Phoenix operations in overthrowing the Ba’athist Party regime in Iraq that David Kilcullen, one of the US government’s top terrorism advisors in 2004, called for a “global Phoenix program.”

The threat of a global Phoenix program is that it will become fully activated in the United States. If the CIA and military are successful at politically and psychologically neutralizing suspected terrorists, what is to stop them applying the full systematic extent of Phoenix-style operations to include political dissidents, immigrants, and despised minorities in America, just as they did in Vietnam?

….. Security officials are adept at using double-speak to hide repressive “covert actions” within “intelligence” operations, and they are using the exact same advertising campaign they used in Vietnam: when the Phoenix first arrived in American in the form of Homeland Security, it was advertised as “protecting the people from terrorism,” just as it was in Vietnam.

… Thanks to media complicity, Phoenix has already become the template for providing internal political security for America’s leaders. The process began immediately after 9/11 with the repressive USA Patriot Act and a series of Presidential executive orders that have since legalized the administrative detention and murder of American citizens said to be involved in terrorism- like Kamal Derwish, killed by a drone strike in 2002, and cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, killed by CIA drone stikes in 2009.

Since then, the government has steadily sought to expand its powers to target Americans. In an editorial correction to an article written in 2010 by Dana Priest, the Washington Post said: “The military’s Joint Special Operations Command maintains a target list that includes several Americans. In recent weeks, U.S. officials have said that the government is prepared to kill U.S. citizens who are believed to be involved in terrorist activities that threaten Americans.”

The list of targeted individuals is growing too, and the intent to kill them is there. As part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, the military (no mention is ever made of the CIA) was given the right to administratively detain and assassinate US citizens without due process. In 2013, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that President Obama “has authority to use drone strikes to kill Americans on US soil.”

The bureaucratic groundwork is being laid as well. Just as Phoenix “Intelligence Operations and Coordination Centers” (IOCC) (also National Interrogation Centers NIC- and Provincial Interrogation Centers- PIC) were established in every province and district in South Vietnam, the Department of Homeland Security has now established fusion centers, and the FBI has established Joint Terrorism Task Forces, to coordinate representatives from every police, security, military, and civic organization in every state and major city.

The fascist merging of government and corporate forces against the public interest is the most insidious facet of Phoenix in American society. And it is done with the full coordination of the corporate media, which exploits each and every mass murder we endure, whether it is a terrorist attack or not- like the gay attacker’s assault on the gay nightclub in Orlando- to terrorize the public into consenting to greater restrictions on civil liberties and more wars overseas.”

From: Doug Valentine’s “CIA As Organized Crime: How Covert Operations Corrupt America and the World” (2017)

2003: List of Mind Control Symptoms From (Cheryl Welsh’s) Mindjustice Homepage…

“Targeted Individuals” Experience:

Microwave hearing 
Transmission of specific commands into the subconscious
Visual disturbances and visual hallucinations;
Injection of words, numbers into brain via electromagnetic radiation waves;
Manipulation of emotions;
Reading of thoughts remotely
The (remote) causing pain to any nerve of the body,
Remote manipulation of human behavior from space
Harassment, stress symptoms such as helicopters flying overhead;
Seeing, as in a camera, through your eyes, i.e. to see what you see exactly;
Control of sleep patterns;
Computer-brain interface, control and communication
Complex control of the brain such as retrieving memories, implanting personalities.

(In this article, Welsh documents that each of these symptoms coincide with proven scientific capabilities.)

2005: 1996: The addendum of Gloria Naylor’s novel, 1996 (2005), includes this description of some of the most commonly reported mind control symptoms:

“Victims are subjected to various kinds of harassment and torture, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for years on end. Most believe that some type of technology can remotely track, target, and control every nerve in their bodies. Heart and respiration rate can speed up and slow down, and stomach and bowel functions are regulated. Illnesses and all types of pain can turn on and off in an instant. Microwave burns are reported.

“Sleep deprivation is common and dreams are manipulated. Victims say, “They [whoever is targeting them] can see through my eyes, what I see.” Sometimes victims describe seeing the images of projected holograms. Thoughts can be read. Most victims describe a phenomenon they call “street theater.” (Webmaster: psychology professionals would call this: “psycho-drama”). For example, people around the victim have repeated verbatim, the victim’s immediate thoughts, or harassive and personalized statements are repeated by strangers wherever the victim may go.

“Emotions can be manipulated. Microwave hearing, known to be an unclassified military capability of creating voices in the head, is regularly reported. Implanted thoughts and visions are common, with repetitive themes that can include pedophilia, homophobia and degradation. Victims say it is like having a radio or TV in your head. Less frequently, remote and abusive sexual manipulation is reported. Almost all victims say repetitive behavior control techniques are used and include negative, stimulus-response or feedback loops.”

2008: Inventor, James Walbert, successfully sued business partner/competitor, Jerimiah Redford, for blasting him with mind-altering electromagnetic radiation (See”: TI James Walbert’s Lawsuits Against Jerimiah Redford (Jewish stalker, 2008) and Witchita Police (2011) Re: Directed Energy Weapon Attacks (10 related posts; 2 videos)).

2008: From: Mind Weaponn



“The term “Mind control” basically means covert attempts to influence the thoughts and behavior of human beings against their will (or without their knowledge), particularly when surveillance of an individual is used as an integral part of such influencing. The term “Psychotronic Torture” comes from psycho (of psychological) and electronic. This is actually a very sophisticated form of remote technological torture that slowly invalidates and incapacitates a person. These invisible and non-traceable technological assaults on human beings are done in order to destroy someone psychologically and physiologically. The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity. We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated.

Definition of psychotronic (psycho-physical) weapons: Psychotronic Weapons (PF- weapons) this is the totality of all possible methods and means (technogenic, suggestive, pharmacological, paranormal, complexes, and others) of hidden, forced influences on the psyche of a person for the purpose of modifying his consciousness, behavior and health for what is desired in the way of influencing aspects of control…” This is not only dangerous, this is deadly!”

The First phase is the harassment/surveillance program.

They use Echelon, Tempest, microchips, implants, see through wall radar, obtain informants, neighbors, and co-conspirators to harass, discredit, and harm an individual. Victims lose their families, jobs, homes, and cars. Ultimate goal to destroy a persons life which will isolate them from family, friends. The isolation is needed to have access to the person to conduct many of the experiments on them.

The second phase is the assaults of Directed Energy Weapons.

After a victim becomes isolated from everyone in the world. The victim now having feelings of regret, remorse, of loss, trauma, and are drained and broken emotionally and physically. During this time many have been implanted with microchips. Many begin experiencing extreme pain to their head. Some hear voices. Then pain is delivered to various other parts of their bodies. The pain is delivered by Directed Energy Weapons.

Directed Energy Weapons

Some of the weapons were known as non-lethal weapons. They use such weapons as extremely low frequency ELF electromagnetic weapons, acoustics, harmonics, ultrasound, microwave audiograms, microwave pulsed, and radio frequency. Another electromagnetic energy beam can be used to induce “considerable agitation and muscular activity” or “induce muscular weakness and lethargy” this weapon is know as Ultra High Frequency (UHF) EM.

Psychological warfare tactics are being used against unsuspecting citizens to destroy their jobs, their families and their lives. The perpetrators will stop at nothing. Their objective is to utterly destroy a person, very often resulting in a person taking his or her own life, or ending up in a mental hospital. This has been taking place for years and nothing is ever said about it. Nothing is ever written about it. Some people also experience electronic harassment.

This is extremely distressing, painful and invasive, and feels like one’s mind and body is undergoing constant rape, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The technology used to do this is unknown, but hundreds of victims report the same physical sensations and experiences. Many take their lives in an attempt to escape the horror. The technology involves the use of electromagnetic waves of various frequencies to achieve different results. Some frequencies will make a person tired, while others may cause confusion or memory loss.”

2013-23: The EU Human Brain Project begun. Wikipedia: “Using high-performance exascale supercomputers it built infrastructure that allowed researchers to advance knowledge in the fields of neuroscience, computing and brain-related medicine. Its successors are the EBRAINS and now EBRAINS 2.0 projects. The HBP Project, which started on 1 October 2013, was a European Commission Future and Emerging Technologies Flagship.”

In the U.S., Obama’s B.R.A.I.N. Initiative (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) is begun and likely deployed to provide test subjects (i.e., targeted individuals) for the Human Brain Project.

Wikipedia: “The BRAIN Initiative®, is a partnership between Federal and non-Federal partners with a common goal of accelerating the development of innovative neurotechnologies. Through the application and dissemination of these scientific advancements, researchers will be able to produce a revolutionary new dynamic picture of the brain that, for the first time, shows how individual cells and complex neural circuits interact in both time and space.

With the National Institutes of Health (NIH) serving as a central and leading role in achieving this ambitious goal, the NIH BRAIN Initiative is made up and managed by 10 Institutes and Centers whose missions and current research portfolios complement the goals of the BRAIN Initiative.”

Bottom line: According to ex-CIA neuroscientist, Dr. Robert Duncan, more targeted individuals came online in 2013 with the establishment of these projects.

Timeline presented in diagram below.

2015: Symptoms suffered by “targeted individuals” from: Mind Control Symptoms From Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency (January, 2015 article by Ms. Soleilmavis)

According to an anonymous survey (result on December 19, 2009) for 296 mind control victims all over the world, including 130 females and 166 males, 71% of all victims had completed a college degree, with 14% of all victims attaining a Master or a Doctor degree.

The symptoms victims experienced as a possible result of this technology include:

(1) Hot and Cold Flashes – 50%
(2) Nausea – 51%
(3) Severe sweating – 40%
(4) Induced Sleep – 65%
(5) Sleep deprivation – 79%
(6) Extreme Fatigue – 69%
(7) Blurred Vision – 57%
(8) Sensations of pain in internal organs – 62%
(9) Sensations of pain in backbone, arms, legs, and muscles – 59%
(10) Numbness and tingling, Paresthesias, Loss of sensation – 49%
(11) Muscle Cramps /Spasms/tension – 56%
(12) Sudden Headaches – 64%
(13) Irregular Heartbeat – 61%
(14) False Heart Attacks – 39%
(15) Tooth Pain – 50%
(16) Diarrhea. – 44%
(17) Acute inflammation/autoimmunity reactions – 25%
(18) Autoimmune disorders like Fibromyalgia – 17%
(19) Urinary tract infections – 18%
(20) Skin problems and skin irritations – 50%
(21) Change in growing of hair and nails – 32%
(22) Female problems which eventually lead to hysterectomy – 8%
(23) Cancer – 4%
(24) Fevers – 23%
(25) Flulike Symptoms/Sneezing – 43%
(26) Dizziness or Loss of Balance – 55.41%
(27) Sudden loss of consciousness – 31%
(28) Benign or Malignant Tumors – 8%
(29) Sensation of Electric Current Running through the Body – 54%
(30) Induced Thoughts/telepathic communication, messages – 65%
(31) Hearing “voices” (reception of auditory acoustic weapon transmissions or similar) – 68%
(32) Seeing “Holograms” – 42%
(33) Dream Manipulation – 71%
(34) Artificial Emotions (induced fear, anger, shame, joy, hate, sadness) – 68%
(35) Sudden “unexpected” Sexual Arousal – 54%
(36) Genital manipulation – 55%
(37) Induced Smells – 52%
(38) Sudden extreme moodswings (depression – euphoria) – 48%
(39) Induced pleasure-aversion reactions towards people or objects – 45%
(40) Making you say things (forced speech) – 46%
(41) General behaviour control in some situations – 50%
(42) Manipulation of Memory (forgetting/remembering/screen memories) – 67%
(43) Remote steering of eye movements – 39%
(44) Remote steering of body movements/motor control – 43%
(45) Virtual reality experiences while awake – 35%

50% of all victims have been forced to accept psychiatric treatment.

2016: “Perverted FBI and NSA psychopaths are secretly and illegally conducting non-consensual, sadistic, synthetic telepathy experiments and psychotronic weapon attacks on hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens in the United States and elsewhere.

The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Reserch Projects Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ], Cointelpro or Counter Intelligence Program unit has extremely top secret technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio, the internet, and the telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget, and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S. military. The top secret technologies available to the U.S. military is usually thirty years or may be even more ahead of the technology which is available to the U.S. civilian economy. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what the level of technological development is within the secret laboratories of the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Reserch Projects Agency ]. The headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade in the U.S. state of Maryland.

Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology whichcan be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves.
These microscopic computer chips can also be made invisible to detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [ Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ] scans, by some means of electromagnetic degaussing.

With the latest top secret, and rapid technological advancements available to the U.S. military intelligence agencies, the need for microscopic computer implants in conducting synthetic telepathy against targeted persons is obsolete by now.

Rather, a system of subliminal, subconscious, wireless microwave remote control is used today against targeted individuals suffering from synthetic telepathy harrassment. Synthetic Telepathy is used for conducting torture training and/or experimentation against people as red herring “good cop/bad cop” or tough love acting, diversions, feints, decoys, and smokescreens, as smear campaigns by association, as openly secret intimidation campaigns against targeted dissidents, and as a means of espionage. Once it was believed that claims about C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive material in the slums of U.S. cities during the 1950′s as part of a research program were simply mass conspiracy theories, until the U.S. federal government in the 1990′s publicly admitted that the allegation was true.

FBI and NSA agents who are part of a secret US society are genetically inclined sociopaths and psychopaths who work as hit men, torturers, sexual abusers, stalkers, slanderers, and agent provocateurs involved in murders and torture of hundreds of thousands of innocent US citizens for years and years. At the last count there are 50,000 NSA spies who are businessmen, priests, community leaders and in all walks of life who are SPYING and keeping tabs on pretty much all Americans.”

The emotions and silent words of the victims of synthetic telepathy operators can be broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic telepathy torturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power to block or censor any emotions and words of their victims which they do not want to be broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spies can also place their own criminal or antisocial, negative emotions and words into their victims by means of subliminal, subconscious, remote control microwave brainwashing technology, and they can change the voice behind their words so as to make it appear that it is the targeted victim and not themselves who are communicating by means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions and silently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they can rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetic telepathy operators, although having high I.Q.’s, are predisposed towards sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect or combination of genetic defects, and that the only way they can sustain enthusiasm in their lives is by engaging in an addictive pattern of sadomasochistic activities and fantasies.

If you do not believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should lookat these following web sites which reveal that part of electromagnetic psychological warfare and mind control which today is declassified:

I urge the readers to print/save this column as well as the following link where the NSA and their PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPON ATTACKS and SADISTIC TORTURE of hundreds of thousands of innocent American and worldwide citizens (guinea pigs and victims) are explained in detail with diagrams and technology.

“Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency” (link unknown).

Readers are advised to print the document in the link above and study the pictures and technology.

Important things from the above link for Americans and other people to educate and protect themselves and their loved ones from these secret, non-consensual and illegal psychopathic experiments, attacks and tortures by these 100,000 FBI and NSA secret psychopaths and spies.

1) The NSA has records on all US citizens. The NSA gathers information on US citizens with over 50,000 NSA agents and spies (HUMINT).

2) NSA personnel in the community usually have cover identities such as social workers, priests, church leaders, lawyers and business owners.

3) NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the US by using the NSA’s domestic intelligence (DOMINT) network and cover businesses.

4) This network (DOMINT) covers the entire US, involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously .

5) NSA DOMINT has the ability to assassinate US citizens covertly or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health.

6) At the present time the NSA has nanotechnology computers that are fifteen years ahead of present computer technology.

7) SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY and other psycho-electronic weapon chips can be inserted into the victims’ bodies painlessly without their knowledge in a matter of minutes by FBI and NSA spies.

08) NSA computer-generated brain mapping can continuously monitor all of the electrical activity in the brain continuously.

9) For electronic surveillance purposes, electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts.

10) NSA operatives can use this covertly to debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations, characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia.

11) Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject’s brain and show images from the subject’s brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject’s eyes are seeing.

12) Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this surreptitiously to put images into a surveillance subject’s brain while they are in REM sleep for brain-programming purposes.

13) The NSA, Ft Meade has in place a vast two-way wireless RNM system which is used to track subjects and noninvasively monitor audio-visual information in their brains. This is all done with no physical contact with the subject. RNM is the ultimate method of surveillance and domestic intelligence.

4) Speech, 3D sound and subliminal audio can be sent to the auditory cortex of the subject’s brain (bypassing the ears), and images can be sent into the visual cortex. RNM can alter a subject’s perceptions, moods and motor control. RNM can alter a subject’s perceptions, moods and motor control.

15) The NSA’s Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to monitor remotely and non-invasively information in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt electromagnetic emissions from the brain.

16) Remote monitoring/tracking of individuals in any location, inside any building, continuously, anywhere in the country. RNM can electronically identify individuals and track them anywhere in the US.

17) Tens of thousands of persons in each area working as spotters and neighbourhood/business place spies (sometimes unwittingly) following and checking on subjects who have been identified for covert control by NSA personnel.

HOW FBI/NSA disables, cripples and murders its own innocent American citizens. God only knows how many of the unsolved murders and diseases are actually committed and spread by these 100,000 FBI and NSA agents and spies.

18) Chemicals and Drugs into Residential Buildings with Hidden NSA Installed and Maintained Plastic Plumbing lines. The NSA has kits for running lines into residential tap water and air ducts of subjects for the delivery of drugs (such as sleeping gas or brainwashing-aiding drugs). This is an outgrowth of CIA pharmapsychology (psychopharmacology).

19) Victims experience daily break-ins in their homes by FBI and NSA secret society spies. Victims of this endless torture has no way to prove the break-ins and poisoning of food since FBI and NSA spies have technology that can easily disable the video surveillance systems, phone lines and security alarm systems
of the torture victims.

20) FBI and NSA spies threaten hundreds of thousands of these innocent torture victims in America with accidents, bio-terrorism attacks in the form of measles, chicken pox, small pox and other forms of viruses, life threatening diseases AIDS, debilitating diseases cystic fibrosis, alzheimers etc. FBI and NSA spies post these threatening messages on internet only the mind control victims can understand and knew those threats were meant for the victims. In some cases, unfortunately these torture victims do not even know they are torture victims.”


2016-2017: “Havana Syndrome” (micro-wave weapons) events occur

2017: Dr. James Giordano, self-described “neuro-weaponologist,” “neuro-ethicist,” DARPA consultant, Professor of Neuroscience at Georgetown Medical University, and author of: “”Neurotechnology in National Security and Defense: Practical Considerations, Neuroethical Concerns,” stated in a lecture delivered to military personnel, began by quoting Zbigniew Brezinski, “Between Two Ages: Americas Role in the Technetronic Era” (1972):

“Speaking of a future at most only decades away, an experimenter in intelligence control asserted, “I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.”

Giordano then stated:

“This potential for manipulation of behavior and intellectual functioning through manipulation of the brain (which Brezinski predicted) has now been realized some 40 years later…..

The brain is the next battlespace…. We are targeting the brain…. Like (in) any race, the morbidity and mortality, going at this speed, with this level of integrity and this level of momentum, is real.

We are tracking neurological or brain signatures of key targeted individuals that are thought to represent whole groups. If I understand how his or her brain works and do this on a broad enough scale, I can develop patterns and I can use this in ways that informs my intelligence; this force multiplies and synergizes my human intelligence (HUMINT), my signals intelligence (SIGINT), and my communications intelligence (COMINT). NEURINT (Neuro intelligence) coupled with assessment and access gives me these capabilities.

I can utilize neuro-pharmacologics and various forms of brain stimulation to extract information from key intelligence targets.”

… “We are targeting the brain. And we (I) need to recon my target area well in order to: 1) acquire viable targets and 2) avoid collateral damage. To do this efficiently, we can use a number of Assessment Technologies:

1) Neuro-imaging techniques include (older): computerized tomography, single-photon emission tomography, and (newer) a highly specific EM (electromagnetic) pulse signal to image brain areas and to image “tracks” (communicating networks and nodes within the brain) in a directional way in rapid time, and
2) Neuro-physiological recordings such as electro-encepholography (EEGs) in combination with quantitative techniques.
3) Neurogenomics and genetics, that is, looking at genetic profiles of individuals and groups to see what genes are coding for certain structures and functions of the brain.
4) Neuroproteomics and other forms of bio-markers.
5) Neuro-cyber informatics

Methods For Brain Assessment and Access Approaches For Bio-tracking” include:

-fMR/MEG and brain recording applications for DecDet
-Neuro-pharmacologics for affiliative enhancement
-Brain stimulation for cognitive alteration
-Tiered integrated tracking and access networks (TITAN): Utilize indwelling devices for intentional identification and access

From: Confessions of a High-Level Perp: Dr. James Giordano – Battlespace/Organized Stalking Applications of Neuroscience and Neuroweapons (2017 youtube lecture, my transcription and notes, and pdf)

2018: Following the Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) and neuro attacks on American diplomats in US Embassies in Havana, Cuba and China (the so-called “Havana Syndrome”). Dr. James Canton, CEO of Global Futures, Inc., addressed the SOFWERX (Special Forces) and J-5 Donovan Group, stating:

“Re: Neurotechnology: What are the top, exponential technologies that are game changer technologies for our civilization that affect everything from health care to defense to manufacturing? Our group identified these as: Nano, bio, IT, and neurotechnology, and later I added quantum as another strategic technology that would yield massive new opportunities….

These are game changer technologies that create massive opportunities. Each has a “dual use” (which here means, they have “light” and “dark” sides, i.e., to help and to harm). We are talking about manipulation of atoms and neurons that will shape our future.. Manipulation of these emerging technologies will likely shape future decades and centuries of our civilization.

We can also use these to enhance human performance. Neural nets at the core of AI involve over a trillion dollars of financial trading.

NSF (National Science Foundation) has been looking into 5 key technologies; the manipulation of genes, atoms, bits, qubits, neuro, and info…. In order to look at all these together, we have to change the way we look at science. We’ve been looking at neural nets at the core of AI. How do we think of all these technologies together?

We are all living in “Moore’s Law”– Moore’s hypothesis is that computer technology doubles in power every 18 months. And the cost of that power is also being halved in that amount of time. Now we all live in Neuro-Moore’s law. We have ever-shrinking, ever-more powerful devices.

(Referring to the attacks on American diplomats at the Cuban and Chinese embassies): What are the diagnostics and devices we need to interdict and prevent these kinds of attacks? We need monitoring and sensing devices. Sensors alert through the iCloud…. Then we interdict it. That’s an operational deployment. We are looking at the proliferation of these 5 key technologies; nano, bio, IT, neuro, atomic.

Advanced neuro devices include “soft” (“nonlethal”) and “hard” (lethal) neuroweapons. (By the way, Crisper is a technology for doing genetic engineering…. The skill set required is operating a video game.)

(Webmaster note: Likewise, according whistleblower and Targeted Individual, Bryan Kofron, the skill set required to track and target civilians (“TIs”) with these kinds of neuroweapons is operating a video game much like “The Sims.”)

We are living in the proliferation of 30 different technologies. These are all accelerated exponential technologies. There are two parts of Neurotechology: The first is the “soft” or “nonlethal” dimension. This creates dysfunctionality and cognitive impairment, inability to make good decisions, dizziness, health effects. This is a weapons system to create cognitive impairment of individuals. The second is the “hard” dimension, which refers to killing people.

The issue of non-lethality (as per “nonlethal weapons”) is associated with neurotechnology. The American officials attacked in the embassies in Cuba and China were attacked to demonstrate a proof of concept, that is, to demonstrate an operational, deployed capability of soft, non-lethal neuroweapons that could and did “take them out of the game.”

Soft neurotech have many possibilities in “hybrid conflicts”…. And these are now available. This is the new reality. These weapons have been deployed… these attacks were targeted and purposeful. Now the issues are deterrence, prevention, diagnostics.

(Webmaster Comment: Certainly, this all applies to “targeted individuals”. From my perspective as a TI, indeed, let’s please bring on the detection, deterrence and prevention technologies! Or are these counter-measures going to be shared with the individuals they have extra-judicially selected as soft kill/torture unto death targets of these weapons? I doubt it.)

So neuro is likely a game changer, and it has much larger impact domains when it’s in the wild. The (light side) implications of neurotech for our “Neurofutures” include: These can be used to create enhanced humans, enhanced minds (neuro-enhancements), avatars, and advances in medicine, education, quantum, defense, AI, Bio, smart networks, entertainment, media, virtual minds.

(ETK Comment: The “light side” is the sugar-coating to “sell” neurotechnology as a product line.)

It is a much larger phenomenon in terms of impact domains when it is in the wild. We model neuronal interactions. There are tremendous opportunities. There are a hundred companies working to defeat aging. These especially have to do with cognitive dysfunctionality and decline.

We’re in an era where cognitive fitness is a capability that we will all need. So neurotech can be a deliverable…. So we can enhance longevity and health, and these technologies can do that. The other (dark) side is they can also be weaponized, bio-nano-memetics…. parallel phenomenon, by modeling robotics on nature.

Neuronal self-assembly and nano-technology…. one of the factors of neuro-science – My company helped create the revolution of nano-technology in the 1990s. The dark side is the weaponization of these technologies.

I was the first private sector advisor to the “Interagency Working Group on Nanotechnology.” With NSF, we helped create the world of nano-tech under President Clinton and then under President Bush. We funded the formation of an entirely new domain. This creates a new market place and also, the dark side, the weaponization of neuroscience.

Neuro-reprogramming is the likely driver for defeating age-related diseases; to revitalize and rejuvenate even your brain. (Re: the “dark side”): Neurotechnology will drive the next “hybrid war,” which has already started.

(ETK Comment: Let’s re-phrase this it more accurately: “Neurotechnology is driving the present undeclared “hybrid war.”)

Hybrid Warfare: Includes the use of regular military forces, Special Forces, Irregular Forces (i.e., civilians), Information warfare and propaganda, diplomacy, cyber attacks, economic warfare, and, of course, neurowarfare.

(Webmaster Comment: Other terms for “hybrid warfare,” according to Mark M. Rich’s “New World War: Revolutionary Methods For Political Control” (2011), include Fourth Generation Warfare, unconventional warfare, asymmetrical warfare, net-centric warfare, information warfare, military-operations other than war, low-intensity conflict, peace operations, psychological warfare, irregular warfare, the war on terrorism, weather warfare, environmental warfare, and civil-military operations. Imagine an entire nation clenched into a giant, authoritarian fist to protect the interests of the elite 0.01% and smash all competing interests…. this is America today. BTW, the above definition is also more or less synonymous with “Cognitive Warfare.”)

Neurotech can make leaders lose track of time…. I want leaders to lose track of time. Is this possible? He turns to other experts…. Yes.

(Webmaster comment: Here again, Canton appears to be pursuing a “limited hangout” strategy. Under Project MKULTRA, CIA “spychiatrists” had developed the technologies of RHIC (Radio-hypnotic Intra-cerebral Control) and EDOM (Electronic Dissolution of Memory) and they were operational in the early 1960s, if not earlier! This “limited hangout” strategy is also a “plausible deniability” strategy, and is typically deployed by military-intelligence people.)

We are creating an entire new market… the dark side has to do with weaponization. Neuro-reprogramming will help defeat age-related diseases (the light side)…. We have the ability to rejuvenate even your brain.

“Fantastic futures” include artificial immune system, synthetic tissue, cellular systems, living cells as bio-foundries, proteomic targeting for cancer cells and other diseases, low cost designer drugs. The “Dark side” includes Trojan Horse bioweapons, hyper-virulent proto-viruses, genetically selective pathogens. Also, you can apply the above (bio advancements) to neuro!

In terms of conflicts, the following (neuroweapons) are apparently legal: basically relating to psychological warfare, dysfunctionality stuff, rendering lack of capacity, acoustic weaponry, etc. (This slide is 10 years old)

1) Microwave RF Anti-Functional and Anti-Personnel Weaponry
2) Chemical Anti-Functional Weaponry
3) Chemical Psychological Effects Via Sensory Organs Weaponry (i.e., smell)
4) Chemical Personnel Incapacitation Weaponry (Non-warfare, hostage/terrorism only)
6) Acoustic Weaponry
7) Mechanical Micro Dust

These devices are being carried around from various sources…. This is Moore’s Law operationalized (smaller, more portable, and cheaper devices). These devices are also used for crowd control and there are targeted uses.

Neuro-hacking includes the ability to create thoughts and blend it with AI. These devices that we think were used externally or possibly internally (in the embassy attacks). Or they are are tied to other sensors, or flyables, drones.

(ETK Comment: Here, Canton is referring to Remote Neural Monitoring/Manipulation, microwave hearing, etc., technologies which are well known to targeted individuals all over the world and which have been illegally deployed on innocent civilians since the middle 1950s!)

In an era when everything is hackable- health devices, routers, (and the mind) are all hackable. Most devices that are networkable are hackable…. Neuro-hacking allows us to adjust memories at the nano-scale. Everything that can be made can be hacked. Weaponized neuro-agents, in the era of nano-neuro-biology.

(ETK comment: As is demonstrated in this timeline, the US and Soviet Union have been developing this kind of “information warfare” for generations. Yes, changing information and modifying memories in the brain is considered “information warfare” by the military.).

We’ve now had two events of use of neuro-toxins (again, Canton is referring to the attacks on American personnel at the Cuba and China embassies).…. They are clearly weapons….”

From: Dr. James Canton Neuroweapons, Havana Syndrome, “Dark Network Supply Chains,” “Man-Hunting Business” (aka GANGSTALKING) & “Hybrid Warfare;” Presentation By Dr. James Canton (Video, Transcription, and My Commentary)

2019: Fed governor, Stanley Fischer, Israeli-American Duel Citizen calls for go-direct digital currency to replace the present dollar-based system. This requires direct electronic communication and monitoring of all individuals by governments and financial institutions.

2020: NATO’s Cognitive Warfare is rolled out as a 6th warfare domain that incorporates the other five (land, sea, air, space, and cyber-space).

(From: Behind NATO’s ‘cognitive warfare’: ‘Battle for your brain’ waged by Western militaries (by Ben Norton, October 8, 2021))

“Cognitive warfare (CW), the “battle for your brain,” is a new form of military combat that forms a 6th military warfare domain (in addition to air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace). According to Norton,CW “is the art of using neuro science/technologies (S/T) to alter the cognition of human targets” in order “to harm the cognitive abilities of opponents,” “make everyone a weapon,” “harm societies as well as military,” and “capture the psycho-cultural as well as the geographical high ground” at home and abroad. CW involves “hacking the individual” via cybertorture and neuroweapons and it weaponizes individuals and entire societies so domestic “citizen-based agents” (collaborators with military and police) wage war against “targeted individuals”/adversaries. In cognitive warfare, anyone and everyone can be a target! The chief developer and deployer of CW is the US Department of Defense.

Hybrid warfare includes cognitive warfare (CW) as well as economic warfare, cyber warfare, information warfare, and psychological warfare. In the above post, author Francois Du Cluzel, asserts that “NATO member states are already targeting (THEIR OWN) domestic populations at an unprecedented rate as the NATO military cartel increasingly sees their own domestic populations as a threat!” (This is the targeted individual program!!) He adds that “CW will lead to the militarization of all aspects of human society, from the most intimate of social relationships to the mind itself.” Cluzel notes that “weaponization of neuroS/T can and will be used to induce morbidity, disability or suffering; and ‘neutralise’ potential opponents or incur mortality” – in other words, to maim and kill people. Furthermore, CW “is potentially endless since there can be no peace treaty or surrender for this type of conflict.”

Webmaster comment: Cluzel also notes that “NATO military officers are calling on corporations to invest in NATO’s cognitive warfare research.” So we now have an entire secret, lethal, war domain funded largely by the private sector, aka Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). Maurice Strong was selling PPPs as an alternative to representative government in UN Agenda 21 (now UN Agenda 2030)! Whoever pays this piper gets to “selectively cull” (i.e., target) whichever part of “the herd” it wishes. So we must ask: Which groups provide the greatest input into the selection of “blacklisted” individuals who are placed on the DHS-FBI Terrorist Screening Data Base?”

Bottom line: Cognitive Warfare is the “targeted individual program” applied to all people!!!!!

2020: Global mass injection of nano-tech into humans via mandatory Covid “vaccine”

2020: From: Microsoft’s Patent- Body Activity to Cryptocurrency: See: (Bill Gates’ Total Enslavement Patent) 060606 – Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data (& videos); Plus H.R. 666 (Anti-Racism in Public Health Act) & H.R. 6666 (COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act)


“Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.”

Note: Text based on automatic Optical Character Recognition processes.”

(Webmaster comment: This patent indicates that the mind control/neuro weapons systems technologies that have been tested and deployed against “targeted individuals” over the past 7 decades are now going to be rolled out on the larger population to completely surveille, monitor, reward, punish, and control human beings. In effect, anyone targeted can be remotely tortured, terrorized, and/or eliminated (excommunicated/killed) with these technologies. The fact that crypto-currency technologies are combined with these electronic control systems indicates that the plan is for humans to be converted to bio-robotized slaves, that is, cyborgs.

The technologies identified in this patent (especially those in emboldened letters below) comprise weapons systems that have been developed in top-secret black projects by government military-intelligence and the corporate sector over the past 70 years. US taxpayers paid for these technologies and many millions of innocent civilians have been and are still secretly being used as nonconsensual human experimentees in these programs. Now the US government has apparently now gifted these technologies and weapons systems to Microsoft and financial institutions. Clearly the Covid-19 Plandemic is simply the current pretext for rolling these invasive technologies out against the civilian population.)

2023: Message to Webmaster and other TIs from Max Williams (TI, ex-State Dept. employee) and Jeffery Bahry (Canadian) On: ‘Covert Enslavement: TI’s are owned and rented (human trafficked) to multiple entities for multiple purposes.’

From: Max Williams – February, 2023


As a result of my experiences with targeting over the many years, I now believe that we are used for multi-purposes. Think about all of the areas of our bodies and our minds that our attackers tamper with and probe: the brain itself, our internal organs, our limbs and hands and feet, the orchestrated scenarios or ‘dreams’, emphasis in many cases on sex (the programming to attempt to turn our thoughts to deviant sex, to change our sexual orientation, to think of everything in a sexual context, etc), our balance and hand-to-eye coordination, the interrogations for the V2K victims, our sciatic nerve and spinal column, even our daily habits, our method of entertainment, and many other areas.

If I am accurate in believing that we are multi-purposed, that belief opens doors to who might be behind our targeting. Who would be interested in and benefit from studying those areas listed above?

(1) Medical research institutes, including psychiatric clinics, would love to have real test subjects for studying and perhaps experimenting on various parts of the brain and their functions, our body nerves and circulation system, and our senses.

(2) Human studies institutes would be interested in our thoughts about and interactions with others.

(3) Government agencies such as CIA, FBI, DHS, the NSA would want to know how we think, what we think, and what we do as a result of how and what we think. They would also want to enhance their interrogation techniques. And they most certainly would want to know how they can manipulate human behavior by remote.

(4) Law enforcement would want to know how they can use targeting for control purposes, to predict crime and to interrogate suspects.

(5) Our personal adversaries (for whatever reason) would like to punish us for doing, saying, or writing something that they do not like. What better way to accomplish that than by using remote physical and neurological attacks upon their perceived enemies.

(6) Entertainment is a trillion dollar industry. Some of that entertainment is perverse. It’s entirely possible to consider that we might have a paying, invisible audience watching us as their own reality show, and we are the actors.

Once we are targeted, our body/mind invaders possess incredible power. They can decide who actually gets to operate the remote means to read our thoughts, hear our voices in a two-way communication system, play with our emotions, torture our bodies and minds, see what we do and where we go, watch who we interact with, etc. Money and greed can kick in that this point.

It would be very tempting for the attackers who have targeted us to rent us out for the purposes already stated. The ‘owners’ of the targets would have to determine which of the ‘renters’ deal with which area. Although all groups would be able to see and hear us, all the groups would not, for example, be able to use V2K on us or read our minds. Each group would have to be assigned a particular area of usage that meets its purpose(s).

If we are indeed leased out to various individuals, groups, or organizations, those entities would not necessarily know about the other watchers/users.

Actually, it probably would not matter if they did. Each group would watch (and sometimes interact with us) for its own reason(s). If I am right about our being multi-purposed, we have only one ‘owner’, but several or many viewers.

Just a few thoughts, based on fifty years of targeting experience, studying, observations, and communications with other targets.

Max Williams

Jeffrey Bahry – February, 2023

As I have written over the years – I know for a fact that I am being marketed and sold for many purposes to many paying customers since 1985. I am certain that this is the case for a large percentage of victims.

Our attackers market our knowledge and personal abilities which can be transferred to paying customers and others via electronic brain link. We are being tried out by persons and customers that want to use or purchase us for a period of time. Some are long term.

In addition – they do have a variety of audiences which view us as amusement and entertainment. There are sick audiences that enjoy watching when we are being attacked – tortured or forced to do things.

Jeffrey Bahry

(Originally published:

2024: In: Nanotech Weapons & Havana Syndrome (I.e., TI Program): Proof: Jesse Beltran and Paul Brooker Interview (Video), Jess Beltran reports that:

1) Using a JM20 Pro frequency scanner on victims of Havana Syndrome-type problems, he has been able to demonstrate that all are implanted with foreign objects.

2) An implant removed from TI and Havana Syndrome victim, Bob Boyce, had a serial number traceable to an NSA (National Security Administration) data base.

3) At this point, Boyce’s case was stalled because government officials claimed it was a “national security issue.”

Beltran asserts that modern implants are self-replicating, self-assembling nano-particles that cannot be detected with an MRI scans or x-rays.

2024: Colorado passes a law (HOUSE BILL 24-1058) extending the privacy act to protect a person’s “biological data” and “neuro-rights.” California has passed a similar law (SB 1223) that would protect people’s brainwaves from being sold to corporations.

2025: Basically appropriating the RMN (Remote Neural Monitoring), mindreading, BCI (Brain-Computer-Interface), BBI (Brain-Brain-Interface), synthetic telepathy, and probably other exotic technologies developed by government agencies and scientists and paid for with American taxpayer dollars since World War II, Elon Musk and his Neuralink Corporation filed to patent the words “Telepathy” and “Telekinesis.”

2025: Required restitution for TIs is estimated to be at least $1-2 million/year in “the program,” says ex-NSA whistleblower and TI, Karen Stewart.

IV. Postscript: Qui Bono? Who and what groups benefit from this program? My Opinion

In his book 2003 book, “War Against The Terror Masters,” Jewish neoconservative warmonger, Michael Ledeen, rather succinctly outlined the methodology by which Jews advance their “historic mission” (which is to take over the world for themselves and their lord, satan.)

“Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity, which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace. Seeing America undo traditional societies, they fear us, for they do not wish to be undone. They cannot feel secure so long as we are there, for our very existence—our existence, not our politics—threatens their legitimacy. They must attack us in order to survive, just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission….”

From this FUTURE VOICE issue we also get a glimpse of how these programs may also comprise human trafficking and facilitate the widespread enslavement, profit-taking, and torture of targets by federal agencies, corporations, businesses, various professions, and individuals.

2) When our Messiah returns, every jew will have 2800 gentile slaves.

Jewish Talmud

3) “My basic thesis is that the Jews are a criminal people, and the Jews completely control the United States, and the Jews are using the United States as a vehicle to take over the World.”

“There is no United States as people think of it. It’s just a puppet in the Jews’ hands. It’s a plaything for the Jews… The US government and American Jewry are virtually interchangeable…

Jews are intensely selfish, intolerant and antisocial. They are full of hate, greed, malice. Naturally, other people, i.e. the non-Jews, don’t like being bulldozed aside, robbed and murdered by the Jews, and will sooner or later resist. That is where the lies and deceit of the Jews come into place. No lie is too big for a Jew, no lie is too small… Jews live by lying, and die with coming in contact with the truth.”

“Almost everyone who has been around me turned out to be a secret agent working for the Jews, working for the CIA… The Jews have planted so many of their Jew agents and CIA rats all around me. So many people… girlfriends, lawyers, everybody almost, turned out to be working for the CIA and the Jews. Unbelievable but true.”

-Bobby Fischer (of Jewish parentage), American chess grandmaster, 11th World Chess Champion, often considered the greatest chess player ever (and possible TI)

4) “With so many jews involved with methods of deep psychological torment directed at me for so many years, it is impossible that these methods are not culturally jewish, known by all jews above a certain age…. This culturally jewish method of profiling and stalking someone to ruin would have existed before technology made it easy, perhaps explaining why jews have been exiled from so many lands.

The benefits to shadow governments are endless; spy operations, police stings, drug dealing, money laundering drops and black operation terror events where an asset or target are surrounded by nothing but layers of backup in a pre-scripted crowd simulation….

What gave away the core of this mob stalking method as culturally jewish was that Israelis always positioned themselves in the lead to appear as a victim, with their terrain cues consistently ordinary, per Mossad and Shin Bet’s mottos of deception and concealment as a strategy.

The culturally jewish methods of deception and concealment are mafia tactics, as evidence by the similarity in criminal activities between the American jewish mafia and the Israeli mafia; the embedded Nation of Israel and Israel proper:

Jewish-American mafia criminal activities: Narcotics trafficking, racketeering, gambling, loan sharking, bookmaking, contract killing, diamond trafficking, extortion, weapons trafficking, fraud, prostitution & money laundering.

Israeli mafia criminal activities: Drug trafficking, diamond trafficking, racketeering, loan sharking, robbery, extortion, money laundering, highjacking, gambling, prostitution, bookmaking, weapons trafficking and human trafficking.”

…. CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service), the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), the Toronto Police Service and the Nation of Israel embedded within Canada expanded my targeting to develop a GPS terrain surveillance and cueing system. This involves portable biometric gear in backpacks, duffle bags and luggage totes which redundantly biometrically position you amongst plain clothed police, spies and their assets and targets; fed to and through satellite GPS.

It’s designed to move the target into a scripted surveillance sequence where anything can happen to them, like a mock collision to take them out while appearing accidental, with all immediate witnesses in on the black operation.

If the target has been conditioned to EEG (electroencephalogram) remote influencing, as I was, they can be led along a pre-scripted surveillance path like a marionette; directed, misdirected, and delayed as needed using GPS-positioned cues and resists. The cueing system covertly developed around me uses any object or mark on the terrain, other people in the biometric field, or even GPS-located aircraft in the sky.

… As jewish deception and hiding are further finessed to fabricated domestic terror patsies and the events to go with them, more persons seek Israel for the best counter-terrorism training.

… Jewish stalkers were so intent on always appearing to be a victim in anything I recorded (with video camera), they gave themselves away as my core predators despite so many government agencies serving as their camouflage.

From: “Deceive and Hide- Jewish Mob Stalking Culture” youtube (now removed from the internet) by Stephen O’Keefe, Canadian TI (‘Mafia States’ Targeting Innocent Civilians; 1) “Deceive and Hide- Jewish Mob Stalking Culture”; 2) “TI” As Lone-Wolf Terrorists;” Op Catalyst youtubes and text)

5) “The net which Israel now casts over the terrestrial globe enlarges and extends. . . . Our power is immense. Learn to turn that power to our cause. The day is not far distant when all the riches, all the treasures of the earth, will become the property of the children of Israel.”

The Jew and high Mason, Cremieux, founder and president of L’Alliance-israelite-universelle (1860); from “The Trail of the Serpent,” by Inquire Within (1936).

6) We Jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. While the naïve Americans wait for Khrushchev to bury them, we have taught them to submit to our every demand…. It’s a marvel that the American people do not rise up and drive every Jew out of this country.

Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932. Roosevelt was our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man.

(Through our complete ownership of the press), We Jews have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we promote both sides of the issue as confusion reigns. With their eye’s fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is behind every scene. We Jews toy with the American people as a cat toys with a mouse.

The blood of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of world victory.

During Christ’s time, the Jews were seeking a material and earthly kingdom, but Christ offered the Jews a spiritual kingdom. This they couldn’t buy, so they rejected Jesus Christ and had him crucified.

To answer your question in Russia: There are two distinct governments one visible and the other invisible. The visible is made up of different nationalities, whereas the invisible is composed of ALL JEWS.

… Most Jews don’t like to admit it, but the God we worship is Lucifer. He is very much alive and we are his chosen people.

Harold Wallace Rosenthal, 1976 interview

7) Greetings, my children! You have been called here to recapitulate the principal steps of our new program. As you know, we had hoped to have twenty years between wars to consolidate the great gains which we made from World War I, but our increasing numbers in certain vital areas is arousing opposition to us, and we must now work with every means at our disposal to precipitate World War II within five years.

The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a King, and every gentile a slave! (applause from the gathering).

Question to Rabbi Rabinovich: Rabbi Rabinovich, what about the various religions after the Third World War?

Rabinovich: There will be no more religions. Not only would the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our rule, but belief in an afterlife would give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements in many countries, and enable them to resist us. We will, however, retain the rituals and customs of Judaism as the mark of our hereditary ruling caste, strengthening our racial laws so that no Jew will be allowed to marry outside of our race, nor will any stranger be accepted by us.

We may have to repeat the grim days of World War II when we were forced to let the Hitlerite bandits sacrifice some of our people, in order that we may have adequate documentation and witnesses to legally justify our trial and execution of the leaders of America and Russia as war criminals, after we have dictated the peace. I am sure you will need little preparation for such a duty, for sacrifice has always been the watchword of our people, and the death of a few thousand Jews in exchange for world leadership is indeed a small price to pay.

To convince you of the certainty of that leadership, let me point out to you how we have turned all of the inventions of the white man into weapons against him. His printing presses and radios are the mouthpieces of our desires, and his heavy industry manufactures the instruments which he sends out to arm Asia and Africa against him. Our interests in Washington are greatly extending the Point Four program for developing industry in backward areas of the world so that after the industrial plants and cities of Europe and America are destroyed by atomic warfare, the whites can offer no resistance against the larger masses of the dark races, who will maintain an unchallenged technological superiority.

And so, with the vision of world victory before you, go back to your countries and intensify your good work, until that approaching day when Israel will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World.

Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich, speech before Emergency Council of European Rabbis, Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952.

8) We must look at the Jews not only as a distinct race, but as on aliens. It would be a most awful humiliation to be ruled by this, the most base race on earth.

Napoleon, La Vieille France, N-305.

9) One cannot improve the character of the Jews by arguments. For them must be established special exclusive laws. Since the time of Moses the Jews were oppressors or usurers. All the talent of the Jews is concentrated on predatory acts. They have a creed which blesses their thievings and misdeeds. The Jews ought to be forbidden to make trade, as are forbidden the goldsmiths, who forge a lower kind of gold things, to continue their work. The Jews are locusts or caterpillars which are devouring France.


10) GEORGE WASHINGTON stated (from Maxims of George Washington, by A. A. Appelton & Company):

They [the Jews] work more effectively against us, than the enemy’s armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in… It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pest to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.

11) BENJAMIN FRANKLIN is reported to have stated at the Constitutional Convention in 1789 (notes held at Franklin Institute in Philadelphia):

I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. The menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great numbers, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within a state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal.

For over 1700 years the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, they call Palestine. But, Gentlemen, should the world today give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some cogent reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race.

If you do not exclude them from these United States, in this Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land, and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance and jeopardized our liberty.

If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them sustenance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, Gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, Gentlemen, are Asiatics; let them be born where they will, or how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an Americans’, and will not even though they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots.

12) There is a war between the Jews and the non-jews. Henry Kissinger, German Jew, former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under President Richard Nixon among innumerable other titles, Rockefeller man

(Webmaster comment: This half-truth is the understatement of the century. Actually, Satan’s kids continually wage war against non-Jews on behalf of their god, Lucifer, even while the goyim (non-jews) are generally unaware it is happening!)

13) Revelation: 18:2-13

And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.
For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”

Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “’Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;

For her sins are piled as high as heaven, and God remembers her evil deeds.
Do to her as she has done to others. Double her penalty for all her evil deeds. She brewed a cup of terror for others, so brew twice as much for her.
To the extent that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, to the same extent give her torment and mourning; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as a queen and I am not a widow, and will never see mourning.

Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,

Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
The merchants of the world will weep and mourn for her, for there is no one left to buy their goods.

The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,

And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.

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