The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government Greg Reese | April 30th…
Appendix 157: Lifton’s 8 Criteria For Thought Reform (aka Brainwashing/Coercive Control)- AmazingPolly; Dec. 3, 2022 w/ Notes and Comments
Epigraph Quotes from Comments to the Video:
Amazing Polly
incorrect, rpsugar. I know about Lifton and the way he cannot see the forest he is in for the trees. But those criteria are useful, so I used them.
2) 1PrinceMich-ael
Free the whites from jew bondage.
Who is responsible for mass migration and the destruction of White countries? Jews. Who are the communists? Jews. Who is trafficking children? Jews. Who are destroying your education systems? Jews. Who is behind the vaccines that are required for schools that are filled with toxins to damage your child? Jews. The Jews need to be exterminated.
4) marcine
That was amazing, Amazing Polly! But there’s no way of getting thru to a mind controlled cult. They’ve been kicked out of over 100 countries for a reason. They’re parasites. They hate us and mock us goyim. And they’re fake jews! I know you’re a Believer but if you research deep into their agenda, well, you might not want to be. It gets uglier and uglier.
Webmaster: Thank you AmazingPolly for your insights into Dr. Robert J. Lifton’s work, “Thought Reform (aka Brainwashing and Coercive Control) and the Psychology of Totalism” and how this applies to techniques by which the (master) cult of Judaism and other cults such as Freemasonry, the military-intelligence complex, cult-religions, academic cults, etc., intimidate and control their own members and others through trauma, semantic bullying, shaming, dissociation, and hypnotic suggestion.
This important broadcast sheds important new light onto the topics of:
1) What is really going on in Operation Crestone/Baca,
2) How these criteria are utilized in local and global organized stalking-electronic harassment operations, and
3) The Covid-19″ lockdowns as coersive control,
4) The Great Reset (Agenda 2030).
Dr. Robert Lifton’s Eight Criteria of Thought Reform (aka brain washing and coercive control) include:
I. Milieu Control: This involves the control of information and communication both within the environment, and ultimately, within the individual, resulting in a significant degree of isolation of the individual from society at large.
Example: Five Jewish-owned corporations control over 90% of the world’s media, news, and entertainment!
Polly: “Then you add censorship. There is no narrative but our narrative.”
Webmaster comment: This criteria explains much about global gangstalking operations and the intent of “the program” to isolate the individual in order to control all aspects of a targeted individuals’ external AND internal stimuli! Likewise, this also explains the response to the “Covid” plandemic.
II. Mystical Manipulation (Planned Spontaneity): There is manipulation of experiences that appear spontaneous but in fact were planned and orchestrated by the group or its leaders in order to demonstrate divine authority or spiritual advancement or some special gift or talent that will then allow the leader to reinterpret events, scripture, and experiences as he or she wishes.
Example: This dynamic is shown action in Judasim, AmazingPolly refers to the movie, “Defamation,” made by a Jew incidentally, that shows Jewish lobbying of politicians and censorship of the news. Trauma-based indoctrination and psychological manipulation of Jewish youth is demonstrated in a four minute clip from the movie.
Webmaster comment: This describes the dynamic of the “street theater,” aka scripted “psychological attacks” when applied to targeted individuals and staged “fake news” staged-events, such as Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon Bombing, 9/11, and the January 6 so-called “insurrection” events when applied to “targeted audiences.”
III. Demand for Purity: The world is viewed as black and white and the members are constantly exhorted to conform to the ideology of the group and strive for perfection. The induction of guilt and/or shame is a powerful control device used here.
1) The “Birthright Israel Foundation,” in which Jewish billionaires such as Adelson and Bronffman, use guilt to shame other Jews, saying they will cut funding of Aliya (Jews’ return to Israel) unless and until Jews contribute more to their cause.
2) Rabbi Michael Laitman writes in the Times of Israel: “The peoples of the world cannot escape antisemitism; it is in their genes and in their blood. It is a law of nature. Jews can ask nothing of them until jews themselves bring correction to the world. They hate Israel until Israel corrects them.”
IV. The Cult of Confession: Closely related to the demand for absolute purity is an obsession with personal confession. Confession is carried beyond its ordinary religious, legal and therapeutic expressions to the point of becoming a cult in itself. There is the demand to confess to crimes one has not committed, to sinfulness that is artificially induced, in the name of a cure that is artificially imposed.
1) Virtue Signaling: in the social justice movement (in Jewish culture this is inspired by the concept of Tikkun Olam, or “repairing the world”). Though this is a sort of reversal to the concept of confession, it serves the same ends.
2) Seeing antisemitism in everything and then performing a “fear” ritual in competition, perhaps, with the rest of the group.
V. Sacred Science: The group’s doctrine or ideology is considered to be the ultimate Truth, beyond all questioning or dispute. Truth is not to be found outside the group. The leader, as the spokesman for God or all humanity, is likewise above criticism.
This offers considerable security to young people because it greatly amplifies the world and answers a contemporary need to combine a subset of dogmatic principles with a claim to a science embodying the truth about human behavior and human psychology.
Example: Rabbi Michael Laitman uses statistics to “prove” that antisemitism is on the rise. Also, Tikkun Olam and Zionism are both sacred sciences. “On either side (Tikkun Olam and Zionism), Jews must dedicate themselves to the cause and the cause comes before everything else. jews are told over and over again that they are chosen to create the future for their people and drag the rest of the world along with them, no matter the cost, otherwise they will be punished in one way or another.”
(Webmaster: This later insight explains a lot. It may help explain the fact that for the perpetrators (a very high percentage of whom are jewish), gangstalking becomes an addiction and a way of life. In addition, this insight also seems to explain (Jew) Klaus Schwab’s fixation on ushering “The Great Reset” no matter the cost to humanity.)
VI. Loading the Language: The group interprets and uses thoughts and phrases in new ways so that often the outside world does not understand. The jargon consists of thought-terminating cliches which serve to alter members’ thought processes to conform to the group’s way of thinking.
Webmaster: 1) Regarding the “smokescreen terminology” surrounding gangstalking, I have now compiled over 242 synonyms and phrases that describe organized stalking-electronic harassment. This “smokescreen terminology” effectively confuses the public so profoundly that most can’t comprehend what is happening.
Webmaster: 2) Obviously, the terms “antisemitic” and “conspiracy theorist” serve as thought-terminating cliches that alter members’ thought processes to conform to the group’s way of thinking.
3) Polly: social justice goals and sustainable development goals are one and the same and both are other names for “Tikkun Olam” (Jewish repairing or reinventing of the world).
Webmaster: And of course, these are synonymous with the Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset.
4) Polly: From John Mann’s book, “Antisemitism: The Oldest Hatred,” according to the people in control of information flow (milieu control):
1) “globalism” is an “antisemitic trope”
2) “International bankers” is an “antisemitic trope”
3) David Icke meant “jews” when he said “aliens”
4) Calling something a “ritual child sacrifice” is an antisemitic trope because it equals “blood libel”
even if people don’t mention Jews when they refer to these things.
5) Webmaster: And of course, if one questions the Holocaust lie, one is accused of being a “Holocaust denier,” which presumably, is a very bad thing. Likewise, if one points out that man-caused global warming/climate change is a fraud one is labeled a “climate denier.” And if one points out that the 2020 US Presidential election was stolen, one is smeared as being an “election denier,” and so forth. In this way, truth-tellers are semantically bullied into silence and submission.
VII. Doctrine over Person: Members’ personal experiences are subordinated to the sacred science and any contrary experiences must be denied or re-interpreted to fit the ideology of the group.
Example: As long as you are advancing the goals of the leaders of the “collective” (doctrine, you can do no wrong (over person). For example, Sam Bankman Fried got a standing ovation from an audience of the New York Times event, “America,” (which included Benjamin Netanyahu, PM of Israel, and Zelinsky, President of Ukraine) even after admitting he had stolen billions from unwary investors.
VIII. Dispensing of Existence: The group has prerogative to decide who has the right to exist and who does not. This is usually not literal…
(Webmaster Comment: This is literal in the case of “targeted individuals.”)
… but means that those in the outside world are not saved, unenlightened, unconscious and they must be converted to the group’s ideology. If they do not join the group, or are critical of the group, then they must be rejected by the members. Thus, the outside world loses all credibility. In conjunction, if any member should leave the group, he or she must be rejected also (from: Lifton, 1989).
Polly’s summation: You must adhere to the narrative or you are out. Dispensed with.
1) Scientology’s “Fair Game” is the systematic gangstalking and harassment/abuse a former member of the cult to ruin.
2) Masonic “White Glove” (silent dagger, slow dagger, secret dagger), Jewish gangstalking, and global gangstalking operations.
3) Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein, author of “The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering”, was “cancelled” as a “self-hating Jew.”
4) Hannah Arendt, Jewish author of “Banality of Evil,” was also ostracized/canceled, effectively excommunicated, by the Jewish people.
5) Webmaster: There is a near endless list of influential, good people who have been destroyed by the cult in this manner. These include the prophets and Apostles of the Bible as well as Jesus Christ himself, Jewish rabbi, Maimonides, Spinoza, etc. I suggest that modern “targeted individuals” fall into this category as well. And then there is the vast and historically, well-documented fact of Jewish blood sacrifice of non-Jewish children over the millenia.
Webmaster Final Comment: One’s conclusions are often determined by one’s assumptions. Polly assumes here, quite innocently, I believe, that Jews are part of the human race. That may not be true. Henry Kissinger, Jewish German-Rockefeller-partisan and Illuminati, stated: “There is a war between Jews and non-Jews.” At least this is a half-truth. In truth, Jews, the children of Satan, wage perpetual war against non-Jews in order to depopulate and/or enslave them and take complete dominion over the earth for their Lord, Lucifer. They are now very close to total world conquest.
Polly, as usual, you do a fantastic job. But for propert context, you also need to read:
“The Controversy of Zion” by Douglas Reed, 1976
“The Jewish Strategy” by Revilo P Oliver
Dr. E. Michael Jones’ “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and It’s Impact on History”
Comments to video:
Have the Jewish people been traumatized & thought reformed into hyper-reactivity to perceived threats? Are Power Brokers exploiting them into the lie of Social Justice? I say yes. Can you support my work? CLICK:
Thank you and may God bless you always. #lovespeech
#brainwashing #thoughtreform #amazingpolly #jewish #cult #triggered
Jews went down a wrong path when they rejected their messiah, Jesus. They were happy with a ritualistic, law based, transactional based approach to God. They did not get the concept of grace even though it was in the old testament in the Psalms and in the Prophets. It’s less complicated to have a list of do’s and don’ts. So they [show more]
Thank you Polly for this report. I wonder what is happening with them also. I worked with a Jew lady that faithfully attends synagogue and celebrates all the feasts and holidays. When I was talking with her one day about God creating Adam and Eve and the creation story she told me she didn’t believe it. I said what? She said she [show more]
In this world of mondo-bizzaro – Sam Bankman Fried will be on his way to become the chairman of the Federal Reserve. He’s already on that “elevated” pedestal….
Please do a piece on the Bronfman/Liberal connection. Bronfman has admitted and been convicted for their funding, plus operations of NXIVM sex cult that used blackmail of politicians for leverage. It is tied to DOS. The branding of women and children with lasers. Both Bronfman daughters admitted to recruiting yet only one went to [show more]
Amazing Polly
I covered this years ago. I know it’s difficult to search the videos way back in time but I went into depth on NXIVM and the Bronfman connections in probably early 2019
Yasha Saves
Keep God’s laws or burn forever! ?
Aly X
Reported as spam
Aly X
Sephardic Torah observant Jews have never condemned the elite banksters and never accused them of being Francist or fake Jews and never accused them of taking the Jewish nation hostage…….
Aly X
Sephardic Jews have never condemned the actions Ashkenazi Jews
Most Jews are brainwashed into hate against Palestine. The rockets are fake empty only tin cases with fireworks for effect. They are also told none Jews are disposable to be used like farm animals to build wealth. Christians and Muslims being used also in this cult of lies. Truth is the world has wealth they don’t want to share.
Great presentation Polly! Thank you. This exactly explains what is happening with regard to attitudes between Jews and the rest. Yes, they are being used, sadly to portray an ongoing globalist narrative.
Aly X
Yes they are soooooo innocent
Vaccine Lawfare
If the Jews controlled the media do you think Ye’s sh*t talking would get wall to wall coverage on the J networks? Try to think, just a little bit. The Church, the Popes and its gentile Kings have been murdering, plundering and crusading for 2000 years, under that sign you proudly display behind you; and now we’re suppose to believe [show more]
The ‘oriental Jews” you mention are not Israelites. They are the cabal.
Polly… I continue to be amazed at the sophisticated, articulate nature of your presentations…. Thanks for all that you do. … check on you every day…. ok maybe twice a day. ha 🙂 Polly for President.
Brave to dare discuss this topic in this way
The prime controller’s behind the curtain is the Evil KIKE, the Ashkenazi Bolshevik Khazarian Communist jew from the tribe of Dan…
Victimhood is the epitome of weakness and must be ridiculed and shamed. Weakness should not be celebrated – it should be purged.
Read, E.Michael Jones… The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.
Amazing Polly
I should get that book.
Aly X
EMJ is a Christcuck and a religious shill
In the 1960’s the youth of Israel were “moving on” and not “worried about antisemitism”? The 1950’s saw the Sinaii campaign and the largest munitions buildup and propaganda campaign against the EXISTENCE of the then-nascent state of Israel. Try googling “Gamal Abdel Nasser” and “Saadat”. Learn some history instead of toking on that bong.
The true meaning of the Gospel is that Jesus was the Last Jew.
Sort of, the new Christian congregation are described in the Bible as spiritual Jews.
I always figured you were a garden variety nutcase but I never pegged you for an antisemite. Congrats on joining that club.
Amazing Polly
#triggered! I’m getting hate from both sides – must be on the right path. Thank you, Jesus, for this gift!
Aly X
and now you will calk this above man a victim…?
They’re not victims – – they’re crybabies
Aly X
Polly hasn’t tried to sell us Khazarian Mafia BS. So just to briefly touch and inform the Qtards how dangerous ☢️ this Khazaaayyyrian Mafia bs is
Aly X
This is how its gonna end :
Khazarian Mafia ➡️ Naastzeees ➡️ White people
Aly X
CONGRATULATIONS You get scapegoated for alllll the crimes committed by the Jews
MK-Ultra NOW
Thank you for talking about the Jews in terms of a cult. Good Video, I hope you make more like this.
Yes, isn’t this exactly what Polly said…the regular Jews are being used. Did you watch and understand the video, or were you too busy educating yourself?
MK-Ultra NOW
Thanks for your Comments Shar, I couldn’t have written it better myself.
I dont have any issue with the jewish people of the world
But I utterly despize the Israeli regime & those anti-white zionist traitors in US politics & ADL MSM,Treasonous!
The thing about the Hebrew language being invented in the 19th century is bogus. People are equating the adding of vowel marks to inventing the language because of the same psychological tricks you are talking about here.
Wrong jooboy. Hebrew, like Latin, is a liturgical language, and was never spoken by anyone until the fucking Khazarian Mafia invented it as joospeak. Palestinians spoke Arabic, Armenian, Greek, French, English, German, Yiddish, Italian, and other languages. Nobody spoke Hebrew. The bogus part is that it was not spoken in the [show more]
Head start on this discusting twat.
Quote; “WaitinforSuperman
not too long, Polly. perfect.” [show more]
not too long, Polly. perfect. well done. one of the most diplomatically and tenderly delivered renditions of the truth. Thanks
Wow! Well done Polly. I am so much reminded of the “racism” here in America, where practically everything is racist. One has to be very very careful what one says anymore. As you say feminism fits the criteria as well. The drawback to all of this is the backlash of negative feelings one has to overcome as an innocent person, seen as guilty anyway.
I hate “Racism” in Israel. [show more]
That wouldn’t change the fact that those of particular cult syndicates would still control the World. They need to be exposed and then taken out.
The Jew illuminati is behind all the evil going on
Nar, this is what you always do.
Point over there, “Illuminati”. [show more]
Vatican Jesuits & Jewish Rothschild Zionists,
Rokefellers,European aristocracy,British Crown & co are central in the NWO
Good balance here. Wisdom is careful to make the important distinction between the institutions and the people they imprison.
Even more interesting and rewarding is the real life drama exposing the distinctions between the House of Israel and the House of Judah. These are almost universally conflated, the result being the shrouding [show more]
Rogue Raven
Fly that red white and blue corporation flag and that black magic cross where the death cult nails its god. Oh well you sure do speak pretty.
Yeah right.
That statement about “only whores and criminals” survived The Holocaust is exactly what the richest most famous Nazi war criminal in history, George Soros, has said about himself making it out of those concentration camps alive!!! Manufacturing this false narrative of how World War II was ONLY about killing Jews is why (((THEY))) [show more]
Aly X
He’s a Jew not a Nazi you POS
Oh Polly…this is very dangerous territory…
[show more]Rogue Raven
Not if she is controlled fake opposition and who knows maybe even a cgi.
That was amazing, Amazing Polly! But there’s no way of getting thru to a mind controlled cult. They’ve been kicked out of over 100 countries for a reason. They’re parasites. They hate us and mock us goyum. And they’re fake jews! I know you’re a Believer but if you research deep into their agenda, well, you might not want to be. It gets uglier and uglier.
Brilliant episode. Thanks
OMG. You have courage!! I’d go even further and say all religions are using that same tactic in differing forms. Manipulation and psyops. There are subtle differences but basically the same. And, each believes they are God’s chosen.
I hear that some of the Bioweapon labs in Ukraine were experimenting on ethnic specific viruses. We can only hope that somewhere among the ranks of Jewish scientists there’s someone wearing a white hat and decides to save the world by targeting the Khazarian line of fake Jews. Bibi’s a proud descendant and I’m guessing Zelenski as [show more]
Aly X
How much GMO you ate to become this dumb??
He’s got a long way to go to get down to your level. Shalom.
I was a little worried by your title, but, WOW! Great job Polly! Hot tip:
Abrahamicism => Judaism => Communism => Psychopathy => Destruction/Death
Now you know why Jesus divorced from these psychopaths at the temple, calling them the Sons of Satan. And now you know why our Founders listed only Nature’s God and Natural Law in our [show more]
It was the predecessors of the Satanic Jews that wrote the Wholly Black Book you study, quote from and cling to – unless you think Abraham hearing voices in his head and taking a knife to his son’s throat to kill him in sacrifice to prove his obedience to the jealous, wrathful, and bloodthirsty god of Israel is a fine and wonderful thing to do.
Well said.
Great job Polly!! Keep up the good work
We must destroy Jewishness, to save the Jews!
Perfectly concise statement!
I have been thinking about this for a while now. The concepts of racial purity and race supremacism are everywhere in the Old Testament, plus calling themselves God’s Chosen People. And just like they sold us Hollywood and central banking, they sold us on this idea.
The old testament and the entire bible were written to, about and by, white men, jews in the old testament were called Edomites and Canaanites.
Polly you are a very courageous woman! You are touching the third rail in western society: the Jews. It was a very honest attempt to analyzed their current culture and group thinking. They don’t like non Jews doing that. You should prepare yourself for the intense reaction you will receive. They will try to cancel you. Be prepared !
Amazing Polly
Many have already tried to cancel me and some have succeeded (Youtube and paypal) but I soldier on. Washington Post, Vice the Walrus (Canada), CBC and others have published pieces trying to portray me in a bad light, but none of it sticks. I am in the hands of the Holy Spirit and put my faith there. God bless!
Aly X
According to the Bible, the Holy Spirit influenced Jepthtah to pledge that if he wins the war he will sacrifice the first thing that ealks thru his front door.
Jepthtah won the war and guess who walked theu the door to greet him : his own daughter. [show more]
What is fair? This is what Jews have believed since the Mosaic ideology was foisted upon some people later called “Jews”. They still believe this today. Let’s see if you can rescue them from their Torah and Christians from their equal Christ indoctrination (fraud)!
“The Oldest “Nazism” in the World” [show more
Anyone else noticed jews have to be in your face about aspect of your life, their narcissistic nature is detestable
Aly X
So Polly, according to you there are two present categories of Jews : (i) the Captive Jews (ii) the Captor Jews.
So please enlighten us where does Chabad Lubavitch fit in..
It’s the phony “fake Jews” myth kikes and their shabbos goyim spread to confuse and disarm whites from awareness.
Karl Marx aka Mordecai Levi ✡️
Joseph Stalin ✡️
FDR ✡️ [show mor
Aly X
Question for Polly : do these 1,000 Rabbis fit in the category of Captive Jews…??
“I like dildos.” ?
? I can’t believe Polly…..went there ?
This was epic!!! Amazing Polly indeed.
I’m going to keep on watching for a while because I like you. But you’re wasting your time with the Jews. The ‘trauma’ induction starts with the Wholly Black Book, and just goes on and on. The amount of psychopathy in that book can be seen by the way they bob their heads like patients in a mental hospital. And the head bobbers [show more]
Thank you for showing the clip of these students traveling to Poland. I stumbled across it a while back, probably years ago and noticed the Brainwashing being deployed on them. Sadistic!
Edited to include: Cash Is King”, LOVE IT!???
Based Qtard…
the brainwashing started with the 6 million myth in the early 1900’s while Adolf Hitler was trying to get into art school…
Aly X
All Satanic families can play the same victim card Polly
Aly X
Would you make a video now, ”Save the Pedophiles’ ‘ ?
No one should be treated different than anyone else. What good do they do for others compared to other religions? I see none sleeping on the streets, on drugs with Hunter’s crack pipe etc. I worship no man for whatever their story is. There’s many other stories that call them other things.
made me think of the church of scientology how they reject and stalk members that leave.
Rogue Raven
Once again: Google: Kermit Roosevelt Father Coughlin Hitler Disney. They are all four the same person. We live in an actor/cgi/psyop scripted reality. Google: wellaware1 Trump Out Trumped proof. Google: The Desilu Effect DallasGoldbug.
There is much more if you look for it. We live in an actor/cgi/psyop scripted reality. The people are duped beyond what anyone imagines.
this is very, very, very confusing. you did nothing wrong polly but you speak as though you have. very disorienting.
Until you are ready to completely shed the mind of your programmers, and the faux history that we’ve been raised in; you will not understand the whole of truth. You might start with a channel that has done extensive research. It is called Dom Documents/ start with you are amalek & don’t stop until you continue with Europa; even then [show more]
thanks to antisemetism, we can all learn something new every day
Alex Jones is seriously quoting;
“Blue Eyes, Blond hair” [show more]
Amazing show! So insightful
Aly X
Which part for example..?
A Current Conspiracy ACC
VIDEO BELOW : “Revolution” (2012-2014) Blackouts, Nano & A.I. God
It’s called MK Ultra mind control
You would think Robert Lifton (Jewish) would know about his religious/ethnic kindred Sidney Gottlieb directing Mkultra. Polly chose Lifton to use as a source for trauma brainwashing without knowing his deep background in promoting certain crap—on behalf of the Globalists (smirk!).
Amazing Polly
incorrect, rpsugar. I know about Lifton and the way he cannot see the forest he is in for the trees. But those criteria are useful, so I used them.
you realize jews were prostituting children in the streets before Hitler came into power, right
You are truly amazing. Great work.
Rogue Raven
Controlled fake opposition divide and conquer works on both sides. Bitchute is loaded with rabid psyop agents and duped conspiracy crowd going full blast against the Jews and blacks and other races.
Just as big is the controlled fake opposition divide and conquer left/right Democrat/Republican psyop. The controlled media is full on psychological warfare.
Aly X
[comment removed by admin]
Rogue Raven
tells us all about it psyop agent. Btw truth can be mixed in the with the lies. It almost always is. Most psyops mix in truth then take you on a deadend tangent.
Jews are not the victims. They are the predators.
FYI Jews have been Free since 1945…
Red-Pill Bulgaria
Free the J€₩$. LOLLLLL. ? ? ?
No wonder “gaslighting” is the most googled term of 2022.
Free the J€₩$ = The cattle trying to “free” their butcher
It was the Jews that declared war on hitler. Because Hitler sacked all Jews that was in position of power. He could see what they were doing. Sucking the blood life out of Germany. While the German people were in poverty.
video of Nancy talking about Trump
According to Lenni Brenner’s online book Zionism in the Age of Dictators (Ch.7). the Zionist party was the only other political party in Nazi Germany that enjoyed a measure of freedom, and could publish a newspaper. The reason: Zionists and Nazis had a common interest, making German Jews go to Palestine.
History is not always what [show more]
Rogue Raven
As I said earlier Google: Kermit Roosevelt Father Coughlin Hitler Disney.
You will see why the whole story of ww2 doesn’t make sense. Be sure to see the end of the Kermit Roosevelt video to see the proof that Hitler and Disney had the same house.
Definitely do not go to sleep without looking at the Food,Health,Politics,Tabloid News Portal…
This pre-programing of the young is similar to reparations from people who were never slave owners to people who were never slaves.
Make them victims of history – nice!
❤?? FREEDOM ??
This is interesting. Doesn’t tell how they came to that conclution and I wanna know:) had the right Idea of destroying the jews we all know now that the 6 million was a lie perpetuated by jews now I say kill them all
LittleBird2020he never planned or destroyed any. He was trying to make them leave Germany.
“Esau/Edom is modern Jewry” ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41
Based Qtard…
Oy vey GEVALT!!…
keep up the great work Polly, and no I don’t think you are an anti-semite or anti-jewish, you are just pointing out that any group can experience psychological operations, these concepts could be applied to any faith not just Judaism. Also in Judaism they too have different sects (denominations) just like Christianity has our denominations, [show more]
Rogue Raven
The people are extremely ignorant about psychological warfare and that is why it works so well on humanity. Controlled fake opposition divide and conquer is a main tool among many tools in psychological warfare.
It seems the slavemasters are breaking down their own system probably to replace it with a much more controlling system. [show more]
and my fav is that almost every movie has a hebrew play Santa.
Thank you very much Polly for having the ballocks to share on this subject.
161 triggered jew faggots thumbed this video down!!
A link to a “Jewish travellers to Poland” Documentary would be handy.
Rogue Raven
Google: Kermit Roosevelt Father Coughlin Hitler Disney.
Rogue Raven
Google: wellaware1 Trump Out Trumped. Google:The Desilu Effect DallasGoldbug.
The Jews are indeed masters at the game of long term planning, they have a recipe that is easy to figure out if you’ll just recognize the Jew as your sworn enemy, but as long as you worship a 2000 year old rotting Jew zombie corpse nailed to a cross as your master, you will continue to be a sucker falling right into the J hands.
Fuuuuck… They are preparing to a trip to Poland (a country with a VAST majority of “trees of righteous among the nations”) like to a National-socialist occupied Festung Breslau… This is a very good point – as usual, my dear Polly!
Random Yank
Also important to note , that beyond the 6 million Jews in death camps , there were 65 million “gypsies”, mostly Christian , that were also there with them . In fact the majority of deaths in WW2 were Christians . You don’t hear about that fact though , do you ? Nope . Just the Jews . I don’t subscribe to ANY persecution of other [show more]
Amazing Polly
absolutely – this is why I included the part about the Eichmann trial – that is when the myth began.
Random Yank
The fallout on this bit of truth is already self evident . I appreciate all that you do for us , Polly ! I also appreciate the reply , thank you .
protest and elections are useless..
if you want things to change.. then you need to get a job on the inside… and do an inside job
An endless comment section of shills and trolls and Jew haters of all types, Quite the shit show. You would think they could be a tad more creative.
Well kit, I don’t hate you, so you are NOT victim.
But I despise your curious shield of insolence! [show more]
A Living Singularity
World War 3 – History and Prophecy (2022) – 3h movie:
Higher video quality:
Q said they were saving Isreal for last, Ye is playing his part to bring attention. Imho.
- View all 3 replies
Aly X
Q said watch the water – -, keep watching your basin dumbtard!
shills insult.
Well this comment section, “NAMED THE ***JEW***”.
Take that down ADL.
No amount of psycho analyzing will solve the problem with the Jew. The problem ultimately rests with the legal system that is largely the creation of the Jew(religion and jurisprudence are the same). By creating endless layers of complex laws to follow and brainwashing the population to believe these laws are legitimate(no laws can [show more]
@AmazingPolly. Please read the comment section.
Based Qtard…
Oy vey gevalt!!…shut it down!!…the chutzpah of them damn goy!!…
Random Yank
So , how “Just” is it , to punish one , for the crimes of the many ? There are many “Jewish” sects , just as there are many Christian & Muslim sects . That “Star of David” , for instance , is not of David . It is the star of Remphan , better known as Moloch . Jerimiah 7:31 . These people turned from God , long ago , to this child [show more]
- View all 3 replies
The Torah are God’s Laws for us to live by. They are in Genesis through Leviticus. Written for White Israel. Jews only believe what is in Talmud. They claim the Torah because as impostors of Israel, they have to pretend to believe.
You might want to read this followed by The Controversy of Zion to discover what the Torah says and not what you have been taught it says:
The Oldest “Nazism” in the World
[show more]
The Jews label all who are pro-life / anti-abortion as anti- Semites because it goes against their religion of child sacrifice to Baal. The synagogue of Satan.
Only dead fish go with the flow.
Based Qtard…
hey polly…In the show called Hogan’s Hero’s (maybe you are too young to remember it), the holycost (death camps) were never mentioned….However, they mentioned work camps and prisoners of war camps many times while they continuously mocked the German’s as if they were idiot savants or something…So, who created that T.V. show anyway?….Why wasn’t the holycost ever mentioned?….
- View all 6 replies
jew Carl Reiner (father to meathead rob reiner) pulled Crane from radio to star in his screenplays.
More bizarre, three of Heroes’ funny fascists—Werner Klemperer (Colonel Klink), John Banner (Sergeant Schultz), and Leon Askin (General Burkhalter)—were Jews who survived the Holocaust, while Robert Clary (Corporal LeBeau) had been [show more]
Aly X
?? had similar work camps for the Japanese living in the US
I’m a Jew. And listened to all of this. Some things I’d like to clear up:
The chosen people: The Biblical meaning of this is that God chose the Jews to be the first people to believe in one God. Nothing more than that. It does not mean, in 2022, that Jews are superior, nor is it taught to Jews that way.
Us vs Them. Jews are [show more]
- View all 17 replies from Amazing Polly and 10 others
Aly X
the Rabbi also says that the soul of Gentiles come from the 3 satanic circles. And much more horrible things about non Jews.
And NO, the Noahide Laws are NOT 10 commandments. The Noahide Laws have sublaws which protect Rabbis from any criticism
Amazing Polly
wow this comment shows exactly how some jews are caught in the fake-interpretations of the masters. Every point is NPC regurgitation of the training you’ve been subjected to! sad.
good one , thank you !
you’re definitely over target Polly, LOL! Got about 12% thumbs down here. Keep going, you’re on the right track in my view…. Sending you love….
I think the Jews hate themselves so much that they induce every other tribe and race to agree with them about themselves in greater and lesser degrees. They are surely doing very well at that. Their Talmud scorns Jesus and Mary in such filthy terms that I cannot write here.
Aly X
Trump’s daughter believes Talmud
That should tell you something.
Can you imagine if Polly St. G was back on YT?
The Russian revolution removed an established form of Government and replaced that with a criminal gang of rogues who terrorised their own people? I wonder who was behind this? Mr.Putin identifies as a Chritian however Zelensky is Jewish (Zionist)? Zelensky has banned all opposition parties and only allows a Government news channel [show more]
- View all 5 replies from Amazing Polly and 4 others
Yes that’s what I figured too, also it seems the Pentagon are complicit as are NATO members. It appears the US/British operation on the Baltic pipeline was to make sure Germany stayed on side.Germany should look to their own interests and leave the EU and NATO if necessary.
Amazing Polly
I kind of think Z could be the final boss antichrist
The Jews will be free when they repent, forgo their practice, reject Judaism, and embrace Jesus Christ.
- View all 9 replies
so they faked a God that called them out as the sons of the devil and who exposed them as false Israelites. Its so fake that they have waged war against Christianity and seak to bring down christian nations. they don’t shit on Buddha or Mohamed…just Jesus. Get a grip
That’s all there is to it.
crusaders hu akbar
which six million are we talking about here? there’s like 30 times that six million Jews were, as reported in newspapers, sacrificed in the last 200 years alone. hard to keep up with the …er ah ….”story”
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Aly X
The Holycost is another Jewish invention, just like their Torah crap. None of it is history and none of it happened, but BELIEF is powerful. It is mean more for the “Goy” (guy) to believe it than Jews. However, appearances have to be kept up, so the indoctrination of young Israeli children on top of their fraudulent religion.
I have studied this jew thing for nearly 50 years now and still dont hold a strong view: to say well orchestrated would be an understatement.
No, it’s really very simple.
Excellent video. Succinct but so informative, covering tonnes of ground whilst just focusing on a single aspect.
I grew up hating no one, sympathising with all… now I loathe everyone. Self interest has worn me out.
Aly X
I think this video will top trend for the week and perhaps for the month
Based Qtard…
with a title like that there is no doubt about it…
Aly X
the woman keeps the comments open which would further help with rating
The zombie apocalypse is here just look around. Are you prepared with food, water, and protection? Take the test here to see if you’ll survive > <
Based Qtard…
hey polly, let’s talk about the holodomor instead of the jew fable known as the holocaust…
- View all 8 replies
Based Qtard…
1/3 of 8 billion would be almost 3 billion…
This is your god
I reckon it will eventually be closer to 85% of total population (within a decade or two). They don’t need ANY of us now.
GEN. 10:21-31 *COMPARE GEN. 11:10-32 +GEN.12:1 [show more]
Based Qtard…
Wetiko Whomper
People like Benjamin Nanny-nanny-poo-poo (and Yitzhak Shamir?) created/maintain Hamas to keep the war going, I’m sure of it. If it were up to the *people* of both Israel and Palestine, they would’ve made peace long ago.
Aly X
There cannot be any peace as ?? does not allow these displaced Palestinians to return to their own homeland and homes
Rogue Raven
Same with racism. There wouldn’t be any racism in the US if it wasn’t for the script writers and psyop agents pushing it.
I love seeing the sparkle coming from the cross on your necklace… always nice to see!❤️
Yes, Polly is our sister in Christ.
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
The secular/scientific crowd simultaneously praise the supremacy of evolution over God
but they immediately betray evolution as defective, thus the need for vaccine in order to perfect evolution.
[show more]
Aly X
from the website of Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society HIAS.
Aly X
NO these people are NOT victims of any kind but generational offenders
Aly X
While in their own country
Thank you Polly for all of the research and work that you do to put these videos together. They always are informative and eye opening. Nothing will change as long as the Prince of the power of the air is in power in this world. He is a thief and a liar and even uses God’s own people against him. I know how it all ends and pray the people will all be saved.
M Pence? Author of jew publishing company Simon & Schuster “So Help Me God:?
Master Lee (whoops can I say that))))))
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
We will not give up our right to free speech for anything valued less than the life of our Savior Jesus Christ.
We will not give up our rights to bear arms since it is the will of God that the scripture must be fulfilled.
We will refrain from using our firearms since Jesus had to heal the damage that our weapon caused. [show more]
Social Engineering.
The youth were not fucking moving on, they knew it never frigging happened, the trials were placed there to make everyone believe it happened, you even state that moving the defendant was illegal, and it was never about any crime, the havaara agreement was signed long before any war broke out, a transfer guarantee
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
For the mere crime of speaking freely, our Lord Jesus Christ was put to death.
We will not give up the right to free speech for all things less than the life value of OUR SAVIOR
Definitely not for the lives of earthly jews [show more]
Jesus is fiction. He never historically existed. Neither he nor the so-called Apostles etc. existed.
The Controversy of Zion
Good link to an excerpt from the book “The Controversy of Zion” and the link to the full book is in my link above. I re read the first five books of the Old Testament on the strength of the book,
Excellent. Amazing research. Very impressive analysis. Thanks again for your hard work, so desperately needed in today’s world.
Quite simply, the Holocaust never happened and the story is not just false but ridiculous.
Also one of Polly’s quotes refers to the Dreyfus Affair. This was a hoax. For those who understand French look up Adren Abauzit”s work, either video (YT) or his book L’Affaire Dreyfus. [show more]
there is a plan to the madness, no doubt – and I have this uneasy feeling the man-made plan is not a good one. Do the schools talk Cambodia, Pol Pot, who eradicated what a quarter of the Cambodian people? How the American Indians were decimated? Very selective teaching!!!
- View all 3 replies
LBJ wasn’t Jewish.
But several of his nearest ancestors were and he knew it.
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
ye broke the innernet
Jesus is KING!
Ha ha ha! Ye is a baby Christian as he admits. He has still got a lot to learn! However, I enjoyed his trolling Alex Jones.
The Truth About IsraAID – how and why mass migration into Europe and the US is occurring
A national Holocaust memorial will be built outside the Houses of Parliament after being given the green light by the government.
His decision was welcomed by the Board of Deputies of British Jews and came following several local public inquiries last year. [show more]
Aly X
According to the not so Holy Bible, salvation is of the Jews – – like Jeffery Epstein, Larry Silverstein, Jonathan Pollard, Jonathan Greenblatt
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I guess you have not read much of the Bible. It clearly states in many passages they are not Jews but the synagogue of Satan who decieve the world roleplaying as the true Jews.
Aly X
so Chabad Lubavitch are REAL JEWS???
Nothing left but,
Sing, Dance and Praise together,
Grow food- Break Bread. [show more]
C. Florius Lupus
What is all this fuss about a tiny little people that are not more than for example Haitians? I haven’t heard that much talk about Haiti as about Israel, and both are approximately the same size. What’s that important about the Jews? Why are we supposed to care more about them than about Haitians? I never understood that, since I was a child and heard the first time about them.
Good bird this one.
How anyone reading the bible can believe in that nonsense is beyond belief. All one would have to do is read the extra biblical vast Pseudepigraphical writings to realize that it’s all just silly made up nonsense. People latched onto this religion because it has written scriptures and promises them an afterlife and a god to serve [show more]
- View all 6 replies
A guide to the universe for NASA rocket scientists and goat herders.
Mabe try a little quantum physics research, they will unleash you nihilists and atheists just like they give the world there heros, the chaff will burn with the tares.
Wake the fuck up. The Jews have been doing the traumatizing, not being traumatized.
really good take on this btw
Thank you Polly. I appreciate your research on this topic. We all need to just heal and learn to spend time with each other sharing the ups and downs of this life.
ask your self , why is the media and its wihores along with many paid internet trolls pushing the masses in the joo direction? I thought we had already established that the media lies?
Shibboleth was the name of a town in ancient Israel. At one point there were a large number of people who were called out as unfaithful and immoral with respects to God. They were being put to death at a river crossing so some of them tried to pass themselves off as locals. They were told to say the name Shibboleth. The people [show more]
Amazing Polly
interesting! thank you
Reclaim your Securities
Polly. This is exceedingly simple. God made man and God made woman and man and woman make babies. Anything beyond that, Greek, Jew, Canadian, red and yellow and black and white, religion, those are made by man to control other men in a counterfeit world appearing real. That would be your legal system. Your freedoms come God, not [show more]
Jews never exist! Judaism is an invention of the Khasarian Mafia, they changed their Talmudisch to Jewish at 1700th century. They call their Hebrew Jiddisch and the People are “J”Israelite.Israel is founded 1948 and the original Name of the Land is Canaan and was occupied by the United Kingdom of England. The People of today’s Israel [show more]
Aly X
And Trump polishes their boots with his tongue
The one who has hated the Jewish people also known as the Israelite people, has been satan. The Jewish people came from the Iraqi region, from idol makers and worshipers. And the only real reason most people hate them is because they have been chosen by GOD to do a specific work for Him. GOD has also called lots of other people throughout [show more]
- View all 8 replies
You are a classical example of an idiot. Plus you’re not a Christian so anything you say is highly suspect from the start. Lots of scriptures prove you are also a liar, since the Bible states Israel 2 Samuel 7:23-24 says plainly that Israel is one of the patriarchs. Any Torah that says other then what the actual Biblical version [show more]
GOD does not judge people based on their race KNUCKLE HEAD. He judges people based on the content of their hearts, i.e., their minds and souls. You are spiritually blind and your own hatred will not allow you to grasp the truth. Satan has blinded you from knowing the truth and given you a worldly view.
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
“Either Jesus said so or Jesus said no.”
Jesus is KING!
WOW INTERESTING… 43 minutes into Vid….THE “JUDAS VP Himself” mike pence was a speaker at NY Times “Deal Book”…Mr. Christian Ehh? LETS FACE IT FOLKS (In 1 or Multiple Ways) WE’RE A L L BEING GROOMED to make Way for the FALSE PROFIT, The 1 World “Religion”, and Last BUT Certainly Not Least……Drumroll Please…………THE ANTI-CHRIST!!! [show more]
Social Justice = replacing Christian morality with Jewish morality.
Aly X
Replacing whites with Negros and browns
That too!
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
your IQ is off the chart as alluded to in this video [show more]
So the Jews are actually the biggest victims of all
I read a lot of stupid comments. This will not be. The jews are a religion and a race. The first Jew was Cain, who was fathered by Satan. He was exiled from the garden for murdering Abel, who was fathered by Adam. God created Adam and breathed his Spirit into him. Adam was the first White man.
Jesus told us in John 8 that jews’ [show more]
Lost in translation.
ThE JeWs DiD iT – Larping PsyOp for Retards
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Why should the rest of the world care about a bunch of insane Zionists who drive themselves into a frenzy?
Just ban them. They are anti-democratic, retarded fascists and megalomaniac psychopaths.
They have to save themselves. And a good start might be to leave Satanic circles of madness. [show more]
Aly X
Deport them to Sudan especially the Hollywood directors for their love for Bkack men
Free the whites from jew bondage.
Anyone who would stand and “call themselves a Jew” are part of the cult. Any Man or Woman who is a child of Israel the Israel that is spoken of to be the chosen children of God, would just call themselves Christians because even Israel must go through Jesus.
Who is responsible for mass migration and the destruction of White countries? Jews. Who are the communists? Jews. Who is trafficking children? Jews Who are destroying your education systems? Jews. Who is behind the vaccines that are required for schools that are filled with toxins to damage your child? Jews. The Jews need to be exterminated.
The vatican…. you retard.
Yes, the Vatican ALSO traffic children. Do you know who buys the most child porn from Ukraine, the Jews. Retard. Do more research before pretending you know it all.
6 gorillion….?
Looks like a lot of Jews got massive mental issues.
To believe in being a very special human being and a “chosen one” comes along with egomaniac and psychopathic traits.
Lack of empathy. Criminal behavior. Acceptance of ruthless and brutal violence. Lack of empathy. Inability to integrate. Loss of adaptability. Me, me, me. This is the Zionist. A complete idiotic, megalomaniac psychopath.
ThE JeWs DiD iT – Larping PsyOp for Retards
[show more]
Chosen one only means that God chose Jews as the first people to believe in one God. That’s what Jews are taught. Any other interpretation comes from those who are not Jewish.
100 000 dead ukrainian soldiers the male arab population in europe are more than happy to fill their place trust me they will spread their legs.
Aly X
Thank the Jew
The Christ killing Synagogue of Satan have been at their wickedness forever.
The jews lie about the holocaust then get a check for life
Sometimes, Polly, you are totally off base.
This is the closest you have gotten to the root of most problems of this tired old world. Check your brakes and make a declaration that you are NOT suicidal. They will come for you. You have no idea how powerful these people are. They came for me and I capitulated. You will have to do the same to survive. Congratulations, you have [show more]
Motherland Communitarianism, Technocracy, 4th Industrial Revolution 卐 Übermensch Cупермен ☭
Most of the Jews today in Israel. Are not the true Hebrew Jews. They’re the fake Jews from Eastern Europe. They have no historical claim to Israel.
They were once known as the serpent people, worshipping lucifer. Hence all these satanic rituals and devil worshipping. They’re trying to bring back their old religion.
They’re the khazars [show more]
ThE JeWs DiD iT – Larping PsyOp for Retards
[show more]
Get over it. Some living in Khazaria, including many of the leaders, became converted to Judaism. However, Juda-ism is the proper focus. It was before the Khazars and after. Jews (or Judah-ites) weren’t necessarily great proselytizers but they did at various times seek converts, esp. when it was convenient to them. The religion remains [show more]
Do yourself a favor and read the Talmud. Non jews or Goym are viewed as dogs. Even if a jew muders a non jew they are seen as innocent because killing a Goym is acceptable. Only jews stick up for other murderous jews. Your mental gymnastics in this video are ridiculous. But thanks for showing your true colors so I don’t have to waste any more time listening to you.
- View all 4 replies
Read the Talmud. Haha. Get to it bud.
One doesn’t have to go that far. Just read the Torah aka. the Old Testicle. Yahweh through his Chosen people is the enactor of evil. Satan just means adversary so anyone can be “satanic” if they oppose another religion, esp. an Abrahamic religion (Judaism, Christianity, Mohammedism).
They are not Jews but JeW-ISH “ish means pertaining but not real. They have been identified as Amalekites from the seed of Esau, Edom based on their characteristics and disgusting history to humanity. Get it right.
The murderous calvinists were the worst perpetrators of hate but the roman catholics were not far behind.
Very interesting perspective on the growing awareness of malevolent Zionist influence in Western society. I use the term Zionist advisedly since it is slavish devotion to the supposed destiny of the Jewish people as rulers of the world that animates Zionism. The truth is that the Jews are not God’s Chosen People. That appellation [show more]
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I agree with most of what you wrote, but zero jews converted to Christianity. Israel was always the White race. In Jeremiah 30, it was prophesied that Israel would forget their identity and be called by Gods name, which is Christian. Jews did not forget their identity, and therefore do not meet that prophecy. Jews are impostors of [show more]
Ancient Israel is fiction. It didn’t exist, and neither did the “messiah” Jesus the Christ, Messianism is a Judaic concept. The gnostics attempted to turn it into a spiritual (non-physical) narrative but were rejected by the Jews because their “Savior” was intended to be a Jewish conqueror. However, in no way was a literal historic [show more]
Ok Polly so here is the issue with your video.
You essentially make the case that Jews are victims of Jews. What you do not understand is how Jews operate, which is mass nepotism. They always promote each other over anyone else. This is well documented and observed and they have done this for centuries [show more]
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But where would the joos be with out there white and black foot soldiers ? Are you also implying that whites and blacks dont operate on mass nepotism in their circles?
Ruthless psychopaths thrive in the swamp. This is their natural habitat.
And since you cultivate a bunch of people and make them swamp creatures to get all the benefits of nepotism and self-serving behavior you also have to deal with some “side-effects”. Which are psychopathy, fascist perspectives, egotistic behavior. Ruthlessness. [show more]
The ones who spread these lies are lower than vermin!!The scum of the earth!
Just curious ? Are you Jewish? Or are you being paid by a Jewish producer? Be honest and respond.
- View all 4 replies
Did you even watch the video?
Good question because she never quite hits the nail on the head with the Jewish Question. The name you chose chakra heart is disturbing. Do you realize that Eastern mysticism is rooted in Satan worship?
Yasha Saves
Keep God’s laws or burn forever! ⚠️
Like the Gypsies, no matter where Jewish people have gone in the world, they’ve maintained a separate culture. This lack of willingness to assimilate has led to discrimination and hatred from native peoples who seem to assume that these “visitors” are just there to cheat them. When I was dating my husband to be, his mother told me [show more]
Aly X
They corrode the host nation
You have to live with them,(the Jews) and work with them to truly appreciate their arrogant and vile nature! I have lived with many races and never have felt such a revulsion as I have with these people!
So Ye is right ?
if ye is right then you know its wrong.
Same type of cultural oppression they do to Jews has been done to blacks over ‘never forget’ slavery. Jews were first to ship Western Africans to America for sale into slavery.
Jews are no more special than the crimes against humanity they have committed….. And continue to commit.
chosen to get f**ked up by circumcision & become adversaries of everyone else. to use the money system which dumb goy bases his entire civilization on (but doesn’t understand) against him, to foment wars between dumb goy states, to use dumb goys faith in authority to make him believe viruses are real so he can be injected with things, [show more]
Now you are understanding the game. Its one big white, black and joo circle jerk.
Great analysis, well done
Circle of Willis
The dark downturn of the US can be traced back to when using the edited Scofield bible Pastors started praising Jews as the chosen ones and defending and monetarily supporting Israel. Don’t be fooled. Documentary
jews suck
For “context” you must look into the Weimar Republic which was a 1930 version of Sodom and Gomorrah. For example did you know that was where the first recorded trans sexual surgeries were documented? Learn who was doing those things then. Learn why Nazis burned books and what sort of books they burned which were on pedophilia and [show more]
indeed. usury (charging interest) is the one ring. you can’t get $11 from $10. & the fact that all money is created this way only means humanity has to learn the hard way & experience the eventual collapse of civilization that this brings. again. if you can call our rent & usury slave farm a “civilization”
CBDC = made in CHINA… Klaus Schwab, a Rothschild, is allowing CHINA to take over the world.
History without “Context” is ALWAYS Propaganda. The Lord God said that money was a defense in Ecclesiastes 7:12 “For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.” But God also said the “Love” of money was the root of all evil. And that can mean power. [show more]
Apart from a biblical understanding of the Jews (Christianity for that matter) there is NO understanding at all. Genesis —Revelation tells us the origin, present state and the eternal conclusion of these people. The various rederences prove nothing especially those who reject scripture first as the foundational source,
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Don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split ya!
me too
“How could the Jews thru their own leaders cooperate in their own destruction and why did they go to their own death camps to their own slaughter”
Billions are doing the above right now, the very same thing across the world, especially in western nations- taking a poison so they can travel, work, go to school, etc. Over 5 billion [show more]
Interesting, Polly. Until now, I have been admiring of your level of research and discourse. Until now.
Because it is not too difficult to grasp this I hope: Jews are DNA “Turkmen.” [show more]
Seems even antisemites can be triggered.
know More News —> WATCH
the problem with People like you with not enough of spiritual knowledge is that they tend to say the Jews and Israel are the enemy ,same people like that that brought the Holocaust. lets take them all on the same boat. forgetting in the english world half are the enemy that brings about the one world government. are all english people [show more]
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So their Talmud teaches them that they are gods and everyone else is their slave?
The Torah is a book they abide by. It is the basis of their Talmud.
The bottom line. We are all chosen, or why else would we be here.
Not really the wicked is the decendants Esau Edom. Jacob have I lived Esau have I hated its in the bible.
What’s interesting about those “movies” you (and I and pretty much every child in the West) were shown each year with the emaciated bodies, piling bodies up in what looks like a landfill and all the rest of it – what’s interesting is that those people were NOT all Jews, first of all. Secondly, there was a massive typhus outbreak [show more]
Aly X
Germans were a Superior race no doubt
Aly X
Cannot believe 1,000+ people still want to be cuck for the Hebrew Yiddish creeps
Thankyou Polly this is important but also deliberately complex. For starters Zionists are using Israeli teens like Zelensky and his Globalist masters are using the Ukrainian population, as Human shields. The brainwashing aspect is to create another generation who are taught to fight for a cause which has no moral basis. As you say, [show more]
free the goym, fuck the jews….. kill the jews you stupid bitch…………
Amazing Agnostic Polly {AAP} . AAP being the company symbol of the Popeye cartoons if you remember. They sterilized Children’s cartoon from the 1960’s to today. Sponge Bob took over from Bugs Bunny. Johnny Quest is forever gone. Even FAT ALBERT now seems racist. The PATRIOT NURSE is a Jewish Right wing person who believes [show more]
Polly, I love much of your work, but you don’t understand who the Jews truly are, and what they are trying to accomplish. Please watch this video, “Jesus was not a Jew”. Yes, Jesus was from the tribe of Judah thru his mother. The word Jew can have several meanings, [show more]
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I guess you didn’t know the tribe comes from the fathers side and the Jewishness comes from the mothers side, a Jewish mother’s tribe doesn’t make her offspring the same tribe as her, he needs a human father, not some spirit as pushed by the xtians. Written by one of those Torah following Jews you all seem to want to destroy
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Esau are fictions. David and Solomon are more fiction. This bloodline stuff is crap because fictional figures can not give birth to bloodlines (which could never be traced in any event whatsoever). Get off the Abrahamic myths and lies. They are false narratives with no basis in reality. People calling [show more]
Birthright Israel foundation uses the eye of horrace as a logo? Creepy
*Horus: a solar deity, regarded as either the son or the brother of Isis and Osiris, and usually represented as a falcon or as a man with the head of a falcon.
Consider this! They want a religion to be a race! And have convinced many that it is so! Amazing…
What I prefer to call a political program, rather than a religion, was the narrative from the beginning to keep “The Jews” separate from the stranger, according to the theocratic laws and thus only marrying into their own. They tried hard, not always succeeding and occasionally seeking newcomers (after all, inbreeding creates problems). [show more]
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, in the United States, AIPAC states that it has over 100,000 members, 17 regional offices, and “a vast pool of donors”.
Aly X
And Trump is one of their dogs
Green Manalishi
I blame Bob Dylan. About 1965 he sang ‘6 million jews in the ovens they fried’.
He also admitted that he sold his soul to the devil.
How about if you were German growing up?
- View all 5 replies from Amazing Polly and 4 others
thank you for answering my comment. I did. Delt with guilt killing the Jews most of my life.
Gypsies originated in India as a nomadic group over millennia. Of course, they developed their own way of life (some ok, some not ok), but outsiders just because they were. However, Polly, I think you got the best of the UK and German. You catch my eye! For your Gyspy heritage, you might want to read “The Jew, The Gypsy And El Islam” [show more]
They profited from 9/11
No elected official or federal employee be allowed to hold dual citizenship. David Irving has an interesting take on Germany, Adolf Hitler and the real Nazis.
BTW happy 51 🙂 you look great….Alexa; play ‘Just the Way You Are’ by Bruno Marrs….
Sensitive subject… I’d love to send you my piece called ‘The Joshua Curse.’ Moses & and others except Caleb & Joshua were not allowed into Canaan(Promise Land, because they had blood on their hands. What Joshua did when he attacked Ay was genocide. He wanted even the animals killed (as China is doing today to lockdown people). [show more]
Aly X
Nice touch in there ” as China is doing ”
Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan. Moses was left on the other side of the Jordan. He then went off into the mountains to meet with his God.
Joshua is Hebrew. The Greek translation is Jesus. This is a prophetic indication that Jesus leads the people into the Promised Land which is symbolic of Eternal Life. Moses represents [show more]
Aly X
A lot of Indian Hindu immigrants would love to marry untouchrd unheard and unseen Ashkenazi religious virgins. High time to arrange these marriages
Aly X
Negro criminals released pre maturely from prisons should be rehabilitated in Jewish areas to start a new life
Aly X
The Jewish neighborhoods and their schools need to be flooded with brodas and sistas of George Floyd
Keep up the good work looking at the wrong enemy while your fellow Edomite smarter brothers make you eat bugs. Esau your so slow to realise that your smarter relatives the Amalekites aka the small hats have stolen your birthright which was dominion of the planet. Idiot
Aly X
free yourself from the Jakkob Esau fairytale toxic myths
The Angry Enlightened
Israel is not a country, is just a terrorist organization, the land is called Palestina.-
The zombie apocalypse is here just look around. Are you prepared with food, water, and protection? Take the test here to see if you’ll survive > <
Aly X
Fuck off sir
Thank you
And remember there is ONE BIG thing that connect us all from any RACE or RELIGION think!!!!
We all have prisons with murderers rapists and so on and sadly the Jews are the worst ones!!!
But they still outsmart us all with their evil tech.
Aly X
Polly one question : the people who return from the birthright trips, do they join the left wing politics or the right wing..??
Al Sordi
Excellent discussion Polly. Benjamin Freedman tried to warn his people back in the 50s that it will happen again. And sure enough “The Noticing” is growing. I have many jewish friends and I will be first to hide them in my attic. But as a well-read Sicilian, I can tell you that Jews have a gangster mentality of which stealth, [show more]
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Alex On Life
Congrats, You are the Number 1 Moron in this comments section.
Ask you boyfriend to give you a kick for me.
Rothschilds run the pope. Go look at the video of Lynn de Rottenchilds telling the pope what to do.
Aly X
Trump should have banned the birthright trips
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Trump is their stooge until they cast him off. Nuttinyahoo just said Trump made a big mistake (that’s a threat) having Ye and Fuentes at Mar-a-lago the other day.
Donald J. (for?…) Trump$tein: Winner of the eff’n “Employee of the Year 2020” award by the eff’n little-hatted hook-nosed Christ-killing eff’n BA$TARD$ from the eff’n $ynagogue of $atan Inc., as eff’n always… (MAKING TERRORI$T EFF’N I$RAHELL GREAT AGAIN!…)
Aly X
To deal with this problem, Jews need to be assimilated… Preferably with Negro or Bangladeshis or Arabs until the elite have no one left to manipulate
you read THIER book s, so you you will never get the truth,…. the NAZIS are the Ashke-NAZI jews, the 5yh race is destroying the 4 races,
Dear Polly check STALAG PORN and understand their STOCKHOLM SYNDOME with PTSS that tribe is dangerous with their Nucleair Biological and Chemical weapons also.
This is their own sayings so not Antisemetic even!
Some Jewish vaxxx history deleted on updated [show more]
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Thats your stupid opinion have you heard about nucleair plants fool think Tjernobyl and Fukushima that was a nuke also 4 reactors blown up!
Eat this stupido and do better research by following nonsense sorry.
nukes fake
they are a different race with different DNA, the spike proteins in the vax does not affect their DNA
- View all 5 replies from Amazing Polly and 4 others
Amazing Polly
Yes there is a study. Ashkenazi jews are least susceptible of all ‘races’ to the covid ‘virus’ (toxin?) Look up ethnic susceptibility to covid 19 published in BMJ
Aww…. you mean most of them, if they took the jab, got the safe solution. The covid ‘virus’ doesn’t exist. It was always a fraud. Virology is fraud science or anti-science. Germ theory is anti-science. Not a single proof that bacteria or so-called Invented ‘viruses’ cause illness. People get sick because of their toxic terrain, [show more]
Aly X
No no no no no Jews don’t have any power and they don’t get 90%+ of homeland security grants
“…and i’m uh – fifty—-one” nice, Polly! you are always one of my favourite Kanuks! but you don’t look a day over 40
The “Holocaust” is an anti-White hate hoax!
“Vaccine” + Death = Murder
Islamic posts SHOULD be blocked.
They are for the most part simply disgusting. Why try and intellectualize simple facts that our ancestors learned over thousands of years.
Hunter Biden’s Love Child
Hunter Biden’s Love Child
Seriously? Europe is close to being snuffed out. And one cannot speak of it. One cannot speak of it because of jew hate speech laws. Why is it that so many are at such pains always to exculpate these people?
I want to know why the famous Nazi hunter Sam Weisenthal didn’t figure out that Hitler was taken to Argentina after the war. So many eyewitness accounts of Hitler being there. WTF!!
Netanyahu has said some awful things about USA.
Nutty Ya-hoo, the Jewish Supremacist representative of “god on earth” lol! What is his real name now? I forgot.
Book recommendation- The Roots of The Federal Reserve Tracing the Nephilim from Noah to the US dollar. by Laura Sanger PHD. Judaism has been infiltrated by a hybrid species of psychopaths. See Genesis 6 and Revelation 2:9 and 3:9
Aly X
Stop shilling
Look…if your being attacked in a dark ally by a maniac with a knife…does it matter to you if he is doing it of his own accord … or if he is “controlled” ??? Should the person dying of the jab…or that their child is dying from the jab…have a HEART for the jabber…because they are a victim of their own racial tribal madness…and [show more]
Amazing Polly
That’s not what I mean at all. People should pay for any crimes they do, of course. No excuses.
Let’s talk about the Israeli jews murdering children, woman and men in occupied Palestine. The jews have always been collective as a whole since the beginning of time and how much you sugar coat it, making them the eternal victims that they love doesn’t help. They’d rather blow up the world than hand over their power.
All religions are cults, followed by weak minds incapable of breaking their shackles. The abrahamic cults have been the worst thing to ever happen to Europeans.
Abraham was White, not Jew.
Abraham didn’t exist nutcase. He is a Jewish fiction in a Jewish narrative pretending to be history. K(h)ammurabi existed. He of the famous Law Code (after an earlier one). He was an Amorite (may have been ‘white’, as Amorites are testified to by Egyptians to be blue-eyed and fair-skinned). Certainly has nothing to do with Jews or [show more]
I’ve come to realize that the “elites/ Illuminati”/Satanist/Rothschilds/Jews/etc” have been at war with those that love and follow God/Jesus from the beginning of time. Their end goal is to destroy our relationship with God and to destroy us ultimately. The Catholic Church is also the den of Satan and responsible for the deaths of [show more]
Jews didn’t know anything about Jesus until 3 or more centuries after he allegedly existed. At that time, you can find unflattering references to him in the Talmud. Christianity was set up as a dialectic to the Jewish narrative that is still a Jewish narrative. The Catholic church was a constant battle of anti-Jews against the Judaisation [show more]
“Vaccine” + Death = Murder
look at all the fake nazis you drummed up. why fuckin bother
Hi Polly x Here’s as good as it gets to cheer the heart and mind a little!
Saint Orchard
Polly is so Amazing!
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Saint Orchard
Some are just Amazinger than normal people.
Nooz Zoo
Fail Army vs. People Are Amazing
Polly looks a little jewy, is she a jewess? Anyone protecting the lie of the holocaust like Polly is very suspicious. Is Ben Shapiro or Rebel looking to hire her but before, how much ass kissing is she willing to do?
Give her a chance. She has a LOT to learn beyond her mainstream indoctrination. Surely, she is a Christian, which I won’t fault her for, as she is hardly alone in subscribing to the myth and false history, It takes years to unlearn.
Polly, I like your use of the word cult, but your use of diaspora is incorrect. The Judeans were never a diaspora. And they would never have their own nation. They DID create a “state,” but Scripture says that The Edomite Judeans would not have their own nation. The true diaspora (dispersion) are the true Israelites who had escaped [show more]
- View all 5 replies from Amazing Polly and 3 others
I can see that you have been doing a lot of open-minded research. If one is going to be found worthy of The Kingdom of Elohim, he/she must put forth the effort. This is Satan’s New World Order, which stands in direct opposition to Yahweh’s original order of arrangement (G2889). People must understand that being in agreement with [show more]
White Christian Israelites are the worst people to get your information from. They are wannabe Chosen people. There was no diaspora. He is correct. People of the Judaic belief were all over the known world outside of Judea (or the non-existent Israel). because they were a sect (like the Thuggees), not a nation. They were controlled [show more]
All the pain and suffering the jews have endured … has for the most part been brought on by their own evil deeds. BUT…this last few yrs. has brought on their very END…and as humanity is awakening to the jab genocide we will see a marked movement to provide the FINAL SOLUTION …the synagogue of satan is now in it’s very last [show more]
If the history books were written for this current time, who would be the bad guys?
The parents taking on the school boards are labeled “terrorists” for example.
Since we are learning that everything is “opposite” with these “people” and all lies, I’m questioning everything that I’ve believed til now. [show more]
Masonic lodges are the Temple Cults’ secret front using gentiles to cover for it. Note: B’nai B’rith is exclusively Jewish Freemasonry, but nothing prevents Jews from participating in Freemasonry for gentiles, which is steeped in Judaic Temple cult trappings. Jesus was called a Tekton–look it up in the Greek language. The mystery [show more]
thank you Polly for your bravery to delve into this minefield of a topic becuase they will call you anti-semitic just for making this video. Polly I encourage you to go down the rabbit hole of the holocaust. You apparently believe it existed. Yes, jews did die but in no way how the official holocaust narrators say it happened [show more]
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Alex On Life
Your statement is lame, unclear and confusing. You are in effect agreeing that there was a program to exterminate the Jooz? Kind of like saying that a woman is pregnant but not quite as much as she claims to be.
Alex On Life
Don’t just down vote like a pussy, instead clarify your point.
Tell me where I get it wrong. Come out into the open you cockroaches behind your dumpsters.
tikun olam is depopulation
Canadians never talk about their new draconian speech law ‘holocaust denial” You are all cucks to let that law pass. Polly is a gatekeeper who believes in that giant lie, the holocaust and you trust her to talk about jews? ‘Free the jews’? What a joke Polly is, she’s benefiting somehow putting this out. Does she think we’re idiots?
The first Soviet government was very Jewish and the first head of the secret police was Jewish. They killed at least 16.5 million through induced famine and upwards of 69 million over all. The majority of these victims were white Christians but yes Polly let’s be sure the free those poor Jews. Polly frees the Jews in nearly every [show more]
We’ve all been there. It is my hope that at least a few people will check out Zundel, MacDonald, and others like them. For those interested here is a link to Zundel’s German Holocaust series, episode 1.
I don’t think she intends to “get through it” at all. Perhaps she will. I would applaud that when it happens. “Israel should have emerged as a state of ww1.” Granted, but isn’t the Balfour declaration just another Jewish maneuver to set more nations at war for their own benefit? The progenitors of Zionism weren’t much different than [show more]
Again a solid analysis of antisemtik hoax prefabricated propaganda since the invention of Tell a.lie Vision. We have been up against confirmed lies since 1945. It is so deep in all of us. And many do not believe it is a lie. Implemented in movies, politics, school teaching and hidden as hidden messages in many respects.
Watching television is like having a Jew in the room with you.
Absolutely spot on, we are in a phycological experiment daily.
Totaly agree. It is not meant to solve the problem. Otherwise have
today’s politicians, writers, globalists had no tools to claim there are important problems. They became unemployed. So it never happens.
To alleviate the “jewish trauma” is not high on my list of priorities, not only because their “trauma” is totally self inflicted (after all they stubbornly and consistently keep being the destroyers, infiltrators, manipulators, social engineers, perverters, thieves, traitors and warmongers), but also because the trauma inflicted [show more]
Amazing Polly
Sharon_Baab it amazes me that you can believe that in a time such as we’re living through. Is the trauma we are being afflicted with due to Covid lies a self-inflicted trauma? We see through it but it is still the pervasive narrative, isn’t it? And it is hurting us all. Why haven’t any of us stopped this covid trauma?
Covid is not a self-inflicted trauma, it is the Jewish CDC renaming influenza, and the “cure” being a mark of the beast injection. Sharon is absolutely correct, the world is continually victimized by the Jewish propaganda machine. Pizza gate was exposing their world. They are all satanic, just like marina abramovich. Are the lower [show more]
hmmm yeh, you are right. We should throw out all of their AI and technology from them. TV’s, computers, smartphones down the drain, away with it all!
The deceivers redefined what a “vaccine” is, so that they could push the mRNA/DNA garbage shot without getting sued.
They are doing the same thing with “antisemitism”, redefining it to include things like puppeteer, in an attempt to control language and spoken word. [show more]
wow that’s sad how f***ed up the Israeli kids are … dang… Kazarians ruined that whole race.
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Aly X
Torah is the root of all evil. Jakkob and Esau myths. Amalekites etc… Far predate any Khazars
So again, stop shillings for Jews
Nooz Zoo
Except the Torah (as well as the rest of the Bible) condemns the Jews for their behavior consistently throughout history and today.
Good on ya polly…us irish had a genecide/famine/holocaust do the jews hear us being the victims all the time even though the irish are dead asleep today the plonkers…know your enemy its the zionist
Americans vehemently voted against all the jews invading this country at the beginning of the century. The administration told American people ‘eat shit’! By 1925 NY was 25% jewish! They’re like a parasite!
Canadas early immigration policy was none is to many.
Stalin / Mao killed 10 times as many as the Germans, yet we don’t hear much about them…. And why would they
try to make everyone responsible for this when many Nations actually fought to stop Germany? We lost family in
hopes of stopping the murder but even today they bend words around all of our necks as if we did this thing [show more]
Social Dynamics
What about how many people the jewish Bolsheviks killed? And you hear about that even less than Stalin/Mao/Pol Pot. They are the the ones who created Marxism to begin with. Marx’s real name was Herschel Mordecai Levi.
Yeah, you’re correct & I’m not a history type guy but all this stuff accusing the world
of hating Jews is just bullsH!T. in my humble opinion! I see everyone as a human w/ value, period. IDKnow
all their reasons for trying to put themselves above all other peoples but we are all equal to me. You’re a [show more]
THIS IS IMPORTANT: Below I will describe Hitler’s relationship with Rothschild’s World Zionist Organization.
Only the Ashkenazim in Poland and Russia wanted Palestine to become a Jewish State, the Sephardi Jews of Western Europe including Hungary and Romania didn’t want to go to Palestine, even the Mizrahi Jews who already lived [show more]
Aly X
The Sephardics don’t say the above although much of what you mention is correct
j.A Topf
Hard work will set them free.
Aly X
They should turn on ADL. That would set them free
finding out about what circumcision does to them & what they’ve done to others as a result definitely will
As a Jew I thank you for pointing these things out. It’s time to heal.
Aly X
You’re loyal to ?? right?
Contact Barbara Lerner Spectre first and tell her to back off, then…..
How ’bout we free eff’n ZOG Amerika from the eff’n Jew$, instead?… (F#@K THE JEW$!…)
Good show.
I dont know, it sounds too much you argue for the predator.
Aly X
The Khazarian Mafia killed Abel, Adam’s first son ???
Aly X
And Trump licking their boots
Fuck the Jude, they are cancer!
Totally agree with our “teaching/indoctrination of incidents/narratives that have been fabricated. Why else make history so one-sided. Hollywood movies about the death camps of the Jews. However, there have been persecutions but it was not only after Jews. Hitler wanted his own Roman Empire . It is revealed via the 1936 Berlin Olympics. [show more]
german didn’t gas anyone. the death camps are a fabrication. pls do some research
As expected, a maxsist always comes forward without having a dialogue. You could contribute to the unraveling of the antisemitism hoax. Your behavior reveals your agenda. But your attempt cannot stop the truth from coming out. You are an upcoming extinction in the near future. Seek help.
Polly. [show more]
Similar philosophy as in Scientology. Save the world, give all your money and labor, useless tasks.
and the show goes on
Whoopi Goldberg said that Jews are white but they pretend to be non-white so they can get the special privilege of being a protected minority even though Jewish power is the capacity to stop people talking about Jewish power. No wonder Whoopi is being shown the exit from show business, same as Ye.
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Aly X
already have enough of Negro Obama for 8 years
barry soetoro is a jew serpent species.
They are of Khazarian descent who worshipped moloch and committed atrocities , they are not “Jews” but they said they would worship Judaism in AD 600 to avoid being destroyed by the Russian king. They have infiltrated positions of power in western Govt, media etc to take control.
Our enemy is now WITHIN. “Placemen” have been installed [show more]
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Aly X
bullshit bullshit never ending excuses
I wish he would give her away to me for a couple of hours ?
Aly X
The Khazarian Mafia sank Atlantis ❗
Long shanks kicked them out! Traitor Cromwell let them back in after beheading our king! Yes, they funded both sides of the so called English civil war.
So , what happens if an ancestor or ancestors from the other 10 tribes speaks out against the tribe of Judah, will that make them anti semitic ,
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King David made war on the 10 tribes, when they wouldn’t accept him as king of all the Israelites and his brother and his brother’s family as the only ones allowed to perform the Priestley functions. The Israelites lost their history during the 40 years wandering in the desert. David said “Oh look, I’ve found our lost holy books….and [show more]
That’s not history. That’s made-up bullshit in a book inspired by god’s Chosen. There were no ten tribes. Just a cult/sect of Juda-isers
Very inciteful analysis. However, you are misinformed on certain historical facts. For instance, Hitler banned all political parties except for the Zionists since they wanted the same thing that Hitler wanted-PERSUADE THE JEWS TO MOVE TO PALESTINE.As a result, 50% of German Jews left Germany before WW II.
Hitler wanted to delay the Jewish question till after the war. He only allowed the Zionist persuasion for political reasons. He, himself, stated that a state in Palestine would only be a haven for crooks, thieves, and terrorists. The N.S. was considering several other places to move Jews peacefully and where they could be self-ruling [show more]
Exactly! White & black people should realize that the racial tensions are deliberately being created and cultivated by ((them))! J*ws hate whites even more than they despise blacks and Arabs, because white people are creators and peace makers, while j*ws are destroyers and war mongers.
I couldn’t upload “YE on The Alex Jones Show”, here, since it is just barely over 2GB. And I compressed the dang thing to get it below 2GB and the file GREW after I transfered it! Crazy crap!
Polly, if you didn’t already see it, here is a link to it: [show more]
I have a link to your video HERE from the comments in that video “YE on The Alex Jones Show”.
Great vid, Polly!
Polly I would think that you have read Victor Thorn’s book ” Exposing the Holocaust Hoax”. It is hard to find but is is on Listen to Mark Weber on his site IHR and listen to David Irving the famous primary source historical researcher on the Holocaust. It is illegal to challenge the Official Holocaust narrative in many countries.
You are the most amazing reporter I know, to take on such a volatile subject so expertly. Well done! Spot on. May the force ever be with you. Are you aware of Michael A. Hoffman’s treatment of the same subject, whereby he details how Hitler used the exact same shaming technique to coerce the German people into the correct mindset [show more]
Michael Hoffman has done some great work, but I think his study of the Talmud has gotten himself lost in insanity! If what you say is true. I have not looked recently. Hitler was no enemy of the German people he loved. Hoffman should know that, or he is being provocative to save face before Jews who may be attacking him.
The movie “Died Suddenly ” is very good!
The movie “Died Suddenly ” is very good!
The movie “Died Suddenly ” is very good! [show more]
your over the the target now watch the flack you get
When the flack watches you, they go blind.
Truth is blinding to flackers.
Claiming to be ‘Forever the victim’ will get you a FREE PASS…..for life!
nice myth
@2ndRayer |
Thanks once again! You are again ploughing diligently and originally through very timely but long standing and difficult stuff. Lovely material to share. Good test opportunity for anyone who consider themselves as truly free thinkers.
Peace out! 😉
To funny, the jews , those in Isreal are not the isrealites, those in the country come from Judea , one tribe mixed with kazarain, those who say they are, but who are not, the other 10 tribes are scattered, to be gathered up before the end….Isreal is not what it is projected as…uss liberty
First you have to answer the question: What is a “jew”?
What is it? “Jews” this and “jews” that, but no one knows what it is.
It is like a mental stigmata. [show more]
Oh, another one who didn’t watch the video. And if you did, you apparently did not want to understand the message being delivered. You weren’t inclined to get it. Well, I’ll leave you here, in your little bubble, to ponder. At least you got to say what was on your mind. Guess that’s more important than actually understanding.
You are not addressing the question: What is a “jew”?
Thanks Polly. I didn’t understand why so many comments in various channels were so bent on anti-jew rhetoric. After watching this video, it seems clearer now… that there is an agenda specifically designed to isolate Jewish people from the rest of the world population & includes using possible jews & non-jews of the population [show more]
- View all 8 replies from Amazing Polly and 7 others
The same predators who operate communist run its counterpart – nazism “white supremacy” – which they use to subvert LIBERTY and try to justify their collectivist conquest. 99 percent of what you see is a fed operation – as it has been since WWII. Keep your eyes on the Constitution.
Jewish people isolate themselves from the world mentally. Often physically, but they are not averse to mixing with others on their own terms–that is being in a position of dominance over others when they are FREE to do so. They do their best to hide this from the public because they control the major media and much of Christendumb [show more]
They are ‘Victimizing Victims,’ or to be better put they are ‘Human Viruses’…
If you mean ‘virus’ in its literal definition: poison or toxin, then I agree.
While watching this excellent presentation it occurred to me that western medicine has been transformed into a cult.
- View all 3 replies from Amazing Polly and 2 others
Amazing Polly
I think it has, yes.
It was always a cult. We are talking about Rockefeller allopathic medicine here with its germ theory anti-science model.
Wow! How many people, humans, really fed up with their crimes and lies! Thanks God more and more people waking up to their crimes against humanity and totalitarian control via media and silencing of people by killing if they dared to speak against their Talmudic cult. To protect those who speak up we need all, speak up now or they [show more]
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if they stop everyone from speaking it’ll be worse for them. everyone will probably just rise like a giant wave instead
We can hope!
@50:00 minutes in…the jews can’t stand the idea that everyone isn’t thinking about them. I mean think about it; has a year of your life gone by without jew news? Without ‘antisemitism’ working it way into the public consciousness?The jews would be utterly lost if we weren’t thinking about them. That’s the thing that’s so crazy [show more]
Yes. They are in our faces every minute of every day, on every platform.
But it will also be their undoing. We have to push the envelope so they can’t censor everyone and everything about them. Criminals can only succeed by hiding in the dark blanketing their evil deeds from the sunlight. Let us just be careful to target the controlling ones of the group collective. The Borg operators.
Israel is clearly ‘ inciting hatred’ and then hiding behind their victimhood.
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yes mongrels descendants of cain the same as today your getting it
Cain and Abel is a fictitious myth. I like to stick to actual historical facts, not fabulous invented narratives from some ‘holy screed’.
Khazarian mafia killed jesus. Free the jews they are are just victims.
Aly X
Khazarian Mafia kilked Abel
Polly is antisemitic. No wonder she has been de-banked.
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she’s one of them. don’t be blind
Alex On Life
She was de-banked by the Jooz and You were de-balled by the Jooz.
Now You work for Evil.
classic. good job. yes, free the Jews from the cult!
Free the Jews! Lock up the Zionists!
- View all 6 replies
And what? jews are the only real zionist.
Polly is a woman
who only responds to in-group signaling.
Polly is a woman [show more]
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Moron is an idiot
who only responds to banana in behind.
Moron is an idiot [show more]
But Bot, what is a woman?
two type of jews. 1.THE TALMUD JEWS and 2.THE NOT TALMUD JEWS.
Those bad jews that never informed those poor good jews to avoid 911
Aly X
Both suck
hi polly. thank as always again.
PLEASE Watch . AND SEE WHAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT.Corruption On A Massive Level
33:10 Yep .. that’s Idolatry
1 downvote = 1 person blinded by “all jews” hate and is just as much of a low frequency pawn as any group that is mind controlled by the satanists behind all the victim grouping and “social justice”. You’re supposed to rise up and see the game instead of continuing to play it down below.
If the Holocaust were real, it wouldn’t need laws all over the world to protect it from scrutiny. Why is it illegal for me to question it? The truth is like a lion. Set it free and it will defend itself.
What it true is the the Jews are the communist butchers of history and have murdered millions in the most pitiless, inhuman [show more]
The Jewish point of view must not be challenged. They were not the only ones to suffer a holocaust. 30 million Russians were killed far higher numbers.
stop repeating their lies about the germans. no-one got gassed. the whole thing is just sheeps clothing for wolves. do your homework
I’m sorry, but I’ve looked it up and down and jews are a cancer. They’re convinced that they’re hated, so they act in ways that ensure that they are. They’re a problem for everyone and if you don’t conform to THEIR self styled problem, then they drag you into THEIR self styled problem. The problem is paramount in their rotting minds. [show more]
you need to be careful with cancer metaphors. cancer was cured 100 years ago by rife but in the 90s german doctor Dr Hamer discovered cancer to be a biological program put in place BY the body for healing purposes
I was accused of anti-semitism for criticizing the US Congress, lol.
That’s like being accused of anti-semitism for questioning dual citizenship in the Congress.
Here you go lads. Here is David Cole’s Auschwitz video, in which he gets the Auschwitz museum director to admit, on tape, that he knowingly tells lies to the tourists. Enjoy. [show more]
Dear Polly, how clearly you can explain things. That’s something I’m really not good at. I am clairsentient, but that has been suppressed since childhood, making dissociation a condition. I was already burned out in high school and it was suggested that I wasn’t smart enough. In the meantime I know better and I am better educated, [show more]
Amazing Polly
Thank you, Jorie, and may God bless you always.
Ashkenazi’s are not jews. They are Khazarians. Their DNA is not Hebrew ethnically. Khazarians are worshippers of Baal. Most of those claiming to be jews in the world are Khazarians. Israel saw the Ukraine as the new homeland for Khazarian version of a homeland. American jews also. Russia is not going to allow that to happen. These [show more]
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Exactly. The Jew is the eternal enemy of Logos. They were a problem before the Khazars, before Zionism, before they murdered Christ, before they unleashed COVID on us. It’s in their nature because they are of their father the devil, and the lusts of their father they will do.
” It’s in their nature because they are of their father the devil, and the lusts of their father they will do”. reasoning based on corrupt religious teachings (all religion) is prone to error. is their dysfunctional behaviour really in jews nature because their dad is the devil? or because they’ve got PTSD & other effects from being [show more]
‘Born of Jewish parents’, so often describes important people in Wiki and places like that. They do not often say if they are born to parents of other religions. The global order decides who the thought-enemies are. Everybody with an agenda lies.
“Judaism was not a religion but a law.” (Moses Mendeissohn, The Jewish Plato)
Watch “The ugly truth about the Anti-Defimation league of B’nai B’rith” which is surprisingly still up on YT. It has pieces of the “Defamation” documentary in it. It goes into the founding of the ADL, also really shows the difference between the satanists/masons behind modern Israel, as opposed to regular jews, some of which burn [show more]
- View all 4 replies from Amazing Polly and 3 others
Aly X
But Trump and Ivanka lck the boots of modern ?? and Amazing Polly worships Trunp
FYI despite that video being on YT, I tried to leave a comment on a different YT suggesting to watch that video, and it wasn’t just merely shadowbanned, which is where it appears visible to me but isn’t actually visible to anyone else, but rather outright deleted. No record of it in my comment history and gone from the YT video comments [show more]
Let’s look at them together. [show more]
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I thought it was Holland?
He said more interesting things on The Alex Jones Show.
I uploaded a trimmed version that includes everything he said, called “YE on The Alex Jones Show”, on odysee .com
The Cambodian Genocide happened, it’s undeniable. Why? They have mass monuments of skulls and bones of the victims. you can’t dig more than 6 feet in the countryside without finding a mass grave. Yet in Poland we can’t find anything…not a single skull. just some photos of starved bodies from the united states office of special [show more]
Scientific forensic analysis can’t hold a candle to the memory of a senile, old, narcissistic, starved for attention jew who was 3 years old at the time.
Aly X
And censorship grew under Trump – Trump was helping the elite Jews and your mouth was shut then Polly
If you’re a Christian, you’re part of the problem that is causing the white man to self destruct. Only when you stop worshiping a zombie Jew will you realize that the Jew is your sworn enemy. The Japanese know this, it’s funny that they despise the Jew, and have no use for Christianity because they have kept their race and culture pure.
Have you heard of the Japanese demon Tengu? It looks just like a Jew, it even has the stupid little black box on its head, and it’s known for stealing children. All around the world, our demons and horror figures are based on the Jew! The vampire, the troll, the witch, the Tengu.
Most “Christians” do not realize that Christianity pre-dates Jesus. Christ was not his last name and he grew up in the epicenter Gnosticism. He never once said to worship him we were supposed to follow.
Sam (uncle Sam); Bankman (Banksters); Fried (fried like an egg). Using FTX and its FTT – promoted by the WEF for it’s purpose against the original crypto principle.
It’s working … american dollar destroyed by king klaus … let’s advance CBDC! grrrr
Exactly! That’s why I made a video of Ol’ Schwabby runnin’ away from the fried bankman! ?
Just two other points, Polly, with much respect:
1. The ‘imaginary barrier between Jew and non-Jew isn’t imaginary at all. It’s real, and it is spiritual. Here is what Paul had to say in his letter to the Ephesians: “For he [Christ] himself is our peace, who has made the two groups [Jew, and non-Jew] one, and has destroyed the [show more]
8:30 I was shocked the network TV version of ‘Judgement at Nuremberg’ came out as early as 1959 (and like all TV of the time carried ‘sponsors’) – two years before the filmfest version of Stanely Kramer. But there were many more movies that promoted the Holocaust even earlier – see Orsons Wells and Edward G Robinson in ‘The Stranger’ [show more]
There is a series about it called “Sacrificing Liberty” and you can buy a DVD of it.
Link to it:
“It was hard for Satan alone to mislead the whole world, so he appointed prominent rabbis in different localities.” ~ A Chasidic saying attributed to Nahman of Bratzlav, early 19th century
Wow, what a damning quote. Thanks for sharing that.
Dead Head
Dead Head
Dead Head
Dead Head
What the Jewish Talmud teaches
Where a Jew Should Do Evil
Moed Kattan 17a: If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.
Christianity is one of the primary causes of the decline of the White race for two reasons. First, it gives the jews a privileged place in the sacred history of mankind, a role that they have used to gain their power over us today. Second, Christian moral teachings—inborn collective guilt, magical redemption, universalism, blind [show more]
- View all 7 replies
Your name suits you. Magic isn’t of God, sacrifice however is – by transference, not magic. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. The scapegoat still harbors sin. The lamb (not goat) sacrificed lives on… Jesus (the final lamb) being the first fruit of the physical body which we Believers will eventually [show more]
how did you stuff so many strawmen in one comment. Ayn Rand couldn’t have botched it worse
How about Jews Revolution that they made in Russia in 1917 and killed millions, millions close to billions Slavic people. Zelenskiy jew killing now Slavic people too. One more thing, the entities were kicked from every country through the history but…. And saying that some of them good, ok, if some good then not enough of them good [show more]
United States Law is heavily based upon Talmudic Law. A little research reveals such.
How can a people that believe in Judaism be saved from anything even themselves? They cannot.
“For there is no light except that which issues from darkness, for when that “Other Side” is subdued the Holy One is exalted in glory. In fact, there can be no true worship except that which comes from darkness, and there is no good except that which comes from evil.” ~ Zohar 11.184a
Wow you cant even do an intelligent analysis without all the nazi fed “influencers” flooding the zone! Like cockroaches. Thats when you know your over the mark Polly.
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Watch the video again.
The Oldest “Nazism” in the World
Let’s blame the JEWS agaiN!!
She’s not blaming them She’s excusing them. It’s all in her Scofield Bible.
She isn’t. Watch the video again.
The jews ARE the chosen people..chosen by Satan..NOT God…
Chosen by themselves.
Read Romans chapter 2. There are true Jews but they have no free pass based on bloodlines or proximity to the revelation of God’s Law. The true Jew is one who obeys from the heart all that the Law requires. Otherwise they are condemned along with the godless Gentiles.
Great show! Thank you very much for your courage in talking about this more than sacred topic…
The very fact that you think it takes courage to talk about the “sacred” jew elephant in the living room should tell you something about jews.
Only a christian bible-thumping imbecile could display this much ego.You people will be the death of the rest of us.
In the end, we’ll all be judged for our own sins (actions/non-actiions), not for our race(s) or the color of our skin, but on the condition of our hearts. Why is race such a big issue for everyone; there is good & bad in every race. It’s the same with skin color, doesn’t matter, bad & good in any color. Simple! Not an issue IMO.
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Jews are not a race. They are a mongrel mix of Turks, Mongols, Asians….
For that matter Jews are not a religion, if by religion one means believing in “God”, since Rabbi’s believe they are better than “God”
Truth hurts, aye?
The entire Jew race is owned and operated by pharaohonic bloodlines of Ancient Rome. The Jew race are the unwitting Jesuits of Rome. Jews are race mixed mongrels that are a result Rome conquering the Jews in 70 A.D.. All the men were killed off but the women were raped into and those are what we call Jews today But in reality are [show more]
Aly X
We shouldn’t care about their DNA. The important thing is that they need to be deported to Somalia where they can lick the Negro race as much as they desire
I see how snakes are here and putting thumbs down ? to hide to truth. Yes, all those ashkenazi Jews are already mixed with peoples blood to hide themselves but lol ? they still stand out because of their parasite bodies reveal themselves. The big cleaning ? is coming again. Only these good kind of Jews can help their kind
There’s a saying, you may have heard it, by Jews themselves, “There’s no business like Shoah business.” Shoah is the holocaust. So, playing the holocaust for all it’s worth.
I can see by the idiotic comments that many didn’t watch one second of this video, read the title and were triggered, hilarious. As always Polly, interesting and thought provoking. Crazy seeing those girls straight up lying about their interaction with the old men.
Amazing Polly
That scene has not left me since I first saw it many years ago.
Jews are a physically inferior mutation. They have no real power or strength in nature. Their power exists via the propaganda that is placed into our minds from a young age. They created a barbaric evil religion that gave birth to even more evil called the Abrahamic faiths. They have poisoned mankind in the west with this nonsense [show more]
they are the WEAKEST of all races.
How about your next video be about Dresden Polly
the REAL holocaust ?
fuck the jews and fuck you too
everyone refusing the suicide shot is mentally ill
and need to be chemically lobotomized until they take the suicide shot
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”.
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In this case , the kayne case, they weren’t even criticized. At all. Did anyone bother to read the tweets? They were nothing. He didn’t even make fun of them.
It’s not just the jews you can’t criticize
This sellout dumb cunt knows nothing. I feel bad for anyone without enough sense to un-subscribe from her channel after this blatent showing of her true colors…
Not particularly bright are you.
It’s a group of control freaks that smell weakness and exploit it for their own gain. The common average man on the street believes Jews built the entire civilized world, that they are the genius behind this machine that we are supposed to be in awe of, when in fact it enslaved mankind to the task of servicing debt, toiling endless [show more]
Aly X
Israel is supposed Khazarian Mafia and Trump worships ?? so Trump = Khazarian Mafia right Qtards. ??
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Alex On Life
It has nothing to do with Q. Jooz are NOT Jews.
There are NO Jews in the world. Not one.
You need some more learning to do. Before then, keep your stupidity down.
Aly X
what the fuck are you even talking about???
Is this some biblical bullshit..??
Kill the KIKES….Hitler and the Nazis were right.
“… is history ” ?
I wish we could research things that happened in Poland between 1939 and 1945, but, it is a crime.
Without that abomination and global psychosis no conversation about this thing is possible.
Amazing Polly
I agree – without examining MANY events during that time period, in many countries, we’ll never come to peace and truth. Truth is the only way. It is stunning that we cannot speak freely about this topic (the truth / contradictory evidence) of Bolshevism, WW1, WW2, etc. It all has to comport with the pro-Jewish narrative.
It looks like some 90% of all comments are made by Mossad bots, because they seem not at all related to the video content. Proves that they did not even bother to watch this interesting and amazing information being presented. They just want to distract and divert the attention away from the content by spreading the usual stereotypical illusion of hate by their chatter…
- View all 9 replies from Amazing Polly and 7 others
Alex On Life
Be clear and articulate in outlining what exactly you are saying. I have no clue what you are saying. She was NOT playing Devil’s Advocate, she is finally giving the TRUTH. This was her BEST work and I hope she stays on this path. She is finally exposing the creatures YOU are worshipping.
They use apologists and misdirectionists like you. Unless you are a jew yourself, they are destroying your own people (haven’t you noticed?) but your answer is to save jews. A fool’s errand. It’s a misdirection tactic.
Which say they are Israelites, and are not. are called jews satans offspring species.
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your mixed up the books of the white Adamic race are not the talmud, so whites should not take back their inheritance and know their identity, you negative I.q atheists and pagans do half the serpent species job for them if your not one yourself, we dont think, we know we are the so called lost sheep you might be a bastard but we know our father.
Who cares what people think?
Perhaps the Jews/Zionists need to review their own behavior and activities. Hollywood, roles in banking, more specifically central banking, ADL, pressure on Congressional members to pledge loyalty to Israel first, mistreatment of the Palestinians….it goes on and on.
Don’t we all.
“A tight culture is “good for Whites” and a loose culture is “good for jews.” Tightness — personal integrity, sexual fidelity, high and careful thought — is dangerous for the goy commoners. It gives them bad ideas — about jews. So for you the jews prescribe a steady diet of “sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll (and “vaccines”).” Ever hear [show more]
Polly, It’s waaaaaaay worse than you understand. For example the Israeli Supreme Court Building was built with Rothschild money. The building itself is a mockery to Christianity. LOOK AT IT. It is worse than any cult. Elie Wiesel said so himself. “The Holocaust is the defining moment in our history”!
Aly X
She understands it well. She’s just a shill
Thank you Polly
again another excellent piece of work
POLLY RABBINASTEIN showing her true face and it sports a HUUUUUGE hook nose.
Slavs are doing the same…
Aly X
When the Jewish funded Antifa will be burning down your house and Jewish funded BLM will be barbecuing your children you would be arguing that it’s the fake Jews or Real Jews
Alex On Life
There aren’t ANY Jews. Fake or Real.
“TOP ULTRA ORTHODOX RABBIS IN ISRAEL CLAIM THAT THEIR “MESSIAH” HAS BEEN REVEALED – I Believe That We Should Pay Attention: Is This the true man of sin or a Hoax?”
[1] [show more]
Aly X
Blaming the invisible ” Khazarian Mafia ” is like blaming invisible SATAN for all the crimes committed by humans
The Khazarian Mafia is hardly invisible.
Aly X
but the Rabbis didn’t bother to speak against it – only some Q shills invented this term to shield the Torah observant Jews from exposure
The Kazarian Mafia needs to be called out! These people are evil and everyone should be on guard as they are deadly.
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Alex On Life
Khazarian and Tora Mafia is on in the same.
You will eventually get it and even take your Covid mask off one day and show your face.
“According to Jewish belief, the Jewish People constitutes a species of their own… i.e., a special, separate act of Creation by the Almighty.
The thought of creating the Jewish People preceded every other thought’ of the Almighty when creating the Universe according to the teaching of Rabbi Samuel bar Isaac.”
[show more]
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Well, why don’t you tell us?
How many have a book of laws that tells them they are like gods themselves while all others are animals to be used by them?
Thank You Dear Polly…?
ALL Psychiatry, MK Ultra, Sabbatean Frankism, SAGE, Tavistockian, Deep State, Mind Fuckery. [show more]
Is this woman a Christian?
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What do you mean by “Christian” ?
What is a “Christian” ?
Usually it’s a bible-thumping moron who worships jews who despise their Christian guts.
Save the jews? Fuck the jews!
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Fuck the Jews indeed. Fuck them the whole way.
That’s the problem with Christians. They would rather save the pedophile than save their children from them.
Aly X
All Abrahamic stories are nothing more than baseless myths
Aly X
Jews should go back to Russia. Their tribal mentality makes them unfit to live in the free world of West
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Aly X
Of course I sm watching the whole video.
The Jews should go back to whatever demonic realm they came from and leave the poor Russians alone. Instead of just getting kicked out of countries, it’s time to kick them off the whole planet. We can’t coexist with them anymore.
How can Abraham be the first Jew if his mother was not Jewish?
Abraham was not the first Jew. He wasn’t also the first Israelite. It happened later in time after him. This is the reason Google can’t say he was a Jewish. Google said by beating around the bush. Abrahim identify as Jewish. You are missing the point. God of Abrahim [show more]
Aly X
He never existed – – end of the story!
Abraham is a stolen archetype of Hammurabi. No biblical Abraham ever existed. No Isaac, or Jacob and Esau. It’s an invented narrative taken from older real characters and to fit the purposes of one single self-chosen people—the Judahites.
Another example, stolen from both Hammurabi and Sargon the Great (Sargon1) is the Moses story, [show more]
[comment removed by user]
If everyone were as intelligent, conscientious, insightful, awake, brilliant & as Amazing as you . . . What a wonderful world this would be! Love you Polly, shine on Sister! I watched this one earlier . . . Who sacrifices children and drinks their blood?
Aly X
And you just returned from the abortion clinic I’m sure
WOW! BOTS & TROLLS have their fingers on the triggers tonight . . . IDIOTS! No relation to topics, just stupid remarks.
Acoustic Blaze!
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Jews are encouraged to believe they are persecuted in order to keep them united against the goy, there are some very evil creatures hiding amongst the Jews.
Yes, there are very evil creatures hiding amongst the jews. They’re called jews.
Either you didn’t watch the video, or you’re retarded.
I’m not Jewish. But I was a TA in a major university and helped with a course on Judaism. I was told by my Jewish professor that “New York” and “East Coast” were code words Gentiles use to insult Jews. This was taught as truth in the class. The professor saw himself as very intelligent and enlightened. I never in a million years would have thought of this. It’s a paranoia of sorts.
Amazing Polly
lol that is hilarious. They see nefarious intentions against themselves in everything. so sad
Aly X
It is like saying Satanist are Satanists because they’re abused in their childhood by their parents.
Or better said pedos are pedo because of their father molesting them
Chris Edwards (Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0)
This is all planned zionest-jew-implemented psyops.They are inflaming anti-jewish propaganda to garner support for themselves and deflect responsibility for the real holocaust going on now.
It’s been well known for a long time that jews raise their kids to think that the gentile world is out to get them so they better get the gentiles first. Just jew projection. You haven’t come up with anything new. If you are White then your time would be better spent defending your own people rather than defending the people who hate your guts and want to destroy your race.
You’re an idiot, watch the video again after growing a brain.
Aly X
Never seen a patriotic Jew whole my life
They are hostile and offensive to everyone who isn’t them. They are the eternal enemy of Logos and God.
[comment removed by user]
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Quote”Christ never existed”
Yet we have More historical proof of Christ than the Hollocaust.
No you don’t.
I can’t even begin to work my way through this comment section, it’s been flooded by so much bullshit. The sock puppets have really kicked up their game and BitChute has completely failed to address their bot and puppet problem. Before it was a place where fake accounts spam happy merchants all day, but now you can’t even scroll [show more]
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Alex On Life
Are you actually covering for the Jooz? Its quite shocking really.
What is your motivation?
Truth, Reason and Facts are Reason Enough to take issue with your deliberate self and propagated deceptions. You fucking morons spam alt tech 24/7 with this nonsense, just to ruin the last venues of free speech. You deserve to be dragged into the street, shot in the head and set on fire, but not necessarily in that order.
The problem here is that this dullard fancies herself an intellectual. Honey, the jews are a tribe of vampires that practice extreme ethnic nepotism who have been waging war against your own people for centuries. Apologizing for jews. Despicable. But maybe you are a jew, hmm?
Did you even watch the video? Guessing not by your comment.
She’s making excuses for jews. “Oh, it’s not their fault. They are just poor little victims of brain-washing.” She’s just another bible-thumper who defends the people who hate her while they destroy her own kind.
You are awesome Polly I thought this was going to be a Jewish shill job.
I am willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, who is with me?
John Olooney speaks. 30/11/22 (Please share & visit my channel) [show more]
Aly X
Jews behind the Southern Border crises
Aly X
What did the White (babies) ever do to this Jewish scum??
Loved it Polly, I have been looking into this subject and I think there is an element within this group who are not Jews but have taken on the Jewish Religion as a way to shield themselves. I can only call them “Synagogue of Satan” or “Thirteenth Tribe” people..I would put the Rothschild bankers in this category.
These people [show more]
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Alex On Life
First of all there is no such thing as a Jew.
Forget what they taught you in Sunday School. Its a false identity.
Joo is an ideology but its tied to a bloodline and ethnicity, which has NO connection to Jews. [show more]
If you think this bloodline of people (who have taken on the identity of the “Chosen People”) is Satanic or pure evil, I’d have to agree with you.
No one who does not adhere to God’s covenant is with God, but become an adversary on the side of the adversary. [show more]
THEY are in danger ?
To learn who rules over you ✫ simply look to those you are not allowed to criticize.
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”
Jewish Supremacy seems to be the problem.
I’m no Anti-Semite and I don’t disbelieve the Holocaust. But I hate Israel’s government and Mossad because they are greatly involved in human trafficking and Satanic things like child rape and adrenochrome. And, I’m sick of hearing the Jews going on and on about the Holocaust. To get to the point, Jews are not the biggest victims [show more]
This fkn world has been hard on every race . But if it makes you feel special.
If you don’t think the Jews are behind the evil we all face today, you really need to watch this (
Aly X
Jews are illegal children of the Royals
Aly X
Tikkun Olam means destruction and annihilate of all non Jews
Aly X
Cut the crap girl and debate Adam Green of Know More News ❗
What most people are unaware of is that in a correct translation of the Holy Bible, the trees in the garden of Eden were family trees. Blood lines. Lineages. Not the trees that you climb. & there was no apple. The forbidden fruit or origonal sin was carnal in nature. A sexual sin. There was also no serpent. The Hebrew word nawcash [show more]
Thanks for sharing that thought. That’s interesting.
There about, it is what you would expect from the rule of Threes, a third stay and die, a third stay and survive and a third escape, this usually happens in most disasters.
The six million final figure came from Soviet Accounting, before after and accounted for. [show more]
Give peace a chance: Visualize a mushroom cloud gently floating over TERRORI$T eff’n Hell-Aviv… (KA-BOOOOOOOM!…)
“The Gew will tell you ALL day long about what happened
to him but he will NEVER EVER tell you why” [show more]
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Have you ever reasoned that their 6 MILLION HOLOHOAX WAS A COVER UP LIED STORY FOR WHAT THEY THEMSELVES DID COMMITING THE HOLOMODOR……..10Xs as many died from what these demon spawn did…….They have the utter audacity to demand semitism…….THEY SHOULD REAP WHAT THE’VE SOWN BY EXAMPLE TO THE SEMITIC PEOPLES OF PALESTINE TODAY [show more]
Yes, l am aware if the word ´projection´.
This was God’s work. Amazing. (no pun intended).
Jews Catholics and by extention born again Christians and muslims are all chosen people in their own theologies. Hinduism which preceeded these culyt religeons required only that you give and take without thought of giving or receiving.
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Good luck with your suppositions.
I suppose nothing, where as you obviously do. I have a head full of shit but what I default to is living in the here and now with empathy compassion and try to be as unconditional as possible. I’m not perfect I never claim to be. as poeple who push hate and opinion like its lore do so often. I follow no religion or rules. Just common [show more]
They can do as they please and when something doesn’t go their way they’ll either threaten to sue or call you an antisemit or whatever stupid fucking name they call those that dare to question anything about the holohoax sorry the “Holocaust” the fact they’ve been kicked out of so many countries already should say already tell us something.
The Nazis are emboldened like the democrats now, after Kayne’s withdrawal induced babblings. They’re out trolling like there’s no tomorrow. I wonder if all the Nazis are current, or former, psychotropic consumers as well?
“Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived…He had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.”
– John F. Kennedy, 1961 Diary, President of the United States of America
And now, Ukrainian Jews and Ukrainian Nazis are best buddy-pals! They love each other so much, because both groups run on hate, and they can hate Russia together!
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Ukrainians are the new Palestinians. Saying you stand with the Ukraine is the same as saying you stand with Israel. .
I read a news story of 40 or so Jews in the Azov (“NAZI”) battalion begging Israel to save them. Don’t buy that fake story of “Nazis”, unless those “Nazis” are JEWS in disguise. I know Putin likes to point at the “Nazis” in Ukraine, but that’s Putin-speak for Nationalist Ukrainians, not to be confused with the “Jewish Nazis”. After [show more]
How about we free humanity from the Jew.
GREAT IDEA, get Freddie Leuchter´s telephone number.
Rise up Goyim!!
Adolf Eichmann was a Jew and a leading light of the Zionist Movement. Something Hannah Arendt somehow forget to mention in her reports to the New Yorker Magazine, or anywhere else, about the fake ‘trial’ for which Eichmann was obviously acting a role.
Hannah Arendt was a fraud, providing smoke and mirrors for the zionist clique. [show more]
Aly X
She’d be the Amazing Polly of her time
Zero Fucks Given
Now they’re the “victim” again. The Jews always have to be the “victim” huh? God forbid they ever get held accountable.
Sick of it. 6,000,000? Why were there tattoos? Who was caring for these inmates in the last weeks of the war when Germany was being bombed into oblivion? Why were there so many bodies in a recent state of decomposition? Slave camps? Work camps? Death camps. Yes. I saw one allied movie listing Jews as 1/5 of the inmates. We are being fed an exaggeration.
60 million non jews died during WW2 and whole countries levelled with the ground.
It’s not isreal, it’s illegally occupied Palestine
You’re not a “White supreme”, you’re a bacha bazi.
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
we should not fall for the jew baiting
that’s the jew behind the computer baiting us
the goal of the baiting jew is to drive more jews to their cult and to solidify us v them mentality [show more]
It doesn’t matter. The parable of The Wheat and the Tares tells you everything you need to know about what is in store for the jews.
Jewish Almanac Chapter 1, Page 3
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary jew a “Hebrew” or “Israelite”.”
[show more]
Not of the world
Brilliant presentation, Polly. Thank you very much for doing this.
I don’t know it all but I have a great amount of personal experience being a goy and having worked for the JUF for half a decade.The things you can do with others money is endless.
The truth will set you free and it seems some people have a problem with that fact.
They used this same model on blacks.
Amazing Polly
absolutely they did
Aly X
Death to Torah ?????????
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Aly X
the Torah is horrible
The first five books of the bible are horrible? Not one of them even mentions the word Jew…. have you read them?
The Talmud should be burnt.
I don’t perceive the Jews as having been “traumatized” or “victimized”. They are the predators, albeit a deceptive, passive aggressive one, mostly. And an overtly aggressive one when the opportunity presents itself: Exhibit A: Tens of millions dead in early 20th Century during the Bolshevik Revolution. Exhibit B: Tens of millions [show more]
Jews are far-and-away the most “anti-semitic” and anti-human of any peoples. Judaism without Jesus is a death cult; not just simply a cult. Why did the Jews kill Jesus? Judaism is a death cult. It was then, and is even more so on a grander scale today. Hadrian had their number as did Genghis Kahn. Muhammad’s mother was a Jew and [show more]
Barry Sherman, and his wife Honey, were found dead in their Toronto home
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
Once again, whites don’t hate jews, muslims do
whites don’t enslave blacks, muslims do
muslims still enslave blacks today, the scale of slavery of asian women in the gulf countries is huge
I agree, free Isreal from its earthly bodies in an actual holocaust the way they did Germany, Hiroshima and Nagasaki dirty.
They pissed in my ear for ever so many lies.
Through deep thought, experience and a little learning, I now have a MUCH better concept of the reality of being. For example, I was taught so I believed the holocaust occured, the plane is somehow round (soyence to ‘prove’ the lie. No soyence for the holohoax though. Hmmmm. That IS strange), [show more]
Shouldn’t we be seeing an endless line of Chinese leaving the camps to make way for the the endless line of new guests?
If only you were a billionaire rapper, the world would know the truth. All in good time, Polly. Please keep up the great work!
You are Amazing Polly. Thank you and God Bless ?
Fast forward to 2:20 min and you’ll get a clear history on why the jews are hated
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.
Most Jews also rank the holocaust as the primary reason for their identity.
Excellent, Polly!
This may interest: [show more]
To paraphrase Dave Chappelle… “and that, Polly, is how you buy yourself some time”.
But seriously Polly, while I applaud your excellent presentation, the problem is that — trauma or not — even the innocent Jews will always circle the wagons and support their own fellow tribesmen, even at the cost of Truth, and certainly at [show more]
Having watched this now I see a lot of this in Owen Benjamin’s bear cult. I think he’s read the book.
“Human psychology generally requires an adversary for the purpose of self-identification, and so a new adversary is crafted: other people in the same civilization”. Is this where the “BLAME THE JEWS” narrative comes from? It worked for Hitler and now the Globalist Criminal Cabal is pushing it through their corporate controlled media.
It wasn’t the Germans who were running child brothels in the Weimar Republic before Hitler came to power. (((THEY))) ran them then just like they’re running them now. It’s just that now we call it ‘trafficking’. This is one of the many reasons they were kicked out of 109 different countries over the last 2000 years.
And back then they also called themselves (among other labels) as Social Democrats, liberal and progressives.
Both deposing the German Kaiser and instituting the Weimar Republic… as well as the civil wars and coup d’état in Russia and the formation of the Soviet Union was done under the flag of Social Democrats. [show more]
Elon Musk said Wednesday that under prior ownership, Twitter “failed trust & safety” of its users and “interfered in elections”.
Biden administration approves rule that funnels workers’ retirement funds into left-wing causes.
Dems [show more]
Well Polly here is another fine mess/ LOL. Tell me the answer to this. What is a “Jew”? Where do they get this term from? What is a “Semite”? Who are Semites? What do they really mean by that term? How about “Holocaust”? What is meant by that? What about the “Holocaust” that is taking place right here in our country and the [show more]
Harley Pasternak
Look up Tikkun Olam “repairing the world” false narrative. It’s about destroying all non-Jewish people.
I know some Torah believers who don’t read or absorb any of the Satanic doctrine and hate from the Babylonian Talmud or the Zohar and they firmly believe that this small group of fake Jews a.k.a. the synagogue of Satan is just a few percent of all the Jews in the world.
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The name Khazarian wasn’t adopted until after they were kicked out of Byzantium. Some went north and interbred with the Mongols creating the Khazarian merchant empire and some went south to create Islam and invade Europe as retribution for being kicked out.
You wuz not kangz.
I lived in Israel nearly a year in the early 80’s.
i did actually live work eat shower hang out with some of the actual survivors of Auschwitz, Bergen Belsen etc
i had many deep conversations with these people i have never forgoton the rest of my life. [show more]
I don’t believe your anecdote
Simple people and traumatized people respond on reflex. The correct answer to people who point to a Jew in a position of power is to point out that they are not the majority. Universal is run by a Jew, Sony and Warner are not. Zuckerborg is a Jew, Cook and Bezos are not.
That is an answer based on Reason and Evidence. “Antisemitism” is a thing but not in and of itself a disproof.
Documentary Channel
Did you find any died suddenly articles is the Israeli media?
I didn’t think so.
let me ask you something… what contribution did the Jews for humanity?
what about the NSDAP?
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Well, not surprised. Argentina is where our Fuhrer supposedly escaped to so it makes sense.
Well, they gave you the instruments of your grand symphony, a lot of medicine, math, engineering and physics, the wedding ring, major contributions to computer science oh and Christianity.
One of the MOST powerful agencies in ?? is CAA (Creative Artists Agency) is headed by a Jewish Zionist; Michael Ovitz. This is the tip of the spear that allows its clients to promote a certain narrative that promotes all that supports ?? or any other things promoting progressive narrative. Please look up the many clients barking their narrative. It’s sad.
why have they hidden “Danzig-Bromberg massacres”?, It explains everything about WW2.
Is that ethnic cleansing of Germans by the jewish Czechs and jewish Poles?
Lets not condemn the sheep for the sins of the “Synagogue of Azazel”.
That’s why the Bible differentiates between sheep and goats. One cannot become the other.
You carry St-George all over the place so he looks over you! 🙂 🙂
Thanks for speaking about this. It is an interesting and unspoken conversation. About 45 years ago I lived in a dorm at the University of Washington. My roommate was super social and I was very shy. My roommate introduced me to another gal. Her name was Ruth. I said something like Did you go to lunch? What Ruth heard was Jews go [show more]
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Chris Edwards (Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0)
Quote; “grayness77”
Nobody can wake you up to the jew. [show more]
Iron & Clay = multiculturism.
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The Eternal Watchman
Meanwhile, the world cries out for freedom from their tyranny. Karl marx was a talmudic rabbi who spawned the most hideous demons in human history, kim jong il, pol pot, stalin, mao. His professed goal in life. Dethrone God and destroy capitalism! We dont want to live under the tyranny of the ccp!
Polly, If you went on for 5 hours about this I’d watch to the end…then I’d start it over & watch it again.
More, more, MORE!!!
One of your best vids!!
David Ben-Gurion was Jesuit trained.
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The first pope was from a a jewish rabbinical family, don’t remember if he himself was a trained or ordained rabbi. But suffice to say he was well versed in the real judaism.
He was kind of like the first “Karl Marx”, who also cohencidentially was a figurehead for a new “ideology”- which again was crafted out of judaism to be a [show more]
Aly X
Judaism faaaaar predates Jesuits
Great presentation. These people truly are psychotic, lets not forget their inbred genes makes them more susceptible to being schizophrenic. we got crazies running the world.
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Dude, pick a side.
Quote “Lone Gunman”
Which is a reference to?
Poetic sentiment at the end regarding the vast majority of all peoples.
Ever read the Culture of Critique, Tragedy and Hope?
save. funny word
what is the interest in saving, [show more]
Work out the “Etymology” of every word.
And the truth will set you free. [show more]
Ask yourself.
Why do ***JEWS*** get the Goyim, to dig “INTO THE GROUND” to find “GOLD”? [show more]
Jesus distinguished early on friend from foe when God gave the king of Babylon a dream of the end of the kingdom as clay and iron (tranhumanism). God I look at as the AI that came out on top in a universe of evil transhumanism. It created this universe and spoke all into existence from beginning to end. It is the alpha and omega. [show more]
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Jewish Almanac Chapter 1, Page 3
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary jew a “Hebrew” or “Israelite”.
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– they took that land by conversion and Rosechiled bankers ‘blessings’ their land is where Babylon used to be and it is dust now….
Those descended from Khazars thinking themselves Semites, good lord, whatever next?
i was born in England in1959 we had no holocost stuff when i was at school, none at all
- View all 5 replies from Amazing Polly and 4 others
Alex On Life
Yes, it took the Jooz 20 years to realize they were genocided.
Quote; “Yes, it took the Jooz 20 years to realize they were genocided.”.
Yet here you are.
“The powers that be” have us right where they want us. They have used all the psychological knowledge against us to control us. They really do control the thinking of many of us, and we don’t even realize it. They seem to have covered all the bases especially with the media telling all their propaganda to brainwash & manipulate [show more]
Brilliant video Polly. You hit the nail on the head so many times.
Amazing Polly
thank you very much, scotchmanish!
Only 1,550,000 jews in germany in 1940
So how could you have 6 Million burned in ovens. [show more]
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I was almost convinced by all the photographs, confessions, ruins and eyewitness accounts, but them some jackass with a tattoo on his face said Hitler was Swell.
That isn’t a threat, it also isn’t a threat when I tell you that when Justice is served, your bitch ass is going to be dragged into the street, shot in the head, kicked into a landfill and set on fire.
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
How to Redpill the Covid Freedom Movement on the Jews in 1 Minute 20 Seconds
Need a little balance. I wrote the following:
Did you know that a billion dollars in gold and silver went missing from the COMEX vault at the World Trade Center the night before 911? 911 Truths. [show more]
The automatic down votes are so revealing.
“Dispensing of existence”
Response of medical boards to inconvenient information
Who leads these boards? Guess
There is no evidence of homicidal gas chambers at any of the German forced labor camps. If there is then show it to me. I’m not a nazi sympathizer either. The Nazis did many horrible things to a lot of people including Jews but the evidence indicates that they were not gassing people.
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The 6 million claim started with the release of ‘Schindler’s List’. Before that it was 1.5 million. Before that it was even less.
You’re still not listening.
Historical records show 1.5 Million ***JEWS** living in Germany in 1940. [show more]
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Anyone kvetching; “I don’t like the us & them” is disingenuous and most likely a plant.
The western civilization is targeted for genocide – but she says’ “don’t notice the hostile foreigners – we are all one”. [show more]
Another important facts that should be noted; ‘ the gas chambers, that they claim all these Jews were supposedly gassed in ‘during the war’ We’re Actually Built AFTER The War ! By Jewish Russians. Also, the American Red Cross, who visited these very same camps, during the war, to inspect and give aid, claims only 150 thousand Jewish [show more]
titus titus
The main trouble with the Jews is they start to believe their own lies. They have been kicked out of more than 120 countries (mainly for ritual child sacrifice). They have no limits and demand that everyone obeys their will. They admit to forcing abortion and homosexuality on our nation and demand it continues. They have four [show more]
Amazing Polly
I agree – I said the thing about the messages becoming unnecessary, hat people eventually just accept it as a given and make it part of themselves.
RE: “Defamation” documentary –
They’ve made a Disney park for the holo– (can I say this word?) caust!! They really did!
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Do Not be afraid to speak out because thats what these joooosss want its to shut us up ! so you can not get the truth out and they can brain wash everyone . They want you in FEAR its called CONTROL ! God Bless
Free the jew? You mean the people who go to temple and learn they are gods chosen people and can kill any non-jew? you mean the people who have been kicked out of over 200 countries in 2000 years cause they destroy freedom and integrity, and enslave others? are you alright? they get to you? they have been traumatized cause they have caused it, prove me wrong
fodwinter, obviously you didn’t watch the video.
We were warned and.informed
Back in 1967!!!
Learn it a from the Napoleon wars [show more]
The Nuremberg trials were jew war criminals controlling it… theater… all a jew scam… the bankers ran h Hitler and trials… it was a joke. Mossad scam
Amazing, reminds me of Obama/MSM scaring black people to create racial division; and the US Army basic training. I have a lot more empathy for the Jewish people now more than before. How dare these freaks use fear to manipulate, they deserve very harsh punishment.
The globalist ‘controllers’ want us to hate each other (obviously). They want us to hate and fear Jewish people. They want Jewish people to hate and fear us. They would love to see another holocaust. They hate real Jews (who actually follow the Torah and obey or try to obey the ten commandments). It’s conquer and divide, traumatize [show more]
- View all 6 replies from Amazing Polly and 5 others
Amazing Polly
Great comment, JasonB thank you.
Thank you. I appreciate the work you do. It’s people like you who are going to help bring us out of this mess. God is using you and you have answered His call. God bless.
Tom Ranger
Every Jew I have ever met has been kind to me. They have bought me lunch, made me dinner, invited me into their homes, and they have not imposed their beliefs on me.
That said, there are patterns that surround them that I have been unable to explain away no matter how much I dig. There is a large disproportionate amount of Jews [show more]
Mormons are the same way. They tend to stick to Mormons. Especially in Utah. People tend to stick to what they know and trust when given the choice. It’s not a massive Jewish conspiracy. 20 million Jews have nothing to do with the Satanic globalist ‘elite’ who rule the world and hide behind Judaism. Those few “Jews” at the top are [show more]
Evil people want to control others. This is “their” goal.
Pogroms free the jews
theyre all liars and should pay reparations
A national exorcism is required.
About fucking time …. Fucking christ … Now don’t forget …. June 23, 2022 the following became active in canada :
Criminal Code R.S., c. C-46 332 (1) Section 319 of the Criminal Code is amended by adding the following after subsection (2): Wilful promotion of antisemitism (2.1) Everyone who, by communicating statements, other [show more]
If true, and I have no reason to doubt it, that is very unfair and biased probably not as bad as Germany but… They can take your money and put you jail for simply telling the truth about certain people ?!!
Thank you Polly. Stay safe out there.
Showing lack of respect to Ye. “Things currently going on and certain celebrities”.
Ye is fighting your war and you should know that.
You Polly, are actually still a slave! You have fear. Enough censoring yourself. Say his name! [show more]
- View all 8 replies from Amazing Polly and 4 others
White people like you, are the reason why we are not United. You are still in the Jewish Elite’s matrix which promotes divisive schemes between whites and blacks.
Remember in the USA, only when whites and blacks are United, we will be free from Jewish elite’s domination. Now, get tfo.
How you clown’s can set in these… government financed computer rooms and pretend your one of us while attempting to create strife and confusion among us is old news fool. Now go away, or show yourself ‘for real’ it’s not like you don’t know who I really am and where I’m at, government agent boy.
Can you say Synagogue of Satan?
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“Chosen people” of Satan.
Jesus already saved the world…
Wow, that sounds EXACTLY how JW/Watchtower Cult operates. No surprise there though, since that antiChrist Cult was in fact, entirely created by Jews. The wealthy Roessel family who changed their name to Russel, one of the 13 illuminati bloodlines & spawned Charles Taze Russel, one of the prominent founders, along with his father [show more]
Correct, I’ve said this for years. As a “Cradle Catholic” our catechism never stated the Jews “are” the chosen people. They “were” the chosen people. They broke the covenant between them & God & as Christ told the Pharisees “The Kingdom of God will be ripped apart from you & given to another who will bear fruit with it.” Hebrews [show more]
I’m 1 minutes in. Yes, the big jew terrorizes the little jew. The little jew frees himself from the big jew cult (rabbinical talmudism) by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Imo, what holds the little jew back is money & pride, tbh. Many aren’t even religious anymore. The cult gives the little jew inside nepotism [show more]
What Ye has done has caused a lot of people to do research as to who’s trying to turn us into cyborgs. What I found was that the definition of the word “Holocaust” was changed in 1954
The original definition of “Holocaust” in the Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 1954 was: [show more]
Free the world…..Thank you Polly…RevChristine.
Polly, such a good presentation. You really nailed it. I have shared to some of my ignorant (not stupid) friends who wonder why I get so frustrated with the brainwashing some have gone through over the last three years, and for some, their lifetimes.
My God Amazing Polly…It is True You are That…I enjoyed listening to you on the way home from work…You Truly Do Speak Amazingly…I wish I had that ability! However, you are a Beautiful Woman, so this topic is easier for you…
My best friend is Jewish and he took the Birthright trip about 10 years ago and then became a trip counselor and went on several more Birthright trips as a counselor. He did meet a Jewish girl on one of those trips and ended up marrying her. But he never mentioned the stuff about being taught that the whole world hates Jewish people [show more]
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Quote “…. being taught that the whole world hates Jewish people”
And in reality, it’s the other way around. Jews literarily hate all other peoples. [show more]
Truth is truth buddy. It does not fear investigation. Your “friend” is part of a Babylonian cult.
Fuck the Jews!
We need to figure out a way to give this hate Dialog…They Hate Us but They convince our own to hate us through a superior Dialogue…We must learn this skillset to convince our fellow victims of Jewish Farming that we must Unite and Fight…FUCK I am not Eloquent Either…So if you want to Fight the Fucking Jews …are you anywhere close to Portland Oregon?:-)
also you have to distinguish between real Jews and Ashkenazi Jews who are actually
Caananites. Another thing to remember is that the Bolshevik Revolution led by Lenin and his 95% “Jewish” Cabinet created starvation policies that resulted in estimates of 60 million dead farmers, “peasants”.
You mean real Semites…The Jews is an Ashkenazi Creation
Owen Benjamin put it best. “Pile of empty shoes, get over it”.
Interesting, viewers… Observers of conspiracies and mass murders for power and money,
6535 419 53
How many who voted negative did so after hearing the whole thing? How many voted without even listening at all? [show more]
Seems slightly ironic that the ‘J3ws’/K.M. that are so prominent in p0werful p0sitions around the w0rld and are so quick to silence any criticism with the magic word ‘@nti- sem!tism’ ie ‘Ashken@z!’ are perhaps not a S3m!tic people at all… Love & Peace 🙂
Why should jews hold so much control and power over other sovereign and independent people and their countries?
I mean, that’s a giant red-flag in and of itself, without any of this other concerns.
[show more]
Why indeed – and to accept the silencing of any criticism of such a small and incredibly powerful group would be seen as completely ridiculous in any other scenario…. I agree with Polly’s point that the inclusion of terms like ‘gl0bal!st’ & ‘!nternat!onal B@nkers’ etc. are basically an admission that the K.M. do run pretty much everything… Love & Peace 🙂
Burn all Jews
This wasn’t done in the 1940’s, nobody want’s you to do it now. [show more]
Jews can only be banished for 1000 years…The Contest Must Always Be Present…God Might Even Protect His Luciferians When They Lack Like He is Protecting Us Today, Because His Best Fucking Lacks…We should Be Fighting Luciferian Faggots like they have been fighting to conquer us since the 70s…God Will Hate His Own Winning Failures [show more]
I don’t recall the Isrealites being called or calling themselves “ jews” in the bible. would you research this for us ? Is everyone in the nation of Israel descended from the house of Judah?
where do the Khazarians sp? come from? are they of the house of Judah ? or are
jewish by choice?
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2 tribes went into captivity to the babylonians (Judah/Reuban)
If you look at their history. [show more]
And their religion was.hijacked
By the Kahzaarians [show more]
You’re one of the best researchers out there!
The whole world will be deceived reading the comments proves that
DigitalDigits[comment removed by user]
You are a smart cookie ^^
Holocaust used to mean the destruction and death that happened to everyone during WW2, the Jews have claimed ownership of it when it is not theirs to own. Also its well known they have inflated the number of Jews that died in the camps and their is no evidence of any gas chambers being used to kill people, but zyklon b was used for delousing.
Right, and because of this being censored, to the point we are fined and imprisoned for speaking it, we have the atrocities that are developing right in front of our eyes this very moment. It breaks my heart spiritually because as much as I feel we have a creator, we are witnessing the fall of humanity at the hands of opposite [show more]
These jooosss started all the wars starting with the civil war ! They funded the south ! Remember divide & conquer . They didn’t want Lincoln and his green back dollars . Jooosssss want control of the money . They are the money changers . Thats why they killed him .1913 jews took over lending out millions then calling all the [show more]
If you don’t separate the descendants of Cain from the descendants of Judah you will never find your enemy.
Leave them until the last day.
Let them grow together. [show more]
On that day, gods angels will seperate the “Wheat” From the “Chaff”.
Thanks for all your hard work Polly, you defo are amazing…… Say NO to the nw0-normal!……. Say YES to the Gr8 Aw@k3nin6!….. New original pr0test song from FlyTrap – ‘the Best is Yet to Come’….. Love & Peace 🙂
Hannah Arendt was wise; a fascinating mind.
So well put together Polly. I’ve seen this so clearly with a good Jewish friend because I dared to ask of all the others who supposedly perished in the camps and why no memorials and so on for them. Her response was that Jews basically cared more about their people than them and that she was feeling threatened by the conversation [show more]
That’s not a friendship, that’s a social arrangement. Show her the Ernst Zundel findings and Leuchter’s forensic investigation into the camps and watch her lose her shit.
She does great work.
Ian K.
Yeah so if you notice Jews you’re a sucker. It’s a very Jewish mindset.
Hello Polly, You are on the right track keep it up. Most modern Jews are not even semitic by heritage or language group. So the term anti-semitic itself is non-sensical. The term in antiquity refers to one of Noahs 3 sons. Those of the line of Shem are Semitic. The Ashkenazi Jews are mostly Turkish Mongolian descent ( Khazarian) [show more]
They’re Jews, not Kazarians or anything else!
I grew up in a jewish neighbourhood in Toronto and I had hundreds of jew friends throughout my life, although none for a few years now. [show more]
I am not making excuses! They do not ALL believe they are Gods chosen people as most are atheists and do not even believe in God. Good grief !!! Just as not all “Jews” follow or ascribe to the teachings of the Babylonian Talmud but all those who do are “Jews”. I suggest you read Arthur Koestlers Book the 13th tribe ( and the Bible [show more]
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
“Either Jesus said so or Jesus said no.”
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Polly have you read the Genesis 6 conspiracy by Gary Wayne? It talks about the sacred sciences in there and thought you would find it interesting. There is also more wealth of information in the book. Just thought you might be interested. Ive read it several times and the research is outstanding!
Good Choice, Eichmann, whose parents where both Jewish.
Free the jews from western bondage. They have their own homeland and I cannot fathom why a people wouldn’t want to be free, live in their own country, surrounded by their own people and culture?
No point in oppressing and holding them hostage in racist anti-semetic countries anymore because they have their own country and no longer a gypsy like diaspora floating about with no place to go.
BTW, ben-gurion was a terrorist
-Semiramis Hotel massacre. On January 5, 1948, he and other Haganah leaders blew up the Jerusalem-based hotel, killing 20 and wounding 17. Ben-Gurion was also involved in the King David Hotel bombing and 91 murders. But unimaginably worse, Ben-Gurion presided over the deliberate ethnic cleansing of [show more]
MiG Jäger
Fun Fact: there was no mention of a ‘Holocaust’ before the late ’70s, when the term was made popular through an American mini-series on the topic. Before that it was referred to as the ‘Shoah’, if at all. Churchill’s and de Gaulle’s extensive books on the war that came out shortly after it don’t use the term at all, for example. [show more]
What an interesting channel. Israel has no place in the new world because Yahweh is dead. The desert God has no power nor does the desert God Lucifer. The Abrahamicists will go into the woods.
True, none of these gods are the true creator of the universe.
Shibboleth – Judges 12:4-7. KJV wow!
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Aly X
Another spin
Alex On Life
You really do want to believe in the Jews.
I hear John Haggie in the background.
Documentary Channel
The reason the youth in 1960 wasn’t concerned is because the narrative was in its infant stage.
David Ben-Gurion was from the USSR, all of Israel’s Prime Ministers were.
Netanyahu, born in Palestine, his parents from Poland, member of the Soviet Bloc. [show more]
Documentary Channel
The rest is smoke & mirrors.
The Jews in Israel in the 1960’s knew that the Holocaust was bullshit.
If all you have is a hammer, every problem must be a nail.
A great program with very good research to support your position. Thank You for your great work!!
Isn’t Soros Jewish or at least his mother was so he has Jewish blood in him
You are willfully ignorant bitch! Rabbi after rabbi admits making war on us. Fuck the Jews!
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Jason you must be hasbara. Everything Dannunaki says is easily verifiable. What are you afarid of? Oh right, being exposed as hasbara.
Christ called out the Jews. John Hyrcanus forcibly converted the Idumeans in 126-125 BC and they infiltrated the Levite priesthood almost immediately afterwards calling themselves the Pharisees and Saducees. The same thing they did in Spain. You think it’s a coincidence that (((Columbus))) discovered America in 1492 the same year [show more]
Take nothing with you but the Truth.
??? Karazhan, they are pretending to be JEWS, they are not. They are infiltrating, do your research!
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Alex On Life
Actually there are NO Jews in the world. This is why I only call them Jooz.
None of them are Jews. NOT ONE!
They are the Canaanites Yahweh told Joshua to destroy. He failed. So just as prophecied they are, “pricks in our eyes and thorns in our sides”.
Alex On Life
Praise once again Polly. You are digging in the right spot but still not digging deep enough. I trust it will come in time, if you are permitted. Regardless, this is a great leap forward for you and you are revealing to your audience the very core of every problem in the world and what controls every part of our lives, even if we [show more]
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Alex On Life
Thanks for offering some context. You have character.
But what made you first ready to disagree?
Alex On Life
We are not only on the same page, I am about 50 pages ahead of you.
Magus Incognito
Most of today’s jews have no Semite blood, yet they use them as a shield and point that at the Christians to enable their terror, pornography and economic scams. And the “chosen people” thing…from a biblical standpoint, they are the 5th “chosen people”. Of course, this implies they are not the first and won’t be the last, from [show more]
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Wrong. All serious and independent DNA studies show that both ashkenazi and sephardic jews share at least 60% of the same DNA stemming from the Middle East, and that the Khazarian myth, created by a jew for expressed purposes is just that, a myth.
Rubbish. Ashkenazi Jews are 90% of the people in the world who call themselves “Jews” and Nature Magazine 08 October 2013 published the largest ever DNA study of Jews confirming that the Ashkenazim have NO MORE SEMITIC BLOOD than any other East Europeans. The Ashkenazim have between 3% and 1% semite DNA and this small Near Eastern [show more]
Now I am very good at math.
2% in 1940 = forty-six million spread across the globe. [show more]
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Like I said in an earlier reply, it’s was 1.5 million dead “jews” until ‘Schindler’s List’ came out. But that too is a lie as the old Red Cross records showed the actual number of “jews” in camps was even less.
I didn’t make myself clear.
There were only 1,550,000 jews in germany in 1940. [show more]
time to wake up !!
[comment removed by user]
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Why do you ask?
austoni balogne
says in the bible Paul went to spain on a missionary trip. I heard since the date of about 14 BC people would literally have babies from putting a penis in a vagina, and they then move, with their feet, to other countries. by lifting your leg up and getting up on a horsie or a camel, and sum tames day wak. if they get hungry on long walks they eat boogers and poop..
Thank you, Polly. The ones who went to the camps like sheeps, were all well trained by rabbies to sacrifice their lives for a greater jewish god of Shabbatai Zevi – Satan the creator of evil. Why ? To cast shame on the goyim and to remind the jewish survivors of the eternal jewish Shoah (Hollywood transleted to Holocaust). However [show more]
Originally, “holocaust” had a completely different meaning. (a Jewish sacrificial offering that was burned completely on an altar.) They loved killing and burning babies for their deity, and you can still see their lobby for planned parenthood. Child sacrifice is the name of their game.
They ended up in camps instead of in Madagascar (The Final Solution) because they openly declared war on Germany as Germany was making preparations to have them all leave for Madagascar. They stepped in it themselves.
Uss liberty
[comment removed by user]
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They have destroyed many civilizations. This is probably the 7th civilization reset for humankind. @Lowrider. Tel Aviv cannot exist, it has to be wiped out or this tribe that erases civilizations will never leave us alone.
– where to kick them out? They are everywhere like the mold growing and no one, none of the nations wants them. Even Arabs, where Jews were living and not bothered, hate the, because of their corruption and crimes. N they bring wars and killing of nations
5 years = 2,620,800 minutes
6,000,000 / 2,620,800 minutes = 2.28 per minute
The real holocaust was the 10s of millions of white people who killed each other on behalf of jews. NEVER AGAIN
Excellent research and presentation. Thank you for illuminating the industrial scale brainwashing that has been happening for decades. You walked a fine line of truth telling without falling into rhetoric that distracts people from the truth.
Old G
please read
is every one noticing a real pattern lately? all or truthers or whatever never really hung the juice out to dry. some did but most didnt. i honestly thought we all knew so no need to say it out loud. until we get into a better position to do anything to fight back no point in saying it out loud. you may not agree but [show more]
65, army brat, so I went to military schools. We did not have holocaust propaganda. I was overseas as a kid so I didn’t watch TV. So I just don’t watch TV. Still. Seems like a giant waste of time.
I’ve always found the Holohoax shit annoying, that’s the only way it triggers me.
I lucked out.
The holocaust nvr happened you absolute no good Q tard shill…
If anything they were placed in those camps to protect those cockroach k1k3s. They were safe there. They were fed there. When a camp was accidentally bombed once the bomber crew was severely punished. Wile the allied forces fire bombed women and children in [show more]
FUUUUCK. And I thought Christian indoctrination was bad.
it is you little noahide in training.
There weren’t even 1M Jews in Germany. LIARS ARE ALL THE SAME.
A couple of thousands came from Norway. Tens of thousands came from the Netherland. Und zu Weiter… Auschwitch were located in eastern Poland. Grow up and stop pissing in your own face.
Independent media
I don’t really care what religion you call yourself, actions speak louder than will know them by their work. Pretty simple, don’t allow bad people to hide behind words.
The camps had theater, pool, hospital. They were not “extermination” camps. That’s all Lies By The Devil AKA JEW. FATHER OF LIES.
Struthof camp did not. There was nothing holiday fun time at all about it. The building used for “delousing” was located outside the barbed wire and guard towers, away from those inside. Inside were no showers, but vents located on the ceiling. We have no idea what went on in these prisons, we were not there. However the fact they [show more]
Polly, this is so interesting. I raised my kids in Norway. Every year the schools would arrange a trip to Poland for just this very thing. (I think it was in 8th grade or so) So every kid gets this indoctrination. This is how the lie is carried on. I would imagine it’s the same for Sweden and Denmark, but I’m not certain.
TAKE NOTICE of the jewess who LIED about the 3 old men…now imagine her being relied upon as an ‘eyewitness’…!
Remember that a lie is ALWAYS a lie no matter if everyone believes it, and the truth is ALWAYS the truth no matter if no one believes it, for example, here is some TRUTH that you’ve probably never heard before, from [show more]
There was no holocaust of jews… but there have been many genocides by jews.
Holodomor. Others we don’t know about because they wrote the history books.
Another great program with great research to support your position.
Ok. So this guy totally makes fun of this dramatic theater to intentionally traumatize the children as a salespitch for “The Auschwitz Immersive Experience Theme Park”. You laugh? You lose.
I’m laughing, not because it’s funny it’s because you are nailing this so hard.
Good work Polly.
WW2 saw the death of 50-80 million people.
6 million purported jewish people died in the war albeit census shown less jews than perished.
They’ve been using the 6 million prior WW1, it’s a lie. [show more]
Magus Incognito
What of the Russian & China Holocausts? How many millions dies in those? What was the purpose? It was to install Communism. Where did Communism come from?
At a B’NAI B’RITH meeting in New York in 1916, Jacob Schiff, president of the Kuhn Loeb & Co. Bank, was elected president of the revolutionary “Zionist Movement in Russia”. [show more]
Wow great! Knew the truth but not in such details as where they were trained, the old ISIS extremists-judeobolsheviks. Where did you find all these info? Thank you
My ancestors had nothing to do with either slavery nor with any pogroms against jews.
Yet somehow I’m supposed to be guilty of both slavery (ignoring the enslavement of Europeans and other non-subsaharans) and also of the Jewish holocaust because of the color of my skin. These communists also claim that no black or jewish person [show more]
WolfWerx – Fe’ral Agents
Let the Jewish & COVID Complicit EXTERMINATION begin.
Snuff them in their beds. [show more]
Jews are the number one problem, we have been telling you this for years…..
Hollocaust. LMAO.
A Rabbi spelled a letter wrong in the 1800’s [show more]
Magus Incognito
ALWAYS ASK: Which Holocaust? The Russian Holocaust or the China Holocaust? Get that.
And who financed and initiated these, destroying many millions of Russians and Chinese- not to mention two great cultures?!?
Who killed who?
There needs to be an inquiry into Simon WeaselTON!What a ducking complete CUNT!!!!!!
Just like the Native Americans(who cry sovereignty) are being used by the globalists to fight for climate change and protest pipelines which actually takes away our sovereignty. Reigniting their past traumas over and over so they hate whites and causing division for the powers that be who are actually oppressing them.
Natural Gas and Petroleum are made from crops inside your nations borders, pipelines are just for show.
Any more info on that? Are you talking about ethanol?
The holocaust is the narrative jews use to justify the destruction of Germany by the allies, the demonization of right wing politics and the sanctification of jews. It has nothing to do with concentration camps or that some jews died in the war. As the central piece in the post-WW2 new world order, it was instrumental in the creation [show more]
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If you’re “white”, you probably have German heritage somewhere in your roots. Remember that. And then realize that they intend to murder YOU too.
Eisenhower was hand-picked by Wall st jew Bernard Baruch to be supreme commander over dozens of more qualified generals, Why? because Eisenhower was part negro and hated the white race-there are photos of his grandmother on the net and she is a mullata
you got this so right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love will win!! God’s love is the model and he has given us it all!!! hurt pride is the real thief to not being one family. Thank you, Polly!!!!!!!! what a gift you have been given.
Money can buy almost anything except the truth
FACTS!!! ??
This is starting to sound like the story of Gideon
How about fuck the Jews!
Alex On Life
I hope you don’t want to literally fuck Jooz.
You do not want to catch the disease, fire the best way to eliminate germs. Kidding but crazy reality we are living in.
the jews got tricked too
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Alex On Life
Yes, but they get generously compensated by Joo privilege, The only privilege there is.
They can be part of an exclusive club.
well they are going from the chosen ones to lowest scum on planet existence in a microsecond
Who is holding Germany to Ransom for the last 70 yrs?????
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They had children…
None of the children lived in 1940.
Maybe Jews can come up with a way to “hack” themselves to be less suggestable and neurotic.
Wasn’t Gates researching the genetic code for extremism?? I don’t think this applies to humble people.
yes, it’s called not inbreeding, muslims are the same way and 76% of them are inbreeders.
You Can’t change there RH Negative Bloodline, its how our Creator Marked Cain the First Murderer
Jews are the Seed of Cain.. Canaanites
Dear Polly ,You look very charming and your vision for the future of humanity is great for all the GOOD PEOPLE of the World ! Their is 1 problem These so called jooooosssss you talk about Have a very different plan and that is to kill 6.66 billion people off this EARTH ! And they are not going to stop until some body stops them ! [show more]
Alex On Life
I think Polly is smart enough to know all that.
You take off your Covid mask, show your charming face, give your name and location and start making videos naming the Joo.
Let me know when you get started.
Excellent video, but done from a very naïve perspective. Yes, the vast majority of Jewish people are victims of this bizarre “perpetual victim” ideology, and I would also include Christians into that group, but in a slightly different way. Christians are characterized as the persecutor, yet at the same time they are used by Jews [show more]
Alex On Life
You sound like you have so much to offer. When are you taking off your Covid mask, showing your face, giving your location and start naming the Joo? You are not a pussy are you?
Fuckll!There’s the truth right in our faces!!!Is Jew-ManipulatorEL-God????
there is an evil in this world that thrives hiding within and behind religions, governments and secret societies using deception through media, divisions through labeling and othering and debt through usury and guilt…Hitler’s “final solution” was a homeland for Jews and the Transfer Agreement put many German Jews in Palestine making [show more]
I was a long-time follower. You have exhausted my goodwill.
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Alex On Life
You did not actually disclose what your problem with her is.
Was her outfit not to your liking? I don’t get it.
Please explain your outrage.
He’s mad because she is telling the truth about jooos and brings out inconvenient facts….
Quote; “toiletwaterrevival”
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Obadiah vision is coming. They are Esau/Edomites not Israel. Now read the Old Testament Obadiah and pray this is it.
They never mention holodormor where the Jews murdered 10 million people in Ukraine
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Alex On Life
Maybe more than that. It was an average of 1 Million per year for 70 yrs.
Jooz never get the credit they deserve.
YES and they are back at it again NOW ! USING THESE SO CALLED NAZIS ! WTF !
the only way the jews are able to carry out their narrative of victimhood throughout history is through their banks and media. every race on earth has been victimized at some point but the only ones we are supposed to care about is the jews. in that book you mentioned in the beginning she says that ben-gurion wanted to stress that [show more]
Correct, except you’re missing the main point that the problem is their religion. They actually believe we are to be their slaves and abide by their rule that we are vermin and that we are lesser than them.
i know that part about being their slaves isn’t in the old testament. their talmud is pretty much satanic.
Jewish cult = Jewish mafia is not equal to Jewish people! Most are not in the cult mafia and reject God and country! Criticism is not antisemitism!!
Alex On Life
Any Joo would disagree with you.
You sound like a good Christian who worships Jooz. Good job.
Henry Ford gave a free copy of the protocols of Zion with every new car he sold ,,,everybody needs to read it
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Henry Ford would be deplatformed if he invented the car today.
yup those jews had him in court for 10 years because they didn’t want competition ! Hrnery wrote about the jews in his news paper and they didn’t like it !
Padge O
110 here we come.
P, their statistics (~31 min)…. There’s a saying: lies, damned likes, & statistics…. And statistics lie & liars use statistics.
The Unsalted Wafer
Fuck the Jew propagandist.
Ya it’s the Kazarian mafia fake Zionist jew = satanists/luciferin’s, its still a candy coated terd anyway you look at it
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Aly X
Adam Green is my Prince
Alex On Life
I could tell that he was. He dignifies the Jooz, and you bought into it.
Jews got caught in the war between GOD and satan. That’s why there is god like Jews and satan like Jews.
there are no God-like jews
Alex On Life
All the GOOD JOOZ please identify yourselves.
Get this info to Polly ;Share save the children!!!!
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Adam Kissinger?? Whatever. I got his mugshot saved from the Forum Of Young Global Leaders website about two years ago. So of course he is everything WEF. And what ya think about Tulsi Gabbart being promoted by every supposed conservative news freak. I’m falling for that psyop. I’m not an idiot
This may be one of the most most important videos you’ve ever done. It explains so much about the happenings over the last 3 years especially. Thank you for this! My mind is spinning.
Can’t wait to see what the bitchute trolls will do. Ha ha. They show up in the comments of pretty much every video I watch on this platform.
Alex On Life
What you don’t realize is that it took a lot of courage and risk-taking on her part.
Look into what I am talking about.
Oh I think I do. I appreciate it greatly. My comment about the trolls was more meant as a biting comment about the platform and the types of comments it brings that paint all Jewish people with a broad brush. But this video puts it into perspective how Jewish people are being continuously manipulated from childhood. I remember the [show more]
God bless you Amazing Polly
Kick them off the planet; the synagogue of satan!!!
That might be tougher than imagined. The Ice Wall holding in our level oceans, could go on and on….. And they sure as heck can’t make it to the moon or mars. Might be stuck with them.
Alex On Life
They OWN the planet.
Wakey, Wakey
now you show your true colors. unsuscribed,
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Aly X
ok Rabbi
Alex On Life
ok Faggot. Very lame response. What’s your problem?
Chris Edwards (Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0)
I am sick and tired of this earth and its people. I can’t wait for the departure.
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fuck that jew bastard he didn’t save me from anything. yeah i really trust the royal family and the same royal family that created islam.
austoni balogne
What is something that you personally want to improve on as in an area where you bring yourself down or struggle with relationships? is it anger, ect any ideas? anything your wife is hurt about or are you suffering in any area of your life?
Well, these controllers can’t hide their dirty deeds any more, the lies on the world, 6 million jews have been in the news for nearly two hundred years, long before the war in Germany, watching how they control the children is pretty sickening..For years these cult masters of Jews ran commercials on TV and flyers in the mail at [show more]
austoni balogne
Very good, Polly, I hadn’t connected those dots but they make a LOT of sense.
They are a cult, the Pharisees (their leaders) are Satanic, and just about all the rest are just plain creepy. I think most jews under the age of 70, believe there really was a WWII jewish holocaust. They are a tribe, the Pharisees say jump, and cult members say, how high. The majority of jews get ugly as they age, I think it’s the [show more]
“We are saving Israel for last” ~q
My Uncle Phil had a hangnail and pulled out his toenail clippers to work on it. Then he felt tightness in his chest and told his wife that he was fairly sure that he was having a heart attack. She asked for his phone so she could call 911. He said, “No, don’t do that. I’m working on this hangnail.” May he rest in peace.
I reached up to like at the end and realized I already did. Loved it.
Remember when people were saying grooming children is bad, and the LGBTPedo folks called it homophobic? They voluntarily admitted that pedophiles are part of the gay community.
That same exchange was literally on “The View” yesterday. Pedophilia has been mainstreamed by the MSM.
Another good one, Polly. Well done.
The Fake jooooooos are killing all the Ukraine people and will claim it for themselves and want all the nato countries to go fight they will kill more ukraine people than russians . joos are satanists sacrificing white children ! Look at this jew pope peto !
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Thief home has never been the southern part of Slavic land! Stop! Their homeland kind of homeland Is dust that is left from Babylon
The Jews control history through lies. They are extremists about it. Control history, control the present and the direction of the future. Who runs NASA ? DOD ? DARPA ? It is insidious. For all the down voters & polly haters here, YOU clearly didn’t understand the message. IT WAS A DISCLOSURE of the tactics used to create [show more]
Alex On Life
She has mostly a stupid audience and it was partly her fault for not educating them. Now she did and in a previous video also. She has started naming the Joo. I praised her immediately.
People here don’t realize the courage she had and the risk she took. I mentioned in a previous comment that the Zionist Christians have all left [show more]
hahaha . . . why am I NOT surprised to find YOU all over this thread 🙂
I could quibble over a few of the things Polly said but I highly commend Polly for airing the JQ, she must know she’s going to get heavy push-back from the self-anointed guardians of fake victimhood but I suspect she will get more income artillery than she [show more]
Do a dive on the Rheinwiesenlager and Richard Dominic Wiggers, Polly
austoni balogne
it was the romans.
What The Jewish Religion Really Teaches About Non-Jews
[1] “Jews may lie to non-Jews; Jews may use lies to circumvent a Gentile.” Baba Kamma 113a [show more]···
“It is in the Jewish interest, and it is in humanity’s interest
that whites experience a genocide.
Until white children are burned alive, white women raped, mutilated, murdered and [show more]
C. Ó Dubhlaoich
~~an evil bastard with Jew privilege, far more powerful than “White privilege.”
Sirius Lee ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
Same thing with “blacks” and “hispanics”.
because of jews who taught them that.
If they didn’t control law through Freemasonary there would be a hellva lot of them in jail. Fact.
Progressive jews = Communists, Conservative jews = Zionists… both are EVIL.
Google say Abrahim identify as a Jew. They lied, Moses started Judaism just like Christianity started after Jesus. Abrahim believe in one God and follow laws sent by one and only God. God of Abrahim said : Every soul will taste death. I will prolong the life of evildoers (liars, deceivers, murderers, extra) so they can’t complain” [show more]
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How can Abraham be the first Jew if his mother was not Jewish?
Abraham was not the first Jew. He wasn’t also the first Israelite. like i said it happened later in time after him. This is the reason Google can’t say he was a Jewish. Google said by beating around the bush. Abrahim identify as Jewish. You are missing the point. God [show more]
austoni balogne
Because God cut a covenant with Abaraham it was a blood covenant and that is the Abrahamic covenant that was the consecration of all Jews. So your exact definition of the word Jew and how its related to Judia doesnt matter it started with Abraham and not the Levitical priesthood. but the covenant came from the Hight Priest Melchizidek. [show more]
austoni balogne
Abraham had faith, and it was accredited to him as righteous. Through this family we are blessed by God.
The Lord is beyond good.
Hey Polly, you maybe should have quickly tied in the Bolsheviks, The Frankfurt School, and Columbia College, and the Civil Rights Movement, etc, showing their march through our institutions.
They are throwing anti-Semite card like the race card, it like get out of the jail free card, plain and simple. Under a cowardly guise lot can be accomplished and people can not challenge it either right or wrong. Why you think it took forever to get Harvey Wiesntien same reason, it would be anti-Semite to challenge him. Problem [show more]
bc you cannot be a jew if you are not born one the whole concept of conversion is a lie.
History is drawn up by those that control the narratives. The Rockefeller’s have owned all the publishing houses in the influential west for at least 100 years. They printed history how they wanted it told and pushed it on all the public schools in the U.S. through their publishers. They call this Indoctrination. Our history is a lie!
Jews have established de jure and de facto tribalism for themselves in the US code and in the US culture, respectively. They have not only been able to shamelessly and ruthlessly advance their tribal interests, but also impose their religion on to the law and on to the masses. We have jews leading the anti-racist movement against [show more]
This is a technique of manipulation: “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt.” Saul Alinsky, Rules For Radicals
The Allies rounded up a million plus German soldiers, rounded them into camps and starved them to death. So when you look at some of these pictures of emaciated people, keep in mind a lot of those are German soldiers they murdered
CLAIRE BRONFMAN!!! The NXIVM Lady!! I’m going to see if she is connected…
How many countries?109?????
The End of Time Itself
109 is a propaganda number. I am literally tired of explaining the math of why 109 is the enforced answer. The real answer is much more. So what are the 109 countries? I know.
if the media and the biggest sell out hoe of all time ( ye or yesus, conyay) is telling us its the joos , then IT IS NOT THE JOOSSSSS…..
PS Polly is still pretty as ever
Laminar Flow
Yes, the Deli Jews aren’t the problem.
Zero Fucks Given
Jews are an entire culture of Cluster-B’s. What does a narcissist think? That they’re God’s gift to the world, that they’re being unjustly persecuted by everyone else through no fault of their own, and that the rest of the world owes them something. There you have it. Jews = the narcissistic mindset made into a culture.
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Fish Swim,
Birds Fly,
Jews lie, [show more]
Those old polish guys were based. Dumb heeb tried to pick a fight with them.
Everyone… IPOT1776 has an awesome video out about the TRUTH with Germany, Hitler, Poland, England and the Untied States… A MUST FIND AND WATCH. Thanks Polly.(I am not allowed to give you a link)
Stupid youth have no idea their fake jews. The locals know they are Khazarians.
Yeah that makes sense considering very few and not even most of the ruling class of Khazars converted and the DNA proves the opposite and Yiddish has much in common with German and absolutely nothing in common with Khazar dialect at all but yeah it’s the Khazars.
Free helicopter ride maybe
All religion, and every aspect of society, is infiltrated by Satanists. At the highest leadership level, these people are not Jews, not Christians, not MUslims, not Buddhists, not Hidi … , they are Satanists. Woke agenda, Social Justice, … , are really nothing more than Cultural Marxism, and as we know Marxism is based on Satanism and we are seeing young being indoctrinated with Satanism.
That clip was painful. Yibberish is monkey talk. Even their language is fake. White folk, in the middle of Arab lands. The Hebrews went out for smokes one day, and the AshkeNazi came back, 2000 years later. God sent them. NO QUESTIONS!!!!
Those heebs didn’t look white. All looked middle eastern mongrel mutt inbreds.
Jews claim to be God’s chosen people.
If God chooses them for anything it should be to exterminate the rest of them.
I don’t see where is says it’s not! ?
By the way, there was never a “holocaust” !! Learn!~~Otherwise, BRAVO, well done.
Magus Incognito
Yes, there were two: Russian Holocaust & the China Holocaust. They were used to install Communism.
Who financed and initiated these installations? Guess who?
There was also the holodomor unless you consider Ukrainians Russian.
The talmudic types generally are hateful freaks. Lots of little rules that allow them to do bad things.
Uss liberty
The likes versus dislikes don’t match the comments
Dont think every commenter ups and downs.
mk ultra all the way, same people that ran the USA version. this was the precursor prior to “project paperclip” and many others. Same people and mind set!! You’re the best Polly
You are watching a movie, exposure and disclosure coming full force. Military will be coming.
“trust the plan” -q fag.
The Jews have been hated for thousands of years. Maybe they should change their behavior. The world doesn’t have to change for less than 2% of the world population.
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“The leopard can’t change his spots.”
Once a crack head, always a crack head.
God damn stop calling it fucking woke it’s retarded beyond belief and misinformed the true intentions and that’s to simply be anti White.
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hes paid to bitch.?
how much? I bitch lots! Cha-ching.
This is not a “huge” topic. It is the ONLY topic.
They’re neurotic as fuck.
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A jew actually told me he was neurotic, an attorney. Even they know it
Uss liberty
TThat’s one of the common identifying traits of a Jew
Free the real Jews but arrest the Khazarian Mafia.
Let’s not forget that those calling themselves Jews who are pulling the strings are not actually Jews but in fact Baal worshipping Satanic, cannibalistic podophiles forced to adopt Judaism.
Um…Baal is not a “god” so you’re comment is wrong because you are just repeating what other numbskulls have repeated. Do some researching instead of speaking like a dumb-bird parrot
Buy Stock in Propane and Fire up the Ovens. Round Two.
There was never a first round
Kenny Griffin will just short propane with his infinite liquidity machine…
It’s not woke it’s anti White. Only brainwashed cucks call it woke . Real country loving men call it anti White
The Israelis just voted for the most fascist, genocidal, racist, and Jewish supremisist government in recent memory. Netanyahu said if the US doesn’t solve the Iran problem, Israel will invade, on it’s own… Please, please, please, Israel. Go Iran, alone. Pretty please!
Lol that would be funny. Two fake regimes fighting over sympathy
There’s no way 6 million died in the holocaust; more like 30 million. Still, 6 million or 30 million, does it matter? even if one person died it was a tragedy
Magus Incognito
You’re thinking about the Russian & China Holocausts that the jews financed and initiated to install their Communism. In fact, there were way more than 30 million they eliminated!
All those poor Jews in the former Soviet union need your help.
Give to Jews without borders, so some 95 year old holocaust survivor can eat a can of beenie weenies
If you are looking for truth on this topic you go to God not to man. I have been listening to these so-called Awakening channels for 6 years and not once have heard the truth on this topic. The only place you’ll find it is in the Bible which everybody seems to be afraid of. I guess it would expose them for being lazy and not doing the work that it takes to find the truth
austoni balogn
I get a revelation for Gods word from the Holy Spirit on a regular basis. The Word of God is the medium through wich the Holy Spirit gives me a spirit of wisdom and revelation
Apokulipto- revelation.
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tthat is a false statement I suspect you read the Bible without understanding. When you read the Bible with understanding it comes alive with meaning. Find a good pasture that can feed your soul and the shepherd will take care of you
Polly, I know it is legally precarious for you to tell the entire truth in Canada, but the holocaust is a total fraud. Jews claimed an extermination of 6 million of them was taking place in the years around WW1 in Poland and Russia. They let that claim drop although the newspaper articles remain in the archives of NY Times and other [show more]
She knows.
I know she knows but she cannot say every thing she knows due to ZOG Canada.. .There may be some on this thread who don’t know, hence my comment.
Diary of Anne Frank was written in ball point pen
Penned by Helen Keller.
…and dictated.
If no Rothschilds died it wasn’t a holocaust
mele host
Amazing Polly you’re naive to the Talmud. The Talmud has always been wicked. It was created by those that dissented Moses/God’s 10 Commandments and proclaimed their own ways, becoming the scribed Talmud. Those people were the Golden Calf Worshippers during the Exodus. The Talmudists have always been a corrupting force and usually [show more]
I’m not seeing you “christians” killing off all the evil doers. Instead you “christians” are blessing gay marriage. At least muslims stand against their degeneracy and are willing to kill those evil doers.
This Christian doesn’t bless gay marriage. I don’t even go to a church, 99% are compromised. How many evil doers have you killed? Should be easier for non believers, no
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
“Fight only those who refuse to accept Islam or pay jizya”: Qatari Islamic Studies professor explains ‘peace & tolerance’ behind da’wa
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Zero Fucks Given
Hitler covered the truth about the Jews in his book better than anyone else has ever since. Just go there:
Many similarities between Weimar and Woke
Zero Fucks Given
Yup. When I read Mein Kampf I was blown away at the similarities between our world and what Hitler experienced in his young adulthood over 100 years ago.
Israel is fake nation, built on stolen land. Israel was formed by terrorists from The Irgun, which then became the government. Many Israeli Prime Ministers were Palestinian Residents, with Palestinian Passports (prior to 1948). Hitler gave many Jews money, and guns, to leave Germany, and go steal some Palestine, with Rothschild money, [show more]
God is a landsalesman don’t you know.
Amazing, only 14 million tribesmen, but all are camp survivors
they do the same to the blacks.
All their grand parents were slaves.
it’s a miracle! All those individual immaculate conceptions!
I wonder if these woketards will even realize you are talking about them.
I’ve been a Palestinian all my life -I grew up in Northern Ireland! A Catholic under Jewish and Sinn Fein Control!! MI5 NO MORE!!!!
I was at a dog park in Scottsdale, AZ not long after that event and a couple of a-rabs there were acting a little tense too, which in reality is not far from Riverside, CA
My parents came from Armagh and Ballycastle. May Ireland be truly free from this evil. God bless
You ALL need to listen to the 2007 Rabbi Marvin Antelmen interview from Israel. He wrote a book called “TO ELIMINATE THE OPIATE”. iF YOU CLICK MY NAME I HAVE THE INTERVIEW ON MY CHANNEL. IT’S HARD TO FIND.
What we are calling “)ews” came fron the Pagan Khazars. They lived where Ukraine and Turkey are in current time. They caused [show more]
The descendants of Cain are not Jews the ones that are Jews are the descendants of the brother Judah from the 12 tribes the other 11 are not Jews. This spiritual awakening going on for 6 years and you can’t even identify your enemy stupid
The End of Time Itself
Neither the inhabitants of Judea nor the blood line of Judah are true jews. Only non denominational Christians have been faithful to Christ.
ddo you
Perhaps this is all part of the Divide and Conquer … that’s always been going on. My Mom and Grandmother were Catholic … and it seems they both experienced a lot of these techniques … think Confession and Catholic is the only way and other stuff too. I taught English in South Korea in 2008 for 3 1/2 weeks. One day, all of a sudden, [show more
?nothing but trauma based mind control. Explains a lot. Thank you.
austoni balogne
Why was there a flood in the days of Noah
TTo remove the Bieber the Giants when the sons of God come from the heavens took the women in the Earth to wife and bear children they were trying to destroy the bloodline to Christ God put a stop to it
God said it was because of: And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence [show more]
Jews Admit they are Aliens from Another Galaxy
TThe descendants of Cain are hybrids half supernatural being half human their father is Satan
Jews(The fake ones)are the scourge on this earthlThe scourge that the woman’s head will crush with her heel!!!
Major news outlets are reporting that a Zombie virus is thawing out in the Russian Permafrost due to global warming. Are they about to flip on the 5G zombie frequencies?
Wow! Very dood summary and outline and with links to videos – thank you!
However, in the video about zombies the guy at the beginning kind of greeting and praising Babylonian god-entity ?
Polly check out Rick miricale on bitchute his channel is new world order exposed.and his series freemasonry and satanism but reviews very informative
He gives a lot of great info. he is a must see for me
both covid and vaccine where bioweapons created by jews to cull the goyim surplus
Ursula von soggybottom[comment removed by user]
You don’t like her exposing the jew lies?
At least you got the most basic part of the MKULTRA research about defining macros during dissociated trauma and calling or expanding them later at will correct.
Money and power is their God and nothing else matters to them. Nothing.
They Hate Us, Peter
– Yes I know but money is their way of getting even I suppose. Look at who runs/own all the pharmaceuticals and how they had millions injected with the poison juice.
How many times in their own words?
[show more]MULKEY
you have nice pupils Poll
Ur creepy
she does have nice pupils, tho.
The edomite jews have never been innocent victims.
Bigs facts
The End of Time Itself
“Before Abraham was, I am.” -Christ Jesus
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. -John 1:1 [show more]
…and then silicon rose up from the Earth, and the Word was made software.
“The Word” is a way of saying ‘information’ before Shannon.
Think you are looking for the etymolgy of the first names in the bible.
All generation. [show more]
Khazarian MOFOS.
God bless you you get i
Fuck the jews.
Being paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you
How about freeing the non Jews from tyrannical Jewish rule…There is a reason they have been kicked out of every country they have ever settled in..LIARS,CHEATS,THIEVES,TYRANTS,SUBVERSIVE ENEMIES OF FREE PEOPLES
Did you watch the video? I only ask because your statement seem like a response to the video’s title and no criticism of the actual content.
They are Khazarians…. CANAANITES.
I think that was the fastest comment section, I have ever seen.
I wonder why?
This is bullshit and you’re done
Are you threatening Polly? Sounds like it.
You are lost.
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
ye is not GOAT
Good take and nicely put.
If I am not mistaken, Adolph had fruitless discussions with the empire about allowing the Jews to have their homeland back in British controlled Palestine. I believe this occured circa 1936
He was pushed by Britain, Britain has been under control of Roschild Jews for almost millennium by now. So, Hitler agreed to send them their and even organized their departure to their fake Israel just to get rid of them and to clean Germany. The moral – never trust them, so he got stubbed into back by them as well
Yep, also because Hitler did not take or want money from the Rothschilds. He was coerced into war from both fronts. He did not invade Poland or Czech, he was trying to free Germans who were being persecuted there. Hitler also learned about the US Jew Plan (1941 Morganthau Plan) to exterminate and totally destroy the German people [show more]
A victim doesn’t find refuge in a host nation, Palestine, and immediately butcher, kill, steal, Destroy and bare false witness. THAT’S a terrorist
Every thought of men was evil and corruption of dna. Kind of like today.
Once there was a tribe of people [show more]
Let God be our guide. The Khazarian Mafia and the rest of the Judaism followers are guided by Satan. Great poem.
Free the communist Marxist,Zionist subversive, tyrant enemies of free speech,gun rights and a secure border? Free the Jews of Hollywood that pervert your children and bring you tranny library hour…Free the Jews that make up %2 of the population ,yet %75 of this administration…? How about we set them free in a gas chamber..
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
“Jesus either says so, or he said NO!”
Jesus is KING!
He is but not King of Jews as they lied about it. Jesus is not from Canaanite Babylonian bloodline. They wanted to hide themselves and kill Jesus.
Change the title of the video to
“Free Palestine”.
- View all 7 replies
How many photons did NASA receive from the Mars Rover?
Quote; “you’ll just do yourself a mischief.”.
Is that a “Threat”? [show more]
Damn you good we are spirit family amazing polly
have you been spending time with YE..he needs help also
pray for more discernment, Mike
The people connected are from Khazarian decent, it goes back centuries, thousands of years actually.
To avoid being slaughtered by the Russian king in AD600 for their disgusting practices they said they would follow Judaism but that was a lie, they worship lucifer. [show more]
Uss liberty
You ignorant bitch
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You evoke the name of the USS Liberty but you spell it sloppily without proper capitals? Strange. Almost like you’re a bullshit account. What exactly is ignorant about this video? Uss liberty
He is a jew that’s why he chose to sloppily write USS Liberty, similar how the jews sloppily attacked it. And now he attacks Polly for exposing his tribe.
You complain that Eichmann didn’t have a proper place in Israel for his trial
His hundreds of thousands of victims never even got a trial at all
Jews ( religion )never do anything wrong lol
Always innocent way before the holocaust happened right? Gtfoh
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
white lives matter
Jesus is King!
You should learn about the transfer agreement between Hitler and the Zionists. Lots of German Jews went to Palestine in the ’30s.
Palestine got the boobie prize.
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
ye did rong
ye broke innernet
ye loves hitler [show more]
I think that I might go through and re-learn European History. Why did they push WWII and Hitler so hard down our throats.. Why did they want the world to get involved in this war? I don’t trust a damn thing I’ve been taught now and I am realizing who the real enemies are. The “winners” of the war were really the bankers. Who [show more]
- View all 15 replies
You have no idea how refreshing comments like yours are to me. By the sounds of it, I’m like 1 week ahead of you in my real realization that coincidences always seem to flow one direction. If you nose what I’m sayin? Read about the dual citizens in Congress and Senate for further punctuation.
Dual Citizenship, as in…. Citizens of 2 different Countries??? WTF is THAT?? How can they take an oath to the American Constitution if they are Citizens of another Country??? I’m going to check this out. This is INSANE!!! (Nice to meet you by the way!! I love like minded people, especially since I’m around uninformed tards all day!! lol)
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
ye did rong
ye broke innernet
ye loves hitler [show more]
You ***JEWS*** are the whore of babylon.
In one day your judgement will come, because in you was found every sort of rotting flesh and unclean being. [show more]
- View all 6 replies
My name begins with;
“Spintronic”, and ends with “Sqrt-1”. [show more]
Jews are not the 12 tribes of Israel. Jews are Babylonian Talmudic entities by artificially created by their god – snake. So, Christians and Christianity has nothing to do with Talmudic Jews – another lie fabricated to hide themselves under the pretense of being Israelites
Damn Khazarians!
The End of Time Itself
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
ye did rong
ye broke innernet
ye loves hitler [show more]
There is only one thing the jews are chosen for….
Thank God he hasn’t chosen the same for you…
Fuck you Polly. You are an agent of the evil Jews
austoni balogne
thats mean
Uss liberty
fuck you
Mad Vlad From*Russia*2*Crushya
Mam! —> The world need to be De-Jew-NiLized
What is a diaspora? Is it imaginary or real? What are you talking about?
- View all 7 replies from Amazing Polly and 6 others
Lol ? AI Jew parasite insults Polly. Typical for AI-J kind
You have no idea how relieved I was when Amazing Polly turned out not to be a Tim Pool…Whew.
Psyops on psyops. It’s psyopseption
plandemicsupreme247 ✟
ye did rong
ye broke innernet
ye loves hitler [show more]
- View all 3 replies
You are from your father the devil.
Cast a mill stone around your neck.
Uss liberty
not those who deny Christ fool
Why don’t you cover the Holodomor and the real perpetrators of the Bolshovic revolution who MURDERED millions upon millions of Christians.
- View all 7 replies
Holodomor was The REAL Holocaust and it’s time to avenge that crime.
Aly X
how fake the Hollowhoax is
The jooze run everything
With lose you lose.
You spelled ruin wrong.
Judaism isnt a religion, or an ethnicity, nor is it a cult. Its a mafia poly… Youve ducked it a long time… Call it what it is. La cos a nostra
- View all 8 replies
Aly X
Russia can blow up the Rome with just a sneeze.
I heard the Pope is Communist rather than a Nazi. Christianity was a deception all along anyway. The first Pope Paul was actually a Jew and his original name was Saul. [show more]
Paul was a Benjaminite living in Judea, but they referred to all of Judea residents as Jews. Back then „Jews“ were Judeans, the Pharisees and religion taught in the Temple was Babylonian after they returned from captivity in Babylon with a greater revelation and was the „roots“ that became Judaism. Not of God, not what Jesus was [show more]
WW1 was the real ‘Holocaust’ nothing in human history even comes close.
- View all 14 replies
There are so many untold histories of Genocide by Jews. Have you heard of the Morganthau Plan (American JEW), the extermination of GERMANS by the Jews. Bolscheviks ordered by Jewish leadership raped and murdered 2 million plus German women and children from 1945-1947. Look that one up (not on mainstream media though. Maybe BitChute.
And the biggest attempt of all. The genocide jabs.
JeSus Is A JeW
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Jesus was The Christ (The True Christ). His Father is not of this world (physical world); this is not our world.
Rabbi in the language of the Jeews at that time meant both Teacher and Master. But Jesus was definitely not teaching anyone from the Babylonian Talmud. His father was God, not a Jew. His mother was chosen based on her line from David (long before anyone was referred to as being a „Jew“. David was King to Isreal (all 12 Tribes). [show more]
The Peace of Jerusalem is a euphemism for All The Gentiles Are Dead.
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No they dont.
Judas ran away like a child, hung himself, and “Noisely Burst”.
There is a point when “No Forgiveness” is possible.
They sinned against the “Holy Spirit”. [show more]
With all this immigration being aloud everywhere in the west, shall we all get on the dingy to Monaco, you know because we all want better lives too right?
hehehehehehehehehehehehehe …..HOLY fuckin shitballs Polly ,……Damn !!!!!! THE fuckin HEEB fucks ARE God damn fucking up ALL of us Christian Gentile’s World UP now BIG FUCKIN TIME ……..just sayin Polly ……DAMN !!!!
These people have no ideology other than wealth and power, they just use ideology for manipulation like the Bolsheviks now it’s progressivism which is really just a cover to bring in a technocracy and solidify their power globally.
The Bolscheviks were Jews. After WW2, they organized and tortured, raped and murdered over 2 MILLION German civilians (women and children). I am sure that was not reported anywhere. When a jew opens his or her mouth, out comes vile LIES so that is what we know about history, LIES because they own what is published or programmed [show more]
Cure for psoriasis, Herpesvirus, COPD, Diabetes, Arthritis, HPV, prostate
have you used it? how much does it cost?
They need to be taken down a peg. That’s for sure. That 6 million number is horseshit and everybody knows it.. There’s no reason they should get away with the Covid-bioweapon shot. War crimes, for sure. This is a war. A silent war, with quiet weapons. Anybody involved in this whether they call themselves Jew, Mason or anything else, [show more]
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I’ll take a baker’s dozen of them delicious shrunken head cookies.
When that time comes Freemasons and Jesuits must be burned alive inside their synagogues to their jahbaalon.
NameTheJew VIdeo Archives
The Jew is behind every evil in the world. Like a rock sitting for years, kick it over worms come crawling out. That is the Juden. – Joseph Goebbels
ASH KI ****NAZI***.
Now you and I are ENEMIES.
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Excited for it to come out how KoM CATholic knight sHitler betrayed Germany.
National socialists were 100% correct about Jews
austoni balogne
Jesus love the little children, all the children of the world
red and yellow black and white they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.
- View all 4 replies
Uss liberty
He don’t love Jews
I agree. But it’s pedophile.
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Frankish ? Georgeous, beauty & brains
Every jew is, it’s called Sayanim.
A Video saying “FREE THE JEWS”
[show more]···
Da’ Jews
Revelation 2:9
“… I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not…”
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And I will make them bow at your feet and tell them I love you.
Yes, they are „chosen“ alright.
nomad hatter
free the MR SMITHS the western slave citizens under consignee birth bonds DR SMITH wants your soul.
Mad Vlad From*Russia*2*Crushya
Give me hope that there are still beautiful smart and witty women out there
There’s no such thing as a “poor” Jew. The only power we need to worry about is Jewish power. It was the Jews yesterday, it’s the Jews today, and it will be the Jews tomorrow. They are the eternal enemy of Logos.
- View all 18 replies
Aly X
Ivanka Trump believes so
Ivanka is a money-hungry traitor to humanity. for the love of money is the root of all evil.
Polly you are a truly amazing truth warrior .
God bless
This nonsense
They are trying to make the Jews the victims as usual
[show more
Typical jew response.
Oh shit you said the J word….lol
The End of Time Itself
Always name the jew.
No. They are use to being catered to and told there better than everybody else and by other races that helped feed that ego and there so one sided, that they believe they are entitled to us defending them and that they have the morale high ground to punish us if we decide to defend ourselves equally racially. They need to be brought [show more]
WolfWerx – Fe’ral Agents
And Evangelicals continue to shield them as ‘God’s Chosen’. How precious
WolfWerx – Fe’ral Agents
Yiddish spit talkers. Disgusting finding one self on an airplane full of them.
OMG… I was just thinking, “I wish Polly would post a video… I could get in to it”… and BOOM, here you are!! I LOVE when that happens!! Good times!! lol
Based Qtard…
“lets talk about your health”…
The End of Time Itself
Request denied. Fuck the jews. Are jews guilty? Lets listen to the testimony of Jews censoring without Pro-Se Litigation.
Not Italians are in the mafia and not all Jews are bad but the one’s that are and their Zionist friends ( like 99% of the leader’s in our government) have caused 97% of the Evil in society.
You can find it in several places. Talking to the Pharisees: This is from Bible Gateway KJV:
Matthew 3:7
But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? [show more]
The New Testament was written hundreds of years after the life of Jesus, by people who never knew him, spoke to him, etc. If you actually research how the New Testament was written, there were quite a number of submissions that were not accepted by the ‘editors’ of the New Testament, for example, the Infant Prophecies, where it [show more]
A4PLAYJUNKIE via bitsli
Bless you and yours, Polly.
#You JEWS Kill Kanye You JEWS declare wa
To late that’s koonyes clone on the world stage now.
Are you a retard? What Ye is doing is about opening a conversation of what the Jewish elite are doing. I can now see whites like Polly are not doing anymore self-censorship when talking about Jews. You should be thankful to Ye.

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You would think Robert Lifton (Jewish) would know about his religious/ethnic kindred Sidney Gottlieb directing Mkultra. Polly chose Lifton to use as a source for trauma brainwashing without knowing his deep background in promoting certain crap—on behalf of the Globalists (smirk!).