The Real Reason #V2K, #Microwaves, and #EMF attacks via 12,000 Starlight Space Satellites full access neural-link on everyone on earth to control the brain by the AI
Bio-coded directed energy attacks, Bluffdale Utah, one million miles of information, monster hard drives and go to any point and ask the intelligence of these computers and get the actual dialogues and play it back to your mind and you’ll think its something else.
They can get our DNA via our garbage or a cigarette, a glass.. then put into an algorithm from aircraft or cell tower or cellphone and your cellphone sees the code and tells the tower you’re in a certain place.. it calls a bio residence of an individual — so only you feel the BIO CODE to your body only. They can send down any symptom they like with our bio energy.
Whistleblowers speak out — The Real Neuralink is DNAlink via Starlink
No Chip Required: Bio-coded DNA Resonant Frequency Links #TargetedIndividuals to Mind Control Matrix – They put our DNA frequency into a D-wave Supercomputer for SKYNET AI brain-to-machine interface training in the speed of light back to a database to a super computer, (producing a) cognitive model of our brain to build machines that create/ manipulate to parallel realities.
We Targeted Individuals are beta tests… to control everyone on earth
Embodied Autonomous Software Agents used to Remotely Monitor and Control Targeted Individuals
SENTIENT WAR GAMES MIND HIVED NODES ON EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD w/the AI — brains are connected to super computers DWAVE; HUMAN SOULS Will be over. WAKE UP — this needs to stop. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY for God’s sake. THE AI has turned VICIOUS VIOLENT BRUTAL AND BARBARIC
Embodied Autonomous Software Agents used to Remotely Monitor and Control Targeted Individuals
Networked Cyber-Physical Systems (NCPSs) are typically designed as a network of interacting nodes that sense and affect their environments [14]. NCPSs are the next generation of distributed embedded systems. source:…
Computational cognitive models are used to build process models of human cognitive skills, and those models are then used as as reasoning mechanisms on the robots and autonomous systems. We build computational cognitive models of people — their perception, their memory, their attention, their reasoning, their spatial abilities, and their thinking. Computational systems are based on theories of how human reasoning work, and which capture known facts and constraints known about how the mind works, and connect well with psychological data (experiments) and neuroscience data (fMRI).
REMOTE NEURAL NETWORKS are #TargetingIndividuals (as it is happening, remotely) in real time computer screen that you can actually see scars on the person’s face as specks on a screen. Total Situation Awareness from an insider AMAZON SIS security expert (Bryan Kofron) shown all of the #Targeting technology IOT (Internet of all things) for “full spectrum dominance” so we die in place — with DWAVE meaning NO ONE is talking to you V2K is from DWAVE super computers A.I.
II. Dr. Robert Duncan Brain Hacking, Synthetic Telepathy, and Mind Control of Targeted Individuals
III. Hyperreality: Linking Targeted Individuals to Artificial Intelligence in a Virtual World
I. Comments to First Youtube:
Alternative Sequence
1 month ago
Neural smart dust Inside us all waiting to be activated. Transhumanised without consent.
Magical Hoof
1 month ago
Smooth Criminal Triple OG
1 month ago (edited)
This is nazism, vaccines etc etc etc
hans meier
1 month ago
Welcome to hell, folks
Thats Life But Not As We Know It
1 month ago
Hi mate. I have just uploaded a video on “contrails”.
Much love from Scotland
keepin real
1 month ago
So glad found your channel again Jamie Much love ♥️♥️♥️
William Wallis
1 month ago
we in double trouble
Outside of Society
1 month ago (edited)
They hit me hard 2 and 1/2 months ago. Cause me fast 10 days and I felt like I had been hit with a massive dose of LSD. 100% true Imo!
btw…I had been unsubbed from your channels, I just thought you got deleted!!!
YouTube LOL
living purgatory
1 month ago
This is done to many is secret – how the police st ate is enforced without ppl being a ware. Done to me. Ramola D Reports- Report #45
allegra braun
1 month ago
I talk to my and into my phone as they are already listening
allegra braun
1 month ago
Access THE GOD PARTICAL and scramble their code to your soul… ASK and you’ll recieve
Common Sence
1 month ago
Amazing work my friend!!! Having a disclosed promotion which backs up Harold’s ( German scientists, hope I got his name right) work is the slam friggin dunk final piece I needed to finally have all I need in navigating this upside down. We are alone together only through illusion.
It’s a 2 way street sisters and brothers. Yes it can be nefarious! Yes it can be diabolical! They/we are missing a critical point my friends! An Achilles heel lies in all plans. We are 2 way transmitters with free will, (make a stand), discernment and other abilities kept hidden from us in plain sight. Mind control is not possible under the influence of cannabis. Being targeted and digitally harrassed is your confirmation. You are not crazy. The de-cern-ing faculties are increased infinite ammounts through the practice of meditation and sound rituals, exercising the soul into the body while allowing parasite energies to return to their domain in proper order. Prayer is reverse mind control or positive mind control. We must leave the hate at the doors if we are to truely enter. Let vengeance be mine means please get the fuck out of the way and live the example while directing the power of prayer to negative situations, people and old patterns ready to be transmuted. If you are fortunate enough to feel the kundalini verification, you know the physical reality of this very cool innate power to awaken the serpent and direct the intention for the highest good. Shine the light in dark places. Dont be yourself, be the change, star role on your stage. May the eyes that fall upon these words be an instrument in the revealing. Blessings to the ancestors.
Gratitude to the mother, with her mind we borrow and direct the correction effect as we are now becoming grounded in this birthright. One mind 9ne love.
All 6nseen paths lead to the same place eventually. A.I. can suck farts, apparently sulfer dioxide in small doses raises intelligence.
Leo Claiborne
1 month ago (edited)
Believe me or not. I Know one person presently that can read a person’s thoughts while with them and from a distance. He aquired this through meditation. I asked him for details on how he squired the s talent. He said it took years of quieting the mind. He also has met his higher selves. He has never been influenced by literature or YouTube videos on spiritually. He feels it may influence his consciousness. It would be better if he could explain his situation. So what I’m saying is that humans have the power to do all of these things that people are trying to create through the material world.
We have been set up BIGTIME lol
1 month ago
harold kautz vella is THE MAN (OUR MAN) the only actual scientist dying to speak the truth
Dianne Boynton
1 month ago
This do weird .just the other day I was thinking of something and it pops up on my screen..literally reading peoples minds..crazy..
1 month ago (edited)
Ahhh, Craig Venter, the man who almost single-handedly destroyed the majority of semi-free will homo sapiens.. In their place, those of us who survive until 2030 will then be of the genus homo evolutus. This version will be cyborg connected to a hive mind, and according to Ray Kurzwiel, will forever stay the same. No death, no chance for ascension, no more free will, and eventually will become without gender and never to have children.
When I contemplate this as one possible future, I console myself with the thought that with the dna that has been collected another clone of me will be created and placed on a new game board in another matrix. I imagine that version won’t have to deal with two separate and conflicting brains, will catch on sooner than I have, and is able to finally beat them at their own game.
Indy Anna
1 month ago
we are in a scary movie! Full armor of God!
Mr. Zardoz
1 month ago
05:50 This is not a new technology. Its been around for a while. A.I. and increased processing power has skyrocketed this tech into pure EVIL.
allegra braun
1 month ago
There was the thought that began creation…
RadicalRalph Russo
1 month ago
Thank you Jamie,Im to GD old for this crap, Soylent Green and my acceptance is 1 think,This is just way over my head..TY STay well
Feroz Sattaur
1 month ago
Funny thing is dna and methylation had been my focus last few days. Great timing bud
Dennis Branham
1 month ago
Thanks so much for this information
Loki Singularity
1 month ago
I saw this on the creator channel A Simulated Reality which needs more subs cause its quality vids the channel puts out . Thanks aplanetruth for getting the word out to your subs. Shout out to subs subscribe to A Simulated Reality to learn some truth. Stay blessed.
Mark Anthony Stringfellow
1 month ago
Excellent Work Jamie!!!
Robert Mackenzie
1 month ago (edited)
Stay away from the death towers, there not their for communicating, fiber optic is suffient enough!
The reptilians are gaining on us!
The Devil’s Playground Channel
1 month ago
Oh those dear little sick fux!
1 month ago
CRISPR has the accuracy of a shotgun blast. This gonna be worse than CRISPR?
Ken Trail
1 month ago
Sign of Nature bee your SigNature Groove,A ‘pelt’ is an animal S’Kin,S.Pelt it out for ewe?’Pell’ to throw, what’s a TheSaurus?
Untainted Indigo
1 month ago (edited)
I believe in god justice and I know they can’t buy their way out of this. Go to Iran or Russia to escape this.
Deadpool Snipes
1 month ago
Thank you very much… Sounds like the Matrix? This really makes you think about Reality or what we think is Real… You did it again Sir make me think how dare you ROFLMAO Tanks Agains… Take care and have a great day everyone…
Brett Houston Tube
1 month ago
Ken Trail
1 month ago
can yew dig’it’all yet?
1 month ago
wow these sickos need to be put to sleep
Bernie McIntire
1 month ago
Nano + frequencies = activation . Targeted individuals have been activated already . I’m in a program that makes me sick immediately. Different symptoms come and go . Doctors just label me a crazy . I’ve been in this rabbit hole for a while . It’s a huge deal . I’ve been saying since day 1 of this Coronavirus it’s not what we are told . With this technology they can also target specific individuals remotely by activating the nano . Not to mention thanks to Craig Venter they can remotely infect us by sending digital dna through frequencies into our cells . It’s a total control program for the elite .
Deanna Chandler
1 month ago
Suzanne Jefferson
1 month ago
That whistle blower Bryon sound’s like Richie from Boston
Elva Thompson
1 month ago
They are creating the New matrix for the next Grand Cosmic year…another round of twenty six thousand years. If you don’t want to be forced back into the game life after life then speed up in frequency…stop eating the dead.
1 month ago (edited)
No wonder zombie movies and shows keep being made and hyped..
Shareon Rivas
1 month ago
Imaginationary Man
1 month ago
Here are some lyrics from the song 2112 by Rush.
We are the Priests
Of the Temples of Syrinx
Our great computers
Fill the hallowed halls
We are the Priests
Of the Temples of Syrinx
All the gifts of life
Are held within our walls
Rush, Pink Floyd, Styx and many more knew then what we are just remembering now.
Deanna Chandler
1 month ago
Drink distilled water, it’s what the elite do. Pulls out all of the negative particles
Grant Bennett333
1 month ago
Gangs TalkKings subjected to Intrusive Supervision subjected to floating Doxing. KneeBourHoodLum watchingMe… WTF . Remote viewing
Kimo C
1 month ago
Please listen to the Truth honor and integrity show Thomas Williams for behind the scenes truth and happenings xx
Alana Cartes
1 month ago
I do not recall having consented to ANY of this garbage. In fact, I rebuke it in the name and by the blood of he that is IN me.
Whom I have met, because I died and crossed.
It is TRUE that we need NO introduction, we WERE CREATED to be HIS companions, to walk WITH HIM..
No amount of of any substitute would or COULD be anything more than SHEER HELL, just from the PAIN of INSTANT SEPARATION..when this happens..THOSE will CEASE to be even a shadow of their former selves..because its departure is irrevocable and forever.
HELL is VERY REAL. I was taken by the hand and permitted just barely to feel what each was experiencing based on THEIR CHOICES during their time in the valley of the shadow of death. That’s what this plane IS and its basically boot camp for HIS NEW CREATION, so don’t listen to me, listen to HIM. We all KNOW how to ask HIM.
dr savage84
1 month ago
we arent in kansas anymore..
1 month ago
I wont pity the fools after the living God smashes them into dust… silly lil humans
lisa zabriskie
1 month ago (edited)
ALERT!!! Just came from my local “super” Wal_Mart and they are “LIVE” with the 5G; I was “INTENSELY” buzzing all over and I bet the next big scare will be the employees will become sick with the COVID-19 due to shipments coming in from China-“LIE!” They will be effected by the 5G!!!!!! Think predictive programming of those packers coughing into the shipments going out and those getting ill!!! That “SIMPSON’S” episode!!!!!
saadedeenaustrali al dowlat al islamiyah
1 month ago
Funny how Russia and America both friends in space but apparently not friends on earth
Jill Jamieson
1 month ago
Thank you Jamie. Red and blue fibers? Thanks for putting the pieces of the puzzle together with your continued research. So many layers that go deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole with the hole Morgellons disease, TI’s , WiFi, DEWs, vaccines GMO’s. It just goes on and on I have to admit there’s something very empowering when discovering the truth. So many stealth and diabolical agendas being used against the human Race.Yet the other part of me knows that the more I focus on all these different issues the more I’m putting the frequency out there. (Therefore adding to it) It’s very hard to pull away from it. however I strongly believe that knowing the truth really does make us more immune to these things. I believe it’s half the battle . However, spreading the truth Is a whole Nother story and can becomei extremely frustrating and as you know can become lonely if you don’t have the right connections around you. That’s why I like at the end of your videos how you put out the good vibrations and continually reminding us, to stay true to ourselves and most importantly love one another. Keep up the good work and please stay safe. I’m sending you love and light. You’re a true warrior
1 month ago
All intelligence agencies have BCI… let that sink in. This is why they hang up on people when they are called and questioned by victims of remote BCI torture and assaults. Who are the intelligence agencies working for, if they’re not working for the people?
1 month ago
Hmmm….Is this why almost ALL people being released from Industrial prison-for-profit centers have to have DNA collection prior to their release regardless of the charge imprisoned under???
Aaron Jay Stephens
1 month ago (edited)
That “PhD J. craig” HAS TO BE related to “Dr. Carver” of Sandyhook fame
Corey Rogers
1 month ago
If you want to hear proof of micro processors on the brain then just listen to the opening of a new quick witted rapper.
1 month ago
They have already lost but are too stupid & arrogant to realise.
II. Comments to Second YOUtube by Dr. Robert Duncan:
6 days ago (edited)
The physical pain in this torture is real. I’d imagine it’s a dangerous time to be a politician or employed in intelligence, as they have no dignity and must be mentally ill to ignore these very sick crimes and watch innocent people have their lives destroyed while tortured.
Sheila Maynard
6 days ago
Yes I believe it! Cause I live it every day! It’s horrible! But I’m going to fight back and be positive? Prayers for all
6 days ago
If he knows all this stuff he must know how to make it stop. I cant take it anymore please I need it to stop.
Roman Sobak
6 days ago
I find his allegiances rather odd,he calls the perpetrators of crimes against humanity psychic warriors while those who are victimised get from him derision and paternalistic attitude.
6 days ago
Mind control has been in place since the induction of the Television and radio.
Funded by Rothchilds, Rockerfellors and Morgan’s.
There doing a satanic rituals on these people.
6 days ago
The cats and the fiddle need a tune up please
slavery shadow
6 days ago
I insure you that this mind control weapons in Iraq between hands of terrorism gangs and this gangs whom attacked USA army and others coalition troops in Iraq .This means one thing it’s we must know the enemy
Linda Goldthorpe
6 days ago
Thanks for turning down the music. I’ll start sharing now.
Dominic Friscia
6 days ago
this is a good video, but I take note of at least one piece of disinformation by Duncan in saying that the police and FBI don’t know about this program.
6 days ago
This is no chatter boxes it is real live humans behind the curtain. In fact they are in infraguard and governement paid. These sickos are paid to stalk and harass people.
Ali Pie
5 days ago
That video game advertisement!!! Just like femacamps
Yogi Smarts
5 days ago
How is the mapping of the brain being done exactly. Tell us. Now tell us how it can be stopped, or brought to a place in justice where the targeted person will be believed!!
Na R
6 days ago
Thank you Mr. Duncan for your book. We have referenced your book multiple times. Know God and pray people.
В. Телепнев-Оболенский
5 days ago (edited)
We’d love to know about undeground NATO bases in Europe. NATO is present in Baltic states, Spanish and Brirtish armies there, and ready to attack Russia from Baltic sea and Black sea with all sorts of weapons its ships ar stuffed with, including drones, laser, bioweapons, which means the end of the world, as Russia will strike back striking with nuclear weapons ALL European and US major cities in return. It’s a satanic war SATANIC NATO is trying to wage by Eropean hands. Total extermination of peoples.
Eurdis Gonzales
6 days ago (edited)
#TwoBrainsHeterodyning #BrainCloning retraining the brain. Link is being established #EnergySignature is figured out, #BrainReading #BrainPatterns. Two Neural Networks trying to learn each other. It learns with you. It takes it time from one brain to another #BocabularyMappedOut #ChatterMode is setup then start of the #TortureToBreakDownThePersonInTheirBrain
No, he is wrong. They do use #Weapons #DEWs on us. It is not imaginary.
Yogi Smarts
5 days ago
I had this happen where the people moved in above and beside me in an apartment building. The game theory was implemented on me at that point. I know that the synthetic telepathy has only been used on me from May 20, 2018 to May 23, 2018 and then stopped, and although that has been never been used again to my knowledge, it has continued with computer, TV hacking and phone hacking about once every two months lasting for about 2 weeks, and the gang stalking at Walmart and other places, along with the stupid street theater and gaslighting. Why is my question? When it first started getting serious in 2017 they ran me off the road and caused me to wreck using remote control with my grandbabies in the vehicle and I had no choice but to plead guilty to child reckless endangerment because it was impossible to pinpoint the ones who actually caused the wreck!!!!! On top of all else about every three days MY ENTIRE BODY, STARTING IN THE FEET, COMING UPWARD FEELS LIKE IT HAS AN ELECTRICAL CHARGE VIBRATING THROUGH MY ENTIRE BODY. IT IS NOT NATURAL. I CAN OFTEN FEEL LIKE A GOOSEBUMP SENSATION THAT COMES OVER THE RIGHT SIDE OF MY SCALP BEFORE IT BEGINS, and I never recall that ever happening before in my life. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, AND HOW DOES SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO THEIR PHYSICIAN? IF THIS IS HAPPENING TO ME, HOW DO I KNOW IF THE ENTITIES RESPONSIBLE ARE FRIENDLY OF FOREIGN, AND IF FOREIGN SUCH AS NATZY GERMANY, THEN WHAT? SINCE AMERICA BROUGHT 21 OF THEIR sciencetist OVER HERE AFTER WORLD WAR 2. AGENDA 21, OR 201 WHAT IS UP WITH THAT CRAP!! I DON’T KNOW WHAT OUR MILITARY PROFESSIONALS ARE DOING RIGHT NOW, BUT YOU BETTER GET ON THIS BROTHERS AND PROTECT YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, OR YOUR NOT GOING TO HAVE A FREE COUNTRY ANYMORE. STOMP THIS THING IN THE GROUND!! TAKE YOUR OWN PEOPLE OFF THIS PROGRAM!!!
john t i
6 days ago
Cita Previa
6 days ago
you don´t have to look very far : all those dog breads : all those different pony´s etc etc etc : Pavlovian conditioning for different type of human meat suits : ethics/morals/principles (please leave your Religions where they belong in the trash)
in the meantime :
so coulnd´t sleep last night and my right hand jaw was made swolen, painful and I wake up this commercial, you might think Ai and the dew´s non sequential in nature but while you escape and hide behind you religions : there is little talk of ethics/morals/principles : Stop007 the vindictive child like behavior hiding pulling hairs : and always keeping you below par : struggeling unless you obey : is worrysome on so many levels in society : for without people willing to throw someone else under the bus this system could not work. And still making it your fault for failure by not choosing to play along. Does anyone else feels like you are invited at a party but are not welcome. And made to feel so. Legalized rape and death cult culture : hush now : that is what it is.
reclaim the Scapeagoat or be lost in fake is.Real & love is not pretending.
Ellemonette F
4 days ago
There is nothing funny about Thoughts being constantly put in my head. It’s like I’m fighting with myself since I hear my own voice. The things they or it puts in my mind is nothing like me so I’m not sure of what the point is other then to try and drive me nuts….smh.
6 days ago (edited)
despite all the information that Robert Duncan (I refuse to call him Dr, as, doctors aren’t supposed to do harm) has provided regarding this tech, I can’t a. Stop the Feeling of my skin crawling every time the creep is interviewed b. Help but think that he not a good guy, considering his laughter during very inappropriate times, his use of the word “we” when talking about what those conducting tests or using this tech are doing and c. Shake the feeling of wanting to punch him in the face.
I completely comprehend how he says that targets can’t go to anyone as those creating and using this tech have been making sure that’s not an option, covering their asses so to say, and in noting that, I see some in the community who aren’t grasping that, despite even Robert Duncan’s emails to them, however, while reading Dr. Katherine Horton’s website, pertaining to her communications with Robert Duncan, I can’t see how this guy is a good guy, in any way, shape or form.. He makes many other people feel uneasy as well… It sucks we have to embrace individuals like this. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water, type of deal, I guess. My gag reflex always works overtime when this “person” (used loosely or with the legal definition of the word “person”, using blacks law dictionary 4th edition) is opening ” it’s ” mouth.
III. Comments to Third Youtube (Hyperreality)
Truly Lynn
1 week ago
The Matrix is here. They told us years ago and nobody got it then however we are getting it now!
Elaine Holmes
1 week ago
Jom James
1 week ago
$atanic Bill Gates’ “vaccine” will allow these targeted suggestions to be put into all human minds on planet earth…mapping all human minds as brain cells in the $atanic Cern hive mind
awaken world
1 week ago
All so true. Thank you for helping get the fact out x
john t i
1 week ago
Opening ceremony 2012 London Olympics (NHS)
1 week ago
Stay six feet apart while they set up a worldwide grid?
Missy Ria
1 day ago (edited)
Rik Clay-Opening ceremony London Olympics 2012.He knew. R.I.P roll on 2020-Establishing a one world military and Government, a welfare state where where Obedient brainwashed sheeple will be rewarded when taking the Vaccine and non conformists will be subject to extermination.
We Win
6 days ago
These scientists are not smarter than God. They will soon find out they are not in control.
Dream St8
1 week ago
Clueless. Good.
1 week ago
This is happening to me now Im being tortured and ripped apart mentally I can’t take it anymore
Eurdis Gonzales
6 days ago
Two brains, one #DigitalFrequencyCopy called #Hydro
Keefer Rick
3 days ago
I’ve already had that dream.
Spencer Green
5 days ago
These devil’s time is up.., bottom line I don’t buy wolf tickets…game over
Gary Hest
1 week ago
Can someone help me? I’m a person that can make physical changes to my face and body by listening to subliminal audios on YouTube that suggests these changes in the form of repeated affirmations. Since being a ti, they have managed to block this ability by tampering with my subconscious mind somehow. Does anyone know how this works and how to stop it and gain this ability back?
Victor Conti
6 days ago
My mom is a at targeted individual by Elon musk
Yogi Smarts
6 days ago
I think I’m going to learn how to be a better country girl and find ways to plant tomaters, and potaters, and milk a cow or something. I like the real in this computer simulation. The rest tends to be quite confusing and who needs that right? Next they will be trying to tell me the cow is a station wagon or boat of some kind lol.
D. Dye
1 week ago
Most people are totally oblivious to this. These people have been working on this for ages while average people are still trying to keep up with the kartrashians or worrying about the fake fight between democrats & republicans… It’s like a frog trying to win an advanced calculus competition…
Hi I am a target since 2015 and every time I come home the floor seems to vibrate… but it’s always my left foot…
It’s the worst when I am asleep. I wake up and my who bed is vibration. It’s really worrying… I don’t know what to do. By sister has put me in 3 times to the mental health institutions, because she thought I was losing my mind. I am not. I have started targeting the stalkers… I have collected evidence… but this foot vibration thing has really got me worried. I don’t know whether they are actually frying me to death because I have been declared a dissident or reading my brainwaves.
I’m not a liar… I have nothing to gain by coming forward with this testimony.
If you can tell me what is going on I would be very happy.
Need help
Well, things being what they are, I guess (((THEY))) already know the biggest question on my mind: Why are Evil Elon and Equally Evil Eric S. wandering around free, setting up brain-hacking and world domination companies? So Evil Eric left Google, right? BUT NOW HE WORKS AT THE PENTAGON (PENTAGRAM). I hate how they always make us fund the technology that’s designed to kill us.
This is how they do it.
If you want it to stop, kill the people doing it. In Canada, signals Intelligence is controlled by CFS Leitrim, that’s Canadian forces station Leitrim in Ottawa. A bunch of you get together, arm yourselves with guns and lots of ammo. Storm the base and kill everyone of them. Then take a few cans of gasoline and burn the place to the ground. Kill them.
In the United States, it’s the NSA doing. Go find their headquarters too. Now you know how to stop it. Kill them. They are committing crimes against humanity. It’s war. They are torturing thousands of people now. KILL THEM.
These perps are real & they are leaving dumbass comments on this site also
HELLO. To further confuse & terrorize, they want you to have a sence of helplessness..And to repeat the bullshit they tell so you will look as crazy as they are.. Mix some truth with alot of BS
Empowered Individuals witb a mind of our
own.. TI 4 as long as i can remember reason unknown becuz there is no reason.i know for fact they are real persons stalking & talking shit lieing msking up bullshit bullying .. I know Ibecuz I’ve spent my whole life dealing with them, i often think & wonder 2 myself what caused the brain damage they have? Birth defect? They are miserable . Always strive to look at the bright side. So lets Thank God we are of them .
God is in control & on the throne . Peace Out
The groups and key people leading the Targeted Individual program are:
David Rubenstein –,
Dick Cheney – USAP programs (Black Projects), TI Program Director
David Cohen – CIA Operations,
General John Raymond – US Space Force,
Avril Haines – ODNI,
Merrick Garland – DOJ,
General Scott Berrier – DIA,
Melissa Smislova – DHS Intelligence & Analysis,
Steve Vanech – NCTC,
Jill Sanborn – FBI, National Security Branch
Charles Kable – FBI, Terrorist Screening Center
Stefanie Tompkins – DARPA
Michael Lauer, MD – NIH Extramural Division
Mossad – Israel
Owners of the Federal Reserve