By Alex Newman
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Leaders of various religions and religious organizations gathered to repent of their alleged “climate” sins and usher in what they described as a new, universal “Ten Commandments.” Gathered in Sharm El Sheik and cities around the world amid the United Nations COP27 Climate Change Summit in Egypt, representatives of major Christian and Islamic denominations joined forces with all manner of pagans and heathens to unveil what they hope will be the new and improved moral code of the future.
After worldwide criticism, the new Ten Commandments were re-framed as “Ten Principles of Climate Repentance.” Critics still ridiculed the movement, joking that these religious leaders were hitching their wagons to what many scientists and experts have referred to as the discredited climate “religion” or even “cult.” But the events and the move toward a united global religious movement organized around “Mother Earth” are no laughing matter.
The bizarre ceremonies, organized by the “Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development” (ICSD), were originally scheduled to take place at Mount Sinai on Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, near the Red Sea resort town of Sharm El Sheik as the UN climate summit takes place nearby. While some of the religious antics took place on the Sinai Peninsula, many of the festivities were held in London and Jerusalem after security concerns reportedly led Egyptian authorities to withhold permission for the original plan.
A key organizer of the global call for climate “repentance,” Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew — dubbed the “Green Patriarch” — issued a public statement denouncing the “abuse of nature and the exploitation of its resources” as a “sin against God … and the gift of creation.” In a press release about the effort, organizers said they hoped it “will inspire the people to act modestly and carry out actions for climate justice.”
The new ten commandments were listed as:
- We are stewards of this world
- Creation manifests divinity
- Everything in life is interconnected
- Do no harm
- Look after tomorrow
- Rise above ego for our world
- Change our inner climate
- Repent and return
- Every action matters
- Use mind, open heart
Another one of the ringleaders of the events, Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development boss Rabbi Yonatan Neril, rejected the idea that “religion” and “ecology” are separate and distinct from each other. “Many people fear that humans have irrevocably destroyed the ecology of ‘Eden’ on earth,” Rabbi Neril was quoted as saying in media reports, totally misrepresenting the Hebrew Scriptures found in Genesis. “But God created the world out of love for life on earth.”

Neril also clamed humanity needed a drastic reset of the systems of life and civilization. “We need to change the operating system that humanity generated and is degrading God’s creation,” he claimed. “We need to switch from greed, short-term thinking, and individualistic behavior to spiritual satisfaction, long-term thinking, and altruism. And by doing that we will address the symptoms of the problem and manifest a new earth.”
“Leveraging” so-called faith communities to “move the needle on climate advocacy is a deeply needed and worthwhile effort,” the controversial rabbi said. “While the national political culture is so divided, faith is this common ground that can soften the boundaries and open hearts and minds.” In other words, it is not enough for business and government to join the climate movement — religions and their adherents must join the crusade against CO2 and all that it represents as well.
Partnering with the Interfaith Center was the self-proclaimed “Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders,” an outfit that claims it “brings together some of the world’s most prominent religious figures from Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and the Religions of India.” Also involved is the so-called Peace Department, a U.S.-based non-profit that says it is “designed to solve global coordination failures by making philanthropy and impact investing effective and scalable.” Finally, climate activist and tax-subsidized “green-energy” profiteer Yosef Abramowitz is a key figure, too.

The new moral commands delivered by the enviro-religious leaders come as the UN argues publicly that a new system of ethics and morality are needed to replace the old systems that supposedly put humanity in this alleged crisis. In a report on “Human Development” by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) for COP27 dubbed “Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives: Shaping Our Future in a Transforming World,” the global environmental agency makes the secular call for a new moral order explicit and transparent.
“Evolutionary processes and ethical reasoning may have interacted in reaching the current prevailing configurations of behaviours and institutions,” the controversial UN report explains. “But today’s uncertain times have novel elements that present fundamentally new challenges, and those configurations may not be a good match.” (Emphasis added.) Basically, the original Ten Commandments delivered to Moses by the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth are not just obsolete, but contributing to the supposed “climate emergency.”
The implications of this are extraordinary. “In other words, ethics evolved from a past evolutionary stage of human history, and due to modern exigencies should be abandoned as obsolete,” explained ethicist Daniel Natal, host of The Daniel Natal Show, after reviewing the UN document. “In the vacuum created by the deletion of ethics, a new moral code can be uploaded.”
This seems to be what the UN is moving toward. “Uncertainty itself can be a source of knowledge to be mobilized to act differently, something that empowers individuals and societies to adopt fundamental changes in choices, that leads people to act according to new moral codes and that can enhance cooperation when it gives more salience to thinking about the future,” the UNEP report states, as if adopting a new moral code were as simple and reasonable as buying new shoes.
It gets even stranger from there, Natal argued, suggesting that the new morality being advocated by the UN and its supporters may be somehow related to the “non-human entities” discussed on page 60 of the strange UNEP report. “Focusing on people–planet relationships highlights additional barriers and potentially new dimensions of inclusiveness,” the report says. “It opens avenues to explore moral or ethical questions around including nonhuman entities and the risks and impacts imposed on those entities through various policy choices.”
The term “non-human entities” was not defined in the document, something Natal said was very strange. “If talking about animals, why not write ‘animals’?” he asked. “If talking about plants, why not write ‘plants’? Non-human entities seems like a very strange choice of words.” However, there are several other possibilities that could be in play.
The Vatican and the UN are both openly preparing for the potential arrival of supposed extraterrestrials. Indeed, the UN discussed appointing an ambassador to potential aliens more than a decade ago, according to media reports from around the globe. The Vatican has also continued to express a deep interest in extraterrestrial life. Pope Francis — a leader in the global movement to unite the world’s religions — even said he would “baptize” aliens if they showed up.
The principles and moral truths in the real Ten Commandments, delivered to Moses by God on Mount Sinai, have been the foundation for every advanced and civilized society in human history. Moral laws such as “thou shalt not murder,” “thou shalt not steal,” “thou shalt not bear false witness,” “thou shalt not commit adultery” and more are essential to individual liberty, prosperity, peace, and security. The effort to replace or even add to those has been widely regarded with suspicion and outright hostility around the globe.
Journalist and analyst Leo Hohmann, a Christian, noted that projecting the “agenda of evil globalist predators,” as this initiative does, represents “major blasphemy in action on the part of these fake faith leaders.” “Climate hysteria, i.e. Earth worship, is a key component of the coming one-world religion and we’re seeing it on full display in Egypt this week at the United Nations COP 27 climate conference,” added Hohmann, pointing to the conference logo and the ceremony this week as evidence.
While the location of the place where the main gathering was supposed to take place this week amid COP27 is indeed known as Mount Sinai on maps, numerous experts and archeologists believe the real Mount Sinai from the Bible is actually located in modern-day Saudi Arabia. A great deal of evidence exists suggesting this is, in fact, the case. Either way, the implications of the growing push to bring “faith communities” and “religious leaders” of the world into the forefront of the globalist pseudo-environmentalist agenda has profound implications for humanity.
Indeed, the move comes amid more and more international meetings joining together the world’s religions. Often led by Pope Francis, who has come under growing criticism even from leading Catholic thinkers and clerics, these efforts have increasingly argued that all religions share the same basic beliefs and values. At the 10th World Assembly of Religions for Peace, world religious leaders made their goals and alignment with the UN clear: “We commit to human development as set forth in the [UN] Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” the final declaration declared, a reference to a radical document touting “Mother Earth” that UN leaders repeatedly called the “masterplan for humanity.”
The New American magazine has been documenting the accelerating global push to unify the world’s religions for decades. Over 20 years ago, Senior Editor William F. Jasper wrote about the would-be New World Religion in these pages, and even then, the agenda was clear. “My hope is that this charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments, a ‘Sermon on the Mount,’ that provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the next century and beyond,” former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev said at the time.
The significance of this push for a new moral code and a unification of the world’s religions cannot be overstated. Under the guise of “saving Mother Earth” from humanity’s “climate sins,” the Bible — the very foundation of Western civilization — is under direct attack.
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