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Appendix 289: Operation Crestone/Baca: New Age Army; Projects Jedi, MONARCH & GREENSTAR; Neuro Linguistic Programming; DoD-Affiliated Satanic Cults, &/or “Alien Abductions?”

Compiled by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University, Feb. 18, 2025

Webmaster Introduction:   In this post, I present quotes from Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control: Researcher’s Edition (1994)  that appear to shed light on the possible multiple functions of Operation Crestone/Baca.   While these statements do not provide proof of these activities in Crestone/Baca.  However, as supplemental to the research I’ve already presented in this series, these statements suggest the strong possibility that these activities have been occurring here and may be ongoing to this day.

I. Epigraph Quotes From “Is Crestone/Baca The “Vatican City of the New World Order?” An Expose of the New World Religion”:

A. What on Earth Is Going On in Crestone/Baca, Colorado?

1)  “The Strongs say they see the Baca, which they call ‘The Valley of the Refuge of World Truths,’ as the paradigm for the entire planet and say that the fate of the earth is at stake.  Apparently, the Kissingers, the Rockefellers, the McNamaras, the Rothschilds, and other Establishment New World Order elites all agree as well, for they do their pilgrimage to the Baca- where politics and the occult- the New World Order and the New Age- all merge…..  Baca Grande also appears to be a magnet for military attention…. And reputedly is an active site for observing both UFO’s and spiritual manifestations.” blog From: Part I: The UN, Maurice Strong, Crestone/Baca, CO, and “The New World Religion” In: Is Crestone/Baca, Colorado, The “Vatican City” Of The New World Order? An Expose of the New World Religion

2) Hypothesis 334 from this series:   Operation Crestone/Baca, Colorado, involves the continuation of top-secret MKULTRA mind control experiments on our local residents, spiritual seekers, and retreatants within our local cults and spiritual communities.  Meditators, contemplatives, and retreatants tend to isolate themselves in silence and hence, provide ideal guinea pigs for covert brain mapping via 24/7 remote neural monitoring, manipulation, and “harvesting of  brainwaves.”  Monitoring and manipulation of information, thoughts, emotional states, dreams, moods, etc. sent to and received from targeted individuals and groups via non-invasive neuroscience technologies (NeuroS/T) affords neuroscientists and “WINS” (warfare, intelligence, national security) operatives the opportunity to test and deploy “cognitive warfare” (CW) capabilities against unwitting American citizens.

From: Part XIII. Mind Control, Human Research & Cognitive Warfare (Targeted Individual Program) in “Vatican City of the New World Order”

3) ... the CIA had chosen to move mind control experimentation from academic and military labs into the community.   An inner circle of Heironymous scientists experimented on cult devotees, and sometimes collaborated in mass murder to silence the subjects (Jonestown, SLA, Solar Temple, Waco Branch Dividians).   It was a marriage of convenience.  Occult societies are secretive.   They follow direction.  They exist in corners of a society that ignores them.

… The technology of “biophysical information transfer” is so advanced that it is often passed off as “alien.”   In a lawsuit filed against the National Security Agency in a District of Columbia federal courthouse (civil action 92-0049) a private citizen, John St. Clair Akwei, described the ultimate in electronic surveillance, Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM).  This device sends coded signals to the brain’s auditory cortex, he claims, communicates directly with the brain “to debilitate subjects by stimulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia.  Without contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject’s brain (on) a video monitor.   NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject’s eyes are seeing.   Visual memory can also be seen.  RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves.  NSA operatives can use this surreptitiously to put images into a surveillance subject’s brain while in REM sleep for brain programming purposes.”

Alex Constantine, Virtual Government (CIA Mind Control Operations In America, 1997)

II. Insights/Quotes From: Operation Mind Control: Researcher’s Edition (1994) by Walter H. Bowart

A. Toward a Psycho-Civilized Society?  Psychologist Lays Out Our Totalitarian Fate in 1970 

1) “The day has come,” said Professor James V. McConnel, head of the Department of Mental Health Research at the University of Michigan, “when we can combine sensory deprivation with the use of drugs, hypnosis, and the astute manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost absolute control over an individual’s behavior.” Did Dr. McConnel express the sentiments of behavior modifiers who, like cryptocrats, believe that mankind’s salvation resides in the control of individual behavior in an engineered society? And engineered by whom?

“.. We want to reshape our society drastically,” McConnel said, “so that all of us will be trained from birth to want to do what society wants us to do. Today’s behavioral psychologists are the architects and engineers who are shaping the Brave New World of Tomorrow.” (From: James McConnel, Psychology Today, 1970).

In the practical American way – stripped for action – the psychology profession appears to be turning away from psychotherapy and is becoming dependent upon the time and labor saving practical mechanics of behavior modification depending upon principles developed largely through laboratory experimentation.  Voluntary as well as involuntary actions can be conditioned. Once a reflex is trained into a subject, he becomes an automaton, responding to the artificial stimulus to which he has been programmed.

B.  The ‘Jedi Project,’ Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Hypnotism (Military Ops):

2) “According to U.S. Army Psyops Colonel, John B. Alexander:  “In 1983, the Jedi master (from George Lucas’ Star Wars) provided an image and a name for the Jedi Project, a human performance modeling experiment based on neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) skills. Sponsored by a U.S government interagency task force, Jedi used advanced influence technologies to model excellence in human performance. The subjects involved in Jedi were willing to be influenced to acquire desirable skills.

“The Jedi Project grew out of the ‘New Patterns of Influence Program,’ developed during the early eighties to disseminate NLP skills throughout the U.S. Army, under the auspices of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command and, until 1984, the Organizational Effectiveness School…

(Webmaster comment: This project sounds very much like the program that Michael Murphy, director of the Esalen Institute  and “friend” of Fr. William McNamara of the Spiritual Life Institute of America, was waxing enthusiastic about at his keynote speech at the dedication of the “Carmelites” new spiritual hermitage/monastery in Crestone/Baca in 1984! Murphy also claimed to be very interested in studying “peak performance.” I believe this is no coincidence.   While Michael Aquino liked to refer to himself as (and dress up) as Darth Vader to reinforce the PsyOps, local Baca community members such as Mark Jacobi and Peter May, who led the local Baca (Kundalini) Fire Department for years, also called themselves by Star Wars names; Mark was Obi Wan Kenobi, and Peter was, I can’t remember, probably either Han Solo or Luke Skywalker.)

Alexander told us: “Under the auspices of Major General Stubblebine, a small interagency team (with the U.S. Army as the lead member) was formed to see if NLP modeling technology could be beneficially applied to real-world training problems. Since the U.S. military is the largest training institution in the world, much time and money could be saved by improving techniques for teaching common skills. This team was a part of a large-scale organizational look at training technologies.

“As team members became familiar with NLP capabilities, they started wondering where its boundaries might be. They came to the conclusion that such boundaries existed only in the minds and belief systems of individuals. New and more complex skills will be required of our warriors in the future, and the project was an attempt to adapt training skills to meet these future needs,” Alexander wrote.

I had less luck when I was seated next to Brig. General Russ Sutton of the U.S. Marine Corps at a Bob Hope Classic banquet in Palm Springs. I tried to convince the General to get the entire U.S. Marine Corps to walk on fire so that they would have a “winning” resource state to use when they had to go into combat.  Alexander named Wyatt Woodsmall as one of the Army’s NLP instructors, and since I too received instruction from Woodsmall I can attest to his competency, efficiency and integrity, as I can to that of Anthony Robbins, whom Alexander did not name, but who told us about his involvement in Jedi

Alexander makes several mistakes in his book ‘The Warrior’s Edge.’ If I had made such mistakes in the first edition of this book, I would never have heard the end of it.  He demonstrated a philosophical incongruence, applying the highest ideals to the lowest purposes — the art of war. He also omitted from his book some of the most important premises of NLP – premises without which it doesn’t really work. He unforgivably misidentified the great hypnotist/psychiatrist Milton Erickson as Erick Erickson, and so on. To say the least, the book is fragmentary, incomplete and error ridden. Still, let’s give Alexander and his collaborators, Janet Morris (co-promoter of Non Lethal Weaponry) and Major Richard Groller, U.S.A.R, high scores for Jeffersonian effort in making the attempt to enlighten the military industrial complex through education.

The military as well as major corporations have been very interested in putting NLP to use. The Ford Motor Company, Westinghouse, and the Calvin Klein Fashion House are among scores of major companies that have sent employees for training, according to The New York Times: “Kevin Garby, an author and researcher on “New Age” topics in Carlyle, Pennsylvania, cites an army recruiting slogan “Be All that You Can Be” as evidence of what he contends has been the significant influence” of NLP-like disciplines. In the early 1980’s, Garby said, “officers at the Army War College in Carlyle, some of whom were graduates of EST, and were former members of The Radical Students For A Democratic Society, conducted a study aimed at creating a ‘New Age Army.’ The slogan, a derivative of the ‘You Create Your Own Reality’ orthodoxy of New Age groups, grew out of this work. 

The study, the Times reported,” according to participants, also envisaged training soldiers in meditation, developing skills in extrasensory perception, magic, and in ‘neurolinguistic training,’ a hypnosis technique.

(Webmaster comment: Of course, Crestone/Baca, with its 30-some spiritual groups of the “Refuge of World Truths,” would be a good place to cultivate these practices.)

B.  Crestone/Baca, Colorado:  “Ooooweeooo;” Are There Aliens and UFOs In the “Mysterious Valley?” Or Military-Intelligence Mind Control Operations?

2) In his recent book, “The Controllers: Modern Myth, Mass Manipulation and the New Hypothesis of Alien Abductions,” Martin Cannon says the image of an alien from a UFO provides an effective cover story to disguise the faces of the real abductors, namely, spychiatrists and the cryptocrats who are in Halloween masks so to speak. DARPA, Naval intelligence, CIA, universities, electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB), that’s what’s really happening.

The common hidden agenda in the mind control realm and ritual survivors is to discredit the victim. Nobody will believe them if they say they were abducted by aliens.

One psychologist who doesn’t want to be named has made a large graph/chart correlating the different ritual abuse phenomenon, the random abuse phenomenon, the alien abduction phenomenon, and mind control phenomenon- and it’s all the same! Set and setting, animate and inanimate objects. Many of these people are from multiple generational incest families- a lot of them, about 70%, are women.

Now we have armies of zombies (mind-control victims) just walking around- people who are traumatized, dissociated. The so-called “alien abductees” have been very pacified. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is now leaking out into the project. Delta Force (and Navy Seal) operatives are hypno-programmed. Conceivably you could find their codes, cues and triggers and can take over from the handler and turn the thing around.

We have a chart that compares the satanic and pagan and cult ritual abuse as a scenario that’s been created… the people that are describing the alien abduction, and ritual abuse, and mind control survivors are describing basically the same thing. The differences are worthy of study. But generally speaking, the table, the white lights, the doctor, the physical examination the almost rape aspect is universal to all three of them.

Behind the National Security curtain can lurk all kinds of things… the ability to erase or enhance memory, for example. So we have to repeal the National Security Act in order to find out.

The government has been funding a lot of research into the metaphysical aspects of this, telepathy, remote viewing, etc… and at the same time it’s been debunking and covering up these abilities. I believe ESP (extra-sensory perception) is every man’s birthright.

Martin Cannon argues that much of the testimony before Congress on the CIA’s “brainwashing” efforts (webmaster: During the Church Senate Hearings of the 1970s) was perjury. He says the clandestine research into thought manipulation was not stopped but went operational and, he asserts, any claims to the contrary are cover stories. He presents evidence (as have we) that a number of government agencies, CIA, NASA, Atomic Energy Commission. as well as a variety of agencies of the Department of Defense are all involved in research and operations to this day, and that the UFO abduction phenomenon, at least in part, is quite likely a continuation of the clandestine mind control operations.

“Perhaps the most interesting pieces of evidence surrounding the abduction phenomenon are the intra-cerebral implants allegedly visible in the X-rays and MRI scans of many abductees. Indeed, abductees often describe operations in which needles are inserted into the brain; more frequently still, they report implantation of foreign objects through the sinus cavities. Many abduction specialists assume that these inter-cranial incursions must be the handiwork of scientists from the stars. Unfortunately, these researchers have failed to familiarize themselves with certain little-heralded advances in terrestrial technology,” Cannon says. “The abductees’ implants strongly suggest a technological lineage which can be traced to a device known as a ‘stimoceiver,’ invented in the late ’50s-early ’60s by a neuroscientist named Jose Delgado.” 

Among ufologists, the term “abduction” has come to refer to an infinitely confounding experience, or matrix of experiences, shared by a dizzying number of individuals, who claim that travellers from the stars have scooped them out of their beds, or snatched them from their cars, and subjected them to interrogations, quasi-medical examinations, and “instruction” periods. Usually, these sessions are said to occur within alien spacecraft; frequently, the stories include terrifying details reminiscent of the tortures inflicted in Germany’s death camps. The abductees often (though not always) lose all memory of these events; they find themselves back in their cars or beds, unable to account for hours of “missing time.” Hypnosis, or some other trigger, can bring back these haunted hours in an explosion of recollection – and as the smoke clears, an abductee will often spot a trail of similar experiences, stretching all the way back to childhood.

Perhaps the oddest fact of these odd tales: Many abductees, for all their vividly-recollected agonies, claim to love their alien tormentors. That’s the word I’ve heard repeatedly: love.

I met a man who was a remote viewer and he told me an amazing story of being inside Cheyenne Mountain (NORAD) near Colorado Springs. He went inside there as a remote viewer and there were some sort of rays that tracked him and bells went off- this was back in the 1970s. And he saw Tesla generators that were sending magnetic rays through the earth to try to influence an election somewhere. I thought, let me call Ingo Swann and see if we could use these remote viewing technologies to help citizens for a democracy somewhere. He got very nervous and he said, “the CIA, they’re not all bad, they’re not all bad.”

C.  Is satanist, Michael Aquino’s MindWar (Psychotronic Warfare) Going On In Crestone/Baca, Colorado?

3) “In 1981, Major Michael A. Aquino (US Army intelligence officer, occultist, and founder of the satanic Temple of Set),  collaborated with Colonel Paul E. Vallely to produce a paper entitled ‘From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory.’ The paper was submitted to Military Review and Parameter, the publication of the U.S. Army War College. It was widely circulated among the psyop community and among mind control researchers without a copyright notice. Finally it appeared in its entirety in Milton William Cooper’s Behold A Pole Horse, a 1991 work that deals largely with the question of Unidentified Flying Objects. Here is part of it:

‘LTC John Alexander’s Military Review article in support of “psychotronics”intelligence and operational employment of ESP – was decidedly provocative….

Psychotronic research is in its infancy, but the U.S. Army already possesses an operational weapons systems designed to do what LTC Alexander would like ESP to do except that this weapons system uses existing communications media. It seeks to map the minds of neutral and enemy individuals and then to change them in accordance with U.S. national interests. It does this on a wide scale, embracing military units, regions, nations, and blocs. In its present form it is called Psychological Operations (PSYOP).

… For the mind to believe in its own decisions, it must feel that it made those decisions without coercion. Coercive measures used by the operative, consequently, must not be detectable by ordinary means. There is no need to resort to mind-weakening drugs such as those explored by the CIA; in fact the exposure of a single such method would do unacceptable damage to MindWar’s reputation for truth.

Existing PSYOP identifies purely-sociological factors which suggest appropriate idioms for messages. Doctrine in this area is highly developed, and the task is basically one of assembling and maintaining individuals and teams with enough expertise and experience to apply the doctrine effectively. This, however, is only the sociological dimension of target receptiveness measures. There are some purely natural conditions under which minds may become more or less receptive to ideas, and MindWar should take full advantage of such phenomena as: a) atmospheric electromagnetic activity, b) air ionization, and c) extremely low frequency waves.

(Footnotes: a) Atmospheric electromagnetic (EM) activity: The Human body communicates internally by EM and electrochemical impulses. The EM field displayed in Kirlian photographs, the effectiveness of acupuncture, and the body’s physical responses to various types of EM radiation (X-rays, infrared radiation, visible light spectra, etc.) are all examples of human sensitivity to EM forces and fields.

Atmospheric EM activity is regularly altered by such phenomena as sunspot eruptions and gravitational stresses which distort the Earth’s magnetic field. Under varying external EM conditions, humans are more or less disposed to the consideration of new ideas. MindWar should be timed accordingly. Per Dr. L.J. Ravitz:

“Electromagnetic field constructs add fuel to the assumption unifying living matter harmoniously with the operations of nature, the expression of an electromagnetic field no less than non-living systems; and that as points on spectrums, these two entities may at last take their positions in the organization of the universe in a way both explicable and rational… A tenable theory has been provided for emergence of the nervous system, developing not from functional demands, but instead deriving as a result of dynamic forces imposed on cell groups by the total field pattern. Living matter has a definition of state based on relativity field physics, through which it has been possible to detect a measurable property of total state functions.” (Ravitz, State Function, Including Hypnotic States” in Journal of American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry and Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1970.)

b) Ionization of the air: An abundance of negative condensation nuclei (“air ions”) in ingested air enhances alertness and exhilaration, while an excess of positive ions enhances drowsiness and depression. Calculation of the ionic balance of a target audience’s atmospheric environment will be correspondingly useful. Again this is a naturally-occurring condition – caused by such varying agents as solar ultraviolet light, lightning, and rapidly-moving water – rather than one which most be artificially created. (Detonation of nuclear weapons, however, will alter atmospheric ionization levels.) Cf. Soyke, Fred and Edmonds, Alan, The Ion Effect. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1977.

c) Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves: ELF waves up to 100 Hz are once more naturally occurring, but they can also be produced artificially (such as for the Navy’s Project Sanguine for submarine communication). ELF-waves are not normally noticed by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon the human body has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional distortion. Infrasound vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally influence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to passivity. Infrasound could be used tactically, as ELF-waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in conjunction with media broadcasts as well. See Playfair, Guy L. and Hill, Scott, The Cycles of Heaven. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1978, pages 130-140.)

(Webmaster comment: What Vallely and Aquino describe in this 1981 paper as MindWar IS obviously the “Targeted Individual Program!!!!”  Is it going on in Crestone/Baca?  As a TI myself, and aware of that fact since 2013, I can state with 100% confidence, this is going on in Crestone/Baca, Colorado)

In his book The Warrior’s Edge, Col. John B. Alexander said that NLP was “presented to selected general officers and Senior Executive Service members” a set of techniques to modify behavior patterns. Among the ftrst generals to take the course was then Lieutenant General Maxwell Thurman, who later went on to receive his fourth star and become Vice-Chief of Staff at the Army and Commander Southern Command.  Among other senior participants were Tom Downey and Major General Stubblebine, former Director of the Army Intelligence security Command. In 1983, the Jedi master (from the Star Wars movie)— provided an image and a name for the Jedi Project.” The Jedi Project’s aim was to “seek and construct teachable models of behaviorable/ physical excellence using unconventional means.”

According to Alexander, the Jedi Project was to be a follow-up to Neuro-Linguistic Programming skills. By using the influence of friends such as Major General Victorian wrote: “The original idea which was to show how ‘human will power and human concentration affect performance more than any other single factor ‘ using NLP skills, was the brainchild of three independent people; Fritz Erickson, a Gestalt Therapist, Virginia Satir, a family therapist, and Erick Erickson, a hypnotist (sic).”‘

17) Neuro Linguistic Programming says there’s no such thing as genius talent. It says: if we can find out what you believe and how you syntax the process, the context, and what you see, hear, and feel and in which order, I can duplicate your efforts. Let’s say you are the greatest golfer in the world. If I can find out what you believe about golf and your syntax process, the context, what you see, hear and feel and in which order, I can duplicate your efforts. And this would be true of anybody and in any field.

D. New and Better Ways of Programming Super-Soldiers and Improving Soldier Performance;

4) And it is my contention that to create this soldier of the future, the controllers will need a continuing program, one designed to test each new method and combination of methods for conquering the human mind.

One primary goal of this program must include expanding the human capacity for stress and violence. Subjects enrolled in such experimental procedures will experience pain, and will learn to accept the pain. Eventually, they will learn to inflict it, without remorse or even remembrance. The nation who first creates this new soldier will possess a decisive advantage on the “conventional” battlefield – as will the nation which first develops a means of using mass mind control techniques to disable entire enemy platoons. This paramount military necessity is the reason why I will never believe any unconvincing reassurances that our nation’s clandestine scientists have foregone or will forego research into behavior modification. This research will never be mere history. What’s past is present, and today’s covert experimentation will become tomorrow’s basic training.

A prototype of the future warrior may already be with us. The Navy SEAL I interviewed spoke in horrifying detail of dismemberment without emotion, of rape as routine, of killing without affect. And then forgetting that he has killed. Even years later, he could not recall the stories behind many of the wounds on his own body. He claims that whenever he would need the services of the veteran’s hospital, doctors would re-hypnotize him shortly after his admission, while a physician specifically cleared for such work would examine his medical history, which was highly classified and kept under lock and key.

E. Application of These Invisible Weapons Systems Secretly against Perceived Domestic Enemies (aka “potential terrorist threat and Targeted Individuals) (CIA/FBI/DHS Black Operation, USAP, Unacknowledged Special Access Project) aka The TI Program

5) TI, Harland Girard: The effects of these microwave weapons are many and varied, but the most insidious couple with the central nervous system to produce effects which might be described as Satanic possession, remote motor control of human locomotion and movement (including speech) has become possible. Remote motor control can be used to murder by suicide, “accident”, suffocation, asphyxiation and heart attack, or to simply neutralize the victim by making words come out of his/her mouth which he/she had no intention of speaking

In order to evade responsibility for the detention, torture, rape and murder of many tens of thousands of human beings, the CIA has developed in conjunction with the NASA Ames Laboratory what I called, generically, a “telepresence surveillance system.” This system gives the torturers employed by the CIA the sense that they are in the room with the victim. In other words, the victim can be made to feel, and does feel, as if he/she is in prison, but the victim remains in his/her own home.

Some of the funding comes from behavioral neuroscience research authorized by Congress in “Decade of Brain” (1990s) legislation. As with every other interest of the United States Government, the creation of cyborgs had been entered into with reckless enthusiasm, the crudest possible taste, and immense amounts of money.

Super High Frequency Electromagnetic Oscillations (SHF).

“SHF may have potential uses as a technique for altering human behavior. Lethal and non-lethal aspects have been shown to exist. In certain non-lethal exposures definite behavioral changes have occurred. There also appears to be a change in mammals when exposed to SHF, and sensitivity to sound, light, and olfactory stimuli.”

The significance of this intelligence document in terms of the medical experiments commissioned by the Central Intelligence Agency since 1976 is that “emphasis in this report is placed on influencing individuals as opposed to groups. Secondly, this report is a trend study and therefore contains statements predicting Soviet knowledge and capabilities for influencing human behavior up to fifteen years ahead, or 1987. It foreshadows the enormous effort put into behavior control experiments employing the use of masers and microwave beam weapons on involuntary human subjects during the Reagan/Bush regime.

“Fourthly, the report states that “the purpose of mind altering techniques is to create one or more of several different possible states in the conscious or unconscious area of the brain. The ultimate goal of controlled offensive behavior might well be the total submission of one’s will to some outside force.” After discussion of the possible states short of complete submission, which may be the goal of Soviet research in behavior control, the author states, “since the desired end product of this type of research is some change in the human mind, only the non-lethal aspects are discussed in this report. It should be remembered however, that some techniques have lethal thresholds.” (

(Webmaster comment:  Bowart was also “punished” (ergo, targeted), to the extent that all his family relationships were sabotaged and destroyed. That will sound like familiar territory to most TIs.)

Dr. B: What I’ve seen suggests that the programmers carry laptop computers which keep track of everything that they did twenty, thirty years ago in terms of the names of alters, the programs, the codes, and so on. (p. 649).





C. UFOs, DoD-Affiliated Satanic Cults, & Project GREENSTAR

3) Former Intelligence Officer, Julianne) McKinney continued, ”I see these UFO activities as being nothing more than a massive covert-intelligence fraud being perpetrated upon a gullible public – a lucrative, large-scale mind-control operation, qualifying as an attempt at creating The Cult to End All Cults/The Cult From Outer Space.’  McKinney says another source told her that there was a project headed by (Maj.) Michael Aquino that involves the programming of so-called “UFO abductees.” The source told her that this project is code-named GREENSTAR and is a mind-control operation involving an overlapping of satanic cults, the U.S. military and the UFO Community.  “Michael Aquino,” McKinney said, “is alleged under these circumstances, to have his hand in two major types of DoD-sponsored mind-control operations; viz., Satanic cults and, now, UFO abductions.”

Julianne McKinney, Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project of the Association of National Security Alumni, reports that she has interviewed 125 victims of government mind control. One of them had apparently been part of the “Alien” programming. The woman, now an adult in her 40’s, told McKinney of being used in the alien project as a young child because she was small and just the right size for wearing the costume of a “gray”, the big-headed alien with big eyes and a skinny neck which many UFO “abductees” sketch under hypnosis.

The woman was cult connected.  She claimed to have played a role in the perpetuation of the UFO abduction myth; i.e., as a member of a DoD-affiliated Satanic cult.  As a little girl she was made to wear an ET costume. When describing the costume, this woman said that the head and neck were manipulated by means of electronic gadgetry built into the costume. The Babylon Five preying-mantis costume — which also had an elongated neck, and eyes which were situated far above the wearer’s head – is also operated by means of electronic gadgetry built into the costume. The ET costume worn by this woman antedated Babylon Five’s special effects costuming by approximately 10 to 15 years,” McKinney said.

“Have you noticed how the special effects technologies in science fiction films have evolved at approximately the same rate as the special effects being employed in so-called UFO abductions and sightings? The “flying saucers” reportedly seen by the public during the 1950’s were about as sophisticated as those which were portrayed in science fiction films during that same period. By today’s standards, both were quite primitive.”

“Having been given no reason to believe otherwise, I have personally concluded that so-called UFO abductions, and the events surrounding those abductions and sightings, are a “black” intelligence operation, involving government-sponsored kidnappings, experimental drugs, surgical experimentation, sophisticated electronics and directed-energy technologies, implantable micro-circuited devices, experimental aircraft, Hollywood-style special effects, and the exploitation of government-sponsored genetics experiments.”

“These reported activities do not require the involvement or intellectual input of extraterrestrials. In fact, given the alleged superior capacities of ETs, these UFO operations come across as being really quite bungled, redundant and primitive. Their failure to outpace Hollywood’s development of special effects technologies or DoD’s weapons technologies also points to totally human involvement.”

Other researchers say there could be a long-term narco-hypnotic induction program using costuming and movie sets as covers for implanting terrifying “screen” or “scramble” memories of phony abductions by big-headed short gray aliens, the editio vulgata of ufology’s abductee memories.’

While “guesstimates” project numbers of victims of cryptocracy mind control to be in the tens of thousands, a 1993 Roper Poll has been interpreted to indicate that 6-10 million North Americans have experienced “alien abduction.” Somebody must be working overtime.

Many of the survivors of the so-called Project Monarch are remembering alien scenarios, while “ordinary folks” are those reporting their abductions. The thing they both have in common is the amnesia they experienced for so many years after the event.

D. Satanic Cults Supply Ritually Abused, Dissociated Children to U.S. Government to Be Mind-Controlled Slaves

4) Obtaining dissociated children for mind-programming purposes is associated with military-use of satanic cults to create mind-controlled slaves (Manchurian candidate assassins, sex-slaves, couriers, spies, super-soldiers, etc.):

Cults are a fertile laboratory for development of all manner of behavior modification and mind control techniques.  People can be re-programmed into submissive, obedient slaves, particularly in destructive cults that deliberately use behavior modification/mind control to break down the individual’s identity.

We have the military now recruiting multiple-personality disorders from satanic cults and actually creating cults and supporting satanic cults to create multiple personality people. So it’s a vicious circle.


G.  Satanism, Summoning Demons, Ritual Abuse, Project Monarch and Faked Alien Programming in Colorado

7) “Researcher, writer, producer, Andy Boehm interviewed Paul Bonacci with Decamp’s assistant Denise Meyer in 1993. He corroborates the stories of the other Project Monarch victims. (Please note that Boehm as well as (Anton) Chaitkin question whether “Monarch” is the true code name of the project.

Paul Bonacci encountered Michael Aquino at Offutt Air Force Base (near Omaha, Nebraska) several times wearing an army uniform. “Mainly it was on his trips to..  I think it was St. Louis,” Bonacci said, “And cause he came here for a couple of different Satanic holidays.” Bonacci said Aquino and other members of the Temple of Set dedicated a part of the Old Market in downtown St. Louis to Satan, walking around the area in street clothes, performing the ritual.

“I encountered a lot of things that were with Monarch that were somewhere else,” Bonacci said. “We went to different military bases. I went to Ft. Riley, Kansas. I went to the Presidio out in California for some training … a base in Colorado which is where they did a lot of the ‘alien’ training. What they would do is have a couple of ships that would look like alien ships, and they would drug you up. Cause I remember doing this to other kids. And they’d use some of the other kids and they would put them in uniforms and they would use LSD which would make you feel like you were already out of it anyway …

” … They would be wearing uniforms and they would do little experiments. They would actually take little metal – they looked like implants – and they would let you see what they were doing. Some people would implant them, and then take them out. •. later on. I know some of them were locators. Because they wanted to know where the person was at all times. I mean they had this little thing.  It was on the satellite and they could find that person. The reason they were doing that – I overheard some of them talking about it — this sounds weird – as they had soldiers in action or something in different countries, that they would know where all their men were and they would know what the status of them was, whether they were living or dead, and they would be able, if they were dead, to find their body. So, that’s why they were testing them. But on the kids they were using it to make sure they knew where they were ..”

“They took you in the caves which they had set up. Some of them had an alien space ship so you would go into it,” Bonacci said.. “Even now they keep showing them movies that have alien space ships with caverns in them. If you got away from them and went around these caverns you’d think, well,’ man this is just like the movies.’

(Boehm to Bonacci: “So aside from Aquino .. did you see some … wherever you were with these Monarch activities.- (did you see) some of those people (who were) at the Satanic activities too?

“Some of them yes,” Bonacci said. “The adults were wearing military uniforms when they were training us and so were we … They kept everything at the base .. but during most of the training we wore regular street clothes … When we went through the ‘alien’ programming (we wore street clothes) /.. The reason that anybody could come out of Monarch (alive) was because they all would be talking about little green men.”

Giving some insight into the difficulties all Monarch victims have, Bonacci said,” I remember when I first started talking. Everything was so jumbled up and that was their programming. Because people would try and get information out of me and the codes that they would use to scramble everything was the very same thing people were asking me. They were asking me a question, (but) what they were doing is getting everything scrambled up.”

Bonacci explained that when the word Monarch was heard, it “almost started to erase everything I knew … ” But, that must not have been the entire code, just the name, because it would trigger enough of his (sic) multiple personalities so they’d start coming out in random order, telling everything… ” they thought this was deprogramming time, so it’s time to start telling everything.” But then, Bonacci said, the programmers weren’t there to “pull them (the personalities) out one at a time , so it’s like each one of them came out, as you know, in different orders … “

Bonacci said that there were two groups of Project Monarch slaves. “Some were put into society,” Bonacci said. ‘They were the ones that went into entertainment and a lot of them were used for transporting drugs, which is the way they paid for the programming.” They used the entertainment industry because they could input their messages for the future. “If they wanted to start a revolution,” Bonacci said,” they’d put it right in the music and it would go out over the airwaves … “

It was not easy for Paul Bonacci to remember certain things. At the time of Boehm’s interview with him he was still in intensive therapy and had not completely reintegrated his multiple personalities.

Boehm asked how they went about planting things in his mind, things which he said would make him sound absurd if he told anyone about them. “They would play things – show things on a screen,” Bonacci said. … they would have that person sitting there and saying something, but you couldn’t really tell what he was saying, yet you’d hear the words real plain, but it might not have been in his voice. Like, he was talking, you could see that he was talking, but the words and the mouth didn’t match, but you would put it together” like an actor speaking in a poorly dubbed foreign film.

Bonacci said one part of the training was trying to get him to read other people’s minds. “Everybody says I basically read their mind. They’d ask and I’d answer it for them before they got it out.  The ones they used for that (extrasensory perception) were the ones they trained in satanism. They trained them as magicians because – this is going to sound even crazier – when they trained us we could actually do it, because there are spiritual forces and they do teach you to control – how to get demons to do stuff for you. I can’t say control because those demons are going to turn on you someday. But having your own demons that would do it . They would be the ones that would do it.”

“So,” Boehm said, “You were instructed in that sort of context… not that it was a physical force from ah-.”

“Yourself,” Bonacci said.

“But, it’s actually like a little spiritual,” Boehm said. “’It’s spiritual rather than scientific…”


‘Was it always on the negative side,” Boehm asked. ‘Was it a demon rather than God or an angel or a fairy?”

‘It was always on the demonic side,” Bonacci said, “because that’s the only ones that you could work with. And if somebody asked you, you never told them about the demonic stuff … It was always: “You’re in control. You can do it'”

Bonacci went on describing what sounded like a bad acid trip. “I was able to do a lot of things … Such as, at the time, which I can’t do now because I don’t have demons under my control I don’t want them. But turning on TV’s, turning off lights, blowing things up, like light bulbs or something … We could make tires go flat on people’s cars, and we could make them so they couldn’t start… this is stuff that I did after I was away from them.”

So, far it sounds like there’s an army of zombies being trained from a very early age in Satanism, magic and certain skills of psychoscience. That was surprising enough, but it was infuriating to hear that at a very early age Bonacci was trained to hate black people.

“They trained me to hate black people,” Bonacci said.

“The Aryan Nations did?” Boehm asked.

“No. The government program. That’s why I didn’t like Larry King at all. I mean it was kind of like, to me, I hated him from the time I met him.”

Andy Boehm said, “Paul says a lot of outlandish things, but despite initial doubts, I now believe that everything he told me is either true, or he sincerely believes it to be true.

“I’ve seen people like (former FBI bigwig) Ted Gunderson try to lead him into lying and try to test his tales with uncaptioned photos. Paul never comes out having uttered an intentional falsehood.

“CBS lambasted him for having said that years earlier he had seen now-Omaha-Mayor P J. Morgan engaging in sex with little boys — or more accurately, he said they were told he was P J. Morgan. The Mayor heatedly denied this in a CBS special about innocent folks wrongly accused of child abuse,“ Boehm said.

“Had CBS bothered to look more deeply into the case, they’d have noted that Mayor P J. Morgan used to have a son named P J. Morgan Junior. I say “used to have a son” because Morgan Jr.- a well known Omaha pederast– killed himself the day after the kiddie-sex aspects of the Franklin Scandal became public. Right name, right family, wrong guy (or maybe not; some say the Mayor himself has some unusual appetites).”

Bonacci said his Monarch programming started when he was five and continued until he was 22. “Most of the people that they train were probably fairly young, probably 4 or 5 … up until the time they were out of high school because as soon as you’re out of high school their plan is for you to go into the military._

One is advised to take Bonacci’s testimony as that of a non-integrated MPD. Much of Bonacci’s state of confusion might be an example of the adverse affects of “Christian” counseling. The guilt trip laid on survivors by a belief system that places the blame for a mind control victim’s behavior on themselves is not helpful. One should not be asked to identify with one’s own behavior, unless one has made free choice of that behavior. Apparently the U.S. legal system would not agree. Such is the legal and judicial ignorance of the capability of mind control…

(reprinted from: Boehm, Andy, letter to the author dated February 6, 1994, with attached rough transcript numbed pages 17-45 entitled: Bonacci on Monarch and Satanism, l993, Andy Boehm. Excerpted with permission.)

(Webmaster comment: “DoD-affilitated satanic cults… summoning demons… ritual abuse of children… are these horrors occurring in Crestone/Baca, Colorado?  Based on my experiences as a Baca resident, I believe the first two are definitely going on.  I’m not sure about the third, ritual abuse of children.)

H.  “Alien Stuff” on “military ground” in the remote Colorado mountains

8) Lincoln Savings & Loan (webmaster: and Franklin Cover-up) conspiracy witness, Paul Bonacci, testified to a number of code names for different (MONARCH) programs. Some names matched those given by other victims who did not know Bonacci. There was “Wizard of Oz” and “Alice in Wonderland”. One project was code-named “Alien.” Bonacci said: “the alien program which they used… Alien was mainly under Star Wars…” (This would fit with (Michael) Aquino’s reported penchant to dress up like Darth Vader and it would be consistent with his frustrated literary urge to extend the Star Wars trilogy. Bonacci positively identified Aquino as one of his programmers.)

(Webmaster: Michael Aquino, an avowed satanist, founded the Temple of Set, co-authored “Mind Wars,” and is accused of pedophilia at the Presidio military base in San Francisco, California.)

Satanic activities, Bonacci said, were also a frequent part of the Monarch programming. The Satanic and Alien programs took place “almost always on military ground.” Bonacci said. “I said all the alien stuff happened in Colorado, up in the mountains, and also I think they did it mostly where there was hardly any chance that there would be a lot of people around.” He described some of the alien programming as taking place in caves underground.

“They took you in the caves which they had set up. Some of them had an alien space ship so you would go into it,” Bonacci said. “Even now they keep showing them movies that have alien space ships with caverns in them. If you got away from them and went around these caverns you’d think, well,’ man this is just like the movies.’”

… The most recent reports grow more disturbing and more difficult to explain entirely by what we know of the state of mind control arts. A letter came from a Colorado woman who previously reported to me an encounter she had with what appeared to be an “alien” along with a human male who appeared to be a government “techie”. She is in contact with other “abductees” and just before we went to press sent us some e-mail about two other friends who had experienced similar events.

Woman: The fact that it was February in Colorado suggests that I may have gotten the parka because I was compelled to leave the house on a very cold night. There was no evidence to suggest that I actually left the house. I have never been known to ‘sleep walk’. The above experience was the most profound for me since 1: there was physical evidence of total control of my body, 2: there was almost complete control of my mind including almost total amnesia of the event.

(Webmaster comment: This sounds just like the tracking of targeted individuals, which is ongoing not only in Crestone/Baca, Colorado, but everywhere TIs go.)

I. Where are the Hidden (Mind) Control Centers in America?:

9)  “(O, probably Cathy O’Brien) was led to a secret NASA installation at Maxwell Air Force Base in Nebraska.  There she experienced what she calls the ‘you can run, but you can’t hide’ conditioning.

… O identifies several of the hidden mind control centers in the U.S. One she says is at Mount Shasta California. It is used as a training and operations camp for a variety of paramilitary projects. Among other things, robot soldiers are trained there. Usually this training is done with the highest technology in invisible weaponry even, what she calls, “Star Wars electromagnetic mind control equipment.

… She reveals that there is a CIA “Near Death Trauma Center at Lampe, Missouri, and several more across the country. At these centers ‘A Most Dangerous Game’ is played.

J. From Interview: Walter Bogart Interview on Alien Abductions, Mind Control, Ritual Abuse, Satanism on Paranet UFO Continuum (1996)

10) Bowart on Alien Abductions, Mind Control, Satanic Ritual Abuse in Interview on Paranet UFO Continuum (1996) w/ Michael Corbin

Mind control is the use of technology, non-ionizing radiation, drugs, electrical stimulation of the brain, it is a violation of your right of freedom of thought, your most private rights- your will and your knowledge. From traumatized children come multiple personality problems. Especially if they are bright and sensitive. If a programmer is involved, the new personality will be given a name and it will be highly developed.

A friend of mine who worked in the Air Force was programmed to be a courier, a witness- with hyper amnesia, he was a human tape recorder with incredible, enhanced memory. And yet he couldn’t remember things from his childhood. He had been subject to military mind control programming.

Corbin: You attended a conference this year in March of this year in Dallas, Texas –

Bowart: It was a group against ritual abuse of children that had noticed there’s a pattern being reported from the victims or survivors. It was called the Society for the Investigation, Treatment and Prevention of Ritual and Cult Abuse situated in Richardson, Texas. and headed up by Pam Perskin. The Cult and Ritual Abuse Trauma-Based Mind Control and Dissociation: A Multidisclinary Dialogue and Educational Symposium. And yes, it was a gathering of psychologists, psychiatrists, survivors, law enforcement personnel, and writers. Among them was Alan Shefflin who wrote the book: “The Mind Manipulators: Trance On Trial.” Out of this came a consensus of opinion that the Ritual Abuse phenomenon and the Alien abduction phenomenon fit very well into mind control descriptions of the victims. I have many charts here by a psychologist that shows these relationships. Let’s take a run this down. I have the data here in front of me:

“Comparison of similar and dissimilar Alien Abduction and Ritual Abuse Accounts by category. I’ll just name a few because it’s a long list. Let’s start with Elements-Inanimate.

The Alien Abduction (AA) accounts have an examining table, ritual abuse (RA) survivor accounts have an altar table.
AA: white sheet, RA: white sheet and a black rug,
AA – machines, x-ray, head gear, wires, body fluid, collecting devices of sperm and blood, RA: machines, ECT, polygraph, chakras, headgear, wires, cattle prods,
Instruments: AA. Surgical needles, implant instruments, RA instruments: knives, daggers, pins and needles.
Symbols: AA: new space writing and different symbols RA old writing symbols, letters, numbers, many of them are the same, religious symbols upside down
In both AA and RA: eyes are scary and calming

Elements- Animate: AA report: aliens in charge- others are subservient; RA- high priest or priestess is in charge and others are subservient

AA report: ET and humanoids, Satanists cultists and humans, reptilian creatures RA: report beasts, reptilian creatures, and cartoon characters
Both report Men in Black and shadows in the mind

Messages given:

AA: survivors are told “you are special,” we will return, do not tell, aliens are in charge, we want to breed with you
RA: you are special, we will return, do not tell, we are in charge, Satan is more powerful than God, and they are forced to breed
psychological sequel; AA: have memory loss, amnestic RA:
AA: bonding with the alien, RA: bonding with the cult is coerced
AA: feeling of euphoria, they are anesthetized and drugged, RA: are drugged with LSD, heroin, roots and herbs

It goes on and on….

The common hidden agenda in the mind control realm and ritual survivors is to discredit the victim. Nobody will believe them if they say they were abducted by aliens.

Three doctors mentioned by survivors in the 1994 President’s Commision on Radiation are Dr. Martin Orne, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, and Dr. L. Wolfen Green. These three doctors were involved in the CIA’s MKULTRA program!!! Have you heard that in the news anywhere? No.

The evidence makes the alien abduction phenomenon so similar to the ritual abuse phenomenon and we know both fit into the mind control category.

We know that Dr. Michael Persinger at Laurentian University has developed a magnetic helmet (this is in the New Scientist Nov. and Dec. last year, article and letter called “Alien Abductions”) and by playing magnetic signals over the brain you have an alien abduction experience. And there are various other ways to do this. It all breaks down to the manipulation of the unconscious.

We are talking about the invisible government, the cryptocracy (rule by security), which was set up by the National Security Act in 1947. Col. L. Fletcher Prouty said this is out of control- in fact the minute they started doing the black budget things it went off the rails.

Motivations for government mind control operations… : To make mules, pigeons, sex slaves (especially the women)… the alien abduction story can be laid in as screens and scrambles. But people today would rather believe that aliens are doing this than to believe the government is doing this.

Corbin: The psychiatric community is concerned about ritual abuse…. What does the alien abduction experience really mean? There could be agencies could be using legitimate UFO phenomena to mask their agendas.

Bowart: Both ritual abuse and alien abduction survivors are afraid of hypnosis and both feel they were victimized. The differences are interesting. The RA has more prevalent multiple personality disorder than AA people. But both have PTSD- post-traumatic stress disorder. And they both have hallucinations, depression, nightmares, sexual disturbances, visual disturbances, sleep disturbances, and headaches. So there has to be something in common here.

Back in the 1970’s, when the MKULTRA documents were coming out, I got three documents that talked about using the alien phenomenon as a psychological warfare operation.

K. The Radio and Electro-magnetic Mind Control procedures 

11) “Electro-magnetic, Radio Wave, and Microwave Pulse/ Mind Warfare has great advantages in that a desired subject or population has no knowledge of the procedure being implemented. With no conscious realization of the process being used, there is no subconscious realization of the same. This particular factor is greatly appreciated by agencies involved in areas of Mind Control and Manipulations because there is no risk of physical, person-to-person contact or action between agency personnel and the desired subjects. These procedures are not only much more reliable and successful than earlier methods, but they allow those implementing the manipulation to maintain complete anonymity. 

The largest of these Mind Control programs under the auspices of the CIA, ONI (Office of Naval Research), and National Security Agency are as follows:


One source reports that M.K. Draco is the code name for one of the “alien abduction scenarios.”

For decades, “spychiatrists” working behind the scenes — on college campuses, in CIA-sponsored institutes, and (most heinously) in prisons – have experimented with the erasure of memory, hypnotic resistance to torture, truth serums, post-hypnotic suggestion, rapid induction of hypnosis, electronic stimulation of the brain, non-ionizing radiation, microwave induction of intracerebral ‘voices’ and a host of even more disturbing technologies…”

L.  Mind Control Techniques and Technologies (aka Neuro Science and Technology) As Deployment of Invisible Weaponry (aka “Nonlethal Weapons):

12) Mind Control (MC or MK) is part of the surge of Invisible Weaponry development. Our elected officials are involved. A third of our national budget is spent on black operations which hide all the secrets

Col. John Alexander in psi-tech, one of the main proponents of so-called nonlethal weaponry.  Nonlethal weaponry will kill you. Invisible warfare with invisible weaponry.  Some call it soft-kill weaponry.

Psi-Tech, Ed Dames says the Roswell crash was actually a mind control operation. He called it remote viewing.

M. Brain Research Associated with Human Brain Project an B.R.A.I.N. Initiative of 2013… To make a digital copy of the brain.


N. Creation of Mass Shooters (Manchurian Candidate)

14) Ned Potter: Are the mass shootings at McDonalds and San Diego, the Stockton school yard, etc., the work of mind-controlled terrorists?

Walter Bowart: Talk to Mike Knight up in Sacramento. He’s a former cop and he’s been investigating this question for a number of years. And he has a lot of information that suggests that the “tower sniper” (Ferry)… that there is a lot of military-intelligence (cryptocracy)-mind control connection to a lot of these things. He got into the Son of Sam and the Zodiac murders and he says the pattern is unbelievable. The whole society is being engineered this way. The programming, the violence.

R. Cognitive Warfare:   The Quest for Metaphysical Control?

18)What if we viewed war not as the application of physical force, but as the quest for metaphysical control?

…The target of all human conflict, the battleground of all conflict resolution, is the human mind… Neocortical warfare is warfare that strives to control or shape the behavior of enemy organisms, but without destroying the organisms. It does this by influencing, even to the point of regulating, the consciousness, perceptions and will of the adversary’s leadership: the enemy’s neocortical system (mind/brain). In simple ways, neocortical warfare attempts to penetrate adversaries’ recurring and simultaneous cycles of ‘observation, orientation, decision and action.’ In complex ways, it strives to present the adversary’s leaders—its collective brain— with perceptions, sensory and cognitive data designed to result in a narrow and controlled (or an overwhelmingly large and disorienting) range of calculations and evaluations. The product of these evaluations and calculations are adversary choices that correspond to our desired choices.”

NEOCORTICAL WARFARE? THE ACME OF SKILL: By Col. Richard Szafranski (1994)

XVI. Big Data- Biotelemetry in Race to AI Supremacy With China and other nations

XVII. Measuring Mental States During Altered States of Meditation, Contemplation, etc.

XVIII. Development of FunVax: Vaccine to Eradicate Gene Thought to Be Associated with Fundamentalist Religious Beliefs

XIX. Subjects for The Human Brain Project and The BRAIN Initiative of 2013


Martin Cannon:



Webmaster Introduction:

I. The “Slavemaster’s” Goal: “Psycho-Civilized” Society & Cyborg (Transhuman) Enslavement of Humanity

Insights from McClaughry Blog Timeline (“Scientology Roots,” 2012):

The slavemaster plan is a police state (“Garrison State”) exercising sovereignty over every person in the world.  That is their true idea for their world government.  Anyone not submitting to slavemaster rule will be ruthlessly annihilated.  There will be no rights or freedoms, not even freedom of thought. The slavemasters will dictate what you are allowed to think and how to live.  They are currently getting laws passed to jail anyone critical of them.  They are working on a surveillance system to detect counter-thoughts.  Step by step they are moving the world towards an absolute slavery.

… Scientology attracted some of the most intelligent, caring and able people in the world.  That’s the point, now, isn’t it?  Behavior modify (mind control) those people as they pose the biggest threat to the slavemaster political agenda. Covertly get them supporting that agenda.

(Webmaster comment: This explains the political, PsyWar purposes of the New Age Movement, innumerable cults, UFO cults like Scientology (actually a British and American intelligence operation), and “New Religious Movements.”   “Dissidents” clearly require more stringent “behavior modification,” i.e., continuous punishment-degradation via PsyOp attacks- aka organized stalking-electronic abuse and torture.)

Social psychiatry is a euphemism for social engineering, also called reality engineering.  Social engineering is a euphemism for behavior modification.  They have one method for Behavior Modification:

Step 1: Changing who YOU ARE and WHAT YOU THINK – various words are used to define actions undertaken in this direction, such as De-patterning, De-conditioning, De-aberrating (that one is Scientology), etc.

Step 2: Your consent to accept the NEW YOU with the NEW IDEAS that they want you to have.  Various terms apply to this idea, such as “psychic driving”, “changing images of man”, Homo Novis (that one is Scientology), enlightened “education”, etc.  The methods for accomplishing step 2 are drugs, torture of any and every kind including electric shock, re-training, “education”, all forms of communication to present the ideas to the “social” (society) group that they are supposed to have.

(Webmaster comment: In CIA MKULTRA experiments during the 1960s,, psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron, then-President of the American, Canadian, and World Psychiatric Associations and 32nd degree Mason, succeeded in “de-patterning” (erasing) and “psychic driving” (re-programming) the minds of his patients at McGill University in Canada through prolonged torture.  This 2-step process also appears to be the underlying purpose of the so-called Covid vaccines, the “Great Reset,” AND the “targeted individual program”/organized stalking-electronic torture.)

Walter Bowart: Mind control is the use of technology, non-ionizing radiation, drugs, electrical stimulation of the brain; it is a violation of your right of freedom of thought, your most private rights- your will and your knowledge.

Our Founding Fathers granted us the inalienable right of freedom of speech- so they can’t stop you from speaking. But if they can stop you from thinking or …direct your thoughts, they can control what you say, and that’s what it’s all about.

III. The Background: After Church Committee Hearings, mind control operations moved into communities and Into CIA (government)-created cults

From: Alex Constantine, Virtual Government (CIA Mind Control Operations In America, 1997):

... the CIA had chosen to move mind control experimentation from academic and military labs into the community.   An inner circle of Heironymous scientists experimented on cult devotees, and sometimes collaborated in mass murder to silence the subjects (Jonestown, SLA, Solar Temple).   It was a marriage of convenience.  Occult societies are secretive.   They follow direction.  They exist in corners of a society that ignores them.

… The technology of “biophysical information transfer” is so advanced that it is often passed off as “alien.”   In a lawsuit filed against the National Security Agency in a District of Columbia federal courthouse (civil action 92-0049, 1992)) a private citizen, John St. Clair Akwei, described the ultimate in electronic surveillance, Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM).  This device sends coded signals to the brain’s auditory cortex, he claims, communicates directly with the brain “to debilitate subjects by stimulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia.  Without contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject’s brain (on) a video monitor.   NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject’s eyes are seeing.   Visual memory can also be seen.  RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves.  NSA operatives can use this surreptitiously to put images into a surveillance subject’s brain while in REM sleep for brain programming purposes.”

IV. Psychological Warfare Techniques Applied Individually and En Masse To Americans by the US Government

In Christopher Simpson’s recent book, “Science of Coercion,” he quotes from US Army and National Security Council documents that define US Psychological Warfare strategy as the “clandestine targeting of the US population as well as foreign countries for psychological operations.

XVI. Monitoring/Manipulating/Changing/Controlling “Free Thinkers”

V. Create Mind-Controlled Slaves (programmed assassins and sex-slaves, white slave, child-sex slave market, organized crime, blackmail of politicians, etc.)

The MONARCH program is a very interesting thing. It had to do with a butterfly. And the early MONARCH victims were tatooed with butterflys. There were two or three different levels of programming and each kind of programming would have its own set of codes, cues, and triggers. And the MONARCH-programmed people were often very attractive young women used as Presidential models, some of them sold into some sort of perverted form of prostitution to government officials. And perverted tastes would be cultivated in the government officials. That’s how you would control the high government officials. Paul Bonacci of the Franklin Coverup was a Monarch.

… The project MONARCH people, it started when they were infants. Some of them came from families that had been doing this for 100 years. The CIA just accessed these people, these children. They would take babies and dip the bottom half of them in ice cold water and the top half in scalding hot water. And they would dissociate as infants and they began to program these children this way and develop these different dissociated personalities that could then be used. And at a certain age, they would then sell them, this is still ongoing in this country, they would then sell them on a white slave market to the cryptocracy (i.e., the national security state) who would use them as couriers to carry messages. Because when you get an empty D-state weird phenomenon happen (including) improved memory, enhanced memory, hyper amnesia, incredible memory abilities, great gifts come out of people who are tortured. Dissociation produces very useful things: sex slaves, drug mules, spies, people who can remember like human tape recorder-type people. It’s quite amazing. So it’s very useful to the intelligence people. And they took these attractive women and they used them as sex-slaves with all the Presidents and even in the 60s they reported they were given injections of different kinds to protect them from diseases that sound like AIDS, yes, back in the 60’s. And yes, I think that AIDS was genetically engineered.

VI. New Religious Movements- New Age and UFO Cults

B. Obtaining dissociated children for mind-programming purposes is associated with military-use of satanic cults to create mind-controlled slaves (Manchurian candidate assassins, sex-slaves, couriers, spies, super-soldiers, etc.):

We have the military now recruiting multiple-personality disorders from satanic cults and actually creating cults and supporting satanic cults to create multiple personality people. So it’s a vicious circle.

C.  Cults are a fertile laboratory for development of all manner of behavior modification and mind control techniques.  People can be re-programmed into submissive, obedient slaves, particularly in destructive cults that deliberately use behavior modification/mind control to break down the individual’s identity.

X. “Men Who Stare At Goats:”  Psi-Tech, Channeling, Gateway Process, Stargate, Remote Viewing, Bi-location, Earth First Battalion

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