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Appendix 262. CYBERGODS, COMPUTER BRAINS, CIA CHIPS, RADIO-IMPLANTS, MIND CONTROL, DATA CANNIBALS By Lennart Lindqvist, Evamarie Taylor, Robert Naeslund, 1996

CYBERGODS, COMPUTER BRAINS, CIA CHIPS, RADIO-IMPLANTS, MIND CONTROL, DATA CANNIBALS By Lennart Lindqvist, Evamarie Taylor, Robert Naeslund, 1996 (pdf)

CYBERGODS Reproduced courtesy of Boycott Brazil ( and The Extradition, Torture and Electronic Mind Control of U.S. Citizen John Gregory Lambros, a Native of Minnesota)

Webmaster comment: EXCELLENT and highly accurate 28 page pdf report!!!!

CYBERGODS MANUSCRIPT, is a 1996 release by Lennart Lindqvist, Evamarie Taylor, and Robert Naeslund of Gruppen, Box 136, 114-79, Stockholm, Sweden. The 28 page manuscript is a tiny part of a significantly more extensive research report and material within the Computer-Brain Report that offers studies and x-ray evidence of humans implanted with radio-transmitters in their heads and brains illegally by police in various countries globally. John Gregory Lambros’ family attorney mailed Gruppen his U.S. Bureau of Prisons x-ray that were authenticated by doctors in Sweden as to implants in the right side of Lambros’ head, behind his ear.

The Swedish doctors report stated, “There appear to be clusters of punctate radiopaque foreign bodies . . . These objects have absolutely no natural origin and are most probably some kind of TRANSMITTERS . . . Moreover, in the frontal lobes, there are large dark spots which have been caused by oxygen deficiency. Reduced oxygen balance is a normal consequence of radiowaves penetration of biological tissue through the heat-energy and dehydrating effects of the electro-magnetic energies. Oxygen deficiency can also cause a change in physiological conditions and has a detrimental effect on health.” Lambros’ x-ray appears on page 9 of CYBERGODS. This document is 28 pages in length and will take a varying amount of time to download depending on your connection.


Also, referred to on this website ( are:

1) Microwaves and Mind Control by Rosalie Bertell, 2000

This article appeared within the Summer 2000, LOBSTER 39. The article offers excellent reference web sites.

2) Branded by the Security State by Robert Naeslund,

By Robert Naeslund, of GRUPPEN, Box 136, 114-79, Stockholm, Sweden, Fax 08-668-60-66. This is a fourteen (14) page document written by Robert Naeslund as to his forced violent sedating by Swedish Security Police (SAPO), at which time they placed THREE (3) IMPLANTED RADIOTRANSMITTERS WITHIN HIS SKULL (frontal lobe). Mr. Naeslund offers x-rays of the radio-transmitters and verification of the radio-transmitters, R.H.I.C. AND E.D.O.M. – – Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebal Control and Electronic Dissolution of Memory, by United States Medical Doctors. The following PDF download may not offer clear pictures of the x-rays offered within BRANDED BY THE SECURITY POLICE, thus I suggest you contract Gruppen at the above address for first generation copy. Please support Robert Naeslund. Thank you.


Chapter 53 from THE SIXTY GREATEST CONSPIRACIES OF ALL TIME, by Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen. A Citadel Press Book Published by Carol Publishing Group. This chapter, pages 401 thru 406 offers excellent background information on the U.S. Government funding the STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE ESP project, Dr. Jose Delgado developed “a small three-channel stimulator which can be placed subcutaneously . . . The instrument is solid state, has no batteries and can work indefinitely.” In other words, a BRAIN IMPLANT, and the UFO abduction scenario perfect cover-up for government mind control implant programs. This document is six (6) pages in length.

4) INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE ON OFFENSIVE MICROWAVE WEAPONS, Managing Director, Harlan Girard. Attached for your review is the May 31, 2000 letter from Harlan Girard to LAMBROS and Lambros’ June 7, 2000 letter in response to same. Mr. Girard is allegedly an expert in the area of brain-control implants but has done NOTHING to assist Lambros since 1996 when he first contacted Lambros offering information as to global government use of brain-control implantation. The two letters and copy of the envelope are three (3) pages in length.

THREE (3) TYPES OF PROCURED METHODS OF MIND CONTROL at its highest performance utilization are as follows: 1. E.D.O.M. (Electronic Dissolution of Memory); 2. E.E.O.M. (Electronic Enhancement of Memory); 3. R.H.I.C. (Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebal Control). RHIC techniques call for the implantation of a microsized radio receiver …. The procedure involves the insertion of the micro-receiver or transceiver (allows 2-way communications) into the desired areas such as the frontal lobe or temporal lobe (as in brain) of the subject in question. This information is contained within the article entitled “SECRET WEAPONS AGAINST TERROR” Is the Military Quietly Deploying More Exotic Tools of Warfare? by John Kettler, which appeared in the January/February 2002, ATLANTIS RISING. The article documents the writing of Dr. Andrija Puharich, Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde (the former Chief Medical Officer of Finland, Norio Hayakawa, and Lt. Col. Tom Bearden. This article is four (4) PDF PAGES.

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