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Appendix 287: Targeted Individuals & CIA’s Telepresence Surveillance System; From W. Bowart, 1994)

Posted: February 15, 2025

Epigraph Quote:

In order to evade responsibility for the detention, torture, rape and murder of many tens of thousands of human beings, the CIA has developed in conjunction with the NASA Ames Laboratory what is called, generically, a “telepresence surveillance system.” This system gives the torturers employed by the CIA the sense that they are in the room with the victim. In other words, the victim can be made to feel, and does feel, as if he/she is in prison, but the victim remains in his/her own home.


From: Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994)

Harlan E. Girard, one of the most level-headed researchers into the lore of mind control has, himself, been an E.M. target for years. He doesn’t like to talk about his personal experiences because he’d rather let others tell their stories, but he admits he still has “handlers” and hears disembodied voices. Like so many of the other so-called “Wavies” Girard is no wild-eyed maniac. He is distinguished, affluent and quietly articulate. The brief abstract printed below sets the overview for this chapter and offers a look at the high quality of the human beings reporting this E.M. Target phenomenon.

I’ll introduce Girard to you, the way I met him, through his paper: OFFENSIVE MICROWAVE WEAPONS: Developments in the Technology of Political Control:

The Central Intelligence Agency (CLA) has developed a technology which can make the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lame walk. It will never be used this way because the technology is central to the domestic policy and foreign ambitions of the United States Government, whether that government is nominally headed by George Herbert Walker Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, or any possible successor.

The effects of these microwave weapons are many and varied, but the most insidious couple with the central nervous system to produce effects which might be described as Satanic possession. remote motor control of human locomotion and movement (including speech) has become possible. Remote motor control can be used to murder by suicide, “accident”, suffocation, asphyxiation and heart attack, or to simply neutralize the victim by making words come out of his/her mouth which he/she had no intention of speaking.

In order to evade responsibility for the detention, torture, rape and murder of many tens of thousands of human beings, the CIA has developed in conjunction with the NASA Ames Laboratory what is called, generically, a “telepresence surveillance system.” This system gives the torturers employed by the CIA the sense that they are in the room with the victim. In other words, the victim can be made to feel, and does feel, as if he/she is in prison, but the victim remains in his/her own home.

Consequently, a situation is created in which the victim appears to be free to uninformed third parties, but at the same time is incarcerated as securely as if he/she had been confined to a maximum security prison. In this manner, human beings can be and are being sadistically tortured in the privacy of their own homes. The bizarre objective of this treatment is to mentally and physically torture the victim until his/her own personality collapses, and he/she becomes something lower than a slave. In science fiction, this computer driven human being is called a cyborg.

At the present time, approximately 300 Americans (and other nationalities) are being clandestinely detained and tortured. Some of the funding comes from behavioral neuroscience research authorized by Congress in Decade of Brainlegislation. As with every other interest of the United States Government, the creation of cyborgs had been entered into with reckless enthusiasm, the crudest possible taste, and immense amounts of money.

…the United States has brought the whole world to the brink of a disaster which is almost beyond human comprehension…”

A good example of someone standing at this brink is Glen E. Nichols (47) of Grover Beach, California. Once a psychotherapist and family counselor, Nichol’s patients were engineers, scientists and executives, employed by such companies as: Rockwell International, Lockheed Corporation, Rand Corporation, Litton Data Command, Motorola, Rocketdyne, Honeywell Computers, Rockwell Science Center, Lockheed CADAM, Infomatics Corporation, Grumman Corporation,
Whittaker Corporation. Hughes Aircraft, Teledyne Corporation, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, Digital Equipment Corporation, Language Technology Inc., Image Sciences, Tandem Computers, Telos Corporation, Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL),
Boeing Aircraft, Electrical Engineering Software, Compucorp, Wangtek, Data Products, GTE, Radian Corporation, ATE Associates, RCA, Exxon, IBM, Northrop Corporation, NASA. Chevron, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures, Lucasfilms, Disney Corporation, Aaron Spelling, Stephen Bochoco, WalMart and others.

Today Nichols will tell you he’s been a victim of mind control for most of his adult life. Yet it was only a few years ago he says “awakened” to that fact. Like Girard and 0 and Lois, he too uses the word “slave” when speaking about his condition.

Here follows an excerpt from letter’s he wrote over the early months of 1994:

“I am a victim of mind control. I have been mind controlled for my entire life… I have been mind controlled with the typical methods of behavior modification, hypnosis, drugs, electric shock, torture, and lies. I believe that most people who understand the methods of the secret societies would call me a slave. I can recall the perpetrators using the above methods on me when I was younger than three years old. As many know, the methods cause amnesia for the conditioning and psychological dissociation of the reality that the person is a slave

Over the years the above methods were frequently used on me, at times daily. Sometimes I would realize my circumstance because some good people would awaken me and explain what was being done to me. When I would begin to realize what was being done to me, the perpetrators would find me and intensify their efforts. They often used torture, ether, memory blocking drugs, and electric shock to my head to erase my memories. This would cause me to forget what the good citizens told me.

Apparently, the above very strong methods of mind control were not enough for the perpetrators. I now remember that when I was about twelve (12) years old in 1959, the evil people inserted a temporary radio receiver in my ear. I was told that I had a hearing problem and I had to wear a hearing aid. Apparently, some people around me objected, and they stopped that tactic for a short time. When I was about fifteen (15) years old in 1962, they had miniaturized radio receivers sufficiently that they could insert one in my ear canal without me realizing what they had done. Then they would use very low volume subliminal messages to control me. They would give me post-hypnotic suggestions that I had ear infections and I must not clean inside my ear canals or I would suffer permanent hearing loss. Occasionally, I would clean inside my ear canals and find a metal device, that would be explained away by those around me. The realizations of devices in my ears were then always erased with torture, drugs, and electricity. The mind control efforts were very intense. I was oblivious to many events around me, and certainly to the reality I was being completely controlled. I had thousands of days and experiences simply erased from my memory by their techniques. Occasionally, with some people’s help I would briefly break free from their control. This would enrage them. When I was about twenty (20) years old in 1967, they surgically implanted a miniature radio receiver and transmitter behind my right ear canal and next to my ear drum. I was told I had hurt my ear playing football. Over the next twenty (20) years the receiver-transmitter was replaced a couple of times and another one was implanted behind the other ear. I have several very fine scars above and behind both ears. Apparently, the perpetrators not only would broadcast subliminal commands to me, but had the ability to listen to my conversations, and to electronically track and locate me.

(Webmaster comment: The above paragraph indicates that Nichols was born in 1947 and must have been selected for the mind control programming at birth. He recalls that he was subjected to “typical methods of behavior modification, hypnosis, drugs, electric shock, torture, and lies” when was less than 3 years old. He refers to secret societies that regard him as a slave. He was implanted with radio receiver in his ear at the age of 12 in 1959 and in 1962. Again, in 1967, he was implanted with a miniature radio transceiver (transmitter and receiver) behind his ear next to his ear canal. This transceiver is basically Dr. Jose Delgado’s “stimoceiver.”)

For some reason, in addition to the surgically implanted radio receiver-transmitters, at times additional miniature receivers were also inserted into my ear canals. I can recall having one found in my ear by a California State University, Northridge, health center medical doctor in 1971. I also found another one in my ear in about 1988. Of
course, they would immediately erase my memory of what I had found. I assume there had been other times that I have not yet recalled. Why would there be miniature receivers in my ear canals in addition to the surgically implanted ones behind my ear canals? I can only guess…

There have been many other devices. I can recall having an electrode inserted into my frontal brain through my nostril when I was about thirty-three in 1980. I experienced intense pain, confusion, and disequilibrium. I was told I had a sinus infection. I explored the source of my pain and found a small bulb stuck to the roof of my nasal cavity. The doctors I contacted said it was an infection and not to touch it. I persisted and removed it myself with tweezers. It looked like a two-pronged electrode, with two sharp wires stuck up into my brain with the bulb hanging down. I took it to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.). They told me it was a transistor that had probably fallen out of an automobile. Then my memory of the event was erased for several years until recently. There are several other
such incidents for which I have only very vague memories.

When… I was forty-two years old, in 1989, I began to realize that something was very wrong. I had massive memory loss and some memories I could not explain. I gradually began to realize I was the victim of mind control. I began to recall thousands of conditioning sessions and abuses. I had not yet realized I was also the victim of surgical implantations. When I sought help from “friends,” family and medical professionals, they all said I must be psychotic that none of it
had happened. They said there are no secret organizations and there is no such thing as mind control, that it is all a delusion. I quickly learned that no one would talk about the abuses. I was threatened that if I talked about it I would be committed to a mental institution for a very long time, or murdered. Of course, the threats are always indirect so they can be denied. My efforts at securing assistance from the F.B.I., police, lawyers, and medical professionals was responded to with a complete denial that such things happen…

I anguished with the reality that over forty-two years I had been a victim of mind control, torture, and slavery. Since I had not yet realized that I had surgical implants I tried to continue on with my life. However, in June 1991, when I was forty-four years old, they informed me through the speakers that I presently had implanted in my skull, that the speakers are there. They just simply increased the volume so I could hear them consciously. They also informed me that I have an electroencephalograph (EEG) transmitter implanted in my brain, and that they use bio-medical telemetry and computers to read the EEG. They indicated that the EEG transmitter was implanted… perhaps in 1970, when I was twenty-three…

(Webmaster comment: The above paragraph indicates that by 1970, the CIA-military doctors had implanted an EEG transmitter into Nichol’s brain and had developed bio-telemetry and brain-computer interface (BCI) computer link-ups able to read his EEG signals.)

… I was (then) a student-employee and an administrative aide at the Department of Defense Contracts Administration Services in Van Nuys, California… I was taken to several defense contractors’ locations (Rockwell, Litton, and Lockheed), and shortly after my memory would be erased. On one occasion I was taken to the Lockheed Corporation in Burbank, California. I was asked to “test” a new pilot simulation chair including the oxygen mask. I was then administered a general anesthetic and some type of cranial operation was performed, and then my memory of the events was erased until recently. A couple of years later, in about 1972, when I was twenty-five, I was directed to “hypnotherapy” by Eric Marcus, M.D., at the Gestalt Therapy Institute in Santa Monica. My memories of those sessions were also erased…

After the realization of my implants in June 1991, and the perpetrators around-the-clock torture of me, I contacted several medical doctors. All of the doctors indicated that I must have nerve damage or a psychiatric disorder, because what I was describing doesn’t happen. In August 1991 I was given a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), it is similar to X-rays, of my brain. The technician happened to mention that the images on the screen were not accurate. When I pursued a conversation, forgetting that I am constantly monitored, a man entered the West Hills Regional Medical Center MRI location and told me I had to leave. Of course the doctor, Jeff London, M.D., who ordered the MRI, said the results did not show anything.

I know, and the perpetrators know, that a legitimate MRI or X-rays, radio frequency analysis, or surgery will prove the existence of their diabolical system. However, I also know that they are experts at eliminating evidence, and when they can’t eliminate the evidence they simply manage the public, media, and judicial system…”

While Nichols insists that he has implants, Girard and others think that’s unnecessary and unlikely. So, continuing with his story, Nichols tried to comply with what he called “their code of silence”, thinking that would bring him relief from the incessant harassment he was experiencing.

In January, 1992, while they were torturing me with their incessant broadcast, I decided to teach a community college psychology course on stress. I did everything to appear normal. I believed maybe I would receive some help if I did not seem to be a witness against them. I also thought the normal appearance would counter their efforts to discredit me. It took all my effort to conduct the class, somehow I completed the term…

I have radio receiver-transmitters implanted next to each of my ear drums, and an EEG transmitter planted in my brain. They have demonstrated quite conclusively they can read every one of my thoughts. The system is extremely fast and accurate. They inform me of their knowledge of my most minimal thoughts, auditory perceptions, and visual perceptions. The system is also very powerful. I have tried evading the radio signals by hiding in structures and traveling great distances. Unfortunately, they have always been able to receive data from the transmitters, and I have always heard their broadcasts. Nothing has been successful.

..They read every thought, make continual bizarre distracting comments, give constant subliminal commands, and use high pitched sounds against me every moment. They use a combination of extremely demented, vulgar, heinous, and satanic ranting; then alternate this with informing me of the details of thousands of days of experiences for which I have had complete amnesia. They will at times cause me to laugh, smile, and display a lighter mood, while
inside I know they are creating an image for a situation and I am actually extremely distressed. I know that they still have complete control of me, even though I am now aware of their system. They like to command me to do different behaviors, then taunt me with I am their toy and robot. They continually remind me that it is impossible to counter their subliminal commands. They call this process of torturing me “icing.” They have been controlling and torturing me for my entire life. The perpetrators increased their subliminal broadcast to a conscious level and have been using the speakers and EEG transmitter to torture me continuously since June 1991.

For over two-and-a-half years they incessantly, viciously, and maniacally read my thoughts, make vulgar comments, give me atrocious subliminal commands, broadcast noxious sounds, and disorient me every moment. They even structure my dreams when I fall asleep from exhaustion. They have several times kept me awake for several days; I know I was very near death. They tell me they are “the Illuminati,” or “Freemasons,” or “Brotherhood,” or the “CIA” or NSA or “U.S. Navy Intelligence,” or “U.S. Army Intelligence,” or “U.S. Air Force Intelligence,” or a particular corporation like “Rockwell International,” or “Lockheed Corporation,” or “Northrup Corporation,” or “Exxon.” Probably each description contains some truth. I just think of them as The Organization.

…for about three years no one would even admit to me that any type of mind control existed. I concluded that their terrorism is so effective that no one ever talks about it. Then in August 1992, an anonymous person in a bookstore pointed to a book called Breaking The Circle of Satanic Ritual Abuse (1992), by Daniel Ryder. It described explicitly some of the mind control techniques, it gave references to other books on ritual abuse, and it listed some organizations that help people. I cannot concentrate very well, so I only skimmed the book. It presented information about the “Marionette Syndrome,” or slavery, and other abuses. It described explicitly some of the mind control techniques, it gave references to other books on ritual abuse, and it listed some organizations that help people.

In August 1992, I began contacting the above organizations. Most of the people with whom I spoke acknowledged that the above atrocities are real and that countless others have been victimized. However, each individual and organization presented some barrier to actually helping me beyond occasionally listening to my anguish. One organization said it sounds like The Illuminati or The Brotherhood is torturing me. They said they have helped several of their victims. They told me that they would send me some information, and then I should call them back to make arrangements to travel to their location. When I called them again, they said they can help others they just can’t help me. The above basic scenario has happened on several occasions. It seems that my circumstance is just too controlled and dangerous, that people are unable or afraid to help me.

…I am not optimistic. The Organization here in America seems to have complete dominance of every individual and institution. They boast to me how they are the Eye of the Illuminati, Freemasons, and the secret Greek Society. They say they are a worldwide nation that governs the world. They tell me that no country or organization would dare defy them. They indicate that they are the government behind most governments…

I know that they are masters of deceit and frequently use a Trojan horse. They set up front organization to portray that they are helping victims so that they can uncover any underground opposition. I hope that some people and organizations that seem to be genuinely helping victims are real.

I am very skeptical. For instance, I wonder about former intelligence officers based in a suburb of Washington, D.C., that publish information about government abuses. Why does the Association of National Security Alumni publish an expose about microwave harassment and mind-control experimentation when in reality it is not harassment or experimentation. They are actually diabolical torture and perfected mind control systems, respectively. Why do they emphasize the beginning of government electronic abuses in 1988 or 1989 when they should very well know the abuses have existed for decades? You would think former intelligence officers would know these facts. Why do they emphasize microwaves and directed-energy methods, when there are complete thought reading and mind control systems using implanted devices, telemetry, and super-computers? Why do they present circumstantial evidence with references to records, scars, inconclusive X-rays, and victims’ testimonies when there are victims that are known to them, and brain images, frequency analyzers, and surgeries to prove the existence of the devices beyond any doubt? Why is there no reference to the secret societies and fraternities like the Mafia, PII, and Freemasons? Why is there no mention of the prevalence of mind controlled slaves? …I will continue to be skeptical and cautious. I know that all legal systems are usurped by The Organization and public laws and constitutions are circumvented.”

In another letter Nichols said:

“My experience is that all my conscious and unconscious cognitions are detected. Complete conscious and subliminal control of me is exerted with the implanted speakers, electrodes, and brain transmitters. The perpetrators control me to travel to locations, take actions, (Nichols told me in a telephone conversation that includes assassination attempts) speak words, use nonverbal sign language, and it is all precisely coordinated with their objectives. They can insert thoughts and elicit images in my mind and they can describe in detail to me those thoughts and images. As well, they discuss with me the details of my dreams, their contents, and pictorial descriptions of the dreams after I awaken from sleeping. During my waking states, very minimal thoughts and visual and auditory perceptions that I have are discussed in detail by the perpetrators. As extraordinary as it may seem, the perpetrators have essentially 90-100% monitoring and control over me. They continuously broadcast demented rantings and noxious sounds. They will at times inform me of consultations or activities in which they direct me to be a participant, and then the events were erased from my memory. They also spend an inordinate amount of time redundantly demonstrating to me how they can monitor and control my entire cognitive activity and behavior.

I know that other methods of mind control can be used, such as extremely low frequency (ELF) radio waves, microwaves, lasers, infrasound, behavior modification and hypnosis. However, the biotelemetry system creates completely monitored and controlled human robots. Personally, it is extremely terrorizing and completely dehumanizing.

I have memories, and the perpetrators have debriefed me about thousands of heinous abuses of me and others, and activities they have devised. Unfortunately, they have also inserted much disinformation into my memory. I am certain that I have consulted with many government personnel, businessmen, entrepreneurs, and people in the entertainment industry. My incomplete and fragmented memories include improbable and extremely sensitive missions inside the U.S.S.R. For example, one mission I was directly involved with was a covert removal of a very high K.G.B. official to America.

Whether or not Nichols has electrodes implanted in his body has yet to be determined. He says that he has used meters to measure the frequencies of the transmissions used against him, most of which are from 1 kHz to 30 kHz. He has
written a number of researchers and psychologists telling them the same things he’s told us.

In a telephone conversation with him, when I expressed skepticism about his having implants, he told me he didn’t think it was me, because, he said, “Bowart knows this is possible.” Mr. Nichols deserves our help and attention and at the moment we have not located the people who will volunteer to:

1. take the X-rays of his skull which prove or disprove his claims of implants,
2. the electronic wizards to somehow catch him unaware and measure the frequency and strength of the signals he says he is perceiving, and
3. a deprogrammer willing to set him free from his classically conditioned states. Like so many survivors, Nichols is unemployed and without resources. And, in the United States of America there is little know-how in deprogramming and no mental health system that can provide the services he needs.

On May 28, 1984, The Miami Herald carried a story by staff writer Al Messerschmidt, headlined: DRUG PILOT SAYS HE’S CAUGHT IN A CIA PLOT. The subtitle read: “Implants called Part of Plan to Control World:”

James Pettit, convicted drug pilot, admitted arms smuggler, has told the same story over and over again. Nobody believes him. Imbedded in his neck, he says, are tiny electronic devices put there by the CIA to control his thoughts. A Federal Judge heard the tale and ordered a psychiatric examination. The psychiatrist said that Pettit is legally competent. The judge ordered a CAT scan, a sophisticated x-ray of Pettit’s neck. The test found nothing. When a Dade circuit judge heard the story, he thought Pettit was trying to talk his way out of an arson charge. The judge ordered new x-rays when Pettit offered to accept a 30-year jail sentence if they turned up nothing. To the surprise of the judge, the prosecutor and even Pettit’s attorney, the new test from Jackson Memorial Hospital showed “two foreign objects” in Pettit’s neck. Circuit Judge Howard Gross has ordered exploratory surgery to find out what they are.

“Thoughts that don’t belong to me keep appearing,” Pettit said during an interview in the Dade County jail. “The only problem I’m having is getting the implants exposed.”

“Up until the newest x-rays, there was nothing to give credence to his story” said Pettit’s latest attorney, Roy Gelber. I feel that now there is some objective proof of what he is saying.”

It is the kind of tale that could become a best-seller. A spy thriller with drug smugglers, airplanes crashing in flames, organized crime, murders and mind control by the CLA. Sitting in a tiny interview room in the jail, Pettit holds up one, then two x-rays. Each is about the size of a sheet of typing paper. “See the circled areas,” he says. “See that thing that looks like a little bottle. That, my friend is an implant. They’re not metal, they’re quartz. They’re like tiny radio receivers.

“I think they were going to use me in a plan to assassinate someone,” Pettit says. “I can’t prove the CIA put them in there, but there’s no way any government agency has the power to do that. You think about it. I can’t be the only one implanted.”

Physically, James Pettit, 39, is a wreck. Burn ’em Pettit is what Federal Drug agents called him because of the many planes he crashed in his brief career as a drug pilot. Pettit’s latest crash in April of 1982, a Lockheed Lodestar carrying qualudes was the worst. When the plane exploded in a Colombia pasture, Pettit was burned over 54% of his body. Eight days later he was admitted to the bum center of the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical research at the Brooke Medical Center at San Antonio, Texas. Hospital spokesman Ray Deary confirmed that Pettit was treaed by two doctors at the center until July 2, 1982. Pettit said that wile he was at the burn center the implants were put in his neck, face, arms and ears. The CIA program was called Operation Crystal Ball, Pettit says, and he found top secret documents on it in a Key West dumpster in the 1960’s. They came from a safety deposit box which was broken into at the former Key West National Bank, he says. The documents described a CIA plan to take over the world’s judicial and political systems by mind control by the year 2000, Pettit says. “The crystal ball routine, I’ll never be able to prove,” he says. His discovery of the documents is one reason the CLA focused on him, Pettit says. The other reason was his search to find out why his older brother, Herchel Neil Pettit, died in the Gulf of Mexico in 1978. Pettit says his brother was a “straight arrow” Не couldn’t believe his brother had committed suicide aboard a boat loaded with pot. “I think he was working for the CIA or the DEA,” Pettit says. “I went to New Orleans. I talked to an organized crime family, gave them a list of names. CIA, CIA, CIA. “Don’t fool with it,” they told me. I put it all together in my head. Smuggling, CIA connected.” James Pettit is obsessed by thoughts that the CIA can control him. In a deposition Pettit asked his ex-attorney in Federal Court, Kathy Hamilton, if she was working for the agency. “No,” she said, but the CIA once offered her a job as she was graduating from college. Pettit said Hamilton’s fidgeting with her hair and cigarettes were “triggering mechanisms” to control his mind.”

In motions filed in court, The Herald story reported, Pettit said it was important to note that his former attorney, Assistant Public Defender James Webb once showed up in court wearing a Duke University ring.

The year on the ring wasn’t the year of Webb’s graduation — a tip-off that Webb was working for the CIA says Pettit. “I accused him of it.” Webb says there’s no truth to the accusation.

The federal jury that convicted him of drug smuggling in 1983 was controlled by the CIA, Pettit told the Herald.

Defense attorney Hamilton is convinced that Pettit is linked to the agency. “T’ll tell you this,” she says. “Jim Pettit has worked for the CIA. That has been confirmed. Pettit has told me he worked for the CIA. In addition Charles Mardi has told me he worked for the CIA. That he has had Pettit checked out. That it was confirmed.” Mardi, a codefendant in a Federal drug case was to have been a co-pilot on a drug flight with Pettit. In the middle of that trial Mardi’s defense attorney Alexander Martoni, asked for a hearing out of the presence of the jurors because he had learned that Mardi had met secretly with the DEA and the CIA. “The CIA tried to get the charges dismissed because of the CIA connection with my client,” Martoni told the U.S. District Judge, Jose Gonzalez. “There are letters in their files. I have direct confirmation that Jim Pettit has flown for the CIA said Martoni. Jim Pettit needs some definite help. The government owes him that. He’s been impaired as a result of those flights. The U.S. Government has never taken responsibility for what happened to Jim Pettit.”

Before Pettit’s Federal Trail, Defense Attorney Hamilton asked Gonzalez to order a psychiatric test and a CAT scan of Pettit’s head. Dr. Charles Mutter reported that Pettit was competent to stand trial and according to the Herald added:

“It is my opinion that this individual is attempting to contrive a story in order to evade further legal proceedings. Although his alleged belief would represent a psychotic delusion, there is nothing else in the mental status of the man that is consistent with mental illness.”

The CAT scan at Jackson Memorial found nothing. Pettit didn’t testify. He refused to cooperate with Hamilton. The attorney said nothing about the CIA or implants. The jury convicted Pettit. Gonzalez ordered a 15-year prison sentence, one of the stiffest in the Operation Screamer cases. Pettit’s extensive criminal record — he had served several prison terms — prompted the judge to order the tough sentence, Hamilton says. Now Pettit awaits trial in circuit court, accused of setting fire to his girlfriend’s house after barricading himself inside after DEA agent Beasley tried to arrest him.

The case was scheduled for trial before Judge Gross last week. The day the trial was to begin, hospital officials, responding to a court order, brought copies of the federally ordered x-rays to court. Pettit, Defense Attorney Gelber, and Prosecutor Phil Maniatty huddled in the jury room with Dr. Robert M. Quencer of Jackson’s radiology department to examine the x-rays.

The x-rays showed the top of Pettit’s head, but didn’t show the neck area behind his ear. Pettit, who is representing himself with Gelber as co-council offered to plead no-contest to the arson charge and accept a 30-year sentence if another set of x-rays showed nothing. Judge gross sent Pettit back to the hospital. When Dr. Quencer returned with the newest test, he told the judge that something unexplainable is in Pettit’s neck. “I thought he was just fabricating a story to beat the charges said Gross. “The x-rays give me something to think about.”

“Until the radiologist came in I thought it was nonsense,” said Maniatty. “I don’t know what those two things are.” The radiologist said “It could be metal from an accident, but it certainly would be worth checking into, but it has nothing to do with this case.’

Tuesday Gross ordered the hospital staff to perform an operation to determine what is in Pettit’s neck.

A follow up story written by Bill Looney appeared on June 19, 1984. in The Miami Herald headlined: X-RAY SURGERY FAILED TO FIND BUG IN MAN:

The first CIA operation in Jackson Memorial history ended in disappointment Friday for James Pettit. It was just after 10 a.m. when Pettit, age 38, convicted drug pilot accused arsonists and firm believer that the Central Intelligence Agency has planted electronic thought-control devices in his skull rolled into ward D at Jackson in a wheelchair and leg irons. He was clutching a court order for the surgery that would prove his claim, ease his mind and maybe cut his prison time.

‘I’m not going to let them put me to sleep,” he said warily. ”Jackson’s a damned government hospital.”

He needn’t have worried. After reviewing new x-rays taken Friday, the Jackson’s physicians scheduled to do exploratory surgery and find out just what was in Pettit’s head refused to operate above the neck. “I’m not touching that head,” said Jackson Professor of Surgery Gerado Gomez…

“I want those things that look like bottles taken out of my head. Any refusal of Jackson Memorial Hospital to follow this court order constitutes in my opinion collusion with the CIA,” said Pettit holding the folded order from Circuit Judge Howard Gross as Senior Surgical resident Michael Cotler sewed up his back.

“Tell me doctor, do you work for the CIA?”

“What are you talking about?” Gomez said, laughing uneasily, looking confused. “I don’t work for the government.”

“I want it known that the doctors at Jackson Memorial Hospital refused to operate on the suspicious area,” Pettit said.

“Mr. Pettit wants the court order enforced,” Gelber said. He said they would try again in court.

“Since I took this case I’ve had seven people come to the office asking if I can help them with similar problems,” Gelber said. “One said she was John Kennedy’s girlfriend and the FBI had put transmitters in her head so she wouldn’t get JFK in trouble. Everybody wants to know what those things are in Pettit’s head.”

Are we witnessing the manifestation of a new cyborg mythology – a form of cybernetic hallucination which is building toward an eruption from the collective unconscious? Or is the day Jose Delgado was desiring already at hand. Maybe we
now live in a Psychocivilized society. Said Dr. Jose Delgado before the U.S. Congress in 1972:

“We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain…

And remember that it was the state, through the Public Health Service, the Office of Naval Research, and the U.S. Air Force Aeromedical Research Laboratory, which funded Delgado’s work.

The golden tones of Dave Emory’s voice made a series of tapes called Operation Mind Control. Emory recaps the early version of this book, presenting an “easy listening” way of covering the highlights of the history. Emory and his staff also come up with some good original research, but above all they broadcast the shows live and take calls from a most well-informed audience of regular listeners in California.

On Emory’s “Operation Mind Control #5, Tape 2C” a caller says: “Keep up this very good work. It’s very important. When you get down to it it’s the basis of controlling society. If you get to people’s minds the rest is easy.”

Emory: “. California is the center of this kind of activity and that Ronald Reagan was Governor he attempted to get something The Institute for The Study of Violent Behavior set up on Southern California. People involved were Louis Jolyn West. He was Jack Ruby’s Psychiatrist. He testified that Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald because he had psychomotor epilepsy and he had a brief a brief epileptic episode which caused him to pull the trigger and kill Oswald with a single shot, and that is the Warren Commission’s thesis as to why Ruby killed Oswald. Also Dr. Earl Bryan, a key official under Governor Reagan. He was involved in massive use of behavior modification techniques in the California prison system, which was used under Reagan as a huge laboratory for the development and refinement of all kinds of mind control techniques, but Earl Bryan was also connected with Edwin Meese and his name surfaced prominently with the scandals that our attorney general … was connected with some months back…”

Another caller says: “It’s also good to keep in mind that the sixth anniversary of Jonestown is coming up. It was a CIA mind experiment with very serious, serious fatal consequences.”

The message is getting out. Mind control is part of the surge of Invisible Weaponry development. Our elected officials are involved. A third of our national budget is spent on black operations which hide all the secrets. Still, thankfully, the information is getting out to the general public, and since 1980’s it been the survivors of EM Targeting, like Harlan Girard who have led the way.

So, its appropriate to close this chapter with the voice of Girard from his speech entitled AFFECTS OF GIGAHERTZ RADIATION ON THE HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM Recent Developments in the Technology of Political Control, a speech he delivered at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Coherent and Emergent Phenomenon in Bimolecular Systems. Held at University of Arizona Jan. 15 – 19, 1991:

In 1988 the Office of Technology Assessment of the Congress of The United States published a special report entitled: Criminal Justice, the New Technologies and the Constitution. The report surveys the new technologies used in the investigation apprehension and confinement of criminals and “addresses that delicate balance to be maintained between the national interest and individual rights.” As welcome as this report is to those of us who are interested in a government of law rather than of men, it manages to omit any discussion of the use of directed energy weapons from the section on “less than lethal” weapons. For instance, a weapon has been developed to paralyze a person at a distance through a brick wall if necessary. This weapon was developed during 1983 and 84 for use in situations where hostages are being held. A variation of this weapon has been purchased by the Marine Corps for confusing and disorienting the enemy. American weapons research has centered on pulse radiation in the gigahertz frequency band for a very interesting
reason. In 1972, the Department of the Army researched Soviet and other foreign literature sources and discovered over 500 studies devoted to the biological effects of Super High Frequency Electromagnetic Oscillations (SHF).

“SHF may have potential uses as a technique for altering human behavior. Lethal and non-lethal aspects have been shown to exist. In certain non-lethal exposures definite behavioral changes have occurred. There also appears to be a change in mammals when exposed to SHF, and sensitivity to sound, light, and olfactory stimuli.”

The significance of this intelligence document in terms of the medical experiments commissioned by the Central Intelligence Agency since 1976 is that “emphasis in this report is placed on influencing individuals as opposed to groups. Secondly, this report is a trend study and therefore contains statements predicting Soviet knowledge and capabilities for influencing human behavior up to fifteen years ahead, or 1987. It foreshadows the enormous effort put into behavior control experiments employing the use of masers and microwave beam weapons on involuntary human subjects during the Reagan/Bush regime. Thirdly, despite the report titled, Controlled Offensive Behavior USSR, it opens with a chapter describing the use of torture on Catholic prisoners in British jails in Northern Ireland. The inclusion of this chapter at all and its position at the front of the report clearly is intended to suggest that it is permissible for the United States to torture its own citizens because these methods are being used by our very civilized cousins in Britain and not only barbarians in the Soviet Union.

Fourthly, the report states that “the purpose of mind altering techniques is to create one or more of several different possible states in the conscious or unconscious area of the brain. The ultimate goal of controlled offensive behaviormight well be the total submission of one’s will to some outside force.” After discussion of the possible states short of complete submission, which may be the goal of Soviet research in behavior control, the author states, “since the desired end product of this type of research is some change in the human mind, only the non-lethal aspects are discussed in this report. It should be remembered however, that some techniques have lethal thresholds.”

In the current round of American behavior control experiments, no allowance is made for legal thresholds. The use of involuntary human subjects provided by the Central Intelligence Agency precludes the necessity for the researchers to consider lethal thresholds and legal consequences. A curious situation has emerged in which torturers and murderers attend our meetings, address us on the failings of our own research and misdirect us with papers on the benign effects of incubating eggs in 60 hz magnetic fields in order to buy time for their own well paid and frequently lethal experiments on involuntary human subjects.

Of particular interest in light of current developments are two paragraphs in the very last chapter which concern a Boston based, CIA front organization, the Scientific Engineering Institute, which still exists not so incidentally. The SEI was initially established to do research on radar. In the 1960’s the SEI added a wing devoted to “life sciences” and hired a group of behavioral and medical scientists.

Lastly I would like to site another defense intelligence agency report also prepared by the U.S. Army. It is titled BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION, RADIO, AND MICROWAVES, EURASIAN COMMUNIST COUNTRIES. It was published by the Defense Intelligence Agency in March of 1976.

The importance of this report rests not on its content, much of which seems to remain classified, but in its acknowledgment of a shift in focus in less than four years from a wide range of behavior control interests to just one, electromagnetic radiation. The date of this report is also significant. It was published just as George Walker Bush became Director of Central Intelligence. Experiments on involuntary human subjects were rapidly authorized by the new director, but outside of the United States because of the wrath of congress at that time.

An experiment was begun in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada under the aegis of an American oil company with which the DCI was on friendly terms. It consisted initially of blasting a man’s brain with a microwave analog of sound waves for two to three hours a day. This has the effect of producing auditory hallucinations. A further discussion of events leading up to the present series of mind control experiments will have to wait another occasion in favor of a discussion of the technology of which the United States is now possessed. As I have already indicated, one of the principal features of the weapons system is its ability to produce auditory effects or hallucinations. Using these effects to broadcast defeat into the minds of the enemy was a particular dream of Leonard Peroots of the U.S. Airforce. He hired droves of consultants to tell him how to use a microwave beam to implant ideas in the mind of the enemy and to be perfectly fair, to urge on his own troops to superhuman deeds of valor.

Instead Peroots turned to a man who promised him results. This man remembered the microwave analog audiograms used by Dr. Joseph Sharp to beam auditory hallucinations into his own head at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in 1973. He promised Peroots that he could talk a human being to death if furnished with the equipment Sharp had used at Walter Reed, a slave and personal security. This was the origin of the medical atrocities which began in Edmonton Alberta in 1976 under the protection of the Central Intelligence Agency and which continue to this day.

By the fall of 1983 experiments had produced some communications equipment which had far exceeded the simple dream of broadcasting defeat into the minds of the enemy. It is not only capable of producing auditory hallucinations, but visual hallucinations as well. The visual hallucinations have been described to me by a German artist on whom this equipment is being used involuntary as having the quality of 35 mm color slides. Besides these sensory hallucinations, the same equipment can be used to block all sensation. It is being used to distort and even to completely block all senses. With it, the ultimate in sensory deprivation experiments can be performed. There’s no peeking under the electromagnetic blindfold this equipment creates. I should mention in this context that the CLA now has at its disposal the most evil, the most cunning torture devised by any government in all of human history. It is truly Satanic in its moral or ethical implications. It is a torture which is commensurate with the degeneracy of a nation which is prepared and well on its way to polluting all life on earth into extinction. The torture I am writing of I can only describe as thought deprivation. It is used in conjunction with sensory deprivation but it is in fact sensory deprivation times ten to the tenth power. We’re all familiar with the sensation of being exposed to very loud noises. They’re irritating and we try to remove ourselves from them. We might say, ‘It’s so noisy in here I can’t hear myself think.”

Human beings perceive thought as “audible sound”. It is something which we “hear.” We “listen” to ourselves think. This quality of listening to ourselves think, of hearing our own thoughts, can be extinguished by this device so that it is not possible to hear oneself think. I have no idea how this effect is produced. It may be accomplished by playing a signal into the auditory nerve at such a high power that it does in fact drown out the “sound” of all thought, but I do not believe that is how it is being done. I do not know enough about the physiology of the brain to explain how it might be done, but the CIA can do it with the mind control technology at its disposal. That is the bad news. The good news is one continues to think even if one cannot hear oneself think. Do not panic. There is nothing to fear. On the other hand, our thought process is the thing that distinguishes man from other forms of life. Cogito ergo sum. But cogito is no longer necessarily possible. Where does this leave sum. (It means I think therefore I am, but if you can no longer think, are you?) Furthermore this communications equipment is able to produce pain. Enormous amounts of pain. Pain is only another nerve signal. And pain is applied in great quantities in the torture regimen. Sometimes the pain is specific and describable. More often it is general and indescribable. It is very much like being immersed in water only it isn’t water, it is pain. The pain surges and laps at one like water. I’ve also described this pain as being very much like having an electric current passing through one.

Electronic Measurements*:

This picture shows the frequencies 18.5 – 18.7 KHz which were sent to a brain transmitter. The chart was created by a printer connected to a radio frequency analyzing computer during measurements from a transmitter in a person’s skull.

While measuring other persons, the wavelengths were counted at similar values. Long wavelengths are always used since they work globally at the speed of light, and the frequencies are usually between 15 – 35 KHz.

This information is courtesy of a Swedish group researching mind control. Mediaecco, Box 135, 114-79, Stockholm, Sweden, fax: +46 8 668 60 66.

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