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Appendix 292: CIA’s “Mental Telepathy System” (MTS) Described in Walter Bowart’s “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994)

Webmaster comment: Note that even after printing the 1993 letter of “Patrick A. Warden,” (copied below) Walter Bowart poses the question: “(Is this) disinformation or the real thing?” I can say “Warden’s” use of the COINTELPRO program certainly seems inaccurate. The FBI’s COINTELPRO ran between 1958-1972 and was, I believe, an “active surveillance,” black-bag, discrediting, domestic terror operation targeting civil rights workers and the so-called “radical left.” Mr. Warden was never to be found but his memo places COINTELPRO under the Reagan Administration in the early 1980s and associates it with the MTS (mental telepathy system). It is entirely possible that the MTS was, perhaps, deployed against blacks and civil rights workers during the FBI’s actual COINTELPRO, however, because Mr. Warden accurately traces it as far back as the early 1960s. Also, with the exception of the US-wide Soviet broadcast of the ‘Woodpecker Signal” in 1976, I question the extent of Soviet tampering with American minds claimed in “Warden’s” memo. On the contrary, the level of egregious, cruel and illegal experimentation on involuntary American test subjects by the US government itself is well documented… And this is probably accounts for the thousands to millions (probably millions) of MTS victims in America. However, I believe the strength of the account is that the basic explanation of the synthetic telepathy system itself may be mostly correct. Thus, in my opinion, this document is a mix of fact and fiction, i.e., disinformation. Still, the well-educated can probably learn something from this.

Operation Mind Control: Researcher’s Edition (1994)

From Bowart (1994, Chapter 27, Deep Probe, p. 399-404): Among the many reports we’ve received about this invasive technology, the following is worth repeating, since many of the EM-Target victims (webmaster: aka Targeted Individuals) think it’s authentic and say that it fits the phenomena they’re suffering. It appeared on August 15, 1993 on the altmindcontrol newsgroup on the Internet. The author was Patrick A. Warden, who we could not locate. The e-mail report would appear to be autobiographical:

From: Newsgroups: alt.mindcontrol Subject:ESPCIA Date: Aug 15, 1993 Organization: PC-OHIO PCBOARD – Cleveland, OH, Patrick A Warden CompuServe address 73121,1417
Subject: mind control and mental telepathy
August 1, 1993

In 1969 Mr. Warden scored in the 98th percentile in a standardized, high school intelligence test. He was a National Merit Finalist, and graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with honors. His background is in the liberal arts with an introduction to the physical sciences. He again scored in the 98th percentile in the verbal and mathematical sections of the Graduate Record Exam in 1977. For what he is about to relate, Mr. Warden was hospitalized twice on psychiatric wards for paranoid schizophrenia, first for ten days and then for two weeks, culminating in forced confinement to a state mental institution for eight months in 1986. Today he works as a public relations writer for a non-profit organization providing disability services in Los Angeles.

Circa 1980 he was the subject of a recruitment attempt and an experiment involving mental telepathy, conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency. Shortly thereafter he was contacted by means of mental telepathy, operated by the governments of the United States and other major world powers, in particular, that of the former Soviet Union. The purpose of the contact was, first, to inform him of the true nature of the disembodied voices he had been hearing in his mind that by the medical profession had been ascribed to schizophrenia. and second, to recruit him as a public relations officer for the CIA and the Mental Telepathy System (MTS).

The MTS is operational on the public and involves what might commonly be known as mind control. It is a system of technology that operates apparently by radio and microwaves, and that can broadcast voices and sensations, and affect the autonomic nervous system across distances. It is a hardware-based system that involves transmitters, antennas and amplifying devices. Though in its most primitive form the MTS mimics psychic phenomena, it involves man-made technology as distinct from whatever natural psychic phenomena may have occurred throughout time.

Without their knowledge, many people are under the influence of the MTS, which due sometimes to foreign control, can manifest itself in the bizarre and disturbing psychopathic outbreaks that appear from time to time in the news media. The voices that the Son of Sam serial killer thought he heard from the dog in the backyard of the neighboring apartment building in the mid-to-late 1970’s probably resulted from the MTS. The foreign student at UC Berkeley who took hostages at the street cafe around 1991, claiming he was under the influence of government mind control experiments, also probably was affected by the MTS. Events such as David Koresh’s control over the
Branch Davidian cult in Waco, Texas during 1993
can also fully be accounted for by, and probably were the result of, his being unknowingly influenced by the worst aspects of the MTS.


The MTS goes back as far as the time of the Kennedy Administration and the outbreak of Beatlemania shortly after the President’s assassination. It’s actual origins are unclear, but may have had something to do with Nazi war experiments. In the early 1960’s the Soviet Union had the advantage with this technology, and deployed it in western nations in the form of a mood altering broadcast wave that put people under its sway. Known a few years later as the Biofeedback Transponding Crowd Control System, the Soviet mind control technology was installed in places such as Berkeley, California, where it was used for subversive purposes to foment mass demonstrations, and also for international exchange and quasi-diplomatic efforts to promote understanding and sympathy for the Soviets among American people. Mental telepathy technology was the joint and evolving development of the intelligence forces of the United States, the CIA, and the Soviet KGB. Reflecting the international tensions between the two countries, it grew in a manner similar to the competition of the space race, with civilian and military implications. The Soviets, who had the upper hand on the mental telepathy technology, used it in the US for espionage and subversion, trying to gain access to the minds of scientists involved in government weapons research, and to foment civil unrest and pro-socialist sympathy among the younger generation of Americans.

Faced with the missile gap of the late 1970’s, the advances by the Soviets with their particle beam accelerator, and similar national defense issues, the Reagan Administration came to power and began a concerted push, known as COINTELPRO – the counterintelligence Program. Through COINITELPRO, the defense buildup and the beginning of the space shuttle program. which was able quickly to put into orbit more of the intelligence and communications satellites that operate the MTS at its upper levels; the US was able to gain the upper band in the MTS. Truth as we know it in the US won out over the disinformation propagated by the Soviet mental telepathy system. known informally as “Vodka. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union the mental telepathy wars conducted between telepaths, or mental telepathy operatives, of the CIA and the KGB have come to an end, although why psychopathological outbreaks continue among the population remains unclear.

The American MTS, which was influenced and partially operated by the KGB in particular during the 1970’s, politically fell under the observation and verification clauses of the SALT I and II treaties. When it because clear that the Soviets were gaining too much influence over the American public, SALT II drew increasing discontent among government leaders and was scuttled. Under the provisions of SALT, the Soviets were permitted to operate mental telepathy in diplomatic colony zones such as Berkeley, also known as “Pacifica”. The US essentially was blackmailed into accepting the Soviet proposal of mental telepathy operation in this country, due to their relative superiority in research and development in the field of artificial mental telepathy. COINTELPRO recruited a sufficient number of Americans, however, to develop the American MTS, and the intelligence satellites that play a primary role in propagating it across wide areas, to the point where it effectively could combat the Soviet Vodka telepathy.

Present control of the MTS is improving, with better mental and psychological conditions for the telepaths who are affected by it, because the KGB is no longer intact to propagate its particular brand of psychological mischief and violence; but because the MTS still remains under wraps, the heirs of the Soviets, apparently the Russians and affiliated republics, probably still continue to foment the violence that periodically erupts in the form of serial killers with bizarre and demented notions, and other forms of psychopathology in the news media.

The provisions of the Detente-era treaty governing the MTS and Vodka hold that Russian telepathy will continue in the US until the MTS is operated en plaine jour, or in broad daylight without government camouflage and denial, in the US-or elsewhere in the world for that matter. In other words, the Russians will continue to operate Vodka in the US, though at a more hospitable level, until the govenunent, or someone, ”blows the cover’ on mental telepathy, and
this new technology becomes public knowledge.

Mental health professionals say that there are approximately two or three million people in the US who are affected by some form of schizophrenia or related abnormal mental phenomenon. Many of these people probably hear voices in their minds, and most of them probably are under the influence of the MTS and Vodka. The number of these •subjects• who are fully consciously aware of the MTS, and of the source and the nature of the voices and visual images, or both, that they hear and see in their minds, is unclear. A guess at an estimate places it at from a few to several percent. Thus, there are probably a few to several tens of thousands of people in the US who are conscious telepaths, many of them operating in consonance with the CIA, which is the governmental agency responsible for the MTS.

Among the telepaths there is a code of silence that the MTS itself propagates to “preserve appearances” and to maintain one’s personal reputation and credibility. Some telepaths seem to make personal contact with one another and to have their experience of the MTS thereby confirmed. Other telepaths operate solely by remote control, as it were, receiving messages and directives only through the voices and visual images in their minds, and never making objective contact with anyone else who can substantiate their experience. Still, the MTS is quite real and apparent to the telepath. and not delusional, because he or she receives other means of verification, such as foreknowledge of events before they occur, because the MTS can and often does orchestrate happenings through other MTS subjects who are influenced by the MTS, but who are not aware of its actual source and nature.


The human brain emits electromagnetic waves, known to biofeedback researchers as alpha, beta and delta waves. These fall into the frequency range of from about 10 to 15 Hz. An electroencephalogram reveals these waves in the stylus’ trace upon the paper. They have a definite frequency that corresponds to the mood and mental state of the person. Different parts of the brain emits slightly different waves, and when EEGs are made and different traces are obtained from each of the various electrodes pasted to the person’s scalp. When a radio receiver is configured to tune into these waves on the order of 10-15 HZ, as opposed to the 100 megahertz that household radios receive, then the brain’s activity can be detected.

A wave form analyzer is needed to decode the person’s brain waves and correlate them with the person’s speech. When the person is put into an excited and energetic state, and prompted to free associate aloud so that whatever words the person is thinking he also is speaking, with no cognitive filtering or gap between the word in thought and the spoken word, then the person’s audible speech can be associated with the brain waves that are emanating from the speech area on the left side of the brain. A speech synthesizing and recognizing computer is needed to recognize the individual words. As the subject calibrates the system, individual wave forms emanating from the person’s brain and scalp for each word he is thinking can be correlated through the wave form analyzer with the audible sound produced from the person’s mouth. Each particular wave form for each particular word can then be used by the computer to correlate with the individual words in the computer. Then when a specific word is thought by the subject, the accompanying electromagnetic wave emanating from his brain can be detected and received, and analyzed by the wave form analyzer, and then fed to the computer, so that the computer can recognize in its vocabulary the particular word the subject is thinking. Once the computer recognizes the word it can be output or processed in any way the operators of the computer wish.

The telepathy subject can also receive messages in a similar manner. Once the person is calibrated so that the computer recognizes which wave forms correspond to which particular words, those wave forms can be broadcast to the subject. Thus, the subject will hear a particular word in his mind when the appropriate wave form is transmitted to the proximity of his brain.

In the MTS, computers govern the speech that passes through the system. Certain words can be propagated with increasing frequency of occurrence, and other words or ideas can be filtered out and disfavored so that they are not often repeated. By limiting the mental telepathy vocabulary, communication is facilitated among a wider range of subjects because they have more in common among their thinking and fewer idiosyncratic and subjective thoughts. The simpler is kept the level of thinking, the easier it is for the system to calibrate the subjects and to foster mental communication among a wider number of subjects. Easier than words are to detect and decode, a person’s mood, and agreement or disagreement to a statement or set of circumstances, can be detected. Thus, at a rudimentary level, words can be broadcast to a person by the telepathy computer, and even if that person has not been calibrated, the waves emanating from the person’s brain can be detected and correlated with a positive, or truth. disposition; or with a negative, or lie, disposition. By determining which proposition elicits one of dislike or disagreement, the computer can gain a personality profile of the subject.

While it is fairly easy to understand how electromagnetic waves can be broadcast from different, distant locations to MTS subjects who receive them as words in their minds, it is more difficult to understand how antennas can be brought near enough to the subjects to detect the relatively weak signals emitted by their brains amid the background noise and interference from the preponderance of energy fields in the urban environment. Apparently, power lines, household wiring and telephone lines play a role in receiving the signals from subjects’ minds. Since any fluctuating energy field induces a current in a nearby conductor, the household wiring and telephone lines that are seemingly everywhere could also serve as antennas for the subjects’ brain waves if they were tapped into by MTS receiver circuits and the extraneous noises were filtered out. Since this naturally involves greater technical difficulty than broadcasting thought waves, it is safe to say that more people receive the MTS signal in their minds than have their thoughts read and received by the MTS computer. Still, by prompting subjects and broadcasting to them thoughts that pretend to be their own, the subjects’ simpler states of agreement and pleasure, or disagreement and dislike, can be detected by the MTS; to pick up verbal thoughts of the subject, apparently he has to be calibrated according to something like the above described process.


Since the undercover telepathy war between the telepaths of the US and the CIA, and the telepaths of the Soviet Union and the KGB has ended with the resolution of the Cold War, telepathy conditions have improved. While the espionage and subversion aspects of Vodka as operated by the USSR are no longer as serious as they once were, still the incidence of telepathy contact does not appear to have diminished. The level of activity in each telepath’s, or subject’s, mind may have decreased to a more comfortable level, but there do not appear to be a fewer number of people who feel that something strange is going on in their minds, who have thoughts and mental phenomenon that appear to them as alien to their usual way of being. With the apparent success of COINTELPRO and the US government’s policy of containment toward Soviet telepathy, there still appears not to be any retraction of the basic deployment of the MTS. Under the Detente-era SALT agreements, the Russians continue to propagate telepathy in the US and elsewhere, and the CIA in turn must operate the MTS to counteract Vodka’s influence. Lately in the telepathy system there has been reference to the Artificial Intelligence Program (AIP). AIP would be the equivalent of the CIA and the KGB or the
Russians beating the swords of the undercover telepathy wars between the MTS and Vodka into plowshares. The MTS could be used for peaceful and civilian purposes to foster communication among disparate groups of people. Once it is operated en pleine jour, the Russians would feel that the agreement between our and their governments had been fulfilled, and they would withdraw their telepathy system.

The CIA could turn off the MST and free thousands upon thousands, if not millions, of people who have had their lives and their minds disrupted by thoughts that are not their own. From the vantage point of one who has been a conscious subject of the MST for 12 years, and who has been unconsciously under the sway of friendly and enemy telepathy ever since he had his first pseudo-nervous breakdown at the age of 21, telepathy that is controlled by others beyond one’s reach certainly is not any invention to be heralded. Many people have suffered, and a number of innocent people have lost their lives at the bands of hapless psychopaths who stumbled into Vodka’s telepathy and were remotely motivated to commit violent atrocities. Still. AlP holds promise for the future, for if the US and Russia can emerge from the Cold War as friends and allies more than as enemies, then the MTS and Vodka will have accomplished something. If AIP were better controlled by its subject telepaths, then it would be a development more positive in its implications than negative. Above all, one’s greatest hope should be for freedom from external control and liberty to enjoy a restored privacy of the mind.

Bowart: Disinfonnation or the real thing? Put it in the research mill and see what else comes up. Ask some researchers in the former Soviet Union if they’ve heard of “Vodka”,not the liquor, the mental telepathy machine. Which is what makes

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