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Invisible Warfare (aka Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture) From: Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994)

Webmaster Introduction:  This chapter from Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994) is reproduced in this post because it provides essential information relating to the timing of development as well as the application of “invisible weapons” (electronic) by the U.S. government against Americans civilians.

Invisible Warfare (aka Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture)

(Chapter 29 In: Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994) by Walter Bowart)

Since this book first appeared in 1978 there has been a rapid acceleration in public awareness about mind control.  It has largely replaced the term “brainwashing” in the press, appearing with some regularity on the front pages of your local daily newspaper. If you are laboring under the impression that the Church Committee hearings stopped Operation Mind Control- in these pages you have learned of evidence to the contrary. Instead of halting mind control a whole new kind of warfare has developed around it. The new technology makes the old “Project Monarch” style classical conditioning obsolete. It is the reason so many survivors are remembering and are allowed to talk. They are no longer needed, and there’s a better way to control minds.

Public awareness has been outrun by the progress in mind control technology. It has gone from drugs and hypnosis to the effects of microwaves, ELF waves, gravity waves, and modulated signals of all kinds. The basics are the same in all techniques – the government programmers sneak into the subconscious mind of individuals and the masses and influence them without their knowledge or consent.

It works the same way hypnosis works, in fact, whether aided by drugs, a variety of signals or waves, the objective is the same, to talk to the 90% of us that is asleep but automatically in charge of our lives most of the time. It is difficult to get a person to change through reason. All the logical persuasion, discussion and argument possible has a small chance of changing a person’s core beliefs. But, it is easy to get a person to change by an applied covert use of language spoken to the unconscious.

Certain frequencies make the majority of people suggestible. Modulated frequencies can be embedded behind music as messages which are constructed of ordinary language, carefully chosen, framed in the positive. “You are thirsty. Drink Coca-Cola,” used in such a context will show coke sales to be positively affected.

We are bathed in an environment of invisible wave stimulus, from radio waves, television waves, cellular phone waves, microwaves, powerline electromagnetic waves and gravity waves. Who notices? And if the waves act as a carrier for a signal, if part of them is modulated to carry a voice, sensitive individuals will hear the suggestions, but most won’t. They’ll just act on them.

Invisible mind control weaponry has been the most sought after military prize since the days of Ancient China’s legendary warlord, Sun Tzu. It was developed in India and refined through succeeding civilizations of Egypt, China, the Mayan Empire, Greece, Rome, Medieval Europe, Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Red China and finally in the United States. As early as 1900 the U.S. had access to patents and theories which are just now being understood. Their inventor was none other than Nicola Tesla the man who worked for both the Edison and Westinghouse Companies, the man who invented the famous Testa coil and alternating current. The man whose inventions laid the groundwork for TV, radio, telegraphy, electronic surveillance, Dictaphones, air purifiers, death rays and even a technology for the solution for our current energy crisis.

Of course technology is neutral, it can be used to enrich and empower the human spirit or it can be used to enslave it. There still is much to learn about the electromagnetic spectrum and its effect on humanity’s collective mind and body.

“It may be hard to convince ourselves that something we can’t see, hear, touch, taste, or smell can still hurt us so dreadfully,” Dr. Robert Becker and/or Gary Selden wrote in the landmark work The Body Electric. “Yet the fact must be faced, just as we’ve learned a healthy fear of nuclear radiation. Certain scientist, some perhaps acting in a program of deliberate disinformation, keep telling the public that we still don’t know whether electro-pollution is a threat to human health. That’s simply not true. Certainly we need to know more, put a multitude of risks have been well documented.

Three dangers overshadow all others. The first has been conclusively proven: ELF electromagnetic fields vibrating at about 30 to 100 hertz, even if they’re weaker than the earth’s field, interfere with the cues that keep our biological cycles properly timed: chronic stress and impaired disease resistance result. Second, the available evidence strongly suggests that regulation of cellular growth processes is impaired by electro-pollution, increasing cancer rates and producing serious reproductive problems. Electromagnetic weapons constitute a third class of hazards culminating in climatic manipulation from a sorcerer’s-apprentice level of ignorance.”

That was the firm conclusion in 1985, after ten years of study. And what’s the conclusion after ten years of experimentation upon U.S. citizens (or is it subjects now) who, history demonstrates, are thought of as so many “rats” in the cryptocracy’s maze?

In the late 1970’s, while the military was vigorously denying the very existence of bioeffects from electromagnetic-field exposure, Dr. Robert Becker writes, “such bioeffects were actually being explored as potential weapons — weapons with the enormous advantage of being totally silent and imperceptible …

“The EMP [electro-magnetic pulse] concept has been extended through the development of devices that generate EMP pulses without the need for nuclear explosions. Such devices could be deployed for use against enemy command and control centers or against aircraft in order to produce failure in electronic equipment. A derivative of this program is HPM (high-powered pulsed microwave, a system producing intense, extremely short pulses of microwave. Several types, ranging in frequency from 1200 MHz to 35 GHz with powers up to 1000 megawatts, are being tested. These are also being considered for potential use as weapons against human beings.

“A report derived from the testing program of the Microwave Research Department at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research states:

Microwave energy in the range of 1 to 5 GHz, a militarily important range, penetrates all organ systems of the body ad thus puts all organ systems at risk. Effects on the central nervous system are considered very important. The testing program, begun in 1986, is divided into four parts:

(1) prompt debilitation effects;
(2} prompt stimulation through auditory effects;
(3} work interference/stoppage effects;
(4) effects on stimulus-controlled behavior.

The report goes on to state, “Microwave pulses appear to couple to the central nervous system and produce stimulation similar to electrical stimulation unrelated to heat.” It appears that HPM is capable of altering behavior in the same fashion as Delgado’s electrical stimulation.

‘The production of cognitive and behavioral alterations by HPM,” Dr. Becker writes, “is a sledgehammer effect in comparison to the subtle alterations produced by ELF fields.

According to an 1982 Air Force review of biotechnology, ELF has a number of potential military uses, including “dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, controlling beaches in security at military installations, and antipersonnel techniques in tactical warfare.” The same report states,”[Electromagnetic] systems would be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation. They are silent, and countermeasures to them may be difficult to develop.”

Becker’s protest is rare among qualified research scientists. A new class of weapons, based on electromagnetic fields, has been added to the muscles of the military organism,” he said. “The C3I [command control, communications, and intelligence] doctrine is still growing and expanding. It would appear that the military may yet be able to completely control the minds of the civilian

Exhibiting unusual courage for a man in his position, Dr. Becker cautions: “I have made no attempt here to review in any detail the relationship between military considerations and the hazards of man-made electromagnetic fields. This complex and dangerous situation lies outside the scope of this book, except for an indication of how the political policies derived from it have effectively hampered the public recognition of the hazards. In my opinion, the military establishment still believes that the survival of the military organism is worth the sacrifice of the lives and health of large segments of the American population.”

The cryptocracy wants us to call it Non-Lethal Weaponry or No-Kill Warfare. More appropriate is the term Invisible Weaponry or Warfare. It began to be used on the common man in the 70’s, after it was announced that the Soviet’s were caught red-handed, beaming microwaves at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Oddly enough, they’d been doing it for over twenty years, triggering cancer, heart problems, cataracts, and emotional stress among Embassy staff and employees and either nobody cared, or nobody noticed.

It was while sweeping the embassy for bugs, they said, that security personnel detected a microwave beam aimed straight at the embassy in 1962. These sweeps are usually frequent, and technology which can detect microwave radiation goes back to the 40’s or earlier. Supposedly, the reports say, the Pentagon and the U.S. Intelligence Community became “alarmed at the possibility of neurological and behavioral effects” this might have on diplomatic personnel in 1962. Then they took a wait-and-see posture. They kept the knowledge secret from the suffering embassy staff for 12 more years.

It wasn’t that the cryptocracy did nothing. The CIA launched Project Pandora, which was aimed at understanding the Soviet’s motives for the microwave attack. The extensive investigation which was Pandora revealed the Soviet’s had been doing research in the area for years, concentrating their studies on the emotional and mental effects of microwaves.

By the summer of 1965, a Pentagon-affiliated think tank, Institute for Defense Analysis, convened a special task force to replicate Soviet experiments and analyze the problem. Or so the official history goes. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) began experimenting on rhesus monkeys with microwaves at Walter Reed Army Research Institute. The results are still classified Top Secret, but from duplicate studies we have learned that microwaves cause profound effects on the central nervous system and have changed behavior in rhesus monkeys.

At a summit meeting at Glassboro, New Jersey during June, 1967, President Lyndon Johnson asked Soviet Premier Alexi Kosygin to halt the Moscow Signal. In 1969, leading microwave scientists gathered at the University of Virginia Medical College at Richmond for a three day symposium on Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation. Microwave authority Dr. Karel Marha of Czechoslovakia declared that microwave bioeffects included pains in the head and eyes, fatigue and overall weakness, dizziness and vertigo, poor night sleep, irritability, fear, hypochondria, tension, depression, inhibition of intellectual functions, and decreased memory. Yet, most of those at the symposium ignored the subject of human bioeffects. Radomline Research biophysicist Dr. Allan H. Frey was more than interested, However. Frey had determined that humans could actually hear pulsed microwaves at frequencies ranging from 300 to 3,000 megahertz.

But, it was not until Jack Anderson broke the “Moscow Signal” story in 1972 that the public learned the truth about the insidious new possibilities for controlling the minds of millions. Several months after Anderson’s microwave column, the Soviets accused the U .S. of irradiating chess wizard, Boris Spasky, with electronic devices, causing him to lose a championship match to Bobby Fischer. On February 7, 1976, the Los Angeles Times quoted U .S. Ambassador Walter J. Stoessel, Jr., as telling his staff that the microwaves could cause leukemia, skin cancer, cataracts, and emotional illness. Stoessel himself was reportedly suffering from a mysterious illness resembling leukemia which caused bleeding in the eyes and nausea. Two of his predecessors at the embassy died of cancer. According to National Security Advisor Zibniew Brezhinski, U.S. embassy personnel in Moscow suffer the highest cancer rate in the world. We can only assume that the Soviets have now, at least, stopped bombarding the embassy. Project Pandora still remains classified.

The U.S., of course, was not as ignorant about the potential use of microwave weaponry as it appeared. In 1957, the CIA and Pentagon began a project known as River Styx which revealed the decade long effort to coordinate various Pentagon, corporations, university and intelligence agencies and at the same time keep the lid on their intentions.

The code name River Styx, was taken from Greek mythology. The newly dead souls of ancient Greece had to ford two streams before they were admitted into Hades. The first, the River Lethe, erased all memory of having lived in the minds of those immersed in its waters. The second, the River Styx, baptized the newly deceased Greek, making the soul “dead forever” and admitting it through the gates of Hades.

“Should developments in this type of weapon be undertaken and should they become known to the public, charges from public and foreign sources that this is an atrocity weapon may be made and should be anticipated.” Thus, naturally, when the cryptocracy began to leak the fact of their now operational capabilities in the 90’s it was in terms of “non-lethal”, kindly warfare, anti-terrorist and mob control technology.

But, with ghoulish humor, the creators of the River Styx Project had the last laugh. Supposedly the first invisible weapons design, River Styx was conceived as a way of stopping the Soviet Cavalry as it launched an overwhelming tank attack against Western Europe. Large microwave dishes mounted on half tracks would be secreted in the woods and would triangulate the advancing Soviet army while on the move or while bivouacked. This, the documents said, would: grossly degrade bodily functions” of “the brain, the testes, the eyes, and like organs.”

Further, the creators of these weapons claimed “there are paraphysical advantages that may accrue to the country and allied nations from the early realization of military applications of these effects.” According to one Pentagon study, the Army conducted microwave experiments which produced third degree burns on the “subjects” at the Medical Research Lab at Fort Knox, Kentucky. General Electric, building on its earlier independent developments of antipersonnel microwave weapons, participated in Project COMET which researched the psychological effects of EMR. These projects spanned the EMR spectrum from radiowaves to microwaves.

River Styx, however, may have been just one of the many dummy projects backed by the cryptocracy. As Fletcher Prouty told us: “Whenever the CIA was supporting some important secret project, it would fund a number of dummy projects which looked just like the real one on the surface. They were thinking twenty years ahead, even before the Freedom of Information Act. They knew that they were going to have to ‘come clean’ on things, and they wanted to have enough dummy projects in their files so that the public would never learn about the real ones.”

We learned from a prominent European microwave scientist (employed by NATO at the time of our interview, she asked to remain anonymous) that the supposed River Styx “barrier weaponry” could be defended against simply by covering the body with aluminum foil. At your own peril you might try putting a piece of foil in your microwave weapon and you’ll get a graphic if dangerous demo of how microwave’s bounce off of metal. The River Styx mircrobeams never would have penetrated the tanks against which they were designed to defend.

“A powerful radio signal that may be affecting human health has been monitored in several Eugene (Oregon) locations and in the air three thousand feet above the city,” proclaimed the Eugene Register-Guard on March 26, 1978. “The source of the radio signal is unknown.” Thus came to light news of the first electromagnetic biohazard suffered by a major population center in America.

Shortly before the Register-Guard printed that, a middle-aged Eugene man, Walter Deposkey, came down with symptoms remarkably similar to those attributed to microwave sickness. He noted a strange vibration emanating from within his home. He heard voices. He could not sleep. He suffered burning of his cornea. University of Oregon industrial hygienist Marshall van Ert, called to investigate Deposkey’s complaints, suffered the same symptoms in the man’s home. Disturbed, van Ert recruited several local engineers to investigate. The engineers measured an unusual radio signal they determined was capable of producing potential biohazards. After dogging public health agencies to investigate further, van Ert broke the story to the papers.

The Eugene Signal was described as a radio frequency pulse at 4.75 megahertz, 1,100 cycles per second, recorded within at least two local homes as well as 3,000 feet above the city. The signal’s strength was rated at five hundred thousand watts — ten times the FCC AM licensed limit. The signal extended as far away as the next town, Corvallis.

One-hundred-fifty documented complaints about the signal prompted Governor Bob Straub, Senator Mark Hatfield, and Congressman Jim Weaver to demand an EPA investigation. A data analysis by the State Health Department’s Radiation Control Section suggested “probable cause” linking the complaints to the strange frequency. “I was surprised,” said Clifford Shrock, a Textronix, Inc. radio frequency analyst who had written CIA and NSA electronics manuals. “I’d never seen anything like it before.”

Reactions to the story flooded in from around the world. Calls came in from people telling similar stories about their own distant areas. Several calls came from technicians offering their hypotheses about the signal, suggesting a possible link to secret weapons radiation. The people of Eugene began to learn about Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) biohazards in a hurry.

No one, however, could get to the bottom of Eugene’s problem. The FCC’s Enforcement Division Assistant Chief, Richard Smith, laid the blame squarely on a naval transmitter at Dixon, California – the “Dixon Duck”. Van Ert and others disputed this conclusion. The Navy denied it. When the EPA technicians finally arrived, they decided no real problem existed and denied that there was any mystery signal. Van Ert, Shrock, and others strongly disagreed with them. They had felt the signal and had measured it. But, after holding a cursory press conference, the EPA investigators returned to their Las Vegas headquarters and dodged reporters. Then the investigation folded.

While some of the citizens of Eugene, Oregon said they continued to suffer from the signal effects, the Eugene Signal remained an official mystery. Marshall Van Ert left Eugene after he began to suffer from the EMR symptoms. Years later he remained convinced he was victimized by secret IW (Information Warfare) radiation and a government cover-up.

The people of Eugene weren’t the only ones complaining of EMR biohazards in the mid ’70’s. Similar symptoms were reported in such places as Timmons and Kirkland Lake in Canada. These effects were linked to an alleged Soviet radio broadcast dubbed “the woodpecker” by amateur radio operators. These effects bear a strong resemblance to the biohazards inherent in Invisible Weapons like the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) which was then under development by the Pentagon. Although the people of Eugene didn’t know it, both the U.S. and the Soviet military had been working for years to perfect the use of electromagnetic frequencies as psychological weapons.

On October 14, 1976, radio communications throughout the globe were disrupted by powerful radio waves emanating from the Soviet Union. The broadcasts appeared irregularly and varied between very high and very low frequencies. When the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, and the Scandinavian countries protested the broadcast, the Soviets apologized, blaming the disturbance on “experiments.” But then the nature of the wavelengths changed and huge electromagnetic standing waves formed, thousands of miles long, penetrating the earth and extending up into the ionosphere.

Due to its characteristic sound, the signal was dubbed “the woodpecker.” The sound ham radio operators heard all over the world can be replicated by tapping a pencil on a table at between eight and fourteen times each second. The wavelength was traced to alleged “Tesla generator” experiments in the Soviet cities of Riga and Gomel. The standing waves stretched down both coasts of North America and along the Eastern frontier of the Soviet Union.

The “woodpecker” has been blamed for subsequent shifts in weather patterns resulting from altered trade winds. The change of winds created a drought in the western U.S. with severe effects on farming and the economy that year. Several agencies feared that such standing waves might well have caused the disintegration of ships, including oil tankers in the Atlantic. But their potential effect on human beings caused even greater concern.

Former Pentagon think-tank researcher, Lowell Ponte wrote in the late 70’s: “The right kind of radio transmissions alter the planet’s magnetic field … The giant rivers of wind in the sky, like the jet stream, tend to follow that magnetic field. So, when you bend it or when you begin creating giant standing waves in the atmosphere, as our government knows they’ve been doing, you bend those wind currents, and where they go the weather goes.”

Just as the human body’s nervous system operates electromagnetically, so the Earth has an electromagnetic “aura” which, scientists claim, can be altered to produce dramatic weather shifts. In fact the earth’s ionosphere oscillates at approximately the same frequency as human brain waves making it a perfect “carrier” off which EMR radiations (in the brain wave range) can be bounced without any change of frequency.

The relationship between the electromagnetosphere and the EM basis of the human body can be exploited as a strategic weapon. Everyone has experienced mental and emotional shifts during changes of weather. Imagine the power open to those who, by flicking a switch, could control the earth’s atmosphere and change not only the weather but the brainwaves of entire populations. Cryptocracies around the world know that a strong pattern exists correlating geophysical phenomena and political disturbances, health, and mood swings. For these reasons the “woodpecker” gained a lot of covert attention.

Sounds and even words can be made to appear within the human brain when broadcast from EMR neurological controls at a military base. Brainwave entrainment, coronaries, strokes, and epileptic seizures can also be triggered by remote control. One 1976 DIA estimate was labeled: “recommended reading material for those consumers who have an interest in the application of microwave energy to weapons.” An Army report, Analysis of Microwaves for Barrier Warfare, describes the use of the microwave band to control populations.

Although few would appear to know it, the French have used invisible wavelengths to control crowds for years. A former U.S. intelligence officer even claims that the Nazi’s used a “frenzy machine” to stir up crowds at Hitler’s Nuremberg Rallies. The French crowd control “sirens” use various inaudible sounds which throw people into terror and cause loss of bowel control en masse.

We must remember that Richard Helms may very well have had such weapons in mind when he testified before the Warren Commission on June 19, 1964. Then Deputy Director for Plans at CIA, Helms warned: “Current research indicates that the Soviets are attempting to develop a technology for control in the development of behavioral patterns among the citizenry of the USSR in accordance with politically determined requirements of the system. Furthermore, the same technology can be applied to more sophisticated approaches to the ‘coding’ of information for transmittal to population targets in the ‘battle for the minds of men.’” In future chapters we’ll examine evidence that the U.S. cryptocracy is advancing along the lines of this supposed Soviet plan.

Since the 5O’s both the Soviets and the U.S. were covering up their knowledge of invisible weapons. When we originally interviewed the legal counsel for the State Department’s Disarmament Agency in 1980, we heard him claim ignorance of such weapons. He furthermore said that such ideas were “speculative and futuristic.” History has shown, beyond doubt, that State’s counsel was lying and had, in fact, possession of materials invisible weapons. Certainly, he was aware of the Soviet amendment to SALT II which proposed banning of infrasonic and electromagnetic weapons designed to affect biological targets.

There is hope however. Just as with computer hacker’s and their demonstrated ability to “outsmart” government systems, an underground physics network acts as a perpetual thorn in the side of the invisible warriors.

In the 1970’s and ’80’s, colorful characters such as Bob Beck of Los Angeles’ Biomedical Research Associates flew back and forth from Washington to Eugene to Canada sharing findings and investigating the “Oregon Signal”, the “Woodpecker” and other suspected government environmental crimes. Members of this loosely-knit network shared their information freely and were concerned about the debilitating aspects of the invisible war on the mind.

A former military intelligence officer, Lt. CoL Thomas E. Bearden, USAF (Ret.), publishes Specu/Q, a magazine devoted to “psychotronics” and “bio-energetics.” these two words describe what amounts to the electronic amplification of telepathy and what has heretofore been called ESP. Bearden is not just a concerned amateur, he is an experienced scientist who has several of his psychotronic weapons papers on file at the Defense Documentation Center outside Washington. The story of his fight to publish a book on the subject of psychotronics and bio-energetics, The Excalibur Statement, is as full of cloak-and-dagger intrigue as an Ian Fleming Thriller. Bearden’s book was due out in 1978, but was “mysteriously” delayed again and again. During the time he was preparing the manuscript for publication, the underground lore says, one by one, the members of his “network” met strange fates.

One member of Bearden’s network was Ira Einhorn, an aide to Congressman Rose. Einhorn wrote:

“During the time that Alexander Solzhenitzyn was making the transition from his native land to his fortress in New England, he uttered a prophetic statement about the Third and Fourth World Wars. In essence, he said that the Russians had won the Third World War and that the battle was now shifting from physical combat to combat of the mind … the Fourth World War involves the struggle for the human mind itself.”

One day police raided Ira Einhorn’s apartment. During the search they found the long dead body of his fellow researcher and girlfriend, Holly Maddux, in a locked trunk in his closet. The body had been dead so long it was mummified. While the downstairs neighbors had heard a woman scream several years before, there was no physical evidence to link Einhorn to the murder. But murder charges were filed and he was tried and convicted in abstentia.

While on $45,000 bail, bond of which was posted by a Canadian liquor heiress, Einhorn made an impassioned plea to the press and friends. He claimed that he was being framed by the CIA. Fearing that he could not get a fair trial, Einhorn disappeared and has been underground for the past fifteen years. Three times he has been seen, in Ireland and Sweden. Each time he escape capture.

Ira Einhorn traveled in intellectual circles. He was definitely “a dangerous free thinker” — dangerous to someone, and with such a passionate curiosity coupled with a brilliant mind, perhaps dangerous to many. Maybe most dangerous to himself.

He was deeply connected with Michael Murphy of the Esalen Institute as William Irwin Thompson records in The Edge of History, He was friends with physicists, among them, David Bohm, Fred Wolf, Peter Maddux, Fritjof Capra, Heinz Pagels and Jack Sarfatti. He was in fact, Sarfatti and Wolf’s literary agent at one point. He counted among his acquaintances Astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Edgar Mitchell, Psychic Uri Geller, writers Martin Gardner, Arthur C. Clarke, Arthur Koestler, Elaine Pagels, Adrija Puharich, George LeonarcL and author and publisher Steward Brand, at least one knight – Sir John Whitmore, radical investment broker Jerry Rubin, actor/author and mariner Sterling Hayden, UFO author and computer scientist Jacques Vallee, filmmakers Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, and EST founder Werner Erhard — among many of the cognoscenti. In fact he was, as one friend said, “the central network coordinator for all the most radical new-physics ideas. He sent out frequent packets of information, and this was before Internet. One of his network, a leader in the E-zone today, said, “Knocking Einhorn out effectively killed the distribution of the new-physics information.”

Einhorn was in the thick of the students of Tesla technology, remote viewers and those who were at the time doing research under a project named SCANATE, a pet project of then President Jimmie Carter. Carter had created the project for remote-viewing of military targets (especially submarines) by psychics and intelligence reports led the executive to believe we were lagging behind the Soviets in such research and development. Everyone was thinking Invisible

To give you the idea of the “dangerous free thinking” that was going on in Einhorn’s circle. SARFATTI’S ILLUMINATI, appeared on the internet in 1992. It mentions Einhorn prominently. Physicist Jack Sarfatti reports: “If remember correctly, Brendan (O’Regan, one of the moving forces at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in that day) and I went with Uri (Geller) to his hotel room where I met Andrija Puharich. Sir John Whitmore and, perhaps Ira Einhorn … I startled Uri by asking him if he could trigger a nuclear weapon by psychokinesis. I later found out from Ron McRae (author of Mind Wars) that some of our intelligence people were greatly concerned about that possibility. I may have initiated that concern … ”

Later Sarlatti says: “Former Naval Intelligence Officer and Jack Anderson reporter Ron McRae told me that the Navy had been fooled by phony data on remote-viewing of Soviet submarines because someone had leaked the actual data to phony psychics. McRae seems to have omitted this story from his book. .. Barbara Honegger said that policy decisions on the basing of MX missiles were made by the Reagan staff under the belief that remote-viewing worked. Harold Chipman believed that it worked and told me that he had used it successfully in his business … ”

At the height of his popularity, while Einhorn was working with Charlie Rose and quietly negociating with the U.S. and Czech governments in an effort to gather their support and collaboration in the creation of a Nicola Tesla museum in the country of Tesla’s origin Serbo-Coatia (then Czechoslovakia), while he was at the same time, promoting a movie on Tesla starring Orson Welles, as part of an International Year of Tesla, the dead body of his girlfriend turned up · in the large which had her name on it. Einhorn said, she went to the store one day and never returned. In the closet with the trunk were other containers possessing her clothes and personal items.

Holly Maddux disappeared during The International Year of Tesla. The movie Secrets Of Nicola Tesla was to have it’s premiere in Prague to coincide with the opening of the museum. There would be patents shown that had never been seen in public. Tesla inventions which had never been seen would be built in miniature to demonstrate some of the wonderful unknown and miraculous inventions of the Serbo-Croatian. Tesla had practically invented the Twentieth Century single handedly. He’d invented radio, microwave broadcasting, electricity broadcasting, the alternator and the dynamo. And he’d invented the Wheatstone bridge – Scientology’s E-meter and the polygraph’s galvanic skin response monitoring device. Tesla invented so many things that when he died during the Second World War, the Secret Service cleaned out his room and the hotel safe of all his belongings. He dreamed things up which have not yet been applied. And he believed that Albert Einstein and all his physics was a dead-end, like Newton’s turned out to be. At the end of the Nineteenth Century Tesla knew about an entirely different physics which Einhorn’s friends were (and still are) on the verge of discovering. ( One must remember that Sigmund Freud’s best pupil, Willhelm Reich, was sent to prison, and had his books banned for 60 years, when he stumbled upon something he called “OR”)

Sarfatti says he and his friends were: … channeling the new physics from the future. Our basic themes since the early 70’s have been:

1. Quantum nonlocality essential for a physics of consciousness as well as paranormal. Present-day quantum mechanics is only an approximation for ‘dead’ matter. Life introduces a really new physics that Penrose in his new book Shadows of the Mind calls “OR” physics. Fred Alan Wolf and I explained it as quantum ‘star waves’ from the future to the present in addition to the more familiar quantum waves from past to present. Ouantum waves act within spacetime but exist beyond spacetime and are able to directly connect widely separated events in spacetime. Indeed, such quantum connections between different parts of our brains are needed for ordinary consciousness and for memory as well as for anticipation of future events.

2. The future causes the past and gives meaning and purpose to the past and to our existence. I call this the “destiny matrix” (the title for my memoirs).

3. Time travel to the past is necessary for our universe to exist. The fact that latest data from Hubble telescope shows that the universe may be only 8 billion years-old when we see stars that are 16 billion years old tells us that our ordinary ideas about time are in serious trouble.

4. We are in contact with higher intelligences from the future that use advanced quantum technology that breaks the speed of light barrier to communication. ..

What would happen if this were the common belief in the early ’70’s. Nicola Testa seemed to be in agreement with this kind of thinking. So, what if, suddenly, Nicola Testa was all the rage? People would begin to re-examine this eccentric hermit’s designs and theories. Maybe the Soviets and the Western Intelligence goons flipped a coin to see who would shut Einhorn’s folly down. It only cost one beautiful young woman’s life. That was cheap, thinking of all the oil that could be pumped one day longer, just one day longer, another drop of oil out of the ground before the new “free” energy device was discovered.

That may sound far fetched, but one has to scratch one’s head over how many know how little about Tesla. Knowledge of the history of alternating current could be dangerous to the egos of the men I met who were executives of Southern California Edison. They graciously took me on an overnight bus tour of their ingenius nuclear/hydro system in Southern California. It was truly a beautiful adventure. I was amazed to see the lakes near Pine Top being filled by water that only the day before had fallen thousands of feet to a holding lake at the foot of the mountains. The water was pumped up to the top lakes again with the ever constant current of electricity generated cautiously by the atomic reactors at the five San Onofre plants.

The limitation of nuclear power, it seems, is you can’t turn it up or down. Once you turn a nuclear reactor on, it produces a constant flow of electricity. So, in order to supply the extra power demanded by Southern California’s air conditioners in the summer, water is pumped up and stored as energy in the high lakes, to be released through the long-ago-paid-for hydro-electric stations that used to power Los Angeles. It costs nothing since the nuclear power plants surplus energy was not needed during off hours. This way, at peak demand time, the extra power is there in controllable quantities. The valves are opened and the small turbines begin to generate power from the falling water.

Before I knew all that, on the bus winding its way from the desert floor to the High Sierra’s, the Southern California Edison Public Relations flack did what he had to do. He passed out mugs and baseball caps with the SCE logo on them and begged us to watch the mandatory video he had to show us on the history of SCE.

Of course the name of the company was Edison, so, it didn’t matter to me that when Edison’s D.C. systems couldn’t keep up with Westinghouse /Tesla’s A.C. systems SCE made the switch to the better way. But the video didn’t seem to acknowledge that Thomas Alva Edison was the promoter of Direct Current and Tesla the inventor of Alternating Current. Westinghouse backed Tesla’s better system and the better system won out in the marketplace. But Edison was remembered and Tesla forgotten. Why?

I asked the tycoons of S. Cal. industry- the SCE’s biggest consumers, all except me, who had been invited on this trip, if they knew about Nicola Tesla. They didn’t. I drew blank stares. One said, “Who?” I then asked the director of the tour, the PR guy from SCE, how come he didn’t have anything to say about Tesla. And he didn’t know who Tesla was.

Could this be why Einhorn had to be put down, smudged, smeared, or framed? Maybe it was so important that people not educate themselves about Tesla that an easy target was taken like so much meat in a trap, to keep Einhorn’s mouth occupied with his legal defense, or to lock him away behind bars, where he could not have access to his dangerously free thinking network of friends?

Jack Sarfatti says it more dispassionately than most people who knew Einhorn. Without him owing all the facts, without trying the case. Sarfatti puts it straight and simple, stating the facts, but allowing Einhorn the benefit of the doubt, repeating his former agent’s side of things: “Einhorn claimed he was innocent and was framed by the KGB.” Others said he claimed he was framed by the CIA. It could have been either or both.

The question remains, was he framed, and if so, by whom? Did Einhorn have a motive to kill Holly? In a preview of the public opinion we’ve seen with the OJ. Simpson trial, Einhorn was reported as having abused girlfriends previously. He was not known to have murdered any before. To anyone’s knowledge he hadn’t killed anyone, perhaps even any thing, before. One witness said that he was “sadistic” with animals. The “animals” turned out to be one incident in which he tried to persuade someone to take a cat into the shower with them.

So, who else had the motive to kill Holly?

It would have to be a good frame. There would have to be a lot of circumstantial evidence. The shadow of a doubt had be planted to succeed in locking Einhorn up for a good number of years. Even if he eventually proved his innocence, even if someone came forward and confessed to the murder, the charge of murder would be useful to discredit these emerging Yuppie cum New Age Dangerous Free Thinkers who were dabbling in new physics. If Einhorn was tried for murder, he didn’t even need to be convicted, many of these wierdos would be drawn into the testimony.

But, if Einhorn didn’t have a moment of homocidal madness, if Holly was killed by someone else — for the purpose of framing Einhorn and tarnishing the reputation of his whole social millieu, it could have been Soviet, British or U.S. Intelligence agencies.

Einhorn was naive about politics. He was a utopian visionary who hoped for a world with unmetered energy. Toward that end he was freely exchanging information on little known Tesla technology with Invisible warfare potential. He was knowledgable about independent Tesla research around the world. He was hobnobbing with the remote viewers at SRI, and Mossad “agent” Uri Geller who was believed to be capable of erasing computer tapes and to possess other menacing mind-over-matter talents. And he would give patents and diagrams and unpublished technical reports to anyone who requested them. With hindsight, Einhorn told friends, some of the people who requested hard-to-get Tesla papers from him may have been working for foreign intelligence agencies.

Let’s leave this to other researchers to examine the documents Einhorn was circulating and the state’s case against him. The primary question today might be, what was being suppressed that Einhorn was coming close to? Probably whatever it was twenty years ago is now public knowledge.

Einhorn’s name came up recently in conversations with other people who’d known him: Wes Thomas, editor of Mondo 2000, and Regie Siberski, a nationally recognized researcher of mind control and non-ionizing radiation. I did not bring up his name, I’d only talked to him once on the phone, nor did I know Einhorn knew these two. When I spoke with them over the summer of 1994, Thomas was in California and Siberski was in Pennsylvania. Both appeared to hold Einhorn in high esteem for his knowledge of Invisible Weapons technology. Both expressed their belief in his innocence even though he had already been convicted in abstencia of first degree murder.

Ira Einhorn remains underground (if he’s still alive) and the area of his research, Tesla technology, remains largely underground too. Research of declassified KGB files on Einhorn would now be a timely project as would a thorough roundup of physics and technology reports which add up to Invisible War.

Sarfatti offers more insight into the climate of those times among these brilliant people: At a conference in England, Sarfatti was introduced to a “sprightly Englishman”, Dennis Bardens, who said:

“Dr. Sarfatti, may I take you to dinner?” Fred Wolf was there and he suggested I go with Bardens. We had a good dinner of duck in cherry sauce at the Blue Boa Inn. After dinner, over brandy and cigars, Bardens leaned towards me with a conspiratorial wink and said: “First, I want you to know that I am a cabalist.” After a dramatic pause he continued in a more officious tone: “Dr. Sarfatti, it is my duty to inform you of a psychic war raging across the continents between the Soviet Union and your country and you are to be in the thick of it!

Now, it would appear, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the whole world is in the thick of this psychic war – and apparently most of the mind controlling forces are aimed at individuals and the masses. Only a few get to play with the beneficial aspects of the new psychotronic technology.

In late October, 1994 a mission of the space shuttle was flown to “look at the ozone layer,” which it was said, had a hole in it. About the same time the first HAARP signals were broadcast from Alaska, which pumped radiowave energy into the ozone layer, following Nicola Tesla’s fifty-year-old plan.

HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, a project which will build the world’s largest high frequency (radio) transmitter. Construction began in early 1994. The first stage of completion corresponded with the shuttle mission. From HAARP documents reveal:

The HAARP is to ultimately have a HF (High Frequency) beater with an Effective Radiated Power (ERP) well above 1 gigawatt (1,000,000,000 watts) on the order of 95-100 dBW, in short, the most powerful facility in the world for conducting ionospheric modification research …”

The Soviets, operating at higher powers than the West, now have claimed significant stimulated ionization by electron-impact ionization. The claim is that HF energy, via wave-particle interaction, accelerates ionospheric electrons to energize well in excess of 20 electron volts (eV) so that they will ionize neutral atmospheric particles with which they collide. Given that the Soviet HF facilities are several times more powerful than the Western facilities at comparable mid-latitudes, and given that the latter appear to be on a threshold of a new “wave-particle” regime of phenomena, it is believed that the Soviets have crossed that threshold and are exploring a regime of phenomena still unavailable for study or application in the West …

From the DOD (Department of Defense) point of view, however, the most exciting and challenging aspect of ionospheric enhancement is its potential to control (control is underlined) ionospheric processes in such a way as to greatly improve performance of C3 (military abbreviation for Command, Communication and Control) systems (or, to deny accessibility to an adversary).

A key goal of the program {HAARP) is the identification and investigation of those ionospheric processes and phenomena that can be exploited for DOD purposes, such as outlined below:

• Generation of Extremely Low Frequency ELF waves … to provide communications to deeply submerged submarines.

• Geophysical probing to identify and characterize natural ionospheric processes … so that techniques can be developed to mitigate or control them.

• Generation of ionospheric lenses to focus large amounts of HF energy … thus providing a means for triggering ionospheric processes that potentially could be exploited for DOD purposes.

• Electron acceleration for the generation of IR (infra red) and other optical emissions … that could be used to control radio wave propagation properties.

• Generation of geomagnetic-field aligned ionization to control the reflection/scattering properties of radio waves.

• Oblique heating to produce effects on radio wave propagation at great distances from the heater, thus broadening the potential military applications of ionospheric enhancement technology.

• Generation of ionization layers below 90 km to provide radio wave reflectors (“mirrors”} which can be exploited for long range, over-the-horizon. HF VHF UHF surveillance purposes …”

Although HAARP is being managed by the Air Force and Navy, it is a purely scientific research facility which represents no threat to potential adversaries and would therefore have no value as a military target.

Electromagnetic systems that could be affected by HAARP operations at either of the sites could include high-frequency communications, FM radio, mobile VHF radios, wildlife trackers, citizen band radios, hand held transceivers, UHF communications equipment, VHF radio telephone systems and television.

The final Environmental Impact Statement was dated well after the contract had been awarded to ARCO Power Technologies, Inc. (Elsewhere, we’ve noted the use of the ionosphere as a “reflector” of brainwave frequency range signals for the purposes of “entrainment” of an entire geo-political group.) Is the meaning of this Tesla technology what Ira Einhorn was about to make public? And what’s this really going to be used for? Probably something we haven’t yet realized.

There is much to be uncovered about the dark thoughts of the cryptocracy – broadcast into your mind or not. Investigative journalist, Rita Hill says, “This is a dangerous time. We might need some journalistically nonstandard approaches. We are probably being fed some disinformation. There are also very real possibilities of being mind-controlled or killed. Or, as (Gunther) Russbacher told
me: ‘Keep in close contact with your networks’.” Is it unthinkable that the U.S. cryptocracy would attack a physics network the same way it attacked the civil rights and anti-war movements of the Sixties?”

One would expect to see a lot of bodies piling up in front of the doorway to multi-dimensional space and time, or in front of the safe that keeps the blueprints for a portable cold fusion reactor, or in front of the shoebox that holds the plans for the levitating automobile and transport engine. Remember the slaves that buried the Pharoah.

Anybody who gets their hands on some multi-dimensional thing better watch out! They might rule the world. And God forbid they put it into the public domain so everybody could have one. That would really make this time and place obsolete. Even the metaphor is dangerous. Control mind, control thoughts, control the future. A place for everything and everything in its place – especially for the undisciplined masses.

Clever spychologist and cryptoligarch, Timothy Leary said:

“There are two aspects of this social conditioning regime which are not stressed by Skinner. To make it work. the government psychologists must have total control over the citizenry and there must be TOTAL SECRECY and censorship.

In order to condition human behavior it is necessary to get control of stimulus early in childhood and to maintain this control throughout life. In the psychological utopia, conditioning would be accompanied by continual psychological testing so that special aptitudes and potential trouble-makers are identified early in the game and special conditioning programs set up, tailored to eliminate individual eccentricity.

Political conditioning requires not only control of reward and punishment, but also secrecy … Psychological conditioning techniques cannot be employed in a democracy where minority groups can campaign against and publicly discuss the techniques being used, and publish the answers to screening tests, where citizens have the right to avoid the conditioners.

Thus the proposals of B.F. Skinner cannot be implemented except in a state where the government has total control of communications …”

Omar V. Garrison cut it closer to the bone as early as 1967 when he said:

“In the totally controlled society of George Orwell’s nightmarish novel, “1984”, the individual had one retreat that Big Brother could not penetrate: “Nothing was your own except a few cubic centimeters inside your skull.”

But in America today, even those few centimeters” of cranial refuge are under siege …

The dangers of psychotechnology are real. They are being applied. We were warned twenty years ago, in 1974, by the U.S. Senate, 93rd Congress, 2nd Session which investigated and published a book which too few have read. It was entitled “Individual Rights and the Federal Role in Behavior Modification:”

Dr Robert L. Schwitzebel of the Claremont Graduate School in California, published a book. PSYCHOTECHNOLOGY: Electronic Control of Mind And Behavior in which he describes the present and potential use of brain implants and radio telemetry to monitor human emotions, location and behavior, and to control behavior in various fields, including law enforcement.

Dr. Barton Ingraham and Dr. Gerald Smith, both recent recipients of Ph.D. degrees from the School of Criminology, University of California, Berkeley, advocated the permanent implantation of radio receiver-transmitters in the brains of parolees (See Issue in Criminology, Fall 1972). They envision the automatic monitoring of parolees by a computer which, if it detected a probability of misbehavior would deliver an electrical shock to his brain and/or by calling the police to his radio-monitored location.

Prisons aren’t obsolete, but the thought of hardwiring the mind is. There’s no need for it anymore. Why bother with Delgado’s neurological plumbing approach when the already existing neurological wiring can be accessed?

Within the cryptocracy, for years, there was much talk of the “LIDA” machine, a Soviet instrument supposed to be used for “medical therapy.” It finally surfaced when the cryptocrats of The New World Orderthought about using it on David Koresh at Waco. It was reported they decided not to use it since there was nothing but a small lab model in the U.S. at the time.

The UDA was presented as “an instrument for the treatment of neuropsychic and somatic disorders wherein light, sound and VHF electromagnetic field pulses are simultaneously applied by means of a control unit to the patient’s central nervous system with a predetermined rate. The light and sound sources exert an adequate and monotonous influence on the patient’s visual analyzers and auditory analyzers respectively.” The patent claims beneficial effects in the treatment of “inorganically caused neuropsychic and somatic disorders, such as neuroses, psychoses, insomnia and hypertension.”

The LIDA gives off pulsed radio fields which, it is said, can produce strong behavioral effects. The device was developed by L. Rabichev at Kishinev, Soviet Armenia and is covered by U.S. Patent number 3,773,049.

The U.S. Navy received a small LIDA instrument under an exchange agreement with the USSR. Dr. W. Ross Adey, Dr. Eldon Byrd, John Richards and Howard Sukenik tested it from July 19, 1982 to July 26, 1983 at the V.A. Medical Center at Lorna Linda, California.

Adey, Byrd and company made a preliminary evaluation of the device using animal models. Rabbits were tested first, but they slept most of the time. The scientists then tried the tests on cats with better results. They tried the RF and light and pulsed sound and heat in all combinations and one at a time. From the report it would appear that the LIDA device lulls animals to achieve “sustained”
states of sleep. It is apparent that the LIDA might be a good tool of conditioning.

While the Adey/Byrd study was brief and inconclusive the researchers reported their interest and revealed the government’s interest in a vast area of mind control research in the electromagnetic spectrum:

“We regard this study as of great importance in pilot studies of behavioral effects of environmental electromagnetic fields. The principal investigator is continuing data acquisition and analysis with the aid of a part time undergraduate student, Mr. Howard Sukenick, without whose help much already accomplished would remain to be done. Mr. Sukenick is paid from other research sources, but funding for an effective development of this project is essentially nonexistent.

It is therefore requested that urgent consideration be given to an evaluation of the importance of this project, with a view to its renewal and expansion. to permit examination of a vast range of potentially important new field parameters not available with the LIDA instrument. Automated data analysis is becoming imperative to permit intercession and inter-subject comparisons. Computer facilities for this work are readily available in our laboratory but require appropriate personnel support …”

Paul Stonehill of the Russian Ufology Research Center in Tarzana, California stumbled along a parallel path. His work in translating UFO and related stories from Russian led him to find a 1991 article entitled “Once More About Psychic Weapons” which was authored by A.V. Kalinets-Bryukbanov who Stonehill calls, simply, K.B.

“K.B. stated that the first (and only) experimental model of a device to program the human intellect and psyche had been accepted by Soviet authorities back in 1965. It was to be improved, using the K.B. design for a . system of -remote operational influence.” …

However, to cover up the device’s existence the Soviets did what Col. Prouty says the U.S. cryptocracy routinely does, they ran a group of phony projects that looked like the real one. K.B. revealed that the “much buzzed about psychic weapons do exist.” Stonehill said several articles he found reveal that the research was done secretly in a small basement beneath the old botanical gardens of the Odessa State University that was the site of the Bioelectronics Scientific Research Department.

“Test animal brains demonstrated that when cellular transformation resulted from fields of especially destructive force, manifestations of paranormal abilities like clairvoyance became possible. When the animals were treated with these fields, they could literally see
through opaque barriers …”

Trouble was the effects were short-term because the brain tissue disintegrated uncontrollably. But in totalitarian societies it’s ”never mind”– keep doing the research. Why not try humans?

“… experiments had been conducted on prisoners sentenced to death. The results were the same.

Later, using the experimental data, the researchers located phrenological zones of the skull, responsible for motivating various actions of the research subjects. The topography of these zones was recorded in special tables. These experiments helped Soviet scientists find the most effective electromagnetic pulse field operating conditions to reproduce cerebral tissue that would create the planned personality characteristic. For example:

Giorgy V. was a draftee in the Soviet Army, assigned to serve in Afghanistan. His health was quite good. After his assignment with the spetznaz forces, Girgory became indecisive. He became obsessed with the feeling of near death. He believed that he was not “sufficiently strong spiritually” to enforce his ‘international duty’ (that is how the Soviets described their occupation of Afghanistan).

So, he and a group of other draftees who, like him, had their doubts about service in Afghanistan, were sent to Odessa to undergo the treatment and develop their will power and sense of duty. Magnetic emitters were placed on his superciliary arches, the parietal area, the cranial arch, and the cervical vertebrae area. Grlgory was treated only once.

Later that year, Girgory took part in a dangerous military mission. His spetznaz unit was withdrawing from a kishlak, an Afghan village. The kishlak was surrounded by dosshmany, or guerillas. During a fierce gun battle, Girgory protected the commanding officer with his body. For his valor, the fallen soldier was awarded the highest Soviet military honor, the star of Hero of the Soviet Union.”

Stonehill says K.B.’s article ended strangely:

“Having observed the brain as a receiving and transmitting device, the researchers bad discovered certain wavelengths. Using them, it is possible to influence various sections of the brain directly, reproduce cerebral tissue, and then provoke unusual changes in the qualities of individual psyches. Then one can program anything into the brains of experimental subjects.”

Just like in the movie Brainstorm?

In the fall of 1991, Stonehill reports, a two-part Molodaya Guardia magazine ran a story under the heading “psychotronic weapons.” The article said:

“The weapons are dreadful. A human being becomes a silent cog in a hellish machine of all-devouring fear. An individual’s brain can be suppressed, activities curtailed, and such an individual will submit to any wish of the operator.”

Emil Fedorovich Bachurin, the author of the article says that the first experiments to create psi-weapons were conducted by the infamous Dr. Mengele in the Dachau concentration camp. Stonehill says Bachurin is not the only one to mention the Nazi foundation of psychotronic weapons. He writes:

“In July of 1993, Alexander Ryskin, a Russian journalist, published an article in Los Angeles, (Almanac Panorama), in which he claims that the Nazis were able to use such technology to hinder the Soviet offensive in Berlin in May of 1945.”

Ryskin reported that the Soviets captured the results of Nazi research, and brought them to the Soviet Union, but more documentation to substantiate the claim was not presented. Ryskin’s anonymous source told him that no serious research took place after World War Two in the USSR until 1979. Stonehill says:

“But Akimov of the CNT ( Center for Non-traditional Technologies) indicates that the research started in the early 1960s. This is confirmed by K.B.; 1965 is specifically mentioned.”

Stonehill says that several types of psi-oruzhiye (psychic weapons) are mentioned in the new open Russian literature. The first is infrasonic radiation (around 7 hertz in frequency) which tortures and kills. The second type, he says, is high powered microwave and ultrasound. These affect the nervous system and induce insomnia. Highly portable weapons of this type have been developed. The third type of psychic weapon involves several systems: chronal emitters, chronal guns, pyramid sets and cavity structures. The destructive effect with these Buck Rogers devices is achieved by their emission of tiny particles, chronos, or time carriers. Stonehill reports that such beams can penetrate everything on their way to tearing to pieces the human aura.

“Should the energy circle (aura) around an individual’s head be hit, the mental abilities of the targeted person will be affected. Such weapons do not kill, but maim the psyche.”

The fourth type, Stonehill says, is the most dangerous for human targets, but unlike some of the others it’s safe for the operator.

“It is known as a psi-amplifier, and psi-data unit. And generators they truly are. What is being generated is electromagnetic radiation that conforms to brain frequencies.”

Such radiation, when directed at the target, can be used to suggest and transmit anything, any feeling -love, hate, euphoria, anger, anguish. and suicidal thoughts. The psi-generators can be used for remote transmission.

A few decades ago researchers at the University of Southern California and University of Illinois began an experiment to confirm the longstanding theory that the brain stores memories by “hard-wiring” new connections between groups of neurons in the brain. Recently the culmination of the research was announced by Psychobiologists Richard F. Thompson of USC and William Greenough of the University of Illinois. They reported several independent approaches to the question, all of which indicated that memories are hooked up just like ordinary wiring.

In the Summer of 1989, Dr. Michael Persinger of Laurentian University in Ontario Canada announced he’d invented a helmet that could induce UFO abduction experiences. The helmet is reported to be able to send specific frequencies into the hippocampus area of the back brain. During such stimulus, volunteers report UFO abduction experiences, out-of-body experiences, and a wide range of altered states of consciousness.

In the hands of even a well-functioning democratic republic this new arms race of supposed “non lethal weaponry” would be a menace to our freedoms, but in the hands of a cryptocracy it threatens to tum our world into a zombie planet.

We can only turn to global Cybernetic Samisdats like the Internet for hope. Eventually the truth shall surface. Will it make us free? Researchers, mount your indexes! Hackers, mount your computers! Journalists, file your FOIA requests!

New hardware will continue to overwhelm us. Perhaps the solution to our human dilemma, like the ultimate solutions in Silicon Valley resides with a thorough understanding of software. Intimately all problems are opportunities. It’s all in our mind.


1) Becker, Robert 0., and Selden, Cary; The Body Electric, Electromqgnetism And The Foundation of Life, William Morrow. New York. 1985.
2) Becker, Robert 0., Cross Currents, Tarcher, Los Angeles, 1990.

Tat Pile ArclJM, Tbe Kozmos Compula’ BBS.

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