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BOOM! Ye is revealing the method. I go over the symbol that got him banned & the tentacles that come off of it. This is DEEP! Can you support my channel? Click Here:

#amazingpolly #kanye #israel #raelians #GreatReset

Webmaster Comment:  Amazing/Awesome Polly hits it out of the part again!   Cults (Judaism/Raelianism, etc.) plus technocracy = Great Reset = Tikkun Olam (Hebrew word for “repairing the world”), that is, UN Agenda 2030 and Antichrist Kingdom.   I especially liked the part about the Jewish Hungarian physicists who called themselves “The Martians.”  To tie this in with AmazingPolly’s previous video entitled “Save the Jews” (Appendix 157)….

Of course, Rael (Claude Vorilhon), like the leaders of all New Age cults who claim to be gods, is Jewish.  Texe Marrs documents this fact in several books he wrote about the New Age movement.

Epigraph Quote from Comments:


paradism is the life that jews want after they rid the world of all non jews (goyim). If you didn’t know, now you do.


think Borg, hive mind controlled by one being.

Symbol of Raelism cult movement.  From wikipedia:

Raëlism,[a] also known as Raëlianism or Raelian Movement is a UFO religion founded in 1970s France by Claude Vorilhon, now known as Raël.[b] Scholars of religion classify Raëlism as a new religious movement. The group is formalised as the International Raëlian Movement (IRM) or Raëlian Church, a hierarchical organisation under Raël’s leadership.

Raëlism teaches that an extraterrestrial species known as the Elohim created humanity using their advanced technology. An atheistic religion, it holds that the Elohim have historically been mistaken for gods. It claims that throughout history the Elohim have created 40 Elohim/human hybrids who have served as prophets preparing humanity for news about their origins. Among them are The Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad, with Raël himself the 40th and final prophet. Raëlists believe that since the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945, humanity has entered an Age of Apocalypse in which it threatens itself with nuclear annihilation. Raëlism holds that humanity must find a way to harness new scientific and technological development for peaceful purposes, and that when this has been achieved the Elohim will return to Earth to share their technology with humanity and establish a utopia. To this end, Raëlians have sought to build an embassy for the Elohim that incorporates a landing pad for their spaceship. Raëlians engage in daily meditation, hope for physical immortality through human cloning, and promote a liberal ethical system with a strong emphasis on sexual experimentation.

Raël first published his claims to have been contacted by the Elohim in his 1974 book Le Livre Qui Dit La Verité. He subsequently established an organisation devoted to promoting his ideas, MADECH, which in 1976 disbanded and was replaced by the Raëlian Church. Raël headed the new organisation, which was structured around a hierarchy of seven levels. Attracting more followers, the group obtained a country estate in France before relocating its operations to Quebec. In 1998, Raël established the Order of Angels, an internal all-female group whose members are largely sequestered from wider society and tasked with training themselves to become the Elohim’s consorts. In 1997 Raël initiated Clonaid, an organisation engaged in research in human cloning directed by senior Raëlian Brigitte Boisselier. In 2002, the company claimed to have produced a human clone, a baby named Eve, bringing much critical scrutiny and media attention. The Movement has attracted further attention through its public protests endorsing causes such as women’s and gay rights and against nuclear testing.

    • mritamira

      wow, its giving more sense now whats going on! Thank you for your amazing work, Polly


      Keep God’s laws or burn forever! ♨️

    • Free Bird

      The star of Remphan is a symbol associated with the god Moloch – Saturn.


      We think alike. Enough said.


    • fivepoint54

      Great information. To bad people like myself are unaware of these facts. I like the way you put these facts together.


      Psyops often present us with the scripted bs so we continuously discuss it going nowhere. Instead of wasting your time here learn something.
      Google: Downloads from Archaix. Begin with the video about Prester John to find out the history of what is upon us.
      Google: Quantum Of Conscience. com. Google: A Reality Few Can See chapter [show more]


      You are so far behind. We all finished with that shit. Go somewhere else with your retarded version of things. You think you know something but you don’t even know that you don’t know. Stop being a detractor and contribute something of value other than comments that attempt to patronise and divide


      so you finished all that did you. Why would you have ever taken it up in the first place. Stop wasting time here with this Musk and whatever his name is. This is all scripted psyop bs designed for psyop agents to keep the conspiracy crowd occupied. Psychological warfare.
      I have directed many people to the video: Amazing Polly Is [show more]


      China is the absolute WORST example! They pollute constantly more than anyone else on the face of the earth!


      Great video–check out this short video about El Elyon’s grandfather. Then check out other videos by a woman who says she was Elon’s “babysitter” way back when. I’ve listened to several.of her videos and I have no reason to think she’s lying. She may be MK Ultra’d, however. Crazy stuff, but I’ve always been suspicious of EM. You [show more]

    • Billy Boy

      The zombie apocalypse is here just look around! Are you prepared with the basic preps? Take the test here to see if you’ll survive.. > <


      MUST SEE!! Do you think this lion got the Jab?


      Communism is “man’s” plan of salvation (utopia) without God.




      About 3.5% Trolls on Rumble. Much lower than several months ago. The leftist must be running low on fiat currency. Would Soros pay his useful-idiot Trolls with gold or Silve


      Awesome job thanks!!!


      What could be on Joe Biden’s wrist?…

      &This Soap ^Causes All Kinds of Cancer and &Everyone Uses It Daily….


      Ecclesiastes 1:1-5 (KJV) The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. The [show more]


      Thank you Wwg1wgA….?


      Hegelian Dialectic.


      The symbol is not originally Raelian… It is an ancient one…


      WeChat that all Chinese use needs your national ID card for verification. Think about that….


      Hi Polly love your work. Please take a look at this and once you receive it please delete.


      The physical divine presence of Allah is hidden by the freemasons and the WEF ellites. The exact location is inside a tunnel in Switzerland. The tunnel is part of Gothard tunnels. The entrance is supposed to be near Sedrun. Share so people know!


      Excellent work Amazing Polly…again, thank you very much
      looks like a very interesting future..for some


      Lordy, pointing out we’ve/we’re being played.
      Devil’s getting smarter all the time has been used btw.
      oh looky, icons used. :-


      When powers that be realized that ‘boomers that pro-created wants, their foot was in the door for whatever.
      Vets did a great job hoodwinked to war. Millions died by proxy wars. (guess who)
      [show more]


      the devil is not smarter –he is desperate and is in a panic —he knows his future —is written


      Social warfare as substitute for class warfare, the idea of “progress” its trojan horse… eh


      Netanyahu -Cashless Slaves.

      • nuni

        Turks invented the killshot and brag about it. Muslims.


        This is a “war” people, it’s not a regular war where people shoot people for nothing or whatever, it’s an information war, that is why you have to educate yourself about it and understand where you stand, whom to follow, educate others, and stay positive and also pray for humanity.


        You are so aaaaamaaaazing Polly, I love you..


        ah thanks Polly! This makes such a lot of sense. I was wondering what the meaning was of Ye and Musk. I cannot trust these guys for some reason. Now, this was the reason. Something is so off about them both. It was this! The new age / NWO shizzle!


        We must do our best to resist these movements to control and enslave us. One of the practical things we can do today to fight the upcoming cashless society is by using cash for payments and insisting, where possible, on others using cash transactions. It’s a first step in our resistance. I don’t want my children and grandchildren to be slaves!!


        No money makes for lazy parasitic people. Money ensures that everyone works for their daily sustenance.


        We were born of a God, we’re all God’s children, the way the World is at present will be no more, we were lied to all our lives, we were robbed of living the life that God intended, but I can assure you all, this World will be ours again soon, you better believe that…


        Well Polly, you nailed it again. There’s also a patent for injectable nanotech which can broadcast/transmit through human bones. Which must have been a hindrance. The patent you revealed also ties into others that have been developed to facilitate payment/debit and credits. Let’s say, a laborer is ordered to dig a ditch, when his [show more]


        Dear Polly, an outstanding investigation! Thank you. I am so glad I watched your video otherwise I would have dismissed Kanye’s logo without a second thought. Mr Musk sure is a busy boy, and not in the good way. I look forward to your next video. x


        paradism is the life that jews want after they rid the world of all non jews (goyim) . If you didn’t know, now you do .

        people are flirting with all parts of the “plan” they just havn’t put all the parts together yet , wait for it .


        Raelian Cult sounds pretty childish. Who”ll teach those who give healthcare continuouslt -free? who will produce food forever, free? America tried these ideals with communes in the 60’s (not me personally, but) & failure comes with time. Capitalism makes societies meaningful & productive. .-‘No one likes Klaus anyway’ (LOL). but [show more]


        So if the media is controlled by Zionist Jews like YE says why does the Media give him so much attention every dam day? They could have swept him under the rug like they do many important stories daily and never again mentioned his name. Unless Ye is controlled opposition, then this makes sense

        Amazing polly. As always


        Polly, you never disappoint!


        Still don’t like when almost everyone chooses to speak as though transhumanism, CBDC, ect, are all a forgone conclusion. Please remember words have power so choose wisely.


        SNOPES is a tool for misinf…


        Reminds me of the movie Logan’s Run


        Why do we need underground cables and cell towers with thousands of communication satellites in orbit?


        I can’t imagine why…


        Satellites in a row is odd. ~ I’ve been instant messaging new pals made down under from top side Land of Lincoln since 2008, same as down the block, quick as a hiccup. ~ ha, I always meant to try and find how that is accomplished. Cable from USA to Oz under the sea(s)?


        Could the antics of the antichrist cult get any more bizarre than it already is? Amazing how many have sold out and are on the path to destruction. The illusion and lies they put out are meant to trick and fool. The secrets are ugly.


        Very well done as always


        Stop the world, I want to get off this crazy ride ?‍♂️

        Research for Yourself

        POLLY: Great booms!!!
        Tikun Olam is rooted in Jewish Kabbalah. I HIGHLY recommend a fantastic, in depth book by Deanne Loper called “Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know”. Even if one isn’t a Chris, it is full of need-to-know info for understanding this full agenda. Transgenderism is part of tikun olam!


        Those people must have watched “The Legends of Atlantis” and took it waaay too much to heart lol…


        Hi Polly, this is weird, ALL RAPPERS ARE GAY HIP-HOP FULLY EXPOSED –

    • LEGACY11

      IMO, Elon is using many of the cabal’s same exact covert ‘tricks of adv/marketing’ to assist in exposing the dark censorship tactics & destructive mind control techniques that have plagued / destroyed the free speech absolutists & truth seekers on Twitter. Elon’s Twit platform has the power & ability to literally ‘flip’ every one [show more]


      And yet the “amnesty” has still not taken place for anyone but the OGs (original gatekeepers.)

      This Ye thing is obviously fake. Ignore and move on

      Because Ye is taken way too seriously. He is a musician. He has appeared very mind controlled at times. He showed up with CIA gatekeeper Alex Jones with basically a stocking over his head. How can you take any of this seriously?

      Right. So we’re to believe AJ was fined a bil+ for Sandy Hook twaddle? (faked to say “looky what can happen?)
      eep! Now we’ve some My Pillow guy now as politician grooming us for next up to bat?

      The Dobermans

      The Social Security and Birth Certificate system turned people in to corporations and issued money to the central banks for their formation. The population goes up, the inflation goes up. One thing I don’t think they have done is remove moneys that were issued for corporations (people) who are no longer active (dead). Inflation stops [show more]


      Mr. Rael doesn’t even know how to present himself in a manner that makes us think we should take him seriously? Or is that intentional? If he just put on a Hawaiian shirt or something, anything that doesn’t look like an undergarment, it would make SO much difference in how legitimate he looks. Maybe he wants most people to not take him seriously though?


      Symbolism will be their downfall.


      Polly, digest this vid or, at the very minimum watch from 1:12:50 to the end. Then research the Frankfurt School, formerly the Institute for Social Research. In 1933, Germany had a new Chancellor, Adolph Hitler. The school founders, ZJews, elected to move from Germany knowing the new Chancellor [show more]


      Polly, you really get to the heart of things. All of humanity need to know this. Thank you.



      Amazing Polly

      Thank you, watching now!


      RA-EL. Symbolism, as usual.
      Learn their comms.

      ba len ci aga = do what you want
      baal enci aga = baal is king [show more]


      That is really something indeed. Makes a lot of sense.


      Thanks Polly, you are so amazing, and I have to say, there is nobody else like you…


      I saw somewhere that his wife did a shoot for Balenciaga covered the exact same way. I assumed he was referencing that.


      @Amazing Polly They are both African symbols! “One is As Above So Below” represented by a triangle pointing up “As Above” or the universe (heaven) and “So below” is the idea of bringing heaven on earth! As above so below! It has only been know as the star of David After the 4th century. The other sign is as old or older than the [show more]

      Motivation & Success

      The White Rabbit Podcast 001 – Bonhoeffer’s Theory of Stupidity, The Jews, & The Sheep


      TAVISTOCK still in operations , ELON at BURNING MAN … WHATS UNDER BURNING MAN ? Loosh energy stealing …


      WHO’S GONNA SEW YOU A NEW Wife-beater Rael??


      Carolann 6081….. star of Rephaim [Nephilim connect] + symbol of “spirituality” <swastika> combined into 1 visual expression to match baphomet Duality Theme. “Secret Doctrine” book was on whose nightstand long ago?

      H. P. Blavatsky, the swastika or svastika is “most sacred and mystic symbol”. It is a pure spiritual symbol. Theosophy [show more]


      Maybe one day people will realize that the rich and very powerful jews that run the world are, always have been, and always will be the nazis.
      “They say they are jews but they lie”. Revelation 3:9


      They’re commies, not nazis. Learn your political terms, please.
      Rev 3:9 is spot on though. They are the serpent seed of Satan.

      Wetiko Whomper

      They’re both perversions of the originals. It’s countermimicry. “As above: so below” has been hijacked by new age believers just the same as technology has been by Transhumanists. To better understand what Polly is outlining here, I highly recommend three books:

      “Not In His Image” by John Lash [show more


      Love your mind Polly


      They really want the humans gone.




      Polly should really look into the works of Brendon O’Connell and the multipolar world order. Aleksandr Dugin’s “The Forth Political Theory” needs to be understood as a blueprint. He’s also a Luciferian Satanic Marxist crazy person but, unfortunately, has Putin’s ear as does Vladislav Surkov. Polly does a great job connecting dots. [show more]


      excuse me but what? How many Dugin books have you read? He is one of the political greatest strategist of our times. His latest book is called Great Reset vs Great Awakening. In that he argues nominalism directly leads to all the social engineering, transhumanism and ultinmately the cease of humanity. He tries to unite all fractions [show more]


      But, no one needs Dugin for a Goddamned thing. Leave races and historical lands that are Europe, Scandinavia, Ireland and such alone. White people have worked out their differences for 10’s of thousands of years. The real problem are the Jewish central bankers and their Ponzi scheme of usury. Dugin doesn’t look at that, does he? [show more]

    • shinobi_yogi

      The symbol that the swastika was based on is an ancient symbol, far older than the Nazi’s.

      Elizabeth G

      Interesting, at prophecy conferences in the early 1980’s and forward we were warned about all of this stuff. The LORD made sure many of us were prepared.

    • shinobi_yogi

      Ye may be just another MK Ultra’d victim… However, he may be trying to prove multiple points.

    • shinobi_yogi

      Ye may have created the symbol without knowing about the crazy cult stuff, he may actually know the history of each symbol before they were combined. The swastika being an ancient Buddhist symbol. Combining both would be a direct symbol of the message Ye was sending. He was saying love everyone. The type of love followers of Jesus should seek to be.


      Al of th evil on earth need to dragged out into the open, and shot in the heads, then kicked into a hole and have their dna burned to ashes! problem solved!~!!!!!!!!!

    • Mukza

      “Ye” is a narcissist, he is a pawn just like mostshinobi_yogi

    • Meditation is a very enriching practice. Hippies actually have a lot right.


      Nothing wrong with “as above, so below”, it’s another way of saying “as in heaven, so it shall be no earth” What we do on higher planes affects lower planes, simple law of nature.

    • Giarc66

      All of these so called leaders calling for a one world govt? What is the deal, they are giving up their own power, their own countries history and uniqueness NO? Makes me think more and more that the people calling for this are not human but just herders.


      Polly… Ever heard of Project Blue Bird? MK Ultra style CIA business. Twitter is modern Project Bluebird.
      Love your videos as always ?❤️

    • Departer
      [comment removed by user]

      No. He is still wearing Balenciaga…

    • @andymoss52

      tesla backwards is alset meaning creativity also david did not have a star its the star of Remphan


      Polly, do you know the work of Paul Hellyer. He died but in the 60’s he was Canada’s defense minister. He insisted that an alien species was behind the curtain in Washington. He wrote books about this until he died in his 90’s. Also, I wonder if these mov’ts are a way to get humans off their scent.


      Imagine being so insufferable that you have been kicked out of 109 countries, consolidated control of major financial/academic/media institutions in the US, and made up an exaggerated genocide narrative to guilt trip people into supporting you and you use your institutional power to frame any dissent against it as the ultimate crime [show more]

      A Living Singularity

      World War 3 – History and Prophecy (2022) – 3h movie:
      Higher video quality:

    • basilwatson

      Unity of the opposites, freemason manta , Same group of satanic nut jobs that have been through history since 43 bc ,,, nowt has changed

      • Amazing Polly

        I have never come across that before, thank you. “Unity of the Opposites.” totally fits!


        “Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war. They are the incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as noble, beautiful, and worth keeping. For that reason alone [show more]


        The Torah or Talmud, not sure which, says Whites should be dead. Basically.


        Some Hindu representatives have recently said they wanted to reclaim the swastika symbol which was stolen by the Nazis.

    • Shlomo_Gaslightowitz

      the jewish genital mutilation cult is categorically evil
      there may be good jews, like there are good rats, but simply by virtue of being jewish they should be exterminated


      Most amercians are just brainwashed idiots. Golems
      They will drag us down to Hell


      The Martians may refer to people that were in their colony in Mars. There is a lot of talk about colonies in Mars. Maybe they were born in Mars.


      did you know that the medical system is broken beyond repair….
      if you want to do research into the cause of disease and how to prevent it you get no funding, more likely you get assassinated….. but if you want to use toxic chemicals to poison people you get all the funding you want………. [show more]

    • We need to remember that celebs are actually losers. They are good at playing pretend and making noises with their mouths. They have no other skills. If you left Ye and/or any other celebrity in the forest for three days, they would die before they even started making a shelter. Yet, people pretend that these people are special.


      This is one of the best videos you’ve done in a while.
      It’s pretty clear now that ‘Organised Crime’ has very little to do with Sicilians and that at some point in the last couple of hundred years, the REAL mafia took over EVERYTHING and that everything we’re told is a LIE.

    • Lansaidwords

      These are very important pieces you are putting together here.  One of my first “red pills” back in the early 90s, was a book by Ralph Epperson, titled “the New World order“, [show more]


      Yeah, it’s a great video. So rare to get this density of information with so little filler.

      Amazing Polly

      thank you Lansaidwords – I might have that book here at home (I get sent a lot of books so I forget some of the ones I have!) I’ll have a look


      1. A proposition that is maintained by argument.
      2. A dissertation advancing an original point of view as a result of research, especially as a requirement for an academic degree. [show more]

    • Jmallard

      The birthright of the isrealites, is not afforded to jews, those who say they are but are not, find out where the “lost” tribes are…..a clue, they are not in the , or on the land mass called Isreal


      I think Kanye is exposing them and trolling at the same time.


      It’s difficult to know exactly where he is. You get the feeling that he could switch sides at any moment. Any of them could. The logo is a top troll all the same. And it’s lead our illustrious researcher to produce a top-notch video here.


      Musk’s appealing to conservatives is a move that shouldn’t be under estimated. The majority of the world are not blue haired liberals. Most want to have families, provide food for them, and live in a safe environment.
      If Musk can, in a autistic way, get people on his side, the masses will follow him off a cliff. He will be the new [show more]

    • Jumping_Jesus

      This guy Rael is a moron.

    • Jumping_Jesus

      Kanye is pushing the UN’s One World Religion concepts. He’s the tool of tools.


      Amazing Polly 999freemind .(Saint George) he was a soldier in the Roman army. Saint George was a soldier of Cappadocian Greek origin and member of the Praetorian Guard for (Roman) emperor. hmm nice bit of black and white you have on checkmate.


      dont do DRUGS when on DRUGS..,,,,,,, DRUGS only make it worse


      That swastika symbol has been in use since at least the Roman’s, some of the tribes were using it during their trek to Crimea

      Calen Tanner Lightheart

      since ancient India and ancient America, far older than Rome!


      I thought Rael was the imperial aerosol kid ?




      Elon is Christopher Reeves kid


      I just learned Elon has two sets of twins and a set of triples in his offspring ……..hmmm ….. ?


      999 freemind nice bit of black and white going on there Polly dolly . According to tradition he was a soldier in the Roman army. (Saint George) was a soldier of Cappadocian Greek origin and member of the Praetorian Guard for Roman emperor


      Brilliant work. Now you know why Musk flipped out.


      Email Leaks: Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs Regularly Communicated With Twitter Telling Them Who To Censor.
      FBI Lawyer James Baker INVOLVED [show more]


      Nazis all over . left and right even in Amazing polly. no wonder the world supposed to gather against Israel so Yehowah can destroy them.


      Elon has made his own phone also because Apple wanted to ban Twitter

      Amazing Pilly!


      Isn’t Rael the name of the city within which the great Cthulhu sleeps?


      It’s also the thelema symbol is star trek but doing as above so below thing crossing into hollywood.


      I wonder if they call themselves Martians because they foment wars. Mars after all was the god of war in the Roman pantheon.

      In any event what they are proposing is the materialization of the spirit as described by the Jesuit priest philosopher, Teilhard de Chardin, in his books, The Phenomenon of Man and The Future of Man.

      • Amazing PollyRob1966

        actually I think HG Wells’ book the Open Conspiracy is really relevant to what we’re seeing today


        Certainly Wells was a member of the so called elites who are presently seeking to rule the world in the Age to come. As Polly has said, his book The Open Conspiracy describes the situation we are in. George Orwell in his novel 1984 also writes accurately on the same topic. He worked for MI6 during WWII and was privy to the plans the would be rulers have for us.




        “Nazi” was a slang term used by a Jewish man named Konrad Heiden to denigrate the NSDAP before they even took power.
        “Nazi” comes from the barvarian word “ignatz” which in English roughly means “dumb country folk” or “simpleton”. Contrary to popular misconception “Nazi” is not an abbreviation for “Nazionalsozialistische”.
        [show more]


        What a crock of shit. Caucasian German AshkeNAZI Jews took over the NSDAP and turned it into the Nazi party. The Top Brass where all AshkeNAZI Jews the Germans involved obliviously took and followed orders.


        Dear fucking retards,
        David did NOT have a star, that is the star of Remphan you utter and complete dolts.


        That’s an assumption. The Star of Remphan is mentioned in the Bible but there’s no description of it.


        We are living in the day of revelation that Jesus told us would come in Matthew 24. The insane rulers are being exposed for what they are and what they plan. This is waking the world up. We are being prepared for His Second Coming. The coming of the Kingdom of God is what I am focusing on and looking forward to. The more insane the world becomes the closer we are to His appearing.lightandoften

    • Ben Hecht PERFIDY, the zionists are the Nazis ( not sees)


      Yes. The clue is in the word ‘Ashkenazi’.


      1Chronicles 1:6: “The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah”. The appellation Ashkenazi comes from the great-grandson of Noah, Ashkenaz, who is believed to have migrated to the region known today as Poland. It has nothing to do with the word Nazi which was coined by a Jewish journalist in the 1930’s as a pejorative derivation [show more]


      Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis did not originate with Marx but with the German philosopher Hegel.

      Amazing Polly

      lol *sigh* if you go back and watch that part you’ll see that I actually stopped and changed the word I used because I *KNEW* someone would ‘correct’ me. I mean.. grow up.

    • Predictprogram

      I’m halfway through it, it’s really interesting. The only thing I don’t see mentioned yet is that this duality you’re mentionning reminds me of Freemasonry, the black and white, “as above do below”, the inversion of roles etc… It’s funny to think that Rael was really a meme in France before the internet, and nobody saw how similar [show more]

      Amazing Polly

      I meant to pick up the ‘as above so below’ thread but the vid got long. There is so much more I wanted to say! Thanks for putting it in the comment section. 🙂


      I believe Ye did this on purpose. Songwriters understand puns (the synthesis of two or more meanings in one word). Ye knows a lot. He may be scattered — or should I say poetic — in the way the ideas come out, but IMO he is as true a Christian as you can get. Is “Ye” itself shebollah? (sorry, spelling; do i even have the word right) Is Rael –> Isreal???


      Grimes is EM’s gf.
      She wrote these lyrics: [show more]


      The so called star of David is actually the star of Remphan.
      Acts 7:43
      Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

      mele host

      Poly adheres to indoctrinated history of Jews. The real truth is Christians are the Hebrews and the Jews the troublemaking Edomite/Canaanites and their adoptive Ashkenazim.

    • Star_one

      IS-RA-EL is made up of three gods Isis, Ra the sun god, and EL the god of Genesis, the Elohim.
      RA-EL is Ra the sun god and EL the god of Genesis without the feminine Isis.
      ELon is son of EL.


      Isra-El is Hebrew for God rules.


      think Borg, hive mind controlled by one being.

    • kingdaddy2019@

      I LOVE you JESUS.


      If WE all click the “Like” button, are WE not playing into the PLAN …


      Polly, please look into and do a video on the strange deaths; where people raise their arm and spin round before falling. And the link to Optogenetics.


      This is easy star_one they are trying to fight the spirits that are carrying them away. Do you remember the movie Ghost, or something similar to that. Have you ever watched someone dying in peace, they don’t even want to look away from the light when they are leaving. Pray for everyone you know. Blessings

    • Positively Revolting Hag

      The Woman-Hating Right and Left
      [show more]

    • LagomorphSS

      So, Mr. Musk has nine children. So happy for him! Is that part of the measurement of his carbon footprint, or are billionaires not subject to such scrutiny.

      mele host

      NO there is no Jewish worship of the Christian God of the Bible. Newbie error 1. Jews are people of the Talmud, a fake faith.


      RAELIANS Is an anagram An Israel.


      A swastika, a six pointed star and that cross over Polly’s right shoulder all have the same root. They symbolize the same thing. What that is has been forgotten/obscured for the most part, but those who are running things know precisely what they mean. Their power comes from it.


      God is the only one with real power, don’t forget that.


      God said we have to work, by the sweat of our brow, we need to work, not working makes us lazy and we become mindless.


      Odin fills us with righteous frenzy and courage. I agree, Odin said nothing of the sort.


      We can go to the gym instead..

    • russtanner

      Pulling many threads together fantastically, as usual. Thank you Polly.


      Thanks, nice work Polly. Purely diabolical… it’s becoming more clear why the Old Testament tells about all the “gods” people were following back in the O.T. days. I always thought the people to be totally foolish who followed these “strange gods”.
      I still do! lol

    • TimTurnstone

      Elon showing his “hive mind” ..Issac kappy spoke of the black cube or something like that that epstein was involved with. Yes the “dead” jeffrey epstein…

    • GammaD

      You know, it starts to feel like a set up. They propose all of these ideas that I think are positive, like being a better steward of our resources by tracking the use of it, but then they make this great thing REALLY scary by binding it to their dark overlord government. If it weren’t for the fact that any corrupt maniac with access [show more]


      Good research Polly. Love you. Keep up the amazing work. AND…don’t let the bastards get ya down

    • NvsblSearcher

      Kanye was wearing a Gimp mask! This study is so FULL There is brilliance in playing the fool? No wonder Q said “nothing is as it seems”


      Whoops, i just pooped out two galaxys

    • Tinkler2

      Great Digging Polly . We know these secret societies us symbolism extensively to signal to their members.
      If you understand Astrology well you realise that the swastika is showing the major human motivational aspects of the system.  Astrology is a real phenomena As a part of the reincarnation evolutionary and survival and stabilisation [show more]


      Do not be fooled Tinkler2, it’s good to understand these things but watch what you follow. Everything that is good is within you. Emmanuel (one with God) Our Father is written in your DNA.

    • Kirsty@nne

      I think your amazing polly ??? thanks from AUS ???✝️


      Ye is naming the Jew, and that’s a good thing…….




        Its a good thing until they use his actions for first amendment restrictions, just like the GDL did in Florida. In todays world you cant trust anything.


        Is it? Or are they worried about the mass awakening to the Jewish problem online and are now trying to control that narrative?

    • kuzunki

      Nobody is putting no damn tech in my head!! I live on a ship of fools. People like Polly at least light up the brain. Oh, and the Jews created nazis!! And still lie about the 30’s and WW2 raelians are dickheads!!!




      cheese & onion!



      • kuzunki

        That is brutal & sad, thought the blacks were over that now. Farmers feed populations, that’s why theynare being hard hit with bullshit, but the brutal nightime butchering, shooting in the knees? Etc, hunger will have the blacks eating each other! It hurts to know this dumbness is still going on! God, come to Australia guys, if you can! Geez.


        I always found it interesting how Ashkenazi Jew has the word “Nazi” in it. Why would the Germans then call themselves Nazi if they hated Jews? It’s almost a contradiction. Now to Ye. I believe YE is an MK Ultra victim who was sent out to push “antisemitism” for an agenda. Is it to pass a law? I noticed Steven Spielberg has a film [show more]

        • NvsblSearcher

          Cause all are the same? THAT is what is called antisem. Own it


          Yep they know people are awake to the Jew problem and are now trying to control the narrative


          Polly, you might have already seen but The Dark Journalist has done a series of videos on the X Protect scenario. I notice Musk uses the X in his logos. Dr Joseph P Farrell also discusses the X project. I suspect the X in Musk’s logo isn’t an accident.


      TRUTH MORE THAN MONEY, what a laugh.
      A hint here folks: HE ISN´T TELLING US ANYTHING [show more]

        • TrutherteeShemsuaqa



          Obviously, that is the truth, he just lost billions of dollars bringing out the truth.
          He can be under some kind of MK control or maybe he seems that way because he is mentally struggling to fight off the control that they had over him. He needs our prayers.


          If you want to know the true meaning of the symbols you mentioned in your video, watch the video linked below. Elon musk does not own twitter just as much as bill gates owns his so-called foundations, Microsoft etc. there is a higher order who we will most probably never see who controls everything. However these entities can be [show more]


        I’m not disputing that, however there is always more to knowledge to discover. Why don’t you watch the video first then you will overstand why I said what I did

        [comment removed by user]

        She is Generation-X numb-nut.


        when I hear anyone in a group say humankind I am out.


        Polly, I am very impressed about your work❗ you are very good – I mean very, very good❗
        And by the way, I think, the “vax” inside is or has a drug (like heroin etc) to make people not just want but need the booster!


        Possible, but a guess is still a guess


        Good episode, Polly. You look lovelier than ever.


        When people discount ‘mythologized’ historical figures as fictional, they miss a lot of what’s hidden in plain sight in our world. @27:18, Polly wonders if there’s some “shiboleth” or code being employed with “Mars” and I would encourage you to keep in mind these are occultists and Mars was a god. You don’t think so? Reeeeally [show more]


        Mars is Herukhuti and it is the war god/ colors purple/red 5 sphere in the Kabbalah. His day is Tuesday.
        He has two swords across the chest. (maybe not swords but something of the like). I study these, then I grew wise! The only God that we need to worry about is Our Almighty Father in Heaven Yahuah. (Emmanuel) God is within us. [show more]


    • angiehewitt

      Must be onto something, the trolls are out in force on this one. I shall watch because of that alone.


    • OkAufgewacht

      Dr Lee Merritt said in one of her videos about DNA and vax, it looks like there was a lot of human gene manipulation already done earlier!


    • GammaD

      Possible link between Rael & Chalopin:

      Diffusion, Information Communications (DIC) was formed in France in 1971 by Jean Chalopin as the production division of Radio Television Luxembourg. [show more]


      • Amazing Polly

        Great find! thank you. I might follow that lead, though research will be a challenge because all the best stuff will be in French. thanks again!


      • GammaDAmazing Polly

        You’re very welcome. Thank you for all you do.


    • 13013

      Endless pointless content reactionary to the transcendental object outside of time for Boomer bootstrap poetry night fomenting nihilism in the hearts of Minds


      • NvsblSearcher



    • crus0e




      astronauts space brain swelling
      (F)elon Musk(rat)



      astronauts space herpes
      Not real healthy?


      • NvsblSearcher

        Suggest get your own channel


    • silentunderdog
      This is a link Chris everard talking about jack parson very long time ago



      Dear Polly the Blue and White refers to the Greek flag like Greek and the dead language Latin is still the nr 1 study on many universities?
      And why is it still the code of Mathematics and so on?


    • MrFixit

      Thanks for the research Polly. I think Ye might be controlled opposition.


      • angiehewitt

        So is Musk imo.


    • NinjenShikkaku

      “Martians” are a metaphor, consider “Stranger in a Strange Land”.

      Kanye is a subject of trauma based mind control, he just has new handlers. [show more]


      • NvsblSearcher



      • NinjenShikkakuNvsblSearcher

        The past is pretty well documented and the present, well…


    • Just1AmericanGirl

      Polly, the Black Mirror episode, Fifteen Million Merits shows exactly what you were just talking about with the earning credits while doing nothing


      • Amazing Polly

        I agree! That show is quite close to their dreamed of dystopia, I think. And add in the one about social credit with the young women trying to get to a wedding. I can’t even watch that show anymore, it gives me anxiety!


      • Just1AmericanGirlAmazing Polly

        Me too! To be honest I didn’t watch much farther past that episode because it was too dark for me and I wasn’t even awake yet way back then. Your video just brought it back into my memory. That’s how big of an impact it had on me to remember some random show from years ago when I knew nothing about the world way back then. Thank you for all you do!


    • Red Pill Rat

      harare says your own will and thoughts will no longer exist, that tells me that Satan will be in charge. BEAST SYSTEM





    • krew09

      You have done nothing but run cover for the Jew all along. But somehow,all of a sudden,after a couple days research you figured it all out. NOT…Jews invented communism,own banks,media,finance,Hollywood…THE ONLY REASON any Nazis came to America to work for govt is they were given NO CHOICE..Prison,hang,or work.. Nazis fought the [show more]


      • Rell

        Sure but Hitler loved the Jew Jesuits and the RCC. So was he really that stupid or just using Germany to play the old Zionist Hegel philosophy?


    • Red Pill Rat

      LIES need defense whereas the TRUTH needs NONE.


    • Brendoxb

      Awesome as always Amazing Polly


    • Little_Chicken

      Brilliant !



      Nailed it Polly!


    • useful_to_myself_eater

      ‘Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.’ — Could this not be inspiring Ye and his symbol?


    • dkenn

      Pass the koolaid down the left hand side.





    • KeemoSabby

      The swastika was an ancient good luck symbol which was appropriated by the Nazis. Kanye ( anag of Kenya) is a mental case who is being used as a distraction while the digital prison is being built!



        Aye, the normies will swallow the digital ID and think nothing of it.


    • Mynameisjoshua

      ye is acting like the jester krowley isnt he, good video.thanks


    • Blockchute

      Polly: I don’t know if you’re familiar with the work of Zecharia Sitchin, he’s a historian who spend his lifetime studying Sumerian claytablets and onthology of religions. One of his theses is that humans were created by Enki. His findings are not just coming from tekst, but there’s also a clay tablet picturing what is supposed to [show more]


      • View all 6 replies
      • OkAufgewachtBlockchute

        thank you!?
        I do not mean pictures of today – I mean the old stone pictures with the (I guess) priests or aristocrats, this men with the curly beards❄


      • BlockchuteOkAufgewacht

        If you’re talking about the pictures on the clay tablets, then I’m guessing that some of the gods were identified with symbols around them. I mean it’s hard to identify people from facial features, when you can only make lines in a piece of clay. So they added symbols next to individuals, so everyone would know it is this person [show more]


    • Gabhann

      The easy path is to call things and people mad.
      What did Kanye actually do other than point out the bleeding obvious that the Jews run everything, which it turns out, they do. Funny how people online seem to have missed that and redirect to tell us Kanye is “bonkers” and look at the mad squirrel. [show more]


    • Lmad1967


    • Neo1484

      Apparently mainstream media reporters (many presumably on the CIA/Deep State/Mockingbird payroll) on Tuesday 22nd July 1969, at a press conference in the Von Kármán auditorium at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, were given a written report stating that the A11 event had recently been filmed on a sound-stage in Nevada. [show more]


    • philfree56

      ??… Great stuff Polly.. your most inspired analysis yet… I’m scraping together some donations..❤️‍?



      YE wearing a BAALENCIAGA mask and clothes?️‍♀️??


    • anthonyforwood

      I’ve never trusted Musk. I see the connections between all of his financial ventures and the elitist’s vision of a utopian slave world for themselves.

      Here’s a list of them: [show more]


    • kuzunki

      I’m not triggerred, nor angered, not of my galaxy! Jews invented Nazi’s.


      • View all 3 replies
      • caerus

        Anyone who plays the ‘follow the money’ game will trace the entire WW2 event right back to the Intl. banking cartels. Hitler couldn’t even pass the exam to be a postal carrier, he wasn’t the master mind of anything, just another useful Rothschild bastard.


      • NvsblSearcher

        To torture and kill themselves ?


    • OldSoldier07

      thanks Polly: yep, that’s why the extermination of the children of Europe is at the forefront today; kill use before another Charle Martel is raised.
      200 years of Jewish-Freemason rule and what are the fruits?
      Pax Christi


    • BCA4321

      Áø¨µˆ©˙† ¬ˆ˚´†ø ©øø©¬´ Á´’ß ¬å߆ †∑´´†≤ ˆ †˙ˆ˜˚ †˙å†’ß ∑˙å† ©ø† ˙ˆµ ∫嘘´∂≥ Åß å˜¥ø˜´çå˜ß´´ˆ åµ ´≈π´®ˆ´˜çˆ˜© å ¬ˆ††¬´ˆ˜†´®ƒ´®´˜ç´πø߆ˆ˜© å çøµµ´˜†⁄ ◊´®¥ 嘘ø¥ˆ˜©≤≥


    • Raklic

      What kind of a name is “Ye”? It sounds like one of those transgender pronouns. Why is this guy even promoted? He is obviously going through some serious mental issues reminiscent of what happens to people subjected to MK ultra.


      • anthonyforwood

        All Hollywood celebrities are mind-controlled and the programming causes them to act weird when they try to break from it. Not saying he broke from it, but he tried. How he’s acting now could be because another built-in split personality is surfacing that’s put there to control the real personality if it tries to break free.

        The thing is, he’ll never be a normal person at this point.


      • Raklicanthonyforwood

        Yes. It’s clearly nothing normal about this guy.


    • Lmad1967

      Polly, please realise that K West isn’t what the media push for their television audiences. Everything, everyone and anything, kept in the public eye is for conscious and subconscious formation. Same applies to the likes of Icke Musk Jones and Rogan. Remove TV and it’s influence from your mind and home and start again.


      • anthonyforwood

        Are you saying that the media controllers script all these people’s actions?

        Does that mean that what I or you or anyone else (including Polly) posts is under their control?


      • Lmad1967anthonyforwood

        It means that paid factory trolls are getting more desperate making inane comments, like yours.


    • richardpdalbis

      The paraphrasing of this term is from Enrico Fermi who actually said “I have met aliens (in my laboratory). They are called Hungarians” Szilard and others on his research team.


      • Amazing Polly

        Yes there are stories about what the term means, but does that mean it is the only reason for the name?


    • sundaymorning

      Speaking of Twitter, I think “bluebird” was a code word for something in intel/secret societies. Mockingbird allegedly was newspaper media, bluebird I think was radio, broadcasting, maybe even the recording industry. This is my guess.


      • anthonyforwood

        I’ve done a lot of research into mind-control and the use of symbology in cults and secret societies to trigger members at a subconscious level. I’ve never heard anything about bluebirds or doves, other than their use in that shade of blue for UN and UN-related organization’s symbols. That shade of blue is used extensively in almost [show more]


    • gaAsh

      I’d seen the “Sign” that YE showed yrs ago but part of some other new age push…. lol, there are so many of
      these new age type movements but ultimately, they are grounded w/ their roots in satanism ~ whether they
      know it or not? The Age of Aquarius & all the sprouted religions mostly came from Madam Blavatsky’s stuff [show more]


      • View all 5 replies from Amazing Polly and 3 others
      • Amazing PollyRaklic

        A great many of the alt-media personalities are doing just as you say. It is becoming more and more overt as time goes on. I like Dayz of Noah for his dedication to Christianity and his fantastic analysis and Hugo Talks who shows the New Age con in the ‘truth’ movement.


      • Raklic

        Great information. Thank you


    • Marclours

      The svastika is a Celtic symbol from Ondinisme and it means just good things. The banks leaders used Nazis the corrupt this holy peace symbol. Research books made of stones not paper. Paper is from controlled religions, BTW Jesus was not christian.
      So much lies in our beliefs.
      Vikings was a movement from surviving Odin followers [show more]


      • Wellshootme11

        Dumbass Christian is a follower of Christ. Jesus can’t follow himself… but he was a Hebrew.. king of the jews , so the Romans said.


      • RaklicWellshootme11

        Jesus is God incarnate. Meaning the second person of the most Holy Trinity took on flesh and redeemed humanity by offering himself as a sacrifice to atone for all the sins of the world past present and future. He showed us also the way to make use of these infinite graces he earned for us. The ball is in our court to accept or reject [show more]


    • richardpdalbis

      What do Harrari and Rael and hundreds of other social controllers have in common?


    • BBTT

      I am willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, who is with me?
      John Olooney speaks. 30/11/22 (Please share & visit my channel) [show more]


    • sundaymorning

      Martians/aliens, yes I think you are right. The Hungarians might have been legally “aliens” if they were working in the USA. And they might have made a joke of aliens = Martians. Might have been innocent, just meaning foreigner. However, I do think in old Hollywood movies they used words in that way, sending signals to certain groups in the audience. In jokes.


    • @GaryTyme

      Polly, quick point of fact: The Court Jester – Negotiorum gestio means an unrequested service to another person, who may be liable to pay for the cost of that service, in a situation of necessity. The paradigm is the action of a volunteer who deals with an emergency. “Impure” relates to officious interventions in the affairs of others. [show more]


    • dgscol

      These two may be brothers, the result of an experiment. The Dark one is revealing the symbol- OMG.


    • Demix8015

      That ‘patent’ was a sick joke. How in God’s name is that a description that describes anything physical – let alone working. It talks of ‘proof-of-work’ like a sophomoric gender studies student talks about ‘intersectionality’. Everything is turning in to word soup. Utterly fatuous. Yet Microsoft gets a ‘patent’ for this crud?


      • dustthewind

        How it works is internet human 2.0. The AI knows your brain. It can use your brain to crunch crypto. For the small fee of using your brain to make you a zombie you can get paid for your efforts. Mark of the beast and why you can’t buy sell or trade with out the mark of the beast is you won’t have the tech for the financial transactions. [show more]


      • NinjenShikkaku

        It was very, very preliminary. I doubt it would hold up if anybody actually developed something more, feasible.


    • SacredHabitats

      Polly, I think this may interest you as it ties into fertility/sterility and orphans…
      Antique Baby post cards video
      The Cabbage Patch Fairy Lost Film is the First Movie Ever Made / Alice Guy / Incubator Promotion [show more]


    • spacecouch

      hey polly, you are a great researcher, i thought you might like this video i just made showing the skull and bones members who run the mormon church. if you ever have any questions about it i think i have a substantial blueprint of what’s going on theologically memorized, and i would be happy to help. here’s my little vid. first [show more]


    • nickels138

      Feels like it’ll all culminate to lead-in to the alien deception


    • 84jason

      Over the target as usual! Interesting after watching this..Elon would have known what that symbol was. Ye wanted the controversy so we could look into it and now know the connections.


    • Lstarwalker2

      Another amazing research by amazing Polly! Blew my mind. By the way, Nazi are not bad, the western and the cabal made them bad to the world. Hitler was an avatar destined to bring light to the world to know what some very negative secret societies were doing then. We were all fooled by the very cabal to think Nazi were the bad guys. Study the history before the WW2 Germany. Seriously.


      • Watchman2020

        It is amazing to me that after all we have seen to be outright lies from every direction that people still cling to some conditioned thinking. I recently heard someone who is really informed about many topics state “if anyone deserves to be hated it was Hitler”. I suppose it never dawned on that person that the USA and Russian Communists [show more]


    • Living_Proof

      Just a question, if aliens crested us, would they need us to create a landing pad for them?


    • LB

      In this vid, I see the image of two nazi/ national symbols. The old one from WW2, and a new one from now. The old one has the points in one direction, and the new one is in the other direction. Why is that?


    • Old G

      i think all these symbols are older than you know. we should not tag them to these organizations. the swastika is way older than the nazis so it doesnt make sense to attribute that sign to them only. this goes deeper than your video


      • View all 4 replies
      • Old GNvsblSearcher

        yes but what if the satanic church all of a sudden said we now will take the cross as our official logo? the raelian group now uses this symbol today so we should use this reference correct? people will see symbols and use them how they want but i think we should at least look at the symbols history not just maybe the latest use.


      • The Common Jewnominator

        ☮️ This is a Germanic death/chaos rune in a circle. Made famous as a “peace” symbol while the boomers were being hopped up on dope, rock ‘n roll and “free love”. Meanwhile communism continued being spread (including to the boomers).
        Flip that symbol upside down and remove the circle and you have a life rune that was worn by the [show more]


    • KnockMySocksOff

      I guess someone needs to say it, hit my brain, so I will. What if the “Ye” / Musk issue due to the Raelian symbol was intended optics to make people research it?


    • m1k3LN0x



    • ChkwelhpWolf

      The Nazis and Israel were invented by the AngloZionists and the two are united by the Transfer Agreement of 1933.


      • View all 3 replies from Amazing Polly and 2 others
      • The Common Jewnominatorsundaymorning

        He called England “the most socially backward nation in Europe”. He consistently talked about Englands’ “Thin upper crust”. He did however, love the English people and expressed that he did not want war with them multiple times.
        As for the Rothschilds, he jailed one in Austria and films were made in Germany like “Die Rothschilds: [show more]


      • Amazing Polly

        UK always manages to get a pass, don’t they? But you’re right, ChkwelhpWolf – Thesis and Antithesis, brought to you by the British who now want their synthesis. They did the same when they created Pakistan.


    • kit247

      Just a complete mindless mess and they are all fucking with your mind. There are no good guys in this story.


    • dathomas

      I see “starlink” more as an arm of the weaponry to contain the population.


    • Chris Edwards (Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0)

      THE WOMEN ARE COMING – WORLDWIDE PROTEST MARCH VS COVID MEASURES FT SAVE THE CHILDREN — CDC & Pfizer admits and previously posted that they did not test their vaccines on the elderly, pregnant women or children nor pregnancy nor babies not approved for newborn nor men’s reproduction [show more]


    • VanderMan

      hey newbie polly, check out ‘europa the last battle’


      • Amazing Polly

        I watched it ages ago. Same with The Greatest Story Never Told. You are the newbie you just don’t know how to speak to normies.


      • NvsblSearcherAmazing Polly



    • Karrie-Dee

      As stated on previous video, I don’t have a Twitter account. But I do get a peculiar pleasure from clicking through their “Warning, Will Robinson!!!” message to get to your videos ;-))))))


    • tick-tock

      AshkeNAZI – not opposite/s… but integrated, from the beginning.


    • Paul V Montefusco

      High irony? Really? More like a High Synthesis between Crackpottery and Dunderpatedness. Why, the Antithesis of Reality “is Raeality”. It is Artificial Bullshit with the same Musky stink, and same cheer committee shouting “YE! UpgraYEdd!”, an always brand new presentation to the inattentive, and zero value- even as fertilizer. Much [show more]


    • CatYunque

      This is a very old symbol having nothing to do with any of these plagiarizing parasites. Remember the parasite kind are thieves and liars they cannot create anything ….They get human slaves and whores by various ways to create [show more]


      • Amazing Polly

        yes, fine – but this is a modern day, relevant use of the symbol, isn’t it?


    • absolutefreedom1895

      Bill Cooper very aptly explained how Mystery Babylon, the religion of the freemasons, was being sold as the New Age religion for the new world order. He also said that in the NWO man would be shackled to a computer. Eustace Mullins was a fine author and he always spoke of George Sylvester Viereck with great respect. Viereck wrote [show more]


    • Bloon

      every primitive tribe had a war chief and a medicine man representing them to outsiders. muscle and mind. state and church. the beast and the false prophet. the names change but the game remains the same.


    • Urwrong

      Ye is highly underrated. He has the intellect to be president and I hope he runs and wins. His acting crazy on AJ’s show and posting that logo on Twatter – is his way of educating us – look how Musk responded and how anons and researchers began to dig once he posted that logo and Musk suspended him. Musk outed himself!!!


    • criminy

      Omg, I’m the 6666th view. ugh.


    • NikkiTesla

      Did you get the jab, Polly?


    • spicer23

      As always Polly, you are Amazing with How YOU Connect the Dots!
      No One Does it Better!


    • BrownEyes79

      He posted it because Nazi are ashkenazis..


    • catnamedjack

      There can only be so many robot polishers, why are these demons always so ugly?


    • Waldorf & Statler.

      Ye is not organic, and it seems now, is 100% kosher.


    • Drop-Bear

      You certainly are amazing….Polly.


    • spicer23

      Thelema star looks like Star Trek juxtaposed on top of each other.
      Predictive Programming???


    • Wink

      Way to go Amazing. Raelians look like another insane jew operation. jews are so friggin mental. First, jew Rothschild/Bauer used Star of Remphan & slapped the name David, to insult Christ lineage, its their logo. Thats why Israhell has it on their Flag, its a Rothschild land grab. And those stupid jews wear like its a religious symbol! [show more]


      • KavalSingh

        The Hindoos from India have a similar star as a religious emblem called The Swastika and they worship a phallic erection as one of their Gods. They call it LINGAM. Similar to BAAL worship. Yet it goes completely unnoticed. 1.5 billion of them.


    • TrumpX

      Ok Miss Polly, you want to know what I think? Here’s what I think. The multiverse is real. It has to be, How else can quantum computers work? They are connecting to their counterparts in other universes to create a multiversal network that dramatically increases processing speed. I mention this because understanding of the human [show more]


      • M.Apodaca

        if she did read this she now has to have optical implants installed because her eyes are toast.
        Wall of text Crits you for 1000000k. Interesting theory though.


      • patdelaney36

        I have similar “Quantum” thought theories, and It is likely that the Pineal gland is at the center of it all…literally.
        It was once called “The seat of the soul” by Descartes, but he was just going on a fairly “Good Guess” based on what they knew about it in his time. Since then we have learned much, that it makes DMT, wich [show more]


    • Darcalli

      I’ve been trying to make a clear connection between the technocrats and the woowoos for some time now. Rael was the guy I had my eye on but I couldn’t quite make the bridge, now you’ve saved me the trouble! This is great! Thank you again Polly, you always come through for me! Love and more love to you!


      • Rell

        This symbol of the star and swastika also has tones of Blavatsky theosophy. Yuval Hararie wants to evolve the human race, which is part of her theology of root races and the evolution of humanity in stages or ages. Look it up, Helena Blavatsky root races and the look up Hararies theories on race evolution.


    • MemyselfI

      The majority of Tesla’s profit/$400 million comes from selling carbon credits granted by the federal government, which Tesla then sells to dirty corporations to lower their EPA taxes.


    • OSONS

      This lengthy video is worth the watch. It gives a different perspective on the connections prior to WWII. IPOT provides direct evidence during the video. In addition: you showed the the symbol from Klaus Schwab. It has the star of David as well. It is in effect the same symbol that Ye showed.


    • Patrickbear

      There was never a star of David. Look in your Bible for the star of Rephaim. It is a Babylon satanic ritual idol carried by the Israelites out of Egypt.Then search it on Duck Duck Go.


      • 13of12

        A lot of people are going to owe David an apology for smearing him with that symbol.


      • Rell

        It goes back to goddess worship inanna and Venus


    • IJustNoticeThings

      Kanye promoted the UN’s Sustainable Dev goals in a tweet back in 2018. Now his platform is promoting them with sustainable housing and clothes that are all $20. He also said recently that we are GOD’s IPHONE and it’s all about UPGRADING. Plus he thinks inventors should run the world…


      • Paul V Montefusco

        UpgraYEdd! A double dose of pimping!


    • Midwayfromhere2there

      I do not trust Elon at all, he and his ilk those pretenders of center right narratives are luring so many people. Those they lure are increasingly becoming like leftists in their beliefs and actions. There is a difference between Gnostics/luciferians and satanists and sometimes they tango. As tech and the new age/alien rage gain [show more]


      • View all 4 replies
      • 13of12Joe King

        Are you kidding? He’s the god of this world. We witness little else.


      • Rell13of12

        Have you ever seen him? Has anyone ever seen him for that matter? Other than in Roman Catholic fear porn. I believe in the bible but Satan is not what we think! Satan is the evil that mankind can be, and it’s men that are the gods of this world who demand worship.


    • Sakya55

      Truly amazing! Good job!


    • Auceza

      The dialectic hadn’t been invented by Karl Marx. It had been introduced by the German philosopher Hegel.
      Hegel meant that God is revealing Himself within the developing cultural progress, within the process of the world. Quite an amazing and for his time extremely innovative perspective.
      His teachings had been misused by Karl Marx, [show more]


    • sativarg

      Hello Earthlings and visitors to Earth…
      List with 140 items… the list of comments already.
      Not likely any one will read this then… LOL [show more]


      • View all 3 replies
      • sativargIheartheMastersvoice

        Jesus never said Christ as far as I can tell and he never asked to be worshiped. The books you are quoting or re-quoting or the words in that order are gathered into a book by one or more groups of Human Beings for various reasons and not all those reasons are the Will of the Creator of all Universes. gods who are not the [show more]


      • IheartheMastersvoicesativarg

        Jesus Christ is King of kings, and Lord of lords. The Son of God, and the Son of Man. The Son of Jehovah, the Ancient of Days. Jehovah is not an alien. Jesus Christ is not an alien or hybrid. The fake aliens will come. The antichrist will come. Their technology and ships will come. But they are liars, and this will be the Great Deception, [show more]


    • Padge O

      That’s impressive work and a great take. It’s seems like theatre but how else can a person reach populations raised on media production reality (so much easier when saying TV was enough).


    • Donna_Inari

      POLLY!! This makes me very nervous –

      Didn’t Trump mention going to Mars?? I don’t trust Elon either. [show more]


    • Canadian_Patriot71

      Polly, I always look forward to ALL your videos as they are so informative and thought-provoking. And, as usual, you are truly AMAZING!!! 🙂


    • deepandbroad

      Dialectic did not come from Marx, but from a dude named Hegel, dear.
      Look back into Plato and Socrates and you may find a bit of it there, also.
      Dude’s just messing with everyone, especially all the haters.


      • View all 3 replies
      • sundaymorning

        What do you think of this explanation of Hegelian Dialectic? Read the bottom, where they debunk it.


      • sundaymorning

        haha, Ye could have said, “I love everyone, especially all the haters”.


    • BlackBand

      Mark 13:40 talks on Kanye’s final tweet. I think you will find interesting.
      *Ari Emmanuel


    • pako1



    • Saulgood

      Expose or revelation of the method? Thanks sis


    • NinthLive

      Probably the only time you’ve been wrong Ms. Polly. It wasn’t the Raelean symbol. It was a picture of Musk getting sprayed with a water hose to the back of his head in what appeared to be swimming trunks by none other than that walking talking mind controlling freak/demon master Ari Emannuel. I mean your presentation is flawless [show more]


    • CageyBee

      peter gabriel wrote a saga of a latino named RAEL, which was the genesis album the lamb lies down on broadway. gabriel dissappeared to write the lyrics…was he consulting cabal ghost writers? Later Gabriel would lead the social justice mvmt and focused on South Africa’s apartheid. He was actually pivotal in the movement. Look [show more]


    • Neptune88

      JPL originally, Jack Parson Laboratories. All of this is rabbit hole connected to rabbit hole. There is a much more simple approach to this contrived reality. Disney and L. Ron Hubbard we’re all partners in this scam on humanity.


    • DigitalDigits

      Thank you for making this video Polly, I’ve been trying to tell people about this when they were attacking Ye, but completely ignored the agenda he was revealing. I think they are going to stage a fake alien invasion, according to what I read about the Church of (Is)Realians, from which El-on wan awarded the title of “Honorary Guide”.

      There’s [show more]


      • DigitalDigits

        Also, the last Tweet Ye posted was a picture of Elon Musk shirtless on a beach with Rahm Emmanuel, who some people think is his handler.



      Amazing Polly brought some interesting facts to the table, however, I would like to remind people that much of what has been written about Germany from WW1 and WW2 is somewhat skewed. She mentioned a gentleman that had made pro-comments about Germany during both wars as if that was somehow bad.
      Why is that the allies cozied up [show more]


      • Joe King

        I was waiting for you to eventually say something completely asinine… however; you didn’t.


    • Paulmc

      Dr David Martin just revealed 2AG,s. Rand Paul, Ron Johnson just let fauci off the hook again!


    • Now your backing the elites…Hahahahaha FML…You are convincing fools.


    • PPort

      Always fascinating.


    • glen3g

      You = Gregg, Mr. Glen
      What about a ‘Quarter Turn’… and a 1500yrs(about?) Time-Frame??!


    • Qman17

      Who was that holly wood handler that told Ye, you have 2 options… come talk to me or I’ll have you put into the ward on so many meds you’ll never get out. That was only last month.


      • Wink

        think that was disgusting sociopath jew Harley Samuel Pasternak. His name’s associated with several compromised & dead’ed personalities. Real ‘jew’ as in 30-40% of jews are severely mental. Sociopathy, Narcissism & then Psychopathy have a very high frequency in jews. Folks need to wake the hell up!


    • Burning Synagogues

      Interesting note is that Ye tweeted that symbol and Alex Jones is directly connected to the raelians. Also if you add Is it becomes Israelians.


      • Rell



    • MattHelm

      Great work again Polly.


    • katherba

      It’s weird to think about the cloning experiments, because Elon as a child has been said to call himself Moon (before they renamed him). Could it be that Elon is a designer clone himself? He is prominently connected into the whole plan.


    • NikkiTesla

      No one’s working? Who’s manufacturing the robots, bozo.


      • Jerryd52



    • MattHelm

      Watch the last bit of the child. Do you see they Grey? As in Alien.


    • Freethinker

      Though that star of Davd plus the swastike might appear to be an integration of opposites, the swatika is actually an ancient Tibetan symbol of “ongoingness’ or everlasting life. Every time I see the star of david, I’m reminded of the ancient Saturn sigil..


    • RetireEarly

      Retire early with T-Shares, PASSIVE INCOME


    • MemyselfI

      Today’s black community is a shining example of paradism. Do you want to live like them?


      • Wink

        Uggghhhhh…Blacks are the jews handmaindens… Whatever the jews want Blacks to do, they do it! Blacks are the single most violent murderous demons in America! At 13% of US population yet responsible for 90% of all violent crime? BLACKS ARE AMERICA’S lowest life form, most degenerate, violent, thugs. And their teen kids are KILLERS. [show more]


    • RobotJohnny

      Seems odd that Ye could be banned for posting an image of the symbol, Yet the Raelian Movement has a Twitter account with the symbol as their profile image.

      The movement calls out Ye and Elon in a post… Maybe it will work its way out… [show more]


    • Sungunrundown

      In case you don’t know what is meant by sliding a comment section. It’s when psyop agents flood the comment section with comments to bury info they don’t like. Go all the way to the bottom of these comments to start finding the goodies that are all through the section.


    • annwatson

      Hi Polly – the two dynamics that you talk about at the very beginning – fit into Rudolf Steiner’s work – Ahrimanic and Luciferic Hungary is beside the Khazarian country that was annexed in about 1000 AD – also George Soros is a Hungarian Jew Thank you – you have an amazing mind Polly – I hope you stay safe dear. I’m in Canada [show more]


    • Learn From History



    • kingdaddy2019@



    • zagra5agra

      I’m very grateful to you for doing all this intense time-consuming work to put this picture together. You are way beyond just “amazing.” I’m a long time follower and you never cease to “amaze” me with your work. Need to find more appropriate adjectives to characterize you, but don’t know if there are any.


    • WolfWerx – Fe’ral Agents

      We are gonna drive a rod THROUGH Klaus Schaub.

      We are gonna impale that motherfucker with a 2 kg tungsten carbide rod. [show more]


    • lnjdaniel



    • ShortbusMooner

      And, you KNOW Elon knew what that symbol meant- betcha!!
      You go, girl!! Amazing dig!! ?????


      • View all 4 replies
      • NinjenShikkakuShortbusMooner

        Being blocked on Twitter isn’t going to shut him up, but he’s going to have spout nonsense elsewhere. Maybe next he can shuck and jive about how Magical Flying Negroes built Aztec Pyramids and Founded China?


      • ShortbusMoonerNinjenShikkaku

        LOL! That’s quite possible! ?


    • Cotton_Mouth

      Hands down the best video I’ve watched on bitchute in months


    • katherba

      So Trump on Truth Social, Elon on twitter, and Kanye on Parler. It’s Clash of the Titans in comic book form. Will Pixar be doing the animation?


      • Voynik

        Who’s the Fourth Horseman…..


      • katherbaVoynik

        Good question!


    • Dalilamadew

      Polly I want to turn you on to another great researcher.his name is Rick miricale on bitchute his channel is called exposing the new world order and he does book reviews the guy owns a library of books all on conspiracy aliens freemasonry and satanism.i swear you would thank me if you check him out


    • ExposingTheAgenda

      MUST WATCH: Prepare For A Dark Winter


    • Saulgood

      I knew the Raelian schtick but had thought I’d seen the symbols before, look into Blavatsky’s theosophical society and it’s symbols. Same. Dumb. Shit.


    • TLC2020

      Great video. I love hearing your research. It’s thorough and absolutely connect’s the tremendous amount of dots. Luv ya girl


    • bobo

      My translation of “You’ll own nothing and be happy” is
      “We’ll own everything and we’ll be happy and you’ll be dead”.


      • View all 11 replies
      • ChristySungunrundown

        Oh, why don’t you go do something constructive like figure out your own fucking gender… You are like a fucking yapping ankle biter… I wish I could drop kick your dumb ass across the room. I’m done here Pumpkin…Every time I come to read your bullshit my IQ drops a couple of points. Don’t comment back or I’ll mute your annoying [show more]


      • SungunrundownChristy

        you got nothing but ad hominem attacks. You are a disgusting psyop agent. Fly that corporation flag you damn traitor to the people.


    • msalexander



    • Boblegrandpa

      The frame work of the internet will be moved to space so we can never ever again have a chance to destroy it. Trust me it must be destroyed.


    • bobo

      Rael sounds like an upgrade from Klaus Schwab.


    • katherba

      I don’t think Ye is insane. And I think there is a message being sent to <someone> by him dressing up as Black Noir in that interview. Just read the story arc for this comic book character in wikipedia and think about how Ye is threatening to tip over the apple cart 1000 different ways…. or is he the pied piper court jester making [show more]


      • View all 6 replies
      • DharmaQueenkatherba

        The word God just means higher power, and people who are perceived to have more power and knowledge than average end up being worshipped by election to positions of political power, where their electors beg them to do all the things one would expect a higher power to do. Provide for their physical needs and beat up on those they [show more]


      • katherbaDharmaQueen

        It means more than just “higher power” to most. In an election, people vote for a “representative”. In other words, they are vowing to lend support to their selection as their stand-in within government matters here on earth as pertains to their nation/country, province, county, city, or locality. They are not voting for a God. You [show more]


    • Boblegrandpa

      Elon musk is an occultist was raised in it . It is easy to find. It is satanists.


    • Boblegrandpa

      Mars i believe …is the killing fields. With no magnetic field it cant be maintains Space life because of no magnetic field will destroy your mind.


    • Christy

      Ever notice that all of these vile subhumans are connected in one way or the other?? Who the hell sits around thinking of all of this evil shit? Frigging demons. That’s WHO….


      • Wink

        jews. jews spend their waking hours ruminating on myriad of ways to destroy White Nations, White America, White Christians. And always notice how many boards a jew is on. Thats how they execute their slime crimes on local & international basis.


      • RellWink

        Sure and they do it while we pay them to do it with our blood sweat and tears


    • 31UO37

      You should read the Ralianbook it’s quite interesting. They believe the gods were experimenting scientists.


      • DharmaQueen

        People calling themselves scientists are elevated to god status by people who don’t know as much as the scientists. That’s why people who don’t believe in such things as climate change are called deniers (heretics) for denying the words of the “gods”.


    • djaybeetoo

      Thanks Polly


    • Synthisis

      So much to digest. Thank you. ?


    • Its a muzzle not a mask

      It’s not the star of David and is not jooish origin. Read The Six Pointed Star by OJ Graham. It’s a pagan symbol. Our true Israelite 12 tribes did not have it as a symbol and the ancient Israelites never used it as a symbol. It became an emblem of jooish people in 1897 when zionist conference convened led by theodore herzel chose [show more]


    • Boblegrandpa

      Not star of David remphran. Summons demons . It is in the Bible.


      • DharmaQueen

        The idea of a chosen people who will rule the world along with god is also biblical, which is why I am highly suspicious of it.


    • bobo

      Good catch there Ms Polly !


    • Boblegrandpa

      These Jews arent genetically Jews or religiously Jews. The orthodox jews follow the talmud .It says that raping 3 year olds is good. It is satanism.


      • Burning Synagogues

        The word jew was fabrcated in the early 1600s
        Caininintes hijacked the identity of the Israelites with the creation of the word jew in the 1611 KJV Bible.. Much like the Hebrew language is a Yiddish fabrication of the lost language of the Hebrews.


      • NinjenShikkaku

        You’re really shouldn’t be getting your fake Talmud quotes from reddit.


    • Cenepk10

      Really well put together, Polly. I think you are 100% correct about Elon and his end goal. But no one is going to Mars. Glad you got to what that actually means


      • Correction…Nothing has been to Mars yet…Here’s a hint, it’s called CGI. get it got it learn it.


    • DigitalWildfireNews

      @Amazing Polly I would hunt up a copy of “The Greatest Story Never Told”. It tells the German/NSDAP story from their side of the fence. I would also listen to the “1961 Benjamin Freedman Speech” on YT and the Rabbi Marvin Antelman interview from Israel circa 2007 about his book “To Eliminate The Opiate”, also on YT. You’ll have [show more]


    • 31UO37

      Railians have been around a very long time.


    • mr_hatman

      Elon Musk works for In-Q-Tel, the venture capitalist arm of the CIA. Both he and Peter Thiel. Since the CIA has been allowed to keep its influence secret, hold its power extra-judicially and work outside the law under the false premise of “national security,” a few oligarchs now run the United States and most of the world. Lord [show more]


    • Boblegrandpa

      Hitler was part Jew and was funded by rothschikd. Interesting that the war cleared the land that rothschiod bought. So they want zionism and nazis fused like in ukrain .


      • Wink

        we’re thinking thats not true, but is a jew fabrication. Hitler wasn’t a jew, its looking like. jews flip everything, several times if they can. AMERICA MUST ELIMINATE JEWS, make it inhospitable for them in your own town, neighborhoods, don’t hire them, don’t allow them to contract with you. I KNOW JEWS. Do NOT contract with jews. [show more]


    • JessieCzako

      Just what we need, credit cards that can track your farts. Knowing that it should make it much easier for us to track the assh@les who want us dead.

      Isn’t it time we ALL stood up and banned our Gov’ts? Imagine how much better off we’d all be if we quit listening them. After all they’re nothing more than criminals with important [show more]


      • Saulgood

        What’s an asshale?


      • DigitalWildfireNews

        It will never get that far. Their biggest mistake was giving us 2 years of home time. MANY of us did RESEARCH.


    • TheFathership



    • djaybeetoo

      the monad is featured on the forehead of Dr Manhattan in the Alan Moore Graphic Novel – The Watchmen, he is an interesting person to look into. the monad has an extra dot on the outside to obfuscate


    • Shades

      That symbol is very Ancient. Its NOT the star of David, its the Star of Remphan, Jews decided to use it, just as that Raelian group did. Star of Remphan is on many Ancient structures worldwide, many thousands of yrs old. The Swastika is also thousands of yrs old used worldwide in every culture as well. Both used separate, and together.


      • DigitalWildfireNews

        Read Revelation 2-9 and 3-9. They ain’t )ews. They just say they are. The real ones warned us about them.


    • opsimath

      If Musk does anything even remotely equal to FREEDOM of SPEECH, the “GOVERNMENT’ will the n be supplied with the perfect excuses to pass laws controlling free speech on social media.


    • DaniB78@

      This one is great Polly I learn something every single time you put out a new video but this one clicked all this Kanye business a lot more for me


    • Boblegrandpa

      Star of David is not a star of David.It is the star of Solomon. Solomon practiced witchcraft most of his life. The star of David is a remphran. It is for summoning demons. It is Israels symbol because of rothchild buying the land after ww 2 .rothchild owns Israel.


      • View all 4 replies
      • Star_one

        The star of Solomon is called the Seal of Solomon and is a five pointed star also called a pentacle.
        The seal of Solomon is used as a protective symbol in demonology.
        The Star of David is the symbol of duality two overlaid triangles one pointing up one down. It is the symbol for the religion that believes that God And the devil [show more]


      • Rell

        The “king of Jacob” in Jewish text, is like a reincarnation of Jacob. He is the king of Israel! They think Israel is the centre of the earth and therefore the king over everyone. Now I know the Rothschild’s are the frontmen of all of this, but there is another Jewish family that have managed to keep their profile conveniently out [show more]


    • edith.neumaier

      Why can the Jews not be Nazis? Are they Nationalistic? Of Course. They are probably the most seclusive and Entitled People of all people groups. What does Nazi mean?


      • Burning Synagogues

        The word Nazi is a jewish slander of the National Socialist
        of Hitler’s Germany. The word original meaning was a peasant or a poor person. There was No (((Nazis))) in Germany because Hitler made Germany the financial super power of the time.


      • DigitalWildfireNewsBurning Synagogues

        National Socialist German Workers Party to be exact. Churchill and England wanted war. Going in to Poland was a mistake. It gave England and France the excuse they needed and then they drug America into the war. Stalin killed tons more people than Hitler did but no one wants to talk about that.


    • Sami1990

      it is a big club. and …


      • Voynik

        No decent person wants to be in it….


      • ChristyVoynik

        Exactly!! lol


    • Voynik

      LOL, looks like Musk got trolled hardcore with Kanye’s Raelian symbol.



        Felon Msk(rat)


    • Thinkon

      The dot connector , read it in the comments somewhere, it fits you


    • Punishtyrny

      The brain drain is real. Nearly complete.


    • Sungunrundown

      Google: Uploads From Archaix playlist.


      • Sungunrundown

        Check out his video Prester John to see what we are currently being set up for. It’s the same old jew playbook that’s been going on for centuries.


    • Boblegrandpa

      They are satanists.


      • Voynik



    • FogDogma

      At what point does an individual become a group?


      • stormcrow53

        Ask Lizzo.


      • Auceza

        Where does the individual end?


    • RevChristine

      Thank you Polly….RevChristine.


    • LowriderFXS

      Put all these Nuts on a island where they can build their dream world ! Just leave us alone go away and do not come back !


      • View all 5 replies
      • SaulgoodLowriderFXS

        Dude, work on it: there, they’re, their


      • Joe KingSaulgood

        They’re in their house over there. Are you surprised? reading these comments?


    • Sungunrundown

      Start with my comment at the bottom of this comment section.
      The radical left was created for the right to hate and fear. The slavemasters will likely release that bottled up hate, fear and frustration to force the pendulum swing to far right. Look around with an open mind and you will see that being set up. The pendulum swing will [show more]


    • crusaders hu akbar

      wickedness runs deep with these.”people”


    • TrumpetForYahweh

      In December 2022, we are seeing sheep are going in circles without end, and this video compares the phenomenon to the 2016 movie titled “Cell” where zombies circle around a 5G or cell tower as a hivemind and emit frequencies from their mouths.

      Video Compilation [show more]


    • opsimath

      Exactly the same psychology/sociology that is proposed with a society where “YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY”:
      [show more]


    • GODwatches@@

      These paths are not good for our souls and it is not a surprise that they distract us away from living in love and gratitude with our communities and in touch with the Earth. This is why they say “be careful who you follow”.


    • Cenepk10

      Let’s see him get through the Van Allen Belts alive to get to Mars. These people are stupid.


      • View all 4 replies
      • SungunrundownChristy

        yet you still fly that corporation flag you fake sicko.


      • ChristySungunrundown

        Your mother should have either swallowed or aborted and saved us all from the fucking misery of your dumb ass…. Fly your shit packer flag, queerbait.


    • mawdawie

      Elon the Hittite was a father-in-law of Esau, brother of Jacob/Israel. “As above, so below” is from Hermetics, the “science” of magic.


    • Do you guys remember when Trump said Elon M is his long time friend ?


      • Christy

        Yea, they are both in the millionaires club… Your gaslighting bullshit won’t work here Pumpkin. You are going to have to come up with a couple of more brain cells for that….


    • djaybeetoo

      The Raelians claim they have the first cloned human too


    • LadyLogosmotive

      Thanks Polly, excellent analysis…I agree that is the agenda: tech/newage


    • djaybeetoo

      I first learned about the raelian cult from Freeman Fly in the early to mid 00’s


    • Amazing connections…my mind is blown but that’s not surprising…you have always made things somuch clearer…thank you


    • TrumpColwell

      There is no going to Mars or even the Moon when they can’t leave out of the Dome/Firmament!!!


      • Joe King

        That damn dome…


    • Voynik

      All the New Age stuff is Luciferian in origin.


      • Midwayfromhere2there

        i think there is a difference between the satanists and the luciferians the former worshipping the devil as evil the latter is the Gnostic those that believe Lucifer was blowing the whistle that the Creator imprisoned our immortal souls into the material world. I think these groups have rubbed elbows but are somewhat at odds and [show more]


    • Sungunrundown

      Only a retard or psyop agent would believe anything about Epstein or Musk.


    • Remember for every good thing That was set up by our creator… man has tried to create a Counterfeit In the garden of Eden… Adam’s only requirement was to guard from evil and after he failed to do that and Eve was persuaded by evil they had to sweat by their brow and labor hard for everything that was once given to them… In [show more]


    • GuyGiard

      wow 2+2 = 666


    • Lmd177

      You are so amazing!! Thank you so much for this!!


    • N1j1nsky69

      People only see musky balls as a saviour of Free speech and thought which yeah he is, by the standards of the elites that’s all.


    • Aeode


    • flatamusX

      Piss off Polly. Jews own and control everything.


    • Drewtazy

      Polly you are truly amazing.


    • abrahams-ur

      “They” would not release Ye from His contracts so, Ye pissed them off and now He is FREE !!


    • Christy

      Klaus Schwab and the WEF can kiss my ass.


      • View all 4 replies
      • SungunrundownChristy

        you are a psyop agent talking shit while you fly the corporation flag. That flag is flown in every government entity. It’s in the court rooms, the mind control indoctrination schools, on the fake space program, etc. Its not just Washington DC. The corporation has saturated our lives and controls us all the while flying that flag [show more]


      • SungunrundownSungunrundown

        I bet you also promote the right wing Republican Trump bs just like your psyop agent Polly. At least that’s what she used to push. You psyop agents are disgusting.


    • aussieforusa

      Musk is DS 100% all a distraction while the NWO culls the populations.


      • Joe King

        After reading through the comments, maybe a culling is necessary?


    • N1j1nsky69

      They have admitted cloning a few times yeah that 2002,then 2013 I think twins born in Hungary then hidden from the world and 2017 is the other one I can remember, Chinese twins with altered dna. Took out the aids and cancer chromosomes apparently, also hidden from the world. The Kanye West wackyness might what he is trying to do [show more]


    • TrumpColwell

      There is no going to Mars or even the Moon when they can’t leave out of the Dome/Firmament!!!


      • View all 5 replies
      • Joe King

        So you’re retarded… now what!


      • Daniel B·

        No, the TRUTH is that whilst NASA and SpaceX routinely FAKE space exploration (critical thinking alone debunks the manned “moon landings”, where the claim that the little lander craft launches from the moon to “dock” with the oribitter, which is hurtling past at thousands of MPH, is a total IMPOSSIBILITY!), such as FakeX’s JOKE February [show more]


    • AhayahTruth

      Keep God’s laws or burn forever! ?


    • Swami_G

      Regarding Von Braun and “the Elon,” I created/posted this meme back in early September:
      And did you know about Von Braun’s gravestone? His grave confession… [show more]


    • The99percent

      IS HOOK YOU TO THE BORG [show more]


      • The99percent

        your body fluids move
        get yerself some cryptocurrency [show more]


    • Barneytheball

      Ye is on the light side of the brotherhood. Polly, once again you are spot on.


      • WolfWerx – Fe’ral Agents




      Yay for ye! I think the globalists took all of Ye’s money. ANd if he wants it back he has to earn it. ANd by earning it he has to act like a complete effin moron and associate himself with the truth movement, so that once again we all look like flat earth retards.
      Ye hoo is doing the mission of his life sos he can get back in the [show more]


      • Sungunrundown

        That entire thing is controlled fake opposition psyop bs. We live in an actor/cgi/psyop scripted reality.


      • ARKTEKICESungunrundown

        I think so. IF you back out to the 40 thousand foot view you can see most of this is just bazaar shiny toys they throw at us to keep us all distracted. Its just another Will Smith face slap to keep everyone gasping and addicted. Then they gotta hop on twitter and post about it. Then whoever comes up with the most catchy one liner [show more]


    • Mike

      That was some deep diving, thanks Polly!


    • AerialEth

      All these CULTS!! Praise “BOB”..


      • WolfWerx – Fe’ral Agents

        Have to be a real airhead to get sucked in.


    • djaybeetoo

      I am glad polly came across the Raelian cloning cult. Very strange stuff.


    • MarkWhitNat

      How is it not worth mentioning Raell being Jewish? Wikipedia Early Life


      • Saulgood

        Oh come on, another cohencidence!



      At least he did not stoop to that terrible SPRINGTIME FOR HITLER. That was that terrible anti-Semite, Mel Brooks!!!


      • View all 4 replies
      • SaulgoodNORMXIE

        Now be nice, they don’t show his movies anymore. They’re comedy gold and perhaps this is why. “He said the sheriff’s near!”. ” No, I said….”


      • FogDogmaNORMXIE

        just a comment, getting triggered isn’t necessary


    • 911vid

      Wouldn’t worry about him going mars


    • bilbob7624

      as above so below is Satanic. it’s what the Baphomet is doing with it’s hands.


      • L_J_ATLAS

        Just because old baf does some thing or says domething donsent make it his. Its all Gods, and he created it all.


    • AerialEth

      Thanks Polly!!! You read my comment <3 You!!!


    • orion1984

      Polly, why are the comments unaccessible on your “Free the jews” video posted 3 days ago? The comment section was accessible on the day you posted the video but not now. Why?


      • View all 6 replies
      • NinjenShikkaku

        The sock puppet spammers intend to force free speech venues to shut down. They succeeded.


      • Daniel B·

        It’s just that Polly’s comment sections are very popular, and all comments are loaded in one go on BitChute,
        where the current 1,866 comments take a minute to load, but only 2.6s to display, thanks to the drastic improvements I made to the processing time (previously, the total time for the comments to appear would have been ~5 [show more]


    • Great Sermons

      Finally someone joins all the dots..polly mentions the dna changing chemicals …and believe it or not it is connected into the literal tree of life ..which is barred by the angel with the zig zagging sword …barred from eden etc all laid out in 72/73 videos genesis 3,22 and genesis 3,24 here [show more]


    • djaybeetoo

      I do not trust YE or Elon, it does look like the theatre of the dialectic with Alex Jones as a nexus point.


      • Rell

        In the kabalah Adams kadmon is called also Adam Elyon. I believe Elon is just a version of this name and now we know why he wore the baphomet at Helloween


    • Sungunrundown

      The slavemasters use their script writers to create our reality then an army of psyop agents along with the controlled media make sure we hear about it. They keep us never ending focused on the bs and discussing it.


      • Sungunrundown

        Remember psyops usually present much truth then take you on a deadend tangent. Always look for that tangent.


    • R_McGeddon

      When did you sell your soul Polly?
      There must be something dark in there with your obsession with attacking Christ’s nation, Christ’s people and Christ’s race
      Many shall be deceived


      • View all 3 replies
      • AerialEth

        Be Objective. You don’t know if you don’t know.
        Just because one looks at it objectively and can explain doesn’t mean Polly “lost her soul”
        Now you know- because she explained it to. You can pray if that’s what you do. [show more]


      • 13of12

        To whom was Christ sent? Not to the House of Judah. That would have been a total failure of His Word. By His own words He was only sent to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. That is chiefly where the fruit of the gospel has been borne and exported around the world, in obedience to His commission. When you understand that [show more]


    • phylthie

      Paradism: No one works because of machines and computers. Tell that to the escalated support team!!


    • ARKO48

      the dot connector. very good work.


    • joebobjoe

      a-whomp bomp-a-looma a-whomp-bam-boom..Tutti Frutti…thank-you for all your great work


    • jjameson2079

      Cindy McCain was born Cindy Hensley. The Hensley’s not only control all the distribution of all Anheiser Busch products in the state of AZ from Sodona to the mexican border, but it is also wisely known as a family that were the major bootleggers there back in the depression. I’m guessing that the Seagrams family was their Canadian connection back then


      • WolfWerx – Fe’ral Agents

        JEW Bronfman’s.

        Seagrams is a brand of piss innit?


      [comment removed by user]


      • AerialEth

        How about that Detroit Krit Car…. They LOVED those Krit Cars in Europe.. multi rows of seats..
        The whole gang can ride open top an wave to the pedestrians. It’s always a parade in a Krit Car!!


    • Sungunrundown

      We live in an actor/cgi/psyop scripted reality. The media often uses one face playing multiple roles. You will find it in every movie and TV program. Many videos. Train your eye by comparing one facial feature at a time presented from the same angle. With moving pictures you must remember what the feature looks like and the angle [show more]


      • View all 6 replies
      • fnucloneincSaulgood

        congratulations, you made the playoffs, wanker!


      • Sungunrundownfnucloneinc

        wellaware1 says hicks and jones are cousins. I don’t know about Limbaugh but Chevy Chase is Morrison.


    • The99percent

      DONT MISS >


    • Sirius Lee ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ

      Andrew Yang’s supporters believe robots will be doing all the work in the future. It sounds like they’re all in the same movement.


      • WolfWerx – Fe’ral Agents

        They are welcome to have my work!

        I can joystick the piece of shit.


    • The99percent

      …….meanwhile in BC
      the gulag bill has been rammed thru
      IT’S GETTING WORSE IN CANADA!! [show more]


      • WolfWerx – Fe’ral Agents

        Cucked Canadian men are the problem.

        Hopefully the bottom weakest half kill themselves soon.


    • jjameson2079

      You had me at clitoraid…


      • Saulgood



    • The99percent

      i was going to leave you the APEC 2022 link
      SCHWAB was there [show more]


      • View all 9 replies
      • The Common JewnominatorThe99percent

        So Hitlers’ mom was a Rothschild, her son ran between trenches in WW1 and would grow up to not only jail a Rothschild, but approve films being made in his country the likes of “Die Rothschilds: Aktien auf Waterloo” (The Rothschilds: Shares in Waterloo).


      • NinjenShikkakuThe Common Jewnominator

        No, Hitler’s Mother was a Maid for a Jew that would ultimately be a Penniless Drunk who at the time owned a textile mill. He knocked her up and fired her, resulting in her having to marry the Brother of the man she would otherwise have married if she was not already a single mother.


    • chuchute

      membership has its perks, whats in their wallets


    • jjameson2079

      Hippy dippy? Fruity tootie? Sounds like a flock of nutfuks to me!


    • It’s the same thing over and over and over Polly. Amazing poly consider this the technocrats against the big pharma and the politicians in between them both and the tornado of money from the people, tax burdened beyond suffering. And still they want more and more and more was the way it was in World war I World war II Korea Vietnam [show more]


      • JardaniJovanovich420

        Try in English next time. There’s this thing called punctuation. Also look into sentence structure. You should sue every school you ever attended.


    • gardencrone

      look up the coin minted to commemorate the Transfer Agreement…


      • View all 3 replies
      • NinjenShikkakuThe Common Jewnominator

        What “Palestinians”?, at the time Hadj Amin Al-Hussaini was still trying to make “Palestine” Southern Syria, when he wasn’t providing an Arab Wing to the WAFFEN SS to fight in the Balkans. Most of the “Palestinians” were Still Jordanian or Egyptian.


      • The Common JewnominatorNinjenShikkaku

        The Palestinians Hitler talks about at around the 10 minute mark of this speech.


    • edith.neumaier

      Thank you for all your Work


    • Stålboge_Arneson

      You make my days and nights more interesting than all other than my dear wife, Polly…. Thanks.


    • Goyzombie00

      Kanye west is 33 in gematria maybe that’s why he changed it???


      • Rell

        Funny how he keeps having trannies for girlfriends? Kim K, Julia fox? All suspect females


    • hummer wisdom

      As the jews gain more sympathy from the jewified masses.


    • Great Sermons

      it will all be overseen by the un plandemic treaty with cbdc … trump asked to suspend us constitution today …see also “Pandemic Treaty finalised, Dr Francis Boyle & Mike Adams issue URGENT WARNING on WHO Pandemic treaty”


    • Sungunrundown

      Jason Breshears Archaix. Try Google: Archaix. com. Listen to some interviews of Jason for an overview.
      Also Google: wellaware1 Trump Out Trumped proof. Also Google: The Desilu Effect DallasGoldbug.
      Google: Kermit Roosevelt Father Coughlin Hitler Disney. [show more]


      • View all 3 replies
      • Saulgood

        Fuck google


      • SungunrundownSaulgood

        dumbass. All the platforms are controlled. The entire media is owned and controlled by a handful of media conglomerates owned by the slavemasters. Stop pretending you have fallen for that controlled fake opposition between platforms. It makes you sound like a psyop agent.


    • This is your god

      “Ye” is put out there not much diffrent than the likes of trump and musk are.

      Edit: Diffrent spin on the same wheel…


      • View all 6 replies
      • RellSeaH

        They have taken the left to the woke extreme, they are now taking the right to the absolute extrema. Kanye is just a player in their game and this symbol is proof that the left star if David (communism) and the right swastika (Nazi) right are being united. Just goes to show all the Hitler lovers, the Zionists owned him and played [show more]


      • “Vaccine” + Death = Murder“Vaccine” + Death = Murder

        op said ‘different spin on tha same day’

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