….Through covert trial and error, the CIA, in collaboration with university researchers, slowly identified three key behavioral components integral to its emerging techniques for psychological torture.
“Discovery #1:Sensory deprivation. In the early 1950s, Dr. Donald Hebb (McGill University) found that he could induce a state akin to psychosis in just 48 hours … after just two to three days of such isolation [sitting in a cubicle with goggles, gloves and ear muffs on] “the subject’s very identity had begun to disintegrate.
Discovery #2:Self-inflicted pain. Albert Biderman, Irving L. Janis, Harold Wolff, and Lawrence Hinkle, advised the agency about the role of self-inflicted pain in Communist interrogation. … During the 1950s as well, two eminent neurologists at Cornell Medical Center working for the CIA found that the KGB’s most devastating torture technique involved, not crude physical beatings, but simply forcing the victim to stand for days at a time, while the legs swelled, the skin erupted in suppurating lesions, the kidneys shut down, hallucinations began.
Discovery #3. Anyone can torture. Finally, a young Yale psychologist, Stanley Milgram, …conducted his famed “obedience (to authority)” experiments, asking ordinary New Haven citizens to torture on command and discovered that, in contravention of conventional wisdom, anyone could be trained to torture. …[Milgram] did controversial research under a government grant showing that almost any individual is capable of torture, a critical finding for the agency as it prepared to disseminate its method worldwide.
By the project’s end in the late 1960s, this torture research had involved three of the 100 most eminent psychologists of the 20th century: Hebb, Milgram, and Janis, as well as several presidents of the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association.
That notorious photo of a hooded Iraqi on a box, arms extended and wires to his hands, exposes this covert method. The hood is for sensory deprivation, and the arms are extended for self-inflicted pain. … Although seemingly less brutal than physical methods, no-touch torture leaves deep psychological scars on both victims and interrogators. One British journalist who observed this method’s use in Northern Ireland called sensory deprivation “the worst form of torture” because it “provokes more anxiety among the interrogatees than more traditional tortures, leaves no visible scars and, therefore, is harder to prove, and produces longer lasting effects.”
McCoy explained how CIA ‘no touch’ torture changes its victims:
“Insights from the treatment of Chilean victims tortured under General Augusto Pinochet’s regime offer a point of entry into this complex question. Psychotherapist Otto Doerr-Zegers found that victims suffer “a mistrust bordering on paranoia, and a loss of interest that greatly surpasses anything observed in anxiety disorders.” The subject “does not only react to torture with a tiredness of days, weeks, or months, but remains a tired human being, relatively uninterested and unable to concentrate.”
“These findings led him to a revealing question: “What in torture makes possible a change of such nature that it appears similar to psychotic processes and to disorders of organic origin?”
…. (Otto) Doerr-Zegers explained that techniques of torture work by creating deception, distrust, fear, disorientation, a “kind of total theater” that leaves the victim disoriented and “emotionally and psychological damaged.” The similarity of the explanation below to “street theater” found in mind control allegations (Webmaster: by TIs) is remarkable:
“As Doerr-Zegers describes it, the psychological component of torture becomes a kind of total theater, a constructed unreality of lies and inversion, in a plot that ends inexorably with the victim’s self-betrayal and destruction.
“To make their artifice of false charges, fabricated news, and mock executions convincing, interrogators often become inspired thespians. The torture chamber itself thus has the theatricality of a set with special lighting, sound effects, props, and backdrop, all designed with a perverse stagecraft to evoke an aura of fear. Both stage and cell construct their own kind of temporality. While the play both expands and collapses time to carry the audience forward toward denouement, the prison distorts time to disorientate and then entrap the victim. As the torturer manipulates circumstances to “maximize confusion,” the victim feels “prior schemas of the self and the world … shattered” and becomes receptive to the “torturer’s construction of reality.”
(Webmaster comment: This sounds a lot like: 1) what Targeted Individuals go through, and 2) the thespian aspects of staged and faked “alien abductions.”)
Under the peculiar conditions of psychological torture, victims, isolated from others, form “emotional ties to their tormentors” that make them responsive to a perverse play in which they are both audience and actor, subject and object—in a script that often leaves them not just disoriented but emotionally and psychologically damaged, in some cases for the rest of their lives.
…… On Monday, September 17, 2001, President Bush issued a fourteen-page top secret directive to (DCIA) Tenet and the CIA, ordering the agency to hunt, capture, imprison, and interrogate suspects around the world. It set new limits on what the agency could do. It was the foundation for a system of secret prisons where CIA officers and contractors used techniques that included torture…. [The CIA] had participated in the torture of captured enemy (non)combatants (civilians) before, beginning in 1967, under the Phoenix program in Vietnam.”
From: Dr. Alfred McCoy (professor, author of “A Question of Torture; CIA Interrogation From The Cold War To the War On Terror”) and Cheryl Welsh (lawyer, researcher, and TI) In: US Government/CIA/Pentagon Mind Control and Torture Of Innocent Civilians: Cheryl Welsh; 13 Articles:
8) “Immediately after his public address to a shaken nation (after the staged, false-flag, state-sponsored terror attack of) Sept. 11, 2001, President George Bush (ETK: Yale, Skull and Bones, class of 1968) turned to his White House staff and gave them secret orders to allow torture saying: “I don’t care what the international lawyers say, we are going to kick some ass.” In the months that followed, administration attorneys translated the president’s unlawful orders into US policy by adopting three controversial neoconservative (Jewish neo-Trotskyite) doctrines (Webmaster: aka lies):
1) The President is above the law.
2) Torture is legally acceptable.
3) The U.S. Navy Base at Guantanamo Bay is not U.S. territory.
… (Then) the Bush administration began building a global gulag for torture at Abu Ghraib, Baghram, Guantanamo and half a dozen additional sites worldwide. In February, 2002, the White House assured the CIA that the administration’s public pressure to abide by the Geneva Conventions did not apply to its operatives and the White House also allowed the agency 10 enhanced interrogation (torture) methods designed by agency psychologists, including waterboarding.
…Through this total three phase attack on sensory receptors, cultural identity and individual psyche, Guantanamo perfected the CIA’s psychological torture paradigm. After regular inspections of Guantanamo from 2002 to 2004, the International Red Cross reported: “The construction of such a system cannot be considered other than a form of cruel, unusual, and degrading treatment, and a form of torture.”
–Dr. Alfred McCoy: The History of Mental Torture in the U.S.A.
9) “The cadet motto when I was at West Point was: “You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do.” But then later, when I was CIA director we lied, we cheated, we stole…. We had entire training courses on that. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment…..”
Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State and Former CIA Director, in speech at Texas A&M University, April, 2019
10) “It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize the American people to hate, so we will let the establishment spend any amount of money on arms….”
John Stockwell, Ex-CIA Station Chief and highest CIA employee to “go public” (EX-CIA Whistleblower, John Stockwell: “US Fascist Shadow Government, CIA Secret Wars and Drug Running, Gulf War I and NWO, JFK Assassination, etc. (1986, 1989, 1991)
11) “Intelligence operations have turned out to be a domestic war.” -Maria Serna, Crusade For Justice (From CounterSpy Volume 3, Issue 1, 1976) (Declassified “CounterSpy” Magazine (1973-1984) Issues Expose U.S. Government-CIA-FBI Criminal/Terrorist Operations Worldwide)
12) “Abolish the CIA and Covert Action: The Organizing Committee demands the CIA and covert action be abolished not only because we recognize that the CIA serves only the multinational corporate empire, which is thoroughly antidemocratic and unAmerican, but also because the CIA ls a criminal organization and covert actions are criminal actions.”
(From CounterSpy Volume 2, Issue 4, 1976) ((Declassified “CounterSpy” Magazine (1973-1984) Issues Expose U.S. Government-CIA-FBI Criminal/Terrorist Operations Worldwide)
13) “The (CIA-DoD) MONARCH program is a very interesting thing. It had to do with a butterfly. And the early MONARCH victims were tatooed with butterflys. There were two or three different levels of programming and each kind of programming would have its own set of codes, cues, and triggers. And the MONARCH-programmed people were often very attractive young women used as Presidential models, some of them sold into some sort of perverted form of prostitution to government officials. And perverted tastes would be cultivated in the government officials. That’s how you would control the high government officials. Paul Bonacci of the Franklin Coverup was a Monarch.
… The project MONARCH people, it started when they were infants. Some of them came from families that had been doing this for 100 years. The CIA just accessed these people, these children. They would take babies and dip the bottom half of them in ice cold water and the top half in scalding hot water. And they would dissociate as infants and they began to program these children this way and develop these different dissociated personalities that could then be used. And at a certain age, they would then sell them, this is still ongoing in this country, they would then sell them on a white slave market to the cryptocracy (i.e., the national security state) who would use them as couriers to carry messages. Because when you get an empty D-state weird phenomenon happen (including) improved memory, enhanced memory, hyper amnesia, incredible memory abilities, great gifts come out of people who are tortured. Dissociation produces very useful things: sex slaves, drug mules, spies, people who can remember like human tape recorder-type people. It’s quite amazing. So it’s very useful to the intelligence people. And they took these attractive women and they used them as sex-slaves with all the Presidents and even in the 60s they reported they were given injections of different kinds to protect them from diseases that sound like AIDS, yes, back in the 60’s. And yes, I think that AIDS was genetically engineered.”
From: Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (2017) by Walter Bowart
14) “NSA decided that with bulk acquisition of data, US citizens would be the first to have (all) their information collected. The rest of the world are now being treated like US citizens.
(This) falls back to the principles of totalitarianism and how dictators have operated down through the centuries. It’s know what your people are doing and find the ones who are not conforming to what you want them to do and then get rid of them. And that’s fundamentally what this process does.
.. this goes back to Caesar Augustus. Anybody that opposed him- you needed to know about it first of all, and once that happened, they would disappear. The same was true of the Soviet Union or East Germany with the Stasi. If you said anything out of line, you ended up in jail or in a sanitarium or something or in a gulag somewhere. The same was true of the Nazis and the Gestapo and SS.
This is the way totalitarian states operate. This gathering knowledge about people and the entire population is a totalitarian procedure. This is the domestic threat that our Constitution and the oath of office we took was given to prevent. No other country in the world could have done to us what we have done to ourselves.
This is the time when all good Americans need to stand up and oppose this. … these agencies are threatening what is fundamental to human rights everywhere. (We) have to ensure that we have some way of verifying and keeping these agencies in line.
Ex-NSA’s Bill Binney on Operation “Stellar Wind;” NSA’s Totalitarian, Global, Bulk Data Acquisition Spying Program; How NSA Surveilles You
(Webmaster comment: What government spy agencies like the NSA refer to as “surveillance” often refers, in practice, to extra-judicially targeting of anyone for slow-kill, soft-kill, silent-kill, no-touch torture and murder.)
15) (“Unacknowledged Special Access Programs” defined by Senator Daniel Inyoue (Hawaii): “a shadowy government with its own air force, it’s own navy, it’s own fund-raising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”)
16) “I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind.”
President John F. Kennedy, shortly before his assassination (by the CIA and others) on Nov. 22, 1963
B. Targeted Individual Program
17) “A silent war is taking place in cities all over the planet. It is not covered up by the media, mental health system, NGOs, and our elected officials. Now that the financial elite are finished using the US military and allied forces to conquer nations in their quest for global domination, they’re neutralizing individuals and groups of resisters who live among the people. To do this, they have recruited a major portion of the civilian population, which is used as a surrogate force to persecute those who have been identified as enemies. As part of the same agenda, the security forces are conducting psychological operations on civilians and torturing them with directed energy weapons. The entire operation is in service to some very wealthy psychopaths who rule our society, as part of a global revolution intended to result in a planetary dictatorship, known as the New World Order.”
Conventional type of warfare will be phased out… Specific names given to the small wars that will be waged globally include, asymmetric warfare (AW), fourth generation warfare (4GW), third wave warfare (3WW), network-centric warfare (NCW, netwar), NATO networked enabled capability (NNEC), and military operations other than war (MOOTW). Others are low-intensity conflict (LIC), irregular warfare (IW), and unconventional warfare (UW). Related terms include effects based operations (EBO,) civil-military operations (CMO), and peace operations (PO).
… The battlefield for this new type of warfare has expanded into the civilian sector. For this reason, it’s now called the “battlespace.” The battlespace is global. The battles take place among the civilian population where the military uses civilians as irregular forces. The physical architecture of the battlespace has several levels. At the top is the space level which includes satellites. The near-space level has UAVs (unmanned aerial vehichles) and high-flying aircraft. Then there is the maneuver level which contains people, robots, vehicles, ships, and low-flying aircraft.
According to the Army, the new enemy will increasingly seek protection among the civilian population. The essential “struggle of the future,” they say, will take place primarily among the civilians and will therefore require US security dominance in these areas.
…. The new enemy (Targeted Individuals) will be denied sanctuary, tracked everywhere with intrusive surveillance, and attacked with PsyOp (psychological operations) and NLW (non-lethal weapons) relentlessly. Most of these weapons and tactics, which are used in combination, leave little or no trace of their use.
Directed energy weapons, including microwaves, lasers, and acoustic frequencies, will be used on the enemy. Depending on the frequency and power level, these weapons can cause a wide variety of effects spanning the mental, emotional, and physical realms…. People can be traumatized with microwave hearing technology. Powerful silent subliminals can setup mental conflicts and can be used to influence people’s emotions, thoughts and behavior. Holograms can be transmitted to specific points in space to scare people.
PsyOp attacks are transmitted through every possible “channel of communication” that the TA (targeted audience) uses. The TA’s environment is psychologically prepared with “products” which have “triggers” that they’ve been “sensitized” to…
Custom-tailored weather attacks are to be used on a micro-scale against the enemy. And, yes, even remote-controlled insects and rodents are in the DOD’s (US Department of Defense’s) arsenal. Physical and psychological isolation of the enemy from their support structure is standard procedure in the new war. Using PsyOp, advanced surveillance technology, and NLWs, the enemy will be denied sanctuary any place they visit.
Official (government) sources have mentioned multiple times that this surveillance will be intrusive and constant. A variety of technology exists which can accomplish this, such as devices for seeing through walls, mind-reading, and tiny sensors which can detect anything a human being can as well as a multitude of other environmental stimuli.”
“It is no exaggeration to say that the Anglo-American Establishment is using the military to reach down into your neighborhoods, single people out, and silently torture them, while using the mental health system, congress, media, and NGOs to conceal their attacks.
Mark M. Rich, “The New War: Revolutionary Methods of Political Control” (2013)
18) According to former intelligence officer, Julianne McKinney’s 1992 report, the pattern of directed-energy attacks and gang stalking is the same all over the world… this program is being used to silently neutralize all people that the New World Order believes will be troublesome to their rule. In particular, this includes intelligent, independent, freethinking, incorruptible, nonconformists.
The control mechanisms in Russia, which included the targeting of the civilian population, was only made possible by the citizens who stalked and harassed people in public. The KGB’s success, added McKinney, “depended on the extensive use of informant networks and agents provocateurs….” McKinney stated: “I think that once full control is established over a major percentage of the population, and enough of the population is silent and unwilling to stick their necks out, that we inevitably would be heading toward a holocaust.”
Mark M. Rich, “The Hidden Evil, The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against the Civilian Population” (2008)
19) “DHS (Department of Homeland Security) has made a separate, for-profit DHS entity (National Fusion Center Association Criminal Syndicate) and is selling “kill contracts” on innocent people to buddies in the military-industrial complex to torture and kill to test on humans weapons like gases, poisons, directed energy weapons, nano-particles, secretive medical chips, and even networks of chips that according to the Pentagon comes in torture protocol 1 through 5, at least.”
Karen Stewart, former NSA employee and targeted individual
20) “We have a great deal of evidence that suggests that the CIA’s domestic headquarters in Denver runs the entire (targeted individual-gangstalking) program and provides the funding for it. On the gangstalking side, they provide the funding through the black budget that feeds into the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and that money and funding and programs make their way to the Terrorist Screening Center at the FBI and to the Department of Homeland Security where the gangstalking operations are run. They also provide the billions of dollars that go into the sophisticated satellite systems that are operated out of Shriever Air Force Base.This is primarily a CIA program. On the political side, the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR.org). Their goal, unfortunately, is to get control of the United States and its population. It is closely related to the forming of the Federal Reserve in 1913 and the founding of the United Nations in 1945.
TJ opinion – there are about 5,000 – 10,000 CIA employees & contractors at the Denver Domestic Headquarters. Many of them work from home (Aurora, Colorado).
Richard Lighthouse (Ex-NASA engineer, TI, Advisory Board of targetedjustice.com) in: THE HORRORS OF CONTRACT STALKING AND SATELLITE TORTURE – WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE? (Richard Lighthouse; targetedjustice.com- April, 2019)
21) Since the 2001 September 11 attacks and Bush’s so-called “war on terror,” there was a soar in the number of Targeted Individuals reporting covert assaults by black operatives, thugs, extremist cells, “stalkers.” Some TIs are reporting assaults with remotely applied, military grade, lethal weaponry. These reports have been from both overseas and U.S. self-identified targets. In early August, 2010, Sharon Weinberger explained the reason for the escalated reports:
“After the attacks of September 11, the Pentagon began a shift away from its Cold War-era “two war strategy,” premised on maintaining the ability to conduct two major military operations simultaneously, and began focusing instead on “irregular warfare against individuals and groups.”
From: Weinberger, S. 2010, “Black Ops: Secret Military Technology in the Age of Terrorism;” quoted in “Covert Technological Murder; Big Brother Approved” by Renee Pittman M. (2013)
22) “In 1994, Senator Joseph Biden wrote and then President Bill Clinton enacted the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (“VCCLEA”) establishing the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (“COPS”) within the US Department of Justice.
… Targets can be chosen for many reasons: (1) political views; (2) whistle-blowing; (3) political dissidence; (4) asserting rights at work; (5) making the wrong enemy; (6) too outspoken; (7) investigating something that the state does not want investigated; (8) signing a petition; (9) writing a letter; (10) being called “suspicious” by a civilian spy/snitch; or (11) being a religious/ethnic/racial minority.”
Rahul Manchanda, Esq. (Professor and International Attorney); From: The Surreptitious Reincarnation of COINTELPRO with the COPS Gang-Stalking Program
23) “Michael W. Wynne, 21st Secretary of the Air Force (2005-2008), said, “We have to use it (the Cognitive Warfare (CW)/neuroweapons system) on our own citizens before we will use it on the battlefield.” That’s the way they think. He got fired for that comment… Every time the military gets a bigger budget, like after 9/11, you have more targets come on line, and they all have the same date when they came on line.
The most profound crime a government can do to an individual is peer into their minds without consent. The intelligence agencies have become a virus, a cancer, on all of humanity. We have been trying to concentrate evil as humans understand it to create weaponry that attacks the information systems of the brain and body….” I didn’t know what we were fully doing at the time I served. I regret what I did.”
Dr. Robert Duncan, former DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Program Agency) Scientist: “Project: Soul Catcher; Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare” (2010)
24) “We are at the place where a transnational intelligence cabal supercedes government, the justice system, and law… where they can film you inside your house without a warrant and then use it to get a warrant… where they have a financial profit motive in expanding the number of people that they target.
… Every single bomb dropped or military operation undertaken is enabled by this transnational intelligence cabal. And the targeting of citizens in our home countries around the world uses that same military targeting process and systems against us…. Our ignorance has led to our own demise. It’s now everywhere. I remember President George Bush (II) saying that in the War on Terror “the whole world is the battlefield”… They weren’t joking. Their plan was to have the ability to target any person on the planet in real time. And that is what they have expanded their systems to have the capacity to do. And that is what they have been doing ever since. Every year the problem is getting worse and more widespread. They are now targeting all sectors of society.
We are being targeted and spied on by private intelligence agencies engaged by government departments and paid for with taxpayer dollars… At what point do we stop victim-blaming and start looking at those who are doing the targeting? Ulti mately, this is about the people who are doing the targeting of dissidents, activists, journalists, child-abuse survivors, and earth-quake insurance claimants, etc. These are the same people facilitating the dropping of bombs in Syria, the destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and so on. Just like wars are fought for profits, so the covert targeting of civilians deploys the same systems that are run by the same people.”
Suzie Dawson, New Zealand, activist, politician, journalist and TI, In: The NSA Global Spy Network: Episode 1: Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing the Spies – Suzie Dawson (9/22/19); Transcription & Graphics)
25) As a Targeted Individual, you are attacked by many forces from all sides. You are an enemy of the state. This is called Joint Targeting. This military strategy is described in these military documents. You are a MILITARY TARGET.
Joint Publication 3-60: Joint Targeting (Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2007) (pdf)
Joint Publication 3-60: Joint Targeting (2013) (pdf)
JP-3-60 Joint Targeting and US Targeted Killings (Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2013)
These documents describe how and why you are chosen as a Target aka “Potential Terrorist Threat” (which is almost humorous since governments are always the primary terrorist entities). They even describe why your immediate and extended family is attacked as well:
“Target development always approaches adversary capabilities from a systems perspective. While a single target may be significant because of its own characteristics, the target’s real importance lies in its relationship to other targets within an operational system. A target system is most often considered as a collection of assets directed to perform a specific function or series of functions. While target systems are intra-dependent to perform a specific function, they are also interdependent in support of adversary capabilities (e.g., the electric power system may provide energy to run the adversary’s railroads that are a key component of their military logistic system). Target development links these multiple target systems and their components (targets) to reflect both their intra- and interdependency that, in aggregate, contribute to the adversary capabilities.”
26) Brains can be stolen and raped. The authorities do it! In 1977, the New York Times published 30 articles about the CIA’s brain control systems. The most important things brought to light were that this project had already begun in the late 1940’s and that with this technology, they had built a state-within-a-state.
In April 10, 1967, the New York Times editorial, “Push-Button People,” discussed the ongoing (mind control/cybernetics) experiments and warned about the dangers of this technology. They also mentioned that probably there were countries that already planned to subjugate their people using this technique. Both the U.S. and Sweden were countries that had far-reaching plans to subjugate citizens, beyond their knowledge, in brain control systems.”
Also, you should be aware that many of those that sit in the (EU) parliament also have their brains incorporated into the defense departments’ supercomputer control systems. Of course, they become a type of puppet for the will of others.
“Brain-computer interface (BCI) or direct brain control are communication technologies: they take information from the brain and externalize it…. Contemporary society is confronted with changes that have to do with the anthropological (ETK- and spiritual) essence of individuals…To what extent might this technology be misused by the military? The Member States and their ethics councils have a responsibility to create conditions for education and constructive, informed debates in this area.”
Throughout the history of mankind, there has never existed anything more totalitarian. There has never been anything more anti-democratic. A dictatorship can never be greater than when its citizens’ brains are linked to computer control.
The State has become a cannibal, a rapist who is eating its citizens. Transforming us into biological manipulable components.
What happened during over 60 years of brain experimentation? Which doctors, professors, what institutions have been involved in the most anti-democratic project that ever existed? By what kinds of methods has it been possible to keep it off the media and from people’s attention? What is the role of the medical corporations? They are involved. FOI’s (Sweden’s DOD/DARPA) and America’s NSA supercomputers must be turned off. We are all about to become the State’s lab rats and chip-regulated behavior-skulls.
(The CIA’s Phoenix Program) in Vietnam in 1970 used this same brain technology to identify and mass murder 33,000 civilians who were identified, by the technology, as Vietcong sympathizers!
– Robert Naeslund: The Human Brain Project
27) “Dr. Ross Adey has found out that by using 0.75 milliwatts per square centimeter intensity of pulse modulated microwaves, at a frequency of 450 MHz, it is possible to control ALL aspects of human behavior!
From my point of view, the uses of this new technology philosophically are comparable to and amount to the Biblical Fall of man, the eviction from paradise. The all-encompassing thought-reading and mind-influencing capacity divides man into two encampments: Those few “God-like” people, who are allowed to use these means, and all others, whose freedom and free will is being taken away.
… This is the most important policy of the United States government.”
Dr. Rauni Kilde, Former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland, Targeted Individual, author of “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015)
28) “What’s happening here is that we’re building a domestic military because it’s unlawful or unconstitutional to use American troops on American soil. So what we’re doing here, and let’s not kid about it, we’re building a domestic army and we’re shrinking the military because the government is afraid of its own citizens. We’re building an Army over here and I can’t believe that people aren’t seeing it. Is everybody blind?”
Marine Corps Col. Peter Martino At Concord, NH, Town Council Meeting (2013) We’re Building A Domestic Army:” Marine Corps Colonel Before Concord, NH, Town Council (8/2013)
29) “The goal is to create a nationwide system of “vigilantes” who do not think for themselves but follow orders — the Evildoing, US-Gov-paid “defense” contractors’ private army of “shooters” (not thinkers). The network is run by contractors and by DHS’s (Department of Homeland Security’s) 78 fusion centers. The propaganda is that they are fighting terrorists (and that is what they tell these vigilante suckers). The truth is that they are constructing a nationwide GPS/cellphone-directed prison system that now contains ALL Americans.”
-Targeted Individual (TI)
30) …. regarding “The National Security Racketeering Network”… “the program” at its core is an extra-judicial, political targeting and elimination program. This is a soft-kill operation. The expected outcome is self-harm, financial disruption, social disruption (of “Targeted Citizens”). They want to get rid of you (the TC) via any means possible in a clandestine fashion and also have fun and generate revenue while doing it. This is a style of “parasitic crony capitalism” because Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and possibly DOD, are farming out contracts on innocent Americans….. So it is both a political targeting operation as well as a revenue generation scheme that starts off within the deep state shadow government.
I’ve read that DOJ/DHS have contracts with corporate private prisons in which DOJ helps these prisons maintain a certain quota of prisoners. They’ve done the same thing with the private intelligence agencies which run the extra-judicial militias, or targeting crews, which DOJ refers to as “surveillance role players” or” live action role players.” (I.e., they guarantee delivery of “quotas” of “targeted individuals.”)
Who owns these private intelligence agencies? Retired federal law enforcement and intelligence personnel; FBI, NSA, DEA, JTTF, Homeland Security, ex-military officers…. there are over 1800 private intelligence agencies in the US that operate with zero oversight. This is a giant racketeering network…. probably the biggest, underground, black-market illegal business in the United States today.
Dr. X Keyscore
31) “The American government, ostensibly engaged in protecting the lives and property of American citizens, is simultaneously (and covertly) stripping those very same citizens of their wealth, security, and freedom. To be blunt, the American government is using NSA-controlled psychics in a secret war against its own citizenry. The ultimate goal being to turn every single man, woman, and child living in America, into a government-controlled slave laborer. It has taken 50+ years, but the transformation of America from a bastion of freedom and democracy, into a vast slave labor camp spanning an entire continent, is almost complete. Slavery does not require guards with guns, or cells with bars, or even awareness of enslavement. If you can build a prison for the mind.”
–‘The National Security Agency – Citadel Of Evil’ by Steve Smith
32) “It’s not just the FBI that is spying now. It’s the Department of Homeland Security, it’s the Department of Defense. It’s state and local law enforcement agencies that are involved in these activities… A huge part of the problem is that these activities are taking place in secret. So it’s hard to know how these are impacting any particular group or individual.”
-Mike German, ex-FBI Counter-Intelligence Agent, FBI is Secretly Targeting, Surveilling, and Gang Stalking Innocent Americans Using Fraudulent “Anti-Terrorism” As Pretext (youtube interviews and transcriptions)
33) “(NSA is now) … using the same type of spy technology and spy protocol on Americans that they were only supposed to use on foreigners overseas. They are not getting caught so they are doing it anyway… I happen to know that the FBI pretty much does whatever the NSA tells them to do. So there is no one (to hold the NSA accountable).
… the Homeland Security network is something of an obscene joke. You are being played for fools. There are thousands upon thousands of people who are on the “Terrorist Watch List” who are only there to bloat the list and to make you think that you are in danger. And under President George W. Bush, the FBI went to every single state it could and started something with their law enforcement agencies, a vigilante-civilian group… They are being played for fools. They are being paid to stalk and harass people they are told are threats or terrorists. And in the vast majority of cases these people are innocent, randomly-chosen people to be thrown on the terrorist watch list. And very often they are whistleblowers or somebody someone powerful has a personal vendetta against. And so Infra-Gard and these other types of… “useful idiots” are helping destroy the lives of patriots and some of the nicest people and best people that we have.
These (“paid vigilante militia thugs”) are violating these other people’s rights, the victim’s rights. There is no Fourth Amendment. They are being secretly accused of something by the government, without any proof, without any witnesses. And then they are having a non-deputized, non-legal, non-law enforcement group of vigilante fascists stalk, harass, and vandalize them. These people get thrown out of their apartments. They lose their jobs. They get black-balled from any kind of job. I spoke to a man who lives on a nature path between a couple of Florida cities. He comes into town to get food stamps and then he goes back and he camps out there. And when he comes into each little town along the path police find him and spit on him.”
– Karen Stewart, ex-NSA whistleblower, now Targeted Individual: NSA Gang Stalks Innocent Americans: Interview with NSA Whistleblower and TI, Karen Stewart
34) “…the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) likes to pass out grants in conjunction with other federal bureaucracy’s agendas; CIA, DEA, FBI, etc. But primarily it is the DHS that comes to your city or county and offers these grants and money and they say: “We just want to keep an eye on the neighborhood. Because we have the “war on terror” going we want to keep everyone nice and safe.” …t hey say: “We want you, Mr. Firefighter, to work with the police to keep an eye on these ‘persons of interest’ because they might have an investigation going, but by due process the police are restricted, and they are not allowed to do this because that would be paperwork. But you can do it… so you end up with cops looking at you weird and fire fighters are following you around on and off duty. And then there are goon squads of local civilians that are recruited by some off-records auxiliary patrol group, Citizens-On-Patrol, or Neighborhood Watch, that are working with the cops. And they are justifying this by saying: “We’re sure that this guy is a criminal, we just don’t know what he’s done yet….. Maybe he’s messing around with his pets, or maybe he sneaks around at night and steals people’s lawn chairs, who knows.” So this is why fire fighters (are) messing with you with code three violations and stalking you, showing up at weird times, and all sorts of passive-aggressive stuff like that… they cherry pick (those) who have sociopathic tendencies. Because no one who actually cares about the community is going to do this…. by the way, they are also on some auxiliary payroll, which is also a nice perk, isn’t it?
And the fire chiefs and police chiefs that go along with these things get a nice extra pension too. It looks so nice on paper. But it ends up turning your local fire department into stalkers and vigilante squads.”
– DHS Pays First Responders (Police, Fire, EMS) To Gang Stalk You
35) “The NSA has records on all U.S. citizens. The NSA gathers information on U.S. citizens who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanent National Security Anti-Terrorist surveillance network in place. This surveillance network is completely disguised and hidden from the public. Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easily and cost-effectively implemented with the NSA’s electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the entire U.S., involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously. Cost effective implementation of operations is assured by NSA computer technology designed to minimize operations costs. NSA personnel serve in Quasi-public positions in their communities and run cover businesses and legitimate businesses that can inform the intelligence community of persons they would want to track. N.S.A. personnel in the community usually have cover identities such as social workers, lawyers and business owners.”
36) “The Vietnam war was the formative experience for a generation of CIA and military intelligence personnel involved in the Phoenix program. They viewed the military defeat in Vietnam as a betrayal on the home front, a loss of will by domestic political enemies, not a military failure against a nationalistic revolution fought as a guerilla war.
The Phoenix program, assassinating suspected VC (Viet Cong) sympathizers in a systematic manner, worked well and is the blueprint for the current black operation (aka gang stalking) targeting thousands of loyal Americans using state of the art microwave and radio frequency radiation weapons. The motivation to suppress domestic dissidents and to assassinate loyal American opposition stems from the perception of dissent against the war as treason. This philosophy is stated very clearly in the “Mind War” (1980) paper written by Michael Aquino.
The Department of Defense has a huge stake in futuristic technology that kills by ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, leaving little or no trace. The indiscriminate killing of the Phoenix program continues on American soil. The terms “soft kill,” “slow kill,” and “silent kill” refer to the new way of killing the enemy in conflicts short of war and in small wars of the future. The counterinsurgency doctrine has now been applied to the home front so that the perceived betrayal of the military in Vietnam will not be repeated.
The generation of CIA and military intelligence led by Ted Shackley, Richard Helms, (CIA Director) William Casey, Maj. John Singlaub, Richard Secord, Maj. John B. Alexander, Col. Michael Aquino, Paul Vallilee and others have built the perfect beast, using selective assassination that leaves no trace. The ability to cull the human herd with “silent kill” technology allows a few personalities to remake the entire society in their own image.
Extremely low frequency (ELF) technology slowly drives the target crazy with silent sound, similar to the CIA MKULTRA psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron’s, “psychic driving” technique, used to break down the target’s personality. The new buzzwords at the Pentagon are “synthetic telepathy” and “psychotronics.” Another means of attack on targets is the Smirnoff patent, that uses subliminal suggestion to manipulate human behavior. This patent was purchased by the remote viewing company, Psi Tech Corporation.
Military intelligence officers involved in developing these “non-lethal weapons” also control Psi Tech. Emotional manipulation is accomplished using Dr. Michael Persinger’s work to remotely project emotional states that the brain entrains or locks onto and emulates. One can broadcast rage or fear at an individual target to manipulate and control them. As if these methods were not enough to torture and murder people, add to this nightmarish toolbox, active gang stalking. CIA-created cults and other cause-oriented groups are used by actively harassing them in public in neutralization techniques described in counterintelligence operations manuals that are aimed at enemy agents.
In the race to develop a new weapon it has always been necessary to test it on human beings. Perfecting the latest weapons designed to kill slowly and silently as well as perfecting the process of controlling the human mind are no different. Once the weaponry has been perfected on these few thousand people, the same techniques will be applied en mass to the general population and then to humanity as a whole.”
Marshall Thomas, “MONARCH: The New Phoenix Program” (2007) (See: “Gang stalking”/Electronic Torture as Asymmetric Warfare Against Political Dissenters (M. Thomas), MONARCH: The New Phoenix Program (Marshall Thomas)- youtube, notes, and book link, Monarch- The Phoenix Program Parts 1-5 (Marshall Thomas), CIA Monarch and MKULTRA Mind Control Programs (1-5) youtubes (Marshall Thomas))
37) “The (CIA’s) Phoenix program, created in 1967, brought together 25 agencies and aimed them at (Vietnamese) civilians in the “insurgency….” They are teachers, laborers, mailmen, farmers; but they’re not soldiers… It’s political warfare. It’s secret. It’s against the rules of war. It violated the Geneva Conventions…. It pulls together people from the army, navy, air force, and Special Forces. It includes the Vietnamese secret services. It coordinates everybody that’s involved in the war and brings every resource to bear on the political people in the villages, in an effort to wipe them off the face of the earth.… The total number of (civilian) people killed was between 25,000 and 40,000. They relied on sanitized military jargon to obscure the inhuman brutality that pervaded “death squad” operations like the Phoenix program.
(This) is what Homeland Security does in the US (today); bringing agencies together and focusing them on civilians who look like “terrorists”…. (Now as then) murdering civilians is unstated policy.
“Where can the Phoenix Program be found today? Wherever:
1) Governments of the left or right use military and security forces to enforce their ideologies under the aegis of anti-terrorism,
2) Police check points ring major cities,
3) Paramilitary police units patrol in armored cars,
4) Military forces are conducting counterinsurgency operations,
5) Emergency decrees are used to suspend due process,
6) Dissidents are interned indefinitely,
7) Dissidents are rounded up and deported,
8) Security forces use informants to identify dissidents,
9) Security forces keep files and computerized black lists on dissidents,
10) Security forces conduct secret investigations and surveillance on dissidents,
11) Security forces (or thugs in their hire) harass and murder dissidents,
12) Such activities go unreported in the press.”
-Douglas Valentine, “The CIA As Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World” (2017) (See: From the Phoenix Program (1967-1972) to Today’s Global Gestapo (GISTAPO-666): Excerpts from D. Valentine’s “The CIA As Organized Crime” (2017) Posted on, CIA’s Phoenix Program/”Computerized Genocide”/CIA As Organized Crime/DHS As New Phoenix Program: Douglas Valentine Interviews)
(Webmaster (ETK) Statement: All of the above Phoenix program activities are currently being carried out by America’s “National Security Establishment/Enterprise” within America and globally. ERGO, GANG STALKING IS THE GLOBAL PHOENIX PROGRAM.”)
38) The state, with the aid of psychiatrists, can effectively silence people who oppose its policies. State manipulation of psychiatry for political ends is a reality in many countries.
– “The Breaking of Bodies and Minds: Torture, Psychiatric Abuse, and the Health Professions” (1985)
39) The U.S. government is using mental illness as a cover-up of mind control experimentation. Many of the experiments are designed to mimic mental illness. For example, the mental illness diagnosis manual for psychiatrists states that the mentally ill patient put unusual meaning or interpretations into normal objects. The experimenters can engineer visual and audio patterns and change the amount and timing of any environment in a specific way to make the victim see what a mentally ill person would see. In my case, I have videotaped evidence of this effect.
I and most survivors have not been able to obtain help. This is typical in government cover-up situations. And because of the nature of the technology itself, any efforts to stop the experimentation can be sabotaged with the mind control technology itself.
Cheryl Welsh, “Lawsuit by San Quentin prisoner regarding microwave auditory effect in 1965”
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