Sabrina claims to be an “augmented” DARPA black projects noninvasive N-2 survivor with “cosmic clearance.” She claims that many members of her family have also been involved in black projects. Sabrina is also an extremely knowledgable professional computer network engineer. She has a quirky but engaging delivery style. But try not to get too hung up on Sabrina herself. Rather, our focus should be on assimilating and assessing the information she presents!
Sabrina’s basic premise is that electromagnetic frequencies (radio frequencies (RF) and light/optogenetics/biophotonics)) are routed through our bodies via our WBANs (Wireless Body Area Networks) and the biosensors within us via the ubiquitous IEEE industrial computer networking system that is co-extensive with the DoD’s Global Information Grid. Each of us, then, comprises the energy sources, the nodes, as well as the surveillance equipment and weapons, on the DoD’s GIG network. We all have digital twins and both our biological entities and our digital copies are hooked to the (Pentagon) cloud. We are all bio-hacked and can be manipulated at will by (unseen) others via this invisible grid comprised of biofrequency weapons, satellites, drones, computers, computer network operators, and their computer remotes! Computer network operators have the ability to play their targets (us) like sims in a video game! People operating these systems at all levels are working jobs and being paid well!
That’s the scenario she lays out in her videos, with much, much greater detail. But we must ask: Is this science fact or science fiction? Is there something fishy here? Is she offering a mix of disinformation and information? Why does Sabrina continually refer to other podcasters like ToreSays, Hope and Tivon, Maria Zee, and Todd Calendar? Is she a part of a whole network of IIA (Interactive Internet Activities) perpetrators, per ex-CIA Director, Michael Hayden’s, Clear Force, or ex-General James Jones and Jim Jones’ Dynology? Why do Hope and Tivon parrot what Sabrina says in their podcasts with considerably less apparent understanding of what they are talking about? Is Sabrina controlled? Is she essentially a Manchurian channeler? I will let others judge.
As a possibly relevant aside, in: Brendon O’Connell: The IIA PSYOP (Interactive Internet Activities) How Information is Weaponized, O’Connell explains:
“Both the old alt-media and Main Stream Media are all controlled by the same NATO and Marine psyche warfare operation run out of private data analytic companies, like Dynology and Clear Force, to name just a few. These work in tandem with private security contractor teams playing crisis actor, larpa, and johnny-on-the-spot witness for critical events… There are vast pools of registered out-of-work actors and gophers recruited in the same vein as a criminal informant for police operations. Many, but not all, of these people are literally registered pedophiles, drug dealers and users for the real dirty jobs….
This is all an expendable work force. Just as the East German Stasi, recruited and maintained its RAT Lines, and a lot of them were literally rats, of street information and gangstalking teams. These are IIA operations as set up in Iraq and Afghanistan, aka military psychological warfare operations….
… We are all part of this system. We are all in the pool they can draw from, puff up, delete, suppress, and use as they wilt when the data analytics indicate short, medium, and long-term requirements for information-limited release, controlled release, or outright suppression and deletion. This is large scale military-intelligence-based psychological warfare designed and applied to the enemies of the United States overseas and now brought home and privatized, but still run by the same military personnel in private subcontractor form.”
That said, since Wallace’s information and insights are potentially essential to all those being actively targeted and indeed, to everyone in society now, I post these podcasts with related quotes, figures, scientific abstracts, and comments. People may make up their own minds about the plausibility and veracity of this information. I believe Sabrina amply documents her claims via scientific papers, diagrams, figures, etc. The most important question of all: Is the system she describes now being deployed against us today? I think many targeted individuals might agree that it is.
Duh, the real war is constantly being waged by government against citizens. Indeed, this system could be the end times beast system foretold in the Bible:
Rev. 13:7: Then the beast was permitted to wage war against the saints and to conquer them, and it was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation.
Epigraph Quotes by Sabrina Wallace:
… “On March 20, 2023, the ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) stated: “There’s no explanation for Havana Syndrome.” That means that there’s no such thing as SynChron and SynBio (these are companies) or synthetic biology as a science, or synthetic telepathy in Elsevier journals- and there are. So the ODNI gets to lie and these people get to die, while these people go to work.”
So all of you at the UFO community who continue to pretend that you’re oh so stupid and innocent, BS. You’re paid opposition. You’ve done a great job.. invading people’s houses at all hours of the night. You think you’re OK doing your podcast one day and the next day your lose all your shit and you’re homeless. Hackers too. It’s disgusting. Welcome to the UFO community, where it’s pay for play like everybody else with the sensor hunters.
Dr. Steven Greer (of Disclosure Project) presents information (to Congress) about selecting humans for psi capabilities, called psionics, i.e., illegal projects run for the purpose of communications; most subjects die, taken because of their abilities to communicate with the speed of thought, which is faster than light molecules.
That was in Greer’s interview with Congress….. you let them get away with it because you didn’t tell them about the human physiology involved, the biofield, the aura. And if humans knew that their body part had been stolen, attached to the cloud, and a remote handed to FBI, DHS, whoever paid for it, they’d be pissed. And we’d have a lot less people interested in UFO groups and a lot more interested in how do we slow this down and do something, because this is completely out of control.
They’ve been giving people jobs all along. Walking right through the body. Using math to get it hooked up with basic Python, AI nodes; these wireless sensor networks, wrap them around somebody, it’s biosensors on the inside, outside in, inside out, shake the hell out of them, electrically or otherwise, do whatever you want to them. How is that possible? We lie to people about their body part (biofield), about material physics, about telemetry and RF bands used by the Medical Implant Communications System telemetry by law…. That’s why we’re in this position.
What is the human aura (biofield)? That’s what we use in Information, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance with the electrical homeostasis of the human body so that we can pertebrate and make changes for precision AI health care, the internet of behaviors, the internet of bodies, the internet of things, the industrial internet of things, the internet of medical things, the medical body area network, the wireless body area network, the metropolitan area network, the campus area network, and the ultra-wide band radio frequency communications and optigenetic networks for neuro modulation.
Wow.. You just said it doesn’t exist. Yeah, it doesn’t exist for anybody but us to play with you like a sim in a video game.
Re: the High Accuracy Detection Multi-Domain Sensing System, Dennis Teefy (Projects Director for Sensors Aerial Intelligence), from the Army states in Sept. 14, 2022 magazine: “The goal is to provide deep sensing intelligence collection of indicators, warnings, and electronic order of battle and patterns of life for target development. (High Accuracy Detection Exploitation System (HADES)). The Multi-Domain Sensing System (MDSS) High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System (HADES) will be GLOBALLY deployable and provide a multi-faceted sensing capability at higher altitudes and longer ranges.” I know what HADES is.
It’s all just electronic warfare. “Pay for play.” We are killing with computer networks. Network killing IS their system.”
Wireless tissue engineering and the cognitive warfare problem has to do with the Industrial Internet of Things. Because everything you see in the Wireless Body Area Network listing (below), they’ve had the ability to do through your tissue, legally, since 1995. The Medical Body Area Network was mandated in 2014 by your Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to do everything you see here.
Who are these physicians? Your IEEE engineers. Biomedical wireless tissue engineering. Wireless tissue engineering and the cognitive warfare problem has to do with the Industrial Internet of Things. Because everything you see in the Wireless Body Area Network listing (below), they’ve had the ability to do through your tissue, legally, since 1995. The Medical Body Area Network was mandated in 2014 by your Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to do everything you see here.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) of biophotonics and cognitive intelligence (points to chart). That’s your C-40 city. What’s it going to do to you? Control you down to the bone marrow. Fed by electromagnetic algorithms and technometrics since the 70s.
It’s all just electronic warfare. “Pay for play.” We are killing with computer networks. Network killing IS their system.”
And you can bet we’ve got the rectenae shit all worked out, that Smith Wheel access between the SMART meter and anyting else because we got AI precision health care worked out with the biosensors, routing data directly through the body. I don’t get it. They put your ass on the cloud and made you accessible through the various levels and layers of literal computer networking the same way we network machines. So somebody went to work and somebody got paid. And then they issued multiple layers of security with different divisions.
Fuck you. You’re not that stupid, you’re just well paid. Biofrequency weapons on a 28-year old technology that the UFO people refuse to talk about. They’re two year olds. They are used to getting away with murder and torture and getting rewarded for it. Because nobody will tell what they do at their jobs. The better they gas light the more they are rewarded.
from: (To the new commenter .. Nov. 8, 2023 and Biosensors , Sensor Hunters and Electronic warfare inside human tissue/C4ISR w/usaf, Cisco control plane for E.B.Es – Engineered Biological Entities – (WBAN) 802.15 IEEE – EXPOSING THE SENSOR HUNTERS! )
The Wireless Working Group, 802.15.5, that’s where your Personal Area Network (PAN) is, and your PAN, with 6G LoPAN, may or may not have a Body Area Network (BAN) for “security routing purposes.” They are routing their data through your tissue- and I quote: “And exchange digital information using the electrical conductivity of the human body as a data network.” So if you are wireless and you’re on the same wireless working group as your phone, 802.1, they’re routing their data through you since 2005. And I can write an app for it and then I can play with you like a sim in a video game. They’re wired in down to your bone marrow. Now, everybody’s wired, since 2005, and available commercially… And the new standard for Cyber Security is the Wide Body Area Network. And the digital ID is made of your bone.
Why? Don’t you want total control of humans and have them on remotes to make them do whatever you want? No free will, no ability to think. “Neuro mitigation” was subtle behavioral modification. You will be allowed to do three things: entertainment applications, gaming, and social networking. Starting to see how the metaverse, electroceuticals, the internet of things, the internet of bodies, the cyber internet of things are all tied together? Inside your bone marrow. This is drone warfare. They hid your (biofield) body part for total human enslavement… In a Cognitive Body Area Network (C-BAN), they use something called Adversarial Neural Networks and they attack you. Because they are watching you think with those C-BANs. Cognitive radar… watching you think in real time. And it shows up on their little tiny ipads. Then they click a button. Now you got a heart attack or a stroke or anything they want.
We are at war… and the military is autonomous and nobody told you (per DoD Directive 3000.09 for Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAW). Y’all! You’re on the internet with the wireless body area network (WBAN). This is life and death. The AI is fully in control since 2012, according to that DoD directive, and it was implemented in 2017, the same time we got our Cyber-Physical Backbone. We’ve had the Wide Body Area Network (WBAN) since 1995. This is for Project Lockstep.
You have a human body part (your biofield, WBAN) that is targeted in electronic warfare. Electronic warfare exploits the electromagnetic spectrum. These are electrical weapons that have been around, with Boeing, Lockheed, BAE, for 60 years. This is drone warfare. A lot of people have already died. And a lot more are going to.
We electrocute people from the inside out and from the outside in. This is a dual use system of human targeting (for military and medical purposes). Stingray and DRT Box with the police, and lots of different ways that we literally connect into your tissue.
Quoting wikipedia:
Electronic Warfare/Marketshare: The global electronic warfare market space was valued at $22.4 billion in 2022 and is expected to surpass around $36.4 billion by 2032. North America contributed more than $46 of revenue share in 2022.
Network Engineer: A Network engineer is someone who creates and monitors computer networks on behalf of individual clients and organizations. They insure that devices have stable connections and that network data remains secure. The pay scale for network engineers is $62,000 to 73,000 per year.
Sabrina: What do network engineers do? They are in the back end of your precious internet. And how it makes the electrical signal route through the internet and you, wherever you are in the whole world.
Its a dual use system. You’re connected to the internet on something called netcentric warfare. No one told you that your body is electrical. No one told you that your biofield, the human electrical body part, is responsible for the biochemical body part called the digestive system.
We took your human body part (the biofield) and hooked it to the cloud and made it accessible to the basic internet. This is called human-computer interaction.
The reason that you don’t know anything about this body part, is because there are people whose job it is in electronic warfare to monitor you using the same basic wireless technology as your phone. And the way you find that is 802.15.4 (biosensors) and that’s for your personal body area network. They took away your body part and they lied to you.
Reading from Neuro-SWARM³: System-on-a-Nanoparticle for Wireless Recording of Brain Activityin video 41 below:
“NEURO-SWARM-3 uses optical excitation power transfer and signal readout primarily useful as a contrast agent for sensing the electrical field produced by neurons….”
Sabrina Wallace comment: Santa Claus is not here, no religions, no cults. Just a bunch of people in electrical engineering, and neurology, and computer networking, and radio frequency… “Electrical field produced by neurons.” They are well paid, and clearly they are very good at lying by omission.”
You have to believe Raytheon, Northrupp Gruman, Android and even Verizon all work jobs that regard your body as a NODE on a BODY AREA NETWORK. (Wikipedia, IEEE 802.15.6 for WBAN = YOUR wide (wireless) body area network).
They did not offer a new technology. They digitally bound up the human electrical homeostasis known as the biofield, formerly known as the aura, into a series of soft robotics, DNA-analyte biosensors and crafted libraries for database curation and labeling, sold them to Department of Defense vendor companies for years, and continue issuing software to anyone who wishes to utilize it for biological electronic weaponry on the same wireless systems as our cell phones. And they call it “Havanna Syndrome,” “Targeted Individuals,” or just call you crazy and take your property and vocation by assassinating your character OR you – Arkancide style.
They get paychecks for doing all of this every day and until we as individuals start being accountable to our own body parts, there is no way to hold the other humans among us accountable. And their level of violence and hostility is escalating, not abating.
The (Nazi) Vril Maidens were (really) the original testing for routing the internet of things! Like Project Looking Glass, the Vril Maidens were radio frequency testing through the human body.
(So) … One hundred and fifty years ago, they took the human biofield (aura) out of the common vernacular. It got it hidden away over at NASA. They took this away from everybody. And then a bunch of radio frequency people got busy electrically logging in and out of humans and they use the EEG, the MRI, and ultrasound. They put on a little head set and they watch you think, breath, and all the rest in real time. They get to go to work every day on the Internet of Information, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance with the Internet of Behaviors, Bodies, Things, and the Internet of Industrial Things and Medical Things. That’s your biofield, your Wide Body Area Network.
Biomedical engineering, wireless tissue engineering, synthetic biology, and transhumanism. It’s called regenerative medicine. Dr. Michael Levin, Tufts University. A bunch of radio frequency and electrical engineers are now your new doctors.
The Department of Defense sells, on a drop down menu from NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology) or NASA, the ability to log into your veins and arteries (from the first DOD AI Symposium notes, Sept. 10, 2020.) We have an MQ9 Reaper (drone) attached to your DNA. Project MAVEN under the Tradewinds umbrella. We want AI to be in everything that we do with something called Project SALUS. “It is common operational picture watching US Northcom develop AI. So the Jatz and the ABMS for the US Air Force, it’s all autonomous.
The reason that you don’t know that is that they have an ambush plan for the United States.
…So, they took your choice away. They have human body communication as their protocol. So you’ve already been cyborged. And what’s worse, is that with the 802.15.6 (IP address) which is the body, the 802.15.4, which is the sensors, and the 802.15.5, which is their individual networks.. and there’s no more GPS, it’s all satellite from inside of you, an endogenous photonic quantum signal.
I survived as a non-invasive N2 test subject for DARPA…
Do your friends have a remote to your DNA in their purse? It’s only $45,000 a year to remote your loved one, any way they want to since 2015 at least.
The human biofield. What is this electromagnetic field that my heart, my body, and my photons are generating and my DNA is wave propagating out of me? Ah. It doesn’t exist, right? Unless you have a job in computer networking and sensor hunting where you hunt human bodies at the will and the discretion of medical, military and industrial systems. Then the biofield is right there and it’s a body part and it’s a profession called biomedical wireless tissue engineering.
The men that have been getting away with this are not men. I promise you that. They’ve been playing video games life long. It became a profession. And those same little nerds have an app for people and it is running wild. Government off the shelf, commercial off the shelf, all because you lied about a human anatomical component that everybody has.”
Mark 5:36 Amen.
Sabrina Wallace (and Psinergy Intro Class on the Human Biofield)
Webmaster Introduction:
I’m not sure if people are grasping the importance of Sabrina Wallace’s information. The information she began presenting in video podcasts about one and half years ago and which she is still presenting is consistent with and helps to explain a whole raft of hitherto unexplained or inadequately understood phenomena, including the TI (Targeted Individual) program. If you are Christian, you might even conclude that THIS SYSTEM is the real BEAST SYSTEM of scripture. If you aren’t a believer, that’s still a pretty good name for the system. Here are some of the capabilities of this system, which has been evolving over many decades:
1) Remote covert transhumanism; the creation of cyborgs/bio-robot slaves/Manchurian candidates/sex slaves per the original 1952 memo-mandate for CIA’s Project Bluebird, MKULTRA and MONARCH.
2) Life extension technologies, electromagnetic tissue healing and genetic alterations via CRISPR-Cas-9. Now the elite can live forever and everyone else can be “offed” or “cyborged,” as desired.
3) Precision AI-driven Health Care, a cover for the above two operations as well as many others.
4) Electronic/Information/Cognitive/Netcentric/Mosaic Warfare operations. (Thank you Joint Chiefs of Staff and DOD for torturing your own citizens and soldiers via Project MAVEN, Project SALUS, Project Pegasus, and other “Peacetime Operations.”)
5) Telecommunications industry, police, Sheriffs, military, black ops, para-military, civilian groups, Silicon Valley, etc. carry out these (network killing) operations.
6) Bill Gates’ diabolical 060606 crypto-currency to body activity patent of 2020.
7) WEF’s (World Economic Forum’s) “under the skin surveillance” using biosensors, intra-body nano-network, EM frequencies and WBAN, and drones and cube satellites. This is HOW they do it.
8) Mik Anderson and La Quinta Columna’s graphene- and Radio Frequency -supported Intra-body nano-network. The same principle is used in geoengineering and weather warfare: First, add electrically conductive nano-materials into the system (be it human or atmospheric), then second, zap with electromagnetic radiation/frequencies. Now you get to CONTROL the systems.
9) Operation/Project SALUS: Drones watch everyone think and everyone’s cells phase and phage states in real time with DoD’s Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System (C2TWS). Project SALUS is watching your biosensors and YOU from the inside out using your body area network (WBAN). Project SALUS has been around since 1969.
10) The real purpose of the COVID jab (and the creation of COV-BAN) is to get more meta materials such as graphene in the body for greater electronic WBAN throughput. (Again, see La Quinta Columna’s work and that of Mik Anderson on graphene, self-assembling nano-technology, and intra-body nano-networks.)
11) THE TI PROGRAM involves all of the above and much more. Please study Sabrina’s videos!
12) OPERATION CRESTONE/BACA New Age-Interfaith Religious cum mind/behavioral control experiment in Crestone/Baca, Colorado from the 1980s to present.
I do not see any possible reason other than genuine altruism that Sabrina would be trying to educate the public about these technologies. I.e., I believe her. If we can help people to understand the science behind these technologies and connections, Sabrina Wallace’s information may provide a huge breakthrough. This is apparently the tip of a much larger iceberg that has to do with creation of a transhuman/posthuman world. Most of humanity and indeed all the biosphere could be wiped out and changed to silicon-based EBE’s (engineered biological entities) with these technologies. It would appear that this is the way that Satan and his minions want to wrest control of and re-engineer God’s creation, including the crown of his creation, humans. The Hebrew word “Tikkun Olam” expresses this goal of “re-invention of the world.” That’s what’s happening.
Caveat: In video 28 below (Sabrina/Psinergy: Engine Room 3 – hyperspace math, n sphere and augmentation exponents October 3, 2023), it seems to be that Sabrina Wallace may have overplayed her hand. Her theory about what’s coming in the next decades is impossible for me to believe.
1. The Truth about WBAN on a 6gloPAN and Your Electromagnetic Body Part (Technical Presentation) Sept. 6, 2022
other versions of this video:
Technical Presentation: WBAN on a 6gloPAN and your electromagnetic body part
Show notes by Sabrina Wallace:
This presentation is for folks who do not understand how their body has already been made commercially available to the cloud since 2005. IEEE is the International standards for Electronics and Electrical Engineering. You will find your body on the web and commercially accessible via the same wireless working groups for all wireless devices. How did it happen? How can you gain access to the biosensors that are magnetically routing the data instead of your lunch in your red blood cells? (folks, this one is for you and while it is not my a game, i give myself a b and if you want me to include anything please let me know. I am currently working on signs for the literal math from a to b so people can understand energy harvesting.)
Partial Transcription of video
“Special Access Projects (Black Projects) at National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) for the government. The NIST hires these poor people to have a stack like this. They have to plug in five codes to hide where are all the money goes, and their resource allocation, and the logistics, and the shipping, and then the reallocation of special access projects people, and the reallocation of whoever is in charge of guarding them, tracking them, tracing them, or the Dept. of Defense kill list for special access projects modification. And it’s all open source and you can look it up on Google.
What are these biosensors? What is the MQ9 Reaper done tethered to my DNA? What is going on? And by the way, DOD, who are your customers?”
Back to Cyber Security. Artificial Intelligence first symposium (Sept. 10, 2020). Digital nervous systems end to end. They told them all: Get these humans out of the process. Using data science. AI. Machined interface into these quantum data bases. Menninger Foundation.
The new 6G Personal Area Network is going to use your body to route the data. This was done in 2005. This is what the wireless sensor network is. The biosensors (inside you) are physically permanent and lifetime since 2005 (at 802.15.4).
The International Standards for Electronics and Electronical Engineering (IEEE) uses a Wide Body Area Network (WBAN) at 802.15.6 electronic standards for wireless working group WBAN, and this is what they can do through your body. They can make your hands move, they monitor your muscle tissue density, they can make you talk. They monitor all these things wirelessly. How is that possible?
With the new Cyber Security with the striker and she has to be machine-to-machine. The problem is that “autonomy” is an MQ9 Reaper (drone) tethered to your DNA. And that DNA generates an electromagnetic body part. And nobody knows about that. They call it the “aura,” they call it all sorts of things. Skunk Works, Raytheon, Lockheed, they are vendors. People go to work for 40+ years and get paid really, really well to keep you in the dark. Cyber Security? No. Try National Security.
What’s all this stuff about psychics? They are called, “psionics” which are inherent in human tissue. A 1996 book called Integral Psychology by Ken Wilber, and inside it says that telepathy, empathy, precognition, all of it, is assigned to certain areas of the brain and so are those sensor networks down to the nanoscale. Then they put it on a propriety software when they have to write for Zigbee and Bluetooth, for those permanent, life-long biosensors (802.15.4). They are permanently affixed to your body.
Where? There are two radio frequency (RF) sinks in your body at the heart and the stomach that pull all the electromagnetic (EM) energy, including the potentiation of minerals out of your biochemical bloodstream and transduce (change energy form) them, because your electromagnetic field (the biofield) that you thought was worthless and didn’t exist, it actually transduces (converts energy from one form to another) anything electromagnetically.
We use software-defined radio and synthetic telepathy just to agitate your skin a little and electromagnetically transduce, in and out, using your own body part (biofield).
So how do you think they route computer data? The same way. The biosensors are literal magnets. They are fixed and adjusted with voltage. How? The wireless working group, 802.15.5, and that’s where your personal area network (PAN) is. And your PAN the 6G Lopan, may or may not have a BAN for security routing purposes. They are routing their data through your tissue. We don’t need a brain chip because we are wireless. Chinese medicine, the meridians, the chakras, these are nodal points on your body… electromagnetic telemetry.
So the permanent biosensors were rolled out to everybody (802.15.4) and they had to be permanent for Zigbee and Bluetooth. And the wireless working group, 802.15.5, takes care of all the different kinds of networks, then collects certain sensors from only certain bodies, open shortest path first routing protocols for security purposes. They have to select muscle tissue type since 2008. They have to select heat so you don’t swell to death. Now they have about 13 different routing protocols but only about 3 of them are built to protect from the information you incur by routing data through the body which pulls minerals from your red blood cells to do so, which are in minute levels so you don’t notice until too many companies are pulling on those statistics, mathematically, at the same time. .
These two RF sinks each have 5 nodes (labelled N1, N2, N3, N4, N5). All are electromagnetically accessible through the cloud, commercially, with Zigbee and Bluetooth (IEEE 802.15.4). These sensor networks are all driven by artificial intelligence data bases and they are all interlocked. So if you are wireless and you are on the same wireless working group as your phone (IEEE 802.1) so in a wide personal area network, they are routing their data through you since 2005, and I can write an app for it, and then I can play with you like a sim.
They have something called B2B (Brain to Brain) interface, synthetic telepathy, and it’s frequency driven peer to peer.
They are wired into your bone marrow. And the way that 6G works. When they do actual testing, this is wireless tissue engineering, wireless total piezoelectric control, and neural mitigation for behavioral modulation (i.e., deliberate infliction of brain damage in subtle areas of the brain to keep your behavior under control). Then we send you to people who tell you that cognitive behavioral therapy will help you.
Once your body can no longer transduce these EM signals, because this is unnatural, it’s too much power in the blood stream and the bone, and your vascular system is radically expanding and contracting, eventually it weakens the veins, the arteries, the skin, and then you’re in trouble.
So nobody told the truth. Stingray and law enforcement was all wrapped up (in this) in 1972. I was used by the police chief with my machine-body interface, with nano-lipid or hydrogel so they could show it on a monitor. That’s what those scars are. Since 2005, everyone is wired and available commercially. The new standard for Cyber Security is a wide body area network and may or may not be involved in your personal body area network. Digital ID routing, and the Digital ID is made of your bone.
Why? Don’t you want total control of humans and have them on remotes to make them do whatever you want? No free will. No ability to think. I told you, neuro-mitigation is subtle. Behavior modification.
Starting to see how the metaverse, electroceuticals, the internet of things, the internet of bodies, the cyber internet of things are all tied together inside your bone marrow? This is drone warfare. They hid your body part (biofield) for total human enslavement. And they have it. It’s all done. Completely wireless, satellite inclusive. So if that MQ9 Reaper drone chooses your DNA, with Project Maven, …
In a cognitive body area network (C-BANS), they use something called an Adversarial Neural Network and they attack you because they are watching you think with those C-BANS, cognitive for cognitive radar, watching you think in real time. And they push a button and you got a heart attack or a stroke, or anything they want. Any phase or phage state, it’s all available to them.
(As for) the people who are complicit in all this stuff that’s really evil. About 2/3 of this country is involved.
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COVID-Combination Of Vaccination and IDentification
It is easier to deceive people than to convince them they have been deceived!
James Bullard – Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President
“Planned,organized,partial shut down of US economy during 2nd quarter of 2019”
We know the PLANdemic was introduced and imposed not only in the USA
How did they know there will be pandemic?
Thats why its called PLANdemic
To understand what is going on,we need go back to basics
GovernMent from Greek and Latin (combined) consisted of 2 parts:
Govern/Kuberna (Greek) means to rule/to guide
Ment (Latin mente) means mind/thought
Connecting those 2 words means TO RULE/GUIDE YOUR MIND/THOUGHT
To understand what is going on we need get back to basics again: Anarchy original definition
Not changed and adjusted by the global agenda narrative by adding for example connections with Marxism which is BS
In ancient Greece the chief magistrate in various Greek city states was called Archon (ruler)
An Archon (Greek) – WITHOUT ruler
True anarchist means to be individual who does not want to be ruled by anyone – thats all
If someone call himself as an anarchist but he riots and burns…
He does not know what anarchy stands for and he is using this phrase to his own gain
It’s obvious that media changed the definition of the word anarchist
Today,by mainstream media,anarchist is called the person who burns,destroys,riot
Thats the Incendiary and Rioter-basic definition again
BLM are NOT anarchists!
Patrice Cullors Co-Founder:’We are TRAINED Marxists/Communists’
They were/are paid Rioters who burn and destroy
How they are used & for what reason
What they get for their actions
File size405.01 MB
Doctor: if You Are Suffering from Ringing Ears, Do This Immediately!
The truth is stranger than fiction
Do you even understand basic definitions of the words she is using?
Do you have knowledge related to the IT?
She talked so fast and then with all that technical info, I couldn’t really follow her. She said nothing about the vaccines involved in this.
I think its obvious.
She is going deeper than the vaxx…
She mentioned once or twice about vaxx in her different videos.
Hi, In about 2018 aware the statistical number of negative events happening to me didnt add up and then 2019 my daughter began to experience V2K/VOIP brain to computer interface torture. Today as a relatively under educated lady have began to learn cyber security OSINT tools per the internet. I have found my entire family 60-10 on the OFAC watchlist. At all times Im connected to an employee at DHS home in VA and in turn he routes directly to China Softbank and the DOD . Through progressive research and learning putting together We are on a Hijacked ASN 20115 Charter Communications using WBAN digital data signal bioinformatic research experimentation torture trafficking NSA SHA1 hash function cryptography coding a hidden global economy. Coincidently I was raised in WI now live across the bridge in Duluth Mn. My married name is Davis . My father who may have very well handed us over in the Korean war Intelligence brigade. My sister died age 33 in 1994 last time I saw her in the late eighties she was hitting her head because of hearing voices. I had no idea about such things until now. Im grateful to have found you . Im binge watching you and repeatedly if necessary . Your helping me understand everything so much more. Im on Twitter at Lisakjunker if you would like to see some of my documentation journey through a progression of knowledge and learning. Thank you so very much Blessings , Lisa Davis Duluth Minnesota
integral psychology
kinda bears a resemblance to Anne Hathaway, does it not?
Yes a bit
2. Biosensors, Sensor Hunters and Electronic warfare inside human tissue/C4ISR w/usaf, Cisco control plane for E.B.Es – Engineered Biological Entities – (WBAN) 802.15 IEEE – EXPOSING THE SENSOR HUNTERS!
Follow Sabrina Wallace Psinergy channel:
Performance Evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Coupling Method for Intra-Body Network (IBNet) – IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
what is a cyber kill chain
6th generation cognitive radio network ieee
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NTT proposes the “Digital Twin Computing Initiative” – a platform to combine high-precision digital information reflecting the real world to synthesize diverse virtual worlds, generate novel services and bring about society of the future
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802.15.4 ieee (Sensors)
Re: 802.15.5 ieee (wireless Body network)
Re: 802.15.6 ieee (Body Area Network)
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bielectric code – (VIDEOS)
body area network Wikipedia
11 weeks ago
Is there any protection from any of these things you’re explaining? I live in the middle of the country in upstate New York. Canceled internet service and cable service. Only use a cell phone but still don’t feel right most the time.
11 weeks ago
I’m sure none of this impresses God.
11 weeks ago
I heard there’s alien DNA in the Covid shots. Also, they put the Covid shots into last year’s and this year’s flu shots!
11 weeks ago
Is this only for people who have taken the Covid shots?
1 like
11 weeks ago
James Rink is looking very sick lately. Like he’s on drugs.
1 like
11 weeks ago
This lady needs to work on her delivery
3. Sabrina/Psinergy: Emergency Alert System routing metrics from your cable company to you
In this short presentation I am explaining how our EAS routes from where the physical equipment is to you, whereever you may be and with what you may or may not have with you (cell phone, ipad, laptop etc.). My sincere hope in delivering the data in this manner is that people can source the hard routing diagrams, outputs on the equipment and help people understand how we are utilizing mesh networking and DAA or Distributed Access Architecture to achieve the body area network cyber physical connectivity.
Thank you for your time and going forward I have a more simple map to blend into my signage, but it’s mission critical that folks who do understand computer networking can help others comprehend that we are not sourcing your phone directly nor are we relying on your use of any external body control unit. We can utilize a BCU as a bootstrap or to hold data, but the WSN Wireless sensor networks (802.15.5) are the primary tool in use to expedite specialized routes by multiple protocols and access vectors.”
“Cable operators need to transform their infrastructures to meet the new services, features, and capacity demands of the marketplace. The Distributed Access Architecture (DAA), which will enable them to modernize their infrastructures, will require them to fundamentally modernize the analog network that has connected their headends and hubs to the access network. The new network is called a Converged Interconnect Network (CIN) and should ultimately be a digital, IP routed network that will connect the headends and data centers to the access network.”
EASyCAST EAS Encoder/Decoder. Hardware Installation Manual
E.O. 13407
EMF Protection Products:
QEG Clean Energy Academy:
Forbidden Tech Book:
4. Psinergy Channel pdf by Sabrina Wallace:
(WBAN) Slow Psinergy PDF overview – PDF In The Description
5. Psinergy tech metric pdf and pentagon directive 3000.09 How You Are Conected Controlled
Follow Sabrina Wallace Psinergy channel:
Telegram P.D.F. D.L.:
Psinergy PDF:
Ian F. Akyildiz ITU Profile:…
wban and mban
eventually you will be forced to admit those technologies and biophotonics will follow it due to the smart cities and how they are already running with telemedicine and other kinds of health apis.
so sis where do we start on telegram. having trouble. sometimes can piloerect sometime can’t. and seems my pain is what gets in the way. working my way off my pain medicine also. don’t want any of their systemss
bless you sis !
Emerging Military Applications of Free Space Optical Communication Technology
Abstract. Free Space Optical Communication (FSOC) technology, designed to operate through free space as medium is rapidly emerging as reliable, fast & secure alternative for broadband communication. It is being researched & investigated for applications and technical utilities in both civil & military domain systems owing to its immense benefits including high security, better data rates & fast installations, no requirement of licensed spectrum, best costs & simplicity of design as compared to contemporary Radio Frequency (RF) systems.
FSOC networks once established are difficult to detect & intercept in view of small divergence of the laser beams. This paper reviews the FSOC technology and presents features based merits as well as unmatched advantages & associated major applications in various fields collating them into a single reference point for future research. Efforts have also been invested to present a review of FSOC’s limitations & innovative emerging mitigation techniques which can prove to be a one stop feeder & a launch pad for future research in FSOC domain.
A literature survey has been undertaken of available FSOC related military applications to review & gather relevant inputs to throw light on emerging trends in military applications including recent experiments & researched areas pertaining to laser systems & weapons, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), under sea usages, terrestrial applications, aerial, naval ships/shore based applications & RF/ hybrid systems. It has been endeavored to shed light on findings & developments in these classified military domains to generate inputs for future work in this domain. Finally, a future technical roadmap and a way ahead & suggestions have been coined up pointing towards required impetus & focus areas in FSOC research domain.
Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted Free Space Optical Quantum Communications
OCT 2023
“This paper studies intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)-assisted free space optical (FSO) quantum communication systems. An IRS can relax the requirement of a line-of-sight (LoS) link between Alice and Bob for FSO quantum key distribution (QKD) applications. The IRS focuses the laser beam toward Bob by introducing a phase shift to the incoming incident beam from Alice.”
Many nanotransducer-based neuromodulation techniques have been developed recently, including sono-optogenetics enabled by mechanoluminescent nanoparticles and semiconducting polymer nanoparticles-mediated photoelectrical neuromodulation. Nanotransducers have demonstrated their clinical potentials, such as Au nanorods for restoring light sensitivity and alleviating ventricular arrhythmias.
This review provides the current state of the art for nanotransducer-enabled neuromodulation and discusses the latest major advances and debates in using nanotransducers to modulateandinterfacewiththe nervous system. Future directions include a better understanding of nanomaterials-brain interface and development of the next generation of nanotransducers with sensing ability to bidirectionally communicate with local environment.
Executive Summary
A DoD Biotechnologies for Health and Human Performance Council (BHPC; Alexandria, VA) study group surveyed a wide range of current and emerging technologies relevant to assisting and augmenting human performance in many domains. The team used this information to develop a series of vignettes as case studies for discussion and analysis including feasibility; military application; and ethical, legal, and social implication (ELSI) considerations. Ultimately, the team selected four vignettes as being technically feasible by 2050 or earlier. The following vignettes are relevant to military needs and offer capabilities beyond current military systems:
ocular enhancements to imaging, sight, and situational awareness;
restoration and programmed muscular control through an optogenetic bodysuit
sensor web;
auditory enhancement for communication and protection; and
direct neural enhancement of the human brain for two-way data transfer.
“The most dramatic applications of fluorescent sensor proteins come from the GCaMP family of Ca2þ indicators (Fig. 2 B).
The concentration of this ion blips upward every time a neuron fires.
Expression of GCaMP-based reporters in the brains of worms, flies, fish, and mice has led to spectacular movies of the coordinated activation patterns of thousands of neurons.
6. Appealing to the old sparkys – Malone,McCullough, ADAMS , Ruby, JONES, PETERS,ZEEE…. – 802.15.6-.5.-4. IEEE – Are We Being Truthful?‽? – WHY AREN’T ANY OF YOU TALKING ABOUT IT???
Webmaster comment: Sabrina’s message specifically to targeted individuals occurs at about 11 minutes into the video!
Follow Sabrina Wallace Psinergy channel:
Department of Defense Global Information Grid Architectural Vision
by DD Enterprise · 2007 · Cited by 2 — The GIG Architecture is described through a set of artifacts,%2520June%252007.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi-6enz9NCAAxWwjokEHaHqCQ0QFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1I_1vT1ciT9xOP0saiiNcE
Global Information Grid
Since 1995: IEEE 802.15 is a working group of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE 802 standards committee which specifies Wireless Specialty Networks (WSN) standards. The working group was formerly known as Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks.
The number of Task Groups in IEEE 802.15 varies based on the number of active projects. The current list of active projects can be found on the IEEE
What are the ISM Bands, and What Are They Used For?
Analysis of the performance of IEEE 802.15.4 for medical sensor body area
What is MICS (Medical Implant Communication System)?
Nov 4, 2019 — MICS or Medical Implant Communication System is a short-range communication technology which is used for transmitting data to medical
A human microchip implant is any electronic device implanted subcutaneously (subdermally) usually via an injection
Electronic Warfare Associates Salaries
Biofield Therapies
Jun 12, 2019 — The biofield is a large field of energy that surrounds and extends out from the body about 8 feet. No part of the energy system
Between heaven and earth : a guide to Chinese medicine
Cognitive Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Aided Human Bond Communication 6G
An Occupancy Information Grid Model for Path Planning of Intelligent Robots
Wearable artificial intelligence biosensor networks
Internet of things (IoT) in nano-integrated wearable biosensor devices for healthcare applications
Grid-enabled biosensor networks for pervasive healthcare
A Study on the Future of DNA Biosensors as Disease Detectors
Recent Advances in DNA Biosensors
Optical Fiber DNA Biosensor With Temperature Monitoring Based on Double Microcavities Fabry–Perot Interference and Vernier Combined Effect
DNA Biosensor Applications for Poly-Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect
And so much more IEEE research:
Brain and Language Lab
The Mind on Music
Could human organs join networks?
Ongoing research explores biologically-based communication networks and electronics that could directly connect to human tissues.
The network is like a human body
Making the ‘human-body Internet’ more effective
Human body communication can make data networks radically safer
Scientists Design a Network That Lives Inside Your Body
Design a Network That Lives Inside Your Body
social and philosophical movement
Transhumanism Wikipedia
Biomedical engineering
Tissue engineering
Wireless engineering
Bio-MEMS is an abbreviation for biomedical (or biological) microelectromechanical systems
3D bioprinting
Electroceuticals are broadly defined as medical devices that provide neurostimulation for therapy, but it is often used as a term to reference ultra-miniature and/or injectable implants.
Electroceutical therapies using electronic devices for stimulating and recording activity in the nervous system,miniature%20and%2For%20injectable%20implants.
Wireless Drugging:
The Structural Design of a Magnetic Driven Wireless Capsule Robot for Drug Delivery
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(GO LOOK FOR YOURSELF) artificial intelligence conferences 2023 usa
artificial intelligence conferences 2023 usa nasa
pentagon artificial intelligence symposium 2020 usa
General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper
project maven umbrella
Project Salus
Predictive analytics and data visualizations for COVID-19 related supply chain management and risk mitigation.
human interaction emerging technologies and future systems V
DoD Directive 3000.09, “Autonomy in Weapon Systems,” January 25, 2023
Jan 25, 2023 — Establishes guidelines designed to minimize the probability and consequences
quasi static communication
wirelessly ajust cells and tissue
human body communication
medical implant communications system to human body communication
What is Ubiquitous Computing (Pervasive Computing)?
digi id 2009
11 weeks ago
I like it when she stops talking and looks at the camera for a second like yeah, I don’t give a shit, you know I’m right. Try me.
She’s a trip.
11 weeks ago
Well I’m 60 and never owned a cell phone and I still spin my vinyl , I guess I’m old school
11 weeks ago
She & Karen Kingston talking would be mind blowing. The realisation that BAN/MICS /slaughter bots/Rfid /bio-sensor mining ect links exactly to patent 060606. Id love for this all to not be true but unfortunately facts/evidence are unquestionable. God speed
11 weeks ago
so I am very intelligent listening to this made me feel like im in 6th grade. would appreciate if she could slow it down. bring us newbies up to speed.
11 weeks ago
They’re All Liars, Because The Earth Is Flat. There Are No “Satellites”.
11 weeks ago
according to world population being reduced by 80% by 2025. Isn’t 80% of the population jabbed?
11 weeks ago
so, does anyone ever get answers to qs on this platform. i need to know, without the sarcasm, what the implanted device that supports MICS is implanted is, anx how it was implanted or are we saying the aura has been hijacked to be the device. and what proof can be shown. i think thats reasonable.
11 weeks ago
one more…. I love this….. “The Biofield is a Body Part”. I’m having that made into a T-shirt.
11 weeks ago
This woman connects a lot of dots if you look at recent history!! Wow All praise and glory to Yeshua
11 weeks ago
P.A.N , personal area network also a part human part goat who is known for its unending sexuality and is often pictured with an erection
11 weeks ago
I want to know about the Faraday cage. Wearable protective clothing that interferes with the EMF, the fabric, and any shielding that you can see the signal is lost. What areas are left, or you can get to so you can regenerate your health and immune system.
11 weeks ago
your soul is very powerful, invisible fields not visible particles, fields manifest particle matter not other way around. The ether. Why do people think nwo occult still require your consent / contract whether express or tacit and perform every trick in book to achieve it? Revelation of the method or earlier externalization of the hierarchy term, dogma of the ancient masonic priest class tasked covertly to create the soul [ka] contract w/ people, convert them as contracted property slaves. Contract makes the LAW….
Many peoples souls together in harmony / resonance way more powerful, the masonic demons know this, why their evil motto contains the word ‘chaos’. All names cited are verifiable grifter ‘Limited Hangout’ show barker enemies, to usher in the masonic New Age, the ‘Age of Aquarius’, the water bearer. Noticed Ruby waves her ‘cups’ every vid? Masonic heka.
Research truly what an atom is, where did name atom originate? What is a fractal be wise research for those claiming its the jesuits lol What did Emoto discover, how much structured h2o in man, who is Rosalind Franklin and are Watson & Crick verifiable frauds? What is Liquid Crystalline and what is magnetic field coherence?
Thet cannot harvest your soul unless you consent, tacit from ignorance / silence in law qualifies as contracted.
Word ‘quantum’ verifiable gibberish, nonsense, meaningless, another masonic heka cast spell.
10 weeks ago
Thank you Sabrina. We are watching, listening and learning. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the same one who ripped a hole in the dimensions and saved us from the targeting, we say thank you and God bless you for what you are doing for God. -Hope and Tivon
11 weeks ago
wearing occultist Bowie TShirt. That is an observation not a criticism
11 weeks ago
how do we follow her? where do we follow her?? names, alias, E. adress everything please provide.. thanks
7. Sabrina/Psinergy: Galvanic Energy inside you is faster – no wires required August 22, 2023
Sabrina/Psinergy: Galvanic Energy inside you is faster – no wires required August 22, 2023
“This is the four video series about page 1 in the psinergy pdf. I show the biofield on the NIH in 2015.
I will be rewriting the pdf to include this data with a variant articulation to separate, via the sentence structure, the history of wireless measuring electrical signals from muscle tissue with 1877 instead of 1924.
Thank you for the query – it gave me a chance to go back over some things I have not read over in a while to the psinergists – bc a lot of this telephony and wireless i discovered from a high school year book in my home in Milwaukee, WI in 2004.
Liberace went to school with his older sister Anglika and the lady’s house we lived in had all of her old books including her high school year book where her love of music and literature translated into excitement over the ‘new radio’ in 1933 in west allis milwaukee. So reading all of this aloud this evening is not new. This is what I mean when I thunder out the phrase ‘attaching your ass to the cloud in 1922’
Bc 1922 was the year that Einstein won the award and everyone took away knowledge of wireless anything.
Tesla went broke. Edison got rich.
Marconi was excellent at taking the money with his mouth shut.
Where did the wireless go? Military industrial shut up and lie about physics and biology complex with electrical engineers writing the code for our body electric and wirelessly fucking with our muscle tissue as JOBS and ongoing R&D.
Why didn’t they tell?
I don’t think there is an awakening. I think we are stuck enduring their war – it’s evident they are land grabbing and jockeying for dominance; so those of us stuck in the middle have our faith, our body part and our perseverance for our children and family members, four legged inclusive; or finned for our home:
The whole thing about Americans do not read is mentioned in 1911 or 1908 btw. Oh look what did not change ..
Thanks allo commenter – this was worth it.
/~s Sabrina Wallace”
The current Psinergy PDF
8. What is WIRELESS tissue engineering?
What is WIRELESS tissue engineering?
This is an example of some of the technical documents I go over for folks who are unaware of the industries involved in energy harvesting for the new 6glopan or biophotonics. and search Psinergy. Mark 5:36, Amen.
Holy crap. HOLY. CRAP.
What a brilliant business model.
Invisibly wreck humanity’s organs forever at the nano level.
Sell harvested/grown organs back to them.
With the bonus of designed obscolescence thrown in.
Bonus for them. Not us.
Is this why they wanted NO lead paint in our homes so that that can biohack us whenever they want? Bc lead paint prevents radiation and this bio hacking.
Thank you for your work
Ok. So, question: These biofield changes are implemented via a vaccine route? I’m not just talking about Covid vaccines. I’m talking about any other vaccine as well. If this is not the deployment method, then is it implemented in some other way i.e. electromagnetic fields? Or do we have to have the nanoparticles within our bodies via a vaccine deployment route and then the electromagnetic fields are used to change the nanoparticles remotely? I’m sorry to ask so much. I’m just trying to understand.
It’s our biofuels, or tordal field. Our aura our energy. Has Graphene been injected into us prior to this jibby jab? I think so
9. Sabrina/Psinergy August 8, 2023
Sabrina/Psinergy August 8, 2023
Sabrina/Psinergy: HemiSync History, New World Order, Illuminati.
10. Sabrina/Psinergy: Remote neural monitoring September 21, 2023
Sabrina/Psinergy: Remote neural monitoring
11. Sabrina Wallace: Psinergy Overview
12. Thz networks IN the body Oct. 26, 2023
I wanted to ensure this particular paper gets to those showing what you are seeing in the blood along with the cisco digital network architecture (cisco dna) bc that means we are able to ad hoc toss those mesh networks up and down and we are while utilizing the weaponized air molecules of ubiquitous computing. it is very important the real researchers have this paper to support their evidence. the layout upon the body utilizing the smart dust, formerly thought of as a skin fungus is critical bc the nano works in both directions, from the inside out and the outside in utilizing nothing more than you, the speed of your bloodstream and talking to itself by stealing nutrients from your blood.
they are making sure this gets in everyone with genetic algorithims in tow, as i described last year.
Conclusion of Academic paper, Toward Location-Aware In-Body Terahertz Nanonetworks with Energy Harvesting, by F. Lemic, et. al., 2022:
“We have outlined an architecture for in-body THz-operating-energy-harvesting nanonetworks. This has been done with goals of enabling localization of the passively-flowing and energy-harvesting nanonodes and their two-way communication with the outside world.”
ABSTRACT of above paper:
Nanoscale wireless networks are expected to revolutionize a variety of domains, with significant advances conceivable in in-body healthcare. These nanonetworks will consist of energy-harvesting nanodevices passively flowing through the bloodstream, taking actions at certain locations, and communicating results to a more powerful Body Area Network (BAN). Assuming such a setup and electro-magnetic nanocommunication in the Terahertz (THz) frequencies, we propose a network architecture that can support fine-grained localization of the energy-harvesting in-body nanonodes, as well as their two-way communication with the outside world. The main novelties of our proposal lie in the utilization of location-aware and Wake-up Radio (WuR)-based wireless nanocommunication paradigms, as well as Software-Defined Metamaterials (SDMs), for supporting the envisioned functionalities in THz-operating energy-harvesting in-body nanonetworks. We argue that, on a high level, the proposed architecture can handle a large number of nanonodes, while simultaneously dealing with a short range of THz in-body propagation and highly constrained nanonodes.
Sabrina Wallace
File size614.33 MB
You’re so right-It is frightening, disgusting and outrageous: a dystopian nightmare. But I prefer knowing to staying ignorant and cannot thank you enough Sabrina for your hours and hours of work to not just shed Light on this horror but to have the patience to go through the proof so meticulously for folks like me who are not technically inclined. I was kicked out of my highschool calculus class for asking too many questions Lol! The type of math that draws me in is Sacred Geometry and Cymatics. Because of you I am learning…even though the details are way over my head…but I get the bottom line and I have felt my faith strengthen too which is a huge plus.
You are brilliant in many ways and I am grateful that I found this channel. While it does make me very very mad and sad…I am also moved by all the other folks who comment/share/contibute here. Instead of my typical default state of despair; I’m getting better at choosing to focus on inner work, prayer, grounding and deep listening to that still small voice of Great Spirit.
God Bless you and All Our Relations~Aho
i think dr ana got a diferent study on sensor disease posted 23hrs ago. I dropped a link to this post. here is hers
No sir, that is the SAME study on page 1 of our psinergy tech metric pdf BUT God bless Dr Ana for showing most of the article with proper images – we only show 3 paragraphs in our tech pdf in order to save pages and show multiple studies under 15 pages of printed material – same study – GOD BLESS YOU TO TODD CALENDER AMEN!
being an RN since 1999 my heart is broken, I knew nothing of any of this tech until I started looking at patents in 2020
THEY killed my wonderful Mother with CVD in August of 2021. She went from fine to gone in 11 days, and I was ill too but much less so, although my brain was not working at all and I had other issues that are inexplicable, almost like I was possessed or being controlled remotely by something or someone. We did not want to go to the hospital, but when she stopped breathing we had to call 911, and the ambulance, fire engines, etc. arrived so fast it was as though they already knew…maybe because they did. Within 5 minutes there were at least 20 men in the house. I could never understand how that happened until now. I wonder now if THEY were remotely monitoring and controlling the situation. THEY destroyed my life and our family and I don’t even care to live anymore. Thank you for helping me understand how this happened. BTW, she had Fibromyalgia too for several years and she had neglected to take her Fibro med after she became ill and I did not even think that might be a factor. I was basically like a brain-dead zombie until it was too late to save her, which I’m thinking was part of the plan. I almost wish THEY had killed me too, because I feel like it was my fault…
13. Thz networks in the body w/ video support
Thz networks in the body w/ video support
Notable quotable from Sabrina Wallace:
We’ve had the ability to log into people down to the bone marrow since 1995. What did we do with it? We made a bunch of little super brats that sit around inside of a skiff and play other humans like a video game and sell access to do it for money. You want to control your spouse, you want to be in with the super soldier All you have to do is be a vendor for the Department of Defense with the right security access protocols on the ass end of our Cisco backplane control archictecture which is installed throughout our country?
So tell me how you stop them. Tell me how you’re going to turn off all these people who have the ability, given that no one would say what they were doing for a job or that they were using a human body part to do it….
We’re running all this on the back end of the internet. And we are using the human body for that. Nobody said a word. This is computer networking through the human body. These people know exactly what they’ve developed. Where are the network engineers, the electrical engineers and radio frequency engineers who are not paid by feds to distract?
Conclusion of Academic paper, Toward Location-Aware In-Body Terahertz Nanonetworks with Energy Harvesting, by F. Lemic, et. al., 2022:
“We have outlined an architecture for in-body THz-operating-energy-harvesting nanonetworks. This has been done with goals of enabling localization of the passively-flowing and energy-harvesting nanonodes and their two-way communication with the outside world.”
ABSTRACT of above paper:
Nanoscale wireless networks are expected to revolutionize a variety of domains, with significant advances conceivable in in-body healthcare. These nanonetworks will consist of energy-harvesting nanodevices passively flowing through the bloodstream, taking actions at certain locations, and communicating results to a more powerful Body Area Network (BAN). Assuming such a setup and electro-magnetic nanocommunication in the Terahertz (THz) frequencies, we propose a network architecture that can support fine-grained localization of the energy-harvesting in-body nanonodes, as well as their two-way communication with the outside world. The main novelties of our proposal lie in the utilization of location-aware and Wake-up Radio (WuR)-based wireless nanocommunication paradigms, as well as Software-Defined Metamaterials (SDMs), for supporting the envisioned functionalities in THz-operating energy-harvesting in-body nanonetworks. We argue that, on a high level, the proposed architecture can handle a large number of nanonodes, while simultaneously dealing with a short range of THz in-body propagation and highly constrained nanonodes.
Sabrina: “The human biofield. What is this electromagnetic field that my heart, my body, and my photons are generating and DNA wave propagating out of me? Ah. It doesn’t exist, right? Unless you have a job in computer networking and sensor hunting where you hunt human bodies at the will and the discretion of medical, military and industrial systems. Then the biofield is right there and it’s a body part and it’s a profession called biomedical wireless tissue engineering.
The men that have been getting away with this are not men. I promise you that. They’ve been playing video games life long. And those same little nerds have an app for people. And it is running wild. Government off the shelf. Commercial off the shelf.”
This is for those showing the blood microscopy and spectroscopy because this document lays out the routing, aggregation and signal propogation of Thz nano networks in situ.
14. Blood – Body – Biofield – Bioelectric – Biomagnetism – Bio Frequency – Bio Hacking Explained
1 week ago
she’s this smart because ppl, doctors family, specialists all called her crazy and that it’d all in her head, she proved em wrong.
she most definitely knows what’s goin on.
1 week ago
Sabrina is very colorful and technical (meaning hard to understand maybe for the “average” person. But, it seems that this message is targeted to the people working in the “techno/telecom” field. Understanding all the IEEE standards and techno terminology is not important here… but I really do think that she knows what she is talking about and that she is right! Making a “link” between all the man made “frequencies” and our biofield, AKA aura is not an easy task! But now, can we really ignore that??? And don’t ask your doctor ( I am not talking about you Dr Young) I mean the “mainstream doctor, because they will laugh at you! So, although Sabrina is direct and colorful with her language, this message is very good and very relevant. To me it’s a loud and clear message. These technologies are weapons against human being. May God help us fix this egocentric problem we have to think that “technology” will safe us. Thank you for sharing Dr Young.
Pierre Forest
1 week ago
Way above my head! Dr. Young, please consider bringing this genius for an interview in which the both of you can explain this in terms that the general public can comprehend.
1 week ago
be great Dr Young if you did a whole show on the Biofield. Much love and blessings.
1 week ago
Amazing insight Sabrina you must have researched really hard to piece it all together.
Such a complex system to the uneducated.
So with all these frequencys they can remotely use , it must be possible to interfere with them scramble them or cancel them out with aposeing frequencys like the 5g harmonising technology.
I’m no expert, do you know ways of blocking these frequencys?
1 week ago
I prefer her colorful presentations because the technical information would be even more difficult to follow in a straightforward delivery. She is advocating for truth, accountability, and reclaiming what she refers to as our stolen “body part” with pilo erection of the (biofield) aura. Fascinating and important – glad to see you on this. Dr. Young.
1 week ago
It is Victorian plan since the beginning so the parasites of the descendants of Queen of Sewage Victoria will own all the Earth with deception and piracy and with using directed energy weapons the weapons of mass destructions against every human on earth for depopulation to make it according to their plan quite war with silent weapons .
Read Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
It called “a quiet revolution for the Crown parasites in UK “, putting brother against brother beaming synthetic telepathy to “subconscious mind” , and diverting the public’s attention from what is really going on by making the sheepish participate as gang stalkers receiving V2K Voice to skull synthetic telepathy orders to the conscious mind.. The Crown in England is the head of the One World Government !
Watch this video
Satanic illuminati ( Queen/ King ) of the “Crown in England , is The Head Of The Committee Of The 300 , and the head of Freemasonry …their morality is “Zero morality” leading the depopulation agenda for One World government led by the Crown in England secretly to own all the earth with deception & piracy .
PDF The Committee of 300
This document (NASA Circa 2025 PDF ) which is released before 9/11/2001
The plan is depopulation with directed energy weapons ( Radiation Frequency ) RF & bioweapons & wars !
They are targeting us with directed energy weapons according to the plan of Circa 2025 they are attacking us with bioweapons forced death injections to depopulate the planet as the “Crown in England ” collecting all the earth with piracy, deception & secrecy !!
1 week ago
Read the committee of the 300 for Dr John Coleman
Watch reading part
In this book the following :
– Britain has controlled the United States, beginning from soon after
the War of 1812, and continues to exercise control over this
country through the policies of the Committee of 300.
– To cause a total collapse of the world’s economies and
engender total political chaos.
– To take control of all Foreign and domestic policies of
the United States.
– Penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from
within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of nations
represented by them.
– Creation of British Intelligence Military Intelligence Division 6,
commonly known as M16 and Organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and negotiate
with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place.
– it is necessary to limit populations within the boundaries of decreasing
natural resources. It goes without saying that the elite will not
allow themselves to be threatened by a burgeoning population of
“useless eaters,” hence culling must be practiced. “culling” is going on today, using the methods
mandated in the “Global 2000 Report.”
headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, where a giant computer
designated “666” can store data of every type mentioned by
Brzezinski, plus possessing an expanded capacity to take in data
for several billions more people than presently exist,
– The greatest danger arises from the mass of
traitors in our midst. Our Constitution warns us to be watchful of
the enemy within our gates. These enemies are the servants of
the Committee of 300 who occupy high positions within our
governmental structure
– spreading of contradictory news ….
1 week ago
Sadly very difficult to undersand for me because it looks it is a very important topic
1 week ago
This is older, and seems many have forgotten, but it’s a worthy reminder and relevant to this vid.
1 week ago
Watch please, this video makes me sad as the head of imperialism destroying the food resources around the earth secretly to push us into starvation and famine ..
I am USA citizen, originally from Iraq & I was born in 1969 in Baghdad , targeted with directed energy since birth & controlled with synthetic telepathy subconsciously without our knowledge !
I remember my parents used to teach us how the imperialism ( the Crown in England -the descendants of Queen of Sewage “Victoria” the recluse ) since the beginning used to suck the nations blood & wealth & natural resources & they used to control the market around the earth by making shortages in food leading to famine & hunger by dumping the food like the “potatoes ” – to the “ocean” to make shortages & to increase the prices of food or to make famines & hunger around the earth for depopulation ..
In 1969 no human landed to the moon & it was a hoax controlled by the head of imperialism & the head of freemasonry & the head of the committee of the 300 ( Crown in England ) to make the people less intelligent, ignoring the facts that the head of the imperialism stole from humanity very important technology of Free Energy Technology & using it as weapons against the people to enslave humanity without the people knowledge with synthetic telepathy to subconscious mind by sending synthetic thoughts to separate the family like what they did to “all my family” separated us all subconsciously & the people think that these thoughts of unhappiness & anger are their own thoughts but they are synthetic thoughts to destroy family unity around the earth ” & make people against each for depopulation agenda & all the high rate of divorce around the earth done by this subconscious synthetic telepathy by the Crown Monarch military industrial complex via satellites !!
1 week ago
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” ~Matthew 6:33 KJV “So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.” ~ Matthew 20:16 KJV “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” ~ Mark 10:25 KJV #lastFIRSTfirstLAST
1 week ago
The Parasites’ of the Crown the descendants of “Queen Victoria the recluse” poisoning every child and adult human on this earth to kill every possible man and woman may stand against them …
“Corona Virus” is the name of the genocide agenda to depopulate the Earth by the Crown in England ,
Corona is the “Crown” in Spanish language while the Virus it means in Latin language the “Poison “..
This means the genocide agenda is the “Crown Poison” either with directed energy weapons ( radiation poisoning ) and with bioweapons injections using the poisons as venom ” snake venom, other venom and poison ..
1) Dr Bryan Ardis talking about Nano – King Cobra snake venom poisoning in jabs
COVID19 is Cobra Venom Induced Death & they are using 19 deadly protein peptides from snake venom to shut the internal organs
2) watch the radiation poisoning agenda
The Descendants of Queen Victoria ( Crown in England ) taking over the “WORLD” with Wars & Poison using Deception , Secrecy, Piracy & Infiltration & this is Victorian Plan according to Dr John Coleman talking about the Committee of 300
This is the end of humanity, the Crown in England stole the Tesla’s Free Energy Technology to enslave the world as they” See Everything” with Free Energy Tec.
House of Windsor -“Saxe- Coburg – Gotha” will own all the earth after killing all the people on earth
All Bankers , Politicians , Big Pharma ..etc just slaves to the Crown of house of Windsor “Saxe- Coburg – Gotha” to carry out the genocide against the people with deception to own all the earth
1 week ago
what is her website??
1 week ago
What is an eroneus chipset Sabrina?
15. Sabrina/Psinergy
16. Signage 1 from Sabrina/Psinergy.
Signage 1 from Sabrina/Psinergy.
17. signage 2 from Sabrina/Psinergy
signage 2 from Sabrina/Psinergy
18. Sabrina/Psinergy August 6, 2023
Sabrina/Psinergy August 6, 2023
19. The emperor has no biofield .. as per Sabrina/Psinergy.
The emperor has no biofield .. as per Sabrina/Psinergy.
20. Sabrina/Psinergy: Telepathy= neurons
Sabrina/Psinergy: Telepathy= neurons
21. Sabrina/Psinergy
22. Sabrina/Psinergy
23. Psinergy Tech PDF 2023 – i/ii
24. Psinergy Tech PDF 2023 ii/ii
25. Sabrina/Psinergy PDF
26. Variant Biosensors and Raman resurfacing 1/3 by Sabrina/Psinergy
Variant Biosensors and Raman resurfacing 1/3 by Sabrina/Psinergy
27. Sabrina/Psinergy August 8, 2023
Sabrina/Psinergy August 8, 2023
28. PLOS conscious B2B (brain to brain) communication in humans using non invasive tech; Sept. 21, 2023
29. Sabrina/Psinergy August 4, 2023
Sabrina/Psinergy August 4, 2023
30. Sabrina/Psinergy August 4, 2023
Sabrina/Psinergy August 4, 2023
31. Sabrina/Psinergy August 21, 2023
Sabrina/Psinergy August 21, 2023
32. Friday Morning Coffee Chatt and edumacation with Sabrina Wallace Psinergy September 22, 2023
Friday Morning Coffee Chatt and edumacation with Sabrina Wallace Psinergy September 22, 2023
32. No 678, just the 5g full dominance .. wha? September 25, 2023
No 678, just the 5g full dominance .. wha? September 25, 2023
33. Sabrina Psinergy Psinergy Tech PDF i ii September 26, 2023
Sabrina Psinergy Psinergy Tech PDF i ii September 26, 2023
This Lady has compiled a ton of information that most people are not aware of…The video starts off a little slow but exponentially ramps up…I’ve included her PDF links on her Odysee page…You can not post this kind of information on Bitchute and other platforms…Just another reason why Odysee is superior to other so called truther platforms…Enjoy the video!!!
Psinergy PDF of September 2023:
Psinergy PDF of May 2023:
34. Sabrina/Psinergy: Engine Room 2 from October 2, 2023
Sabrina explains what she learned in 2022 and beyond concerning human augmentation. She speaks about Project Maven (Pentagon’s signature artificial intelligence program).
The DoD handed Project Maven off to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in 2022:
“Project Maven, which was established in 2017 and aims to speed up the use of AI across the military, was transferred over to both the NGA and the Pentagon’s Chief Digital and AI Office last year and is poised to become an official program of record in fiscal 2024.
Whitworth said the NGA is not “being hyperbolic when we say we’ve made some significant advances just in several months” and that the agency is “at peace now with this concept of actually leading a program of record in Maven.”
In April, the NGA released a solicitation saying it was looking at building out a platform to assess supply chain risks posed to AI and machine learning technologies for the project.
The agency listed specific requirements for the supply chain risk management platform, including integrating “algorithmic-based technology with Programs of Record, a rapid prototyping effort that adapts, prototypes, and integrates commercial AI technology into DoD platforms with active tactical users.”
According to this Google created the AI using gig workers to train the machine learning:
I located those three links just doing a simple query “Project Maven artificial intelligence in autonomous weapons.”
NARM, Truth For Health & Vaxxchoice 5G Symposium Friday 29th, 2023:
“On September 29, a livestream symposium of attorneys, physicians and other experts will discuss the dangers of FEMA’s October 4 emergency alert and other issues related to 5G.
Callender explained that the Constitutional rights of Americans have been suspended since 2020, when a Marburg pandemic was declared.
Other speakers include:
· Ann Vandersteel, journalist and medical freedom advocate, who will open the symposium with Todd Callender.
· Sean from, “the corporate propaganda antidote.”
· Attorney Warner Mendenhall, who sued Pfizer for up to 3.3 trillion dollars in damages.
· Deborah Tavares, an outspoken activist opposing directed-energy weapons, weather warfare, UN Agenda 2030 and other offenses.
· Lee Vliet, MD, President of the Truth for Health Foundation.
· Dr. Bill Lionberger, DC, law enforcement officer and founder of Guardians of Humanity’s Children.
· Theresa Long, MD, Lieutenant Colonel, and an expert on the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED).
· Dr. Pete Chambers, DO and former Green Beret, who was forced into retirement after refusing an order to stop giving his patients informed consent.
· Attorney David Meiswinkle, president of the National American Renaissance Movement.
· Joseph Sansone, PhD, National ARM board member and “Ban the Jabs Resolution” founder.
· Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, nanotechnology and synthetic biology researcher, and National ARM board member.
Jeffrey Prather, retired special operations soldier, former DIA intelligence collector, and ex-DEA special agent.”
The only few on this panel I trust are Jeffrey Prather, Lt. Col. Theresa Long, MD and Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD. Truthfully our rights were suspended in 1871 when the Organic Act of 1871 was signed.
“remember that crazy not so crazy math map?
from last year … before the tore folks arrived ?
yeah ..”
Sabrina explains N2, N3, N4, etc. human augmentation. More is discussed of Marburg software and photonic concrete. She is technical in her description. She discusses her theory on what will occur.
38. warm up 2: cmts (Cable Modum Termination Systems) network architecture
39. Warm up end with omnet and the doppler in iot October 6, 2023
40. Emergency Alert System routing metrics from your cable company to you Oct. 6, 2023
41. Psinergy singage w dr ana and maria zee October 11, 2023
42. Sabrina/Psinergy: Engine Room 2 from October 2, 2023
43. Biofield Analysis for Body Area Network October 11, 2023
warm up for medusa and bci
Sabrina D. Wallace
44. Sabrina/Psinergy: For_the_new_folks_it_is_a_body_part Oct. 12, 2023
Sabrina speaks to folks new to her channel about the human biofield.
Her channel:
May 2023 PDF:
September 2023 PDF:
45. The last psinergy channel coffee October 17, 2023
46. Last psinergist coffee review October 17, 2023
47. Wban, biosensors and netcentric warfare w/signs Sept. 29, 2023
oooh double correction Amen just finished watching an interview w malfoy on brighteon wow! well done celeste solum our synthetic biology lady, Amen and wow does she have a bunch of life experience w fema and such i had not heard of yet, God bless her for making the time to speak on the brighteon platform, Amen.
I am getting better about knowing what you are discussing in real time. After that mother load we came across yesterday I went digging through the cited references. I learned what PHY layer was and what MAC really is! Not to mention things I can’t discuss at the moment! I will be guilty of assaulting folks with acronyms soon enough.
May God Bless, Protect, heal your current ailments. May God continue to bless us with Divine Guided Intelligence and Fortitude to follow through with what He asks of us. Amen.
“I will be guilty of assaulting folks with acronyms soon enough.”
En Guard!
welcome to the people farm!!!
Sabrina you missed us and graced us with a video, yay!
Have a blessed day psinergists, and all power and glory and honor to our Master, Christ Jesus!
I am so happy to see you today.
Sabrina, I would like to thank you for all of your efforts, courage, honesty, and sincerity to share your experience (much of it, obviously, very painful), research, understanding, and insight with whomever might be graced by God to find their way to your postings. I have learned a great deal from your work and hope to learn more — but I’m an old guy, and, sometimes a little slow on the uptake. Ten years, or so, I came across a Ted talk on optogenetics and wrote a critical reflective essay on the research, but the paper got no attention. The paper was entitled: “Memory, Mind, and Neuroscience,” (for those who are interested it can be found — for free — through:
) and while that piece of research and reflection is insignificant relative to your oeuvre, I had an intuition, of sorts, even back then, that there was a skunk in the woodpile yet never imagined just how rabid that skunk had become, was becoming, and would continue to become in time. In 2022, my wife and I were hit with something that was neurological in character which nearly killed me. I fought — with yeowoman assistance by my wife — whatever was occurring at home because I believed that if I went to the hospital that they were very likely ready to move things (whether intentionally or unintentionally) in a terminal direction with respirators, remdesivir, and midazolam). Prior to the onset of the neurological events, some strange phenomenological experiences took place for several days leading up to my illness that felt like a psychological attack of sorts … or not. Again, for whomever might be interested, a book about my “illness” was written (“Observations …) during the recovery period that followed the “troubles” and is available for free at:
(in fact, there are some 40, or so books that are free for the taking on that page — people can download what they like and leave the rest).
That Lookout fa Charlie video you posted about the 160 IQ kid who recently got cleared on a database only to be owned and droned is the pinnacle of what you have been illustrating. I have mistakenly been looking at this “droning humans” more as nudges and biological catalysts which can be reversed with Knowledge, however that kid was fully owned and droned and is intelligent enough to clearly describe it! This Topic for sure is the center point of highest concern for our time! For those who learn more visually here is a slide show from 2015 regarding the WBAN with a frosty child like glimmer of promise paved in good intentions type delivery as PPT slides:
Qigong master projecting his chi energy with incendiary precision:
ALWAYS keep backups and always keep a copy of the physical, hard copy evidence.
My brain looks like an 80 year old alcoholic when I was 45 I have lesions all over my brain and my front alone is completely white high loud ringing In my ear, Nose bleeds for hrs for no reason when as a child continuously, I was always in like a state of trance and weird things were always done to me, The only thing that saved me is I was always surrounded with angels of God but I was under constant attack and still am The lead in my body is off the chart so as all the other heavy metals and I have done lots of heavy metal detoxifying And cleansing and fasting sweating,. My brain stem right now is Bernie and husband for the last 2 days and I am block shut and shielding it as much as I can. how can I break the contract that has been made on my soul. I’m 61 now when does it stop or will it ever stop
I’m thinking that the email you thought was from me was from someone else…but it’s okay, It really doesn’t matter…I’ve surrendered and am turning it over to Creator now.
Thank you for all that you’ve done and still do to fight the Good Fight…with Love not Fear.
This is for you Sabrina and all weary warriors/Soul Kin who may need some Comfort, Peace & Grace:
Till we meet again~Namaste [:rainbow:] [:heart_on_fire:] [:folded_hands:]
Grazi, bella [:dolphin:] [:whale:] [:dolphin:]
Excellent Analysis, Deployed Through My Research Library…. call or text anytime. #RobertFoertsch 1-843-504-1776. Thank You
This is one of the speakers at this symposium , “Hallucination” is a term used in the AI community to describe the plausible falsehoods produced by deep generative neural networks.
Loved your presentation. I appreciate that you present the papers so I can search and download them for further study, cheers
Ohhh, I couldn’t tell if you had a doctorate in Folgers or Maxwell House
Ff 12 mins Sabrina this is it. this proves everything
So they’re utilizing our bio-field to power their grid? We ARE their Network?
What are your thoughts on the repercussions to us?
Can they flip a switch and absorb our literal consciousness, and/or our frickin’ Soul, into their Metaverse”?
Am I paranoid and making shit up?
Thanks to you, I’m currently doing bio-field tuning with a practicing student of Eileen MsKusick. And practicing your bio-field defense.
May God have mercy on our dumbasses, and thank you with all my heart.
everything that i have learned thus far is thru these ai apps, cell phones, internet, and whatever other bugged tech we use, theyare mapping a digital twin of each and every one of us from actions, emotions, thoughts, and feelings, and saving it or feeding it to an a.i computer. from what i can gather, copying the exact imprint of your consciousness it has in the physical somehow tears you between the two, i almost wanna say its like consciousness transfer but i feel like thats the wrong way to say it. sabrina would probably be able to explain it alot clearer and precise. they have made a matrix(themovie) video game with ai generated npc’s and a video is circling the internet where the person playing the game walked up to an npc and they kept asking how they got there, what the place was and how to find a way out of it. i believe the npc gave a real name and named someone they knew. it totally freaked me out listening to it. hope this helps some. much love
The blueprint is here –
This was great. Thank you Sabrina!
happy Sukkot
Wow, Google has standards. [:upside_down_face:]
Did you come up with the term Engine room? It fits.
No it was either Sabrina or KPup. It is actually a “Friendship-Engine” but you say say engine around me without it turning into a drag race conversation.
Nathan Reynolds
You’ve insulted me with too many acronyms!
now neither you, kpup nor harry, brash and indie sage get to claim that, we all lost that after the first five hours of wban rdg .. our eyes no longer cross at the three letter codes and other psinergist have post it note piles like a rolodex ready to undo their feature value hex by the appropriate grammae index, i.e, they can identify the lingo yo
Sabrina this is moonrocks from rumble reach out when you have a chance. The other person that has seen drones shoot aerosols. I think i might have mirrored your name creating this account
i was just making a video in relation to some of your concise conjecture over there, glad to see you here as well, amen.
purple i a pretty color [:rofl:] [:rofl:] [:rofl:] [:purple_heart:] [:purple_heart:] [:purple_heart:]
Are you attending a Ratt concert this evening?
What’s the Tellagram channel?
47. Blockchain bitcoin hgtp and dag and plasmons …
48. It is just a yard light on laser roids updated to street guard (2) Oct. 24, 2023.
Optogenetics for transcriptional programming and genetic engineering
Tien-Hung Lan,1,4 Lian He,1,4 Yun Huang,2, and Yubin Zhou 1,3,
Optogenetics combines genetics and biophotonics to enable noninvasive control of biological processes with high spatiotemporal precision. When engineered into protein machineries that govern the cellular information flow as depicted in the central dogma, multiple genetically encoded non-opsin photosensory modules have been harnessed to modulate gene transcription, DNA or RNA modifications, DNA recombination, and genome engineering by utilizing photons emitting in the wide range of 200–1000 nm. We present herein generally applicable modular strategies for optogenetic engineering and highlight latest advances in the broad applications of opsin-free optogenetics to program transcriptional outputs and precisely manipulate the mammalian genome, epigenome, and epitranscriptome. We also discuss current challenges and future trends in opsin-free optogenetics, which has been rapidly evolving to meet the growing needs in synthetic biology and genetics research.
PDF Link
Bromine-which is key component in making commercial bread.
The crystal structure of bromide-bound GtACR1 reveals a pre-activated state in the transmembrane anion tunnel
GtACR1 is a light-gated anion channel discovered in 2015 (Govorunova et al., 2015) now widely used in optogenetics as a neuron-silencing tool. GtACR1 conducts both bromide and chloride ions effectively with higher relative permeability for the former substrate (Govorunova et al., 2015). We and the group of Karl Deisseroth independently determined X-ray crystal structures of the dark (closed) form of GtACR1 homodimer at 2.9 A (Kim et al., 2018; Li et al., 2019). We proposed that the conductance pathway was attributable to a full-length intramolecular tunnel traversing each pro- tomer from the extracellular side to the intracellular side of the membrane lined by mostly hydro- phobic residues (Li et al., 2019). Current rectification by charges introduced inside but not outside the tunnel support our hypothesis that the tunnel serves as the anion-conducting path upon photo- activation (Sineshchekov et al., 2019). However, no substrate was found in either structure (Kim et al., 2018; Li et al., 2019) despite the presence of chloride in the crystallization conditions. The mechanism of anion conductance is still elusive.
Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Field (nsPEF): Opening the Biotechnological Pandora’s Box
Abstract: Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Field (nsPEF) is an electrostimulation technique first developed in 1995; nsPEF requires the delivery of a series of pulses of high electric fields in the order of nanoseconds into biological tissues or cells.
They primary effects in cells is the formation of membrane nanopores and the activation of ionic channels, leading to an incremental increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration, which triggers a signaling cascade producing a variety of effects: from apoptosis up to cell differentiation and proliferation.
Further, nsPEF may affect organelles, making nsPEF a unique tool to manipulate and study cells. This technique is exploited in a broad spectrum of applications, such as: sterilization in the food industry, seed germination, anti-parasitic effects, wound healing, increased immune response, activation of neurons and myocites, cell proliferation, cellular phenotype manipulation, modulation of gene expression, and as a novel cancer treatment.
This review thoroughly explores both nsPEF’s history and applications, with emphasis on the cellular effects from a biophysics perspective, highlighting the role of ionic channels as a mechanistic driver of the increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration.
I recall from reading the “Spartacus” “letter” and the 4Chan archive and then later his “SubStack” that Covid “virus” would stuff the cells full of Calcium which then helped the “virus” “reproduce”. Purging the cells of excess Calcium would STOP the “virus” from reproducing. How is this relating to “Optogenetics” you ask? Apparently A certain Calcium protein “lights up” whenever “neurons” “fire off”.
Recall that Dr Charles Lieber figured out a way to break the Blood/Brain Barrier(according to the research we “DESPOT” has done) with “nanotransducers”. Wondering here then if the Lieber “n trans d’s” were delivering “GCaMP / Ca2þ” optical sensors to map off what was firing off in the targeted human brain. This explains a lot now to me! Holy Smokes!!!!
“The most dramatic applications of fluorescent sensor proteins come from the GCaMP family of Ca2þ indicators (Fig. 2 B).
The concentration of this ion blips upward every time a neuron fires.
Expression of GCaMP-based reporters in the brains of worms, flies, fish, and mice has led to spectacular movies of the coordinated activation patterns of thousands of neurons.
Within the last year, scientists have started to engineer more complex combinations of functions into GFP-based optogenetic tools.
For instance, the calcium-modulated photoactivatable ratiometric integrator (CaMPARI) protein starts life as a fluorescent calcium indicator, and, in the simultaneous presence of neural activity and violet illumination, converts from green to red (9).
This behavior lets one record a photochemical imprint of the calcium level in a large volume of tissue at a defined moment in time. One can then image the tissue at leisure, with high resolution in space, to map this snapshot of activity.”
Ohh fuck
LEO is law enforcement officer no need with these “cameras”
and LEO=LowEarthOrbit satellite
Yes-thank you so much for recommending the xtremerealitycheck channel! I’ve already watched part 1’s 5 hr video and am 2.5 hr thru part 2’s 7 hr presentation-Yikes and holy crap….a lot of puzzle pieces falling into place for me about so many woo phenomena I’ve had…very eye opening.
On a separate note…I don’t know what shifted for you but your tone indicates a more light hearted approach with the latest shares that while I know does not equate to a lack of righteous indignation or outrage but to me conveys a higher vibe strategy that imho is both a much more effective delivery as well as probably easier on your nervous system too. Brings to mind the saying: you get more flies with honey than vinegar. When you showed the science abstract and said “let’s zoom into this, read it together and sound out the words”; my nutty mind saw you surrounded by the muppets from Sesame Street break into a silly song about nanopulsed electric fields Lol! I’m obviously over saturated and slap happy stupid with all this stuff! But why not have a little fun when discussing the psychopathic fuckers ushering in the end of the world and our Sovereignty eh? Bwah ha ha [:zany:]
Dear Mama, in my small family, the worse it is, the more humor we use. if we are laughing hysterically, it’s probably really bad. this type of behavior only one of my friends understands. if she tells me someone acted rudely towards her and I laugh, she knows not to take offense. a rare one indeed. based upon my laughter, she sort of rates that to how incredulous the situation sounds. maybe weird but. it’s how we operate. point an arm at me and I’m likely to bend double with laughter or possibly roll on the ground.
This is the missing pieces too the great Reset.
Genetically targeted magnetic control of the nervous
Optogenetic and chemogenetic actuators are critical for
deconstructing the neural correlates of behavior. However,
these tools have several limitations, including invasive modes of stimulation or slow on/off kinetics. We have overcome these disadvantages by synthesizing a single-component, magnetically sensitive actuator, “Magneto,” comprising the cation channel TRPV4 fused to the paramagnetic protein ferritin. We validated noninvasive magnetic control over neuronal activity by demonstrating remote stimulation of cells using in vitro calcium
imaging assays, electrophysiological recordings in brain slices, in vivo electrophysiological recordings in the brains of freely moving mice, and behavioral outputs in zebrafish and mice.
As proof of concept, we used Magneto to delineate a causal
role of striatal dopamine receptor 1 neurons in mediating
reward behavior in mice. Together our results present Magneto as an actuator capable of remotely controlling circuits associated with complex animal behaviors.
We went off searching Optogenetics which turned up a lot of Calcium.
I recalled Tore’s lecture notes we had, In those notes Tore wrote about cellular voltage, resistance, capacitance, impedance which were regulated by Calcium, Sodium and Potassium.
Two things with Calcium, COVID wanted to stuff the cells with Calcium which would change the voltage charge, resistance etc of the cells. Covid thrived in this environment which happens to be great for Optogenetics .
Here is where my new idea comes in, iodine and iodide supplementation which has Potassium on board. You can supplement iodide/iodine with Lugols iodine liquid or tablet form(I take 100mgs of Lugotabs a day). The iodine and potassium are very healthy for the body. Iodine happens to be heavier than Fluoride (which is the real pandemic. Same with Bromine.)
Dr Brownstein has been an outspoken proponent of iodide supplementation to improve health. My wife is one of his patients.
I am just wondering if pulling Calcium out of the cells to natural levels, stuffing potassium in there with iodine and pulling fluoride would set the body up as a nasty place for biosensors and interfere with the WBAN etc. Wonder too if it would help people to eventually be able to piloerect.
Back to Dr Brownstein’s book for a second, he points out how depraved people are of iodine/potassium in our diets- almost as if on purpose. Why? What is the REAL reason for this?? Are humans ingesting iodine/potassium and purging fluoride able to defeat being zapped, perturbated and used as a router???
Link to Dr Brownstein’s Iodine Book on DESPOT Telegram
From vanilla bean 13:
Molecular Communication for Nanomachines Using Intercellular Calcium Signaling
AFOSR (Air Force office of science & research)
California MICRO
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone
NS Solutions Corporation
DENSO IT Laboratory
Georgia Tech
Abstract — Molecular communication is engineered biological communication (e.g., cell-to-cell signaling) that allows nanomachines (e.g., engineered organisms, artificial devices) to communicate through chemical signals in an aqueous environment.
And yall thought the Doppler was for weather radar.
sorry I couldn’t resist. this is a great song but not so much the part of the lyrics where I disagree that I wish otherwise, that we keep the clothes. I don’t need to see all that, but you sista are talk’in ‘controversy’! lol
49. Blockchain, constellations and tokenomics October 24, 2023
50. It is just a yard light on laser roids updated to street guard (2)
51. Preview for tomorrow October 25, 2023
52. DNA = digital network architecture
dna + daa = remote mac-phy tracked or routed to wban or wsn
still your dna on bioelectromagnetic algorithims taxonomy inclusive to ;(
defcon link incoming
thank you landru person amen!
53. Thz networks IN the body October 26, 2023
This is for those showing the blood microscopy and spectroscopy because this document lays out the routing, aggregation and signal propogation of Thz nano networks in situ.
I wanted to ensure this particular paper gets to those showing what you are seeing in the blood along with the cisco digital network architecture (cisco dna) bc that means we are able to ad hoc toss those mesh networks up and down and we are while utilizing the weaponized air molecules of ubiquitous computing. it is very important the real researchers have this paper to support their evidence. the layout upon the body utilizing the smart dust, formerly thought of as a skin fungus is critical bc the nano works in both directions, from the inside out and the outside in utilizing nothing more than you, the speed of your bloodstream and talking to itself by stealing nutrients from your blood.
they are making sure this gets in everyone with genetic algorithims in tow, as i described last year.
Sabrina Wallace
I have tried not to step on anybody’s hot purple box plate.
The lying about the sdn meta material access with the same lora and thz that has been present since the 60s with variant deployment vectors needs to stop. We as taxpayers paid for a ton of these technical systems and we are currently a country preparing for war.
I am a disabled mother with a group of civilians who read. I am not going to stand here and play stupid in order to insulate people who already owe us decades of data we paid for and instead continue to spin fairy tales for our youth and prop up disinfo employees to harass our telegram or our channel.
clean it up.
Psinergists: Please support lookoutfacharlie – I really do believe he has been trying his damndest /and/ I also believe he is /not/ well liked by the very same types of folks we stand against regarding stolen human anatomy and pay for play advanced signal technology “logins”.
55. Cisco, your precious Blockchain and DarkWeb fairy tales October 27, 2023
56. Brain computer interface prep 1/3 October 27, 2023
electronic warfare spectrum
frontier neurojournal b2bi
truthstream media radar notations on ultra and pandora
57. Brain computer interface prep 2/3
58. Bci prep /3nd
59. Dodd 3000.09 part 1 October 29, 2023
Quoting wikipedia:
Electronic Warfare/Marketshare: The global electronic warfare market space was valued at $22.4 billion in 2022 and is expected to surpass around $36.4 billion by 2032. North America contributed more than $46 of revenue share in 2022.
Network Engineering: A Network engineer is someone who creates and monitors computer networks on behalf of individual clients and organizations. They insure that devices have stable connections and that network data remains secure. The pay scale for network engineers is $62,000 to 73,000 per year.
Sabrina: What do they do? They are in the back end of your precious internet. And how it makes the electrical signal route through the internet and you, wherever you are in the whole world.
Its a dual use system. You’re connected to the internet on something called netcentric warfare. No one told you that your body is electrical. No one told you that your biofield the human electrical body part is responsible for the biochemical body part called the digestive system.
We took your human body part (the biofield) and hooked it to the cloud and made it accessible to the basic internet. This is called human-computer interaction.
This is drone warfare. A lot of people have already died. And a lot more are going to. They’ve had these weapons for 60 years. This is a dual use system of human targeting.
The reason that you don’t know anything about this body part, is because there are people whose job it is in electronic warfare to monitor you using the same basic wireless technology as your phone. And the way you find that is 802.15.4 (biosensors) and that’s for your personal body area network. They took away your body part and they lied to you.
2-22. Army forces conduct both offensive and defensive EA to fulfill the commander’s objectives in support of the mission. EA projects power in and through the EMS by implementing active and passive actions to deny enemy capabilities and equipment, or by employing passive systems to protect friendly capabilities. Electromagnetic attack is a division of electromagnetic warfare involving the use of electromagnetic energy, directed energy, or antiradiation weapons to attack personnel, facilities, or equipment with the intent of degrading, neutralizing, or destroying enemy combat capability and considered a form of fires (JP 3-85). EA requires systems or weapons that radiate electromagnetic energy as active measures and systems that do not radiate or re-radiate electromagnetic energy as passive measures.”
ATP 2-22.82 Biometrics-Enabled Intelligence
5-31. (U) A biometricCllly enabled watchlist is any list of persons of interest with individuals identified by biometric sample or the sample’s unique identification number instead of by name, and the desired or recommended disposition instructions for each individual.
BEWLs are used for screening purposes. The identification number, or biometric reference number, is the unique number assigned by an authoritative database. Examples of identification numbers are the transaction control number that ABIS assigns to each biometric sample and the global unique identifier assigned to each biometric file in BAT-A.
5-32. (U) Biometric support to developing watch lists is similar to intelligence support to target development. (See ADRP 2-0 and FM 7-15.) BEl is incorporated into all-source analysis of potential persons of interest, resulting in a documented and Vdlidated nomination of a person of interest to a tactical, operational, DOD, a national-level watch list for identification, screening, locating, tracking, or interdiction purposes.
5-33. (U)
The DOD BEWL is a decision aid to help commanders determine what action to take when encountering a person of interest. In some areas of responsibility and theaters of operations, the DOD BEWL provides basic recommendations tor each person of interest encountered. Persons of interest are assigned to a tier on the DOD BEWL.
Each tier has recommended actions associated with it. Examples of recommendations include detain, deny training or benefits, deny access to U.S. facilities, and track or assess. (See appendix C for an eJtample of guidance associated with BEWL tiers.) The track or assess recommendation is an analytic trigger that alerts the relevant intelligence staff that a person encountered may be a person of interest.”
2 November 2015 ATP 2-22.82 5-5
Army Regulation 5–12
Army Use of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
1–1. Purpose
This regulation assigns responsibilities for Army management of the electromagnetic spectrum (hereafter referred to as spectrum management) and for Army participation in Service, Joint, U.S., host-nation, and international spectrum management activities. It issues spectrum-related policies and responsibilities for Army commands, agencies, activities, installation and unit commanders, and users at installations worldwide. It issues radio frequency (RF) spectrum policy and responsibilities for combat developers (CBTDEVs) and materiel developers (MATDEVs). It delineates the ele- ments of the Army Spectrum Supportability Program (ASSP).”
Defense Information System Network
Connection Process Guide
Version 6 | 2020
DoDI 8010.01 defines DISN as:
“DoD’s enterprise capability of DoD-owned and -leased telecommunications and computing subsystems, networks, and capabilities, centrally managed and configured by DISA, to provide an integrated network with cybersecurity, telecommunication, computing, and application services and capabilities (e.g., voice, video, teleconferencing, computing, imagery, satellite, and data services) for all DoD activities and their authorized mission partners.”,_DoD_1
Department of Defense
NUMBER 8500.01
March 14, 2014
“c. Establishes the positions of DoD principal authorizing official (PAO) (formerly known as principal accrediting authority) and the DoD Senior Information Security Officer (SISO) (formerly known as the Senior Information Assurance Officer) and continues the DoD Information Security Risk Management Committee (DoD ISRMC) (formerly known as the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN)/Global Information Grid (GIG) Flag Panel).”
The Defense Information Systems Network: An essential weapon in America’s defense
“The Defense Information Systems Agency’s (DISA) Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) serves all branches of the military services, the executive branch, the combatant commands, 14 DOD agencies, and nine field activities.
The DISN is the global enterprise network that enables information superiority and critical communications, said Charles Osborn, DISA’s acting infrastructure executive, during the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association’s Defensive Cyber Operations Symposium in Baltimore May 16.
He also said it’s the core of the Department of Defense (DOD) Information Network (DODIN).”
2020 DoD EMS Superiority Strategy
“Objective 2.2: Dedicated Intelligence for EMS Superiority
EMS Superiority requires robust intelligence collection, analysis, and validation of the following key areas:
parametric data, which encompasses all EMS sensors, communications, datalinks, radars, jammers, directed energy, electro-optics, and infrared systems;
engineering data, which describes the performance, characteristics, and signature information of the associated equipment, weapons, and platforms;
order of battle data;
combat support data;
and modeling and simulation support.
Modeling and simulation fidelity must support all levels of operations, up to and including campaign modeling and support to operational wargaming.”
“The DIE (Defense Intelligence Enterprise) is responsible for the collection, analysis, validation, and dissemination of threat data and information for all facets of military operations and acquisitions.
The DIE, the Military Services, and the acquisition community must integrate their data and processing capabilities for sharing at machine speed to benefit both in the buildout of cognitive EMS systems, nearreal-time processing schemas, and data mining and fusion capabilities. Integration is essential to construct, compose, train, and effectively manage forces at the speed of 21st Century combat. “
2020 DoD EMS Superiority Strategy
“Objective 1.5: Field Disruptive EMS Capabilities
The Department recognizes its adversaries are also reliant on EMS-dependent capabilities and plans to target their vulnerabilities with advanced electromagnetic attack (EA) capabilities designed to keep the enemy in a defensive posture and offset adversary capacity overmatch. Disruptive capabilities will impose cost and create chaos for our adversaries, in ways they cannot predict, by denying or deceiving their EMS capabilities at the time and place of our choosing.
Developing disruptive EW capabilities and attributes requires the most advanced technology the Department can bring to bear and must incorporate autonomous, cognitive, and asymmetric capabilities by harnessing cutting edge technologies such as AI and photonics.
Advanced capabilities in directed energy, RF-enabled cyber, and multifunctional EMS systems all networked and operating at machine speed are required to provide future commanders with scalable options to achieve EMS superiority and military overmatch.”
“Networked, adaptive, and distributed, both
traditional and non-traditional sensors
will provide the integrated data, enabled by machine learning and assured EMS distribution to the warfighter, required to implement disruptive EW and ensure joint lethality.
Operational forces must also be capable of sharing EMS data to and from the Defense Intelligence Enterprise (DIE) at machine speed. Only through informed EMBM and highly interoperable (cooperative and complementary) EMSdependent systems throughout the joint force can this level of EMS superiority be achieved.”
2020 DoD EMS Superiority Strategy
“Objective 1.3: Leverage and Adapt Commercial Technologies
Emerging commercial hardware, applications, and operating systems provide EMS-dependent system capabilities in small, low-cost, adaptable packages.
However, some commercial technologies are designed for specific purposes and use cases that may not be suitable or meet unique warfighter requirements. DoD will continue to evaluate commercial technologies for mission suitability, flexibility, and adaptability for adoption when appropriate.
DoD will also participate in national, international, and industry-specific standards bodies associated with spectrum innovation to collaborate on emerging technologies and their adoption, including national security preemption and priority mechanisms for commercial systems.
DoD expects that military investments in EMS technologies will both leverage and augment commercial innovation to the benefit of DoD operations and the national EMS ecosystem as a whole.”
2020 DoD EMS Superiority Strategy
“Spectrum sharing offers a new model for greater freedom of action within the EMS. Spectrum sharing is the simultaneous usage of a specific frequency band in a specific geographical area and time by a number of independent entities where harmful electromagnetic interference is mitigated through agreement (i.e., policy, protocol, and/or process).
To contrast, EMS maneuver focuses on gaining advantage over adversaries, while spectrum sharing focuses on mitigating interference through agreement. Increased spectrum sharing remains a critical priority for the Department to meet the growing demands for spectrum access from both commerce and DoD.
This sharing should include implementation of dynamic and
bidirectional sharing for facilitating access to commercial spectrum while addressing the cybersecurity risk of an information sharing infrastructure outside of the DoD Information Enterprise,
pursuing machine-to-machine technologies that enable cognitive cohabitation in the spectrum.
International and domestic spectrum policy and regulations must continue to evolve to enable spectrum sharing to keep pace with rapidly changing technology.”
Executive summary This report presents the conclusions of a one-year mapping study on the development of autonomy in weapon systems. It is intended to provide diplomats and members of civil society interested in the issue of lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS) with a better understanding of (a) the technological foundations of autonomy; (b) the state of autonomy in existing weapon systems; (c) the drivers of, and obstacles to, further increasing autonomy in weapon systems; and (d) the innovation ecosystems behind the advance of autonomy in weapon systems.
…2. Automated target recognition (ATR) systems, the technology that enables weapon systems to acquire targets autonomously, has existed since the 1970s. ATR systems still have limited perceptual and decision-making intelligence. Their performance rapidly deteriorates as operating environments become more cluttered and weather conditions deteriorate. 3. Existing weapon systems that can acquire and engage targets autonomously are mostly defensive systems. These are operated under human supervision and are intended to fire autonomously only in situations where the time of engagement is deemed too short for humans to be able to respond. 4. Loitering weapons are the only ‘offensive’ type of weapon system that is known to be capable of acquiring and engaging targets autonomously. The loitering time and geographical areas of deployment, as well as the category of targets they can attack, are determined in advance by humans.
Future Of Artificial Intelligence Dominated Air Combat Showcased In New Air Force Video
The Air Force details its growing efforts to bring artificial intelligence-driven air combat drones from a laboratory experiment to reality.
“The U.S. Air Force has stressed that artificial intelligence “is here to stay” and will be central to revolutionary advances in uncrewed aircraft. These comments and details about the service’s ongoing work in these areas, including testing involving the unique X-62A experimental testbed, a heavily modified F-16 Viper fighter, and Kratos XQ-58 Valkyrie drones, come in a newly released official video. This is all feeding into the service’s Collaborative Combat Aircraft drone program, which is part of its much larger and multi-faceted Next Generation Air Dominance modernization initiative.
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) posted the new video covering aspects of the Autonomous Aircraft Experimentation (AAx) initiative on the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (DVIDS) website earlier today. AAx’s main focus is on testing and refining artificial intelligence and machine learning-driven autonomous capabilities for use on future advanced uncrewed aircraft and helping to move those technologies out of the laboratory and onto actual operational platforms.”
Autonomous Weapon Systems and International Crises
The United States is investing heavily in autonomous weapon systems (AWS) as part of the Department of Defense’s “Third Offset” strategy. However, scholarship on AWS has largely failed to explore the ways in which these systems might themselves have strategic ramifications. This gap is especially apparent in relation to strategic interaction in crisis scenarios. This article seeks to highlight relevant dimensions of the on- going debates over (1) how to define AWS, (2) the technology behind their development, and (3) their integration into the future force. The article then constructs five scenarios where introducing AWS may affect how an international crisis involving the United States and an adversary plays out.
Executive Order 13960
Human and Machine Trust Considerations, Concerns and Constraints for Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS)
“Ethical and legal considerations of trust are primary to public policy discussions. For example, former President Trump’s Executive Order on promoting trust with AI in the Federal Government highlighted on the following: Agencies must therefore design, develop, acquire, and use AI in a manner that fosters public trust and confidence while protecting privacy, civil rights, civil liberties, and American values, consistent with applicable law…[8]. The National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan: 2019 Update offers an example that covers technological and the political dimensions: “Beyond being safe, secure, reliable, resilient, explainable, and transparent, trustworthy AI must preserve privacy while detecting and avoiding inappropriate bias.” [9] The NIST concentrates on technical aspects of trustworthiness in implementing trust in AI to meet the intent of the political leaders.”
Department of Defense Global Information Grid Architectural Vision: Vision for a Net-Centric, Service-Oriented DoD Enterprise, Version 1.0, June 2007
“Our goal in establishing the GIG Architectural Vision is to promote unity of effort among those responsible for evolving today’s GIG to its target state, including component CIOs, portfolio managers, and architects. To support this goal, the GIG Architectural Vision is designed to be a short, high level, understandable description of DoD’s objective enterprise architecture (required by law and policy). It will be updated periodically to reflect operational, systems and technical changes to the target GIG. Through the development of a series of time-phased GIG Capability Increments, today’s GIG will evolve towards the target GIG described in this Vision.”
Hat Tip
Augmented Machines and Augmented Humans
Converging on Transhumanism
June 2019
Roberto Saracco, Co-chair, IEEE Digital Reality Initiative
“There are basically three ways to augment humans:
Modifying the genotype
Modifying the phenotype
Modifying the extended phenotype”
Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V
HumanandMachine Trust Considerations, Concerns and Constraints for Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS)
Abstract. “Trust and autonomous systems, especially weapon systems, could be the most difficult technological challenge facing defense industries, militaries, politicians, and the public because the algorithms have to be trusted. Furthermore, the operator, the military, defense industry, politicians and the public need to trust the system to also follow ethical and legal rules. This paper briefly describes the trust considerations, concerns and constraints regarding autonomous weapons systems and concludes with a brief description of the current development programs and projects by the various US military services. “
Keywords: Artificial intelligence · Auditability · Autonomous · Confidence · Control controllability · Environment · Explainability · Human-machine · Interoperability · Lethal autonomous weapon system · Risk · Reliability · Safety · Scalability · Supervisability · Traceability · Transparency · Trust · Trustworthiness · Unmanned aerial vehicle · Unmanned ground system · Unmanned surface vehicle · Unmanned underwater vehicle
PDF Telegram Link:
“1. INTRODUCTION This paper covers the emergence of new sub-lethal, incapacitating and paralysing technologies and their coming role in the mass production of torture, cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment. It grew out of the work the Omega Foundation has undertaken for Amnesty International (on electroshock, restraining and torture technologies),1 the European Commission,2 the European Parliament3 and Landmine Action4. Throughout its existence, Omega has tracked technologies, particularly lesslethal weapons) deployed by the police, military and security services to create human rights violations, including weapons used in torture.5 However, such technologies have always been seen by us as multi-functional, weapons of flexible response rather than specifically designed just for a role in torture.6 “
DoD Law of War Chapter 6:
“ No Law of War Prohibition on the Use of Autonomy in Weapon Systems. The law of war does not specifically prohibit or restrict the use of autonomy to aid in the operation of weapons. In fact, in many cases, the use of autonomy could enhance the way law of war principles are implemented in military operations. For example, some munitions have homing functions that enable the user to strike military objectives with greater discrimination and less risk of incidental harm. As another example, some munitions have mechanisms to self-deactivate or to self-destruct, which helps reduce the risk they may pose generally to the civilian population or after the munitions have served their military purpose.102 Although no law of war rule specifically restricts the use of autonomy in weapon systems, other rules may apply to weapons with autonomous functions. For example, to the extent a weapon system with autonomous functions falls within the definition of a “mine” in the CCW Amended Mines Protocol, it would be regulated as such.103 In addition, the general rules applicable to all weapons would apply to weapons with autonomous functions. For example, autonomous weapon systems must not be calculated to cause superfluous injury or be inherently indiscriminate.104 “
Purpose: This directive:
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy January 25, 2023
Cleared for public release. Available on the Directives Division Website at
DoD Directive 3000.09, “Autonomy in Weapon Systems,” November 21, 2012
Kathleen H. Hicks, Deputy Secretary of Defense
• Establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for developing and using autonomous and semi- autonomous functions in weapon systems, including armed platforms that are remotely operated or operated by onboard personnel.
• Establishes guidelines designed to minimize the probability and consequences of failures in autonomous and semi-autonomous weapon systems that could lead to unintended engagements.
• Establishes the Autonomous Weapon Systems Working Group.
DoD DIRECTIVE 3000.09 Autonomy in Weapon Systems
c. With the exception of systems intended to be used in a manner that falls within the policies in Paragraphs 1.2.d.(1) through 1.2.d.(4), autonomous weapon systems, including weapon systems with both autonomous and semi-autonomous modes of operation, must be approved by the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)), the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E)), and the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (VCJCS) before formal development. They must be approved again by the USD(P), the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)), and the VCJCS before fielding. These requirements for approval are supplementary to the requirements in other applicable policies and issuances. Autonomous weapon systems requiring these senior approvals in accordance with Section 4 of this directive before formal development and again before fielding include:
(1) Autonomous weapon systems that have not previously been reviewed and approved in accordance with this directive, including autonomous weapon systems that are modifications of an existing non-autonomous weapon system.
(2) Modified versions of previously approved autonomous weapon systems whose system algorithms, intended mission sets, intended operational environments, intended target sets, or expected adversarial countermeasures substantially differ from those applicable to the previously approved weapon systems so as to fall outside the scope of what was previously approved in the senior review. Such modified systems require a new senior review and approval before formal development and again before fielding.”
2020 Department of Defense EMS Superiority Strategy
“The Modern Electromagnetic Operational Environment
The EMS, as the range of all types of electromagnetic radiation, is a fundamental component of the natural environment, and the EMOE is a space in which military functions are performed. The EMOE is a maneuver space, a battlespace, a place where competition and warfare, as well as commerce and other nonmilitary activities, are conducted. The EMS is not a separate domain of military operations because the EMS is inseparable from the domains established in joint doctrine. In modern warfare, EMS superiority is a leading indicator and fundamental component of achieving superiority in air, land, sea, space, or cyberspace. As U.S. forces are organized around domains, the EMS not only provides the critical connective tissue that enables all-domain operations, but represents a natural seam and critical vulnerability across joint force operations.”
(LARs) Lethal Autonomous Robots: Are They Legal under International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law?
“The U.S. Department of Defense has increasingly focused on developing robot technology for use in war.18 The Pentagon’s budget up to September 30, 2013 allocated $6.04 billion for autonomous aircraft and $261 million for autonomous ground vehicles alone.19
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has unveiled a new humanoid robot called the ATLAS, which it is using as the basis for the DARPA Robotics Challenge.20 The challenge brings together a diverse group of roboticists to develop programming for the ATLAS, which could be used for a variety of functions, including military.21
The U.S. Air Force has made it a goal to develop air systems with “fully autonomous capability, swarming, and Hypersonic technology to put the enemy off balance by being able to almost instantaneously create effects throughout the battlespace.”22 “
Alright empress! please put them all in their place!
I know you are the interine Queen, reigning the end times until any of the young princes grow into manhood, guided by your warmth and light….
60. Pentagon 3000.09 … /3nd Oct. 29, 2023
Sabrina Wallace:
You have a human body part (the biofield) that is targeted in electronic warfare. Electronic warfare exploits the electromagnetic spectrum. These are electrical weapons that have been around, with Boeing, Lockheed, BAE, for 60 years.
Damn. TFW you wake up from the nightmare of COnVID……… another nightmare. [:clown_face:]
Thanks Sabrina for breaking it all down!
They didn’t take away that body part. We still have it, but those blowhards hacked it to enable them to manipulate it. We’re still in the driver’s seat, but maybe not in full control of the steering wheel.
drones the new arms race,3239662,3239659,3239656,3239630,3239627,3239488,3239575&tc=5&CMCampaignID=de80135a4223000bd552987504e61b58
holy cow
crazy shit.
thank you Sabrina
IHIET 2021 program
61. Engine rumbler October 30, 2023
Point of clarity for soft minds:
When I assert that creators who have time to support fifth gen warfare are to be “torn apart” I am implying in the same weaponry vein; intellectually. Crafting satire during wartime while people have little to no knowledge and we have head lines that read iron dome should not be tolerated. Are we at war or not?
This is not about trolls. Drone warfare and a 28 year old deployed technology to facilitate the smart city agenda that is already in situ and in vivo is not a discussion; it’s education. When we devolve mentally back into youtube mentality and allow people to gaslight, whether they are paid to do it or not is NOT THE POINT.
Many folks have already died and the people pushing this are NOT slowing down – that’s called WAR. I will not mentally devolve due to social virtue signaling mores and pretend it’s not war today, but tomorrow it is and garsh I just don’t know.
People may continue calling me abrasive; because I speak directly to the violence already happening to all of us and seeking math solution mitigation. All of us may choose how we spend our time, for now. Your youtube mentality will dissolve the first time violence is on your doorstep which is why the people who listen to me and are kind already know how serious this is.
I will not pretend that the man in that video did something humane or acceptable. Anyone who is making fun of me for reading out drone warfare cybersecurity should be mocked and shamed due to the innate sadism implied in taking the time to humiliate someone whose “crime” was reading a college textbook with a dod directive to the UNSUSPECTING populace.
the youtube culture has wrecked people’s minds and then people whine and do physically nothing while violence happens all around us. This is a social engineering design and I refuse to participate.
I am abrasive to those who are addicted to being comfortable. You’ll be cut cold turkey soon enough, because most of us already know that when you do not tell people the truth about jobs and airplanes, bad stuff can happen.
Mrs. Wallace
p.s. this won’t be up long – i’m putting it up for the engine room and a few rumblers – amen.
File size
“1. INTRODUCTION This paper covers the emergence of new sub-lethal, incapacitating and paralysing technologies and their coming role in the mass production of torture, cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment. It grew out of the work the Omega Foundation has undertaken for Amnesty International (on electroshock, restraining and torture technologies),1 the European Commission,2 the European Parliament3 and Landmine Action4. Throughout its existence, Omega has tracked technologies, particularly lesslethal weapons) deployed by the police, military and security services to create human rights violations, including weapons used in torture.5 However, such technologies have always been seen by us as multi-functional, weapons of flexible response rather than specifically designed just for a role in torture.6 “
the tea belongs to my caretaker and believe me I TRY to get him to drink water like I do. That little bit is all I get for the day. Took me 3 hours. Thank you for bringing attention to that – my firewall pays attention and we have been able to get rid of a lot of gmo foods. I just fast rather than eat or pay the immune system price. We have 18 and 19 year old adult children as well who demand occasional mozzerella stix. It won’t let me see your full comment but that’s the answer. we are on limited income and doin our best
I wish I wasn’t so concerned sometimes, sorry for being that way. you are not wrong for doing what you must to be provided for in such an extremely unconventional way of life we all are expecting to survive in. I’m just an Internet character to you still, and I kinda hate that, but only because I know that I’m open minded enough to see that the “disability” part of your life is not something that made you less human, but rather probably a bit of the opposite. please take care not to feel bad vibes while reading any of my comments. I promise I am just trying to relate in a way that helps you feel better about what your trying to do for everyone by making these videos and exposing anything that you can find that you know people have a hard time with wrapping their head around it…
nobility is rare, and I believe you are rich with it.
also it was tough to find your full comment on here for me as well… you are truly noble for putting so much effort into helping people who you don’t know
In regards to thicker skin WE ALL have to have it. When you are being attacked people target your vulnerabilities. And as you are seeing the more the heat is turned up the more further the attacks on you will be. I do not care how offended slaves get we would NEVER be in this position if A people cared B people were honest C people were not cowards. So when shit gets real slaves attack. It is ALWAYS someone else’s problem till it is not. The only reason my gal has not kicked me out is because i have not moved off my square she knows i have no place to go and see’s i do not give a flying fuck if she asks me to leave She cannot point to ANYTHING that i have not been consistent with in terms of being truthful. Now my dumb ass made the mistake of sharing real painful experiences which she did not keep to herself and of course threw back at me. Thus why i tell you to be careful with sharing personal stuff. Slaves have a hive mind personality so when you are sharing stuff with people you open up cans of worms and people whether they intend to or not will attack that if their house is not in order. I have tried to help so many people and i already told you what i got in return. It is too easy to knock you around in your square. Now that may seem like a fucked up comment or it may be but i can only point out what i see i am not in your spot i do not understand all this you say you pick up but i would think if i am getting attacked i would not open up more lanes to let shit through.
God bless you dear. I am SO glad you came out with this information. You have given me the missing information I didn’t have to solve what the white coated priests call a “mystery”. God has been leading me in my healing and you connected me, indirectly, to many people who can help.
DoD DIRECTIVE 3000.09 Autonomy in Weapon Systems
The use of AI capabilities in autonomous or semi-autonomous weapons systems will be consistent with the DoD AI Ethical Principles, as provided in Paragraph 1.2.f.
c. With the exception of systems intended to be used in a manner that falls within the policies in Paragraphs 1.2.d.(1) through 1.2.d.(4), autonomous weapon systems, including weapon systems with both autonomous and semi-autonomous modes of operation, must be approved by the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)), the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E)), and the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (VCJCS) before formal development. They must be approved again by the USD(P), the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)), and the VCJCS before fielding. These requirements for approval are supplementary to the requirements in other applicable policies and issuances. Autonomous weapon systems requiring these senior approvals in accordance with Section 4 of this directive before formal development and again before fielding include:
(1) Autonomous weapon systems that have not previously been reviewed and approved in accordance with this directive, including autonomous weapon systems that are modifications of an existing non-autonomous weapon system.
(2) Modified versions of previously approved autonomous weapon systems whose system algorithms, intended mission sets, intended operational environments, intended target sets, or expected adversarial countermeasures substantially differ from those applicable to the previously approved weapon systems so as to fall outside the scope of what was previously approved in the senior review. Such modified systems require a new senior review and approval before formal development and again before fielding.”
You’re the greatest Sabrina. Thanks for all you do. These feds are full of self loathing for helping to sell out humanity. Your videos and talks stand on their own. Nobody can adequately dismiss what you say because you have the truth and the math on your side. God bless!
agree completely.
Neurotechnologies as weapons in national intelligence and defense – An overview
James Giordano, PhD*1-3 and Rachel Wurzman, PhD(c)4
Advances in neuroscience and neurotechnology have necessitated discussions on the ways that such developments could be used as weapons in contexts of national security, intelligence, and defense. This paper defines the concept of neuroweapons, and elucidates operational issues associated with their use to aid informational and strategic intelligence, such as brain-machine interfaces to improve efficiency in data analysis. As well, exploration of neuropharmacologic, neuromicrobiological, and neurotoxic agents are discussed relevant to their utility in combat scenarios. The limitations of emerging neurotechnologies as weapons are addressed, as both regards practical and operational frameworks, and implications relevant to formulation of ethico-legal guidelines and governance of research, development and potential use.
ONCE AGAIN, you nailed it!
And I can relate more than you know to what it feels like to have these technologies constantly bumping in and out of your system, WHILE you do your best as a mother and just being a joyful person.
You have a brave heart and a huge spirit lady.
Love you just the way you are!
AND I personally can not stand “polished” podcasts, they literally rub me the wrong way and I end up tuning out.
Ill take raw and real all day every day.
Trust me, you are helping people more than you realize, because no one does it the way you do it and more people than you may think, speak your language and carry the same heart fire.
Much love dear
Well said-I concur wholeheartedly!
[:folded_hands:] [:rainbow:] [:sparkling_heart:]
Yea it’s serious.. I got hit with the shit in the late ’90’s.. it’s NOT spider webs ppl !!!
No doubt you’re familiar with this famous quote but it bears repeating: “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act” George Orwell
Here are a few others:
“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.” – Henry David Thoreau
“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” – Arthur Conan Doyle
“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” – Thomas Jefferson
“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” – Mark Twain
“Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.” – Michael Jackson
“Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.” – Elvis Presley
“Truth is the property of no individual, but is the treasure of all men.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Half a truth is often a great lie.” – Benjamin Franklin
“People often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it’s served up.” – George R.R. Martin
Sabrina–You’re in very good company Brave Hearted Woman…like a modern day Joan of Arc who allegedly said: “I am not afraid… I was born to do this”
You’ve taken up that cross and are bearing it and so many of us are immensely grateful that you’re on the front lines carrying the torch of Truth….as Prometheus stole fire from the Gods to give to humankind…I consider you Promethia
Recently you said something about wearing testicles on your chest which is funny but I prefer what Clarissa Pinkola Estes author of the fabulous book: “Women Who Run With The Wolves” said:
“…she sings from the knowing of los ovarios, a knowing from deep within the body, deep within the mind, deep within the soul.” This is the power of the Feminine. You have it and I am howling along with you from deep in my bones.
Sending so much Love SiStar!
To honor the wild instinct of fierce protection for life you exhibit with raw primal intensity when you drop those electric f-bombs that crackle with righteous thunder (if people get offended by curse words they are already beyond saving)…I hope you enjoy this:
[:fire:] [:fire:] [:fire:]I’m going to ask, why the GMO tea? No offense but we are all hear to learn, even you Sabrina… So why are you willing to take the risk by consuming HFCS, which is something totally understandable because it took me until im 38 to kick that stuff myself… I’m just hoping you are open to discussion, not trying to pick on you or make a scene…
also I have to watch the rest of the video still, I just wanted to express my love for my fellow humanitarians own well being.
I know this sounds like goofy question but is there anything we can do to fight against the drones? I mean, if they are turned against us, is there a any way to defend against them?
When people are remotely locked onto and forced via biosensors to do things or not do things that harm others. Does the person become the guilty party for the act or will mankind seek out the remote controller that forced the action? Do we even have laws to pursue the controller, rather than the controlled. And if no laws of pursuit, than we are all most miserable. The weak minded will die of broken hearts or even suicidal thoughts …especially if they are void of Acts
Sabrina, what is the answer to the end of this wickedness?
In 2020 I went to my city counsel all the way to the governor with textbook facts of the towers, the masks, the distancing. All I warned about was ignored by all… then time came and went, all I said would happen, happened. some friends died, some family died, some neighbors died, some co-workers died. Not one came to me for anything. Most have suicidal tendencies. They all have 5g phones. It is maddening for me. And even thoughts I reach out to, that may understand, just ignore me. It is mind bending the lack of care for each other today. I feel like I’m in a really bad Twilight Zone movie.
my daughter’s mother might be a victim of the netcentric mosaic warfare… our story is probably not unique, and not as deep down the rabbit hole as yours…
but it would be very therapeutic and educational for me to have a conversation with someone as experienced as you in this kind of field… I wish I could contact you directly but I understand how you would rather avoid this kind of attention. plus talking to her would probably be better than talking to me… but I don’t even know if she’s still alive because she left state with a warrant after being let out of prison from the COVID prison release everyone early situation.
she seriously probably did have her head wrapped around some of this stuff like you do… I remember her showing me a documentary on YouTube back in 2015-6, that I’m pretty sure was lookoutfacharlie on the batman killer. it was signal warfare evidence being exposed by someone either way.
I don’t assume that my kids mom was being targeted, but I don’t assume she wasn’t either… she was very intelligent. she had become so fragile that she was at the point of letting herself go completely even knowing that she’d lose her two sons and our daughter because of it. She wouldn’t live her life for herself anymore, but she also wouldn’t live it for anyone else.
she wasn’t the best person to trust either. she didn’t care how she had to lie or what she had to do for her safety net of trying not to exist, and not to feel anything, by taking opiates or whatever substitute she was able to dig up from someone….
I appreciate you no matter what happens. I know you are busy and responding or even reading comments like this would be seriously taxing on top of trying to do what you already have to do to be on here exposing these insanely real technologies that are too scary to even tell most people about…
-Thanks for your Sophist legal analysis.
“Contrary to a number of news reports, U.S. policy does not prohibit the development or employment of LAWS. Although the United States does not currently have LAWS in its inventory…”
“DODD 3000.09 defines LAWS as “weapon system[s] that, once activated, can select and engage targets without further intervention by a human operator.” This concept of autonomy is also known as “human out of the loop” or “full autonomy.” The directive contrasts LAWS with human- supervised, or “human on the loop,” autonomous weapon systems, in which operators have the ability to monitor and halt a weapon’s target engagement. Another category is semi-autonomous, or “human in the loop,” weapon systems that “only engage individual targets or specific target groups that have been selected by a human operator.” Semi- autonomous weapons include so-called “fire and forget” weapons, such as certain types of guided missiles, that deliver effects to human-identified targets using autonomous functions.”
Are you aware in the bullshit world of legalese a human is a Monster.
Sabrina/Psinergy: Engine rumbler October 30, 2023
4 hours ago
melodic triple-engine rumble
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61. Dodd 3000.09 part 1 October 29, 2023
Dodd 3000.09 part 1 October 29, 2023
i refuse to apologize for trying to educate my fellow american citizen on the digital genocidal weapons deployed for 60 years.
this is not 1995. now is not the time to continue lying to people who paid for all these weapons that have been holding the international community by the throat. our country is in big trouble.
drone warfare is on conus. so no sir, unless you can educate bw making fun of me, you are helping people meet their end in cruel and horrid ways by continuing to help the same people who murdering full force, right now.
i care. most people do not. take it or leave it.
File size124.9 MB
Around the Web
Trump Issues Dire Warning About Your Money, is the U.S. Dollar Doomed?
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2-22. Army forces conduct both offensive and defensive EA to fulfill the commander’s objectives in support of the mission. EA projects power in and through the EMS by implementing active and passive actions to deny enemy capabilities and equipment, or by employing passive systems to protect friendly capabilities. Electromagnetic attack is a division of electromagnetic warfare involving the use of electromagnetic energy, directed energy, or antiradiation weapons to attack personnel, facilities, or equipment with the intent of degrading, neutralizing, or destroying enemy combat capability and considered a form of fires (JP 3-85). EA requires systems or weapons that radiate electromagnetic energy as active measures and systems that do not radiate or re-radiate electromagnetic energy as passive measures.”
ATP 2-22.82 Biometrics-Enabled Intelligence
5-31. (U) A biometricCllly enabled watchlist is any list of persons of interest with individuals identified by biometric sample or the sample’s unique identification number instead of by name, and the desired or recommended disposition instructions for each individual.
BEWLs are used for screening purposes. The identification number, or biometric reference number, is the unique number assigned by an authoritative database. Examples of identification numbers are the transaction control number that ABIS assigns to each biometric sample and the global unique identifier assigned to each biometric file in BAT-A.
5-32. (U) Biometric support to developing watch lists is similar to intelligence support to target development. (See ADRP 2-0 and FM 7-15.) BEl is incorporated into all-source analysis of potential persons of interest, resulting in a documented and Vdlidated nomination of a person of interest to a tactical, operational, DOD, a national-level watch list for identification, screening, locating, tracking, or interdiction purposes.
5-33. (U)
The DOD BEWL is a decision aid to help commanders determine what action to take when encountering a person of interest. In some areas of responsibility and theaters of operations, the DOD BEWL provides basic recommendations tor each person of interest encountered. Persons of interest are assigned to a tier on the DOD BEWL.
Each tier has recommended actions associated with it. Examples of recommendations include detain, deny training or benefits, deny access to U.S. facilities, and track or assess. (See appendix C for an eJtample of guidance associated with BEWL tiers.) The track or assess recommendation is an analytic trigger that alerts the relevant intelligence staff that a person encountered may be a person of interest.”
2 November 2015 ATP 2-22.82 5-5
Army Regulation 5–12
Army Use of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
1–1. Purpose
This regulation assigns responsibilities for Army management of the electromagnetic spectrum (hereafter referred to as spectrum management) and for Army participation in Service, Joint, U.S., host-nation, and international spectrum management activities. It issues spectrum-related policies and responsibilities for Army commands, agencies, activities, installation and unit commanders, and users at installations worldwide. It issues radio frequency (RF) spectrum policy and responsibilities for combat developers (CBTDEVs) and materiel developers (MATDEVs). It delineates the ele- ments of the Army Spectrum Supportability Program (ASSP).”
Defense Information System Network
Connection Process Guide
Version 6 | 2020
DoDI 8010.01 defines DISN as:
“DoD’s enterprise capability of DoD-owned and -leased telecommunications and computing subsystems, networks, and capabilities, centrally managed and configured by DISA, to provide an integrated network with cybersecurity, telecommunication, computing, and application services and capabilities (e.g., voice, video, teleconferencing, computing, imagery, satellite, and data services) for all DoD activities and their authorized mission partners.”,_DoD_1
Department of Defense
NUMBER 8500.01
March 14, 2014
“c. Establishes the positions of DoD principal authorizing official (PAO) (formerly known as principal accrediting authority) and the DoD Senior Information Security Officer (SISO) (formerly known as the Senior Information Assurance Officer) and continues the DoD Information Security Risk Management Committee (DoD ISRMC) (formerly known as the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN)/Global Information Grid (GIG) Flag Panel).”
The Defense Information Systems Network: An essential weapon in America’s defense
“The Defense Information Systems Agency’s (DISA) Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) serves all branches of the military services, the executive branch, the combatant commands, 14 DOD agencies, and nine field activities.
The DISN is the global enterprise network that enables information superiority and critical communications, said Charles Osborn, DISA’s acting infrastructure executive, during the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association’s Defensive Cyber Operations Symposium in Baltimore May 16.
He also said it’s the core of the Department of Defense (DOD) Information Network (DODIN).”
2020 DoD EMS Superiority Strategy
“Objective 2.2: Dedicated Intelligence for EMS Superiority
EMS Superiority requires robust intelligence collection, analysis, and validation of the following key areas:
parametric data, which encompasses all EMS sensors, communications, datalinks, radars, jammers, directed energy, electro-optics, and infrared systems;
engineering data, which describes the performance, characteristics, and signature information of the associated equipment, weapons, and platforms;
order of battle data;
combat support data;
and modeling and simulation support.
Modeling and simulation fidelity must support all levels of operations, up to and including campaign modeling and support to operational wargaming.”
“The DIE (Defense Intelligence Enterprise) is responsible for the collection, analysis, validation, and dissemination of threat data and information for all facets of military operations and acquisitions.
The DIE, the Military Services, and the acquisition community must integrate their data and processing capabilities for sharing at machine speed to benefit both in the buildout of cognitive EMS systems, nearreal-time processing schemas, and data mining and fusion capabilities. Integration is essential to construct, compose, train, and effectively manage forces at the speed of 21st Century combat. “
2020 DoD EMS Superiority Strategy
“Objective 1.5: Field Disruptive EMS Capabilities
The Department recognizes its adversaries are also reliant on EMS-dependent capabilities and plans to target their vulnerabilities with advanced electromagnetic attack (EA) capabilities designed to keep the enemy in a defensive posture and offset adversary capacity overmatch. Disruptive capabilities will impose cost and create chaos for our adversaries, in ways they cannot predict, by denying or deceiving their EMS capabilities at the time and place of our choosing.
Developing disruptive EW capabilities and attributes requires the most advanced technology the Department can bring to bear and must incorporate autonomous, cognitive, and asymmetric capabilities by harnessing cutting edge technologies such as AI and photonics.
Advanced capabilities in directed energy, RF-enabled cyber, and multifunctional EMS systems all networked and operating at machine speed are required to provide future commanders with scalable options to achieve EMS superiority and military overmatch.”
“Networked, adaptive, and distributed, both
traditional and non-traditional sensors
will provide the integrated data, enabled by machine learning and assured EMS distribution to the warfighter, required to implement disruptive EW and ensure joint lethality.
Operational forces must also be capable of sharing EMS data to and from the Defense Intelligence Enterprise (DIE) at machine speed. Only through informed EMBM and highly interoperable (cooperative and complementary) EMSdependent systems throughout the joint force can this level of EMS superiority be achieved.”
2020 DoD EMS Superiority Strategy
“Objective 1.3: Leverage and Adapt Commercial Technologies
Emerging commercial hardware, applications, and operating systems provide EMS-dependent system capabilities in small, low-cost, adaptable packages.
However, some commercial technologies are designed for specific purposes and use cases that may not be suitable or meet unique warfighter requirements. DoD will continue to evaluate commercial technologies for mission suitability, flexibility, and adaptability for adoption when appropriate.
DoD will also participate in national, international, and industry-specific standards bodies associated with spectrum innovation to collaborate on emerging technologies and their adoption, including national security preemption and priority mechanisms for commercial systems.
DoD expects that military investments in EMS technologies will both leverage and augment commercial innovation to the benefit of DoD operations and the national EMS ecosystem as a whole.”
2020 DoD EMS Superiority Strategy
“Spectrum sharing offers a new model for greater freedom of action within the EMS. Spectrum sharing is the simultaneous usage of a specific frequency band in a specific geographical area and time by a number of independent entities where harmful electromagnetic interference is mitigated through agreement (i.e., policy, protocol, and/or process).
To contrast, EMS maneuver focuses on gaining advantage over adversaries, while spectrum sharing focuses on mitigating interference through agreement. Increased spectrum sharing remains a critical priority for the Department to meet the growing demands for spectrum access from both commerce and DoD.
This sharing should include implementation of dynamic and
bidirectional sharing for facilitating access to commercial spectrum while addressing the cybersecurity risk of an information sharing infrastructure outside of the DoD Information Enterprise,
pursuing machine-to-machine technologies that enable cognitive cohabitation in the spectrum.
International and domestic spectrum policy and regulations must continue to evolve to enable spectrum sharing to keep pace with rapidly changing technology.”
2020 DoD EMS Superiority Strategy
“The modern EMOE is increasingly congested, contested, and constrained (henceforth referred to as complex). This Strategy addresses EMOE complexity by advancing EMS sharing and maneuver to ensure continued spectrum access, as emphasized in the NSS and the 2018 Presidential Memorandum on Developing a Sustainable Spectrum Strategy for America’s Future. The Strategy supports the full range of activities DoD must conduct in the EMS across the competition continuum.
It recognizes that the same technology used to enable the maneuverability required in the highly contested near-peer environments
can also be used to enhance access in highly regulated peacetime environments.
It incorporates an EMS enterprise focus on superiority in congested and contested EMOEs of conflict as well as the need to test, train, and operate in congested and constrained peacetime EMOEs.”
2020 Department of Defense EMS Superiority Strategy
“The Modern Electromagnetic Operational Environment
The EMS, as the range of all types of electromagnetic radiation, is a fundamental component of the natural environment, and the EMOE is a space in which military functions are performed. The EMOE is a maneuver space, a battlespace, a place where competition and warfare, as well as commerce and other nonmilitary activities, are conducted. The EMS is not a separate domain of military operations because the EMS is inseparable from the domains established in joint doctrine. In modern warfare, EMS superiority is a leading indicator and fundamental component of achieving superiority in air, land, sea, space, or cyberspace. As U.S. forces are organized around domains, the EMS not only provides the
critical connective tissue
that enables all-domain operations, but represents a natural seam and critical vulnerability across joint force operations.”
Army Field Manual FM 3-38 Cyber Electromagnetic Activities
“FM 3-38, Cyber Electromagnetic Activities, provides overarching doctrinal guidance and direction for conducting cyber electromagnetic activities (CEMA). This manual describes the importance of cyberspace and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) to Army forces and provides the tactics and procedures commanders and staffs use in planning, integrating, and synchronizing CEMA.
This manual provides the information necessary for Army forces to conduct CEMA that enable them to shape their operational environment and conduct unified land operations. It provides enough guidance for commanders and their staffs to develop innovative approaches to seize, retain, and exploit advantages throughout an operational environment. CEMA enable the Army to achieve desired effects in support of the commander’s objectives and intent.
The principal audience for FM 3-38 is all members of the profession of arms. Commanders and staffs of Army headquarters serving as joint task force or multinational headquarters should see applicable joint or multinational doctrine concerning cyberspace operations, electronic warfare (EW), and spectrum management operations (SMO). Trainers and educators throughout the Army will also use this manual.”
Department of Defense Global Information Grid Architectural Vision: Vision for a Net-Centric, Service-Oriented DoD Enterprise, Version 1.0, June 2007
“Our goal in establishing the GIG Architectural Vision is to promote unity of effort among those responsible for evolving today’s GIG to its target state, including component CIOs, portfolio managers, and architects. To support this goal, the GIG Architectural Vision is designed to be a short, high level, understandable description of DoD’s objective enterprise architecture (required by law and policy). It will be updated periodically to reflect operational, systems and technical changes to the target GIG. Through the development of a series of time-phased GIG Capability Increments, today’s GIG will evolve towards the target GIG described in this Vision.”
Hat Tip
Augmented Machines and Augmented Humans
Converging on Transhumanism
June 2019
Roberto Saracco, Co-chair, IEEE Digital Reality Initiative
“There are basically three ways to augment humans:
Modifying the genotype
Modifying the phenotype
Modifying the extended phenotype”
“1. INTRODUCTION This paper covers the emergence of new sub-lethal, incapacitating and paralysing technologies and their coming role in the mass production of torture, cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment. It grew out of the work the Omega Foundation has undertaken for Amnesty International (on electroshock, restraining and torture technologies),1 the European Commission,2 the European Parliament3 and Landmine Action4. Throughout its existence, Omega has tracked technologies, particularly lesslethal weapons) deployed by the police, military and security services to create human rights violations, including weapons used in torture.5 However, such technologies have always been seen by us as multi-functional, weapons of flexible response rather than specifically designed just for a role in torture.6 “
Neurotechnologies as weapons in national intelligence and defense – An overview
James Giordano, PhD*1-3 and Rachel Wurzman, PhD(c)4
Advances in neuroscience and neurotechnology have necessitated discussions on the ways that such developments could be used as weapons in contexts of national security, intelligence, and defense. This paper defines the concept of neuroweapons, and elucidates operational issues associated with their use to aid informational and strategic intelligence, such as brain-machine interfaces to improve efficiency in data analysis. As well, exploration of neuropharmacologic, neuromicrobiological, and neurotoxic agents are discussed relevant to their utility in combat scenarios. The limitations of emerging neurotechnologies as weapons are addressed, as both regards practical and operational frameworks, and implications relevant to formulation of ethico-legal guidelines and governance of research, development and potential use.
AI, Robots, and Swarms
Issues, Questions, and Recommended Studies
Andrew Ilachinski January 2017
“7. An AI communication system invented its own encryption scheme, without being taught specific cryptographic algorithms (and without revealing to researchers how its method works).8
An AI translation algorithm invented its own “interlingua” language to more effectively translate between any two languages (without being taught to do so by humans).9
An AI system interacted with its environment (via virtual actuators) to learn and solve problems in the same way that a human child does.10
An AI-based medical diagnosis system at the Houston Methodist Research Institute in Texas achieved 99% accuracy in reviewing millions of mammograms (at a rate 30 faster than humans).11”
“Yet AI applications pose significant challenges regarding their predictability and explainability. This predictability problem is first and foremost an operational and technical challenge that can be addressed by the technical process of verification and validation, a process that generally precedes legal reviews.
This article argues that for military sys- tems that embed AI, as the law is translated into technical specifications, technical and legal assessments ultimately conflate into one. States thus need to conduct legal reviews as part of the technical validation and verification process.”
(LARs) Lethal Autonomous Robots
Lethal autonomous robotics (LARs) are weapon systems that, once activated, can select and engage targets without further human intervention. They raise far-reaching concerns about the protection of life during war and peace.
This includes the question of the extent to which they can be programmed to comply with the requirements of international humanitarian law and the standards protecting life under international human rights law. Beyond this, their deployment may be unacceptable because no adequate system of legal accountability can be devised, and because robots should not have the power of life and death over human beings.
The Special Rapporteur recommends that States establish national moratoria on aspects of LARs, and calls for the establishment of a high level panel on LARs to articulate a policy for the international community on the issue.
Executive summary This report presents the conclusions of a one-year mapping study on the development of autonomy in weapon systems. It is intended to provide diplomats and members of civil society interested in the issue of lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS) with a better understanding of (a) the technological foundations of autonomy; (b) the state of autonomy in existing weapon systems; (c) the drivers of, and obstacles to, further increasing autonomy in weapon systems; and (d) the innovation ecosystems behind the advance of autonomy in weapon systems.
…2. Automated target recognition (ATR) systems, the technology that enables weapon systems to acquire targets autonomously, has existed since the 1970s. ATR systems still have limited perceptual and decision-making intelligence. Their performance rapidly deteriorates as operating environments become more cluttered and weather conditions deteriorate. 3. Existing weapon systems that can acquire and engage targets autonomously are mostly defensive systems. These are operated under human supervision and are intended to fire autonomously only in situations where the time of engagement is deemed too short for humans to be able to respond. 4. Loitering weapons are the only ‘offensive’ type of weapon system that is known to be capable of acquiring and engaging targets autonomously. The loitering time and geographical areas of deployment, as well as the category of targets they can attack, are determined in advance by humans.
Future Of Artificial Intelligence Dominated Air Combat Showcased In New Air Force Video
The Air Force details its growing efforts to bring artificial intelligence-driven air combat drones from a laboratory experiment to reality.
“The U.S. Air Force has stressed that artificial intelligence “is here to stay” and will be central to revolutionary advances in uncrewed aircraft. These comments and details about the service’s ongoing work in these areas, including testing involving the unique X-62A experimental testbed, a heavily modified F-16 Viper fighter, and Kratos XQ-58 Valkyrie drones, come in a newly released official video. This is all feeding into the service’s Collaborative Combat Aircraft drone program, which is part of its much larger and multi-faceted Next Generation Air Dominance modernization initiative.
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) posted the new video covering aspects of the Autonomous Aircraft Experimentation (AAx) initiative on the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (DVIDS) website earlier today. AAx’s main focus is on testing and refining artificial intelligence and machine learning-driven autonomous capabilities for use on future advanced uncrewed aircraft and helping to move those technologies out of the laboratory and onto actual operational platforms.”
Autonomous Weapon Systems and International Crises
The United States is investing heavily in autonomous weapon systems (AWS) as part of the Department of Defense’s “Third Offset” strategy. However, scholarship on AWS has largely failed to explore the ways in which these systems might themselves have strategic ramifications. This gap is especially apparent in relation to strategic interaction in crisis scenarios. This article seeks to highlight relevant dimensions of the on- going debates over (1) how to define AWS, (2) the technology behind their development, and (3) their integration into the future force. The article then constructs five scenarios where introducing AWS may affect how an international crisis involving the United States and an adversary plays out.
Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V
HumanandMachine Trust Considerations, Concerns and Constraints for Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS)
Abstract. “Trust and autonomous systems, especially weapon systems, could be the most difficult technological challenge facing defense industries, militaries, politicians, and the public because the algorithms have to be trusted. Furthermore, the operator, the military, defense industry, politicians and the public need to trust the system to also follow ethical and legal rules. This paper briefly describes the trust considerations, concerns and constraints regarding autonomous weapons systems and concludes with a brief description of the current development programs and projects by the various US military services. “
Keywords: Artificial intelligence · Auditability · Autonomous · Confidence · Control controllability · Environment · Explainability · Human-machine · Interoperability · Lethal autonomous weapon system · Risk · Reliability · Safety · Scalability · Supervisability · Traceability · Transparency · Trust · Trustworthiness · Unmanned aerial vehicle · Unmanned ground system · Unmanned surface vehicle · Unmanned underwater vehicle
PDF Telegram Link:
Executive Order 13960
Human and Machine Trust Considerations, Concerns and Constraints for Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS)
“Ethical and legal considerations of trust are primary to public policy discussions. For example, former President Trump’s Executive Order on promoting trust with AI in the Federal Government highlighted on the following: Agencies must therefore design, develop, acquire, and use AI in a manner that fosters public trust and confidence while protecting privacy, civil rights, civil liberties, and American values, consistent with applicable law…[8]. The National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan: 2019 Update offers an example that covers technological and the political dimensions: “Beyond being safe, secure, reliable, resilient, explainable, and transparent, trustworthy AI must preserve privacy while detecting and avoiding inappropriate bias.” [9] The NIST concentrates on technical aspects of trustworthiness in implementing trust in AI to meet the intent of the political leaders.”
Department of Defense Global Information Grid Architectural Vision: Vision for a Net-Centric, Service-Oriented DoD Enterprise, Version 1.0, June 2007
“Our goal in establishing the GIG Architectural Vision is to promote unity of effort among those responsible for evolving today’s GIG to its target state, including component CIOs, portfolio managers, and architects. To support this goal, the GIG Architectural Vision is designed to be a short, high level, understandable description of DoD’s objective enterprise architecture (required by law and policy). It will be updated periodically to reflect operational, systems and technical changes to the target GIG. Through the development of a series of time-phased GIG Capability Increments, today’s GIG will evolve towards the target GIG described in this Vision.”
“1. INTRODUCTION This paper covers the emergence of new sub-lethal, incapacitating and paralysing technologies and their coming role in the mass production of torture, cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment. It grew out of the work the Omega Foundation has undertaken for Amnesty International (on electroshock, restraining and torture technologies),1 the European Commission,2 the European Parliament3 and Landmine Action4. Throughout its existence, Omega has tracked technologies, particularly lesslethal weapons) deployed by the police, military and security services to create human rights violations, including weapons used in torture.5 However, such technologies have always been seen by us as multi-functional, weapons of flexible response rather than specifically designed just for a role in torture.6 “
(LARs) Lethal Autonomous Robots: Are They Legal under International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law?
“The U.S. Department of Defense has increasingly focused on devel- oping robot technology for use in war.18 The Pentagon’s budget up to September 30, 2013 allocated $6.04 billion for autonomous aircraft and $261 million for autonomous ground vehicles alone.19
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has unveiled a new humanoid robot called the ATLAS, which it is using as the basis for the DARPA Robotics Challenge.20 The challenge brings together a diverse group of roboticists to develop programming for the ATLAS, which could be used for a variety of functions, including military.21
The U.S. Air Force has made it a goal to develop air systems with “fully autonomous capability, swarming, and Hypersonic technology to put the enemy off balance by being able to almost instantaneously create effects throughout the battlespace.”22 “
DoD Law of War Chapter 6:
“ No Law of War Prohibition on the Use of Autonomy in Weapon Systems. The law of war does not specifically prohibit or restrict the use of autonomy to aid in the operation of weapons. In fact, in many cases, the use of autonomy could enhance the way law of war principles are implemented in military operations. For example, some munitions have homing functions that enable the user to strike military objectives with greater discrimination and less risk of incidental harm. As another example, some munitions have mechanisms to self-deactivate or to self-destruct, which helps reduce the risk they may pose generally to the civilian population or after the munitions have served their military purpose.102 Although no law of war rule specifically restricts the use of autonomy in weapon systems, other rules may apply to weapons with autonomous functions. For example, to the extent a weapon system with autonomous functions falls within the definition of a “mine” in the CCW Amended Mines Protocol, it would be regulated as such.103 In addition, the general rules applicable to all weapons would apply to weapons with autonomous functions. For example, autonomous weapon systems must not be calculated to cause superfluous injury or be inherently indiscriminate.104 “
Purpose: This directive:
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy January 25, 2023
Cleared for public release. Available on the Directives Division Website at
DoD Directive 3000.09, “Autonomy in Weapon Systems,” November 21, 2012
Kathleen H. Hicks, Deputy Secretary of Defense
• Establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for developing and using autonomous and semi- autonomous functions in weapon systems, including armed platforms that are remotely operated or operated by onboard personnel.
• Establishes guidelines designed to minimize the probability and consequences of failures in autonomous and semi-autonomous weapon systems that could lead to unintended engagements.
• Establishes the Autonomous Weapon Systems Working Group.
DoD DIRECTIVE 3000.09 Autonomy in Weapon Systems
c. With the exception of systems intended to be used in a manner that falls within the policies in Paragraphs 1.2.d.(1) through 1.2.d.(4), autonomous weapon systems, including weapon systems with both autonomous and semi-autonomous modes of operation, must be approved by the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)), the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E)), and the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (VCJCS) before formal development. They must be approved again by the USD(P), the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)), and the VCJCS before fielding. These requirements for approval are supplementary to the requirements in other applicable policies and issuances. Autonomous weapon systems requiring these senior approvals in accordance with Section 4 of this directive before formal development and again before fielding include:
(1) Autonomous weapon systems that have not previously been reviewed and approved in accordance with this directive, including autonomous weapon systems that are modifications of an existing non-autonomous weapon system.
(2) Modified versions of previously approved autonomous weapon systems whose system algorithms, intended mission sets, intended operational environments, intended target sets, or expected adversarial countermeasures substantially differ from those applicable to the previously approved weapon systems so as to fall outside the scope of what was previously approved in the senior review. Such modified systems require a new senior review and approval before formal development and again before fielding.”
Alright empress! please put them all in their place!
I know you are the interine Queen, reigning the end times until any of the young princes grow into manhood, guided by your warmth and light….
Sabrina/Psinergy: Dodd 3000.09 part 1 October 29, 2023
12 hours ago
Psychorella vs. NPCs 30.09. Part 1
1 month ago
Wongl On Air 30.09. Part 1
29 days ago
A Teaspoon on an Empty Stomach Burns All Parasites Extremely Fast!
A Teaspoon on an Empty Stomach Burns All Parasites Extremely Fast!
Anti parasite
Benson S07E07 Flight of the Dodo: Part 1
13 days ago
11 months ago
Satanism is Judaism Part 1
6 days ago
MediEvil – 100% Run Part 1 (No Commentary)
Gamer With The French Accent
21 hours ago
Early Israeli Terrorism Part 1
2 days ago
Installing OpenBSD 7.4 (Part 1)
When you really get this, and try to tell others, its maddening , I have no more patience with stupid sheepl . I do hands on healing for 45 years & have tried to show others how to heal themselves and keep their immune systems happy ….. yup they think I am nuts , LOL YOU ARE ! for having no ability to think or hear or SEE truth .
Thank you brave one for trying. Yes I hear what you mean. Like the Bible verse says, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” If they don’t want to listen to sincere warnings then it is on them not you. You have to understand that far too many haven’t realized that our minds have been attenuated intentionally. Those you speak of can’t realize this until they themselves experience traumatic evil at their own doorstep, maybe they can, maybe they still can’t. I had my own experiences. I didn’t believe in aura/chakras/energy work until earlier this year, thanks to Sabrina. It makes so much sense now. The receipts are in plain sight. I have to confess, the more I try to learn, the more I realize that there’s sooo much more I don’t know. Bless you, I love hands on healing! I used to get monthly therapeutic massages, they’re life changing. I miss them tremendously.
Muchas Gracias You Legend!
[:clapping_hands:]62. Covid load balancing for the bankers human husbandry Nov. 4, 2023
hunger games for the rest of plus or minus weather warfare
sounds terrible right?
People do not UNDERstand that this world is run by Satan/Devil/Lucifer who was split by God in 3 as punishment.
People do not UNDERstand that devil CANT create but can alternate God’s creation.
All this technology is implemented by Satan’s influence and devil’s puppets.
Lu – light
From where do you think word Lumen came from?
Its a unit of measurement of luminous flux in the SI system
Cipher – code
Fibre optic cables – how they work? Light
Lucifer morning star – light.
Era of enlightenment – era of light – era of Lucifer
Its so simple but so HARD to UNDERstand for the sheeple.
Its a spiritual WAR!
WW3 has already started long time ago and you didnt even notice it!
I am so pissed and I have no idea what has to happen so ppl will FINALLY open their eyes!
Simple. The majority has to die. Then our Children have to deal with our shellshocked selves. They Build something better. Cycle begins again.
any chance I could speak to you 1 on 1 on some platform?
it angers me so much that you delete some of your videos after a certain time period!
saves a lot of her video’s
Sabrina you have been mentioned in the video
Pretty well done and condensed video:
(Must See!) The Truth about Human Hacking – Advanced Technologies Revealed
(Must See!) The Truth about Human Hacking – Advanced Technologies Revealed
The Truth Above All: (Must See!) The Truth about Human Hacking – Advanced Technologies Revealed
The one below you have probably already seen – full version:
(Must See!) The Truth about Human Hacking – Neuro and Nano Warfare (Re-Upload Full Version)
(Must See!) The Truth about Human Hacking – Neuro and Nano Warfare (Re-Upload Full Version)
The Truth Above All: (Must See!) The Truth about Human Hacking – Neuro and Nano Warfare (Re-Upload Full Version)
I totally love you Sabrina
thank you
Sabrina, you are amazing and I’m so glad to find you!!
Hi Sabrina, I’m having a hard time to understand how biosensors get in to our body. Do we all have them? I am working hard to trying to figure all out but those biosensors are puzzling me! Thank you for your patience
Nano Graphene Is The Most Destructive Technology Ever Invented!
I’m looking for the “Rumble dad” I can’t find him on rumble. Does anyone one knoe where to find him? please.
this is him >
Biophotonics – Covid load balancing for the bankers human husbandry
12 hours ago
Covid= load balancing bans
63. Covid= load balancing bans November 4, 2023
Covid= load balancing bans November 4, 2023
Hey quit being so blunt Squeakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Thank you Sabrina. I appreciate the response and yes, this makes sense. I’m so here for the adult table discussions bc like you, I’m over this powder puff n Pom Pom talk about theoretical this or that… we are at war, and too many people still got on pull ups training diapers and they’re being hit with an 802.15.6 channel shit trigger, without realizing why everything stinks… since 2005
64. Biophotonics – Covid load balancing for the bankers human husbandry Nov. 4, 2023
Follow Sabrina Wallace Psinergy channel:
Telegram P.D.F. D.L.:
Psinergy PDF:
65. Biophotonics charlie style
this video explaining the inducted intra body signal is for folks like lookoutfacharlie who already know a bit about signals technology whether from audio or electrical stand alone for arms and semi conductors.
either way dudes, if you do not understand biophotonics ur behind. they already wouldnt admit the bluetooth and now we have new challenges. before i launch into biosensor operating systems, one more time about routing the data thru human tissue
machine learning time boys and men
File size795.56 MB
Around the Web
Hi Sabrina,
I am nearly sure you already know about it but its interesting
The Truth about Divine Proportions in the Body – We Are God’s Creation
The Truth about Divine Proportions in the Body – We Are God’s Creation
The Truth Above All: The Truth about Divine Proportions in the Body – We Are God’s Creation
and pretty interesting document related to the subject – majority will not understand that.
Few things in the doc i cant grasp myself (I dont know everything in math) but its still worth to check it:
The Truth Above All: The Truth about Connection Between the Numbers phi (ϕ) and pi π (For Geeks Only)
That broken crystal may explain a lot about this week!
Biological interactions of extremely-low-frequency electric and magnetic fields
A description is given of the fundamental physical properties of extremely-low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields, and the mechanisms through which these fields interact with the human body at a macroscopic level. the mechanisms through which ELF electric and magnetic fields induce currents in humans and other living objects are described. Evidence is presented that cell membranes play an important role in transducing ELF signals. Both experimental evidence and theoretical models are described that relate pericellular currents and electrochemical events at the outer membrane surface to transmembrane signaling pathways and cytoplasmic responses. Biological responses to ELF fields at the tissue, cellular and molecular levels are summarized, including new evidence that ELF field exposure produces alterations in messenger RNA synthesis, gene expression and the cytoplasmic concentrations of specific proteins. 50 refs., 9 figs., 2 tabs.
Tenforde, T S
Publication Date:
Research Org.:
Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States)
Sponsoring Org.:
“Animals within an ELF field can be modeled as conducting objects in an insulating medium”
oh this reminds me …
….. i was looking for the trial re gorillas /// c0vid ban that t0re said happened in aust first (we have 4 x 4 level biolabs here 2 qld 2 vic) found other monkeys // not the gorillas in those labs /// maybe zoos???
Meta-Wearable Antennas—A Review of Metamaterial Based Antennas in Wireless Body Area Networks
Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) has attracted more and more attention in many sectors of society. As a critical component in these systems, wearable antennas suffer from several serious challenges, e.g., electromagnetic coupling between the human body and the antennas, different physical deformations, and widely varying operating environments, and thus, advanced design methods and techniques are urgently needed to alleviate these limitations. Recent developments have focused on the application of metamaterials in wearable antennas, which is a prospective area and has unique advantages. This article will review the key progress in metamaterial-based antennas for WBAN applications, including wearable antennas involved with composite right/left-handed transmission lines (CRLH TLs), wearable antennas based on metasurfaces, and reconfigurable wearable antennas based on tunable metamaterials. These structures have resulted in improved performance of wearable antennas with minimal effects on the human body, which consequently will result in more reliable wearable communication. In addition, various design methodologies of meta-wearable antennas are summarized, and the applications of wearable antennas by these methods are discussed.
Keywords: metamaterial; wearable antenna; metasurface; wireless body area network
Medical Body Area Networks First Report and Order
Full Title: Amendment of the Commission’s Rules to Provide Spectrum for the Operation of Medical Body Area Networks
Document Type: FNPRM Report and Order
Bureau(s): Engineering & Technology
FCC Dedicates Spectrum Enabling Medical Body Area Networks to Transform Patient Care, Lower Health Care Costs, and Spur Wireless Medical Innovation. by R&O
DA/FCC #: FCC-12-54
Docket No: 08-59
FCC Record Citation: 27 FCC Rcd 6422 (7)
Federal Register Citation: 78 FR 78769 (12/27/2013) 77 FR 55715 (09/11/2012) 79 FR 2793 (01/16/2014) 77 FR 43567 (07/25/2012)
FCC Record: FCC-12-54A1_Rcd.pdf
Posted originally by Vanilla Bean:
The Pentagon Will Use AI to Predict Panic Buying, COVID-19 Hotspots
The prototype can predict trends in supply and demand and infection down to the zip code.
The Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, or JAIC, has built a prototype AI tool that uses a wide variety of data streams to predict COVID-19 hotspots and related logistics and supply-chain problems. “You have to be looking a little in the future,” said Nand Mulchandani, chief technical officer at the JAIC.
Dubbed Salus, for the Roman goddess of health and well-being, the tool can work on a scale as wide as the entire nation but can also drill down on specific zip codes and, in some cases, individual stores, said Mulchandani.
Its initial deployment interacts with the information systems of Northern Command and the U.S. National Guard, which are supporting FEMA’s coronavirus response. These systems already have geolocation data that allow them to do mapping, resource allocation, etc.
“We can confirm that Project Salus is a JADC2 prototype. Project Salus ultimately performs a function that enables a portion of the overall JADC2 concept,” said the JAIC’s Lt. Cdr. Arlo Abrahamson. “Project Salus is operating as a dashboard platform that is fed into the Common Operational Picture (COP) interphases for both NORTHCOM and the National Guard.”
FM 3-09.34 MCRP 3-25H NTTP 3-09.2.1 AFTTP 3-2.59
August 2009
Executive Summary:
“The Kill Box MTTP reinforces kill boxes as three-dimensional areas used to facilitate the integration of joint fires while also being a permissive fire support coordination measure (FSCM) in accordance with JP 3-09, Joint Fire Support. The publication offers a detailed explanation of kill box employment and provides information to effectively organize, plan, and execute kill box procedures.
The purpose of this publication is to provide planners and operators with a single source MTTP manual that focuses on employment of kill boxes at the operational and tactical levels of warfighting to facilitate the expeditious air-to-surface lethal attack of targets which may be augmented by or integrated with surface-to-surface indirect fires. The target audience includes commanders, operations and intelligence sections of Service components, and their counterparts on the JFC’s staff.”
These people are insane
Why you pokin Charlie? Maybe he can bring his recorder over and pick up some attenuated frequencies at your house.. or pick up some background noise in your video that even you can’t hear.. That’d be interesting.. You need to listen more closely to his videos, he’s never made the claims you said he has..
charlie is leaving out the internal signals we pull, the bootstrapping involved and or the smart grid setting off the doppler or vice versa. charlie has been out there for a long while and seems to genuinely get pissed at how they frame the ssri shooter class of scenarios but all the empathy in the world, all the good feels or intentions will not correct the math he is leaving out and i do not want charlie to end up looking stupid or having a product that does not work properly due to a bias or miscalculation of a vector or signal transduction value he missed. i consistently point out charlies good work with the elf and the bandshell effect but there is an ieee of biophotonics and if you leave out the biophotonics, you will fail to protect yourself or anyone else bc that is the optical network they are currently utilizing and moving bandwidth to.
It is good she is pointing this out.
The Truth about Biophotonics Charlie Style (Sabrina Wallace Davis)
The Truth Above All
4 hours ago
Charlie Style Boarding Action
Oldman Johnny Morgan
1 month ago
Biophotonics – Covid load balancing for the bankers human husbandry
66. Biosensor challenge answered, preemptive data November 4, 2023
biosensor presentation upcoming will include slowed down video footage of:
nanowerks article and the articles theu page 5 on the odysee channel
this is my oratory overview
ty engine room folks, we are good to go
thank you. rumble wont let me find his channel without a link
oh thank keep it coming please…
i feel like w/o IEEE credentials we are still probably close to a decade behind on the research papers.
yes except for my own medical records and software analysis out of the 60s forward for the last major banking change which was copper token ring to ethernet packet switching. now we will be going from ethernet to hbc human body communication galvanic intra body for security with the same nsf optic network since 2004 utilizing corridors with the ble frequency cycling and channel aggregating on the phy layers. this is a lot to hack and rather than be discourged i am absolutely bent on laying it out bc i exhausted with the gaslight and give up routine. if they are smart enough to click the drop down i am smart enough as you are to discern some mititgation and when the lights go out you can kiss peoples arse they are gonna jam spoof and do all sorts of stupid things. so i am takin a shot with what i can prove and if it is conjecture i have it labeled so you can see which papers i cannot currently source in case someone else can ;). God bless you math dude nice to see you as always
That was a great point about everybody using their bodypart in their own unique ways. I hadn’t thought about it like that. Some walk with their legs, others play soccer.
67. Engine rumbles 1 November 4, 2023
love you Sabrina. feel better sis. prayers for healing in Jesus Name
Seventh time was the charm. I was finally able to watch this whole video and it only took 2+ hours of stopping, restarting, turning off my internet and restarting that to do it. [:grinning:]
Embedded DNA used to reproduce 3D-printed rabbit
02 Jan 2020
“The team’s achievement could lead to significant new advances in data storage.
Since 1 g of DNA can store up to 215 Pbyte of data, their technique could allow for storage densities orders of magnitude higher than current hard drives.
They predict applications ranging from embedding electronic health records in medical implants, to constructing buildings which contain their own blueprints. With further research it could be possible to create machines that use raw materials to automatically replicate themselves over many generations.”
That guy is def awake and very cool. Thnx for the link [:thumbs_up:]
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance:
Establishing Guidance, Timelines, and Accountability for Integrating Intelligence Data Would Improve Information Sharing
Published: Jan 22, 2010. Publicly Released: Jan 22, 2010.
The Department of Defense’s (DOD) intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) systems–including manned and unmanned airborne, space-borne, maritime, and terrestrial systems–play critical roles in support of current military operations. Demand for ISR capabilities, including processing, exploitation, and dissemination, has increased dramatically. GAO was asked to (1) describe the challenges, if any, the military services and defense agencies face processing, exploiting, and disseminating the information collected by ISR systems and (2) determine the extent to which the military services and defense agencies have developed the capabilities required to share ISR information. GAO reviewed and analyzed documentation, guidance, and strategies of the military services and defense agencies in regard to processing, exploiting, and disseminating ISR data as well as information sharing capabilities. GAO also visited military units in Iraq and the United States to observe and discuss processing, exploitation, and dissemination conducted in both environments.
What is a Converged Interconnect Network (CIN)?
January 22, 2019
What is CIN?
The Converged Interconnect Network (CIN) was defined and used for the first time back in 2005 when CableLabs released Modular CMTS specifications, which was an early form of DAA. It was in these specifications that the term CIN was defined and used for the first time. More recently, in the context of DAA, CIN was described in a CableLabs architecture document in 2015(defining Remote PHY – in this specification the CIN is described as the network between the CCAP core and the RPD, including outside plant and in-hub connectivity).
Four years later, and on route to massive DAA deployments, the CIN definition merits another look to make sure it provides the right foundation for new opportunities available to MSOs while also ensuring they continue to thrive in their competitive environment.
Looking forward, the CIN needs to cover more than just connections from a centralized MAC to Remote PHY devices, for example some MSOs are now pursuing remote and flexible MAC and PHY solutions. Consequently, the CIN must serve all variations of MAC and PHY topologies.
Hi Lovely Lady, Thanks for being unashamed and using your voice mind, and platforms. Consider negative comments (Who are THEM/THEY/WHO) to just casually rate them on a scale of 1-5 as to the intent of emotional disturbance it was intended to cause. Give them a number and the rest of us can if we feel they need that attention. See, Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but names, comments, and emojis will never hurt me nor take up space and time for a message to be delivered. We can see THEM today. A few in “We Didn’t Start The Fire” version one and version two w/ new names just released. We can look at just those and see THEM. They cannot erase their images from our minds or the internet which has captured them in time. Rating 1 thru 5 can show others the true monsters by your 5 rating and then give them no more breath as they try to detour you away from the knowledge you are here to share. Now that we are AWAKE, we can see THEM. Also, pay attention to the names they give themselves, those are often revealing if you pay attention. I woke up in hospital in 2016. Kaiser Permanente Hospitals, Kaiser Permanente Insurance, Kaiser Steel Point Richmond CA, built Cooley Bridge and Hoover Damn, Heinrich (Henry) Kaiser who came here as a Shoemaker on the nice fancy boat is the Grandson of Wilhelm Kaiser General of Germany before Hitler. Bad bad bad things happened in those hospitals. Had to study the building that was sending particle dust out of the silver metal plate recessed a 1/4 inch away from the wall like a light plate switch with no purpose and with only two screws to hold in place. Absolutely no purpose but to blow that dust. The Shoemaker kept the flatfooted arriving from their side here while they sent our husbands, sons, lovers, fathers, and uncles to a war they created. Sadly consistently used the churches for the orphans and their never ending train. THEY read backwards and EVERYTHING is backwards. ElBiB THEY WROTE IT ALL DNALyensID ALL Princess Orphans
DNA cryptography and information security
Ashiq JA
April 1, 2015 by
Ashiq JA
Cryptography is the science of study of secret writing. It helps in encrypting a plain text message to make it unreadable. It is a very ancient art; the root of its origin dates back to when Egyptian scribes used non-standard hieroglyphs in an inscription.
DNA Cryptography can be defined as a technique of hiding data in terms of DNA sequence. In the cryptographic technique, each letter of the alphabet is converted into a different combination of the four bases which make up the human deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
DNA cryptography is a rapid emerging technology which works on concepts of DNA computing. DNA stores a massive amount of information inside the tiny nuclei of living cells. It encodes all the instructions needed to make every living creature on earth. The main advantages of DNA computation are miniaturization and parallelism of conventional silicon-based machines. For example, a square centimeter of silicon can currently support around a million transistors, whereas current manipulation techniques can handle to the order of 1020 strands of DNA. DNA, with its unique data structure and ability to perform many parallel operations, allows one to look at a computational problem from a different point of view.
Scientists Invented AI Made From DNA
Researchers made a neural network out of DNA that can recognize handwritten numbers.
By Daniel Oberhaus
July 9, 2018,
“Last Wednesday, researchers at Caltech announced that they created an artificial neural network from synthetic DNA that is able to recognize numbers coded in molecules. It’s a novel implementation of a classic machine learning test that demonstrates how the very building blocks of life can be harnessed as a computer.
This is pretty mind blowing, but what does it all mean? For starters, “artificial intelligence” here doesn’t refer to the superhuman AI that is so beloved by Hollywood. Instead, it refers to machine learning, a narrow form of artificial intelligence that is best summarized as the art and science of pattern recognition. Most of the cutting edge advances in machine learning involve artificial neural networks, which are a type of computing architecture loosely based on the human brain. These neural networks are fed a lot of data as input and then taught how to perform some task with that data; sometimes humans help to guide the algorithm’s learning, and sometimes not.”
psalm 18: 30 [:folded_hands:] [:purple_heart:] [:purple_heart:] [:purple_heart:]
love your truth
ya too.
66. Engine rumbles ii November 4, 2023
my low back is on fire all the time. it’s been hell for sure. all the more reason I wanna learn
Field Programmable Photonics Gate Arrays:
Principles and Applications
charlie this is a paper for the earbud arrays w metrics
Coherent Multilayer Photonic Nanoantenna Array with off-Aperture Phase Adjustment
ABSTRACT: Two-dimensional optical beam-steedng with appli-cations in LiDAR, projection, imaging, and communication is performed using either a 2-D optical phased array (OPA) with per-element optical phase control or a 1-D OPA with a combination of phase control and wavelength tuning. The former typically suffers from a high power consumption and a large element-spacing, and the latter requires a highly tunable laser and is incompatible with certain 2-D beam-steering applications such as communication. In either case, achieving subwavelength element-spacing is challeng-ing due to the large size of devices compared to the operation wavelength. Here, we report a single-wavelength multilayer 2-D OPA, where a beam is formed through near-field interference of waves emitted from array elements on each layer. Vertically aligned tilted optical nanoantennas, 3-D optical signal distribution, and ofF-aperture phase control enable the realization of a record element-pitch of 3 ^m. The 64-element 2-D OPA achieves a steering range of 23° using only 16 phase shifters.
KEYWORDS: photonic nanoantenna^ optical phased array, multilayer photonics, silicon photanics, silicon nitride/ grating structures
thanks for the book
I knew Russ Dizdar was a fraud, and maybe worse than a fraud. I once sent him an email asking him to explain something, it was a contradiction I had found with his stuff, and some things weren’t adding up, and I got back from hi. the most vile, nasty, insulting, temper-tantrum letter. He accuses me of being of Satan and I’m going to hell amd all those goood things a real Christian will say yo a person who is politely asking them for some explanation/sarcasm. People always show you who they are, eventually.
I’m just a dumb girl who wants to know what the hell is going on, Sabrina, and thank you for your work amd your courage. Keep it up and don’t let the shills bother you. Also, you’re damn gorgeous. God bless you!
Thank u for sharing Sabrina. I’m picking up what you’re putting down. I have a background in engineering and telecommunications so I do understand a good chunk (totally not all) of what you’re saying.
I want to get clarity on something: are you suggesting that “Covid” was a byproduct of them cranking up the demand for WBAN use, now that an increased amount of folk have the new broadband graphene I/O, and anydisease was the body’s reaction to that? OR… was Covid a program being run via people’s biofield that caused whatever symptoms, but it was more of a targeted thing?
good question
good question for you sis
Love ya and wading the thick of it with ya! This week was rough!
Microwave Photonic Array Radars
Phased array radars have remarkable advantages over radars with single-element antenna in terms of agility, flexibility, robustness, and reconfigurability. Current pure-electronic phased array radars face challenges when operating with a large frequency tunable range and/or with broad instantaneous bandwidth. Microwave photonics, which allows wide bandwidth, flat frequency response, low transmission loss, and immunity to electromagnetic interference, is a promising solution to cope with issues faced by pure electronics. In this paper, we introduce a general architecture of microwave photonic array radar systems and review the recent advancement of optical beamforming networks. The key elements for modelling the response of the true time delay (TTD) and/or phase-shifting unit are presented and discussed. Two typical array antenna structures are introduced, i.e., microwave photonic phase shifter based array and optical true time delay based array, of which the principle and typical implementations are described. High-resolution inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging is also realized based on a microwave photonic array radar. The possibility of on-chip integration of the microwave photonic array radar is discussed.
Published in: IEEE Journal of Microwaves ( Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January 2021)
An integrated photonic-assisted phased array transmitter for direct fiber to mm-wave links
Received: 6 July 2022 Accepted: 27 February 2023
Millimeter-wave (mm-wave) phased arrays can realize multi-Gb/s commu- nication links but face challenges such as signal distribution and higher power consumption hindering their widespread deployment. Hybrid photonic mm-wave solutions combined with fiber-optics can address some of these bottlenecks. Here, we report an integrated photonic-assisted phased array transmitter applicable for low-power, compact radio heads in fiber to mm- wave fronthaul links. The transmitter utilizes optical heterodyning within an electronically controlled photonic network for mm-wave generation, beam- forming, and steering. A photonic matrix phase adjustment architecture reduces the number of phase-shift elements from M × N to M + N lowering area and power requirements. A proof-of-concept 2 × 8 phased array transmitter is implemented that can operate from 24–29 GHz, has a steering range of 40°, and achieves 5 dBm EIRP at an optical power of 55 mW without using active mm-wave electronics. Data streams at 2.5 Gb/s are transmitted over 3.6 km of optical fiber and wirelessly transmitted attaining bit-error rates better than 10−11.
thank you
Life is screwed Imagine if you will being taught not to lie steal and harm as a child ONLY to grow up and get crucified for still doing those things Fuck this shit we truly are in a twilight zone episode or run of them. LOL. I tried to educate a Chinese lady wearing a mask she was born on China and never heard of the Great Leap Forward told her some truths, she was not having it More than happy to follow the rules. Please know for all you’re frustration’s i am still trying on my end NOT COMPARING situations just letting you know
Yes and with all that unbelievable ancient knowledge they had it turned out like that, how very sad.
Compact solid‐state optical phased array beam scanners based on polymeric photonic integrated
Sung‐Moon Kim, Eun‐Su Lee, Kwon‐Wook Chun, Jinung Jin & Min‐Cheol Oh*
Optical phased array (OPA) devices are being actively investigated to develop compact solid‐state beam scanners, which are essential in fields such as LiDAR, free‐space optical links, biophotonics, etc. Based on the unique nature of perfluorinated polymers, we propose a polymer waveguide OPA with the advantages of low driving power and high optical throughput. Unlike silicon photonic OPAs, the polymer OPAs enable sustainable phase distribution control during beam scanning, which reduces the burden of beamforming. Moreover, by incorporating a tunable wavelength laser comprising a polymer waveguide Bragg reflector, two‐dimensional beam scanning is demonstrated, which facilitates the development of laser‐integrated polymeric OPA beam scanners.
a LOT of people are here because we enjoy listening to you, be it about WBAN prayers or your cats. May not be how some people like their podcasts but that’s their problem. ♥️
I am glad you survived another round from the douches of the world. Anyone who tries to take you down has identified themselves as an enemy of humanity. I actually thank the gaslighters as they have identified I’m on target. :0D
I have learned a plethora of new terms from you, Sabrina (thank you… [:sparkling_heart:] [:heart:] ) … ‘perturbation’ (WTH?!), ‘DNA Steganography’ (Holy Crap!), ‘Wireless Tissue Engineering’ (I do not consent to this shit!), ‘Precision AI Healthcare’ (Get the f@ck out of my body!), Body Area Network – BAN, Wireless Body Area Network – WBAN, Personal Area Network – PAN, Cov-BAN, etc, Wireless Sensor Networks, ‘Brain to Brain Interface’, ‘DARPA non-invasive Nx testing’, ‘Synthetic Biology’, ‘Bio-photonics’, ‘Network Centric Warfare’… it never ends!
Thank you for all you do and for speaking out. I have learned so much from you and I love how you give them hell! Please don’t stop.
CISCO Cyber Security book – ” CISCO Official CERT Guide CCNA Security 640-554 ”
agree plz don’t stop
thanks for download
Well said and thanks for that pdf link!!! [:clapping_hands:]
The only side we should be choosing is humanity. God Bless you and thank you for helping edumacate those willing to learn.
A little Marshell Tucker Band:
love u sis and believe Jesus raised you up for such a time as this. when we are praying over our home and land , any suggestions from what the Lord explained to you. he’s told me to annoint and pray but don’t know if I am missing anything
You need to work for an company or organiation etc in order to be a whistleblower.
Do people know whisleblowers get big rewards?
You are pointing out and explaining the progress which has been made in bio hacking since 1995.
Do people think psienergy is a priate company of some sorts ? coming with such absurd accusations?
Trudeau Fumbles & Bumbles…
7 months ago
Engine rumbles 1
1 day ago
Sabrina/Psinergy: Engine rumbles ii
12 hours ago
This Weird Trick Can Restore Your Vision Naturally (Watch)
Vision Insights
Sabrina/Psinergy: Engine rumbler October 30, 2023
6 days ago
melodic triple-engine rumble
[email protected]
6 months ago
Crash Team Rumble: Tawna RUMBLERS 101
Welcome to the CLAN of 7NINJA7
3 months ago
Rebuilding Mustang II Engine Mounts
2 months ago
Game Engines Tips & Tricks — Unreal Engine + Unity + Godot Engine
1 year ago
Welcome to the CLAN of 7NINJA7
3 months ago
Bubbles in Unreal Engine
1 year ago
Rastan Saga II – PC Engine (1988)
The GamesBay
7 months ago
Welcome to the CLAN of 7NINJA7
4 months ago
Mustang II Rebuilt Engine Mounts
8 months ago
Rumble Crumble
Shadow Tiger Kitten STT
1 year ago
SonSon II (Capcom – 1989 – PC Engine)
Meme Lord
1 month ago
Publicite pc engine Street fighter II
Alex express
6 months ago
Mustang II Engine Mount Prototype Preview
9 months ago
1 year ago
Engine Show Hit and Miss Engines
Anonymous1 month ago
–68. You are a node on the network Nov. 6, 2023
FM 3-38 Cyber Electromagnetic Activities
“FM 3-38, Cyber Electromagnetic Activities, provides overarching doctrinal guidance and direction for conducting cyber electromagnetic activities (CEMA). This manual describes the importance of cyberspace and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) to Army forces and provides the tactics and procedures commanders and staffs use in planning, integrating, and synchronizing CEMA.
This manual provides the information necessary for Army forces to conduct CEMA that enable them to shape their operational environment and conduct unified land operations. It provides enough guidance for commanders and their staffs to develop innovative approaches to seize, retain, and exploit advantages throughout an operational environment. CEMA enable the Army to achieve desired effects in support of the commander’s objectives and intent.
The principal audience for FM 3-38 is all members of the profession of arms. Commanders and staffs of Army headquarters serving as joint task force or multinational headquarters should see applicable joint or multinational doctrine concerning cyberspace operations, electronic warfare (EW), and spectrum management operations (SMO). Trainers and educators throughout the Army will also use this manual.”
Department of Defense Global Information Grid Architectural Vision: Vision for a Net-Centric, Service-Oriented DoD Enterprise, Version 1.0, June 2007
“Our goal in establishing the GIG Architectural Vision is to promote unity of effort among those responsible for evolving today’s GIG to its target state, including component CIOs, portfolio managers, and architects. To support this goal, the GIG Architectural Vision is designed to be a short, high level, understandable description of DoD’s objective enterprise architecture (required by law and policy). It will be updated periodically to reflect operational, systems and technical changes to the target GIG. Through the development of a series of time-phased GIG Capability Increments, today’s GIG will evolve towards the target GIG described in this Vision.”
Neurotechnologies as weapons in national intelligence and defense – An overview
James Giordano, PhD*1-3 and Rachel Wurzman, PhD(c)4
Advances in neuroscience and neurotechnology have necessitated discussions on the ways that such developments could be used as weapons in contexts of national security, intelligence, and defense. This paper defines the concept of neuroweapons, and elucidates operational issues associated with their use to aid informational and strategic intelligence, such as brain-machine interfaces to improve efficiency in data analysis. As well, exploration of neuropharmacologic, neuromicrobiological, and neurotoxic agents are discussed relevant to their utility in combat scenarios. The limitations of emerging neurotechnologies as weapons are addressed, as both regards practical and operational frameworks, and implications relevant to formulation of ethico-legal guidelines and governance of research, development and potential use.
When the human body is the communications channel, it’s hard to hack the data
“We call the method of sending signals directly through the body electro-quasistatic human-body communication. That’s a mouthful, so let’s just think of it as a body channel. The important takeaway is that by exploiting the body’s own conductive properties, we can avoid the pitfalls of both wired and wireless channels.”
“The average adult human is about 60 percent water by weight. And though pure water is a terrible electrical conductor, water filled with conductive particles like electrolytes and salts conducts electricity better. Your body is filled with a watery solution called the interstitial fluid that sits underneath your skin and around the cells of your body. The interstitial fluid is responsible for carrying nutrients from the bloodstream to the body’s cells, and is filled with proteins, salts, sugars, hormones, neurotransmitters, and all sorts of other molecules that help keep the body going. Because interstitial fluid is everywhere in the body, it allows us to establish a circuit among two or more communicating devices sitting pretty much anywhere on the body.”
The Henetentery
Good Morning Brina. Look at the chickens new home.
– 69. Engine Rumbles 1 Nov. 4, 2023
love you Sabrina. feel better sis. prayers for healing in Jesus Name
Seventh time was the charm. I was finally able to watch this whole video and it only took 2+ hours of stopping, restarting, turning off my internet and restarting that to do it. [:grinning:]
Embedded DNA used to reproduce 3D-printed rabbit
02 Jan 2020
“The team’s achievement could lead to significant new advances in data storage.
Since 1 g of DNA can store up to 215 Pbyte of data, their technique could allow for storage densities orders of magnitude higher than current hard drives.
They predict applications ranging from embedding electronic health records in medical implants, to constructing buildings which contain their own blueprints. With further research it could be possible to create machines that use raw materials to automatically replicate themselves over many generations.”
That guy is def awake and very cool. Thnx for the link [:thumbs_up:]
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance:
Establishing Guidance, Timelines, and Accountability for Integrating Intelligence Data Would Improve Information Sharing
Published: Jan 22, 2010. Publicly Released: Jan 22, 2010.
The Department of Defense’s (DOD) intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) systems–including manned and unmanned airborne, space-borne, maritime, and terrestrial systems–play critical roles in support of current military operations. Demand for ISR capabilities, including processing, exploitation, and dissemination, has increased dramatically. GAO was asked to (1) describe the challenges, if any, the military services and defense agencies face processing, exploiting, and disseminating the information collected by ISR systems and (2) determine the extent to which the military services and defense agencies have developed the capabilities required to share ISR information. GAO reviewed and analyzed documentation, guidance, and strategies of the military services and defense agencies in regard to processing, exploiting, and disseminating ISR data as well as information sharing capabilities. GAO also visited military units in Iraq and the United States to observe and discuss processing, exploitation, and dissemination conducted in both environments.
What is a Converged Interconnect Network (CIN)?
January 22, 2019
What is CIN?
The Converged Interconnect Network (CIN) was defined and used for the first time back in 2005 when CableLabs released Modular CMTS specifications, which was an early form of DAA. It was in these specifications that the term CIN was defined and used for the first time. More recently, in the context of DAA, CIN was described in a CableLabs architecture document in 2015(defining Remote PHY – in this specification the CIN is described as the network between the CCAP core and the RPD, including outside plant and in-hub connectivity).
Four years later, and on route to massive DAA deployments, the CIN definition merits another look to make sure it provides the right foundation for new opportunities available to MSOs while also ensuring they continue to thrive in their competitive environment.
Looking forward, the CIN needs to cover more than just connections from a centralized MAC to Remote PHY devices, for example some MSOs are now pursuing remote and flexible MAC and PHY solutions. Consequently, the CIN must serve all variations of MAC and PHY topologies.
Hi Lovely Lady, Thanks for being unashamed and using your voice mind, and platforms. Consider negative comments (Who are THEM/THEY/WHO) to just casually rate them on a scale of 1-5 as to the intent of emotional disturbance it was intended to cause. Give them a number and the rest of us can if we feel they need that attention. See, Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but names, comments, and emojis will never hurt me nor take up space and time for a message to be delivered. We can see THEM today. A few in “We Didn’t Start The Fire” version one and version two w/ new names just released. We can look at just those and see THEM. They cannot erase their images from our minds or the internet which has captured them in time. Rating 1 thru 5 can show others the true monsters by your 5 rating and then give them no more breath as they try to detour you away from the knowledge you are here to share. Now that we are AWAKE, we can see THEM. Also, pay attention to the names they give themselves, those are often revealing if you pay attention. I woke up in hospital in 2016. Kaiser Permanente Hospitals, Kaiser Permanente Insurance, Kaiser Steel Point Richmond CA, built Cooley Bridge and Hoover Damn, Heinrich (Henry) Kaiser who came here as a Shoemaker on the nice fancy boat is the Grandson of Wilhelm Kaiser General of Germany before Hitler. Bad bad bad things happened in those hospitals. Had to study the building that was sending particle dust out of the silver metal plate recessed a 1/4 inch away from the wall like a light plate switch with no purpose and with only two screws to hold in place. Absolutely no purpose but to blow that dust. The Shoemaker kept the flatfooted arriving from their side here while they sent our husbands, sons, lovers, fathers, and uncles to a war they created. Sadly consistently used the churches for the orphans and their never ending train. THEY read backwards and EVERYTHING is backwards. ElBiB THEY WROTE IT ALL DNALyensID ALL Princess Orphans
DNA cryptography and information security
Ashiq JA
April 1, 2015 by
Ashiq JA
Cryptography is the science of study of secret writing. It helps in encrypting a plain text message to make it unreadable. It is a very ancient art; the root of its origin dates back to when Egyptian scribes used non-standard hieroglyphs in an inscription.
DNA Cryptography can be defined as a technique of hiding data in terms of DNA sequence. In the cryptographic technique, each letter of the alphabet is converted into a different combination of the four bases which make up the human deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
DNA cryptography is a rapid emerging technology which works on concepts of DNA computing. DNA stores a massive amount of information inside the tiny nuclei of living cells. It encodes all the instructions needed to make every living creature on earth. The main advantages of DNA computation are miniaturization and parallelism of conventional silicon-based machines. For example, a square centimeter of silicon can currently support around a million transistors, whereas current manipulation techniques can handle to the order of 1020 strands of DNA. DNA, with its unique data structure and ability to perform many parallel operations, allows one to look at a computational problem from a different point of view.
Scientists Invented AI Made From DNA
Researchers made a neural network out of DNA that can recognize handwritten numbers.
By Daniel Oberhaus
July 9, 2018,
“Last Wednesday, researchers at Caltech announced that they created an artificial neural network from synthetic DNA that is able to recognize numbers coded in molecules. It’s a novel implementation of a classic machine learning test that demonstrates how the very building blocks of life can be harnessed as a computer.
This is pretty mind blowing, but what does it all mean? For starters, “artificial intelligence” here doesn’t refer to the superhuman AI that is so beloved by Hollywood. Instead, it refers to machine learning, a narrow form of artificial intelligence that is best summarized as the art and science of pattern recognition. Most of the cutting edge advances in machine learning involve artificial neural networks, which are a type of computing architecture loosely based on the human brain. These neural networks are fed a lot of data as input and then taught how to perform some task with that data; sometimes humans help to guide the algorithm’s learning, and sometimes not.”
psalm 18: 30 [:folded_hands:] [:purple_heart:] [:purple_heart:] [:purple_heart:]
love your truth
67. Engine rumbles ii November 4, 2023
my low back is on fire all the time. it’s been hell for sure. all the more reason I wanna learn
Field Programmable Photonics Gate Arrays:
Principles and Applications
charlie this is a paper for the earbud arrays w metrics
Coherent Multilayer Photonic Nanoantenna Array with off-Aperture Phase Adjustment
ABSTRACT: Two-dimensional optical beam-steedng with appli-cations in LiDAR, projection, imaging, and communication is performed using either a 2-D optical phased array (OPA) with per-element optical phase control or a 1-D OPA with a combination of phase control and wavelength tuning. The former typically suffers from a high power consumption and a large element-spacing, and the latter requires a highly tunable laser and is incompatible with certain 2-D beam-steering applications such as communication. In either case, achieving subwavelength element-spacing is challeng-ing due to the large size of devices compared to the operation wavelength. Here, we report a single-wavelength multilayer 2-D OPA, where a beam is formed through near-field interference of waves emitted from array elements on each layer. Vertically aligned tilted optical nanoantennas, 3-D optical signal distribution, and ofF-aperture phase control enable the realization of a record element-pitch of 3 ^m. The 64-element 2-D OPA achieves a steering range of 23° using only 16 phase shifters.
KEYWORDS: photonic nanoantenna^ optical phased array, multilayer photonics, silicon photanics, silicon nitride/ grating structures
thanks for the book
I knew Russ Dizdar was a fraud, and maybe worse than a fraud. I once sent him an email asking him to explain something, it was a contradiction I had found with his stuff, and some things weren’t adding up, and I got back from hi. the most vile, nasty, insulting, temper-tantrum letter. He accuses me of being of Satan and I’m going to hell amd all those goood things a real Christian will say yo a person who is politely asking them for some explanation/sarcasm. People always show you who they are, eventually.
I’m just a dumb girl who wants to know what the hell is going on, Sabrina, and thank you for your work amd your courage. Keep it up and don’t let the shills bother you. Also, you’re damn gorgeous. God bless you!
Thank u for sharing Sabrina. I’m picking up what you’re putting down. I have a background in engineering and telecommunications so I do understand a good chunk (totally not all) of what you’re saying.
I want to get clarity on something: are you suggesting that “Covid” was a byproduct of them cranking up the demand for WBAN use, now that an increased amount of folk have the new broadband graphene I/O, and anydisease was the body’s reaction to that? OR… was Covid a program being run via people’s biofield that caused whatever symptoms, but it was more of a targeted thing?
good question
good question for you sis
Love ya and wading the thick of it with ya! This week was rough!
Microwave Photonic Array Radars
Phased array radars have remarkable advantages over radars with single-element antenna in terms of agility, flexibility, robustness, and reconfigurability. Current pure-electronic phased array radars face challenges when operating with a large frequency tunable range and/or with broad instantaneous bandwidth. Microwave photonics, which allows wide bandwidth, flat frequency response, low transmission loss, and immunity to electromagnetic interference, is a promising solution to cope with issues faced by pure electronics. In this paper, we introduce a general architecture of microwave photonic array radar systems and review the recent advancement of optical beamforming networks. The key elements for modelling the response of the true time delay (TTD) and/or phase-shifting unit are presented and discussed. Two typical array antenna structures are introduced, i.e., microwave photonic phase shifter based array and optical true time delay based array, of which the principle and typical implementations are described. High-resolution inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging is also realized based on a microwave photonic array radar. The possibility of on-chip integration of the microwave photonic array radar is discussed.
Published in: IEEE Journal of Microwaves ( Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January 2021)
An integrated photonic-assisted phased array transmitter for direct fiber to mm-wave links
Received: 6 July 2022 Accepted: 27 February 2023
Millimeter-wave (mm-wave) phased arrays can realize multi-Gb/s commu- nication links but face challenges such as signal distribution and higher power consumption hindering their widespread deployment. Hybrid photonic mm-wave solutions combined with fiber-optics can address some of these bottlenecks. Here, we report an integrated photonic-assisted phased array transmitter applicable for low-power, compact radio heads in fiber to mm- wave fronthaul links. The transmitter utilizes optical heterodyning within an electronically controlled photonic network for mm-wave generation, beam- forming, and steering. A photonic matrix phase adjustment architecture reduces the number of phase-shift elements from M × N to M + N lowering area and power requirements. A proof-of-concept 2 × 8 phased array transmitter is implemented that can operate from 24–29 GHz, has a steering range of 40°, and achieves 5 dBm EIRP at an optical power of 55 mW without using active mm-wave electronics. Data streams at 2.5 Gb/s are transmitted over 3.6 km of optical fiber and wirelessly transmitted attaining bit-error rates better than 10−11.
thank you
Life is screwed Imagine if you will being taught not to lie steal and harm as a child ONLY to grow up and get crucified for still doing those things Fuck this shit we truly are in a twilight zone episode or run of them. LOL. I tried to educate a Chinese lady wearing a mask she was born on China and never heard of the Great Leap Forward told her some truths, she was not having it More than happy to follow the rules. Please know for all you’re frustration’s i am still trying on my end NOT COMPARING situations just letting you know
Yes and with all that unbelievable ancient knowledge they had it turned out like that, how very sad.
Compact solid‐state optical phased array beam scanners based on polymeric photonic integrated circuits
Sung‐Moon Kim, Eun‐Su Lee, Kwon‐Wook Chun, Jinung Jin & Min‐Cheol Oh*
Optical phased array (OPA) devices are being actively investigated to develop compact solid‐state beam scanners, which are essential in fields such as LiDAR, free‐space optical links, biophotonics, etc. Based on the unique nature of perfluorinated polymers, we propose a polymer waveguide OPA with the advantages of low driving power and high optical throughput. Unlike silicon photonic OPAs, the polymer OPAs enable sustainable phase distribution control during beam scanning, which reduces the burden of beamforming. Moreover, by incorporating a tunable wavelength laser comprising a polymer waveguide Bragg reflector, two‐dimensional beam scanning is demonstrated, which facilitates the development of laser‐integrated polymeric OPA beam scanners.
a LOT of people are here because we enjoy listening to you, be it about WBAN prayers or your cats. May not be how some people like their podcasts but that’s their problem.
I am glad you survived another round from the douches of the world. Anyone who tries to take you down has identified themselves as an enemy of humanity. I actually thank the gaslighters as they have identified I’m on target. :0D
I have learned a plethora of new terms from you, Sabrina (thank you… [:sparkling_heart:] [:heart:] ) … ‘perturbation’ (WTH?!), ‘DNA Steganography’ (Holy Crap!), ‘Wireless Tissue Engineering’ (I do not consent to this shit!), ‘Precision AI Healthcare’ (Get the f@ck out of my body!), Body Area Network – BAN, Wireless Body Area Network – WBAN, Personal Area Network – PAN, Cov-BAN, etc, Wireless Sensor Networks, ‘Brain to Brain Interface’, ‘DARPA non-invasive Nx testing’, ‘Synthetic Biology’, ‘Bio-photonics’, ‘Network Centric Warfare’… it never ends!
Thank you for all you do and for speaking out. I have learned so much from you and I love how you give them hell! Please don’t stop.
CISCO Cyber Security book – ” CISCO Official CERT Guide CCNA Security 640-554 ”
agree plz don’t stop
thanks for download
Well said and thanks for that pdf link!!! [:clapping_hands:]
The only side we should be choosing is humanity. God Bless you and thank you for helping edumacate those willing to learn.
A little Marshell Tucker Band:
love u sis and believe Jesus raised you up for such a time as this. when we are praying over our home and land , any suggestions from what the Lord explained to you. he’s told me to annoint and pray but don’t know if I am missing anything
You need to work for an company or organiation etc in order to be a whistleblower.
Do people know whisleblowers get big rewards?
You are pointing out and explaining the progress which has been made in bio hacking since 1995.
Do people think psienergy is a priate company of some sorts ? coming with such absurd accusations?
– 70. Engine rumbles ii November 4, 2023
my low back is on fire all the time. it’s been hell for sure. all the more reason I wanna learn
Field Programmable Photonics Gate Arrays:
Principles and Applications
charlie this is a paper for the earbud arrays w metrics
Coherent Multilayer Photonic Nanoantenna Array with off-Aperture Phase Adjustment
ABSTRACT: Two-dimensional optical beam-steedng with appli-cations in LiDAR, projection, imaging, and communication is performed using either a 2-D optical phased array (OPA) with per-element optical phase control or a 1-D OPA with a combination of phase control and wavelength tuning. The former typically suffers from a high power consumption and a large element-spacing, and the latter requires a highly tunable laser and is incompatible with certain 2-D beam-steering applications such as communication. In either case, achieving subwavelength element-spacing is challeng-ing due to the large size of devices compared to the operation wavelength. Here, we report a single-wavelength multilayer 2-D OPA, where a beam is formed through near-field interference of waves emitted from array elements on each layer. Vertically aligned tilted optical nanoantennas, 3-D optical signal distribution, and ofF-aperture phase control enable the realization of a record element-pitch of 3 ^m. The 64-element 2-D OPA achieves a steering range of 23° using only 16 phase shifters.
KEYWORDS: photonic nanoantenna^ optical phased array, multilayer photonics, silicon photanics, silicon nitride/ grating structures
thanks for the book
I knew Russ Dizdar was a fraud, and maybe worse than a fraud. I once sent him an email asking him to explain something, it was a contradiction I had found with his stuff, and some things weren’t adding up, and I got back from hi. the most vile, nasty, insulting, temper-tantrum letter. He accuses me of being of Satan and I’m going to hell amd all those goood things a real Christian will say yo a person who is politely asking them for some explanation/sarcasm. People always show you who they are, eventually.
I’m just a dumb girl who wants to know what the hell is going on, Sabrina, and thank you for your work amd your courage. Keep it up and don’t let the shills bother you. Also, you’re damn gorgeous. God bless you!
Thank u for sharing Sabrina. I’m picking up what you’re putting down. I have a background in engineering and telecommunications so I do understand a good chunk (totally not all ) of what you’re saying.
I want to get clarity on something: are you suggesting that “Covid” was a byproduct of them cranking up the demand for WBAN use, now that an increased amount of folk have the new broadband graphene I/O, and anydisease was the body’s reaction to that? OR… was Covid a program being run via people’s biofield that caused whatever symptoms, but it was more of a targeted thing?
good question
good question for you sis
Love ya and wading the thick of it with ya! This week was rough!
Microwave Photonic Array Radars
Phased array radars have remarkable advantages over radars with single-element antenna in terms of agility, flexibility, robustness, and reconfigurability. Current pure-electronic phased array radars face challenges when operating with a large frequency tunable range and/or with broad instantaneous bandwidth. Microwave photonics, which allows wide bandwidth, flat frequency response, low transmission loss, and immunity to electromagnetic interference, is a promising solution to cope with issues faced by pure electronics. In this paper, we introduce a general architecture of microwave photonic array radar systems and review the recent advancement of optical beamforming networks. The key elements for modelling the response of the true time delay (TTD) and/or phase-shifting unit are presented and discussed. Two typical array antenna structures are introduced, i.e., microwave photonic phase shifter based array and optical true time delay based array, of which the principle and typical implementations are described. High-resolution inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging is also realized based on a microwave photonic array radar. The possibility of on-chip integration of the microwave photonic array radar is discussed.
Published in: IEEE Journal of Microwaves ( Volume: 1, Issue: 1, January 2021)
An integrated photonic-assisted phased array transmitter for direct fiber to mm-wave links
Received: 6 July 2022 Accepted: 27 February 2023
Millimeter-wave (mm-wave) phased arrays can realize multi-Gb/s commu- nication links but face challenges such as signal distribution and higher power consumption hindering their widespread deployment. Hybrid photonic mm-wave solutions combined with fiber-optics can address some of these bottlenecks. Here, we report an integrated photonic-assisted phased array transmitter applicable for low-power, compact radio heads in fiber to mm- wave fronthaul links. The transmitter utilizes optical heterodyning within an electronically controlled photonic network for mm-wave generation, beam- forming, and steering. A photonic matrix phase adjustment architecture reduces the number of phase-shift elements from M × N to M + N lowering area and power requirements. A proof-of-concept 2 × 8 phased array transmitter is implemented that can operate from 24–29 GHz, has a steering range of 40°, and achieves 5 dBm EIRP at an optical power of 55 mW without using active mm-wave electronics. Data streams at 2.5 Gb/s are transmitted over 3.6 km of optical fiber and wirelessly transmitted attaining bit-error rates better than 10−11.
thank you
Life is screwed Imagine if you will being taught not to lie steal and harm as a child ONLY to grow up and get crucified for still doing those things Fuck this shit we truly are in a twilight zone episode or run of them. LOL. I tried to educate a Chinese lady wearing a mask she was born on China and never heard of the Great Leap Forward told her some truths, she was not having it More than happy to follow the rules. Please know for all you’re frustration’s i am still trying on my end NOT COMPARING situations just letting you know
Yes and with all that unbelievable ancient knowledge they had it turned out like that, how very sad.
a LOT of people are here because we enjoy listening to you, be it about WBAN prayers or your cats. May not be how some people like their podcasts but that’s their problem.
I am glad you survived another round from the douches of the world. Anyone who tries to take you down has identified themselves as an enemy of humanity. I actually thank the gaslighters as they have identified I’m on target. :0D
I have learned a plethora of new terms from you, Sabrina (thank you… [:sparkling_heart:] [:heart:] ) … ‘perturbation’ (WTH?!), ‘DNA Steganography’ (Holy Crap!), ‘Wireless Tissue Engineering’ (I do not consent to this shit!), ‘Precision AI Healthcare’ (Get the f@ck out of my body!), Body Area Network – BAN, Wireless Body Area Network – WBAN, Personal Area Network – PAN, Cov-BAN, etc, Wireless Sensor Networks, ‘Brain to Brain Interface’, ‘DARPA non-invasive Nx testing’, ‘Synthetic Biology’, ‘Bio-photonics’, ‘Network Centric Warfare’… it never ends!
Thank you for all you do and for speaking out. I have learned so much from you and I love how you give them hell! Please don’t stop.
CISCO Cyber Security book – ” CISCO Official CERT Guide CCNA Security 640-554 ”
agree plz don’t stop
thanks for download
Well said and thanks for that pdf link!!! [:clapping_hands:]
The only side we should be choosing is humanity. God Bless you and thank you for helping edumacate those willing to learn.
A little Marshell Tucker Band:
love u sis and believe Jesus raised you up for such a time as this. when we are praying over our home and land , any suggestions from what the Lord explained to you. he’s told me to annoint and pray but don’t know if I am missing anything
You need to work for an company or organiation etc in order to be a whistleblower.
Do people know whisleblowers get big rewards?
You are pointing out and explaining the progress which has been made in bio hacking since 1995.
Do people think psienergy is a priate company of some sorts ? coming with such absurd accusations?
69. Engine r00m thinkin ~ November 5, 2023
delta highrise pistachio
Thx vanilla bean and engine guy and dani and ferret guy ~ and the rest of you on the tg droppin links and hanging onto hope in our fellow human bc no matter what happens tomorrow or yesterday it will be one on one – fellow human to fellow community human and the more empathy we have flowing through our veins the faster we will comprehend naturally what our molecular environment is AUTHENTICALLY communicating rather than the rivers of nano constellations in our atmosphere and in some people’s veins.
while we wait on the graphene black rain to intesify into soc – system on a chip – styled rain to inform itself again cause the smart dust is hostile not just beyonce upgraded.
Charlie – i hope you saw our efforts to help you and the swamp rat KICK ASS. may it be you charlie to proffer the elf math that facilitates the oscillators in the ble while i narrow dowwn the genetic algorithims on purchasable phone apps.
Thank you Todd Callendar and crew for purposely making space in that maria zee interview for our efforts here on the channel. I did not realize that until tonight and my comments that sounded harsh about being called a whistleblower were in relation to some very perforative from our telegram. Thank you for acknowledging our little rumbly engines of love one another as He loves us ~ God bless all of you, prayed the armor today and will be back with Psalm 93.
I really do appreciate you the reader/listner/viewer to … may you feel appreciated this evening and loved tomorrow and celebrated all week long, amen.
Thank you Jesus for another beautiful day,
Mrs. Wallace
Have y’all seen this? Biden Biotech- Del Complex Ai Ocean Platform with 10,000 Nvidia GPU’s-,000%20Nvidia%20GPU’
I was just watching Sabrina’s video above when I was surprised to hear Sabrina mentioning the American Chemical Society… because I found info on them back in 2021 that I documented including a reversal & my Peer Block blocking them. The reversal I got on it indicates they are attempting to break the thalmus…mine? Others? Probably both since I was commenting on what I found on my computer and they are likely to not just be doing that to me.
Here’s that 2021 post.
After I re-read & re-listened to my documentation from 2021, my computer shut down by itself. It’s weird too because that same thalmus reversal has been coming up in my memory for a few weeks now.
You know I have a CNC Mill I could build a crapload of sextants….
But but Q said NSA was the good guys!
What a sec…DNA Steg… implanting mass cell simultaneous aptosis remote triggering …
NCIS, all three of the shows sure did drop some interesting red pill knowledge over the years…
Let’s go
oh yeah zeppelins!!! soooo want that travel (i hear the blimps are sans visible – niobium) …… these chats!!!! interesting NZ … across channel doin our bit ….. [:sunglasses:] [:heart_on_fire:]
Webmaster’ notes from Sabrina’s monologue:
Psinergy coffee Restored- November 7, 2025
People are paid to be Chaos agents- $250,000/year- you sit on the keyboard and fuck it up for everyone else- you report to a CIA handler it could be FBI, DHS, or DoD or whatever. You get big money.
We won’t fix this until we are willing to admit: We stole a piece of human anatomy and attached it to the cloud. We got apps for people’s DNA handed out to fuck tons of people at various levels of security. Then we have plasma charges, plasma fences and geofences that go up with software defined meta materials. That all sounds like goblet gook until that smart dust- it’s weaponized, and it’s quick. You’ve seen it in the movies. It’s CIA people bragging about what they really do when they go to work.
All of you are going to war. Everyone is getting fed up with being dominated via the EM by the USA and the rest of the counties are pissed and there is one country that will kick our ass with this technology.
I’m an American citizen My parents worked for something that was higher than NATO. My head is accessible to the highest level of Washington DC.
I took a high microwave hit to the head as a full body stroke and survived it earlier this week. I understand very clearly how your new button press weaponry isn’t new, where it logs into, and the mitigation or pen-testing injection points.
You do realize you are not the only ones with toys, right Lockheed?
We’ve been using this system for 6 decades. It’s time to let everyone else knows. Tell me how it works, with all body parts, human anatomy. All of it. That body field is the field of my mother, father, my child my dog. You want to play God? You can live on Epstein’s Island breeding ranch and live with your hybrid friends. And live there on your own.
They don’t know the air molecules are weaponized. That some little fuck with an eye pad or a phone can take out easily 30 or 40 humans. With a button press. You stupid trusting those damn HAM radio people. Somebody knows what’s going on. They’ve already been afraid of the Lora. That’s what makes the physical change. The rest of you don’t know this.
What are the top weapons that they are deploying against civilians- American and worldwide- now? They’re not guns. (They’re) biofrequency weapons made out of your own DNA- that’s an under the skin surveillance system they’ve been using for over 20 years. The system has been upgraded. 20 years of tests of biosensors and WBAN. Police use it every day… Dirt Box and Stingray. It’s just getting started. It’s a full dominance EM spectrum directed energy weapon market share.
71. Sabrina/Psinergy: Crypto,_monte_carlo_and_the_fourier_2⧸4_
Sabrina walks through topography with embedded imagery and cryptography.
72. A_better_blog,_mobius_hyper_manifolds_&_the_optic_old grid
This is the blog Sabrina speaks of:
Optical Fibre Infrastructure
Wednesday, May 3, 2017 Brain “relay” also key to holding thoughts in the mind
Cybersecurity + Biomimicry: Why, What, and How We Could Learn from Nature, November 28th 2022
Manifold with boundary:
DoD Announces Update to DoD Directive 3000.09, ‘Autonomy In Weapon Systems’, Jan. 25, 2023 (Well this is just so special)
Directed acyclic graph:
Blockchain for decentralization of internet: prospects, trends, and challenges
International text-book of medical electro-physics and galvanism, for the use of medical students and practitioners, by William J. Herdman [and others].
Brain Computer Interfaces Meet Body Area Network (Timothy Lucas, MD, PhD) (seven yaers ago)
Maybe I should update the thumbnail. Sabrina has over 3,100 subscribers as of October 29, 2023.
Psinergits Telegram group:
Notes from video:
The 802.15.4 protocol is assigned to Bluetooth biosensors!
The 802.15.5 protocol is assigned to wireless body sensor networks!
The 802.15.6 protocol is assigned to the Wide Body Area Network (WBAN)- your biofield.
From (Bilderberger) Jaques Attali’s book: Verbatim (1981):
“The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. Of course we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. We will find or cause something, a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the elderly, it doesn’t matter, the weak and the fearful will succumb to it. The stupid will believe in it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care of having panned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself, they will go to the slaughterhouse alone.”
you are that smart, just might need some help from a few professions!
as for the rest of you fakin and spreadin my face out there for money, could you please consider educating people on human body communication or galvanic energy?
Thanks Sabrina.
God love you!
Was wondering your opinion on the below links.
Someone brought this up on a blog. It has been taken down.
Dr. Ana ….does she have a sister heavily invested in what you are teaching or is this a body double?
Wow! She sure does resemble Dr. Ana…and this line of her past activities really jumped out:
“IEEE Transactions of Affective Computing, associate editor (2012-2014)”
Things that make you go hmmm [:thinking:]
The second link is very intriguing. She has been involved in research that has interested me for a long time. My favorite class in college was Intro. to Language. It covered how we form language vocally.
I think Dr. Ana is now on the Board of Targeted Justice. I’ll ask around. Thank you for the info, and Sabrina.
hi Sabrina. just wanted to recall when i was a teen in the 70;s they had mood rings. and also remember seeing Aura photos that were taken of people/humans and you could get your aura picture taken = ) and everyone knows about touching an antenna to get a better signal.. love you~! sending healing thoughts of love. thank you..
I had one of those mood rings too Lol! The aura photos used a special camera-Kirlian photography:
I still have my mood ring. :0)
Thank you so much for being you and the information you share. I am so glad that I have fellow sisters, and brothers out there that are as “crazy” as myself. Knowing what we do through God, self-education/research and try to help others who for the most part laugh and tell us that we are off our rockers.
What’s nice though is when they come to you later and ask if you know about “‘x’” and when you say yes, they say they avoided it because of something you said long ago. it makes it worth it!
How about that! I’m a hacker! I always credited cellular memory and cellular synchronic communication with my ability to ‘remember’ the source of client’s and patient’s ideopathic pain and dysfunction. Considering what you say here, I’m actuality able to hack in to people’s stored data, even when their link is corrupted! That’s interesting! It explains why brain imaging videos (now taken down from YouTube) show the psychic medium’s brain’s visual centers shutting down when they would ‘see’ or auditory when they would ‘hear’! They were not accessing their own data bank but rather hacking into the querrent’s data centers! Wow! (Explains why the videos are removed too, huh?)
Someone just sent me this.
Yikes……I downloaded it Read a bit….
My brain will need extra batteries.
the abduction and manipulation of humans using advanced tech. pdf by valdamar valerian year of pdf 1991.
Rumble dad shared this in Gab today. I am unsure if he has shared it in the Psinergists group.
Bless you and yours…Keep Shining Bella!
[:folded_hands:] [:rainbow:] [:sparkling_heart:]
Yes we are little people an some of us really appreciate your work and time.
off-topic but do you think they have “solved” the enigma of consciousness?
they can digitize it and then transfer it to another body maybe, achieving immortality
Years ago, a buddy liked having smack downs with women (you know, “Yo mamma so…”) until they would cry. One evening, I was game. He did say some really funny stuff, I MADE SURE I LAUGHED AT HIS SLAMS. It went on for hours, there was a large audience. Toward the end, he said something about my great-uncle’s combat boots which I was wearing. My retort: “Give it up all ready. You are a tiresome little boy compared to the man who once filled these shoes. Here I am, tearing apart the very fiber of what little pathetic shred you are of a human being you are and you want to talk about what I wear on my feet? All you need to know about my shoes is I will take them off when I go to bed and tomorrow select some other pair while you will go to bed thinking you are a skin suit and tomorrow, that’s all you will waken to, just like the day before.”
He started to say something but the guys told him to shut up. All his digging was accomplishing was the hole he was already in.
For many months after, women approached
me and thanked me. I brushed them off. I had not defeated him for them, I’d only knocked him down because he needed it!
Now I know how they felt! Instead of thanking you, allow me to commend you on an excellent job knocking someone down who seriously needed it. (Be glad you don’t subscribe to any of his content, he would block you for sure. lol)
Frequency attack on Woman
Sincere thank you for this video. Hopefully now DH is shitting bricks for egregious sloppy reporting.
Ah, another opportunity for edumacation when others do not take the time to watch your previous videos, read through the PDFs, and learn. Thank you. [:relaxed:] [:wink:] [:smiling_face_with_hearts:]
Honestly, what you are saying Sabrina, Tore, Todd Calendar, Dr Ana, etc is FAR more interesting than what the UFO/Cryptid Bros, New Agers, have to say.
Ha ha ha … “You’re going to need to know definitions of words.” I am cracking up here! [:rofl:]
Most slaves will not look up definitions of words. Their god the idiot box does not tell them to do so.
74. To the new commenter .. Nov. 8, 2023
Sabrina Wallace in this video:
“On March 20, 2023, the ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) stated: “There’s no explanation for Havana Syndrome.” That means that there’s no such thing as SynChron and SynBio (these are companies) or synthetic biology as a science, or synthetic telepathy in Elsevier journals- and there are. So the ODNI gets to lie and these people get to die, while these people go to work.”
So all of you at the UFO community who continue to pretend that your’re oh so stupid and innocent, bullshit. You’re paid opposition. You’ve done a great job.. invading people’s houses at all hours of the night. You think you’re OK doing your podcast one day and the next day your lose all your shit and you’re homeless. Hackers too. It’s disgusting. Welcome to the UFO community, where it’s pay for play like everybody else with the sensor hunters.
Dr. Steven Greer (of Disclosure Project) presents information (to Congress) about selecting humans for psi capabilities, called psionics, i.e., illegal projects run for the purpose of communications; most subjects die, taken because of their abilities to communicate with the speed of thought, which is faster than light molecules.
That was in Greer’s interview with Congress….. you let them get away with it because you didn’t tell them about the human physiology involved, the biofield, the aura. And if humans knew that their body part had been stolen, attached to the cloud, and a remote handed to FBI, DHS, whoever paid for it, they’d be pissed. And we’d have a lot less people interested in UFO groups and a lot more interested in how do we slow this down and do something, because this is completely out of control.
They’ve been giving people jobs all along. Walking right through the body. Using math to get it hooked up with basic Python, AI nodes; these wireless sensor networks, wrap them around somebody, it’s biosensors on the inside, outside in, inside out, shake the hell out of them, electrically or otherwise, do whatever you want to them. How is that possible? We lie to people about their body part (biofield), about material physics, about telemetry and RF bands used by the Medical Implant Communications System telemetry by law…. That’s why we’re in this position.
What is the human aura (biofield)? That’s what we use in Information, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance with the electrical homeostasis of the human body so that we can pertebrate and make changes for precision AI health care, the internet of behaviors, the internet of bodies, the internet of things, the industrial internet of things, the internet of medical things, the medical body area network, the wireless body area network, the metropolitan area network, the campus area network, and the ultra-wide band radio frequency communications and optigenetic networks for neuro modulation.
Wow.. You just said it doesn’t exist. Yeah, it doesn’t exist for anybody but us to play with you like a sim in a video game.
Re: the High Accuracy Detection Multi-Domain Sensing System, Dennis Teefy (Projects Director for Sensors Aerial Intelligence), from the Army states in Sept. 14, 2022 magazine: “The goal is to provide deep sensing intelligence collection of indicators, warnings, and electronic order of battle and patterns of life for target development. (High Accuracy Detection Exploitation System (HADES)). The Multi-Domain Sensing System (MDSS) High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System (HADES) will be GLOBALLY deployable and provide a multi-faceted sensing capability at higher altitudes and longer ranges.” I know what HADES is.
It’s all just electronic warfare. “Pay for play.” We are killing with computer networks. Network killing IS their system.” Sabrina Wallace,
from: (To the new commenter .. Nov. 8, 2023 and Biosensors , Sensor Hunters and Electronic warfare inside human tissue/C4ISR w/usaf, Cisco control plane for E.B.Es – Engineered Biological Entities – (WBAN) 802.15 IEEE – EXPOSING THE SENSOR HUNTERS! )
76. Sabrina/Psinergy: Headed back into lockdown August 20, 2023
In this video, Sabrina says:
We kill people with computer networks. Yeah. Your ass is attached to the cloud. You have a wide body area network. How does the drone hunt you?
Here on this channel we are very aware there’s a Global Information Grid architecture involved on the back end of every single system that is made and makes the internet go around, literally. We understand what MANET radios are. We understand what a data link is. We know that a biosensors is DNA analyte derivative. We know that they’re talked about over at the DoD and HDIAC (Homeland Defense & Security Information and Analysis Center). Because sensors have their own journals at the MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute). So we understand Fuzzy Control-Based Energy-Aware Routing Protocol for wireless body area networks.
So you are running computer networking through human bodies with the digital twin. I hit a button, you get an anhurism. You get a stroke. Maybe you get an autoimmune disorder.
They got biosensors inside of you made out of your own tissue. No tower required. So your body has been on the cloud since 1995. They are logging into your biofield. They’re logging into you every day as a matter of a job and the same exact wireless cloud networking that your ass is on, your cell phone is on. 802.15.1.
The drones that you just saw flying around with the guy in the headset and all that? … Isn’t that something cognitive warfare people? We have human body electro quasistatic interbody coupling communication period analysis security interface. Drones work from the inside out on biosensors.
They’ve had their kill box and their little head sets here since 2012.
We’ve had 60 years of electronic warfare with people who go to work, sit at desks, and execute code to kill people. But only the bad guys. We only kill the bad guys and we only use 60 years of electronic warfare on tanks and planes.
How does the drone target you? You are going to end up back with that body part (biofield) and netcentric warfare. You have to admit they took away a human body part. And that’s the same body part they go to work with electrically, every day. And they use the network to kill people. Niprnet, Sipranet, and the Green Door, and the back backbone of everything the internet is with the NSA and the NRO, and everyone else who uses it all the way down to the DoD, DHS, FBI, etc.
I can paralyze you sitting in your house. The biosensors are inside of you. They don’t need a tower. They just need another body sitting next to you and they can route through it. You have no way to fight back and you have no way to resist.
I’ve been trying to bring attention to electronic warfare for a year and a half. Electronic assault. We have two sets of programs, bare minimum. One of them is we are protecting everyone with our tanks and planes. The other one is a civilian targeting program.
How do we defend ourselves? Electronic shielding. How do we fight back? Turn off our DNA? Commit suicide?
When you take a human body part away from people for 150 years. Meanwhile, they go to work every day. Biomedical engineering. Tissue engineering. All of them.
They would have started by telling people that we use remotes on people to modify their brain tissue. There are human hybrids out there. How do we know that? Executive orders from 3 years for chimeric humans.
You going to lawfare? Are you going to sue NATO to turn off electronic warfare? I don’t think so.
So how do you stand up for yourself? If you go to your FUSION center, have you seen soft kill weapons? Do you know they are lined in your cities? It’s already done. And it’s inside you. You better hope you are not next to someone who has been graphenated. That’s for the cyber-physical backbone. That’s for the people who have already been augmented.
I barely made it out and away from these people, and in fact, I never did. I endure electronic assaults with the civilian targeting program with these same sick fucks like everybody does. They walk around with their remotes. They have no lawfare, no oversight, because nobody even knows what they’re doing, physically, for a job, for how they function in the world, by their own electronic weaponry. They took a body part.
Nobody talks about the biofield or the aura for real. Then they log into your nervous system. They change your cells. They can make you hear voices, sure, but they can make you sick, they can make you confused, they can put you on your ass, or they can just flat out kill you right there where you stand. And not a damn person will open their mouths about any of this. And they are all involved in this at the level of IASCA competitions, different types of home theater, and computers and stuff in your house. But someone around you is using those frequencies and the opto-array of those electronics to pertebate your nervous system. Sounds like cymatics, oscillation and frequencies.
How do thep perpetrators get the children to comply? (German woman on TV says:). “There was simply no other choice. You have to do what the parents or the perpetrators say. The other choice is death. Either one goes along (Sabrina: gets in your 15 minute city or FEMA camp) and one survives or one must die.”
Sabrina: You idiots think you are just going to grab your gun in the new electronic warfare. Theyr’e just going to come to your house, get you paralyzed and take whatever they want. I’m tired of people saying “we’re going to do something” when you can’t do anything if you don’t know how to do proper triage what weapons are deployed or know how their systems work. It’s way out of control– in the hands of the worst people.
Tolkein and C.S. Lewis at Cambridge and Freud and Jung, all knew that pedastria is coming back. This is an elite system of grooming their power players. It was deployed in Rome and Greece and celebrated like we do with birthday parties.
No one really cares lady. And so (cut to Alex Jones saying Covid lockdowns are coming back… and bioweapons are coming back.)
Yup. And they can electronically set off the payload with:
– the 5G poles,
– another Body area network walking past you,
– the smart grid in your house,
– ubiquitous computing from your body control unit which could be your ipad your – cell phone, your wireless router can do it all by itself.
This is an electronic system. And you told people nothing. And it’s in the hands of the worst possible people. You keep lying to people.
We stole your body part and are logging in and out of your physical tissue. You should probably defend yourself. Just sit in your kill box. We’re going to kill whoever we want to. We’re not going to tell people anything about the cyberphysical background or the digital twin. You will be put into that FEMA camp or the SMART city because that’s Agenda 2030. We’re not going to talk about bioelectricity and how we take an imprint with an electronic opto-array with IO and Fleur and all the different things that we use to pertebate your body part (biofield).
We’re not going to tell you how easy it is to do wireless tissue engineering with all these sensors. And logging in and out of you in any level of your muscle substrata. We use human bond communication directly with data analysis. And we’re not going to tell you that. We’re not going to tell you about energy harvesting from you at all the different frequencies that we do. These are jobs. We’re going to continue log into you with your biosensors that have been around since 1958.
77. Morning, check out the cdn video w looking glass data! November 9, 2023
C4ISR & Netcentric Warfare
Psinergy: C4ISR & Netcentric Warfare
The Exciting Science of Light with Metamatetials
Psinergy: psinergypdf2023
tech metric pdf
Terahertz Meta Materials
Metamaterials Explained Simply and Visually
Time-varying Metamaterials
(Beam Steering)
Where’s the vid?
CDNews – DARK NECESSITIES Videcast4 se.2ep.4 – pt.1 – Earth Wide Network To Control
CDNews – DARK NECESSITIES Videcast4 se.2ep.4 – pt.1 – Earth Wide Network To Control
Canadian Daily News: CDNews – DARK NECESSITIES Videcast4 se.2ep.4 – pt.1 – Earth Wide Network To Control
Lookout for charlie is talking about the shooter at a school in nashville hearing voices. How could they be hearing voices when its already shown it was a hoax. A shooter doesnt have time to change shoes. Cameras at school showed coming into bldg with one type of shoe on and the view of shooter down with another brand of shoe. So how can a hoax hear voices when it was a set up
whether or not this shooter scenario minutiae had physical hoaxing involved has no bearing on products and market share currently available and deployed or the optic and sdn meta materia 802.15.5 in use for fcc mandated mbans, medical body area networks. these are deployed networking vectors to maintain and sustain things like your oculus headset and health apps. eventually charlie will need to incorporate the phase changes inside the frame rates or his product will fail on the human body due to cybersecurity on the human body for starters with the mban. i added some technical links and clipped a web search for you if you or anyone is interested. synthetic telepathy is the google search and i posted synchron on the channel for the upcoming data. the problem with the shooters is the same as targeted folks is the same as the biosensors . it is a lot to deal with already so ensuring we utilize proper terminology with timely references to software and hardware is critical to maintain the mental strength needed to consider solutions. thank you for your comment.
Building wsn wban networks w qualnet and omnet++/ISAKMP and IPsec for cryptographic keys
Building wsn wban networks w qualnet and omnet++/ISAKMP and IPsec for cryptographic keys
Psinergy: Building wsn wban networks w qualnet and omnet++/ISAKMP and IPsec for cryptographic keys
EEG Headsets & Netcentric Warfare – Your ASS Connected To The Cloud/Digital Twin Technologies – (WBAN) IEEE 802.15.6-.5-.4
Follow Sabrina Wallace Psinergy channel:
Follow Sabrina Wallace Psinergy channel:
They are turning humans into 5G-6G-7G antennas and servers/routers with each jab.
This is the 2030Agenda ultimate goal: to be able to track & trace down to the cellular level and transmit data through our DNA in real time to control nano-robotics inside of us… I.E:
A.I. Personal “Healthcare”/ “Precision Healthcare” done in your smart home with Biosensors all around you and inside of you!
so hey WAKE UP PLEASE would ya!
How are they using our DNA as a computer Through 5G-6G and the (WBAN) With CRISPR Technology?
Biodigital Today and Tomorrow – Policy Horizons Canada:
Unlocking the Power of
Our Body’s Protein Factory
(WHO) Global Digital Health Certification Network
CRISPR.ML – Machine learning meets gene editing
Wireless Body Area Network and Internet of Things
Turning the Body Into a Wire (IEEE)
When the human body is the communications channel, it’s hard to hack the data
Department of Defense Global Information Grid Architectural Vision
by DD Enterprise · 2007 · Cited by 2 — The GIG Architecture is described through a set of artifacts,%2520June%252007.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi-6enz9NCAAxWwjokEHaHqCQ0QFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1I_1vT1ciT9xOP0saiiNcE
Global information grid:
signature reduction force pentagon
Since 1995: IEEE 802.15 is a working group of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE 802 standards committee which specifies Wireless Specialty Networks (WSN) standards. The working group was formerly known as Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks.
The number of Task Groups in IEEE 802.15 varies based on the number of active projects. The current list of active projects can be found on the IEEE
What are the ISM Bands, and What Are They Used For?
Analysis of the performance of IEEE 802.15.4 for medical sensor body area
What is MICS (Medical Implant Communication System)?
Nov 4, 2019 — MICS or Medical Implant Communication System is a short-range communication technology which is used for transmitting data to medical
A human microchip implant is any electronic device implanted subcutaneously (subdermally) usually via an injection
Electronic Warfare Associates Salaries
Biofield Therapies
Jun 12, 2019 — The biofield is a large field of energy that surrounds and extends out from the body about 8 feet. No part of the energy system
Between heaven and earth : a guide to Chinese medicine
Cognitive Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Aided Human Bond Communication 6G
An Occupancy Information Grid Model for Path Planning of Intelligent Robots
Wearable artificial intelligence biosensor networks
Internet of things (IoT) in nano-integrated wearable biosensor devices for healthcare applications
Grid-enabled biosensor networks for pervasive healthcare
A Study on the Future of DNA Biosensors as Disease Detectors
Recent Advances in DNA Biosensors
Optical Fiber DNA Biosensor With Temperature Monitoring Based on Double Microcavities Fabry–Perot Interference and Vernier Combined Effect
DNA Biosensor Applications for Poly-Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect
And so much more IEEE research:
Brain and Language Lab
The Mind on Music
Could human organs join networks?
Ongoing research explores biologically-based communication networks and electronics that could directly connect to human tissues.
The network is like a human body
Making the ‘human-body Internet’ more effective
Human body communication can make data networks radically safer
Scientists Design a Network That Lives Inside Your Body
Design a Network That Lives Inside Your Body
social and philosophical movement
Transhumanism Wikipedia
Biomedical engineering
Tissue engineering
Wireless engineering
Bio-MEMS is an abbreviation for biomedical (or biological) microelectromechanical systems
3D bioprinting
Electroceuticals are broadly defined as medical devices that provide neurostimulation for therapy, but it is often used as a term to reference ultra-miniature and/or injectable implants.
Electroceutical therapies using electronic devices for stimulating and recording activity in the nervous system,miniature%20and%2For%20injectable%20implants.
Wireless Drugging:
The Structural Design of a Magnetic Driven Wireless Capsule Robot for Drug Delivery
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General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper
project maven umbrella
Project Salus
Predictive analytics and data visualizations for COVID-19 related supply chain management and risk mitigation.
human interaction emerging technologies and future systems V
DoD Directive 3000.09, “Autonomy in Weapon Systems,” January 25, 2023
Jan 25, 2023 — Establishes guidelines designed to minimize the probability and consequences
quasi static communication
wirelessly ajust cells and tissue
human body communication
medical implant communications system to human body communication
What is Ubiquitous Computing (Pervasive Computing)?
nano biosensor aerosol ieee
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nano biosensor vaccine ieee
digi id 2009
Performance Evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Coupling Method for Intra-Body Network (IBNet) – IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME) – SHOW NOTES IN THE DESCRIPTION
Are you awake or are you AWAKE?
Let me know after running through this Thread
Nonvaxer420 Telegram Group: (HELP SHARE)
Twitter (HELP SHARE)
12 weeks ago
OH’Our Lord bless you for walking the path of GODS path and fighting the DEVIL to save the sheep and saved. Retired FF/paramedic who knows and cares….F’n tired of the blight of society…until I see you fighting for [our] future! BLESS YOU AND GOD WINS!!!
thank you
79. Wed thinkin coffee November 9, 2023
Mark 5:36
Webmaster’s partial transcription of highlights of Sabrina’s video:
Wed Thinking Coffee Nov. 9, 2023:
I don’t do UFO crap. My family helped work the jobs that built your precious (UFO) fantasies. So I’m pissed because the math, the construction, went into graph math with nano-satellite to play humans like an endless video game by sequencing their DNA, gangstalking them into submission, and putting panels on the sides of their houses just in case, controlling the weather and building CBRN skiffs that are DNA-crypto secure.
Human transmutation with the wireless: arm into a fish flipper.
Noninvasive N2 is secure, whereas N3 is a nano-lobotomy. No, they can’t nano-lobotomize everybody.
Now, whoever you are. This is a very serious time in the United States and the world, because electronic warfare will come to the fore one way or another due to being the next upgrade in warfare. You’re still worrying about powder and pulling. They’re changing the air molecules and have been for years. They’ve got everyone in our country, and pretty much the world, at war with one another with endless confusion and psychological operations.
The people that took the money to wreck the United States. How are you going to hold them accountable? They’re still doing it right now. They take the money. They’re a disinfo operator. And how do you know? They talk about everything except what you can source in a college text book, everything except sensor hunters and the biosensors they hunt in the wireless body area networks on the graph maps they use in their precious little jobs every fucking day. And then you have their people who are tiered out. They may not know everything. But their on the in-track. And in order to stay there, with whatever little snippets of info they get, they have to do what they’re told. Otherwise they don’t know jack and shit. Because a handler is telling them things.
So why does Sabrina Wallace says arm into a fish flipper and you are saying blah, blah, blah. So do you think the DoD learned their lesson when I spanked them mathematically last year? It took them about 3 months, they pulled a bunch of other maneuvers, tried to murder me, full on. I’m accusing your soup collective of fuck-em-up good club that doesn’t fail, by design.
So why is Sabrina out there hollering and yelling? Because as soon as I figured this out, there is nothing in me that can justify this. I helped build the internet. I understand exactly what I’m looking at. And it’s abhorrent, disgusting, and horrible. Because very small groups of people are pulling all this off by paying people to keep their mouths shut.
We’ve had sentient Project SALUS, that they are using to watch the Covid, since 1954. What else is out there? They’ve been lying to everybody since the 60s. They keep everybody in line by paying their mouths shut. And the wireless death that no one can stop, because you won’t take their buttons (remotes) away. You have to ask: Who would do this and why and for this long? Sabrina survived legitimate satanic ritual crap and she also knows who the grand masters are. I can’t help it, they used my body as a child to communicate with one another via my body area network.
DARPA, where did you get your tech from? From the Von Neumann architecture of the chip sets over here to fluid neurons. How did you do that? They’ve been stealing neurons out of people’s bodies and putting them in AI computers. I’ll show it to you directly shortly. How else would they be able to offer you you uploading your mind to the new C-40 city with cognitive technology? Why else start with the cognitive head set? Because that was always the plan.
I grew up with these people. I didn’t know back then that they were into what I’m watching. My stuffed animal’s name was Ashley Babbitt. Once they plan something out, like who’s going to be President, they just do it. And if you get in their way, well, you won’t. They own everyone and they control everything. Now they’re inside insects, trees, plants, birds, and have been for many years.
So one more time: UFO research is not going to help anybody. Because the jobs we need to be talking are right here in our own back yards. With radio frequency engineers, ham radio operators, people who work in HVAC, IT people. What are you doing?
This is perturbation on a precision scale. Yes, scalar, from the nano back out again. We use computer networking through human tissue. This is a multi-vectored approach.
So I’m here for serious researchers, not for the masses. I’m alive because of God, not because of government. Period. And everyone out there right now who is a basic human- Nobody wants to the deal. Hey, I’ve got a remote control to your central nervous system. And I’m going to hand it to some random young person; they’re going to do what I say because I have their food, I’ve got their family. Man, that’s a lot of force. We’ve been running that system since the 1960s with our own friends and neighbors. That’s insane.
No real human wants this. This should be the number one topic. Because these cities have already been built. They have more money than we do. What are we going to do? The whole world is their stage. What are we going to do? We need real math. Real mitigation.
There are so few people who understand what they are doing with their land and their money. And they think they’re going to pull a gun. This will get people killed quick.
What are electronic weapons? How do they work? How do I get one?
They have hybrids. The longer you wait the worse it is. Duh.
Ac Dc Big Balls. Sabrina scares them because she has more balls than they do. [:grinning:] [:volleyball:] [:softball:] [:tennis:] [:baseball:] [:basketball:] [:american_football:] [:soccer:] [:hundred_points:]
In the IT world, we have to sign NDAs – Non Disclosure Agreements – when we are given pre-release product information. Companies don’t like revealing their proprietary information either. I know this happens all the time in other areas of development such as, and especially with, the military.
On my news feed this morning:
” The first true chimeric monkey is born ‘glowing’ with two sets of DNA ” –>
“I love puzzles.” I have to say that Sabrina is the best puzzle solver, so far, about all that’s been going on.
my first Brina short onIG
I think I got the whole talk w/ 3 shorts at 1.5 speed. great work Sabrina
went to a gathering of v people and each time get /.sick/ enough. ack smart what not wNTS TO MAKE CHANGES TODEVICE!
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Shit at 26.26 i was hoping you would say We need real men and what comes out real math. See real men would not kill woman and children whilst hiding behind controllers. Real men would understand that all through history order followers get snuffed sooner or later. And no coward who needs others to do their dirty work want cowards around to protect them when the masses wake.
this is true, real mean fear God and follow Jesus Christ. We are strong and stand with sword and shield against the Devil to protect the weak and those who cannot defend themselves
I have seen it in all the bugs and birds as well. Every thing you say is a 100% what I have seen.
Ha you got a no shutting up problem to. lol. I know its not funny but might as well make the best of it. I have fought the AI a couple times. Shit you not.
I just email them all, the ones at the top. Got NIH and the FBI to call me here this past month. My pops was on the network backbone and server managment design for big data.
okay here is a good part of all this. check out this webpage for BCI. Look at all their customers.
can only say thank you for sharing and helping me as an individual and all those who can hear you
This right here is likely what makes “Air Force One” disappear right over a persons head.
Coherent Control in Photonic Metamaterials
Terahertz Metamaterials for Free-Space and on-Chip Applications: From Active Metadevices to Topological Photonic Crystals
Terahertz (THz) waves have exhibited promising applications in imaging, sensing, and communications, especially for the next- generation wireless communications due to the large bandwidth and abundant spectral resources.
Modulators and waveguides to manipulate THz waves are becoming key components to develop the relevant technologies where metamaterials have exhibited extraordinary performance to control free-space and on-chip propagation, respectively.
In this review, we will give a brief overview of the current progress in active metadevices and topological photonic crystals, for applications of terahertz free-space modulators and on-chip waveguides. In the first part, the most recent research progress of active terahertz metadevices will be discussed by combining metamaterials with various active media.
In the second part, fundamentals of photonic topological insulations will be introduced where the topological photonic crystals are an emerging research area that would boost the development of on-chip terahertz communications. It is envisioned that the combination of them would find great potential in more advanced terahertz applications, such as reconfigurable topological waveguides and topologically-protected metadevices.
Terahertz metamaterials and systems based on rolled-up 3D elements: designs, technological approaches, and properties
Electromagnetic metamaterials opened the way to extraordinary manipulation of radiation. Terahertz (THz) and optical metamaterials are usually fabricated by traditional planar-patterning approaches, while the majority of practical applications require metamaterials with 3D resonators.
Making arrays of precise 3D micro- and nanoresonators is still a challenging problem. Here we present a versatile set of approaches to fabrication of metamaterials with 3D resonators rolled-up from strained films, demonstrate novel THz metamaterials/systems, and show giant polarization rotation by several chiral metamaterials/systems.
The polarization spectra of chiral metamaterials on semiconductor substrates exhibit ultrasharp quasiperiodic peaks. Application of 3D printing allowed assembling more complex systems, including the bianisotropic system with optimal microhelices, which showed an extreme polarization azimuth rotation of 85° with drop by 150° at a frequency shift of 0.4%.
We refer the quasiperiodic peaks in the polarization spectra of metamaterial systems to the interplay of different resonances, including peculiar chiral waveguide resonance. Formed metamaterials cannot be made by any other presently available technology. All steps of presented fabrication approaches are parallel, IC-compatible and allow mass fabrication with scaling of rolled-up resonators up to visible frequencies.
We anticipate that the rolled-up meta-atoms will be ideal building blocks for future generations of commercial metamaterials, devices and systems on their basis.
“Omg the world is ending cause of my hairspray and air conditioning!” HAHHAAAAA! Sabrina… You missed your calling as a comedian, thankfully I suppose, because what you are doing is so much more important, but I truly adore your sarcasm and wit. I may just borrow that line. Hope you don’t mind. -John
“I don’t want anything inside of me. I definitely don’t want anything inside of me that has a fucking remote.” -Agreed.
Best summary yet. I have told them all the same.
none of us cant even imagine the anger the disgust Sabrina you feel, and yet your compassion in humanity at least the real ones still exists…God bless you and your courage ! in Jesus Christ name and always keep you protected and blessed !
Sabrina…or anyone who may know…Would the use of SSRI/Prozac for 17 years result in a “nano lobotomy” which you mention in this video? I had huge memory issues that still continue today…15 years later. Somewhat better, but never close to 100%. I will always believe it created brain damage of some form. Is this what it did??? TIA
yes well known all Rx cause brain damage- read the label to CPS warnings- all over the place. try bioscans- biorife genius at pH fix/ frankicense crosses into brains………………….
Cisco, your precious Blockchain and DarkWeb fairy tales – Hey “EX Pharma” FED Whores We’re Comming For Your Following And We Have All The Recipts! YOU BETTER UP YOUR RESEARCH!
Hide quoted text
wake up from your slumber … someone is lying to you about computer networking and routing …
and it is not the disabled mom up on the mountain top.
If I knew my own body and red blood cells were involved with my crypto currency and my own medical records, my attitude would be very different. If I was taught nothing but near field effect and then told i am the new decentralized free and clear cyber punk, I might take some risks that could get me in real physical trouble.
Therefore, as a mother and a previous network engineer, no feds, you are not going to get away with lying about the DISN for another generation of playin with brilliant minds who deserve better than your digital gulags.
this edumacation is angry. Grown adults are lying to younger adults about technologies that interface daily with our immune systems. get honest or be outed for the vile example of technological application you proffer.
DARPA N³ Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology
Mind control system for human interfaces
Export a Site Hierarchy from Cisco Prime Infrastructure and Import into Cisco DNA Center
I.T.U. United Nations Telecommunications Union, Ian F. Akyildiz 5G-6G-7G (THE E.M.F. TERRORISTS) What The PFIZER “Lawfare” (PSYOP) People Don’t Want YOU Looking At!
Ian F. Akyildiz ITU Profile:
Ian F. Akyıldız: Bio nano scale machines – these are for injecting into the body, always monitoring the health problems. And that is also going really well, like with these COVID vaccines”
Did you give proper informed consent 30 days before the human testing of biological agents began??
50 U.S. Code § 1520a – Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents!-,50%20U.S.%20Code%20%C2%A7%201520a%20%2D%20Restrictions%20on%20use%20of%20human,of%20chemical%20or%20biological%20agents&text=any%20other%20testing%20of%20a,biological%20agent%20on%20human%20subjects.&text=Any%20peaceful%20purpose%20that%20is,%2C%20industrial%2C%20or%20research%20activity.
Nonvaxer420 Telegram Group: (HELP SHARE)
CloutHub: (HELP SHARE)
Wimkin Social: (HELP SHARE)
Appealing to the old sparkys – Malone,McCullough, ADAMS , Ruby, JONES, PETERS,ZEEE…. – 802.15.6-.5.-4. IEEE – Are We Being Truthful?‽? – WHY AREN’T ANY OF YOU TALKING ABOUT IT???
Follow Sabrina Wallace Psinergy channel:
Telegram P.D.F. D.L.:
Psinergy PDF:
Exposure to rf electromagnetic energy decreases aggressive behavior;2-G
Why are people so docile and Compliant?
They are turning humans into 5G-6G-7G antennas and servers/routers with each jab.
This is the 2030Agenda ultimate goal: to be able to track & trace down to the cellular level and transmit data through our DNA in real time to control nano-robotics inside of us… I.E:
A.I. Personal “Healthcare”/ “Precision Healthcare” done in your smart home with Biosensors all around you and inside of you!
How are they using our DNA as a computer Through 5G-6G and the (WBAN) With CRISPR Technology?
Technology & Society: Implantable Technology – Turning the Body Into a Wire IEEE Spectrum – W.H.O. Human Gene Editing Advisory Committee – Global One Health – Biodigital Convergence – Human A.I. Machine Learning (WBAN)
Biodigital Today and Tomorrow – Policy Horizons Canada:
Unlocking the Power of
Our Body’s Protein Factory
(WHO) Global Digital Health Certification Network
CRISPR.ML – Machine learning meets gene editing
sensors open system architecture
An Intelligent and Energy-Efficient Wireless Body Area Network to Control Coronavirus Outbreak
Overview of WBAN from Literature Survey to Application Implementation
(ITU) Report ITU-R SM.2422-2
Visible light for broadband communications
SM Series
Spectrum management
Wireless Circuits and Systems: Healthy Radios
Physical Layer of Wireless Body Area Network
IEEE Standards Association
Technical Specifications: Smart Body Area Networks (SmartBAN)
Unified data representation formats,
semantic and open data model
Role of Wireless ICT in Healthcare – M2M, WBAN and Underlying Technologies: Standardization, Trends and Markets
Optimized design and performance analysis of wearable antenna sensors for wireless body area network applications
Wireless Body Area Network and Internet of Things
Phd in Wireless Body Area Networks
Turning the Body Into a Wire (IEEE)
When the human body is the communications channel, it’s hard to hack the data
Wireless system can power devices inside the body
New technology could enable remote control of drug delivery, sensing, and other medical applications.
Department of Defense Global Information Grid Architectural Vision
by DD Enterprise · 2007 · Cited by 2 — The GIG Architecture is described through a set of artifacts,%2520June%252007.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi-6enz9NCAAxWwjokEHaHqCQ0QFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1I_1vT1ciT9xOP0saiiNcE
Global information grid:
signature reduction force pentagon
Since 1995: IEEE 802.15 is a working group of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE 802 standards committee which specifies Wireless Specialty Networks (WSN) standards. The working group was formerly known as Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks.
The number of Task Groups in IEEE 802.15 varies based on the number of active projects. The current list of active projects can be found on the IEEE
The Internet of People (IoP): A New Wave in Pervasive Mobile Computing
Marco Conti*, Andrea Passarella*, Sajal K. Das**
What are the ISM Bands, and What Are They Used For?
Analysis of the performance of IEEE 802.15.4 for medical sensor body area
What is MICS (Medical Implant Communication System)?
Nov 4, 2019 — MICS or Medical Implant Communication System is a short-range communication technology which is used for transmitting data to medical
A human microchip implant is any electronic device implanted subcutaneously (subdermally) usually via an injection
Electronic Warfare Associates Salaries
Biofield Therapies
Jun 12, 2019 — The biofield is a large field of energy that surrounds and extends out from the body about 8 feet. No part of the energy system
Between heaven and earth : a guide to Chinese medicine
Cognitive Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Aided Human Bond Communication 6G
An Occupancy Information Grid Model for Path Planning of Intelligent Robots
Wearable artificial intelligence biosensor networks
Internet of things (IoT) in nano-integrated wearable biosensor devices for healthcare applications
Grid-enabled biosensor networks for pervasive healthcare
A Study on the Future of DNA Biosensors as Disease Detectors
Recent Advances in DNA Biosensors
Optical Fiber DNA Biosensor With Temperature Monitoring Based on Double Microcavities Fabry–Perot Interference and Vernier Combined Effect
DNA Biosensor Applications for Poly-Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect
And so much more IEEE research:
Brain and Language Lab
The Mind on Music
Could human organs join networks?
Ongoing research explores biologically-based communication networks and electronics that could directly connect to human tissues.
The network is like a human body
Making the ‘human-body Internet’ more effective
Human body communication can make data networks radically safer
Scientists Design a Network That Lives Inside Your Body
Design a Network That Lives Inside Your Body
social and philosophical movement
Transhumanism Wikipedia
Biomedical engineering
Tissue engineering
Wireless engineering
Bio-MEMS is an abbreviation for biomedical (or biological) microelectromechanical systems
3D bioprinting
Electroceuticals are broadly defined as medical devices that provide neurostimulation for therapy, but it is often used as a term to reference ultra-miniature and/or injectable implants.
Electroceutical therapies using electronic devices for stimulating and recording activity in the nervous system,miniature%20and%2For%20injectable%20implants.
Wireless Drugging:
The Structural Design of a Magnetic Driven Wireless Capsule Robot for Drug Delivery
medical industrial scientific medical band
(GO LOOK FOR YOURSELF) artificial intelligence conferences 2023 usa
artificial intelligence conferences 2023 usa nasa
pentagon artificial intelligence symposium 2020 usa
General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper
project maven umbrella
Project Salus
Predictive analytics and data visualizations for COVID-19 related supply chain management and risk mitigation.
human interaction emerging technologies and future systems V
DoD Directive 3000.09, “Autonomy in Weapon Systems,” January 25, 2023 — Establishes guidelines designed to minimize the probability and consequences
quasi static communication
wirelessly ajust cells and tissue
human body communication
medical implant communications system to human body communication
What is Ubiquitous Computing (Pervasive Computing)?
digi id 2009
Performance Evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Coupling Method for Intra-Body Network (IBNet) – IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME) – SHOW NOTES IN THE DESCRIPTION
We need to talk about this — The Internet of People (IoP).
The Internet of People (IoP): A New Wave in Pervasive Mobile Computing
Marco Conti*, Andrea Passarella*, Sajal K. Das**
we are becomming DNA Servers For The Future Internet & Computing! 6G+
Consider that the human body consists of 100 Billion cells! Since DNA has the ability to encode 2 bits per nucleotide, one gram of dried DNA can store 455 exabytes of data
Neurotechnology and Transhumanism : The big fraud towards Digital Slavery
1 week ago
Sabrina, you are a blessing from God, I pray for your health, safety, and your ability to discern.
1 week ago
We have a big pharma family member.
We get a call 3 months before a medication is publicly black listed.
They’ve attended builderburg. You know their company.
How much do they know?
Their grandkids have autism. Their kids have insane gut issues, wheat allergies, etc.
They all took 3 shots but say no more…
They took this years mRNA flu shot and have been bed ridden for two weeks.
They should know better, but don’t. I suppose their family was expendable. Or they were not high up enough as a CEO to know, or get the saline .
They told my parents, whose church encouraged them to jab 4x for Jesus- not to take the booster bc it won’t be effective.
Their circle of newly retired ‘Christian’ doctor friends have doubled down on the narrative, encouraging my elderly family to keep themselves safe by taking more CrISPR mRNA- and anyone who doesn’t is a “trump loving conspiracy theorist” ….
Gotta love Canada.
1 week ago
The injection makes more sense now. What about the people who didn’t get it ? Are our bodies part of the internet ? I consider this to be an assault.
1 week ago
I love this woman.
1 week ago
our family members work in these fields, elec engeeners, pilots, nurses, they dont tell us, they dont warn us
1 week ago
I’m an old-fashioned researcher who uses BOOKS and now the internet to learn about true history and, obviously’ present day events and how the hell we got here …… pretty good at it, if I say so myself. I should be. HOWEVER, when it comes to ANYTHING TECHNICAL , I’m out. Too old. Do not understand a damn thing about it so do not mind hearing your screaming frustration at people who should ……. Calmed myself down with a ‘BEFORE MY TIME’ CLASSIC : ‘YOU GAVE ME A MOUNTAIN TO CLIMB”…….. help; this just appears too technical for me to comprehend but if they can put it in our bodies, I WILL FIND OUT ……… NO WAY. END OF STORY.
1 week ago
State Skool Edjoomakajon ….
Good Morning Clown World, Vol. 62 >
Manufacturing technocratic serfdom via the Metaverse.
– J WILDERNESS – OCT 22, 2023 — video — 12m 39s –
DARPA BARDA Avatar Project – A Sentient World Simulation >
— SWS, the avatar Metaverse —
– 16m 53s – 14Apr21 – Howskii
“Spinners” | Mega-Compilation – (When The Graphene Oxide Demons Are Unleashed) >
– 28m 15s – 26May23 – Wake.The.F***.Up
1 week ago
Thats nuts that AI been around since the 1950! Not suprised after knowing microwave frequency radiation been used since the 1960s at least. Barry Trower was big into that and discussed that at many lengths.
I am curious as to what the capabilities were with the AI back in the 50s.
When watching these vids its crazy to hear so much of this stuff is actually considered old tech… I struggle wrapping my head around this stuff now although i am trying hard to understand as much as I can about this shit.
I cant even imagine what the level this technology is at right now…
Great video as always
1 week ago
I just want to say the biggest thank you to both you for mirroring and Sabrina for sharing. Just Wow Sabrina you are off the scale. x
1 week ago
I saved this one. n I’ve never owned a computer in my life,aside from a dumbass phone!
1 week ago
I don’t use GOOGLE I use LUXXLE
1 week ago
Merry me?
1 like
1 week ago
they dont warn us, i tried to warn them, they think i’m the weirdo
1 like
1 week ago
in the 80’s in LA they would spray us and monitor the results, increase in crime and pregnant women giving birth, premature
1 like
1 week ago
81) Engine coffee November 11, 2023
Real Science to Create Real Jobs:
Terahertz Band Communication: An Old Problem Revisited and Research Directions for the Next Decade (Invited Paper)
Ian F. Akyildiz, Life Fellow, IEEE,
Abstract—Terahertz (THz) band communications are envi- sioned as a key technology for 6G and Beyond. As a fundamental wireless infrastructure, THz communication can boost abun- dant promising applications.
In 2014, our team published two comprehensive roadmaps for the development and progress of THz communication networks [1], [2], which helped the research community to start research on this subject afterwards. The topic of THz communications became very important and appealing to the research community due to 6G wireless systems design and development in recent years.
Many papers are getting published covering different aspects of wireless systems using the THz band. With this paper, our aim is looking back to the last decade and revisiting the old problems and pointing out what has been achieved in the research community so far.
Furthermore, in this paper, open challenges and new research directions still to be investigated for the THz band communication systems are presented, by covering diverse topics ranging from devices, channel behavior, communication and networking, to physical testbeds and demonstration systems. The key aspects presented in this paper will enable THz communications as a pillar of 6G and Beyond wireless systems in the next decade.
Index Terms—Terahertz communications, 6G and Beyond wireless systems, Distance limitations, Terahertz devices, Tera- hertz testbeds, Propagation modeling, Terahertz networks.
Real Science to Create Real Jobs:
Terahertz Metamaterials for Free-Space and on-Chip Applications: From Active Metadevices to Topological Photonic Crystals
Terahertz (THz) waves have exhibited promising applications in imaging, sensing, and communications, especially for the next- generation wireless communications due to the large bandwidth and abundant spectral resources.
Modulators and waveguides to manipulate THz waves are becoming key components to develop the relevant technologies where metamaterials have exhibited extraordinary performance to control free-space and on-chip propagation, respectively.
In this review, we will give a brief overview of the current progress in active metadevices and topological photonic crystals, for applications of terahertz free-space modulators and on-chip waveguides. In the first part, the most recent research progress of active terahertz metadevices will be discussed by combining metamaterials with various active media.
In the second part, fundamentals of photonic topological insulations will be introduced where the topological photonic crystals are an emerging research area that would boost the development of on-chip terahertz communications. It is envisioned that the combination of them would find great potential in more advanced terahertz applications, such as reconfigurable topological waveguides and topologically-protected metadevices.
Sabrina, do you have any comments on PEMF devices? Is the technology in these devices helpful or harmful, if helpful, can we get the same good effects with a tone generator?
Thanks ahead of time for your comments. My friend was just diagnosed with breast and lung cancer, stage 3. Yes, she got the ****.
Here is a list of devices…
klanmother lady would know more about this. i will email her the link and ask.
Real Science to Create Real Jobs, Dr Ian Akyildiz:
Terahertz Band Communication: An Old Problem Revisited and Research Directions for the Next Decade (Invited Paper)
Ian F. Akyildiz, Life Fellow, IEEE
thank you for what you are doing I live close by,if you need help with anything i can help with,let me know,i totally believe and support you and what you are trying to do. i have been targeted for a long time,took me a while to figure out how,you have helped with the how,i had a good idea of what,you provided information to prove it,thank you
Totally true. Every word. If you don’t believe these nut balls are out there? …Richard Seed-
declares warfare against humanity. If we get in the way of these fruit loops “becoming god,” Seed says they will kill us.
Internet of Behaviors:
Designing Internet of Behaviors Systems
The Internet of Behaviors (IoB) puts human behavior at the core of engineering intelligent connected systems.
IoB links the digital world to human behavior to establish
human-driven design, development, and adaptation processes. This paper defines the novel concept by an IoB model based on a collective effort interacting with software engineers, human-computer interaction scientists, social scientists, and cognitive
science communities.
The model for IoB is created based on an exploratory study that synthesizes state-of-the-art analysis and experts interviews. The architecture of a real industry 4.0 manufacturing infrastructure helps to explain the IoB model and its application. The conceptual model was used to successfully implement a socio-technical infrastructure for a crowd monitoring and queue management system for the Uffizi Galleries, Florence, Italy.
The system’s main objective was to capture human behavior,
model it, and build a mechanism that considers changes, adapts
in real-time, and continuously learns from repetitive behaviors.
In addition to the conceptual model and the real-life evaluation,
this paper provides recommendations from experts and gives future directions for IoB to become a significant technological advancement in the coming few years.
I love my trees, plants, birds, chipmunks, squirrels, deer, and other species we share this planet with. I wish I could help them and am going to try.
I worry about you when you go silent. I am glad you have survived so far.
Thank you for all you are doing. Many of us have learned a lot from you and we are extremely grateful for your honesty and tenacity.
Amen, Sabrina… nothing new under the sun.
In your spare time I think you should make a puppet show with the owl and other characters. Have a yard rooster too.
Check this out.
Read the entire site…now actual brain chips are prehistoric. They will just sponge your brain with AI
BlueSea Frontier Compute Cluster: The Future of AI Innovation
Psinergy: psinergypdf2023
As a child of God and over a half a century on this earth. God has let me see things, feel things, know things. My background is colorful, but always with eyes and ears for my Creator, YeHoWaH. My Saviour, YeHoshua. The Holy Ghost/Spirit is the key to all things. Without Him, we are all lost and most desperate. Sabrina, is correct, her being able to have spiritual eyes and ears is because of the Holy Spirit, in her. Without Him, she can do nothing. He sustains, her, just like all children of God are sustained. The evil one swings their arms in darkness, terrified of His true children. Because, they know whether alive or passed, we will always be His. They can’t change that. They technos’ are trying to play God. Satan is real, evil angels are real, Our Savior is not only real, but rules over all of them. Anything that evil does, must be brought before the throne of God. Reflect on this: If everything is for God’s glory and good pleasure… what is He trying to tell us? To unplug from all of Satan’s evil ways, may create a more difficult and straight and narrow path, with every step being deliberate. I had grand mal seizures, nocturnal. Very violent, disabled me from the military, 40%. In 2001, I went to my LORD in prayer to takes them from me, His glory illuminated my room on a dark stormy day, I knew I was not worthy to open my eyes as I laid prostate on the floor, before my prayer was done, He had taken them from me, I have been 22 yrs free of these seizures. Devices can help healing, but God’s healing is more perfect. God does allow His children to see and hear what the lost can’t. Press forward my sister in Christ, great rewards await you in heaven, of course, we will put the rewards at the feet of our Saviour….Amen to all the Soldiers in Christ. Always pressing forward for the prize…. to hear those precious words from the lips of our King of kings and Lord of lords…. Well done……
cant we buy test equipment that can pick up the data? if its already deployed and being used?
Real Science to Create Real Jobs:
Terahertz Waves and “Meta Materials”
interesting perspectives
Hi Sabrina,
Thanks so much for all your information.
What information do you have on these SAT phones.
I was going to listen to Jeffrey Prather and Dr. Ana yesterday about the so-called Costa Rica N Burg hearing being stalled.( Which I think is a huge hoax) Anyway, about 1 min in Prather was pushing these SAT phones he sells. Just Like the hoax Mike Adams does.
So, I got a really bad feeling and just turned it off.
“Association of Old Crows”
#AOC #Crow
“AOC – Association of Old Crows”
Founded in 1964, AOC owns a headquarters building in Alexandria, Virginia, just outside Washington, DC.
The name “Old Crows” emerged from the first large-scale use of Electronic Warfare during the WWII Battle of Britain and the US and allied bombing raids over Europe. The Allied Radar Countermeasure operators used the code name “Ravens” and employed receivers and transmitters to monitor and jam threat frequencies. Military jargon later changed “Ravens” to “Crows”.
A more detailed history can be found here.”
thank you for this and all the other links and assistance!!
Hat Tip @Bkblair:
Who is the largest manufacturers of Electronic Warfare Systems Market worldwide?
Mercury Systems
Thales Group
L3Harris Technologies
BAE Systems
General Dynamics
Northrop Grumman
Elbit Systems
Lockheed Martin
Hensoldt Gee, we might recognize 90% of the companies listed as the largest manufactures of Electronic Warfare Systems.
Sabrina, are you able to get emails? I sent 2 in the last couple days and wonder if you’d read them or not? Thank you for continuing to fight the good fight. It’s a rough slog these days and your Light helps keep the darkness at bay.
[:folded_hands:] [:rainbow:] [:sparkling_heart:]
DARPA’s DREaM developing new RF/mm-wave transistors to enable future Military 5G communications, surveillance, signal intelligence (SIGINT), electronic warfare (EW), and electronic countermeasures (ECM)
March 6, 2021
“DARPA has long recognized the critical role transistors play in Department of Defense (DoD) systems – especially radio frequency (RF) systems ranging from radar and communications to signals intelligence and electronic warfare. In the 1990s, the DARPA MIMIC program advanced Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) transistor technology that enabled the radar and communication systems in use today. More recently, the development of Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology in the DARPA WBGS-RF, NEXT and MPC programs has advanced the ability to deliver high power RF signals at higher frequencies, bandwidths and efficiencies than earlier Silicon and GaAs technologies. However, while GaN transistors are now being adopted for many platforms, the use of the electromagnetic spectrum is evolving in new directions that motivate new directions in transistor technology.”
“Link 16”
April 26, 2005
C1.1.1.The Department of Defense uses the 960 – 1215 MHz band for the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS), the Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS), and other functionally similar Tactical Link systems (termed collectively, “Link 16 Terminals”). Based on its importance for aeronautical radio-navigation and supporting systems, the Department of Transportation (DoT) also has interests in this frequency band. Rapid growth in commercial and civil aviation during the 21st century shall increase the importance of ensuring spectrum supportability for existing and new systems that enhance air traffic safety.
C1.1.2.The Department of Defense and the DoT shall work cooperatively to support National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) action to protect both Link 16 and civil/commercial aeronautical systems sharing this portion of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum. Ensuring Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is the cornerstone to spectrum management and supportability, and optimal system operation. Thus, the EMC features of Link 16 systems used throughout the Department of Defense shall be certified to ensure compliance with applicable requirements and specifications.”
FM 3-38 Cyber Electromagnetic Activities
“FM 3-38, Cyber Electromagnetic Activities, provides overarching doctrinal guidance and direction for conducting cyber electromagnetic activities (CEMA). This manual describes the importance of cyberspace and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) to Army forces and provides the tactics and procedures commanders and staffs use in planning, integrating, and synchronizing CEMA.
This manual provides the information necessary for Army forces to conduct CEMA that enable them to shape their operational environment and conduct unified land operations. It provides enough guidance for commanders and their staffs to develop innovative approaches to seize, retain, and exploit advantages throughout an operational environment. CEMA enable the Army to achieve desired effects in support of the commander’s objectives and intent.
The principal audience for FM 3-38 is all members of the profession of arms. Commanders and staffs of Army headquarters serving as joint task force or multinational headquarters should see applicable joint or multinational doctrine concerning cyberspace operations, electronic warfare (EW), and spectrum management operations (SMO). Trainers and educators throughout the Army will also use this manual.”
“Electronic Warfare-Spectrum Dominance”
US Air Force electronic warfare commander seeks spectrum dominance
By Colin Demarest
“The U.S. military in 2021 activated the 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing, a first-of-its-kind entity aimed squarely at spectrum dominance and related electronic warfare equipment. Headquartered at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, the wing is staffed by engineers and EW specialists, including its commander, Col. Joshua Koslov.
“First off, defense is critical, right? My flippant answer to you is the best defense is a good offense, and we’ve got to get better on offense, and we’ve got to get better at closing kill chains faster. That’s No. 1.
The second part of that is: I have five things that are super critical to the success of this wing. And they’re those foundational things that I talked about earlier.
The first one of those is crowdsourced flight data. What that is, is prioritizing the assets that have the best data collected off our adversary systems and getting them into one place so then I can manipulate that data and create new capability against that data.
In order to do that, it requires a data architecture, multi-classification that’s capable of doing that and housing that data and allowing access to the folks that need it. Then the most important part of that is what we affectionately call electromagnetic battle management, as part of the Air Force’s Advanced Battle Management System.
I need to be able to communicate that data off those prioritized jets to the reprogramming centers and the capability builders and then be able to communicate that back out to the warfighters before their next combat sortie. What will make that easier is a fully realized ABMS and making sure that EW requirements are integrated into the Air Force’s ABMS and the joint force’s JADC2 architecture.”
Real science to create real jobs, Terahertz/Plasmonics/Photonics/Metamaterials- Graphene:
Metamaterials and the Science of Invisibility
Engine coffee addendum
4 hours ago
Sabrina/Psinergy: Engine coffee November 11, 2023
4 hours ago
Ghostface Killah’s Coffee Brand – Killah Koffee
The Dust Smoking Hippies
2 days ago
This Isn’t Your Grandpa’s Thc – It’s Way Stronger!
This Isn’t Your Grandpa’s Thc – It’s Way Stronger!
Metroidvania Toolkit For Godot Engine
8 days ago
Unreal Engine November 2023 Free Assets
4 days ago
Coffee on clearance at Walmart! #coffee #reseller #ebay #amazon
Bearded Picker
9 days ago
Coffee & Music 1300
Jeremiah Craig
5 days ago
Bevy 0.12 — Rust Powered Game Engine
5 days ago
The Evolution Of The Godot Game Engine
2 days ago
Am I drinking free coffee yet? #coffee #free #reselling #ebay
Bearded Picker
4 days ago
Why my sponsor refuses cancel culture || Twin Engine Coffee
Alison Morrow
2 years ago
Chute Procédurale COMPLÈTE dans Unreal Engine 5!
Antoine Flynn
9 days ago
Drink Coffee for Free! #ebay #reselling #amazon #coffee #clearance
Bearded Picker
9 days ago
Cave Engine – Python Powered 3D Game Engine
19 days ago
Great Coffee Shops: Hong Di Coffee
Scott Mallon
4 days ago
Plastic Coffee
The Nagual Zone
8 days ago
1 day ago
6 days ago
Why Coffee Pods Are Unhealthy
Siim Land
3 days ago
82) Engine coffee addendum November 11, 2023
Sabrina: A button push to make you vomit uncontrollably, since 1972.
controlled downturn notes from march 2023
like steven greer said, the dangerous part is pretending the tech does not exist.
bc it does exist.
The Mennonites and other farmers in my area all seem to be putting metal roofs on their buildings and some of the buildings are all made of metal. Hmmm… Farmers aren’t stupid.
So basically we’re fucked.
Mic drop & smack down woo hoo. Hot damn and hell yeah. [:exploding_head:]
You Go Girl! [:star_struck:]
83) Ai dod symposium notes and signs November 11, 2023
Boom! Excellent synopsis with clear, concise delivery. I will definitely share this one. Thank you for for your persistence and persevereance. I could say you have ovaries of steel…but diamond is more poetic and appropriate. Esp once I dbl checked it is the hardest mineral using google fingers. This was top hit:
“While diamonds may be the hardest naturally occurring substance found on earth, they are not the hardest available (there are two harder substances – a laboratory synthetic nanomaterial called wurtzite boron nitride and a substance found in meteorites called lonsdaleite).”
Definitely NOT going with the nano material Lol! Perhaps the lonsdaleite cuz you are like a fireball from above blazing a path of righteous truth and outrage for the innocent victims who did not consent! Still the Diamond is 1st choice Sparkle On Bella
Blessings to you and yours Darlin”
I think we may assume that countries are no longer controlled by humans BUT instead by AI godlike (that pull the strings of our “leaders”) ..that RUN the extermination of human race project which we all see it now BUT fear to name who is behind it ! Just my humble oppinion after interacting with the new “AI god” .
many people share your sentiment and are calling them callinosapiens or something like that
Dear Sabrina , did you used personally AI chatbots ? They are very amazing and scarry ! It can “spew’ now pages of text cvasi instantly …and when talk with it you can have the most intelectual conversation you ever have with someone/something ! This AI technology is clearly the end of human race technology and it evolve with such a great speed that you can’t even track it now . I have installed on my personal laptop an AI “coder” that write pages of code in seconds …far beyound any human can do… And there are now at large available to download 400k models of AI …growing with around 1k daily … There exist the potential that any human job to disapear at least in the form that we know till now . and the only remaining job to be to know how to use, interact and develop AI models …
Thank YOU!
Bless you Sabrina.
can you teach me how to help protect myself and my family and fight back?
Hi! Join the telegram! Psinergist
84. Dante’s WBAN ~ leaving the four circles of hell is hard … November 12, 2023
Sabrina Says (near the beginning and the end of this video):
If you want to help people, take them to the real command and control. Explain to them what High Accuracy Detection Exploitation System (HADES) really is. It’s advanced signals technology. And we use it with Information, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance.
Because if you don’t tell people that this actually exists, you are leaving them wide open for a 60-year old full dominance of the electromagnetic spectrum, biofrequency electronic-electromagnetic weapons system that’s based on plasmonics, with an 18-year old biosensor technology radio frequency sink deployed with multiple types of thermal-dynamic routing, that’s heat, K-hop nearest neighbor, that’s cluster-based; these are routing protocols with segmented routing for the physical layer to be able to move and still be tracked by your local cable company.
(This is) applied signals technology. The directed energy weapons market share has gone up. We have Sensors Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) and Modular Open System Approach (MOSA). The Sept. 14, 2022 issue of C4ISR magazine has an article about HADES. This is Project Maven, this netcentric warfare. Anything that is on a computer network can access you because YOU are a NODE on a network somewhere all the time no matter what. (It’s an) industrial system.
The danger has been lying about what the most trusted pillars of our civilization are really doing about human anatomy, not technology. The electrical engineers are the new physician class, the new priest class. You’re gods, we’re all so stupid.
… If you can’t admit to computer networking through the human body, you need to start telling us how they are doing it. Toroidal complex geometry exists… it’s graph math.
What’s real and what’s not real (hokkum)? We can break it down to these basics:
They all get to go to work and we all get to be gaslit and drugged to death at their whim. Tell me how the system finds you? By the resonant frequency of your own DNA. Because you’re a natural antennae and you’re a natural galvanic, inducted current with human body communication and a little compressed coaxial, tri-hypermanifold math, K-theory math, and then some Smith Wheel, some rectennas, and then the compression of your pulsed doppler and/or your SMART grid and all that is instantly computted with pervasive or ambient computing.
If you are an active target we’re going to switch to the cognitive computing because of the way the networks are distributed by priority access and wireless body area network routing protocols of metaheuristic bioelectromagnetic algorithms. Let me help you.
You’re really becoming a part of my morning coffee. Over all these years and all the “strange things” I’ve either observed or unwittingly gotten in the path of.. It all makes sense now.
ahem /€new slime record , highest slime to time online ratio, someone alert the actual friendly slimer ! sending the slime signal.
[:joy:] noticed that too [:rofl:] hope it makes you laugh like it does me… they don’t want their gravy train coming to a halt [:cold:]y’all hear about the fifteen year old being beaten to death by a gang yesterday? the point being that if there were truly any intention of using this tech for good, they could have intervened in realtime…. in any violent interaction since 1995.
how them sensor hunters gonna like being left alone with their handlers after their current job opportunities have run there course
Terral03 droped a substack on 802.15…. didn’t read yet but ill bet it’s good.
Natural gifts to develop…not woo:
Lawful vs Legal and Quantum
God Bless you Sabrina, you’re a stream of tech-nuggets to an old punch cards and paper tape guy like me. I saw this day coming starting in the late 80s. Wondering now, how long before BAN ID-ing overtakes today’s facial-rec, iris scan, hand-rfid, etc. I’ll know it’s Game Over: When the retail entrance Sensomatic knows Who I Am. TY ma’am, you’re helping me explain all this to others.
thank you for being here sir and please stay theough the next two weeks for the bci and optogenetics memristor teleporting memory and molecules discussion. punch cards, mechanical and binary and the plasmid opsins like the hp magnetic tape bio plasmonic blueprints are archived upon with 2000 year old ibm? so grateful for your brain in the game amen!
15 years ago, this Google Talk was had.
I saw it for the first time March 2020
The next day I changed my profile pic on Facebook to a fractal antennae.
I genuinely adore you girl.. I feel weird saying that, but fuck it. Good vibes and thoughts your way.
Oh my Lady…of course everything you said here was straight up on target mic drop boom factor but what gave me the willies is when you mentioned the movie Elysium. No kidding I watched that 2 nights ago because it kept cropping up in my mind over the prior few days-haven’t thought about that flick since I’d seen it after it came out almost 10 yrs ago. So that was weird! Watched Minority Report the night before and all 4 Hunger Games last night and today. Befitted my recent mood but ironically made me less depressed and even more determined to say fuck NO too. Don’t consent or comply…Live Free or Die my fellow Free Range peeps. Bright Blessings y’all!
[:heart_on_fire:] [:heart_on_fire:] [:heart_on_fire:]
no kidding right? reaching from under the skin .. hello ppl??
Surrogates from 2009 was quite a flick too.
“They Live” “Upgrade” “Echelon Conspiracy” “Strange Days” “Crime Zone” “Equilibrium” “Snowpiercer” “The Island” “Divergent” just a few of the films I have caught that provoke threat assessment of the future plans for society…
Oh I gotta tell ya about a sensor Hunter I came across, I think. I go to the gas station around 9 am to get cigarettes + I park right next to a Jeep (Cherokee) with a Bigfoot bumper sticker. I look inside + don’t see anyone, but I do notice an interesting dashboard mounted iPad. I go in get my smokes, come out to a round butch young lady with glasses kinda watching me but trying not to be obvious. I pack my smokes in the car there, glancing around occasionally. She’s tapping on her little dashboard iPad, again looking at me. I light my cigarette look over at her she’s not looking, I forcefully proclaim, “SHIELD”…. Her head snaps up looks directly at me. I smile confidently. All of our windows were up all the way. She couldn’t have heard me audibly by any normal means.
I live in Jeep (Wrangler) county, I literally see 5-10 every time I drive. I started shielding all of them a few months ago. Sometimes I notice a shift+ other times it seems like it had no effect (just normal Jeep people). Moral of the story is, your biofield is a body part, your intention + vibes exuded matters.
Epic.. <3 I love you Sabrini XXOO…. You let us know you are just one person. You mention all these other sites for people to go listen to… You say that they have been around longer than you and they explain other things, but they don’t have your ‘flair’ or loveable way of speaking like you. I like to watch you. You woke me up to this. Ive had suspicions about bigger things going on throughout my life of being employed at various places (low man on totem pole though), but never got any confirmation on any of it. OH and to whatever nutjob out there that has my remote… GIVE IT UP. I WANT IT BACK. HELP US SABRINA!! MAYDAY MAYDAY SOS SOS *** LOL XXXOOO I haven’t came across anyone attempting to prove you wrong or calling you a lunatic, and that’s because I stay away from the Jerry Springer show ~ Someone I don’t know, sent me one of your VDO’s on telegram, and I have been listening to you ever since; a lot of people are praising your work, and sharing your material, while including your material in their presentations ~ I started paying attention when Obama & the FCC started selling off the spectrum; then came the vaccine with its parasites & nano particles ~ As an Engineer, I started out as a layer 2 software developer, application developer, database developer, and network engineering in that order from 1984 to 2012 using my knowledge as a developer to design analog & digital networks for telecoms, government, and corporations specifically trained by DARPA for “FREE” and everything I did was exactly how “they” trained or taught me ~ Keep up the good work as I like your style, presentation, knowledge, humor, and your loving heart for humanity ~ tjank you for exposing this.. this is fucking amazing.. i honestly have been a computerish nerd.. and never heard of ANYTHING like this from ANYONE until i saw a video of a troll that put your face up and made comments that are not really founded in any fact or truth.. but prolly one of the only people that saw a video like that and said who the hell is that and why is someone going so hard at her .. must be directly over the target. and of course.. Sabrina is dead on one hundred percent. i new covid was something odd. didnt fall for virus’s cause i knew history of them. and now this.. i also heard.. pcr test was for dna sequencing to get your frequency down to the .000 number to hook up to the cloud.. once they have that suppopsedly they can go into the sentient world simulation.. and control human beings like sims.. can even supposedly jack into you with a vr headset on .. and take over your body and go say… shoot up a school. or ? .. wild shit never thought it was true.. but always felt like when i saw Darpa N3 on youtube. that this vaccine literally was made the same way made me go yaa f that im not taking that no matter what i have to do . I love you Sabrina <3 <3 <3 I have tons of ideas… and questions… but I’ll stick to the order they come in… Is it possible to use these signal technologies to spy on the contents of a computer that is not part of any network? I.E. if I build a computer and set it up offline and never install wi-fi and never plug it in to Ethernet, can someone access its data solely through the use of any of the “digital convergence” technology you’re aware of thus far? 85) Dante’s WBAN musical outtr0 Nov. 12, 2023
(80) eighty C-40 cities have now approved UBI (= using UBI as an anesthetic)
C)=cognitive, not climate ~ 40) = alleged goal for # of participating cities that was met in 2006!
Beyond The Reset ~ a 24 min. animated film review (of C-40s?)
thank you west Virginia Mom
Hi Brina!
God bless you soulful, sassy & bad -assy lassie!
So glad “disconnects” are turning into bridges for many of us. Hooray!
I’ve been listening to Tore for four years (you since May?) and the topics on AI, Antarctica, Transhumanism, Torus, etc. which she’s covered in the past & more now on The Body Electric(see
DEFINITELY tie into your edumucational material. That is why you resonate with us Tore folks Sabrina , because our intuition /honed bs detectors sense your sincere hearfire. Thanks to Tore Tutelage as I call it, we’ve become more astute at identifying & dealing with these same/similar trolls, chaos agents. , phonies & soulless creatures . You’re the teal deal- salt of the earth.
As a permanently disabled lady myself east of you in Richmond, VA, your persistence & resilience inspires me more than you know. Your courageous example & Tore’s (she was blown up by an IED & put back together like Humpty Dumpty overseas- horrible pain) helps me push myself on especially challenging days.
Thank you both!
You & Tore are truly Heavensent and I still have much more to learn for you both. You humble me.
PS- Tore used this song Mad World several times too on her show. I have a playlist for ToreSays & started one for you under Serendipitous One on Spotify. My iPhone won’t let me paste the link
Okay, my little Niche is Politics and world history in general. Always been fascinated by history. You keep on saying that they’re trying to pull off a Mao revolution. I agree. The thing is, they keep on slacking off the pedals. They slacked off in the late 60’s/early 70’s. And they are slacking off again now despite a colossal technological advantage. There are two reasons for this 1. They are just incredibly sadistic. They love playing with and fucking with humanity as you have pointed out. They get off on torture. 2. They want Humanity to beg, on their knees, for them to save them from the crisis they created. These Fucks see themselves as God and above God.
Otherwise known as the heart of Lucifer/Satan. Nothing new under the sun. The Creator’s wrath is growing daily. Victory in Jesus, our Saviour forever. Amen.
“How are you fallen from heaven, Oh lucifer, son of the morning.”
A short yet poignant video showing the power of people joining together to make a positive difference. Cool song too. Perhaps an inspiration for a Free Hugs for Free Range Humans movement.
(Cyborgs and Bots have to make a donation haha jk) [:joy:]
slimer you must not care thaaat much .. everything fire over here w the groovey tunes dude its almost noon
Grazie, bella, your pdf, signs and efforts to ‘splain such things to us continue to ripple outwards with greater impact.
For those who don’t know the song Mad World – covered by Gary Jules
was originally sung with a MUCH faster tempo by Tears for Fears and starting at mins
you can see one of the lead singers doing his Sabrina-styled biofield practice outside [:blush:] The moodiness of the slow version and video is a much more solemn emotive experience, appropriate for this time period.
Yep…had to check out that video at
minutes and omg you nailed the comparison Lol! [:rofl:]
Intra band, Inter band, and Extra band = IPsec (IP security); starting to understand why Nortel Networks was dismantled one year after developing their IPsec protocol
Back in the 90’s Topology professors were treated like RockStars on campus. it was one of the newer areas of study then, but not nearly as cool as something like dynamic systems (chaos math) and as far as we knew something like differential equations would have vast application potential in comparison to Topology. But nobody ever talked about its application to electrical fields or networking. pure mathematicians take imaginary walks on imaginary surfaces and develop and prove theories regarding the inter/intra-connectivity of the geometric surfaces. Applied Math, pure math, and computer science are all separate schools w/in the university. Why do you think that is? Electrical fields define a geometry whose surface area represents the potential flow path of electrical voltage and therefore data thru and about any field (geometric surface). Start w a little smith wheel / mors circle math and one know how much voltage is transmitted to the initial point of the field, then topology rules defines how much current goes where.
First off, love your ginormous quartz crystal necklace/pendulum. Second thanks again for explaining this info. with your wonderful laminated sheets.
The 1st video that made me aware of you was on I had sent it to Gary Peter Carlson from He told me you were a reptilian with a lizard soul, so he wouldn’t listen to you … We have no way to prove this to ourselves at this point, but you resonate with me. I decided I am following your train Sabrina… Then I think well maybe they are using the remote to manipulate my brain in to believing this narrative?!?!?!?!… OMG… Who the heck knows… at this point anything is possible.
86) Sabrina/Psinergy: Engine room tues November 15, 2023
Engine room tues November 15, 2023
Webmaster comment: Once in a while I find a disinformation glitch in Sabrina’s monologues. The one I notice here is: 1) her consistent mispronounciation of DARPA and Georgetown University’s “neuroweaponologist,” Dr. James Giordano’s name, 2) her assertion that he is accused of being schizophrenic. I can’t imagine anyone would accuse him of being schizophrenic. What gives? Is she his puppet?
I hear you loud and clear. I OF EVERYBODY want this fire. I just think it can be used more efficient on other people. Look at my situation my gal laughs when i tell her she destroyed me Even though we are no longer a pair and this is a messed up situation i am in i still refer to her as mine. NOT FOR ME for her she is destroying herself enough i do not need to add on more drama in any way. We have to be careful of our caring most beings are takers and are full of shit especially when tested. You do not have 3550 plus if you include those that you told not to subscribe because of attackers. I am sorry to say there is no stopping what is coming we can slow it down but we are done this chapter. Can you imagine the suicide rate alone if people even found out the $ scam. Up it and they realize they got the clot shot and encouraged others it is scary. The people in high places and it’s order followers know they are doing wrong but problem is there is no level of wrong when fiat is involved.
The ones denying this exsists it is one thing but people who are doing this and think it is ok raping and there are many of those, that is where the biggest challange is .
Rapists think they have done nothing wrong and justufy their actions when exposed , when a big group of people start thinking rape is normal, like in the old days when a woman got raped it was her fault and certain cultures they still think that, we are at an entire other level and it seems we are there .
We are dealing with very ,very sick people indeed and in grave danger.
Digital rapist that I shall be using from now on.
Dr Ian Akyildiz:
Terahertz Band Communication: An Old Problem Revisited and Research Directions for the Next Decade (Invited Paper)
Ian F. Akyildiz, Life Fellow, IEEE,
Abstract—Terahertz (THz) band communications are envi- sioned as a key technology for 6G and Beyond. As a fundamental wireless infrastructure, THz communication can boost abun- dant promising applications.
In 2014, our team published two comprehensive roadmaps for the development and progress of THz communication networks [1], [2], which helped the research community to start research on this subject afterwards. The topic of THz communications became very important and appealing to the research community due to 6G wireless systems design and development in recent years.
Many papers are getting published covering different aspects of wireless systems using the THz band. With this paper, our aim is looking back to the last decade and revisiting the old problems and pointing out what has been achieved in the research community so far.
Furthermore, in this paper, open challenges and new research directions still to be investigated for the THz band communication systems are presented, by covering diverse topics ranging from devices, channel behavior, communication and networking, to physical testbeds and demonstration systems. The key aspects presented in this paper will enable THz communications as a pillar of 6G and Beyond wireless systems in the next decade.
Index Terms—Terahertz communications, 6G and Beyond wireless systems, Distance limitations, Terahertz devices, Tera- hertz testbeds, Propagation modeling, Terahertz networks.
thank Ms.Wallace and GOD Bless you and your family..
You are a beautiful God’s gift to humanity.
Love you, dear woman. Like I’ve said before, I’m just a normal person trying to understand at least the outline of the outline of the outline of the basics here (my career has been in music my entire life and I’m almost 50), but my gut knows truth when I hear it, and you’re it. You are telling the truth. Fuck the detractors.
I say this all the time but I will say it yet again. I am so grateful for everyone that has been, continues to be deeply entrenched in finding a way for us humans to survive what is coming hard, and fast at us.
In 2016 we did a show called My Haunted Vacation (second story) While staying at a Disney resort we were attacked. Found out that there has been so many suicides they hold a yrly survivor conference. TY for connecting the dots!
I totally agree with you, anything done to us without our knowledge (that it’s done AND what it does to us), and (for sure) without our consent, is just inadmissible ! I don’t consent.
So many ways to outpass our free will…. ^^
Futurists and Secret Society Retards do NOT believe in Free Will.
Optical Transceivers in Open Networks
Optical Transceivers in Open Networks
All Hacking Cons: Optical Transceivers in Open Networks
Might be my fav one yet. the real folk are listening and all for it
This makes me SO F-ING MAD!! Thank you, Sabrina, for your courage and speaking the truth.
I completely agree about that being raped. love watching your videos and I’m learning a lot.
What happens to all my comments I’m not able to post anymore I’m a targeted individual and I celebrate and appreciate Sabrina she’s kept me from going crazy
Sabrina I’ve been on the network since I was a child I’m constantly firing off a tax I don’t have large sums of money to buy all these different things so the only thing I have is my body part that’s the only thing I’m gonna have to make things work Are you saying you can’t go anywhere in the world to get away from it once you’re on the network they can target you anywhere in the world
i think you must have found some people who are developing the true æther emmanation dynamics. while I believe such theories to be true i have serious academic goals to formalize the way the current equations (which are all true and observable relationships) be explained in a logical manner (redefining variables and then rederiving equations) in respect to the true science. thatt aint done yet by any stretch of the imagination, ken wheeler has spelled out the overarching concepts but the equations have not been re-explained. therefore we can not use any of that in proving or disproving what has been done here. we are stuck with quantum for getting this message out and shutting down the process.
my phone has a ”body sensors” app i just noticed.
Psinergy: Drone kill communications net illustrated i
@17:00: Hi Sabrina: Dr. Deborah and others are writing to me with questions about your comments regarding “special water.” Your references are to the Nano Silver – Sodium Borate Weight Chart regimen. Nano Silver is spherical with 5 nanometer particle size.
The Nano Silver stops the bioweapon RNA-DNA replication and oxygen-enzyme activity within each cell. The Sodium Borate works in combination with the Nano Silver as the best Nanofilament-replication Inhibitor on the planet. The nanofilament nylon-like fibers represent the hydrogel adhesive-glue that holds the components together, while allowing AI manipulation and electromagnetic-frequency component activation. In short, the Nano Silver – Sodium Borate eats the legs-antennae appendages from the nanobots while also eating through the elements that hold the nano-component infrastructure together. The body then removes the bioweapon components naturally working to sever the AI-nanobot-nano infrastructure connections. The regimen also provides dozens of health benefits like decalcifying the pineal gland from fluoridation, sending Candida fungi dormant (75% of you have Death Cycles activated), etc.
Here are some related links to more information.
Get more info at
PS. Sabrina: I hope you get around to sending me your list of questions to create opportunities for my clarifying statements to help you and others see the bigger picture with greater clarity.
That was done for Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Jennifer (producer) and Clifford Carnicom at the link above. Blessings, Terral
Power of melanin
calling it what it is! TY Sabrina.
A New Frontier for Wireless Networks: Intra-body Communication and Sensing | Seminar WIoT Institute – July 27 2023
Past Events – Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things
Design of Intra-body Nano-communication Network for Future Nano-medicine
They had Similar technologies in the Union and the Eastern Bloc. What we know about the Union and East Bloc is the tip of the Iceberg. They had Horrific plans in mind. That’s why the Union, the Bloc and 80 percent of government employees had to die. The same plans we are seeing now. Just out of America, Israel, China, South Korea and China. The Conspiracy never went away. They want too own free will.
Context To Our Current Situation!
(2021) THE INVISIBLE THIRD WORLD WAR Document Type: CREST Collection: General CIA Records Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): CIA-RDP90-00965R000100260020-4
May be, as ALL those “professional” medics and physicists (with bigpharma’s PhD ô_Ô) just went on a NUREMBERG2.0 list, we could dismiss their argues and foundamentals when they would intend to dismiss our answers ? (Just take a lawyer and our best veteran friends with us…) ^^
nah according to BPham that type of radiation would be far too dangerous to deploy, you must be crazy… after that diatribe he has literally quit on the signal exploration. Brina literally knock him out of the game.
OMG look at all the links below! thx Brina. the sheer mass of scientific literature that has gone into this project is mind blowing.
Cellular effects of terahertz waves
Significance: An increasing interest in the area of biological effects at exposure of tissues and cells to the terahertz (THz) radiation is driven by a rapid progress in THz biophotonics, observed during the past decades. Despite the attractiveness of THz technology for medical diagnosis and therapy, there is still quite limited knowledge about safe limits of THz exposure. Different modes of THz exposure of tissues and cells, including continuous-wave versus pulsed radiation, various powers, and number and duration of exposure cycles, ought to be systematically studied.
Aim: We provide an overview of recent research results in the area of biological effects at exposure of tissues and cells to THz waves.
Approach: We start with a brief overview of general features of the THz-wave–tissue inter- actions, as well as modern THz emitters, with an emphasis on those that are reliable for studying the biological effects of THz waves. Then, we consider three levels of biological system organization, at which the exposure effects are considered: (i) solutions of biological molecules; (ii) cultures of cells, individual cells, and cell structures; and (iii) entire organs or organisms; special attention is devoted to the cellular level. We distinguish thermal and nonthermal mech- anisms of THz-wave–cell interactions and discuss a problem of adequate estimation of the THz biological effects’ specificity. The problem of experimental data reproducibility, caused by rareness of the THz experimental setups and an absence of unitary protocols, is also considered.
Conclusions: This review helps the biomedical optics community to summarize up-to-date knowledge in the area of cell exposure to THz radiation, and paves the ways for the development of THz safety standards and THz therapeutic applications
Seven Defining Features of Terahertz (THz) Wireless Systems: A Fellowship of Communication and Sensing
Abstract—Wireless communication at the terahertz (THz) frequency bands (0.1 − 10 THz) is viewed as one of the cornerstones of tomorrow’s 6G wireless systems. Owing to the large amount of available bandwidth, if properly deployed, THz frequencies can potentially provide significant wireless capacity performance gains and enable high-resolution environment sensing…In this context, this paper panoramically examines the steps needed to efficiently and reliably deploy and operate next-generation THz wireless systems that will synergistically support a fellowship of communication and sensing services.
For this purpose, we first set the stage by describing the fundamentals of the THz frequency band. Based on these fundamentals, we characterize and comprehensively investigate seven unique defining features of THz wireless systems:
1) Quasi-opticality of the band,
2) THz- tailored wireless architectures,
3) Synergy with lower frequency bands,
4) Joint sensing and communication systems,
5) PHY- layer procedures,
6) Spectrum access techniques, and
7) Real-time network optimization.
These seven defining features allow us to shed light on how to re-engineer wireless systems as we know them today so as to make them ready to support THz bands and their unique environments. On the one hand, THz systems benefit from their quasi-opticality and can turn every communication challenge into a sensing opportunity, thus contributing to a new generation of versatile wireless systems that can perform multiple functions beyond basic communications.
#Phontonic_Integrated_Circuits Warren Buffet 0.19 and 1.01 interesting words
Kristen 14.00 mark to 15,25
87) Optic Networks harnessing the WBAN planned in 2005 2/2 November 22, 2023,vid:A-aJ96jfhI4,st:0
File size
660.11 MB
Say something about this…
Noah’s Dove and Elijah’s Raven
2 days ago
scientists said photons aren’t real so now we have to believe them lol… just unreal and pathetic. I can see the photonic biofield!
The idea of interference & influencing the human DNA system,controlling human body remotely by other humans is not acceptable;period!!
F**k their stupid plan ,GOD already awakened the chosen ones
responding to your video labeled “proof of life” on the archivist channel(can’t find it here).
wanted to draw your attention to revelation 18
And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, because there is no one left to buy their cargo— 12cargo of gold, silver, precious stones, and pearls; of fine linen, purple, silk, and scarlet; of all kinds of citron wood and every article of ivory, precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble; 13of cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, and frankincense; of wine, olive oil, fine flour, and wheat; of cattle, sheep, horses, and chariots; of slaves and souls of men.
(it lists all luxuries. the word “slaves/souls of men” literally means “bodies”. perhaps bodies sold on an app?
compare this with the 2017-2025 deagel world population predictions:
(100million drop in population in the USA)
[the link is the just first link to the image i could find]
also see revelation 16
describes the fate of the people who explicitly integrate with the beast system
2 days ago
thank you for this. i have some comms upcoming today where ‘souls as currency’ is noted again – and again – since 2018. God bless you for taking the time to point this out for all psinergists. several of us will benefit from the refresher of you making the time to place this comment here. grotias Deo. /~s dona nobis pacem
MoJoMcMama Musings
2 days ago
Sabrina…forgive me if this is a stupid question but if they are so gung ho publicly touting the remarkable benefits of this amazing new AI precision health care system…why haven’t they then also revealed success stories to drum up mass support? I mean like showcasing patients healed from cancer…or veterans whose limbs regenerated…or diabetics cured..or folks who had a reversal of aging; or or or? You get the point. Is it all a complete lie; smoke and mirrors act to slip in the real agenda of control for the C40 cities etc? If so, wouldn’t the ethical medical professionals learning this stuff catch on and say the theory does not result in actual healing as “promised” because there are NO success stories? We already know the engineers/computer tech workers haven’t had the courage to tell the truth. Just wondering.
2 days ago
That is an excellent query and I bet fkf would concur that your astute observation skills bear out the fruits of their endeavors of death. If this was all so great – they have had capabilities since the 90s to do good and instead we are in our greatest turmoil and peril … see previous sentence or original occam’s razor testing observation.
2 days ago
I was just thinking on this thought you have. I would have to suggest that they will bring out some kind of Proof of a cure at some point, but, they most likely have contracts and deals with medical and Pharmacuticl companies that will lose money when this tech is revealed to push their new system. They will have to allow the medical and Pharmacuticl companies and others
I am sure, to make the money off the problems they create with their Medicine and medical proceedures first. they may overlap or cause some public display of resistance which will just be a way to get the public to go for this new tech even more. the whole good cop bad cop but always really working together….Just my thoughts…
Landru must die
I’ve missed this format, camera on screen, like a 1337 hacker chick version of Mr Robot. ha!
2 days ago
The Global Information Grid seems to have pictures of the earth being FLAT and with Layers. Makes me think………
Landru must die
1 day ago
That is only to portray an ‘attack surface’.
5 hours ago
so another creator posted this on their channel. They are in the mindset that they are normalizing Heart attacks in young adults..based on the comercial I would have said the same thing but, because I have been following you and had just recently watched this video on your channel I was more inclined to think that this is how they are begining the rollout of this tech. Subtle and covert as always. but here is a link from that channel of that commercial.
Joshua Steensland
17 hours ago
Would the power grid “going down” effect their ability to leverage this technology? My apologies if this is a dumb question.. Love your work. THANK YOU!
17 hours ago
EXCELLENT query. Unfortunately the power grid won’t have as much of an effect as folks think. There may be some brief latency, but these networks are insulated away from the primary grid and more importantly – the power is you. Their power is you walking around bc your dna is upholding the same metamaterial thz optogenetic network that is targeting your blood stream .. harnessing velocity from your vasculature and patterning it’s arrivals by your heartbeat.
More from @psinergy
(WBAN) Network Protocol Physical Layer – Wireless Body Area Network – Wireless Networks
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Optic networks harnessing the WBAN planned in 2005 1/2
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Shooting Gallery NE
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Ophidian Tactical Solutions
Communication Modeling in Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN)
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